2016-04-10 23:30:46 -07:00

201 lines
6.3 KiB

Describe "Set-PSBreakpoint DRT Unit Tests" -Tags DRT{
#Set up test script
$scriptFileName = Join-Path $TestDrive -ChildPath breakpointTestScript.ps1
$powershell = Join-Path $PSHOME -ChildPath powershell.exe
$contents = @"
function Hello
`$greeting = 'Hello, world!'
write-host `$greeting
function Goodbye
`$message = 'Good bye, cruel world!'
write-host `$message
# The following 2 statements produce null tokens (needed to verify 105473)
`$table = @{}
$contents > $scriptFileName
It "Should be able to set psbreakpoints for line" {
$lineNum = 13
$columnNum = 1
$action = "break"
$brk = Set-PSBreakpoint -Line $lineNum -Script $scriptFileName
$brk.Line | Should Be $lineNum
Remove-PSBreakPoint -Id $brk.Id
$brk = set-psbreakpoint -line $lineNum -column $columnNum -script $scriptFileName
$brk.Line | Should Be $lineNum
$brk.Column | Should Be $columnNum
Remove-PSBreakPoint -Id $brk.Id
$brk = set-psbreakpoint -line $lineNum -action {{ break; }} -script $scriptFileName
$brk.Line | Should Be $lineNum
$brk.Action | Should Match $action
Remove-PSBreakPoint -Id $brk.Id
$brk = set-psbreakpoint -line $lineNum -column $columnNum -action {{ break; }} -script $scriptFileName
$brk.Line | Should Be $lineNum
$brk.Column | Should Be $columnNum
$brk.Action | Should Match $action
Remove-PSBreakPoint -Id $brk.Id
It "-script and -line can take multiple items" {
{ sbp -line 11,12,13 -column 1 -script $scriptFileName,$scriptFileName } | Should Not Throw
Get-PSBreakpoint -Script $scriptFileName | Remove-PSBreakpoint
It "-script, -line and -column are positional" {
{ sbp $scriptFileName 13 } | Should Not Throw
Get-PSBreakpoint -Script $scriptFileName | Remove-PSBreakpoint
{ sbp $scriptFileName 13 1 } | Should Not Throw
Get-PSBreakpoint -Script $scriptFileName | Remove-PSBreakpoint
It "Should be throw Exception when missing mandatory parameter -line" -Skip:($IsLinux -Or $IsOSX) {
try {
powershell.exe -noninteractive -command 'sbp -column 1' -script $scriptFileName
Throw "Execution OK"
catch {
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "MissingMandatoryParameter,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetPSBreakpointCommand"
It "Should be throw Exception when missing mandatory parameter -script" -Skip:($IsLinux -Or $IsOSX) {
try {
powershell.exe -noninteractive -command 'sbp -line 1'
Throw "Execution OK"
catch {
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "MissingMandatoryParameter,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetPSBreakpointCommand"
It "Should be throw Exception when BUG 104306: New-PSBreakpoint -Column should not allow numbers less than 1" {
try {
set-psbreakpoint -line 1 -column -1 -script $scriptFileName
Throw "Execution OK"
catch {
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "ParameterArgumentValidationError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetPSBreakpointCommand"
It "Should be throw Exception when BUG 104304: New-PSBreakpoint -Line should not allow numbers less than 1" {
try {
set-psbreakpoint -line -1 -script $scriptFileName
Throw "Execution OK"
catch {
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "SetPSBreakpoint:LineLessThanOne,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetPSBreakpointCommand"
It "Should be able to set psbreakpoints for command" {
$brk = set-psbreakpoint -command "write-host"
$brk.Command | Should Be "write-host"
Remove-PSBreakPoint -Id $brk.Id
$brk = set-psbreakpoint -command "write-host" -script $scriptFileName
$brk.Command | Should Be "write-host"
Remove-PSBreakPoint -Id $brk.Id
$brk = set-psbreakpoint -command "write-host" -action {{ break; }} -script $scriptFileName
$brk.Action | Should Match "break"
Remove-PSBreakPoint -Id $brk.Id
It "-Command can take multiple items" {
$brk = set-psbreakpoint -command "write-host,Hello"
$brk.Command | Should Be "write-host,Hello"
Remove-PSBreakPoint -Id $brk.Id
It "-Script is positional" {
$brk = set-psbreakpoint -command "Hello" $scriptFileName
$brk.Command | Should Be "Hello"
Remove-PSBreakPoint -Id $brk.Id
$brk = set-psbreakpoint $scriptFileName -command "Hello"
$brk.Command | Should Be "Hello"
Remove-PSBreakPoint -Id $brk.Id
It "Should be able to set breakpoints on functions" {
$brk = set-psbreakpoint -command "Hello"
$brk.Command | Should Be "Hello"
Remove-PSBreakPoint -Id $brk.Id
$brk = set-psbreakpoint -command "Hello" -script $scriptFileName
$brk.Command | Should Be "Hello"
Remove-PSBreakPoint -Id $brk.Id
$brk = set-psbreakpoint -command "Hello,Goodbye"
$brk.Command | Should Be "Hello,Goodbye"
Remove-PSBreakPoint -Id $brk.Id
Remove-Item -Path $scriptFileName -Force
Describe "Set-PSBreakpoint" {
# Set up test script
$testScript = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath psbreakpointtestscript.ps1
"`$var = 1 " > $testScript
It "Should be able to set a psbreakpoint on a line" {
$lineNumber = 1
$brk = Set-PSBreakpoint -Line $lineNumber -Script $testScript
$brk.Line | Should Be $lineNumber
Remove-PSBreakPoint -Id $brk.Id
It "Should throw when a string is entered for a line number" {
$lineNumber = "one"
Set-PSBreakpoint -Line $lineNumber -Script $testScript
} | Should Throw
It "Should be able to set a psbreakpoint on a Command" {
$command = "theCommand"
$brk = Set-PSBreakpoint -Command $command -Script $testScript
$brk.Command | Should Be $command
Remove-PSBreakPoint -Id $brk.Id
It "Should be able to set a psbreakpoint on a variable" {
$var = "theVariable"
$brk = Set-PSBreakpoint -Command $var -Script $testScript
$brk.Command | Should Be $var
Remove-PSBreakPoint -Id $brk.Id
# clean up after ourselves
Remove-Item -Path $testScript