xtqqczze 743983390e Update pester syntax to v4 (#11544)
* Capitalize 'Should' command and fix whitespace

$_ -ireplace '\s?\|\s?should\b',' | Should'

* Capitalise and apply hyphen to 'Not' parameter

$_ -ireplace '(\| Should) not\b','$1 -Not'

* Capitalise and apply hyphen to 'Be' parameter

$_ -ireplace '(\| Should(?: -Not)?) -?be\b','$1 -Be'

* Capitalise and apply hyphen to 'BeExactly' parameter

$_ -ireplace '(\| Should(?: -Not)?) -?beexactly\b','$1 -BeExactly'

* Capitalise and apply hyphen to 'BeGreaterThan' parameter

$_ -ireplace '(\| Should(?: -Not)?) -?begreaterthan\b','$1 -BeGreaterThan'

* Use 'BeTrue' parameter

$_ -ireplace '(\| Should(?: -Not)?) -Be\s\$?true\b','$1 -BeTrue'

* Use 'BeFalse' parameter

$_ -ireplace '(\| Should(?: -Not)?) -Be\s\$?false\b','$1 -BeFalse'

* Capitalise and apply hyphen to 'Match' parameter

$_ -ireplace '(\| Should(?: -Not)?)\s-?match\b','$1 -Match'

* Capitalise and apply hyphen to 'Throw' parameter

$_ -ireplace '(\| Should(?: -Not)?)\s-?throw\b','$1 -Throw'

* Capitalise and apply hyphen to 'BeNullOrEmpty' parameter

$_ -ireplace '(\| Should(?: -Not)?)\s-?benullorempty\b','$1 -BeNullOrEmpty'

* Capitalise 'Because' parameter

$_ -ireplace '\s-because\b',' -Because'

* Fix 'BeNullOrEmpty'
2020-01-11 20:41:59 +05:00

89 lines
2.1 KiB

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe '$env:__SuppressAnsiEscapeSequences tests' -Tag CI {
BeforeAll {
$originalSuppressPref = $env:__SuppressAnsiEscapeSequences
AfterAll {
$env:__SuppressAnsiEscapeSequences = $originalSuppressPref
Context 'Allow Escape Sequences' {
BeforeAll {
Remove-Item env:__SuppressAnsiEscapeSequences -ErrorAction Ignore
It 'Select-String emits VT' {
"select this string" | Select-String 'this' | Out-String | Should -BeLikeExactly "*`e*"
It 'ConciseView emits VT' {
$oldErrorView = $ErrorView
try {
$ErrorView = 'ConciseView'
Invoke-Expression '1/d'
catch {
$e = $_
finally {
$ErrorView = $oldErrorView
$e | Out-String | Should -BeLikeExactly "*`e*"
It 'Get-Error emits VT' {
try {
catch {
# ignore
Get-Error | Out-String | Should -BeLikeExactly "*`e*"
Context 'No Escape Sequences' {
BeforeAll {
$env:__SuppressAnsiEscapeSequences = 1
It 'Select-String does not emit VT' {
"select this string" | Select-String 'this' | Out-String | Should -Not -BeLikeExactly "*`e*"
It 'ConciseView does not emit VT' {
$oldErrorView = $ErrorView
try {
$ErrorView = 'ConciseView'
Invoke-Expression '1/d'
catch {
$e = $_
finally {
$ErrorView = $oldErrorView
$e | Out-String | Should -Not -BeLikeExactly "*`e*"
It 'Get-Error does not emit VT' {
try {
catch {
# ignore
Get-Error | Out-String | Should -Not -BeLikeExactly "*`e*"