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#include "pch.h"
#include "PowerRenameRegEx.h"
PowerRename: Add Lookbehind (#7571) * Add boost-regex library * If enabled use boost lib for regex Add property `_useBoostLib` to `CPowerRenameRegEx`. If enabled for replacements with regular expressions the Boost Library is used instead of the Standard Library. * Extend signatures to create RegEx with Boost Extend create and constructor singatures of `CPowerRenameRegEx` with an option to enable (or disabled, which is default) the Boost Library. * Verify Lookbehind fails with STD library To verify that the boost library is disabled as expected, check if a lookbehind fails. * Add Unit tests for RegEx with Boost Add unit tests to verify regex replacement with Boost Library. They are copied and adapted from the Standard Library tests. * Improve verify capturing groups test with Boost It is possible to use a capturing group followed by numbers as replacement if the group number is enclosed in curly braces. Added test cases based on the Standard Library tests. * Add useBoostLib to settings interface * Get library option from settings object * Reduce signatures of RegEx by "useBoost" Remove the parameter added in 19105cf, as it became obsolete. * Settings: Read useBoostLib from JSON file * Add UseBoostLib Option to UI * Boost Lib label states the regex syntax difference * Fix Regex with Boost Lib tests - Do not load settings another time in CPowerRenameRegEx ctor - Set flag correctly in standard library regex tests * Add "lookbehind" to dictionary * change Library to lowercase, and also add a comment As suggested by @enricogior. Co-authored-by: Enrico Giordani <enricogior@users.noreply.github.com> * Change Library to lowercase and add a comment As suggested by @enricogior. Co-authored-by: Enrico Giordani <enricogior@users.noreply.github.com>
2020-11-09 19:13:43 +01:00
#include "Settings.h"
#include <regex>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
PowerRename: Add Lookbehind (#7571) * Add boost-regex library * If enabled use boost lib for regex Add property `_useBoostLib` to `CPowerRenameRegEx`. If enabled for replacements with regular expressions the Boost Library is used instead of the Standard Library. * Extend signatures to create RegEx with Boost Extend create and constructor singatures of `CPowerRenameRegEx` with an option to enable (or disabled, which is default) the Boost Library. * Verify Lookbehind fails with STD library To verify that the boost library is disabled as expected, check if a lookbehind fails. * Add Unit tests for RegEx with Boost Add unit tests to verify regex replacement with Boost Library. They are copied and adapted from the Standard Library tests. * Improve verify capturing groups test with Boost It is possible to use a capturing group followed by numbers as replacement if the group number is enclosed in curly braces. Added test cases based on the Standard Library tests. * Add useBoostLib to settings interface * Get library option from settings object * Reduce signatures of RegEx by "useBoost" Remove the parameter added in 19105cf, as it became obsolete. * Settings: Read useBoostLib from JSON file * Add UseBoostLib Option to UI * Boost Lib label states the regex syntax difference * Fix Regex with Boost Lib tests - Do not load settings another time in CPowerRenameRegEx ctor - Set flag correctly in standard library regex tests * Add "lookbehind" to dictionary * change Library to lowercase, and also add a comment As suggested by @enricogior. Co-authored-by: Enrico Giordani <enricogior@users.noreply.github.com> * Change Library to lowercase and add a comment As suggested by @enricogior. Co-authored-by: Enrico Giordani <enricogior@users.noreply.github.com>
2020-11-09 19:13:43 +01:00
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <helpers.h>
using namespace std;
using std::regex_error;
return InterlockedIncrement(&m_refCount);
IFACEMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CPowerRenameRegEx::Release()
long refCount = InterlockedDecrement(&m_refCount);
if (refCount == 0)
delete this;
return refCount;
IFACEMETHODIMP CPowerRenameRegEx::QueryInterface(_In_ REFIID riid, _Outptr_ void** ppv)
static const QITAB qit[] = {
QITABENT(CPowerRenameRegEx, IPowerRenameRegEx),
{ 0 }
return QISearch(this, qit, riid, ppv);
IFACEMETHODIMP CPowerRenameRegEx::Advise(_In_ IPowerRenameRegExEvents* regExEvents, _Out_ DWORD* cookie)
CSRWExclusiveAutoLock lock(&m_lockEvents);
srre.cookie = m_cookie;
srre.pEvents = regExEvents;
*cookie = m_cookie;
return S_OK;
IFACEMETHODIMP CPowerRenameRegEx::UnAdvise(_In_ DWORD cookie)
CSRWExclusiveAutoLock lock(&m_lockEvents);
for (std::vector<RENAME_REGEX_EVENT>::iterator it = m_renameRegExEvents.begin(); it != m_renameRegExEvents.end(); ++it)
if (it->cookie == cookie)
hr = S_OK;
it->cookie = 0;
if (it->pEvents)
it->pEvents = nullptr;
return hr;
IFACEMETHODIMP CPowerRenameRegEx::GetSearchTerm(_Outptr_ PWSTR* searchTerm)
*searchTerm = nullptr;
if (m_searchTerm)
CSRWSharedAutoLock lock(&m_lock);
hr = SHStrDup(m_searchTerm, searchTerm);
return hr;
IFACEMETHODIMP CPowerRenameRegEx::PutSearchTerm(_In_ PCWSTR searchTerm, bool forceRenaming)
bool changed = false || forceRenaming;
if (searchTerm)
CSRWExclusiveAutoLock lock(&m_lock);
if (m_searchTerm == nullptr || lstrcmp(searchTerm, m_searchTerm) != 0)
changed = true;
if (lstrcmp(searchTerm, L"") == 0)
m_searchTerm = NULL;
hr = SHStrDup(searchTerm, &m_searchTerm);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && changed)
return hr;
IFACEMETHODIMP CPowerRenameRegEx::GetReplaceTerm(_Outptr_ PWSTR* replaceTerm)
*replaceTerm = nullptr;
if (m_replaceTerm)
CSRWSharedAutoLock lock(&m_lock);
hr = SHStrDup(m_replaceTerm, replaceTerm);
return hr;
IFACEMETHODIMP CPowerRenameRegEx::PutReplaceTerm(_In_ PCWSTR replaceTerm, bool forceRenaming)
bool changed = false || forceRenaming;
if (replaceTerm)
CSRWExclusiveAutoLock lock(&m_lock);
if (m_replaceTerm == nullptr || lstrcmp(replaceTerm, m_replaceTerm) != 0)
changed = true;
hr = SHStrDup(replaceTerm, &m_replaceTerm);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && changed)
return hr;
IFACEMETHODIMP CPowerRenameRegEx::GetFlags(_Out_ DWORD* flags)
*flags = m_flags;
return S_OK;
IFACEMETHODIMP CPowerRenameRegEx::PutFlags(_In_ DWORD flags)
if (m_flags != flags)
m_flags = flags;
return S_OK;
IFACEMETHODIMP CPowerRenameRegEx::PutFileTime(_In_ SYSTEMTIME fileTime)
union timeunion
FILETIME fileTime;
timeunion ft1;
timeunion ft2;
SystemTimeToFileTime(&m_fileTime, &ft1.fileTime);
SystemTimeToFileTime(&fileTime, &ft2.fileTime);
if (ft2.ul.QuadPart != ft1.ul.QuadPart)
m_fileTime = fileTime;
m_useFileTime = true;
return S_OK;
IFACEMETHODIMP CPowerRenameRegEx::ResetFileTime()
m_fileTime = ZERO;
m_useFileTime = false;
return S_OK;
HRESULT CPowerRenameRegEx::s_CreateInstance(_Outptr_ IPowerRenameRegEx** renameRegEx)
*renameRegEx = nullptr;
CPowerRenameRegEx *newRenameRegEx = new CPowerRenameRegEx();
if (newRenameRegEx)
hr = newRenameRegEx->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(renameRegEx));
return hr;
CPowerRenameRegEx::CPowerRenameRegEx() :
// Init to empty strings
SHStrDup(L"", &m_searchTerm);
SHStrDup(L"", &m_replaceTerm);
PowerRename: Add Lookbehind (#7571) * Add boost-regex library * If enabled use boost lib for regex Add property `_useBoostLib` to `CPowerRenameRegEx`. If enabled for replacements with regular expressions the Boost Library is used instead of the Standard Library. * Extend signatures to create RegEx with Boost Extend create and constructor singatures of `CPowerRenameRegEx` with an option to enable (or disabled, which is default) the Boost Library. * Verify Lookbehind fails with STD library To verify that the boost library is disabled as expected, check if a lookbehind fails. * Add Unit tests for RegEx with Boost Add unit tests to verify regex replacement with Boost Library. They are copied and adapted from the Standard Library tests. * Improve verify capturing groups test with Boost It is possible to use a capturing group followed by numbers as replacement if the group number is enclosed in curly braces. Added test cases based on the Standard Library tests. * Add useBoostLib to settings interface * Get library option from settings object * Reduce signatures of RegEx by "useBoost" Remove the parameter added in 19105cf, as it became obsolete. * Settings: Read useBoostLib from JSON file * Add UseBoostLib Option to UI * Boost Lib label states the regex syntax difference * Fix Regex with Boost Lib tests - Do not load settings another time in CPowerRenameRegEx ctor - Set flag correctly in standard library regex tests * Add "lookbehind" to dictionary * change Library to lowercase, and also add a comment As suggested by @enricogior. Co-authored-by: Enrico Giordani <enricogior@users.noreply.github.com> * Change Library to lowercase and add a comment As suggested by @enricogior. Co-authored-by: Enrico Giordani <enricogior@users.noreply.github.com>
2020-11-09 19:13:43 +01:00
_useBoostLib = CSettingsInstance().GetUseBoostLib();
HRESULT CPowerRenameRegEx::Replace(_In_ PCWSTR source, _Outptr_ PWSTR* result)
*result = nullptr;
CSRWSharedAutoLock lock(&m_lock);
if (!(m_searchTerm && wcslen(m_searchTerm) > 0 && source && wcslen(source) > 0))
return hr;
wstring res = source;
// TODO: creating the regex could be costly. May want to cache this.
wchar_t newReplaceTerm[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
bool fileTimeErrorOccurred = false;
if (m_useFileTime)
if (FAILED(GetDatedFileName(newReplaceTerm, ARRAYSIZE(newReplaceTerm), m_replaceTerm, m_fileTime)))
fileTimeErrorOccurred = true;
std::wstring sourceToUse(source);
std::wstring searchTerm(m_searchTerm);
std::wstring replaceTerm(L"");
if (m_useFileTime && !fileTimeErrorOccurred)
replaceTerm = wstring(newReplaceTerm);
else if (m_replaceTerm)
replaceTerm = wstring(m_replaceTerm);
replaceTerm = regex_replace(replaceTerm, std::wregex(L"(([^\\$]|^)(\\$\\$)*)\\$[0]"), L"$1$$$0");
replaceTerm = regex_replace(replaceTerm, std::wregex(L"(([^\\$]|^)(\\$\\$)*)\\$([1-9])"), L"$1$0$4");
if (m_flags & UseRegularExpressions)
if (_useBoostLib)
boost::wregex pattern(m_searchTerm, (!(m_flags & CaseSensitive)) ? boost::regex::icase | boost::regex::ECMAScript : boost::regex::ECMAScript);
if (m_flags & MatchAllOccurences)
res = boost::regex_replace(wstring(source), pattern, replaceTerm);
res = boost::regex_replace(wstring(source), pattern, replaceTerm, boost::regex_constants::format_first_only);
std::wregex pattern(m_searchTerm, (!(m_flags & CaseSensitive)) ? regex_constants::icase | regex_constants::ECMAScript : regex_constants::ECMAScript);
if (m_flags & MatchAllOccurences)
res = regex_replace(wstring(source), pattern, replaceTerm);
res = regex_replace(wstring(source), pattern, replaceTerm, regex_constants::format_first_only);
// Simple search and replace
size_t pos = 0;
pos = _Find(sourceToUse, searchTerm, (!(m_flags & CaseSensitive)), pos);
if (pos != std::string::npos)
res = sourceToUse.replace(pos, searchTerm.length(), replaceTerm);
pos += replaceTerm.length();
if (!(m_flags & MatchAllOccurences))
} while (pos != std::string::npos);
hr = SHStrDup(res.c_str(), result);
catch (regex_error e)
hr = E_FAIL;
return hr;
size_t CPowerRenameRegEx::_Find(std::wstring data, std::wstring toSearch, bool caseInsensitive, size_t pos)
if (caseInsensitive)
// Convert to lower
std::transform(data.begin(), data.end(), data.begin(), ::towlower);
std::transform(toSearch.begin(), toSearch.end(), toSearch.begin(), ::towlower);
// Find sub string position in given string starting at position pos
return data.find(toSearch, pos);
void CPowerRenameRegEx::_OnSearchTermChanged()
CSRWSharedAutoLock lock(&m_lockEvents);
for (auto it : m_renameRegExEvents)
if (it.pEvents)
void CPowerRenameRegEx::_OnReplaceTermChanged()
CSRWSharedAutoLock lock(&m_lockEvents);
for (auto it : m_renameRegExEvents)
if (it.pEvents)
void CPowerRenameRegEx::_OnFlagsChanged()
CSRWSharedAutoLock lock(&m_lockEvents);
for (auto it : m_renameRegExEvents)
if (it.pEvents)
void CPowerRenameRegEx::_OnFileTimeChanged()
CSRWSharedAutoLock lock(&m_lockEvents);
for (auto it : m_renameRegExEvents)
if (it.pEvents)