
187 lines
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "SSHRemoting Basic Tests" -tags CI {
# SSH remoting is set up to automatically authenticate current user via SSH keys
# All tests connect back to localhost machine
function VerifySession {
param (
[System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession] $session
$session.State | Should -BeExactly 'Opened'
$session.ComputerName | Should -BeExactly 'localhost'
$session.Transport | Should -BeExactly 'SSH'
Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { whoami } | Should -BeExactly $(whoami)
$psRemoteVersion = Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { $PSSenderInfo.ApplicationArguments.PSVersionTable.PSVersion }
$psRemoteVersion.Major | Should -BeExactly $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major
$psRemoteVersion.Minor | Should -BeExactly $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Minor
Context "New-PSSession Tests" {
AfterEach {
if ($script:session -ne $null) { Remove-PSSession -Session $script:session }
if ($script:sessions -ne $null) { Remove-PSSession -Session $script:sessions }
It "Verifies new connection with implicit current User" {
$script:session = New-PSSession -HostName localhost -ErrorVariable err
$err | Should -HaveCount 0
VerifySession $script:session
It "Verifies new connection with explicit User parameter" {
$script:session = New-PSSession -HostName localhost -UserName (whoami) -ErrorVariable err
$err | Should -HaveCount 0
VerifySession $script:session
It "Verifies explicit Name parameter" {
$sessionName = 'TestSessionNameA'
$script:session = New-PSSession -HostName localhost -Name $sessionName -ErrorVariable err
$err | Should -HaveCount 0
VerifySession $script:session
$script:session.Name | Should -BeExactly $sessionName
It "Verifies explicit Port parameter" {
$portNum = 22
$script:session = New-PSSession -HostName localhost -Port $portNum -ErrorVariable err
$err | Should -HaveCount 0
VerifySession $script:session
It "Verifies explicit Subsystem parameter" {
$portNum = 22
$subSystem = 'powershell'
$script:session = New-PSSession -HostName localhost -Port $portNum -SubSystem $subSystem -ErrorVariable err
$err | Should -HaveCount 0
VerifySession $script:session
It "Verifies explicit KeyFilePath parameter" {
$keyFilePath = "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa"
$portNum = 22
$subSystem = 'powershell'
$script:session = New-PSSession -HostName localhost -Port $portNum -SubSystem $subSystem -KeyFilePath $keyFilePath -ErrorVariable err
$err | Should -HaveCount 0
VerifySession $script:session
It "Verifies SSHConnection hash table parameters" {
$sshConnection = @(
HostName = 'localhost'
UserName = whoami
Port = 22
KeyFilePath = "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa"
Subsystem = 'powershell'
HostName = 'localhost'
KeyFilePath = "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa"
Subsystem = 'powershell'
$script:sessions = New-PSSession -SSHConnection $sshConnection -Name 'Connection1','Connection2' -ErrorVariable err
$err | Should -HaveCount 0
$script:sessions | Should -HaveCount 2
$script:sessions[0].Name | Should -BeLike 'Connection*'
$script:sessions[1].Name | Should -BeLike 'Connection*'
VerifySession $script:sessions[0]
VerifySession $script:sessions[1]
function VerifyRunspace {
param (
[runspace] $rs
$rs.RunspaceStateInfo.State | Should -BeExactly 'Opened'
$rs.RunspaceAvailability | Should -BeExactly 'Available'
$rs.RunspaceIsRemote | Should -BeTrue
$ps = [powershell]::Create()
$ps.Runspace = $rs
$psRemoteVersion = $ps.AddScript('$PSSenderInfo.ApplicationArguments.PSVersionTable.PSVersion').Invoke()
$psRemoteVersion.Major | Should -BeExactly $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major
$psRemoteVersion.Minor | Should -BeExactly $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Minor
$ps.AddScript('whoami').Invoke() | Should -BeExactly $(whoami)
Context "SSH Remoting API Tests" {
AfterEach {
if ($script:rs -ne $null) { $script:rs.Dispose() }
$testCases = @(
testName = 'Verifies connection with implicit user'
UserName = $null
ComputerName = 'localhost'
KeyFilePath = $null
Port = 0
Subsystem = $null
testName = 'Verifies connection with UserName'
UserName = whoami
ComputerName = 'localhost'
KeyFilePath = $null
Port = 0
Subsystem = $null
testName = 'Verifies connection with KeyFilePath'
UserName = whoami
ComputerName = 'localhost'
KeyFilePath = "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa"
Port = 0
Subsystem = $null
testName = 'Verifies connection with Port specified'
UserName = whoami
ComputerName = 'localhost'
KeyFilePath = "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa"
Port = 22
Subsystem = $null
testName = 'Verifies connection with Subsystem specified'
UserName = whoami
ComputerName = 'localhost'
KeyFilePath = "$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa"
Port = 22
Subsystem = 'powershell'
It "<testName>" -TestCases $testCases {
param (
$ci = [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.SSHConnectionInfo]::new($UserName, $ComputerName, $KeyFilePath, $Port, $Subsystem)
$script:rs = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace($host, $ci)
VerifyRunspace $script:rs