
788 lines
25 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "pch.h"
#include "FancyZonesData.h"
#include "FancyZonesDataTypes.h"
#include "JsonHelpers.h"
#include "ZoneSet.h"
#include "Settings.h"
#include "CallTracer.h"
#include "GuidUtils.h"
#include <common/Display/dpi_aware.h>
#include <common/utils/json.h>
#include <FancyZonesLib/util.h>
#include <FancyZonesLib/FancyZonesWindowProperties.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <optional>
#include <regex>
#include <sstream>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <common/utils/process_path.h>
#include <common/logger/logger.h>
// Non-localizable strings
namespace NonLocalizable
const wchar_t NullStr[] = L"null";
const wchar_t FancyZonesSettingsFile[] = L"settings.json";
const wchar_t FancyZonesDataFile[] = L"zones-settings.json";
const wchar_t FancyZonesAppZoneHistoryFile[] = L"app-zone-history.json";
[FancyZones Editor] New UX for the FZ editor. (#9325) * Removed MetroWindow, added theming support and modernWPF * Rmoved MahApps refs * Removed MahApps * Updated canvas zones * Updated GridEditor * Fixes * UI updates * New layout type selection dialog * New editor UI * Updates * Fix * UI enhancements * Updated UI * Added styles to layoutpreview * Accesibility improvements * Accesibility and styling improvements * Fix * Cleaned up brushes * Updated UX * Updated UI * Added no layouts description * Fix * UI fixes * [FZ Editor] Serialize/deserialize settings (#8615) * conflicts fix * [FZ Editor] Parse json file instead of command line args (#8649) * [FZ Editor] Serialize/deserialize settings fix (#8707) * [FZ Editor] Hide unsupported settings in custom layouts flyouts (#8716) * [FZ Editor] Duplicate custom layouts (#8718) * [FZ Editor] Duplicate layout behavior (#8720) * New UX proposal * Updated spacing * Switching to toggleswitches * Revert toggleswitch * Updated colorbrush * Updated string for saving label * Updated UI * Dark theme color fixes * Removed space * [FZ Editor] Bind dialog properties (#9199) * Resize editor window to fit the content in single-monitor mode (#9203) * Editor opening fix (#9207) * Disable "Create" button if the Name textbox is empty (#9212) * [FZ Editor] Changed edit dialog for template layouts. (#9233) * [FZ Editor] Small fixes and refactoring. (#9236) * new layout creation refactoring * "Save and apply" applies the layout * number of zones header hide * [FZ Editor] Empty layout template. (#9237) * [FZ Editor] Move "Duplicate" and "Delete" buttons to the Edit dialog. (#9272) * [FZ Editor] Preview the applied layout after editing another layout. (#9278) * Fixed "Save and apply" button behavior (#9286) * [FZ Editor] Save template layouts in the settings. (#9283) * Added default custom layout name (#9291) * close dialog before opening zones editor (#9302) * Pressing Esc closes dialogs (#9301) * [FZ Editor] Reset applied layout to "No layout" if it was deleted. (#9315) * [FZ Editor] Dark theme colors (#9317) * "Number of zones" buttons colors. (#9321) * rebase fix * added ModernWpf.dll * address PR comments: updated colors * added comments, replaced magic numbers * refactoring * merge zones crash fix * removed redundant using directive Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels.laute@live.nl>
2021-01-27 19:33:52 +01:00
const wchar_t FancyZonesEditorParametersFile[] = L"editor-parameters.json";
const wchar_t RegistryPath[] = L"Software\\SuperFancyZones";
std::wstring ExtractVirtualDesktopId(const std::wstring& deviceId)
// Format: <device-id>_<resolution>_<virtual-desktop-id>
return deviceId.substr(deviceId.rfind('_') + 1);
const std::wstring& GetTempDirPath()
static std::wstring tmpDirPath;
static std::once_flag flag;
std::call_once(flag, []() {
wchar_t buffer[MAX_PATH];
auto charsWritten = GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, buffer);
if (charsWritten > MAX_PATH || (charsWritten == 0))
tmpDirPath = std::wstring{ buffer };
return tmpDirPath;
bool DeleteRegistryKey(HKEY hKeyRoot, LPTSTR lpSubKey)
// First, see if we can delete the key without having to recurse.
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegDeleteKey(hKeyRoot, lpSubKey))
return true;
HKEY hKey;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegOpenKeyEx(hKeyRoot, lpSubKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey))
return false;
// Check for an ending slash and add one if it is missing.
LPTSTR lpEnd = lpSubKey + lstrlen(lpSubKey);
if (*(lpEnd - 1) != TEXT('\\'))
*lpEnd = TEXT('\\');
*lpEnd = TEXT('\0');
// Enumerate the keys
auto result = RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, 0, szName, &dwSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ftWrite);
if (result == ERROR_SUCCESS)
*lpEnd = TEXT('\0');
StringCchCat(lpSubKey, MAX_PATH * 2, szName);
if (!DeleteRegistryKey(hKeyRoot, lpSubKey))
dwSize = MAX_PATH;
result = RegEnumKeyEx(hKey, 0, szName, &dwSize, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ftWrite);
} while (result == ERROR_SUCCESS);
*lpEnd = TEXT('\0');
// Try again to delete the root key.
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegDeleteKey(hKeyRoot, lpSubKey))
return true;
return false;
bool DeleteFancyZonesRegistryData()
wchar_t key[256];
StringCchPrintf(key, ARRAYSIZE(key), L"%s", NonLocalizable::RegistryPath);
HKEY hKey;
return true;
return DeleteRegistryKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, key);
FancyZonesData& FancyZonesDataInstance()
static FancyZonesData instance;
return instance;
std::wstring saveFolderPath = PTSettingsHelper::get_module_save_folder_location(NonLocalizable::FancyZonesStr);
settingsFileName = saveFolderPath + L"\\" + std::wstring(NonLocalizable::FancyZonesSettingsFile);
zonesSettingsFileName = saveFolderPath + L"\\" + std::wstring(NonLocalizable::FancyZonesDataFile);
appZoneHistoryFileName = saveFolderPath + L"\\" + std::wstring(NonLocalizable::FancyZonesAppZoneHistoryFile);
[FancyZones Editor] New UX for the FZ editor. (#9325) * Removed MetroWindow, added theming support and modernWPF * Rmoved MahApps refs * Removed MahApps * Updated canvas zones * Updated GridEditor * Fixes * UI updates * New layout type selection dialog * New editor UI * Updates * Fix * UI enhancements * Updated UI * Added styles to layoutpreview * Accesibility improvements * Accesibility and styling improvements * Fix * Cleaned up brushes * Updated UX * Updated UI * Added no layouts description * Fix * UI fixes * [FZ Editor] Serialize/deserialize settings (#8615) * conflicts fix * [FZ Editor] Parse json file instead of command line args (#8649) * [FZ Editor] Serialize/deserialize settings fix (#8707) * [FZ Editor] Hide unsupported settings in custom layouts flyouts (#8716) * [FZ Editor] Duplicate custom layouts (#8718) * [FZ Editor] Duplicate layout behavior (#8720) * New UX proposal * Updated spacing * Switching to toggleswitches * Revert toggleswitch * Updated colorbrush * Updated string for saving label * Updated UI * Dark theme color fixes * Removed space * [FZ Editor] Bind dialog properties (#9199) * Resize editor window to fit the content in single-monitor mode (#9203) * Editor opening fix (#9207) * Disable "Create" button if the Name textbox is empty (#9212) * [FZ Editor] Changed edit dialog for template layouts. (#9233) * [FZ Editor] Small fixes and refactoring. (#9236) * new layout creation refactoring * "Save and apply" applies the layout * number of zones header hide * [FZ Editor] Empty layout template. (#9237) * [FZ Editor] Move "Duplicate" and "Delete" buttons to the Edit dialog. (#9272) * [FZ Editor] Preview the applied layout after editing another layout. (#9278) * Fixed "Save and apply" button behavior (#9286) * [FZ Editor] Save template layouts in the settings. (#9283) * Added default custom layout name (#9291) * close dialog before opening zones editor (#9302) * Pressing Esc closes dialogs (#9301) * [FZ Editor] Reset applied layout to "No layout" if it was deleted. (#9315) * [FZ Editor] Dark theme colors (#9317) * "Number of zones" buttons colors. (#9321) * rebase fix * added ModernWpf.dll * address PR comments: updated colors * added comments, replaced magic numbers * refactoring * merge zones crash fix * removed redundant using directive Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels.laute@live.nl>
2021-01-27 19:33:52 +01:00
editorParametersFileName = saveFolderPath + L"\\" + std::wstring(NonLocalizable::FancyZonesEditorParametersFile);
void FancyZonesData::SetVirtualDesktopCheckCallback(std::function<bool(GUID)> callback)
m_virtualDesktopCheckCallback = callback;
const JSONHelpers::TDeviceInfoMap& FancyZonesData::GetDeviceInfoMap() const
std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock };
return deviceInfoMap;
const JSONHelpers::TCustomZoneSetsMap& FancyZonesData::GetCustomZoneSetsMap() const
std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock };
return customZoneSetsMap;
const std::unordered_map<std::wstring, std::vector<FancyZonesDataTypes::AppZoneHistoryData>>& FancyZonesData::GetAppZoneHistoryMap() const
std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock };
return appZoneHistoryMap;
std::optional<FancyZonesDataTypes::DeviceInfoData> FancyZonesData::FindDeviceInfo(const FancyZonesDataTypes::DeviceIdData& id) const
std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock };
for (const auto& [deviceId, deviceInfo] : deviceInfoMap)
if (id.isEqualWithNullVirtualDesktopId(deviceId))
return deviceInfo;
return std::nullopt;
std::optional<FancyZonesDataTypes::CustomZoneSetData> FancyZonesData::FindCustomZoneSet(const std::wstring& guid) const
std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock };
auto it = customZoneSetsMap.find(guid);
return it != end(customZoneSetsMap) ? std::optional{ it->second } : std::nullopt;
bool FancyZonesData::AddDevice(const FancyZonesDataTypes::DeviceIdData& deviceId)
using namespace FancyZonesDataTypes;
auto deviceInfo = FindDeviceInfo(deviceId);
std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock };
if (!deviceInfo.has_value())
wil::unique_cotaskmem_string virtualDesktopId;
if (SUCCEEDED(StringFromCLSID(deviceId.virtualDesktopId, &virtualDesktopId)))
Logger::info(L"Create new device on virtual desktop {}", virtualDesktopId.get());
// Creates default entry in map when WorkArea is created
GUID guid;
auto result{ CoCreateGuid(&guid) };
wil::unique_cotaskmem_string guidString;
if (result == S_OK && SUCCEEDED(StringFromCLSID(guid, &guidString)))
const ZoneSetData zoneSetData{ guidString.get(), ZoneSetLayoutType::PriorityGrid };
DeviceInfoData defaultDeviceInfoData{ zoneSetData, DefaultValues::ShowSpacing, DefaultValues::Spacing, DefaultValues::ZoneCount, DefaultValues::SensitivityRadius };
deviceInfoMap[deviceId] = std::move(defaultDeviceInfoData);
return true;
Logger::error("Failed to create an ID for the new layout");
return false;
void FancyZonesData::CloneDeviceInfo(const FancyZonesDataTypes::DeviceIdData& source, const FancyZonesDataTypes::DeviceIdData& destination)
if (source == destination)
std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock };
// The source virtual desktop is deleted, simply ignore it.
if (!FindDeviceInfo(source).has_value())
deviceInfoMap[destination] = deviceInfoMap[source];
void FancyZonesData::SyncVirtualDesktops(GUID currentVirtualDesktopId)
// Explorer persists current virtual desktop identifier to registry on a per session basis,
// but only after first virtual desktop switch happens. If the user hasn't switched virtual
// desktops in this session value in registry will be empty and we will use default GUID in
// that case (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000).
// This method will go through all our persisted data with default GUID and update it with
// valid one.
std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock };
bool dirtyFlag = false;
for (auto& [path, perDesktopData] : appZoneHistoryMap)
for (auto& data : perDesktopData)
if (data.deviceId.virtualDesktopId == GUID_NULL)
data.deviceId.virtualDesktopId = currentVirtualDesktopId;
dirtyFlag = true;
if (m_virtualDesktopCheckCallback && !m_virtualDesktopCheckCallback(data.deviceId.virtualDesktopId))
data.deviceId.virtualDesktopId = GUID_NULL;
dirtyFlag = true;
std::vector<FancyZonesDataTypes::DeviceIdData> replaceWithCurrentId{};
std::vector<FancyZonesDataTypes::DeviceIdData> replaceWithNullId{};
for (const auto& [desktopId, data] : deviceInfoMap)
if (desktopId.virtualDesktopId == GUID_NULL)
dirtyFlag = true;
if (m_virtualDesktopCheckCallback && !m_virtualDesktopCheckCallback(desktopId.virtualDesktopId))
dirtyFlag = true;
for (const auto& id : replaceWithCurrentId)
auto mapEntry = deviceInfoMap.extract(id);
mapEntry.key().virtualDesktopId = currentVirtualDesktopId;
for (const auto& id : replaceWithNullId)
auto mapEntry = deviceInfoMap.extract(id);
mapEntry.key().virtualDesktopId = GUID_NULL;
if (dirtyFlag)
wil::unique_cotaskmem_string virtualDesktopIdStr;
if (SUCCEEDED(StringFromCLSID(currentVirtualDesktopId, &virtualDesktopIdStr)))
Logger::info(L"Update Virtual Desktop id to {}", virtualDesktopIdStr.get());
void FancyZonesData::RemoveDeletedDesktops(const std::vector<GUID>& activeDesktops)
std::unordered_set<GUID> active(std::begin(activeDesktops), std::end(activeDesktops));
std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock };
bool dirtyFlag = false;
for (auto it = std::begin(deviceInfoMap); it != std::end(deviceInfoMap);)
GUID desktopId = it->first.virtualDesktopId;
if (desktopId != GUID_NULL)
auto foundId = active.find(desktopId);
if (foundId == std::end(active))
wil::unique_cotaskmem_string virtualDesktopIdStr;
if (SUCCEEDED(StringFromCLSID(desktopId, &virtualDesktopIdStr)))
Logger::info(L"Remove Virtual Desktop id {}", virtualDesktopIdStr.get());
it = deviceInfoMap.erase(it);
dirtyFlag = true;
if (dirtyFlag)
bool FancyZonesData::IsAnotherWindowOfApplicationInstanceZoned(HWND window, const FancyZonesDataTypes::DeviceIdData& deviceId) const
std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock };
auto processPath = get_process_path(window);
if (!processPath.empty())
auto history = appZoneHistoryMap.find(processPath);
if (history != std::end(appZoneHistoryMap))
auto& perDesktopData = history->second;
for (auto& data : perDesktopData)
if (data.deviceId.isEqualWithNullVirtualDesktopId(deviceId))
DWORD processId = 0;
GetWindowThreadProcessId(window, &processId);
auto processIdIt = data.processIdToHandleMap.find(processId);
if (processIdIt == std::end(data.processIdToHandleMap))
return false;
else if (processIdIt->second != window && IsWindow(processIdIt->second))
return true;
return false;
void FancyZonesData::UpdateProcessIdToHandleMap(HWND window, const FancyZonesDataTypes::DeviceIdData& deviceId)
std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock };
auto processPath = get_process_path(window);
if (!processPath.empty())
auto history = appZoneHistoryMap.find(processPath);
if (history != std::end(appZoneHistoryMap))
auto& perDesktopData = history->second;
for (auto& data : perDesktopData)
if (data.deviceId.isEqualWithNullVirtualDesktopId(deviceId))
DWORD processId = 0;
GetWindowThreadProcessId(window, &processId);
data.processIdToHandleMap[processId] = window;
ZoneIndexSet FancyZonesData::GetAppLastZoneIndexSet(HWND window, const FancyZonesDataTypes::DeviceIdData& deviceId, const std::wstring_view& zoneSetId) const
std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock };
auto processPath = get_process_path(window);
if (!processPath.empty())
auto history = appZoneHistoryMap.find(processPath);
if (history != std::end(appZoneHistoryMap))
const auto& perDesktopData = history->second;
for (const auto& data : perDesktopData)
if (data.zoneSetUuid == zoneSetId && data.deviceId.isEqualWithNullVirtualDesktopId(deviceId))
return data.zoneIndexSet;
return {};
bool FancyZonesData::RemoveAppLastZone(HWND window, const FancyZonesDataTypes::DeviceIdData& deviceId, const std::wstring_view& zoneSetId)
std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock };
auto processPath = get_process_path(window);
if (!processPath.empty())
auto history = appZoneHistoryMap.find(processPath);
if (history != std::end(appZoneHistoryMap))
auto& perDesktopData = history->second;
for (auto data = std::begin(perDesktopData); data != std::end(perDesktopData);)
if (data->deviceId.isEqualWithNullVirtualDesktopId(deviceId) && data->zoneSetUuid == zoneSetId)
if (!IsAnotherWindowOfApplicationInstanceZoned(window, deviceId))
DWORD processId = 0;
GetWindowThreadProcessId(window, &processId);
// if there is another instance of same application placed in the same zone don't erase history
ZoneIndex windowZoneStamp = reinterpret_cast<ZoneIndex>(::GetProp(window, ZonedWindowProperties::PropertyMultipleZoneID));
for (auto placedWindow : data->processIdToHandleMap)
ZoneIndex placedWindowZoneStamp = reinterpret_cast<ZoneIndex>(::GetProp(placedWindow.second, ZonedWindowProperties::PropertyMultipleZoneID));
if (IsWindow(placedWindow.second) && (windowZoneStamp == placedWindowZoneStamp))
return false;
data = perDesktopData.erase(data);
if (perDesktopData.empty())
return true;
return false;
bool FancyZonesData::SetAppLastZones(HWND window, const FancyZonesDataTypes::DeviceIdData& deviceId, const std::wstring& zoneSetId, const ZoneIndexSet& zoneIndexSet)
std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock };
if (IsAnotherWindowOfApplicationInstanceZoned(window, deviceId))
return false;
auto processPath = get_process_path(window);
if (processPath.empty())
return false;
DWORD processId = 0;
GetWindowThreadProcessId(window, &processId);
auto history = appZoneHistoryMap.find(processPath);
if (history != std::end(appZoneHistoryMap))
auto& perDesktopData = history->second;
for (auto& data : perDesktopData)
if (data.deviceId.isEqualWithNullVirtualDesktopId(deviceId))
// application already has history on this work area, update it with new window position
data.processIdToHandleMap[processId] = window;
data.zoneSetUuid = zoneSetId;
data.zoneIndexSet = zoneIndexSet;
return true;
std::unordered_map<DWORD, HWND> processIdToHandleMap{};
processIdToHandleMap[processId] = window;
FancyZonesDataTypes::AppZoneHistoryData data{ .processIdToHandleMap = processIdToHandleMap,
.zoneSetUuid = zoneSetId,
.deviceId = deviceId,
.zoneIndexSet = zoneIndexSet };
if (appZoneHistoryMap.contains(processPath))
// application already has history but on other desktop, add with new desktop info
// new application, create entry in app zone history map
appZoneHistoryMap[processPath] = std::vector<FancyZonesDataTypes::AppZoneHistoryData>{ data };
return true;
void FancyZonesData::SetActiveZoneSet(const FancyZonesDataTypes::DeviceIdData& deviceId, const FancyZonesDataTypes::ZoneSetData& data)
std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock };
for (auto& [deviceIdData, deviceInfo] : deviceInfoMap)
if (deviceId.isEqualWithNullVirtualDesktopId(deviceIdData))
deviceInfo.activeZoneSet = data;
// If the zone set is custom, we need to copy its properties to the device
auto zonesetIt = customZoneSetsMap.find(data.uuid);
if (zonesetIt != customZoneSetsMap.end())
if (zonesetIt->second.type == FancyZonesDataTypes::CustomLayoutType::Grid)
auto layoutInfo = std::get<FancyZonesDataTypes::GridLayoutInfo>(zonesetIt->second.info);
deviceInfo.sensitivityRadius = layoutInfo.sensitivityRadius();
deviceInfo.showSpacing = layoutInfo.showSpacing();
deviceInfo.spacing = layoutInfo.spacing();
deviceInfo.zoneCount = layoutInfo.zoneCount();
else if (zonesetIt->second.type == FancyZonesDataTypes::CustomLayoutType::Canvas)
auto layoutInfo = std::get<FancyZonesDataTypes::CanvasLayoutInfo>(zonesetIt->second.info);
deviceInfo.sensitivityRadius = layoutInfo.sensitivityRadius;
deviceInfo.zoneCount = (int)layoutInfo.zones.size();
json::JsonObject FancyZonesData::GetPersistFancyZonesJSON()
return JSONHelpers::GetPersistFancyZonesJSON(zonesSettingsFileName, appZoneHistoryFileName);
void FancyZonesData::LoadFancyZonesData()
if (!std::filesystem::exists(zonesSettingsFileName))
json::JsonObject fancyZonesDataJSON = GetPersistFancyZonesJSON();
appZoneHistoryMap = JSONHelpers::ParseAppZoneHistory(fancyZonesDataJSON);
deviceInfoMap = JSONHelpers::ParseDeviceInfos(fancyZonesDataJSON);
customZoneSetsMap = JSONHelpers::ParseCustomZoneSets(fancyZonesDataJSON);
quickKeysMap = JSONHelpers::ParseQuickKeys(fancyZonesDataJSON);
void FancyZonesData::SaveAppZoneHistoryAndZoneSettings() const
void FancyZonesData::SaveZoneSettings() const
std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock };
bool dirtyFlag = false;
JSONHelpers::TDeviceInfoMap updatedDeviceInfoMap;
if (m_virtualDesktopCheckCallback)
for (const auto& [id, data] : deviceInfoMap)
auto updatedId = id;
if (!m_virtualDesktopCheckCallback(id.virtualDesktopId))
updatedId.virtualDesktopId = GUID_NULL;
dirtyFlag = true;
updatedDeviceInfoMap.insert({ updatedId, data });
if (dirtyFlag)
JSONHelpers::SaveZoneSettings(zonesSettingsFileName, updatedDeviceInfoMap, customZoneSetsMap, quickKeysMap);
JSONHelpers::SaveZoneSettings(zonesSettingsFileName, deviceInfoMap, customZoneSetsMap, quickKeysMap);
void FancyZonesData::SaveAppZoneHistory() const
std::scoped_lock lock{ dataLock };
bool dirtyFlag = false;
std::unordered_map<std::wstring, std::vector<FancyZonesDataTypes::AppZoneHistoryData>> updatedHistory;
if (m_virtualDesktopCheckCallback)
for (const auto& [path, dataVector] : appZoneHistoryMap)
auto updatedVector = dataVector;
for (auto& data : updatedVector)
if (!m_virtualDesktopCheckCallback(data.deviceId.virtualDesktopId))
data.deviceId.virtualDesktopId = GUID_NULL;
dirtyFlag = true;
updatedHistory.insert(std::make_pair(path, updatedVector));
if (dirtyFlag)
JSONHelpers::SaveAppZoneHistory(appZoneHistoryFileName, updatedHistory);
JSONHelpers::SaveAppZoneHistory(appZoneHistoryFileName, appZoneHistoryMap);
void FancyZonesData::SaveFancyZonesEditorParameters(bool spanZonesAcrossMonitors, const std::wstring& virtualDesktopId, const HMONITOR& targetMonitor, const std::vector<std::pair<HMONITOR, MONITORINFOEX>>& allMonitors) const
[FancyZones Editor] New UX for the FZ editor. (#9325) * Removed MetroWindow, added theming support and modernWPF * Rmoved MahApps refs * Removed MahApps * Updated canvas zones * Updated GridEditor * Fixes * UI updates * New layout type selection dialog * New editor UI * Updates * Fix * UI enhancements * Updated UI * Added styles to layoutpreview * Accesibility improvements * Accesibility and styling improvements * Fix * Cleaned up brushes * Updated UX * Updated UI * Added no layouts description * Fix * UI fixes * [FZ Editor] Serialize/deserialize settings (#8615) * conflicts fix * [FZ Editor] Parse json file instead of command line args (#8649) * [FZ Editor] Serialize/deserialize settings fix (#8707) * [FZ Editor] Hide unsupported settings in custom layouts flyouts (#8716) * [FZ Editor] Duplicate custom layouts (#8718) * [FZ Editor] Duplicate layout behavior (#8720) * New UX proposal * Updated spacing * Switching to toggleswitches * Revert toggleswitch * Updated colorbrush * Updated string for saving label * Updated UI * Dark theme color fixes * Removed space * [FZ Editor] Bind dialog properties (#9199) * Resize editor window to fit the content in single-monitor mode (#9203) * Editor opening fix (#9207) * Disable "Create" button if the Name textbox is empty (#9212) * [FZ Editor] Changed edit dialog for template layouts. (#9233) * [FZ Editor] Small fixes and refactoring. (#9236) * new layout creation refactoring * "Save and apply" applies the layout * number of zones header hide * [FZ Editor] Empty layout template. (#9237) * [FZ Editor] Move "Duplicate" and "Delete" buttons to the Edit dialog. (#9272) * [FZ Editor] Preview the applied layout after editing another layout. (#9278) * Fixed "Save and apply" button behavior (#9286) * [FZ Editor] Save template layouts in the settings. (#9283) * Added default custom layout name (#9291) * close dialog before opening zones editor (#9302) * Pressing Esc closes dialogs (#9301) * [FZ Editor] Reset applied layout to "No layout" if it was deleted. (#9315) * [FZ Editor] Dark theme colors (#9317) * "Number of zones" buttons colors. (#9321) * rebase fix * added ModernWpf.dll * address PR comments: updated colors * added comments, replaced magic numbers * refactoring * merge zones crash fix * removed redundant using directive Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels.laute@live.nl>
2021-01-27 19:33:52 +01:00
JSONHelpers::EditorArgs argsJson; /* json arguments */
argsJson.processId = GetCurrentProcessId(); /* Process id */
argsJson.spanZonesAcrossMonitors = spanZonesAcrossMonitors; /* Span zones */
if (spanZonesAcrossMonitors)
auto monitorRect = FancyZonesUtils::GetAllMonitorsCombinedRect<&MONITORINFOEX::rcWork>();
std::wstring monitorId = FancyZonesUtils::GenerateUniqueIdAllMonitorsArea(virtualDesktopId);
JSONHelpers::MonitorInfo monitorJson;
monitorJson.id = monitorId;
monitorJson.top = monitorRect.top;
monitorJson.left = monitorRect.left;
monitorJson.width = monitorRect.right - monitorRect.left;
monitorJson.height = monitorRect.bottom - monitorRect.top;
[FancyZones Editor] New UX for the FZ editor. (#9325) * Removed MetroWindow, added theming support and modernWPF * Rmoved MahApps refs * Removed MahApps * Updated canvas zones * Updated GridEditor * Fixes * UI updates * New layout type selection dialog * New editor UI * Updates * Fix * UI enhancements * Updated UI * Added styles to layoutpreview * Accesibility improvements * Accesibility and styling improvements * Fix * Cleaned up brushes * Updated UX * Updated UI * Added no layouts description * Fix * UI fixes * [FZ Editor] Serialize/deserialize settings (#8615) * conflicts fix * [FZ Editor] Parse json file instead of command line args (#8649) * [FZ Editor] Serialize/deserialize settings fix (#8707) * [FZ Editor] Hide unsupported settings in custom layouts flyouts (#8716) * [FZ Editor] Duplicate custom layouts (#8718) * [FZ Editor] Duplicate layout behavior (#8720) * New UX proposal * Updated spacing * Switching to toggleswitches * Revert toggleswitch * Updated colorbrush * Updated string for saving label * Updated UI * Dark theme color fixes * Removed space * [FZ Editor] Bind dialog properties (#9199) * Resize editor window to fit the content in single-monitor mode (#9203) * Editor opening fix (#9207) * Disable "Create" button if the Name textbox is empty (#9212) * [FZ Editor] Changed edit dialog for template layouts. (#9233) * [FZ Editor] Small fixes and refactoring. (#9236) * new layout creation refactoring * "Save and apply" applies the layout * number of zones header hide * [FZ Editor] Empty layout template. (#9237) * [FZ Editor] Move "Duplicate" and "Delete" buttons to the Edit dialog. (#9272) * [FZ Editor] Preview the applied layout after editing another layout. (#9278) * Fixed "Save and apply" button behavior (#9286) * [FZ Editor] Save template layouts in the settings. (#9283) * Added default custom layout name (#9291) * close dialog before opening zones editor (#9302) * Pressing Esc closes dialogs (#9301) * [FZ Editor] Reset applied layout to "No layout" if it was deleted. (#9315) * [FZ Editor] Dark theme colors (#9317) * "Number of zones" buttons colors. (#9321) * rebase fix * added ModernWpf.dll * address PR comments: updated colors * added comments, replaced magic numbers * refactoring * merge zones crash fix * removed redundant using directive Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels.laute@live.nl>
2021-01-27 19:33:52 +01:00
monitorJson.isSelected = true;
monitorJson.dpi = 0; // unused
argsJson.monitors.emplace_back(std::move(monitorJson)); /* add monitor data */
// device id map for correct device ids
std::unordered_map<std::wstring, DWORD> displayDeviceIdxMap;
for (auto& monitorData : allMonitors)
HMONITOR monitor = monitorData.first;
auto monitorInfo = monitorData.second;
JSONHelpers::MonitorInfo monitorJson;
std::wstring deviceId = FancyZonesUtils::GetDisplayDeviceId(monitorInfo.szDevice, displayDeviceIdxMap);
std::wstring monitorId = FancyZonesUtils::GenerateUniqueId(monitor, deviceId, virtualDesktopId);
if (monitor == targetMonitor)
monitorJson.isSelected = true; /* Is monitor selected for the main editor window opening */
monitorJson.id = monitorId; /* Monitor id */
UINT dpi = 0;
if (DPIAware::GetScreenDPIForMonitor(monitor, dpi) != S_OK)
[FancyZones Editor] New UX for the FZ editor. (#9325) * Removed MetroWindow, added theming support and modernWPF * Rmoved MahApps refs * Removed MahApps * Updated canvas zones * Updated GridEditor * Fixes * UI updates * New layout type selection dialog * New editor UI * Updates * Fix * UI enhancements * Updated UI * Added styles to layoutpreview * Accesibility improvements * Accesibility and styling improvements * Fix * Cleaned up brushes * Updated UX * Updated UI * Added no layouts description * Fix * UI fixes * [FZ Editor] Serialize/deserialize settings (#8615) * conflicts fix * [FZ Editor] Parse json file instead of command line args (#8649) * [FZ Editor] Serialize/deserialize settings fix (#8707) * [FZ Editor] Hide unsupported settings in custom layouts flyouts (#8716) * [FZ Editor] Duplicate custom layouts (#8718) * [FZ Editor] Duplicate layout behavior (#8720) * New UX proposal * Updated spacing * Switching to toggleswitches * Revert toggleswitch * Updated colorbrush * Updated string for saving label * Updated UI * Dark theme color fixes * Removed space * [FZ Editor] Bind dialog properties (#9199) * Resize editor window to fit the content in single-monitor mode (#9203) * Editor opening fix (#9207) * Disable "Create" button if the Name textbox is empty (#9212) * [FZ Editor] Changed edit dialog for template layouts. (#9233) * [FZ Editor] Small fixes and refactoring. (#9236) * new layout creation refactoring * "Save and apply" applies the layout * number of zones header hide * [FZ Editor] Empty layout template. (#9237) * [FZ Editor] Move "Duplicate" and "Delete" buttons to the Edit dialog. (#9272) * [FZ Editor] Preview the applied layout after editing another layout. (#9278) * Fixed "Save and apply" button behavior (#9286) * [FZ Editor] Save template layouts in the settings. (#9283) * Added default custom layout name (#9291) * close dialog before opening zones editor (#9302) * Pressing Esc closes dialogs (#9301) * [FZ Editor] Reset applied layout to "No layout" if it was deleted. (#9315) * [FZ Editor] Dark theme colors (#9317) * "Number of zones" buttons colors. (#9321) * rebase fix * added ModernWpf.dll * address PR comments: updated colors * added comments, replaced magic numbers * refactoring * merge zones crash fix * removed redundant using directive Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels.laute@live.nl>
2021-01-27 19:33:52 +01:00
[FancyZones Editor] New UX for the FZ editor. (#9325) * Removed MetroWindow, added theming support and modernWPF * Rmoved MahApps refs * Removed MahApps * Updated canvas zones * Updated GridEditor * Fixes * UI updates * New layout type selection dialog * New editor UI * Updates * Fix * UI enhancements * Updated UI * Added styles to layoutpreview * Accesibility improvements * Accesibility and styling improvements * Fix * Cleaned up brushes * Updated UX * Updated UI * Added no layouts description * Fix * UI fixes * [FZ Editor] Serialize/deserialize settings (#8615) * conflicts fix * [FZ Editor] Parse json file instead of command line args (#8649) * [FZ Editor] Serialize/deserialize settings fix (#8707) * [FZ Editor] Hide unsupported settings in custom layouts flyouts (#8716) * [FZ Editor] Duplicate custom layouts (#8718) * [FZ Editor] Duplicate layout behavior (#8720) * New UX proposal * Updated spacing * Switching to toggleswitches * Revert toggleswitch * Updated colorbrush * Updated string for saving label * Updated UI * Dark theme color fixes * Removed space * [FZ Editor] Bind dialog properties (#9199) * Resize editor window to fit the content in single-monitor mode (#9203) * Editor opening fix (#9207) * Disable "Create" button if the Name textbox is empty (#9212) * [FZ Editor] Changed edit dialog for template layouts. (#9233) * [FZ Editor] Small fixes and refactoring. (#9236) * new layout creation refactoring * "Save and apply" applies the layout * number of zones header hide * [FZ Editor] Empty layout template. (#9237) * [FZ Editor] Move "Duplicate" and "Delete" buttons to the Edit dialog. (#9272) * [FZ Editor] Preview the applied layout after editing another layout. (#9278) * Fixed "Save and apply" button behavior (#9286) * [FZ Editor] Save template layouts in the settings. (#9283) * Added default custom layout name (#9291) * close dialog before opening zones editor (#9302) * Pressing Esc closes dialogs (#9301) * [FZ Editor] Reset applied layout to "No layout" if it was deleted. (#9315) * [FZ Editor] Dark theme colors (#9317) * "Number of zones" buttons colors. (#9321) * rebase fix * added ModernWpf.dll * address PR comments: updated colors * added comments, replaced magic numbers * refactoring * merge zones crash fix * removed redundant using directive Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels.laute@live.nl>
2021-01-27 19:33:52 +01:00
monitorJson.dpi = dpi; /* DPI */
monitorJson.top = monitorInfo.rcWork.top; /* Top coordinate */
monitorJson.left = monitorInfo.rcWork.left; /* Left coordinate */
monitorJson.width = monitorInfo.rcWork.right - monitorInfo.rcWork.left; /* Width */
monitorJson.height = monitorInfo.rcWork.bottom - monitorInfo.rcWork.top; /* Height */
[FancyZones Editor] New UX for the FZ editor. (#9325) * Removed MetroWindow, added theming support and modernWPF * Rmoved MahApps refs * Removed MahApps * Updated canvas zones * Updated GridEditor * Fixes * UI updates * New layout type selection dialog * New editor UI * Updates * Fix * UI enhancements * Updated UI * Added styles to layoutpreview * Accesibility improvements * Accesibility and styling improvements * Fix * Cleaned up brushes * Updated UX * Updated UI * Added no layouts description * Fix * UI fixes * [FZ Editor] Serialize/deserialize settings (#8615) * conflicts fix * [FZ Editor] Parse json file instead of command line args (#8649) * [FZ Editor] Serialize/deserialize settings fix (#8707) * [FZ Editor] Hide unsupported settings in custom layouts flyouts (#8716) * [FZ Editor] Duplicate custom layouts (#8718) * [FZ Editor] Duplicate layout behavior (#8720) * New UX proposal * Updated spacing * Switching to toggleswitches * Revert toggleswitch * Updated colorbrush * Updated string for saving label * Updated UI * Dark theme color fixes * Removed space * [FZ Editor] Bind dialog properties (#9199) * Resize editor window to fit the content in single-monitor mode (#9203) * Editor opening fix (#9207) * Disable "Create" button if the Name textbox is empty (#9212) * [FZ Editor] Changed edit dialog for template layouts. (#9233) * [FZ Editor] Small fixes and refactoring. (#9236) * new layout creation refactoring * "Save and apply" applies the layout * number of zones header hide * [FZ Editor] Empty layout template. (#9237) * [FZ Editor] Move "Duplicate" and "Delete" buttons to the Edit dialog. (#9272) * [FZ Editor] Preview the applied layout after editing another layout. (#9278) * Fixed "Save and apply" button behavior (#9286) * [FZ Editor] Save template layouts in the settings. (#9283) * Added default custom layout name (#9291) * close dialog before opening zones editor (#9302) * Pressing Esc closes dialogs (#9301) * [FZ Editor] Reset applied layout to "No layout" if it was deleted. (#9315) * [FZ Editor] Dark theme colors (#9317) * "Number of zones" buttons colors. (#9321) * rebase fix * added ModernWpf.dll * address PR comments: updated colors * added comments, replaced magic numbers * refactoring * merge zones crash fix * removed redundant using directive Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels9001@hotmail.com> Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels.laute@live.nl>
2021-01-27 19:33:52 +01:00
argsJson.monitors.emplace_back(std::move(monitorJson)); /* add monitor data */
json::to_file(editorParametersFileName, JSONHelpers::EditorArgs::ToJson(argsJson));
void FancyZonesData::RemoveDesktopAppZoneHistory(GUID desktopId)
for (auto it = std::begin(appZoneHistoryMap); it != std::end(appZoneHistoryMap);)
auto& perDesktopData = it->second;
for (auto desktopIt = std::begin(perDesktopData); desktopIt != std::end(perDesktopData);)
if (desktopIt->deviceId.virtualDesktopId == desktopId)
desktopIt = perDesktopData.erase(desktopIt);
if (perDesktopData.empty())
it = appZoneHistoryMap.erase(it);