Dongbo Wang f2d5ae74ad
Clean up crossgen related build scripts also generate native symbols for R2R images (#16297)
* Clean up crossgen related build scripts

* Fix ci.psm1

* Clean up '-CrossGen' use in a few other files
2021-10-27 11:42:37 -07:00

146 lines
4.9 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# PowerShell Script to build and package PowerShell from specified form and branch
# Script is intented to use in Docker containers
# Ensure PowerShell is available in the provided image
param (
[string] $location = "/powershell",
# Destination location of the package on docker host
[string] $destination = '/mnt',
$releaseTagParam = @{}
if ($ReleaseTag)
$releaseTagParam = @{ 'ReleaseTag' = $ReleaseTag }
#Remove the initial 'v' from the ReleaseTag
$version = $ReleaseTag -replace '^v'
$semVersion = [System.Management.Automation.SemanticVersion] $version
$metadata = Get-Content "$location/tools/metadata.json" -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json
$LTS = $metadata.LTSRelease
Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "LTS is set to: $LTS"
function BuildPackages {
[switch] $LTS
try {
Set-Location $location
Import-Module "$location/build.psm1"
Import-Module "$location/tools/packaging"
Start-PSBootstrap -Package -NoSudo
$buildParams = @{ Configuration = 'Release'; PSModuleRestore = $true; Restore = $true }
if ($FxDependent.IsPresent) {
$projectAssetsZipName = 'linuxFxDependantProjectAssetssymbols.zip'
$buildParams.Add("Runtime", "fxdependent")
} elseif ($Alpine.IsPresent) {
$projectAssetsZipName = 'linuxAlpineProjectAssetssymbols.zip'
$buildParams.Add("Runtime", 'alpine-x64')
} else {
# make the artifact name unique
$projectAssetsZipName = "linuxProjectAssets-$((Get-Date).Ticks)-symbols.zip"
Start-PSBuild @buildParams @releaseTagParam
$options = Get-PSOptions
if ($FxDependent) {
Start-PSPackage -Type 'fxdependent' @releaseTagParam -LTS:$LTS
} elseif ($Alpine) {
Start-PSPackage -Type 'tar-alpine' @releaseTagParam -LTS:$LTS
} else {
Start-PSPackage @releaseTagParam -LTS:$LTS
if ($TarX64) { Start-PSPackage -Type tar @releaseTagParam -LTS:$LTS }
if ($TarMinSize) {
Write-Verbose -Verbose "---- Min-Size ----"
Write-Verbose -Verbose "options.Output: $($options.Output)"
Write-Verbose -Verbose "options.Top $($options.Top)"
$binDir = Join-Path -Path $options.Top -ChildPath 'bin'
Write-Verbose -Verbose "Remove $binDir, to get a clean build for min-size package"
Remove-Item -Path $binDir -Recurse -Force
## Build 'min-size' and create 'tar.gz' package for it.
$buildParams['ForMinimalSize'] = $true
Start-PSBuild @buildParams @releaseTagParam
Start-PSPackage -Type min-size @releaseTagParam -LTS:$LTS
if ($TarArm) {
## Build 'linux-arm' and create 'tar.gz' package for it.
## Note that 'linux-arm' can only be built on Ubuntu environment.
Start-PSBuild -Configuration Release -Restore -Runtime linux-arm -PSModuleRestore @releaseTagParam
Start-PSPackage -Type tar-arm @releaseTagParam -LTS:$LTS
if ($TarArm64) {
Start-PSBuild -Configuration Release -Restore -Runtime linux-arm64 -PSModuleRestore @releaseTagParam
Start-PSPackage -Type tar-arm64 @releaseTagParam -LTS:$LTS
} finally {
if ($LTS) {
Write-Verbose -Verbose "Packaging LTS"
BuildPackages -LTS
$linuxPackages = Get-ChildItem "$location/powershell*" -Include *.deb,*.rpm,*.tar.gz
foreach ($linuxPackage in $linuxPackages)
$filePath = $linuxPackage.FullName
Write-Verbose "Copying $filePath to $destination" -Verbose
Copy-Item -Path $filePath -Destination $destination -Force
Write-Verbose "Exporting project.assets files ..." -Verbose
$projectAssetsCounter = 1
$projectAssetsFolder = Join-Path -Path $destination -ChildPath 'projectAssets'
$projectAssetsZip = Join-Path -Path $destination -ChildPath $projectAssetsZipName
Get-ChildItem $location\project.assets.json -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
$subfolder = $_.FullName.Replace($location,'')
$itemDestination = Join-Path -Path $projectAssetsFolder -ChildPath $subfolder
New-Item -Path $itemDestination -ItemType Directory -Force
$file = $_.FullName
Write-Verbose "Copying $file to $itemDestination" -Verbose
Copy-Item -Path $file -Destination "$itemDestination\" -Force
Compress-Archive -Path $projectAssetsFolder -DestinationPath $projectAssetsZip
Remove-Item -Path $projectAssetsFolder -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue