2021-10-22 10:32:08 -07:00

137 lines
4 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# Requires the module dotnet.project.assets from the PowerShell Gallery authored by @TravisEz13
import-module dotnet.project.assets
Class Registration {
Class Component {
[String] $Type
[string]ToString() {
$message = "Type: $($this.Type)"
if ($this.Type -eq "nuget") {
$message += "; $($this.Nuget)"
return $message
[string]Name() {
switch ($this.Type) {
"nuget" {
return $($this.Nuget.Name)
default {
throw "Unknown component type: $($this.Type)"
throw "How did we get here?!?"
[string]Version() {
switch ($this.Type) {
"nuget" {
return $($this.Nuget.Version)
default {
throw "Unknown component type: $($this.Type)"
throw "How did we get here?!?"
Class Nuget {
[string]ToString() {
return "$($this.Name) - $($this.Version)"
function New-NugetComponent {
$nuget = [Nuget]@{
Name = $name
Version = $version
$Component = [Component]@{
Type = "nuget"
Nuget = $nuget
$registration = [Registration]@{
Component = $Component
DevelopmentDependency = $false
return $registration
$existingRegistrationTable = @{}
$newRegistrations = @()
$existingRegistrationsJson = Get-Content $PSScriptRoot\..\cgmanifest.json | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable
$existingRegistrationsJson.Registrations | ForEach-Object {
$registration = [Registration]$_
$existingRegistrationTable.Add($registration.Component.Name(), $registration)
$newRegistrations += $registration
Get-PSDrive -Name pwsh-win-core -ErrorAction Ignore | Remove-PSDrive
Push-Location $PSScriptRoot\..\src\powershell-win-core
$null = dotnet restore
$null = New-PADrive -Path $PSScriptRoot\..\src\powershell-win-core\obj\project.assets.json -Name pwsh-win-core
$targets = Get-ChildItem -Path 'pwsh-win-core:/targets/net6.0-windows7.0|win7-x64' | Where-Object {
$_.Type -eq 'package' -and
$_.Name -notlike 'DotNetAnalyzers.DocumentationAnalyzers*' -and
$_.Name -notlike 'StyleCop*' -and
$_.Name -notlike 'Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Analyzers*' -and
$_.Name -notlike 'Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers*'
} | select-object -ExpandProperty name
Get-PSDrive -Name pwsh-win-core | Remove-PSDrive
$updateRegistrations = @()
$targets | ForEach-Object {
$target = $_
$parts = ($target -split '\|')
$name = $parts[0]
$targetVersion = $parts[1]
$pattern = [regex]::Escape($name) + " "
$tpnMatch = select-string -Path $PSScriptRoot\..\ThirdPartyNotices.txt -Pattern $pattern
if (!$tpnMatch) {
if ($existingRegistrationTable.ContainsKey($name)) {
$registrationVersion = $existingRegistrationTable.$name.Component.Version()
if ($registrationVersion -ne $targetVersion) {
$registration = New-NugetComponent -Name $name -Version $targetVersion
$updateRegistrations += $registration
} else {
Write-Verbose "$target already registered: $registrationVersion" -Verbose
} else {
$registration = New-NugetComponent -Name $name -Version $targetVersion
$newRegistrations += $registration
if ($updateRegistrations.count -gt 0) {
#TODO delete existing and add new registration
throw "updating registrations is not implemented"
$newCount = $newRegistrations.count - $existingRegistrationTable.count
@{Registrations = $newRegistrations } | ConvertTo-Json -depth 99 | Set-Content $PSScriptRoot\..\cgmanifest.json
Write-Verbose "$newCount registrations added" -Verbose