
84 lines
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
Describe "Get-Service cmdlet tests" -Tags "CI" {
# Service cmdlet is currently working on windows only
# So skip the tests on non-Windows
BeforeAll {
$originalDefaultParameterValues = $PSDefaultParameterValues.Clone()
if ( -not $IsWindows ) {
$PSDefaultParameterValues["it:skip"] = $true
# Restore the defaults
AfterAll {
$global:PSDefaultParameterValues = $originalDefaultParameterValues
$testCases =
@{ data = $null ; value = 'null' },
@{ data = [String]::Empty; value = 'empty string' }
Context 'Check null or empty value to the -Name parameter' {
It 'Should throw if <value> is passed to -Name parameter' -TestCases $testCases {
{ $null = Get-Service -Name $data -ErrorAction Stop } |
Should -Throw -ErrorId 'ParameterArgumentValidationError,Microsoft.Powershell.Commands.GetServiceCommand'
Context 'Check null or empty value to the -Name parameter via pipeline' {
It 'Should throw if <value> is passed through pipeline to -Name parameter' -TestCases $testCases {
{ $null = Get-Service -Name $data -ErrorAction Stop } |
Should -Throw -ErrorId 'ParameterArgumentValidationError,Microsoft.Powershell.Commands.GetServiceCommand'
It "GetServiceCommand can be used as API for '<parameter>' with '<value>'" -TestCases @(
@{ parameter = "DisplayName" ; value = "foo" },
@{ parameter = "Include" ; value = "foo","bar" },
@{ parameter = "Exclude" ; value = "bar","foo" },
@{ parameter = "InputObject" ; script = { Get-Service | Select-Object -First 1 } },
@{ parameter = "Name" ; value = "foo","bar" }
) {
param($parameter, $value, $script)
if ($script -ne $null) {
$value = & $script
$getservicecmd = [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetServiceCommand]::new()
$getservicecmd.$parameter = $value
$getservicecmd.$parameter | Should -BeExactly $value
It "Get-Service filtering works for '<script>'" -TestCases @(
@{ script = { Get-Service -DisplayName Net* } ; expected = { Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -like 'Net*' } } },
@{ script = { Get-Service -Include Net* -Exclude *logon } ; expected = { Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.Name -match '^net.*?(?<!logon)$' } } }
@{ script = { Get-Service -Name Net* | Get-Service } ; expected = { Get-Service -Name Net* } },
@{ script = { Get-Service -Name "$(New-Guid)*" } ; expected = $null },
@{ script = { Get-Service -DisplayName "$(New-Guid)*" } ; expected = $null },
@{ script = { Get-Service -DependentServices -Name winmgmt }; expected = { (Get-Service -Name winmgmt).DependentServices } },
@{ script = { Get-Service -RequiredServices -Name winmgmt } ; expected = { (Get-Service -Name winmgmt).RequiredServices } }
) {
param($script, $expected)
$services = & $script
if ($expected -ne $null) {
$servicesCheck = & $expected
if ($servicesCheck -ne $null) {
Compare-Object $services $servicesCheck | Out-String | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
} else {
$services | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
It "Get-Service fails for non-existing service using '<script>'" -TestCases @(
@{ script = { Get-Service -Name (New-Guid) -ErrorAction Stop} ;
ErrorId = "NoServiceFoundForGivenName,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetServiceCommand" },
@{ script = { Get-Service -DisplayName (New-Guid) -ErrorAction Stop};
ErrorId = "NoServiceFoundForGivenDisplayName,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetServiceCommand" }
) {
{ & $script } | Should -Throw -ErrorId $errorid