2016-07-01 14:36:15 -07:00

166 lines
6.8 KiB

using namespace System.Diagnostics
Describe "ConsoleHost unit tests" -Tag 'Slow' {
$powershell = Join-Path -Path $PsHome -ChildPath "powershell"
Context "CommandLine" {
It "simple -args" {
& $powershell -noprofile { $args[0] } -args "hello world" | Should Be "hello world"
It "array -args" {
& $powershell -noprofile { $args[0] } -args 1,(2,3) | Should Be 1
(& $powershell -noprofile { $args[1] } -args 1,(2,3))[1] | Should Be 3
foreach ($x in "--help", "-help", "-h", "-?", "--he", "-hel", "--HELP", "-hEl") {
It "Accepts '$x' as a parameter for help" {
& $powershell -noprofile $x | ?{ $_ -match "PowerShell[.exe] -Help | -? | /?" } | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty
It "Should accept a Base64 encoded command" {
$commandString = "Get-Location"
$encodedCommand = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($commandString))
# We don't compare to `Get-Location` directly because object and formatted output comparisons are difficult
$expected = & $powershell -noprofile -command $commandString
$actual = & $powershell -noprofile -EncodedCommand $encodedCommand
$actual | Should Be $expected
Context "Pipe to/from powershell" {
$p = [PSCustomObject]@{X=10;Y=20}
It "xml input" {
$p | & $powershell -noprofile { $input | Foreach-Object {$a = 0} { $a += $_.X + $_.Y } { $a } } | Should Be 30
$p | & $powershell -noprofile -inputFormat xml { $input | Foreach-Object {$a = 0} { $a += $_.X + $_.Y } { $a } } | Should Be 30
It "text input" {
# Join (multiple lines) and remove whitespace (we don't care about spacing) to verify we converted to string (by generating a table)
$p | & $powershell -noprofile -inputFormat text { -join ($input -replace "\s","") } | Should Be "XY--1020"
It "xml output" {
& $powershell -noprofile { [PSCustomObject]@{X=10;Y=20} } | Foreach-Object {$a = 0} { $a += $_.X + $_.Y } { $a } | Should Be 30
& $powershell -noprofile -outputFormat xml { [PSCustomObject]@{X=10;Y=20} } | Foreach-Object {$a = 0} { $a += $_.X + $_.Y } { $a } | Should Be 30
It "text output" {
# Join (multiple lines) and remove whitespace (we don't care about spacing) to verify we converted to string (by generating a table)
-join (& $powershell -noprofile -outputFormat text { [PSCustomObject]@{X=10;Y=20} }) -replace "\s","" | Should Be "XY--1020"
Context "Redirected standard handles" {
function NewProcessStartInfo([string]$CommandLine, [switch]$RedirectStdIn)
return [ProcessStartInfo]@{
FileName = $powershell
Arguments = $CommandLine
RedirectStandardInput = $RedirectStdIn
RedirectStandardOutput = $true
RedirectStandardError = $true
UseShellExecute = $false
function RunPowerShell([ProcessStartInfo]$si)
$process = [Process]::Start($si)
return $process
function EnsureChildHasExited([Process]$process, [int]$WaitTimeInMS = 15000)
if (!$process.HasExited)
$process.HasExited | Should Be $true
It "Simple redirected output" {
$si = NewProcessStartInfo "-noprofile 1+1"
$process = RunPowerShell $si
$process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() | Should Be 2
EnsureChildHasExited $process
$nl = [Environment]::Newline
# Redirected input is broken on Windows in .NET Core
It "Redirected input" -Pending:$IsWindows {
$si = NewProcessStartInfo "-noprofile ""`$function:prompt = { 'PS> ' }""" -RedirectStdIn
$process = RunPowerShell $si
$process.StandardOutput.ReadLine() | Should Be "PS> 1+1"
$process.StandardOutput.ReadLine() | Should Be "2"
$process.StandardOutput.ReadLine() | Should Be "PS> 1+2"
$process.StandardOutput.ReadLine() | Should Be "3"
$process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() | Should Be "PS> "
EnsureChildHasExited $process
It "Redirected input explicit prompting" -Pending:$IsCore {
$si = NewProcessStartInfo "-noprofile -File -" -RedirectStdIn
$process = RunPowerShell $si
$process.StandardInput.Write("`$function:prompt = { 'PS> ' }`n")
$null = $process.StandardOutput.ReadLine()
$process.StandardOutput.ReadLine() | Should Be "PS> 1+1"
$process.StandardOutput.ReadLine() | Should Be "2"
$process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() | Should Be "PS> "
EnsureChildHasExited $process
It "Redirected input no prompting" -Pending:$IsCore {
$si = NewProcessStartInfo "-noprofile -" -RedirectStdIn
$process = RunPowerShell $si
$process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() | Should Be "2${nl}"
EnsureChildHasExited $process
It "Redirected input w/ nested prompt" -Pending:$IsCore {
$si = NewProcessStartInfo "-noprofile ""`$function:prompt = { 'PS' + ('>'*(`$nestedPromptLevel+1)) + ' ' }""" -RedirectStdIn
$process = RunPowerShell $si
$process.StandardOutput.ReadLine() | Should Be "PS> `$host.EnterNestedPrompt()"
$process.StandardOutput.ReadLine() | Should Be "PS>> exit"
$process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() | Should Be "PS> "
EnsureChildHasExited $process
Context "Exception handling" {
It "Should handle a CallDepthOverflow" {
# Infinite recursion
function recurse
recurse $args
recurse "args"
Throw "Incorrect exception"
$_.FullyQualifiedErrorId | Should Be "CallDepthOverflow"