Dongbo Wang c982f30d4e Fix powershell class to use the current EngineSessionState for execution. (#2837)
When a PS class is defined in a module and the module gets reloaded, the class would still use the SessionState from the old module for execution, and thus it doesn't reflect changes to the module state during the reload. This fix is to make sure we always use the current EngineSessionState for PS class execution.
2016-12-09 11:06:07 -08:00

113 lines
3.8 KiB

Describe 'PSModuleInfo.GetExportedTypeDefinitions()' -Tags "CI" {
It "doesn't throw for any module" {
$discard = Get-Module -ListAvailable | % { $_.GetExportedTypeDefinitions() }
$true | Should Be $true # we only verify that we didn't throw. This line contains a dummy Should to make pester happy.
Describe 'use of a module from two runspaces' -Tags "CI" {
function New-TestModule {
$TestModulePath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath "TestModule"
$ModuleFolder = Join-Path -Path $TestModulePath -ChildPath $Name
New-Item -Path $ModuleFolder -ItemType Directory -Force > $null
Set-Content -Path "$ModuleFolder\$Name.psm1" -Value $Content
$manifestParams = @{
Path = "$ModuleFolder\$Name.psd1"
RootModule = "$Name.psm1"
New-ModuleManifest @manifestParams
if ($env:PSMODULEPATH -notlike "*$TestModulePath*") {
$env:PSMODULEPATH += "$([System.IO.Path]::PathSeparator)$TestModulePath"
try {
New-TestModule -Name 'Random' -Content @'
$script:random = Get-Random
class RandomWrapper
[int] getRandom()
return $script:random
It 'use different sessionStates for different modules' {
$ps = 1..2 | % { $p = [powershell]::Create().AddScript(@'
Import-Module Random
$p.Invoke() > $null
$res = 1..2 | % {
0..1 | % {
# The idea: instance created inside the context, in one runspace.
# Method is called on instance in the different runspace, but it should know about the origin.
$w = $ps[$_].AddScript('& (Get-Module Random) { [RandomWrapper]::new() }').Invoke()[0]
$res.Count | Should Be 4
$res[0] | Should Not Be $res[1]
$res[0] | Should Be $res[2]
$res[1] | Should Be $res[3]
} finally {
Describe 'Module reloading with Class definition' -Tags "CI" {
BeforeAll {
Set-Content -Path TestDrive:\TestModule.psm1 -Value @'
$passedArgs = $args
class Root { $passedIn = $passedArgs }
function Get-PassedArgsRoot { [Root]::new().passedIn }
function Get-PassedArgsNoRoot { $passedArgs }
$Arg_Hello = 'Hello'
$Arg_World = 'World'
AfterEach {
Remove-Module TestModule -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
It "Class execution reflects changes in module reloading with '-Force'" {
Import-Module TestDrive:\TestModule.psm1 -ArgumentList $Arg_Hello
Get-PassedArgsRoot | Should Be $Arg_Hello
Get-PassedArgsNoRoot | Should Be $Arg_Hello
Import-Module TestDrive:\TestModule.psm1 -ArgumentList $Arg_World -Force
Get-PassedArgsRoot | Should Be $Arg_World
Get-PassedArgsNoRoot | Should Be $Arg_World
It "Class execution reflects changes in module reloading with 'Remove-Module' and 'Import-Module'" {
Import-Module TestDrive:\TestModule.psm1 -ArgumentList $Arg_Hello
Get-PassedArgsRoot | Should Be $Arg_Hello
Get-PassedArgsNoRoot | Should Be $Arg_Hello
Remove-Module TestModule
Import-Module TestDrive:\TestModule.psm1 -ArgumentList $Arg_World
Get-PassedArgsRoot | Should Be $Arg_World
Get-PassedArgsNoRoot | Should Be $Arg_World