
376 lines
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "Adapter Tests" -tags "CI" {
Context "Property Adapter Tests" {
BeforeAll {
$pso = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::GetCurrentProcess()
$processName = $pso.Name
if(-not ('TestCodeMethodClass' -as "type"))
class TestCodeMethodClass {
static [int] TestCodeMethod([PSObject] $target, [int] $i)
return 1;
$psmemberset = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSMemberSet 'setname1'
$psmemberset | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name NoteName -Value 1
$testmethod = [TestCodeMethodClass].GetMethod("TestCodeMethod")
$psmemberset | Add-Member -MemberType CodeMethod -Name TestCodeMethod -Value $testmethod
$document = new-object System.Xml.XmlDocument
$document.LoadXml("<book ISBN='12345'><title>Pride And Prejudice</title><price>19.95</price></book>")
$doc = $document.DocumentElement
It "Can get a Dotnet parameterized property" {
$col = $pso.psobject.Properties.Match("*")
$prop = $col.psobject.Members["Item"]
$prop | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$prop.IsGettable | Should -BeTrue
$prop.IsSettable | Should -BeFalse
$prop.TypeNameOfValue | Should -Be "System.Management.Automation.PSPropertyInfo"
$prop.Invoke("ProcessName").Value | Should -Be $processName
It "Can get a property" {
$pso.psobject.Properties["ProcessName"] | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
It "Can access all properties" {
$props = $pso.psobject.Properties.Match("*")
$props | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$props["ProcessName"].Value | Should -Be $processName
It "Can invoke a method" {
$method = $pso.psobject.Methods["ToString"]
$method.Invoke() | Should -Be ($pso.ToString())
It "Access a Method via MemberSet adapter" {
$prop = $psmemberset.psobject.Members["TestCodeMethod"]
$prop.Invoke(2) | Should -Be 1
It "Access misc properties via MemberSet adapter" {
$prop = $psmemberset.psobject.Properties["NoteName"]
$prop | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$prop.IsGettable | Should -BeTrue
$prop.IsSettable | Should -BeTrue
$prop.TypeNameOfValue | Should -Be "System.Int32"
It "Access all the properties via XmlAdapter" {
$col = $doc.psobject.Properties.Match("*")
$col.Count | Should -Not -Be 0
$prop = $col["price"]
$prop | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
It "Access all the properties via XmlAdapter" {
$prop = $doc.psobject.Properties["price"]
$prop.Value | Should -Be "19.95"
$prop.IsGettable | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$prop.IsSettable | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
$prop.TypeNameOfValue | Should -Be "System.String"
It "Call to string on a XmlNode object" {
$val = $doc.ToString()
$val | Should -Be "book"
It "Calls CodeMethod with void result" {
class TestCodeMethodInvokationWithVoidReturn {
[int] $CallCounter
static [int] IntMethodCM([PSObject] $self) {
return $self.CallCounter
static [void] VoidMethodCM([PSObject] $self) {
static [Reflection.MethodInfo] GetMethodInfo([string] $name) {
return [TestCodeMethodInvokationWithVoidReturn].GetMethod($name)
Update-TypeData -Force -TypeName TestCodeMethodInvokationWithVoidReturn -MemberType CodeMethod -MemberName IntMethod -Value ([TestCodeMethodInvokationWithVoidReturn]::GetMethodInfo('IntMethodCM'))
Update-TypeData -Force -TypeName TestCodeMethodInvokationWithVoidReturn -MemberType CodeMethod -MemberName VoidMethod -Value ([TestCodeMethodInvokationWithVoidReturn]::GetMethodInfo('VoidMethodCM'))
try {
$o = [TestCodeMethodInvokationWithVoidReturn]::new()
$o.CallCounter | Should -Be 0
$o.CallCounter | Should -Be 1
$o.IntMethod() | Should -Be 1
finally {
Remove-TypeData TestCodeMethodInvokationWithVoidReturn
It "Count and length property works for singletons" {
# Return magic Count and Length property if it absent.
$x = 5
$x.Count | Should -Be 1
$x.Length | Should -Be 1
$null.Count | Should -Be 0
$null.Length | Should -Be 0
(10).Count | Should -Be 1
(10).Length | Should -Be 1
("a").Count | Should -Be 1
# The Length property exists in String type, so here we check that we don't break strings.
("a").Length | Should -Be 1
("aa").Length | Should -Be 2
([psobject] @{ foo = 'bar' }).Count | Should -Be 1
([psobject] @{ foo = 'bar' }).Length | Should -Be 1
([pscustomobject] @{ foo = 'bar' }).Count | Should -Be 1
([pscustomobject] @{ foo = 'bar' }).Length | Should -Be 1
# Return real Count and Length property if it present.
([pscustomobject] @{ foo = 'bar'; count = 5 }).Count | Should -Be 5
([pscustomobject] @{ foo = 'bar'; length = 5 }).Length | Should -Be 5
Context "Null Magic Method Adapter Tests" {
It "ForEach and Where works for Null" {
$res = $null.ForEach({1})
$res.Count | Should -Be 0
$res.GetType().Name | Should -BeExactly "Collection``1"
$res.Count | Should -Be 0
$res.GetType().Name | Should -BeExactly "Collection``1"
Context "ForEach Magic Method Adapter Tests" {
It "Common ForEach magic method tests" -Pending:$true {
It "ForEach magic method works for singletons" {
$x = 5
$x.ForEach({$_}) | Should -Be 5
(5).ForEach({$_}) | Should -Be 5
("a").ForEach({$_}) | Should -BeExactly "a"
([pscustomobject]@{ foo = 'bar' }).ForEach({1}) | Should -Be 1
$x = ([pscustomobject]@{ foo = 'bar' }).ForEach({$_})
$x.Count | Should -Be 1
$x[0].foo | Should -BeExactly "bar"
$x = ([pscustomobject]@{ foo = 'bar' }).ForEach({$_ | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "foo2" -NotePropertyValue "bar2" -PassThru})
$x.Count | Should -Be 1
$x[0].foo | Should -BeExactly "bar"
$x[0].foo2 | Should -BeExactly "bar2"
# We call ForEach method defined in an object if it is present (not magic ForEach method).
$x = [pscustomobject]@{ foo = 'bar' }
$x | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name ForEach -Value {
param ( [int]$param1 )
} -PassThru -Force
$x.ForEach(5) | Should -Be 10
# Pending: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/6567
It "ForEach magic method works for dynamic (DLR) things" -Pending:$true {
$dynObj = [TestDynamic]::new()
$results = @($dynObj, $dynObj).ForEach('FooProp')
$results.Count | Should -Be 2
$results[0] | Should -Be 123
$results[1] | Should -Be 123
# TODO: dynamic method calls
Context "Where Magic Method Adapter Tests" {
It "Common Where magic method tests" -Pending:$true {
It "Where magic method works for singletons" {
$x = 5
$x.Where({$true}) | Should -Be 5
(5).Where({$true}) | Should -Be 5
("a").Where({$true}) | Should -Be "a"
$x = ([pscustomobject] @{ foo = 'bar' }).Where({$true})
$x.Count | Should -Be 1
$x[0].foo | Should -BeExactly "bar"
$x = ([pscustomobject] @{ foo = 'bar' }).Where({$true}, 0)
$x.Count | Should -Be 1
$x[0].foo | Should -BeExactly "bar"
$x = ([pscustomobject] @{ foo = 'bar' }).Where({$true}, "Default")
$x.Count | Should -Be 1
$x[0].foo | Should -BeExactly "bar"
$x = ([pscustomobject] @{ foo = 'bar' }).Where({$true}, "Default", 0)
$x.Count | Should -Be 1
$x[0].foo | Should -BeExactly "bar"
$x = ([pscustomobject] @{ foo = 'bar' }).Where({$true}, "Default", "0")
$x.Count | Should -Be 1
$x[0].foo | Should -BeExactly "bar"
# We call Where method defined in an object if it is present (not magic Where method).
$x = [pscustomobject]@{ foo = 'bar' }
$x | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name Where -Value {
param ( [int]$param1 )
} -PassThru -Force
$x.Where(5) | Should -Be 10
Describe "Adapter XML Tests" -tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
[xml]$x = "<root><data/></root>"
$testCases =
@{ rval = @{testprop = 1}; value = 'a hash (psobject)' },
@{ rval = $null; value = 'a null (codemethod)' },
@{ rval = 1; value = 'a int (codemethod)' },
@{ rval = "teststring"; value = 'a string (codemethod)' },
@{ rval = @("teststring1", "teststring2"); value = 'a string array (codemethod)' },
@{ rval = @(1,2); value = 'a int array (codemethod)' },
@{ rval = [PSObject]::AsPSObject(1); value = 'a int (psobject wrapping)' },
@{ rval = [PSObject]::AsPSObject("teststring"); value = 'a string (psobject wrapping)' },
@{ rval = [PSObject]::AsPSObject([psobject]@("teststring1", "teststring2")); value = 'a string array (psobject wrapping)' },
@{ rval = [PSObject]::AsPSObject(@(1,2)); value = 'int array (psobject wrapping)' }
Context "Can set XML node property to non-string object" {
It "rval is <value>" -TestCases $testCases {
# rval will be implicitly converted to 'string' type
{ $x.root.data = $rval } | Should -Not -Throw
$x.root.data | Should -Be [System.Management.Automation.LanguagePrimitives]::ConvertTo($rval, [string])
Describe "DataRow and DataRowView Adapter tests" -tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
## Define the DataTable schema
$dataTable = [System.Data.DataTable]::new("inputs")
$dataTable.Locale = [cultureinfo]::InvariantCulture
$dataTable.Columns.Add("Id", [int]) > $null
$dataTable.Columns.Add("FirstName", [string]) > $null
$dataTable.Columns.Add("LastName", [string]) > $null
$dataTable.Columns.Add("YearsInMS", [int]) > $null
## Add data entries
$dataTable.Rows.Add(@(1, "joseph", "smith", 15)) > $null
$dataTable.Rows.Add(@(2, "paul", "smith", 15)) > $null
$dataTable.Rows.Add(@(3, "mary jo", "soe", 5)) > $null
$dataTable.Rows.Add(@(4, "edmund`todd `n", "bush", 9)) > $null
Context "DataRow Adapter tests" {
It "Should be able to access data columns" {
$row = $dataTable.Rows[0]
$row.Id | Should -Be 1
$row.FirstName | Should -Be "joseph"
$row.LastName | Should -Be "smith"
$row.YearsInMS | Should -Be 15
It "DataTable should be enumerable in PowerShell" {
## Get the third entry in the data table
$row = $dataTable | Select-Object -Skip 2 -First 1
$row.Id | Should -Be 3
$row.FirstName | Should -Be "mary jo"
$row.LastName | Should -Be "soe"
$row.YearsInMS | Should -Be 5
Context "DataRowView Adapter tests" {
It "Should be able to access data columns" {
$rowView = $dataTable.DefaultView[1]
$rowView.Id | Should -Be 2
$rowView.FirstName | Should -Be "paul"
$rowView.LastName | Should -Be "smith"
$rowView.YearsInMS | Should -Be 15
It "DataView should be enumerable" {
$rowView = $dataTable.DefaultView | Select-Object -Last 1
$rowView.Id | Should -Be 4
$rowView.FirstName | Should -Be "edmund`todd `n"
$rowView.LastName | Should -Be "bush"
$rowView.YearsInMS | Should -Be 9
Describe "Base method call on object mapped to PropertyOnlyAdapter should work" -tags "CI" {
It "Base method call on object of a subclass of 'XmlDocument' -- Add-Type" {
$code =@'
namespace BaseMethodCallTest.OnXmlDocument {
public class Foo : System.Xml.XmlDocument {
public string MyName { get; set; }
public override void LoadXml(string content) {
MyName = content;
try {
$null = [BaseMethodCallTest.OnXmlDocument.Foo]
} catch {
Add-Type -TypeDefinition $code
$foo = [BaseMethodCallTest.OnXmlDocument.Foo]::new()
$foo.MyName | Should -BeExactly '<test>bar</test>'
$foo.ChildNodes.Count | Should -Be 0
$foo.test | Should -BeExactly 'bar'
$foo.ChildNodes.Count | Should -Be 1
It "Base method call on object of a subclass of 'XmlDocument' -- PowerShell Class" {
class XmlDocChild : System.Xml.XmlDocument {
[string] $MyName
[void] LoadXml([string]$content) {
$this.MyName = $content
# Try to call the base type's .LoadXml() method.
([System.Xml.XmlDocument] $this).LoadXml($content)
$child = [XmlDocChild]::new()
$child.MyName | Should -BeExactly '<test>bar</test>'
$child.test | Should -BeExactly 'bar'
$child.ChildNodes.Count | Should -Be 1