Compare commits


2 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Dustin L. Howett e9b2e09e4b Migrate spelling-0.0.19 changes from main 2021-06-06 15:32:21 +02:00
Niels Laute 73fbac620c Added a plugin cheat sheet 2021-06-06 15:32:21 +02:00
1326 changed files with 49414 additions and 175936 deletions

View file

@ -32,23 +32,18 @@ body:
multiple: true
- General
- Awake
- ColorPicker
- FancyZones
- FancyZones Editor
- Image Resizer
- Keyboard Manager
- MD Preview
- Mouse Utilities
- PDF Preview
- PDF Thumbnail
- PowerRename
- PowerToys Run
- Shortcut Guide
- SVG Preview
- SVG Thumbnail
- Settings
- Video Conference Mute
- Welcome / PowerToys Tour window
- System tray interaction
- Installer

View file

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
blank_issues_enabled: false
blank_issues_enabled: true
- name: "\U0001F4F7 Video Conference Mute Issue"
about: Report Bug for the Video Conference Mute utility
- name: "\U0001F6A8 Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC)"
about: Report security bugs
@ -7,6 +10,6 @@ contact_links:
about: Documentation for users of PowerToys utilities
- name: "\U0001F4DA PowerToys dev documentation"
about: Documentation for people interested in developing and contributing for PowerToys

View file

@ -5,25 +5,12 @@ labels:
- type: textarea
label: Description of the new feature / enhancement
label: Provide a description of the new feature / enhancement
placeholder: |
What is the expected behavior of the proposed feature?
What is the expected behavior of the proposed feature?
What is the scenario this would be used?
required: true
- type: textarea
label: Scenario when this would be used?
placeholder: |
What is the scenario this would be used? Why is this important to your workflow as a power user?
required: true
- type: textarea
label: Supporting information
placeholder: |
Having additional evidence, data, tweets, blog posts, research, ... anything is extremely helpful. This information provides context to the scenario that may otherwise be lost.
required: false
- type: markdown
value: |

View file

@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ body:
label: Utility with translation issue
- General
- PowerToys Awake
- ColorPicker
- FancyZones
- FancyZones Editor

View file

@ -631,7 +631,6 @@ Farbraum
@ -656,6 +655,7 @@ finalizer
@ -699,7 +699,6 @@ gdi
@ -734,7 +733,6 @@ Hardlines
@ -763,10 +761,8 @@ hglobal
@ -790,7 +786,6 @@ hmonitor
@ -1665,7 +1660,6 @@ prgms
@ -2086,7 +2080,6 @@ Switchbetweenvirtualdesktops
@ -2338,7 +2331,7 @@ VTABLE
@ -2443,7 +2436,6 @@ workaround

View file

@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
- [ ] **Docs:** Added/ updated
- [ ] **Binaries:** Any new files are added to WXS / YML
- [ ] No new binaries
- [ ] [YML for signing]( for new binaries
- [ ] [WXS for installer]( for new binaries
- [ ] [YML for signing]( for new binaries
- [ ] [WXS for installer]( for new binaries
## Contributor License Agreement (CLA)
A CLA must be signed. If not, go over [here]( and sign the CLA.

View file

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
cd /D "%~dp0"
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat" -arch=amd64 -host_arch=amd64 -winsdk=10.0.18362.0
SET IsPipeline=1
call msbuild ../installer/PowerToysSetup.sln /target:PowerToysSetupCustomActions /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64 /p:CIBuild=true || exit /b 1

View file

@ -7,5 +7,3 @@ set SolutionDir=%cd%
SET IsPipeline=1
call msbuild ../tools/BugReportTool/BugReportTool.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64 /p:CIBuild=true || exit /b 1
call msbuild ../tools/WebcamReportTool/WebcamReportTool.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64 /p:CIBuild=true || exit /b 1

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ trigger:
batch: true
- main
- master
- stable
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ trigger:
- main
- master
- stable
# 0.0.yyMM.dd##

View file

@ -9,11 +9,7 @@ jobs:
BuildConfiguration: ${{ parameters.configuration }}
BuildPlatform: ${{ parameters.platform }}
${{ if eq(variables['System.CollectionUri'], '') }}:
name: WinDevPoolOSS-L
${{ if ne(variables['System.CollectionUri'], '') }}:
name: WinDevPool-L
pool: "windevbuildagents"
timeoutInMinutes: 120
maxParallel: 10

View file

@ -121,25 +121,38 @@ steps:
testSelector: 'testAssemblies'
testAssemblyVer2: |
- task: VSTest@2
displayName: 'XUnit Tests'
platform: '$(BuildPlatform)'
configuration: '$(BuildConfiguration)'
testSelector: 'testAssemblies'
testAssemblyVer2: |
- task: VSTest@2
displayName: 'NUnit Tests'
platform: '$(BuildPlatform)'
configuration: '$(BuildConfiguration)'
testSelector: 'testAssemblies'
testAssemblyVer2: |
# Native dlls

View file

@ -32,9 +32,6 @@ restore:
- !!defaultcommand
name: 'Restore Installer'
command: '.pipelines\restore-installer.cmd'
- !!defaultcommand
name: 'Restore Installer BootStrapper'
command: '.pipelines\restore-bootstrapper.cmd'
- !!defaultcommand
name: 'Restore Localization packages'
command: '.pipelines\restore-localization.cmd'
@ -42,6 +39,8 @@ restore:
name: 'Restore Tools packages'
command: '.pipelines\restore-tools.cmd'
# Localize the files before the Build PowerToys step to generate translated resx files from the lcl files
@ -62,58 +61,35 @@ build:
- 'x64/**/*.pdb'
- 'x64/Release/obj/**/*.pdb'
- from: 'x86/Release'
to: 'Build_Output'
- 'modules\VideoConference\VideoConferenceProxyFilter_x86.dll'
sign_inline: true # This does signing as soon as this command completes
- from: 'x64/Release'
to: 'Build_Output'
- 'PowerToys.ActionRunner.exe'
- 'PowerToys.Update.exe'
- 'BackgroundActivatorDLL.dll'
- 'Notifications.dll'
- 'os-detection.dll'
- 'PowerToys.exe'
- 'PowerToysInterop.dll'
- 'BugReportTool\BugReportTool.exe'
- '**\*.resources.dll'
- 'modules\ColorPicker\ColorPicker.dll'
- 'modules\ColorPicker\ColorPickerUI.dll'
- 'modules\ColorPicker\ColorPickerUI.exe'
- 'modules\ColorPicker\ManagedCommon.dll'
- 'modules\ColorPicker\ManagedTelemetry.dll'
- 'modules\ColorPicker\Microsoft.PowerToys.Common.UI.dll'
- 'modules\ColorPicker\Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI.Lib.dll'
- 'modules\ColorPicker\PowerToysInterop.dll'
- 'modules\ColorPicker\Telemetry.dll'
- '**\*.resources.dll'
- 'modules\Awake\AwakeModuleInterface.dll'
- 'modules\Awake\ManagedCommon.dll'
- 'modules\Awake\ManagedTelemetry.dll'
- 'modules\Awake\Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI.Lib.dll'
- 'modules\Awake\PowerToys.Awake.exe'
- 'modules\Awake\PowerToys.Awake.dll'
- 'modules\Awake\PowerToysInterop.dll'
- 'modules\Espresso\EspressoModuleInterface.dll'
- 'modules\Espresso\ManagedCommon.dll'
- 'modules\Espresso\ManagedTelemetry.dll'
- 'modules\Espresso\Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI.Lib.dll'
- 'modules\Espresso\PowerToys.Espresso.exe'
- 'modules\Espresso\PowerToys.Espresso.dll'
- 'modules\Espresso\PowerToysInterop.dll'
- 'modules\FancyZones\fancyzones.dll'
- 'modules\FancyZones\FancyZonesEditor.exe'
- 'modules\FancyZones\FancyZonesEditor.dll'
- 'modules\FancyZones\FancyZonesModuleInterface.dll'
- 'modules\FancyZones\ManagedCommon.dll'
- 'modules\FancyZones\ManagedTelemetry.dll'
- 'modules\FancyZones\PowerToys.FancyZones.exe'
- 'modules\FancyZones\PowerToysInterop.dll'
- 'modules\FancyZones\Telemetry.dll'
- 'modules\FancyZones\Microsoft.PowerToys.Common.UI.dll'
- 'modules\FileExplorerPreview\ManagedTelemetry.dll'
- 'modules\FileExplorerPreview\MarkdownPreviewHandler.dll'
- 'modules\FileExplorerPreview\MarkdownPreviewHandler.comhost.dll'
- 'modules\FileExplorerPreview\PdfPreviewHandler.dll'
- 'modules\FileExplorerPreview\PdfPreviewHandler.comhost.dll'
- 'modules\FileExplorerPreview\PdfThumbnailProvider.dll'
- 'modules\FileExplorerPreview\PdfThumbnailProvider.comhost.dll'
- 'modules\FileExplorerPreview\powerpreview.dll'
- 'modules\FileExplorerPreview\PreviewHandlerCommon.dll'
- 'modules\FileExplorerPreview\SvgPreviewHandler.dll'
@ -136,31 +112,38 @@ build:
- 'modules\launcher\ManagedTelemetry.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Microsoft.PowerToys.Common.UI.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Microsoft.Launcher.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Calculator\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Calculator.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Calculator\ManagedTelemetry.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Folder\Microsoft.Plugin.Folder.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Folder\ManagedTelemetry.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Indexer\Microsoft.Plugin.Indexer.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Indexer\ManagedTelemetry.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Program\Microsoft.Plugin.Program.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Program\ManagedTelemetry.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Registry\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Registry.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Registry\ManagedTelemetry.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\WindowsSettings\ManagedTelemetry.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\WindowsSettings\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.WindowsSettings.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\WindowsSettings\WindowsSettings.json'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Shell\Microsoft.Plugin.Shell.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Shell\ManagedTelemetry.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Uri\Microsoft.Plugin.Uri.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Uri\ManagedTelemetry.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\WindowWalker\Microsoft.Plugin.WindowWalker.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\WindowWalker\ManagedTelemetry.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\UnitConverter\Community.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.UnitConverter.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Calculator\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Calculator.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Calculator\Wox.Infrastructure.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Calculator\Wox.Plugin.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Calculator\Telemetry.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Folder\Microsoft.Plugin.Folder.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Folder\Wox.Infrastructure.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Folder\Wox.Plugin.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Folder\Telemetry.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Indexer\Microsoft.Plugin.Indexer.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Indexer\Wox.Infrastructure.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Indexer\Telemetry.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Program\Microsoft.Plugin.Program.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Program\Wox.Infrastructure.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Program\Wox.Plugin.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Program\Telemetry.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Registry\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Registry.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Registry\ManagedTelemetry.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Shell\Microsoft.Plugin.Shell.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Shell\Wox.Infrastructure.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Shell\Wox.Plugin.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Shell\Telemetry.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Uri\Microsoft.Plugin.Uri.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Uri\Wox.Infrastructure.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Uri\Wox.Plugin.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Uri\Telemetry.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.WindowWalker\Microsoft.Plugin.WindowWalker.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.WindowWalker\Wox.Infrastructure.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.WindowWalker\Wox.Plugin.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.WindowWalker\Telemetry.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\VSCodeWorkspaces\Community.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.VSCodeWorkspaces.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\Service\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Service.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\System\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.System.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\WindowsTerminal\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.WindowsTerminal.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Plugins\WindowsTerminal\ManagedTelemetry.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\PowerLauncher.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\PowerLauncher.exe'
- 'modules\launcher\PowerLauncher.Telemetry.dll'
@ -170,16 +153,14 @@ build:
- 'modules\launcher\Wox.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Wox.Infrastructure.dll'
- 'modules\launcher\Wox.Plugin.dll'
- 'modules\MouseUtils\FindMyMouse.dll'
- 'modules\MouseUtils\MouseHighlighter.dll'
- 'modules\Microsoft.Launcher.dll'
- 'modules\PowerRename\PowerRenameExt.dll'
- 'modules\PowerRename\PowerRenameUILib.dll'
- 'modules\PowerRename\PowerRename.exe'
- 'modules\ShortcutGuide\ShortcutGuide\PowerToys.ShortcutGuide.exe'
- 'modules\ShortcutGuide\ShortcutGuideModuleInterface\ShortcutGuideModuleInterface.dll'
- 'modules\VideoConference\VideoConferenceModule.dll'
- 'modules\VideoConference\VideoConferenceProxyFilter_x64.dll'
- 'Settings\ManagedTelemetry.dll'
- 'Notifications.dll'
- 'os-detection.dll'
- 'PowerToys.exe'
- 'PowerToysInterop.dll'
- 'Settings\Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI.exe'
- 'Settings\Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI.Lib.dll'
- 'Settings\PowerToys.Settings.dll'
@ -188,7 +169,7 @@ build:
- 'Settings\Telemetry.dll'
- 'Settings\ManagedCommon.dll'
sign_inline: true # This does signing as soon as this command completes
sign_inline: true # This does signing a soon as this command completes
- !!buildcommand
name: 'Build Power Toys Tools'
command: '.pipelines\build-tools.cmd'
@ -197,19 +178,8 @@ build:
to: 'Build_Output'
- 'BugReportTool\BugReportTool.exe'
- 'WebcamReportTool\WebcamReportTool.exe'
sign_inline: true # This does signing as soon as this command completes
- !!buildcommand
name: 'Build Power Toys Installer Custom Action' # Need to do separately to sign dll before building installer
command: '.pipelines\build-installer-PTCustomActions.cmd'
- from: 'installer\PowerToysSetupCustomActions\x64\Release'
to: 'Build_Output'
- 'PowerToysSetupCustomActions.dll'
sign_inline: true # This does signing as soon as this command completes
sign_inline: true # This does signing a soon as this command completes
- !!buildcommand
name: 'Build Power Toys Installer'
command: '.pipelines\build-installer.cmd'
@ -219,7 +189,7 @@ build:
- 'PowerToysSetup-*.msi'
sign_inline: true # This does signing as soon as this command completes
sign_inline: true # This does signing a soon as this command completes
- !!buildcommand
name: 'Build Power Toys Bootstrapper'
command: '.pipelines\build-bootstrapper.cmd'
@ -232,7 +202,8 @@ build:
- 'PowerToysSetup-*.exe'
sign_inline: true # This does signing as soon as this command completes
sign_inline: true # This does signing a soon as this command completes
# commands:
@ -255,7 +226,6 @@ static_analysis_options:
- 'WiX.*/**/*.dll'
- 'Wix.*/**/*.exe'
- 'Microsoft.Windows.CppWinRT.*/**/*.exe'
- from: 'src'
@ -268,3 +238,4 @@ static_analysis_options:
- exclude:
- '**/*.lcl'

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
cd /D "%~dp0"
nuget restore ../installer/PowerToysBootstrapper/PowerToysBootstrapper.sln || exit /b 1

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# not using this but keeping around in case we need it in the future.
# good use case here could be to set up a new machine, we just point people at it.
# improvements if this script is used to replace the snippet
# Add in a param for passive versus quiet. Could be a IsSettingUpDevComputer true/false flag

View file

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
cd /D "%~dp0"
nuget restore ../tools/BugReportTool/BugReportTool.sln || exit /b 1
nuget restore ../tools/WebcamReportTool/WebcamReportTool.sln || exit /b 1

View file

@ -1,12 +1,3 @@
cd /D "%~dp0"
nuget restore ../PowerToys.sln || exit /b 1
powershell.exe -Command "Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile %tmp%\wdksetup.exe"
%tmp%\wdksetup.exe /q
copy "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Vsix\VS2019\WDK.vsix" %tmp%\
powershell Expand-Archive %tmp%\ -DestinationPath %tmp%\wdkvsix -Force
robocopy /e %tmp%\wdkvsix\$MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v160 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v160" || IF %ERRORLEVEL% LEQ 7 EXIT 0
robocopy /e %tmp%\wdkvsix\$VCTargets "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets" || IF %ERRORLEVEL% LEQ 7 EXIT 0

View file

@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ Names are in alphabetical order based on first name.
### [@davidegiacometti]( - [Davide Giacometti](
Davide has helped fix multiple bugs, added new features, as well as help us with the ARM64 effort by porting applications to .NET Core.
### [@htcfreek]( - Heiko
Heiko has helped triaging, discussing, and creating a substantial number of issues and contributed features/fixes to PowerToys Run.
### [@jsoref]( - [Josh Soref](
Helping keep our spelling correct :)
@ -66,16 +63,12 @@ PowerRename is from Chris's SmartRename and icon rendering for SVGs in File Expl
### [@dend]( - Den Delimarsky
PowerToys Awake is a tool to keep your computer awake.
PowerToys Espresso is a tool to keep your computer awake
### [@martinchrzan]( - Martin Chrzan
Color Picker is from Martin.
### [@oldnewthing]( - Raymond Chen
Find My Mouse is based on Raymond Chen's SuperSonar.
### Microsoft InVEST team
This amazing team helped PowerToys develop PowerToys Run and Keyboard manager as well as update our Settings to v2. @alekhyareddy28, @arjunbalgovind, @jyuwono @laviusmotileng-ms, @ryanbodrug-microsoft, @saahmedm, @somil55, @traies, @udit3333

View file

@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
# PowerToys Contributor's Guide
# Power Toys Contributor's Guide
Below is our guidance for how to report issues, propose new features, and submit contributions via Pull Requests (PRs). Our philosophy is heavily based around understanding the problem and scenarios first, this is why we follow this pattern before work has started.
Below is our guidance for how to report issues, propose new features, and submit contributions via Pull Requests (PRs).
1. There is an issue
2. There has been a conversation
3. There is agreement on the problem, the fit for PowerToys, and the solution to the problem (implementation)
## Filing an issue
## Before you start, file an issue
Please follow this simple rule to help us eliminate any unnecessary wasted effort & frustration, and ensure an efficient and effective use of everyone's time - yours, ours, and other community members':
> 👉 If you have a question, think you've discovered an issue, would like to propose a new feature, etc., then find/file an issue **BEFORE** starting work to fix/implement it.
When requesting new features / enhancements, understanding problem and scenario around it is extremely important. Having additional evidence, data, tweets, blog posts, research, ... anything is extremely helpful. This information provides context to the scenario that may otherwise be lost.
### Search existing issues first
Before filing a new issue, search existing open and closed issues first: It is likely someone else has found the problem you're seeing, and someone may be working on or have already contributed a fix!
If no existing item describes your issue/feature, great - please file a new issue:
### File a new Issue
* Don't know whether you're reporting an issue or requesting a feature? File an issue
* Have a question that you don't see answered in docs, videos, etc.? File an issue
@ -21,39 +23,88 @@ When requesting new features / enhancements, understanding problem and scenario
* Don't understand how to do something? File an issue/Community Guidance Request
* Found an existing issue that describes yours? Great - upvote and add additional commentary / info / repro-steps / etc.
A quick search before filing an issue also could be helpful. It is likely someone else has found the problem you're seeing, and someone may be working on or have already contributed a fix!
### Complete the template
### How to tell the PowerToys team this is an interesting thing to focus on
**Please include as much information as possible in your issue**. The more information you provide, the more likely your issue/ask will be understood and implemented. Helpful information includes:
Upvote the original issue by clicking its [+😊] button and hitting 👍 (+1) icon or a different one. This way allows us to measure how impactful different issues are compared to others. The issue with comments like "+1", "me too", or similar is they actually make it harder to have a conversation and harder to quickly determine trending important requests.
* What device you're running (inc. CPU type, memory, disk, etc.)
* What build of Windows your device is running
👉 Tip: Run the following in PowerShell Core
C:\> $PSVersionTable.OS
Microsoft Windows 10.0.18909
... or in Windows PowerShell
C:\> $PSVersionTable.BuildVersion
Major Minor Build Revision
----- ----- ----- --------
10 0 18912 1001
... or Cmd:
C:\> ver
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18900.1001]
* What tools and apps you're using (e.g. VS 2019, VSCode, etc.)
* Don't assume we're experts in setting up YOUR environment and don't assume we are experts in YOUR workflow. Teach us to help you!
* **We LOVE detailed repro steps!** What steps do we need to take to reproduce the issue? Assume we love to read repro steps. As much detail as you can stand is probably _barely_ enough detail for us!
* Prefer error message text where possible or screenshots of errors if text cannot be captured
* **If you intend to implement the fix/feature yourself then say so!** If you do not indicate otherwise we will assume that the issue is ours to solve, or may label the issue as `Help-Wanted`.
### DO NOT post "+1" comments
> ⚠ DO NOT post "+1", "me too", or similar comments - they just add noise to an issue.
If you don't have any additional info/context to add but would like to indicate that you're affected by the issue, upvote the original issue by clicking its [+😊] button and hitting 👍 (+1) icon. This way we can actually measure how impactful an issue is.
## Contributing fixes / features
Please comment on an issue to let us know you're interested in working on something before you start the work. Not only does this avoid multiple people unexpectedly working on the same thing at the same time but it enables us to make sure everyone is clear on what should be done to implement any new functionality. It's less work for everyone, in the long run, to establish this up front.
For those able & willing to help fix issues and/or implement features ...
### To Spec or not to Spec
A key point is for everyone to understand the approach that will be taken. We want to be sure if anyone does work, we will accept it in. Items that are larger in scope we'll want some type of spec to understand what is being planned and have a discussion. Specs help collaborators discuss different approaches to solve a problem, describe how the feature will behave, how the feature will impact the user, what happens if something goes wrong, etc. Driving towards agreement in a spec, before any code is written, often results in simpler code, and less wasted effort in the long run.
Some issues/features may be quick and simple to describe and understand. For such scenarios, once a team member has agreed with your approach, skip ahead to the section headed "Fork, Branch, and Create your PR", below.
For such scenarios, once a team member has agreed with your approach, skip ahead to the section headed "Development" section below.
Small issues that do not require a spec will be labelled Issue-Bug or Issue-Task.
However, some issues/features will require careful thought & formal design before implementation. For these scenarios, we'll request that a spec is written and the associated issue will be labeled Issue-Feature.
Specs help collaborators discuss different approaches to solve a problem, describe how the feature will behave, how the feature will impact the user, what happens if something goes wrong, etc. Driving towards agreement in a spec, before any code is written, often results in simpler code, and less wasted effort in the long run.
Specs will be managed in a very similar manner as code contributions so please follow the "Fork, Branch and Create your PR" below.
### Writing / Contributing-to a Spec
To write/contribute to a spec: fork, branch and commit via PRs, as you would with any code changes.
Specs are written in markdown, stored under the `doc/specs` folder and named `[issue id] - [spec description].md`.
👉 **It is important to follow the spec templates and complete the requested information**. The available spec templates will help ensure that specs contain the minimum information & decisions necessary to permit development to begin. In particular, specs require you to confirm that you've already discussed the issue/idea with the team in an issue and that you provide the issue ID for reference.
Team members will be happy to help review specs and guide them to completion.
### Help Wanted
Once the team has approved an issue/spec approach to solving, development can proceed. If no developers are immediately available, the spec can be parked ready for a developer to get started. Parked specs' issues will be labeled "Help Wanted". To find a list of development opportunities waiting for developer involvement, visit the Issues and filter on [the Help-Wanted label](
Once the team have approved an issue/spec, development can proceed. If no developers are immediately available, the spec can be parked ready for a developer to get started. Parked specs' issues will be labeled "Help Wanted". To find a list of development opportunities waiting for developer involvement, visit the Issues and filter on [the Help-Wanted label](
## Development
Follow the [development guidelines](
Follow the [development guidelines](
### Naming of features and functionality
Naming should be descriptive and straight forward. We want names to be clear about functionality and usefulness moving forward.
### How can I become a collaborator on the PowerToys team

View file

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0"
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">
<!-- Project configurations -->
<ItemGroup Label="ProjectConfigurations">
@ -13,7 +12,7 @@
<!-- Props that should be disabled while building on CI server -->
<ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(CIBuild)'!='true'">
@ -23,15 +22,10 @@
<!-- C++ source compile-specific things for all configurations -->
<DisableAnalyzeExternal >true</DisableAnalyzeExternal>
@ -40,10 +34,10 @@
<!-- C++ source compile-specific things for Debug/Release configurations -->
@ -56,7 +50,7 @@
<ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">
@ -66,35 +60,36 @@
<!-- Global props -->
<PropertyGroup Label="Globals" Condition="'$(OverrideWindowsTargetPlatformVersion)'!='True'">
<!-- Props that are constant for both Debug and Release configurations -->
<PropertyGroup Label="Configuration">
<PlatformToolset Condition="'$(OverridePlatformToolset)'!='True'">v142</PlatformToolset>
<!-- Debug/Release props -->
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'" Label="Configuration">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'" Label="Configuration">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'" Label="Configuration">

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -1,50 +1,49 @@
# Microsoft PowerToys
![Hero image for Microsoft PowerToys](doc/images/overview/PT_hero_image.png)
<img src="./doc/images/overview/PT%20hero%20image.png"/>
[How to use PowerToys][usingPowerToys-docs-link] | [Downloads & Release notes][github-release-link] | [Contributing to PowerToys](#contributing) | [What's Happening](#whats-happening) | [Roadmap](#powertoys-roadmap)
[Downloads & Release notes][github-release-link] | [Contributing to PowerToys](#contributing) | [What's Happening](#whats-happening) | [Roadmap](#powertoys-roadmap)
## Build status
| Architecture | Main | Stable | Installer |
| x64 | [![Build Status for Main](]( | [![Build Status for Stable](]( | [![Build Status for Installer](]( |
| Architecture | Master | Stable | Installer |
| x64 | [![Build Status for Master](]( | [![Build Status for Stable](]( | [![Build Status for Installer](]( |
## About
Microsoft PowerToys is a set of utilities for power users to tune and streamline their Windows experience for greater productivity. For more info on [PowerToys overviews and how to use the utilities][usingPowerToys-docs-link], or any other tools and resources for [Windows development environments](, head over to [][usingPowerToys-docs-link]!
Microsoft PowerToys is a set of utilities for power users to tune and streamline their Windows 10 experience for greater productivity. For more info on [PowerToys overviews and guides][usingPowerToys-docs-link], or any other tools and resources for [Windows development environments](, head over to [][usingPowerToys-docs-link]!
| | Current utilities: | |
| [PowerToys Awake]( | [Color Picker]( | [FancyZones]( |
| [File Explorer Add-ons]( | [Image Resizer]( | [Keyboard Manager]( |
| [Mouse utilities]( | [PowerRename]( | [PowerToys Run]( |
| [Shortcut Guide]( | [Video Conference Mute]( | |
| [Color Picker]( | [FancyZones]( | [File Explorer Add-ons]( |
| [Image Resizer]( | [Keyboard Manager]( | [PowerRename]( |
| [PowerToys Run]( | [Shortcut Guide]( | [Video Conference Mute (Experimental)]( |
| Espresso (Coming soon in 0.39) | | |
## Installing and running Microsoft PowerToys
### Requirements
- Windows 11 or Windows 10 v1903 (18362) or newer.
- [.NET Core 3.1.20 Desktop Runtime]( or a newer 3.1.x runtime. The installer will handle this if not present.
- Windows 10 v1903 (build 18362) or newer.
- ⚠️ PowerToys minimum version of Windows 10 is v1903 starting with the 0.37 release
- Have [.NET Core 3.1.14 Desktop Runtime]( The installer should handle this but we want to directly make people aware.
### Via GitHub with EXE [Recommended]
#### Stable version
[Microsoft PowerToys GitHub releases page][github-release-link], click on `Assets` at the bottom to show the files available in the release and then click on `PowerToysSetup-0.49.0-x64.exe` to download the PowerToys installer.
Install from the [Microsoft PowerToys GitHub releases page][github-release-link]. Click on `Assets` to show the files available in the release and then click on `PowerToysSetup-0.37.2-x64.exe` to download the PowerToys installer.
This is our preferred method.
### Via Microsoft Store
Install from the [Microsoft Store's PowerToys page][microsoft-store-link]. You must be using the [new Microsoft Store]( which will be available for both Windows 11 and Windows 10.
#### Experimental version
To install the Video Conference mute, please use the [v0.36 experimental version of PowerToys][github-prerelease-link] to try out this version. It includes all improvements from v0.35 in addition to the Video conference utility. Click on `Assets` to show the files available in the release and then download the .exe installer.
### Via WinGet (Preview)
Download PowerToys from [WinGet]( To install PowerToys, run the following command from the command line / PowerShell:
winget install Microsoft.PowerToys -s winget
WinGet install powertoys
### Other install methods
@ -75,74 +74,79 @@ For guidance on developing for PowerToys, please read the [developer docs](/doc/
Our [prioritized roadmap][roadmap] of features and utilities that the core team is focusing on.
### 0.49 - October 2021 Update
### 0.39 - May 2021 Update
The [v0.49 release cycle]( introduces exciting new updates primarily centered around modernizing PowerRename's UI, adding a brand new mouse utility, and merging Video Conference Mute into the stable releases!
The PowerToys team is delaying our 0.39 release. We learned a lot but items took longer than expected. We have more we want done before the next release. This longer time will allow us to get in more amazing pull requests by you, the community, to add / improve functionality
PowerRename's new UI brings a refreshed experience that reflects the modern UI theming of Windows 11, along with helpful regular expression guidance and file formatting tips.
### 0.37 - April 2021 Update
With the new mouse utility, PowerToys introduces functionality to quickly find your mouse position by double pressing the left <kbd>ctrl</kbd> key. This is ideal for large, high-resolution displays and low-vision users, with additional features and enhancements planned for future releases. Special thanks to [Raymond Chen]( for providing the base code PowerToys used to develop this feature. To learn more, check out our [Mouse Utilities documentation]( on Microsoft Docs!
Our goals for [v0.37 release cycle]( Video Conference Mute work so we can bring it into the stable branch, general bug fixes, moving Keyboard manager out, and removing the legacy settings app.
As Video Conference Mute becomes available in the stable releases, there are still known quirks that we are actively working to address. These bugs are [tracked on our GitHub](, and we welcome any and all feedback as we work to isolate and resolve the cause.
The 0.36 experimental release was released this month as well which includes Video Conference Mute which is based off the 0.35 code base.
Color Picker's HEX format will no longer have the `#` character. This addresses issues with various color inputs that only accept six characters cutting off the last value. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes as we understand it impacts users who may prefer having `#` included. However, we believe this is the best solution while the custom string functionality ([#8305]( is in development.
Our [prioritized roadmap][roadmap] of features and utilities will dictate what the core team is focusing on for the near future.
Additional work in this release include stability updates and optimizations, installer updates, general bug fixes, and accessibility improvements.
#### Highlights from v0.49
#### Highlights from v0.37
- **Change of Behavior:** Color Picker's HEX format will no longer have the `#` character. Custom string functionality for color picker ([#8305]( is in development and will allow someone to use this again.
- Find My Mouse utility added! Utilize the functionality to quickly locate the cursor on your displays! Learn more on our [Mouse Utility docs](
- Accessibility and minor UI improvements to the settings page. Thanks [@niels9001](!
- Added deep links to the Settings menus for various utilities within their respective editors. Thanks [@niels9001](!
- Settings improvements to improve clarity for various options. Thanks [@niels9001](!
- Improved settings window to adjust size and position as needed when multi-monitor conditions change. Thanks [@davidegiacometti](!
**PowerToys Awake**
- Screen reader improvements for accessibility.
- PowerToys now requires Windows 10, version 1903 or higher
- FancyZones editor default launching key is <kbd>Win</kbd>+<kbd>Shift</kbd>+<kbd>`</kbd>
- Windows Terminal's new Quake mode will use <kbd>Win</kbd>+<kbd>`</kbd>. We feel this is a far better use of the keystroke.
- Current PowerToys users can update this in our settings in the FancyZone section.
- Removed our v1 HTML based settings system
**Color Picker**
- Color Picker's HEX format was changed to remove the `#` character. Thanks [@niels9001](!
- Accessibility improvements for screen reader and UI to distinguish colors from the border when matching. Thanks [@niels9001](!
## New Spec - Feedback please!
- Fixed Color Picker and OOBE windows from being snapped by FancyZones. Thanks [@davidegiacometti](!
- Fixed regression with layouts not being changed via shortcuts.
- Fixed crashing issue with FancyZones editor.
- Fixed zone layouts resetting after screen locking.
- Accessibility improvements for screen reader in editor.
- What is new in PowerToys (SCOOBE) - [Pull Request](
**Keyboard Manager**
- Fixed crashing issue when the editor is opened at high zoom on 4k monitors.
### FancyZones
- Editor UX bug fixes. Thanks [@niels9001](
- Monitor resolution is added to the top to directly infer the boxes on top are your monitors
- Fix for editor crash when editing a custom layout
- New UI update! We hope you enjoy the modern experience and take advantage of new tool-tips to describe common regular expressions and text/file formatting. Thanks to [@niels9001]( for all the support on this redesign!
### PowerRename
- Option added for capitalization.
- Improved loading responsiveness with large sums of files.
**PowerToys Run**
- Windows Terminal Plugin added. Open shells through Windows Terminal via `_` activation command by default. Thanks [@davidegiacometti](!
- Added environment variables to Folder plugin search. Thanks [@davidegiacometti](!
- Fixed certain schemas that were overwritten with HTTPS. Thanks [@franky920920](!
- Fixed issue with program plugin getting caught in infinite loops as certain file paths are recursively searched.
### PowerToys Run
- Changed XAML to improve rendering. Thanks [@niels9001](
- Disabled plugins are no longer loaded
- VS Code plugin workspaces showing up now. Thanks [@ricardosantos9521](
**Video Conference Mute**
- VCM added to stable releases of PowerToys!
### Keyboard manager
- Now an independent exe. This now runs high priority in its own process. When your CPU is under load, this should allow the process to continue to be prioritized
### Color Picker
- uses a centralized keyhook. This should improve activation
- Esc for closing will no longer bubble through. Thanks [@DoctorNefario](
### Settings / Welcome to PowerToys
- Shortcuts will stand out more
- Few accessability bugs fixed. Thanks [@niels9001](
### Shortcut Guide
- Excluded apps for Shortcut Guide. Thanks [@davidegiacometti ](
### Installer
- new arg for starting PT after silent install
### Developer quality of life
- Ability to directly debug against Settings
## Community contributions
We'd like to directly mention certain contributors (in alphabetical order) for their continued community support this month and helping directly make PowerToys a better piece of software.
We'd like to directly mention (in alphabetical order) for their continued community support this month and helping directly make PowerToys a better piece of software.
[@Aaron-Junker](, [@davidegiacometti](, [@franky920920](, [@htcfreek](, [@Jay-o-Way](, [@martinchrzan](, [@niels9001](, [@pritudev](, and [@TobiasSekan](
[@Aaron-Junker](, [@addrum](, [@davidegiacometti ](, [@DoctorNefario](, [@htcfreek](, [@Jay-o-Way](, [@niels9001](, and [@ricardosantos9521](
#### What is being planned for v0.51
#### What is being planned for v0.39 / 0.41
For [v0.51][github-next-release-work], we are planning to work on:
For [v0.39 / 0.41][github-next-release-work], we are planning to work on:
- Initial development of Always on Top utility to allow users to persist desired windows in the foreground of their displays
- We are working to heavily reduce / remove the UAC prompt over the next few releases on install. This is a big shift so it is spanning multiple releases so we can isolate issues if they do occur. Work is tracked in [#10126](
- UI/UX investigations to adopt WinUI and improve accessibility
- Stability and bug fixes
- Update the PowerToys Build Pipeline to allow .NET 5 integration
- Moving FancyZones & Shortcutguide out of the main exe
- Installer improvements
## PowerToys Community
@ -159,13 +163,13 @@ The application logs basic telemetry. Our Telemetry Data page (Coming Soon) has
<!-- items that need to be updated release to release -->

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@ -1,10 +1,5 @@
# Support
## How to use Microsoft PowerToys
For more info on [PowerToys overviews and how to use the utilities][usingPowerToys-docs-link], or any other tools and resources for [Windows development environments](, head over to [][usingPowerToys-docs-link]!
## How to file issues and get help
This project uses [GitHub Issues][gh-issue] to [track bugs][gh-bug] and [feature requests][gh-feature]. Please search the existing issues before filing new issues to avoid duplicates. For new issues, file your bug or
@ -20,5 +15,4 @@ Support for PowerToys is limited to the resources listed above.

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@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project xmlns="">
<GeneratedFilesDir>$(IntDir)Generated Files\</GeneratedFilesDir>

deps/cziplib vendored

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 692cbcf8ca3cd90c43d7159da098e0763ecdab38
Subproject commit f9e0959eb212262aff67e8425aceb62d7a518f62

deps/spdlog vendored

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 616866fcf40340ea25a8f218369bad810ef58e72
Subproject commit cbe9448650176797739dbab13961ef4c07f4290f

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@ -2,46 +2,43 @@
| ShortUrl | TargetUrl |
| getpowertoys | ms-windows-store://pdp/?productid=XP89DCGQ3K6VLD |
| installpowertoys | |
| powertoys-license | |
| powertoys | |
| PowerToysAppCompat | |
| powerToysCannotRemapKeys | |
| powerToysColorPickerImageSmall | |
| powerToysColorPickerSettingImage | |
| powerToysColorPickerSettingImage | |
| powertoysDetectedElevatedHelp | |
| powertoys-docs | |
| powerToysFancyZoneImageSmall | |
| powerToysFancyZoneSettingImage | |
| powerToysFancyZoneSettingImage | |
| powerToysGiveFeedback | |
| powerToysImageResizerImageSmall | |
| powerToysImageResizerSettingImage | |
| powerToysImageResizerSettingImage | |
| powerToysKBMImageSmall | |
| powerToysKBMSettingImage | |
| powerToysKBMSettingImage | |
| PowerToysOverview | |
| PowerToysOverview_ColorPicker | |
| PowerToysOverview_FancyZones | |
| PowerToysOverview_FileExplorerAddOns | |
| PowerToysOverview_ImageResizer | |
| PowerToysOverview_KeyboardManager | |
| PowerToysOverview_MouseUtilities | |
| PowerToysOverview_PowerRename | |
| PowerToysOverview_PowerToysRun | |
| PowerToysOverview_ShortcutGuide | |
| PowerToysOverview_VideoConference | |
| powerToysPowerLauncherImageSmall | |
| powerToysPowerLauncherSettingImage | |
| powerToysPowerLauncherSettingImage | |
| powerToysPowerPreviewImageSmall | |
| powerToysPowerPreviewSettingImage | |
| powerToysPowerPreviewSettingImage | |
| powerToysPowerRenameImageSmall | |
| powerToysPowerRenameSettingImage | |
| powerToysPowerRenameSettingImage | |
| powerToysPTImageSmall | |
| powerToysPTSettingImage | |
| powerToysPTSettingImage | |
| powerToysReportBug | |
| powerToysRequestFeature | |
| powerToysShortcutGuideImageSmall | |
| powerToysShortcutGuideSettingImage | |
| powerToysShortcutGuideSettingImage | |
| powerToysVideoConferenceImageSmall | |
| powerToysVideoConferenceSettingImage | |
| powertoyswiki | |

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@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
# How to integrate new MSIX module with PowerToys Settings and WiX installer
[`issue_11705_with_example` branch]( contains HelloWorld UWP C# MSIX application which reads its module settings and is installed along PowerToys.
## Steps
- uncomment everything near "TODO: Use to activate embedded MSIX" comments
- build PowerToys solution
- deploy HelloModule module and sign it with a self-signed certificate (don't forget to put it into a trusted store)
- build PowerToysSetup solution and install it
Type HelloModule into start search and observe that it was installed:
<img src="../images/msix/hello-module-start.png">
Open PowerToys settings and change the stub setting to something:
<img src="../images/msix/hello-module-settings-page.png">
Open HelloModule:
<img src="../images/msix/hello-module-screen.png">
First time you press "Load Settings", it'll detect that it doesn't have permissions to access local file system and open its system settings window, toggle it there:
<img src="../images/msix/hello-module-app-permissions.png">
(it's a known uwp limitation, see
HelloModule will close then, restart it, press "Load Settings" and you should see that the application was able to load the setting string which was set by the settings app:
<img src="../images/msix/hello-module-loaded-settings.png">

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@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
5. [Enabling localized MSI for a new project](#enabling-localized-msi-for-a-new-project)
## Localization on the pipeline (CDPX)
[The localization step]( is run on the pipeline before the solution is built. This step runs the [build-localization]( script, which generates resx files for all the projects with localization enabled using the `Localization.XLoc` package.
[The localization step]( is run on the pipeline before the solution is built. This step runs the [build-localization]( script, which generates resx files for all the projects with localization enabled using the `Localization.XLoc` package.
The [`Localization.XLoc`]( tool is run on the repo root, and it checks for all occurrences of `LocProject.json`. Each localized project has a `LocProject.json` file in the project root, which contains the location of the English resx file, list of languages for localization, and the output path where the localized resx files are to be copied to. In addition to this, some other parameters can be set, such as whether the language ID should be added as a folder in the file path or in the file name. When the CDPX pipeline is run, the localization team is notified of changes in the English resx files. For each project with localization enabled, a `loc` folder (see [this]( for example) is created in the same directory as the `LocProject.json` file. The folder contains language specific folders which in turn have a nested folder path equivalent to `OutputPath` in the `LocProject.json`. Each of these folders contain one `lcl` file. The `lcl` files contain the English resources along with their translation for that language. These are described in more detail [here](#lcl-files). Once the `.resx` files are generated, they will be used during the `Build PowerToys` step for localized versions of the modules.
The [`Localization.XLoc`]( tool is run on the repo root, and it checks for all occurrences of `LocProject.json`. Each localized project has a `LocProject.json` file in the project root, which contains the location of the English resx file, list of languages for localization, and the output path where the localized resx files are to be copied to. In addition to this, some other parameters can be set, such as whether the language ID should be added as a folder in the file path or in the file name. When the CDPX pipeline is run, the localization team is notified of changes in the English resx files. For each project with localization enabled, a `loc` folder (see [this]( for example) is created in the same directory as the `LocProject.json` file. The folder contains language specific folders which in turn have a nested folder path equivalent to `OutputPath` in the `LocProject.json`. Each of these folders contain one `lcl` file. The `lcl` files contain the English resources along with their translation for that language. These are described in more detail [here](#lcl-files). Once the `.resx` files are generated, they will be used during the `Build PowerToys` step for localized versions of the modules.
Since the localization script requires certain nuget packages, the [`restore-localization`]( script is run before running `build-localization` to install all the required packages. This script must [run in the `restore` step]( of pipeline because [the host is network isolated]( at the `build` step. The [Toolset package source]( is used for this.
Since the localization script requires certain nuget packages, the [`restore-localization`]( script is run before running `build-localization` to install all the required packages. This script must [run in the `restore` step]( of pipeline because [the host is network isolated]( at the `build` step. The [Toolset package source]( is used for this.
The process and variables that can be tweaked on the pipeline are described in more detail [here](
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ UWP differs from this as it expects the resources to have the same Resources.res
For example, `path\en-us\Resources.resw` for English and `path\fr-fr\Resources.resw` for French.
Since the pipeline generates it in this format, [a script is run]( to move these resw files to the correct format expected by all UWP projects. Currently the only UWP project is [Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI]( The script used for moving the resources can be [found here]( The equivalent full language IDs for each shortened language ID obtained from the pipeline has been hardcoded in the script.
Since the pipeline generates it in this format, [a script is run]( to move these resw files to the correct format expected by all UWP projects. Currently the only UWP project is [Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI]( The script used for moving the resources can be [found here]( The equivalent full language IDs for each shortened language ID obtained from the pipeline has been hardcoded in the script.
## Enabling localization on a new project
To enable localization on a new project, the first step is to create a file `LocProject.json` in the project root.
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ The rest of the steps depend on the project type and are covered in the sections
### C++
C++ projects do not support `resx` files, and instead use `rc` files along with `resource.h` files. The CDPX pipeline however doesn't support localizing `rc` files and the other alternative they support is directly translating the resources from the binary which makes it harder to maintain resources. To avoid this, a custom script has been added which expects a resx file and converts the entries to an rc file with a string table and adds resource declarations to a resource.h file so that the resources can be compiled with the C++ project.
If you already have a .rc file, copy the string table to a separate txt file and run the [convert-stringtable-to-resx.ps1]( script on it. This script is not very robust to input, and requires the data in a specific format, where `IDS_ResName L"ResourceValue"` and any number of spaces can be present in between. The script converts this file to the format expected by [`resgen`](, which will convert it to resx. The resource names are changed from all uppercase to title case, and the `IDS_` prefix is removed. Escape characters might have to be manually replaced, for example .rc files would have escaped double quotes as `""`, so this should be replaced with just `"` before converting to the resx files.
If you already have a .rc file, copy the string table to a separate txt file and run the [convert-stringtable-to-resx.ps1]( script on it. This script is not very robust to input, and requires the data in a specific format, where `IDS_ResName L"ResourceValue"` and any number of spaces can be present in between. The script converts this file to the format expected by [`resgen`](, which will convert it to resx. The resource names are changed from all uppercase to title case, and the `IDS_` prefix is removed. Escape characters might have to be manually replaced, for example .rc files would have escaped double quotes as `""`, so this should be replaced with just `"` before converting to the resx files.
After generating the resx file, rename the existing rc and h files to ProjName.base.rc and resource.base.h. In the rc file remove the string table which is to be localized and in the .h file remove all `#define`s corresponding to localized resources. In the vcxproj of the C++ project, add the following build event:
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ After generating the resx file, rename the existing rc and h files to ProjName.b
This event runs a script which generates a resource.h and ProjName.rc in the `Generated Files` folder using the strings in all the resx files along with the existing information in resource.base.h and ProjName.base.rc. The script can be found [here]( The script uses [`resgen`]( to convert the resx file to a string table expected in the .rc file format. When the resources are added to the rc file the `IDS_` prefix is added and resource names are in upper case (as it was originally). Any occurrences of `"` in the string resource is escaped as `""` to prevent build errors. The string tables are added to the rc file in the following format:
This event runs a script which generates a resource.h and ProjName.rc in the `Generated Files` folder using the strings in all the resx files along with the existing information in resource.base.h and ProjName.base.rc. The script can be found [here]( The script uses [`resgen`]( to convert the resx file to a string table expected in the .rc file format. When the resources are added to the rc file the `IDS_` prefix is added and resource names are in upper case (as it was originally). Any occurrences of `"` in the string resource is escaped as `""` to prevent build errors. The string tables are added to the rc file in the following format:
#if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_ENU)
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Since there is no API to identify the `AFX_TARG_*`, `LANG_*` or `SUBLANG_*` valu
<None Include="Resources.resx" />
Some rc/resource.h files might be used in multiple projects (for example, KBM). To ensure the projects build for these cases, the build event can be added to the entire directory so that the rc files are generated before any project is built. See [Directory.Build.targets]( for an example.
Some rc/resource.h files might be used in multiple projects (for example, KBM). To ensure the projects build for these cases, the build event can be added to the entire directory so that the rc files are generated before any project is built. See [Directory.Build.targets]( for an example.
Check [this PR]( for an example for making these changes for a C++ project.

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ TODO
#### [`ZoneSet.cpp`](/src/modules/fancyzones/lib/ZoneSet.cpp)
#### [`WorkArea.cpp`](/src/modules/fancyzones/lib/WorkArea.cpp)
#### [`ZoneWindow.cpp`](/src/modules/fancyzones/lib/ZoneWindow.cpp)
## FancyZones Editor

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@ -66,10 +66,10 @@ This file contains documentation for all the methods involved in key/shortcut re
[This method]( was added to support a feature for converting the behavior of a key from behaving like a toggle (like Caps Lock/Num Lock) to a modifier (like Ctrl), such that when you hold Caps Lock it would behave as if Caps Lock was active, and when it was not pressed Caps Lock would be off. For Caps Lock this would be similar to behaving like Shift, but for Num Lock there is no existing key which can substitute for this. This was added while testing out remapping for the KBM PoC, but wasn't added as a feature since it wasn't a priority.
## Tests
In order to test the remapping logic, a mocked keyboard input handler had to be created because otherwise the tests would process and send actual key events. For this the [`InputInterface`]( was made, and in production code the methods are implemented using [`SendInput`]( and [`GetAsyncKeyState`]( In addition to this, [`GetCurrentApplication`]( had to be mocked so that app-specific remapping can be tested.
In order to test the remapping logic, a mocked keyboard input handler had to be created because otherwise the tests would process and send actual key events. For this the [`InputInterface`]( was made, and in production code the methods are implemented using [`SendInput`]( and [`GetAsyncKeyState`]( In addition to this, [`GetCurrentApplication`]( had to be mocked so that app-specific remapping can be tested.
### MockedInput
The [`MockedInput`]( class uses a 256 size `bool` vector to store the key state for each key code. Identifying the foreground process is mocked by simply setting and getting a string value for the name of the current process.
The [`MockedInput`]( class uses a 256 size `bool` vector to store the key state for each key code. Identifying the foreground process is mocked by simply setting and getting a string value for the name of the current process.
[To mock the `SendInput` method](, the steps for processing the input are as follows. This implementation is based on public documentation for SendInput and the behavior of key messages and keyboard hooks:
- Iterate over all the inputs in the INPUT array argument
@ -81,4 +81,4 @@ The [`MockedInput`](
- For modifiers the behavior is slightly different as if the key state of the L/R version is modified, it should also modify the common version, and if a common version is released, it should release both the L and R versions.
### Tests for single key remaps and shortcut remaps
Using the MockedInput handler, all the expected (and known) key scenarios that can occur for while pressing a [remapped key]( or [remapped shortcut]( are tested. The foreground app behavior which is specific to app-specific shortcuts is tested [here](
Using the MockedInput handler, all the expected (and known) key scenarios that can occur for while pressing a [remapped key]( or [remapped shortcut]( are tested. The foreground app behavior which is specific to app-specific shortcuts is tested [here](

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@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ This method is used by [SharpKeys]( and
Using a driver approach has the benefit of not depending on precedence orders as KBM could always run before low level hooks, and it also has the benefit of differentiating between different keyboards, allowing [multi keyboard-specific remaps]( The disadvantages are however that any bug or crash could have system level consequences. [Interception]( is an open source driver that could be used for implementing this. The approach was deprioritized due to the potential side effects.
## Telemetry
Keyboard Manager emits the following telemetry events (implemented in [trace.h]( and [trace.cpp](
Keyboard Manager emits the following telemetry events (implemented in [trace.h]( and [trace.cpp](
- **`KeyboardManager_EnableKeyboardManager`:** Logs a `boolean` value storing the KBM toggle state. It is logged whenever KBM is enabled or disabled (emitted [here](
- **`KeyboardManager_KeyRemapCount`:** Logs the number of key to key and key to shortcut remaps (i.e. all the remaps on the Remap a key window). This gets logged on saving new settings in the Remap a key window (emitted [here](
- **`KeyboardManager_OSLevelShortcutRemapCount`:** Logs the number of global shortcut to shortcut and shortcut to key remaps. This gets logged on saving new settings in the Remap a shortcut window (emitted [here](

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ This project contains any code that is to be shared between the backend and UI p
1. [Foreground App Detection](#Foreground-App-Detection)
## KeyboardManagerState
[This class]( stores all the data related to remappings and is also used in the sense of a View Model as it used to communicate common data that is shared between the KBM UI and the backend. They are accessed on the UI controls using static class members of `SingleKeyRemapControl` and `ShortcutControl`.
[This class]( stores all the data related to remappings and is also used in the sense of a View Model as it used to communicate common data that is shared between the KBM UI and the backend. They are accessed on the UI controls using static class members of `SingleKeyRemapControl` and `ShortcutControl`.
### UI States
[UI states]( are used to keep track in which step of the UI flow is the user at, such as which Remap window they are on, or if they have one of the Type windows open. This is required because the hook needs to suppress input and update UI in some cases, and in some cases remappings have to be disabled altogether.
@ -37,12 +37,12 @@ The [`SaveConfigToFile`](
To prevent the UI thread and low level hook thread from concurrently accessing the remap tables we use an [`atomic bool` variable](, which is set to `true` while the tables are getting updated. When this is `true` the hook will skip all remappings. Use of mutexes in the hook were removed to prevent re-entrant mutex bugs.
## KeyDelay
[This class]( implements a queue based approach for processing key events and based on the time difference between key down and key up events [executes separate methods for `ShortPress`, `LongPress` or `LongPressReleased`]( The class is used for the hold Enter/Esc functionality required for making the Type window accessible and prevent keyboard traps (see [this]( for an example of it's usage). The `KeyEvents` are added to the queue from the hook thread of KBM, and a separate [`DelayThread`]( is used to process the key events by checking the `time` member in the key event. The thresholds for short vs long press and hold wait timeouts are `static` constants, but if the module is extended for other purposes these could be made into arguments.
[This class]( implements a queue based approach for processing key events and based on the time difference between key down and key up events [executes separate methods for `ShortPress`, `LongPress` or `LongPressReleased`]( The class is used for the hold Enter/Esc functionality required for making the Type window accessible and prevent keyboard traps (see [this]( for an example of it's usage). The `KeyEvents` are added to the queue from the hook thread of KBM, and a separate [`DelayThread`]( is used to process the key events by checking the `time` member in the key event. The thresholds for short vs long press and hold wait timeouts are `static` constants, but if the module is extended for other purposes these could be made into arguments.
**Note:** [Deletion of the `KeyDelay`]( object should never be called from the `DelayThread` i.e. from within one of the 3 handlers, as it can re-enter the mutex and would lead to a deadlock. This can be avoided by either deleting it on a separate thread or as done in the KBM UI, on the dispatcher thread. See [this PR]( for more details on this issue.
## Shortcut and RemapShortcut classes
The [`Shortcut` class]( is a data structure for storing key combinations which are valid shortcuts and it contains several methods which are used for shortcut specific operations. [`RemapShortcut`]( consists of a shortcut/key union (`std::variant`), along with other boolean flags which are required on the hook side for storing any relevant keyboard states mid-execution.
The [`Shortcut` class]( is a data structure for storing key combinations which are valid shortcuts and it contains several methods which are used for shortcut specific operations. [`RemapShortcut`]( consists of a shortcut/key union (`std::variant`), along with other boolean flags which are required on the hook side for storing any relevant keyboard states mid-execution.
### IsKeyboardStateClearExceptShortcut
[This method]( is used by the `HandleShortcutRemapEvent` to check if any other keys on the keyboard have been pressed apart from the keys in the shortcut. This is required because shortcut to shortcut remaps should not be applied if the shortcut is pressed with other keys. The method iterates over all the possible key codes, except any keys that are considered reserved, unassigned, OEM-specific or undefined, as well as mouse buttons (see list [here](
@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ The [`Shortcut` class](
[This method]( uses `GetVirtualKeyState` (internally calls `GetAsyncKeyState` in production code), to check if all the modifiers of the current shortcut are being pressed. Since Win doesn't have a non-L/R key code we check this by checking both LWIN and RWIN.
### Tests
Tests for some methods in the `Shortcut` class can be found [here](
Tests for some methods in the `Shortcut` class can be found [here](
## Helpers
[This namespace]( has any methods which are used across either UI or the backend which aren't specific to either. Some of these methods have tests [here](
[This namespace]( has any methods which are used across either UI or the backend which aren't specific to either. Some of these methods have tests [here](
### Foreground App Detection
[`GetCurrentApplication`]( is used for detecting the foreground process for App-specific shortcuts. The logic is very similar to that used for FZ's app exception feature, involving `GetForegroundWindow` and `get_process_path`. The one additional case which has been added is for full-screen UWP apps, where the above method fails and returns `ApplicationFrameHost.exe`. The [`GetFullscreenUWPWindowHandle`]( uses `GetGUIThreadInfo` API to find the window linked to the GUI thread. This logic is based on [this stackoverflow answer](
**Note:** The [`GetForegroundProcess` method]( performs string allocation in a weird way because of exceptions that were occurring while running tests as a result of memory being allocated or deallocated across dll boundaries. Here's the comment from the PR where this was added
> To make app-specific logic test-able, a GetForegroundProcess was added to the input interface which internally calls GetCurrentApplication. This allows us to mock this method in the test project by just setting some process name as the foreground process for that function. When I set this to just return the string name, it would goes runtime errors on the test project in debug_heap with `__acrt_first_block == header`. Based on [this stackoverflow answer](, this would happen if allocation happens in one dll's code space and deallocation happens in another. One way to avoid this is to change both the projects to MD (multi threaded dll) instead of MT(multi threaded), however that results in many compile-time errors since all the PT projects are configured as MT. To solve this, the GetForegroundProcess was rewritten such that its argument is the output variable, and we allocate memory for that string within the AppSpecificHandler method rather than in that function.
> To make app-specific logic test-able, a GetForegroundProcess was added to the input interface which internally calls GetCurrentApplication. This allows us to mock this method in the test project by just setting some process name as the foreground process for that function. When I set this to just return the string name, it would goes runtime errors on the test project in debug_heap with `__acrt_first_block == header`. Based on [this stackoverflow answer](, this would happen if allocation happens in one dll's code space and deallocation happens in another. One way to avoid this is to change both the projects to MD (multi threaded dll) instead of MT(multi threaded), however that results in many compile-time errors since all the PT projects are configured as MT. To solve this, the GetForegroundProcess was rewritten such that its argument is the output variable, and we allocate memory for that string within the AppSpecificHandler method rather than in that function.

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ The KBM UI is implemented as a C++ XAML Island, but all the controls are impleme
The windows are [created as C++ windows]( and the window sizes are set to default by [scaling them as per DPI]( using the `DPIAware::Convert` API from common lib. Since the UI is launched on a new thread, the window may not be in the foreground, so [we call `SetForegroundWindow`](
`DesktopWindowXamlSource` has to be declared and [it is initialized]( using the [`XamlBridge`](, and [a second window handle]( is generated for the internal Xaml Island window. Most of the code was based on the [Xaml Island Sample]( The `XamlBridge` class contains code which handles initializing the Xaml Island containers as well as handling special messages like keyboard navigation, and focus between islands and between the C++ window and the island. It also has methods for clearing the xaml islands and closing the window.
`DesktopWindowXamlSource` has to be declared and [it is initialized]( using the [`XamlBridge`](, and [a second window handle]( is generated for the internal Xaml Island window. Most of the code was based on the [Xaml Island Sample]( The `XamlBridge` class contains code which handles initializing the Xaml Island containers as well as handling special messages like keyboard navigation, and focus between islands and between the C++ window and the island. It also has methods for clearing the xaml islands and closing the window.
Once the UI controls are created, the parent container is set as the content for the `DesktopWindowXamlSource` and the `XamlBridge.MessageLoop` is executed. Messages are processed by the C++ window handler like [`EditKeyboardWindowProc`]( The general structure we use for this is, for any `WM_PAINT` or `WM_SIZE` message we resize the Xaml Island window. For `WM_GETMINMAXINFO` we set minimum widths so that the window cannot be resized beyond a minimum height and width. This is done to prevent the WinUI elements from overlapping and getting cropped. If it is neither of these cases we send the message to the [`XamlBridge.MessageHandler`]( which handles Destroy, Activation and Focus. If `WM_NCDESTROY` is received when the `XamlBridge` is `nullptr`, the window thread is terminated.
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ To access the brushes available on C# Xaml, it has to be done with the `Resource
## UI Structure
The KBM UI consists of a [`Grid` with several columns]( Rows are added dynamically when [the add button is pressed]( [A vector of vector of unique pointers to `SingleKeyRemapControl`/`ShortcutControl`]( is created so that references to the UI components and their data are not lost until the window is closed. [`SingleKeyRemapControl`]( is the UI class for each row of the Remap keys table, and [`ShortcutControl`]( is the UI class for each row of the Remap shortcuts table. [`KeyDropDownControl`]( is used for handling the ComboBox operations. Each of these two classes [have vectors of unique pointers to the `KeyDropDownControl` objects]( so that references to the objects are active until the control is deleted.
The KBM UI consists of a [`Grid` with several columns]( Rows are added dynamically when [the add button is pressed]( [A vector of vector of unique pointers to `SingleKeyRemapControl`/`ShortcutControl`]( is created so that references to the UI components and their data are not lost until the window is closed. [`SingleKeyRemapControl`]( is the UI class for each row of the Remap keys table, and [`ShortcutControl`]( is the UI class for each row of the Remap shortcuts table. [`KeyDropDownControl`]( is used for handling the ComboBox operations. Each of these two classes [have vectors of unique pointers to the `KeyDropDownControl` objects]( so that references to the objects are active until the control is deleted.
When the UI windows are activated the `KeyboardManagerState` object [sets the `UIState` variable]( which is used for distinguishing if the UI is up from the keyboard hook thread. The [states are also updated]( on opening and closing the Type window.
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ On making a selection in the drop down, [the selection handler](https://github.c
- Conflicting modifier previously remapped (Ctrl->A and Ctrl(left)->B, since Ctrl also includes Ctrl(left))
If the selection is found to be valid, the `singleKeyRemapBuffer` is updated accordingly.
For handling `Shortcut` and key in the remap buffer for the right column, we use `std::variant`, which allows us to store either of the two types and check which one of them is present in the buffer by using the `index` method.
[`ValidateAndUpdateKeyBufferElement`]( does not reference any UI components and instead takes all the relevant data as arguments. This method [has tests]( which covers all the cases that could arise from making selections on the UI.
[`ValidateAndUpdateKeyBufferElement`]( does not reference any UI components and instead takes all the relevant data as arguments. This method [has tests]( which covers all the cases that could arise from making selections on the UI.
### Shortcut ComboBox Selection Handler
On making a selection in the drop down, [the selection handler]( validates the input with the buffer from the other column and other rows. Error messages are shown using flyouts if the selection is not considered valid and the drop down and buffer for that entry are reset to empty selection.
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ Unlike the Single Key handler, there is a different set of errors that can occur
- Conflicting shortcut previously remapped for same target app (Ctrl+A->B and Ctrl(left)+A->C, since Ctrl also includes Ctrl(left))
- Illegal shortcut remaps like Win+L or Ctrl+Alt+Del (since these cannot be remapped using LL hooks)
[`ValidateShortcutBufferElement`]( does not reference any UI components and instead takes all the relevant data as arguments. This method [has tests]( which covers all the cases that could arise from making selections on the UI.
[`ValidateShortcutBufferElement`]( does not reference any UI components and instead takes all the relevant data as arguments. This method [has tests]( which covers all the cases that could arise from making selections on the UI.
**Note:** After updating the buffer we have [code to handle a special case](, which was required to prevent scenarios where a drop down can get deleted but the corresponding `KeyDropDownControl` object isn't deleted. The code checks if the drop down is still linked to the parent and accordingly deletes the `KeyDropDownControl` object from the vector.

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
## Debugging Prerequisite
Setup development environment for PowerToys by following instruction [here.](
Setup development environment for PowerToys by following instruction [here.](
## Direct debugging
This approach is used to test UI, plugins, and core `PowerToys Run` functionality. This **cannot** be used to test `PowerToys Run` settings. The approach is significantly faster compared to `Debugging with runner`, as it requires compiling projects relevant to `PowerToys Run`. Please follow the steps below for direct debugging.

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@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
# Unit Converter Plugin
The Unit Convert plugin as the name suggests is used to perform unit conversion on the user entered query.
This plugin uses a package called [UnitsNet](
![Image of Calculator plugin](/doc/images/launcher/plugins/community.unitconverter.png)
### Currently Supported Units
- [Acceleration](
- [Angle](
- [Area](
- [Duration](
- [Energy](
- [Information](
- [Length](
- [Mass](
- [Power](
- [Pressure](
- [Speed](
- [Temperature](
- [Volume](
These are the ones that are currently enabled (though UnitsNet supports many more). They are defined in [`Main.cs`](/src/modules/launcher/Plugins/Community.PowerToys.Run.UnitConverter/Main.cs).
### [`InputInterpreter`](/src/modules/launcher/Plugins/Community.PowerToys.Run.UnitConverter/InputInterpreter.cs)
- Class which manipulates user input such that it may be interpreted correctly and thus converted.
- Uses a regex amongst other things to do this.
### [`UnitHandler`](/src/modules/launcher/Plugins/Community.PowerToys.Run.UnitConverter/UnitHandler.cs)
- Class that does the actual conversion.
- Supports abbreviations in user input (single, double, or none).

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@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
# Windows Settings Plugin
The Windows settings Plugin allows users to search the Windows settings.
## Special functions (differ from the regular functions)
* Support modern Windows settings (Windows 10+)
* Support legacy Windows settings (Windows 7, 8.1)
* Support extra programs for setting (like ODBC)
* Support search by the area of the setting (like `Privacy`)
* Support search for alternative names of a setting
## How to add a new Windows Setting or change one
All Windows settings are located in `WindowsSettings.json` in root folder of the project.
The `WindowsSettings.json` use a JSON schema file that make it easier to edit it.
| Key | Optional | Value type | String prefix |
| ------------------- | -------- | ----------------- | ------------- |
| `Name` | **No** | String | |
| `Type` | **No** | String | `App` |
| `Command` | **No** | String | |
| `Areas` | Yes | List with strings | `Area` |
| `AltNames` | Yes | List with strings | |
| `Note` | Yes | String | `Note` |
| `IntroducedInBuild` | Yes | Integer | |
| `DeprecatedInBuild` | Yes | Integer | |
| `ShowAsFirstResult` | Yes | Boolean | |
A minimum entry for the `WindowsSettings.json` looks like:
"Name": "mySetting",
"Type": "AppSettingsApp",
"Command": "ms-settings:mySetting"
A full entry for the `WindowsSettings.json` looks like:
"Name": "mySetting",
"Type": "AppSettingsApp",
"Command": "ms-settings:mySetting",
"Areas": [ "AreaMySettingArea" ],
"AltNames": [ "NiceSetting" ],
"Note": "NoteMySettingNote",
"IntroducedInBuild" : 1903,
"DeprecatedInBuild" : 2004,
"ShowAsFirstResult" : true
### Remarks
* The `Command` for modern Windows settings should start with `ms-settings:`
* The `Command` for legacy Windows settings should start with `control`
* The integer value for `IntroducedInBuild` and `DeprecatedInBuild` must be in range of `0` to `4294967295`
* The strings for `Name`, `AltNames`, `Areas`, `Type` and `Note` must not contain whitespace(s) or special characters (#, €, $, etc.)
* The strings for `Name`, `AltNames`, `Areas`, `Type` and `Note` are used as ids for the resource file under `Properties\Resources.resx`
* When you add new strings make sure you have add add all translations for it.
## Scores
There are three different score types with different start values.
| Score type | Start value |
| ------------------ | ------------ |
| First result score | 10500 |
| High score | 10000 |
| Medium score | 5000 |
| Low score | 1000 |
Each score will decreased by one when a condition match.
| Priority | Condition | Score type |
| -------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------ |
| 1. | Settings name starts with the search value | High score |
| 2. | Settings name contain the search value | Medium score |
| 3. | Setting has no area | Low score |
| 4. | One area of the settings starts with the search value | Low score |
| 5. | Setting has no alternative name | Low score |
| 6. | One alternative name of the settings starts with the search value | Medium score |
| x. | no condition match | Low score |
### Remarks
* For each score condition we check if the property "ShowAsFirstResult" of the setting is true. If yes we use the firstResultScore instead of condition`s score.
## Important for developers
### General
* The assembly name is cached into `_assemblyName` (to avoid to many calls of `Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()`)
## Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.WindowsSettings project
### Important plugin values (meta-data)
| Name | Value |
| --------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| ActionKeyword | `$` |
| ExecuteFileName | `Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.WindowsSettings.dll` |
| ID | `5043CECEE6A748679CBE02D27D83747A` |
### Interfaces used by this plugin
The plugin use only these interfaces (all inside the `Main.cs`):
* `Wox.Plugin.IPlugin`
* `Wox.Plugin.IContextMenu`
* `Wox.Plugin.IPluginI18n`
### Program files
| File | Content |
| ------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `Classes\WindowsSetting.cs` | A class that represent one Windows setting |
| `Classes\WindowsSettings.cs` | A wrapper class that only contains a list with Windows settings (see 1) |
| `Helper\ContextMenuHelper.cs` | All functions to build the context menu (for each result entry) |
| `Helper\JsonSettingsListHelper.cs` | All functions to load the windows settings from a JSON file |
| `Helper\ResultHelper.cs` | All functions to convert internal results into WOX results |
| `Helper\TranslationHelper.cs` | All functions to translate the result in the surface language |
| `Helper\UnsupportedSettingsHelper.cs` | All functions to filter not supported Windows settings out |
| `Helper\WindowsSettingsPathHelper.cs` | All functions to build the area paths |
| `Images\WindowsSettings.dark.png` | Symbol for the results for the dark theme |
| `Images\WindowsSettings.light.png` | Symbol for the results for the light theme |
| `Properties\Resources.Designer.resx` | File that contain all translatable keys |
| `Properties\Resources.resx` | File that contain all translatable strings in the neutral language |
| `GlobalSuppressions.cs` | Code suppressions (no real file, linked via *.csproj) |
| `Main.cs` | Main class, the only place that implement the WOX interfaces |
| `plugin.json` | All meta-data for this plugin |
| `StyleCop.json` | Code style (no real file, linked via *.csproj) |
1. We need this extra wrapper class to make it possible that the JSON file can have and use a JSON schema file.
Because the JSON file must have a object as root type, instead of a array.
### Important project values (*.csproj)
| Name | Value |
| --------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| TargetFramework | `netcoreapp3.1` (means .NET Core 3.1) |
| Platforms | `x64` |
| Output | `..\..\..\..\..\x64\Debug\modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.WindowsSettings\` |
| RootNamespace | `Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.WindowsSettings` |
| AssemblyName | `Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.WindowsSettings` |
### Project dependencies
#### Packages
| Package | Version |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- |
| [`StyleCop.Analyzers`]( | 1.1.118 |
#### Projects
* `Wox.Infrastructure`
* `Wox.Plugin`

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@ -21,3 +21,6 @@ TODO
#### [`trace.cpp`](/src/modules/powerrename/lib/trace.cpp)
#### [`PowerRenameUI.cpp`](/src/modules/powerrename/ui/PowerRenameUI.cpp)

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@ -66,12 +66,7 @@ Various tools used by PowerToys. Includes the Visual Studio 2019 project templat
2. Visual Studio Community/Professional/Enterprise 2019
3. Once you've cloned and started the `PowerToys.sln`, in the solution explorer, if you see a dialog that says `install extra components`, click `install`
**Optional step:**<br/>
4. to build the Video Conference module, install the [WDK version 1903]( ([direct download link](<br />
During the installation, make sure that, when prompted, the `Install Windows Driver Kit Visual Studio extension` option is checked.
### Compiling Source Code
### Compile source code
- Open `PowerToys.sln` in Visual Studio, in the `Solutions Configuration` drop-down menu select `Release` or `Debug`, from the `Build` menu choose `Build Solution`.
- The PowerToys binaries will be in your repo under `x64\Release\`.
@ -87,9 +82,8 @@ The installer can only be compiled in `Release` mode, step 1 and 2 must be done
1. Compile `PowerToys.sln`. Instructions are listed above.
2. Compile `BugReportTool.sln` tool. Path from root: `tools\BugReportTool\BugReportTool.sln` (details listed below)
3. Compile `WebcamReportTool.sln` tool. Path from root: `tools\WebcamReportTool\WebcamReportTool.sln` (details listed below)
4. Compile `PowerToysSetup.sln` Path from root: `installer\PowerToysSetup.sln` (details listed below)
5. Compile `PowerToysBootstrapper.sln` Path from root: `installer\PowerToysBootstrapper\PowerToysBootstrapper.sln` (details listed below)
3. Compile `PowerToysSetup.sln` Path from root: `installer\PowerToysSetup.sln` (details listed below)
4. Compile `PowerToysBootstrapper.sln` Path from root: `installer\PowerToysBootstrapper\PowerToysBootstrapper.sln` (details listed below)
### Prerequisites for building the MSI installer
@ -99,14 +93,8 @@ The installer can only be compiled in `Release` mode, step 1 and 2 must be done
### Locally compiling the Bug reporting tool
1. Open `tools\BugReportTool\BugReportTool.sln`
2. In Visual Studio, in the `Solutions Configuration` drop-down menu select `Release`
3. From the `Build` menu, choose `Build Solution`.
### Locally compiling the Webcam reporting tool
1. Open `tools\WebcamReportTool\WebcamReportTool.sln`
2. In Visual Studio, in the `Solutions Configuration` drop-down menu select `Release`
3. From the `Build` menu, choose `Build Solution`.
1. In Visual Studio, in the `Solutions Configuration` drop-down menu select `Release`
2. From the `Build` menu, choose `Build Solution`.
### Locally compiling the .MSI installer

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@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ bool ExamplePowertoy::get_config(wchar_t* buffer, int* buffer_size)
return settings.serialize_to_buffer(buffer, buffer_size);
The list of all the available settings elements and their description is [further in this doc](#available-settings-elements). New PowerToy icons need to be [added to the `settings-web` project](
The list of all the available settings elements and their description is [further in this doc](#available-settings-elements). New PowerToy icons need to be [added to the `settings-web` project](
## User changes settings
When user closes the settings screen, the runner will call the [`get_config()`](modules/ method. Use [`PowerToyValues`](/src/common/settings_objects.h) class static `from_json_string` method to parse the settings. After that, the code is similar to loading the settings from disk:

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
## Formatting
- We use [`.clang-format`]( style file to enable automatic code formatting. You can [easily format source files from Visual Studio]( For example, `CTRL+K CTRL+D` formats the current document.
- If you prefer another text editor or have ClangFormat disabled in Visual Studio, you could invoke [`format_sources`]( powershell script from command line. It gets a list of all currently modified files from `git` and invokes clang-format on them.
- We use [`.clang-format`]( style file to enable automatic code formatting. You can [easily format source files from Visual Studio]( For example, `CTRL+K CTRL+D` formats the current document.
- If you prefer another text editor or have ClangFormat disabled in Visual Studio, you could invoke [`format_sources`]( powershell script from command line. It gets a list of all currently modified files from `git` and invokes clang-format on them.
Please note that you should also have `clang-format.exe` in `%PATH%` for it to work. The script can infer the path of `clang-format.exe` version which is shipped with Visual Studio at `%VCINSTALLDIR%\Tools\Llvm\bin\`, if you launch it from the *Native Tools Command Prompt for VS*.
- CI doesn't enforce code formatting yet, since we're gradually applying code formatting to the codebase, but please adhere to our formatting style for any new code.

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@ -2,17 +2,17 @@
1. `Zone` - Class which is basically wrapper around rectangle structure, representing one zone inside applied zone layout. ZoneSet is holding array of these which represent zone layout.
2. `ZoneSet` - Class implementing actual zone layout applied. What this means is that ZoneSet is responsible for actual calculation of rectangle coordinates (whether is grid or canvas layout) and moving window through them. WorkArea holds ZoneSet structure which represents currently active zone set.
3. `WorkArea` - Class representing work area, which is defined by monitor and current virtual desktop. For an example, if You have two monitors connected and two virtual desktops, You have 4 work areas available, and each of them can have separate zone layout. WorkArea is describing single work area. As mentioned before it holds active ZoneSet.
2. `ZoneSet` - Class implementing actual zone layout applied. What this means is that ZoneSet is responsible for actual calculation of rectangle coordinates (whether is grid or canvas layout) and moving window through them. ZoneWindow holds ZoneSet structure which represents currently active zone set.
3. `ZoneWindow` - Class representing work area, which is defined by monitor and current virtual desktop. For an example, if You have two monitors connected and two virtual desktops, You have 4 work areas available, and each of them can have separate zone layout. ZoneWindow is describing single work area. As mentioned before it holds active ZoneSet.
4. `FancyZones` - Top level entity and entry point for all user actions (which goes through actual module interface). Some of the main responsibilities of FancyZones class:
1. Starting FancyZones Editor (C#) with appropriate command line arguments on user request.
2. Keeping track of WorkArea per monitor (currently active work area on each connected monitor).
2. Keeping track of ZoneWindow per monitor (currently active work area on each connected monitor).
3. Keeping track of active virtual desktops. This is performed in separate thread by polling VirtualDesktopIDs registry key and parsing its content.
4. Detecting every change in work environment, such as creating / destroying / switching between virtual desktops, closing FancyZones Editor, changing display settings and handling those changes.
### Proposal for modifications of handling described in 4.4:
Currently after each of the mentioned changes in work environment we are calling EnumDisplayMonitors windows API, and passing callback function to it. EnumDisplayMonitors works asynchronous and triggers that callback for each work area available (as mentioned in previous example, for two monitors and two virtual desktops, we have this callback triggered four times). As mentioned previously, we have WorkArea class as our representation of this work area. And what we do, every time this callback is triggered we destroy previous WorkArea object for that work area and create new one, even though that it is most likely that nothing has changed (e.g. just switching back and forth between virtual desktops). This constant creation and deletion of WorkArea has caused some problems in the past and it's not ideal for some other fixes we would like to make in the multi-monitor/multi-desktop scenario.
Currently after each of the mentioned changes in work environment we are calling EnumDisplayMonitors windows API, and passing callback function to it. EnumDisplayMonitors works asynchronous and triggers that callback for each work area available (as mentioned in previous example, for two monitors and two virtual desktops, we have this callback triggered four times). As mentioned previously, we have ZoneWindow class as our representation of this work area. And what we do, every time this callback is triggered we destroy previous ZoneWindow object for that work area and create new one, even though that it is most likely that nothing has changed (e.g. just switching back and forth between virtual desktops). This constant creation and deletion of ZoneWindow has caused some problems in the past and it's not ideal for some other fixes we would like to make in the multi-monitor/multi-desktop scenario.
As mentioned in 4.3 we already have tracker of virtual desktops implemented. Idea is to use this functionality and to extend it bit more, so we can track if work area (WorkArea) is new one, or already processed and skip creating new WorkArea objects and deleting old ones every time, even if nothing changed in it. We will keep map, where virtual desktop id is the key, and values are already processed monitors (virtual desktop exists across all monitors). Once we receive callback from EnumDisplayMonitors, indicating work area (defined by virtual desktop id and monitor) we can check if its new or not, and act accordingly (create new WorkArea for it or not). Deleting virtual desktop (which is also registered in 4.3), will trigger updates in this map, and also updates in our JSON storage.
As mentioned in 4.3 we already have tracker of virtual desktops implemented. Idea is to use this functionality and to extend it bit more, so we can track if work area (ZoneWindow) is new one, or already processed and skip creating new ZoneWindow objects and deleting old ones every time, even if nothing changed in it. We will keep map, where virtual desktop id is the key, and values are already processed monitors (virtual desktop exists across all monitors). Once we receive callback from EnumDisplayMonitors, indicating work area (defined by virtual desktop id and monitor) we can check if its new or not, and act accordingly (create new ZoneWindow for it or not). Deleting virtual desktop (which is also registered in 4.3), will trigger updates in this map, and also updates in our JSON storage.

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@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
# PowerToys SCOOBE Dialog
- **What is it:** Post-upgrade prompted dialog that walks users through the latest additions to PowerToys utilities and functionalities
- **Author:** Deondre Davis
- **Spec Status:** Draft
## 1. Overview
### 1.1. Executive Summary
To expand on our end-user on-boarding efforts, we seek to resolve the critical issue of informing users of new additions and improvements to PowerToys during upgrade scenarios. We currently list release notes on the main repository, in addition to affiliated information on Microsoft Docs. However, neither of these mediums are internal to the application, and thus requires users to proactively seek out information on what&#39;s been updated, or merely notice by chance what&#39;s been changed from their regular usage. As these are not ideal experiences, this document describes the inclusion of a post-upgrade &#39;SCOOBE&#39; prompt that launches the previously developed OOBE dialog loaded with new information related to upgrade improvements and additions.
### 1.2. Key-Definitions/Concepts
Here are definitions for words and acronyms found throughout this document to ensure clarity:
- **OOBE:** Out of box experience The users&#39; initial interactions with the product immediately after installing the product and/or launching the product for the first time.
- **SCOOBE:** Second chance out of box experience - The users&#39; initial interactions with the product immediately after upgrading the product and/or launching the product for the first time after upgrading.
### 1.3. Goals and Non-Goals
- Create a guided prompt that exposes the user to a brief overview of the new features and/or improvements included with the latest version of PowerToys.
- Present a copy-and-paste replica of the repository release notes. This information needs to be readily consumable, often requiring visual demonstrations of the new behavior and/or functionality that&#39;s either not possible or not necessary to depict on the repository release notes.
## 2. Definition of Success
**2.1. Customers**
The PowerToys SCOOBE is for existing and new power users and developers who are looking to tune and streamline their Windows experience for greater productivity and enhanced user experience. As the PowerToys customer base tends to be particularly biased against SCOOBE prompts in general, we need to present the PowerToys SCOOBE dialog in such a way that it provides immediate value to end-users to improve the likelihood of users discovering all the additions to PowerToys by making their way through the prompt.
**2.2. Expected Impact: Customer, and Technology Outcomes**
- **High Reliability** : Less than 0.1% crash rate.
- **Increased Activation** : 50% or more adoption rate of new feature/utilities among PowerToys users who already utilize associated tools.
- **High User Retention:** 25% or more active PowerToys users after 28 days of upgrade.
## 3. Requirements
The SCOOBE dialog builds off the currently implemented OOBE dialog originally drafted by [Niels&#39;s mock-up.](
**3.1. Functional Requirements**
**3.1.1. Functional Requirements** **Overview**
| **No.** | **Requirement** | **Pri** |
| --- | --- | --- |
|1. | The SCOOBE dialog should launch immediately when PowerToys runs after having been updated. | P0 |
|2. | The SCOOBE dialog should be contained inside the existing OOBE Dialog under its own &quot;What&#39;s New&quot; page of the dialog window. See figure 5.1.1. | P0 |
|3. | The content for the SCOOBE dialog should be stored externally from the PowerToys application on the PowerToys Github in distinct wiki pages on for each release. **\*** | P0 |
|4. | When the &quot;What&#39;s New&quot; page is opened, the content displayed should be loaded from the information contained in the relevant wiki pages discussed in above. Assumes the user&#39;s device is connected to the internet. | P0 |
|6. | The SCOOBE dialog should display information on updates that have occurred on the version of PowerToys the user has installed/updated to. | P0 |
|7. | If PowerToys was installed for the first time, the OOBE&#39;s &quot;Welcome to PowerToys&quot; page should display first, not the SCOOBE&#39;s &quot;What&#39;s New&quot; page. See figure 5.1.2. | P0 |
|8. | The structure of the SCOOBE dialog page&#39;s content should follow the guidelines described in section 3.1.2. | P0 |
|9. | After SCOOBE is initially viewed, the user should be able to re-access the SCOOBE dialog at any time by opening the OOBE window again and selecting the &quot;What&#39;s New&quot; page. | P1 |
**\*** - By storing the content for SCOOBE externally from the application, the PowerToys team can update/adjust information without being constrained to PowerToys&#39; release cycles. This is critical in the event of errors or miscommunications that would otherwise be difficult, if not impossible, to correct if stored locally to the app and shipped with the version of PowerToys being released. The content will likely be stored in an archive maintained in the PowerToys Github Wiki.
**3.1.2. Page Content**
| **No.** | **Requirement** | **Pri** |
| --- | --- | --- |
|1. | The SCOOBE dialog should display the version of PowerToys the user has installed, as shown in figures 5.1.1. | P0 |
|2. | The SCOOBE dialog information should be grouped into two sections: &quot;New Features &amp; Improvements&quot; and &quot;Bug fixes Highlights&quot;. | P0 |
|3. | The &quot;New Features &amp; Improvements&quot; section should contain information related to end user functionality that has been added or updated. | P0 |
|4. | The &quot;New Features &amp; Improvements&quot; section should be subdivided by the relevant utilities updated (i.e. Color Picker, FancyZones, etc.). See figure 5.1.1 and section 5.1.3 for examples. | P1 |
|5. | The &quot;Bug fixes Highlights&quot; section should contain information related to noteworthy issues/errors that were corrected. | P0 |
|6. | If there are relevant visuals, they should be included with the information text. See figure 5.1.1. | P1 |
|8. | The SCOOBE dialog should be scrollable if needed to fit all the content. | P0 |
|10. | The bottom of the SCOOBE dialog should include a link to the PowerToys releases page for a complete list of versions and their release notes ([Releases · microsoft/PowerToys (]( | P1 |
## 4. Measure Requirements
| **No.** | **Requirement** | **Implication** | **Pri** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
|1. | Date/Time of first-run following upgrade | Helps to categorize usage and retention trends across users who've been exposed to SCOOBE. | P0 |
|2. | SCOOBE section viewed | Used to measure activation of the SCOOBE dialog. Should be 100% for the current version of PowerToys following SCOOBE&#39;s inclusion. | P0 |
|3. | Accesses to linked documentation | Used to gauge interest in user&#39;s desire to learn more about the PowerToys described. | P1 |
|4. | Access to linked settings pages | Used to gauge whether the settings presented to users in the dialog are sufficient for user needs. | P1 |
|5. | PowerToys launched while SCOOBE window is active | Used to track user engagement with the various PowerToys while exploring the content in the SCOOBE. | P1 |
|6. | Screen size | Gives crucial information for considerations related to minimal/maximum window size needed for displaying content. | P2 |
## 5. Appendix
### 5.1. Mock-ups
**5.1.1. SCOOBE Dialog Layout**
**5.1.2. OOBE Welcome Page**
**5.1.3. Example Textual Descriptions for Updates**
**v0.29 -> v0.31:**
- New Features &amp; Improvements
- FancyZones
- Dark mode for the editor
- Certain settings (e.g. number of zones, spacing settings) can now be set on individual layouts.
- PowerToys Run
- Service management plugin (Start, stop, …)
- Registry key plugin
- System action plugin (Reboot, lock, ...)
- Bug fixes Highlights
- Fixed OneDrive SVG Bug (#9999)
- SVG are scaled appropriately when view box is provided (#9999)
**v0.31 -> v0.33:**
- New Features &amp; Improvements
- General
- Added a &#39;First time load&#39; experience. The hope is a quick, light way to learn about basic functionality
- FancyZones
- New options to change zone activation algorithm
- PowerToys Run
- Plugin Manager now is in settings. You can directly turn on / off, include items in general search, and change the action key
- Improved support for additional window managers by abstracting out shell process calls
- ~ will now act as the user home directory in Folder plugin
- Bug fixes Highlights
- Fix for PT Run registering the hotkey on non-supported OS versions (#9999)
**v0.33 -> v0.35:**
- New Features &amp; Improvements
- Color Picker
- Esc can now be used to exit the editor
- FancyZones
- Added hotkeys and quick swap functionality for custom layouts! Users can now assign a hotkey in the editor and use it to quickly set a desktop&#39;s zones with Ctrl + Win + Alt + NUMBER key binding, or by pressing the hotkey while dragging a window.
- PowerToys Run
- Users can specify where to show the launcher window
- New plugin added to support opening previously used Visual Studio Code workspaces, remote machines (SSH or Codespaces), and containers! When enabled, use { to query for available workspaces. Please note, this plugin is off by default.
- Shell history now saves the raw command instead of the resolved command. A command like %appdata% would now save in the Shell history as is instead of C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming.
- Bug fixes Highlights
- PowerToys will start requiring Windows 10 v1903 or greater after 0.35.x release. (#9999)
- Fixed FancyZones placement algorithm for when the Taskbar is vertical (#9999)

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@ -79,20 +79,11 @@
<desktop2:DesktopPreviewHandler Clsid="74619BDA-A66B-451D-864C-A7726F5FE650"/>
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<com:Class Id="4F6D533B-4185-43A6-AD75-9B20034B14CA" Path="modules\powerpreview.dll" ThreadingModel="Both"/>

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@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio Version 16
VisualStudioVersion = 16.0.30320.27
MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "Updating", "..\..\src\common\updating\updating.vcxproj", "{17DA04DF-E393-4397-9CF0-84DABE11032E}"
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "bootstrapper", "bootstrapper\bootstrapper.vcxproj", "{D194E3AA-F824-4CA9-9A58-034DD6B7D022}"
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "spdlog", "..\..\src\logging\logging.vcxproj", "{7E1E3F13-2BD6-3F75-A6A7-873A2B55C60F}"
@ -11,12 +13,20 @@ Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "Version", "..\..\src\common
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "SetttingsAPI", "..\..\src\common\SettingsAPI\SetttingsAPI.vcxproj", "{6955446D-23F7-4023-9BB3-8657F904AF99}"
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "Notifications", "..\..\src\common\notifications\notifications.vcxproj", "{1D5BE09D-78C0-4FD7-AF00-AE7C1AF7C525}"
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "WinStore", "..\..\src\common\WinStore\Winstore.vcxproj", "{C502A854-53AC-4EBB-8DC0-E4AF2191E4F6}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|x64 = Debug|x64
Release|x64 = Release|x64
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
{17DA04DF-E393-4397-9CF0-84DABE11032E}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
{17DA04DF-E393-4397-9CF0-84DABE11032E}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
{17DA04DF-E393-4397-9CF0-84DABE11032E}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{17DA04DF-E393-4397-9CF0-84DABE11032E}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
{D194E3AA-F824-4CA9-9A58-034DD6B7D022}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
{D194E3AA-F824-4CA9-9A58-034DD6B7D022}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
{D194E3AA-F824-4CA9-9A58-034DD6B7D022}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
@ -33,6 +43,14 @@ Global
{6955446D-23F7-4023-9BB3-8657F904AF99}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
{6955446D-23F7-4023-9BB3-8657F904AF99}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{6955446D-23F7-4023-9BB3-8657F904AF99}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
{1D5BE09D-78C0-4FD7-AF00-AE7C1AF7C525}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
{1D5BE09D-78C0-4FD7-AF00-AE7C1AF7C525}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
{1D5BE09D-78C0-4FD7-AF00-AE7C1AF7C525}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{1D5BE09D-78C0-4FD7-AF00-AE7C1AF7C525}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
{C502A854-53AC-4EBB-8DC0-E4AF2191E4F6}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
{C502A854-53AC-4EBB-8DC0-E4AF2191E4F6}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
{C502A854-53AC-4EBB-8DC0-E4AF2191E4F6}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{C502A854-53AC-4EBB-8DC0-E4AF2191E4F6}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
#include "pch.h"
#include "RcResource.h"
#include <fstream>
std::optional<RcResource> RcResource::create(int resource_id, const std::wstring_view resource_class)
const HRSRC resHandle = FindResourceW(nullptr, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(resource_id),;
if (!resHandle)
return std::nullopt;
const HGLOBAL memHandle = LoadResource(nullptr, resHandle);
if (!memHandle)
return std::nullopt;
const size_t resSize = SizeofResource(nullptr, resHandle);
if (!resSize)
return std::nullopt;
auto res = static_cast<const std::byte*>(LockResource(memHandle));
if (!res)
return std::nullopt;
return RcResource{ res, resSize };
bool RcResource::saveAsFile(const std::filesystem::path destination)
std::fstream installerFile{ destination, std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc };
if (!installerFile.is_open())
return false;
installerFile.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(_memory), _size);
return true;

View file

@ -3,9 +3,6 @@
#include <string_view>
#include <optional>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include <Windows.h>
class RcResource
@ -13,46 +10,8 @@ public:
const std::byte* _memory = nullptr;
size_t _size = 0;
static inline std::optional<RcResource> create(int resource_id, const std::wstring_view resource_class, const HINSTANCE handle = nullptr)
const HRSRC resHandle = FindResourceW(handle, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(resource_id),;
if (!resHandle)
return std::nullopt;
const HGLOBAL memHandle = LoadResource(handle, resHandle);
if (!memHandle)
return std::nullopt;
const size_t resSize = SizeofResource(handle, resHandle);
if (!resSize)
return std::nullopt;
auto res = static_cast<const std::byte*>(LockResource(memHandle));
if (!res)
return std::nullopt;
return RcResource{ res, resSize };
inline bool saveAsFile(const std::filesystem::path destination)
std::fstream installerFile{ destination, std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc };
if (!installerFile.is_open())
return false;
installerFile.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(_memory), _size);
return true;
static std::optional<RcResource> create(int resource_id, const std::wstring_view resource_class);
bool saveAsFile(const std::filesystem::path destination);
RcResource() = delete;

View file

@ -67,9 +67,30 @@
<data name="DOTNET_CORE_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE_TITLE" xml:space="preserve">
<value>PowerToys installation error</value>
<data name="GITHUB_NEW_VERSION_AVAILABLE" xml:space="preserve">
<value>An update to PowerToys is available.</value>
<data name="GITHUB_NEW_VERSION_UPDATE_NOW" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Update now</value>
<data name="UNINSTALLATION_UNKNOWN_ERROR" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Error: please uninstall the previous version of PowerToys manually.</value>
<data name="GITHUB_NEW_VERSION_AVAILABLE_OFFER_VISIT" xml:space="preserve">
<value>An update to PowerToys is available. Visit our GitHub page to update.</value>
<data name="GITHUB_NEW_VERSION_MORE_INFO" xml:space="preserve">
<value>More info...</value>
<data name="TOAST_TITLE" xml:space="preserve">
<value>PowerToys Update</value>
<data name="OFFER_UNINSTALL_MSI" xml:space="preserve">
<value>We've detected a previous installation of PowerToys. Would you like to remove it?</value>
<data name="OFFER_UNINSTALL_MSI_TITLE" xml:space="preserve">
<value>PowerToys: uninstall previous version?</value>
<data name="INSTALLER_EXTRACT_ERROR" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Couldn't extract MSI installer.</value>

View file

@ -2,21 +2,23 @@
#include "Generated Files/resource.h"
#include "RcResource.h"
#include <common/version/helper.h>
#include <common/updating/dotnet_installation.h>
#include <common/updating/installer.h>
#include <common/updating/notifications.h>
#include <common/version/version.h>
#include <common/utils/appMutex.h>
#include <common/utils/elevation.h>
#include <common/utils/MsiUtils.h>
#include <common/utils/os-detect.h>
#include <common/utils/processApi.h>
#include <common/utils/resources.h>
#include <common/utils/window.h>
#include <common/utils/winapi_error.h>
#include <common/SettingsAPI/settings_helpers.h>
#include "DotnetInstallation.h"
#include <runner/action_runner_utils.h>
#include "progressbar_window.h"
auto Strings = create_notifications_strings();
static bool g_Silent = false;
#define STR_HELPER(x) #x
@ -42,9 +44,7 @@ std::optional<fs::path> ExtractEmbeddedInstaller(const fs::path extractPath)
return std::nullopt;
msiName += get_architecture_string(get_current_architecture()) + std::wstring(L".msi");
auto installerPath = extractPath / msiName;
auto installerPath = extractPath / L"PowerToysBootstrappedInstaller-" PRODUCT_VERSION_STRING L".msi";
return executableRes->saveAsFile(installerPath) ? std::make_optional(std::move(installerPath)) : std::nullopt;
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ void CleanupSettingsFromOlderVersions()
spdlog::info("Old log settings file wasn't found");
catch (...)
spdlog::error("Failed to cleanup old log settings");
@ -106,9 +106,9 @@ void ShowMessageBoxError(const wchar_t* message)
if (!g_Silent)
@ -117,119 +117,33 @@ void ShowMessageBoxError(const UINT messageId)
bool uninstall_msi_version(const std::wstring& package_path)
const auto uninstall_result = MsiInstallProductW(package_path.c_str(), L"REMOVE=ALL");
return ERROR_SUCCESS == uninstall_result;
struct InstalledVersionInfo
VersionHelper version;
std::wstring install_folder;
std::optional<InstalledVersionInfo> get_installed_powertoys_version()
auto installed_path = GetMsiPackageInstalledPath();
if (!installed_path)
return std::nullopt;
std::wstring executable_path = *installed_path + L"\\PowerToys.exe";
// Get the version information for the file requested
const DWORD fvSize = GetFileVersionInfoSizeW(executable_path.c_str(), nullptr);
if (!fvSize)
return std::nullopt;
auto pbVersionInfo = std::make_unique<BYTE[]>(fvSize);
if (!GetFileVersionInfoW(executable_path.c_str(), 0, fvSize, pbVersionInfo.get()))
return std::nullopt;
VS_FIXEDFILEINFO* fileInfo = nullptr;
UINT fileInfoLen = 0;
if (!VerQueryValueW(pbVersionInfo.get(), L"\\", reinterpret_cast<LPVOID*>(&fileInfo), &fileInfoLen))
return std::nullopt;
return InstalledVersionInfo{
.version = VersionHelper{ (fileInfo->dwFileVersionMS >> 16) & 0xffff,
(fileInfo->dwFileVersionMS >> 0) & 0xffff,
(fileInfo->dwFileVersionLS >> 16) & 0xffff },
.install_folder = std::move(*installed_path)
void ReLaunchElevatedAndExit()
std::wstring params;
int nCmdArgs = 0;
LPWSTR* argList = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &nCmdArgs);
for (int i = 1; i < nCmdArgs; ++i)
if (std::wstring_view{ argList[i] }.find(L' ') != std::wstring_view::npos)
params += L'"';
params += argList[i];
params += L'"';
params += argList[i];
if (i != nCmdArgs - 1)
params += L' ';
const auto processHandle = run_elevated(argList[0], params.c_str());
if (!processHandle)
spdlog::error("Couldn't restart elevated: ({})", GetLastError());
if (WaitForSingleObject(processHandle, 3600000) == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
DWORD exitCode = 0;
GetExitCodeProcess(processHandle, &exitCode);
spdlog::error("Elevated setup process timed out after 60m: ({})", GetLastError());
TerminateProcess(processHandle, 0);
int Bootstrapper(HINSTANCE hInstance)
char* programFilesDir = nullptr;
size_t size = 0;
std::string defaultInstallDir;
fs::path logDir = PTSettingsHelper::get_root_save_folder_location();
if (!_dupenv_s(&programFilesDir, &size, "PROGRAMFILES"))
defaultInstallDir += programFilesDir;
defaultInstallDir += "\\PowerToys";
cxxopts::Options options{ "PowerToysBootstrapper" };
// clang-format off
("h,help", "Show help")
("no_full_ui", "Use reduced UI for MSI")
("s,silent", "Suppress all UI, notifications and does not start PowerToys")
("no_start_pt", "Do not launch PowerToys after the installation is complete")
("start_pt", "Always launch PowerToys after the installation is complete")
("skip_dotnet_install", "Skip dotnet 3.X installation even if it's not detected")
("log_level", "Log level. Possible values: off|debug|error", cxxopts::value<std::string>()->default_value("off"))
("log_dir", "Log directory", cxxopts::value<std::string>()->default_value(logDir.string()))
("install_dir", "Installation directory", cxxopts::value<std::string>()->default_value(""))
("extract_msi", "Extract MSI to the working directory and exit. Use only if you must access MSI directly.");
("h,help", "Show help")
("no_full_ui", "Use reduced UI for MSI")
("s,silent", "Suppress all UI, notifications and does not start PowerToys")
("no_start_pt", "Do not launch PowerToys after the installation is complete")
("start_pt", "Always launch PowerToys after the installation is complete")
("skip_dotnet_install", "Skip dotnet 3.X installation even if it's not detected")
("log_level", "Log level. Possible values: off|debug|error", cxxopts::value<std::string>()->default_value("off"))
("log_dir", "Log directory", cxxopts::value<std::string>()->default_value("."))
("install_dir", "Installation directory", cxxopts::value<std::string>()->default_value(defaultInstallDir))
("extract_msi", "Extract MSI to the working directory and exit. Use only if you must access MSI directly.");
// clang-format on
cxxopts::ParseResult cmdArgs;
@ -277,9 +191,10 @@ int Bootstrapper(HINSTANCE hInstance)
installFolderProp = std::wstring(installDir.length(), L' ');
std::copy(installDir.begin(), installDir.end(), installFolderProp.begin());
installFolderProp = L"INSTALLFOLDER=\"" + installFolderProp + L"\"";
installFolderProp = L"INSTALLFOLDER=" + installFolderProp;
fs::path logDir = ".";
fs::path logDirArgPath = logDirArg;
@ -319,39 +234,23 @@ int Bootstrapper(HINSTANCE hInstance)
// Do not support installing on Windows < 1903
if (!Is19H1OrHigher())
if (updating::is_1809_or_older())
spdlog::error("PowerToys {} requires at least Windows 1903 to run.", myVersion.toString());
return 1;
spdlog::error("PowerToys {} requires at least Windows 1903 to run.", myVersion.toString());
return 1;
// Check if there's a newer version installed
const auto installedVersionInfo = get_installed_powertoys_version();
if (installedVersionInfo)
const auto installedVersion = updating::get_installed_powertoys_version();
if (installedVersion && *installedVersion >= myVersion)
if (installedVersionInfo->version >= myVersion)
spdlog::error(L"Detected a newer version {} vs {}", installedVersionInfo->version.toWstring(), myVersion.toWstring());
return 0;
// If we are good to go and install folder wasn't specified via cmd line, make sure to retain the previous
// installation path
else if (installFolderProp.empty())
installFolderProp = L"INSTALLFOLDER=\"" + installedVersionInfo->install_folder + L"\"";
spdlog::error(L"Detected a newer version {} vs {}", (*installedVersion).toWstring(), myVersion.toWstring());
return 0;
// Always elevate bootstrapper process since it invokes msiexec multiple times,
// so we can avoid multiple UAC confirmations
if (!is_process_elevated())
// Setup MSI UI visibility
// Setup MSI UI visibility and restart as elevated if required
if (!noFullUI)
MsiSetInternalUI(INSTALLUILEVEL_FULL, nullptr);
@ -359,7 +258,58 @@ int Bootstrapper(HINSTANCE hInstance)
if (g_Silent)
MsiSetInternalUI(INSTALLUILEVEL_NONE, nullptr);
if (is_process_elevated())
MsiSetInternalUI(INSTALLUILEVEL_NONE, nullptr);
spdlog::debug("MSI doesn't support silent mode without elevation => restarting elevated");
// MSI fails to run in silent mode due to a suppressed UAC w/o elevation,
// so we restart ourselves elevated with the same args
std::wstring params;
int nCmdArgs = 0;
LPWSTR* argList = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &nCmdArgs);
for (int i = 1; i < nCmdArgs; ++i)
if (std::wstring_view{ argList[i] }.find(L' ') != std::wstring_view::npos)
params += L'"';
params += argList[i];
params += L'"';
params += argList[i];
if (i != nCmdArgs - 1)
params += L' ';
const auto processHandle = run_elevated(argList[0], params.c_str());
if (!processHandle)
spdlog::error("Couldn't restart elevated to enable silent mode! ({})", GetLastError());
return 1;
if (WaitForSingleObject(processHandle, 3600000) == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
DWORD exitCode = 0;
GetExitCodeProcess(processHandle, &exitCode);
return exitCode;
spdlog::error("Elevated setup process timed out after 60m => using basic MSI UI ({})", GetLastError());
// Couldn't install using the completely silent mode in an hour, use basic UI.
TerminateProcess(processHandle, 0);
MsiSetInternalUI(INSTALLUILEVEL_BASIC, nullptr);
// Try killing PowerToys and prevent future processes launch by acquiring app mutex
@ -391,7 +341,7 @@ int Bootstrapper(HINSTANCE hInstance)
spdlog::debug("Acquiring existing MSI package path if exists");
const auto package_path = GetMsiPackagePath();
const auto package_path = updating::get_msi_package_path();
if (!package_path.empty())
spdlog::debug(L"Existing MSI package path found: {}", package_path);
@ -401,9 +351,9 @@ int Bootstrapper(HINSTANCE hInstance)
spdlog::debug("Existing MSI package path not found");
if (!package_path.empty() && !uninstall_msi_version(package_path))
if (!package_path.empty() && !updating::uninstall_msi_version(package_path, Strings))
spdlog::error("Couldn't uninstall the existing MSI package ({})", GetLastError());
spdlog::error("Couldn't install the existing MSI package ({})", GetLastError());
return 1;
@ -451,7 +401,7 @@ int Bootstrapper(HINSTANCE hInstance)
spdlog::error("Unknown exception during dotnet installation");
// At this point, there's no reason to show progress bar window, since MSI installers have their own
@ -469,7 +419,7 @@ int Bootstrapper(HINSTANCE hInstance)
if ((!noStartPT && !g_Silent) || startPT)
spdlog::debug("Starting the newly installed PowerToys.exe");
auto newPTPath = GetMsiPackageInstalledPath();
auto newPTPath = updating::get_msi_package_installed_path();
if (!newPTPath)
spdlog::error("Couldn't determine new MSI package install location ({})", GetLastError());
@ -498,7 +448,7 @@ int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hi, HINSTANCE, LPSTR, int)
std::string messageA{ "Unhandled std exception encountered\n" };
std::wstring messageW{};
std::copy(messageA.begin(), messageA.end(), messageW.begin());

View file

@ -24,9 +24,7 @@
<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props" />
@ -73,7 +71,7 @@
<ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">
@ -90,12 +88,12 @@
<ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">
@ -108,37 +106,35 @@
<ClCompile Include="bootstrapper.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="DotnetInstallation.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="pch.cpp">
<PrecompiledHeader Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">Create</PrecompiledHeader>
<PrecompiledHeader Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Release|x64'">Create</PrecompiledHeader>
<ClCompile Include="progressbar_window.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="RcResource.cpp" />
<ClInclude Include="DotnetInstallation.h" />
<ClInclude Include="pch.h" />
<ClInclude Include="progressbar_window.h" />
<None Include="bootstrapper.base.rc" />
<None Include="packages.config" />
<None Include="bootstrapper.base.rc" />
<ResourceCompile Include="Generated Files/bootstrapper.rc" />
<Image Include="..\runner\svgs\icon.ico" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\..\src\common\SettingsAPI\SetttingsAPI.vcxproj">
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\..\src\common\version\version.vcxproj">
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\..\src\common\updating\updating.vcxproj">
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\..\src\logging\logging.vcxproj">
@ -146,12 +142,12 @@
<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets" />
<ImportGroup Label="ExtensionTargets">
<Import Project="..\packages\Microsoft.Windows.ImplementationLibrary.1.0.210204.1\build\native\Microsoft.Windows.ImplementationLibrary.targets" Condition="Exists('..\packages\Microsoft.Windows.ImplementationLibrary.1.0.210204.1\build\native\Microsoft.Windows.ImplementationLibrary.targets')" />
<Import Project="..\..\..\packages\Microsoft.Windows.ImplementationLibrary.1.0.200902.2\build\native\Microsoft.Windows.ImplementationLibrary.targets" Condition="Exists('..\..\..\packages\Microsoft.Windows.ImplementationLibrary.1.0.200902.2\build\native\Microsoft.Windows.ImplementationLibrary.targets')" />
<Target Name="EnsureNuGetPackageBuildImports" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild">
<ErrorText>This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Use NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see The missing file is {0}.</ErrorText>
<Error Condition="!Exists('..\packages\Microsoft.Windows.ImplementationLibrary.1.0.210204.1\build\native\Microsoft.Windows.ImplementationLibrary.targets')" Text="$([System.String]::Format('$(ErrorText)', '..\packages\Microsoft.Windows.ImplementationLibrary.1.0.210204.1\build\native\Microsoft.Windows.ImplementationLibrary.targets'))" />
<Error Condition="!Exists('..\..\..\packages\Microsoft.Windows.ImplementationLibrary.1.0.200902.2\build\native\Microsoft.Windows.ImplementationLibrary.targets')" Text="$([System.String]::Format('$(ErrorText)', '..\..\packages\Microsoft.Windows.ImplementationLibrary.1.0.200902.2\build\native\Microsoft.Windows.ImplementationLibrary.targets'))" />

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package id="Microsoft.Windows.ImplementationLibrary" version="1.0.210204.1" targetFramework="native" />
<package id="Microsoft.Windows.ImplementationLibrary" version="1.0.200902.2" targetFramework="native" />

View file

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#include <charconv>
#include <string_view>
#include <optional>
#include <fstream>
@ -23,10 +22,8 @@
#include <spdlog/sinks/null_sink.h>
#include <spdlog/sinks/stdout_color_sinks.h>
#pragma warning(push, 0)
#include <winrt/base.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.Collections.h>
#pragma warning(pop)
#include <cxxopts.hpp>

View file

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#include "pch.h"
#include <common/updating/notifications.h>
#include <common/utils/window.h>
#include "progressbar_window.h"

View file

@ -7,10 +7,6 @@ Project("{930C7802-8A8C-48F9-8165-68863BCCD9DD}") = "PowerToysSetup", "PowerToys
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "PowerToysSetupCustomActions", "PowerToysSetupCustomActions\PowerToysSetupCustomActions.vcxproj", "{32F3882B-F2D6-4586-B5ED-11E39E522BD3}"
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "spdlog", "..\src\logging\logging.vcxproj", "{7E1E3F13-2BD6-3F75-A6A7-873A2B55C60F}"
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "logger", "..\src\common\logger\logger.vcxproj", "{D9B8FC84-322A-4F9F-BBB9-20915C47DDFD}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|x64 = Debug|x64
@ -25,14 +21,6 @@ Global
{32F3882B-F2D6-4586-B5ED-11E39E522BD3}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
{32F3882B-F2D6-4586-B5ED-11E39E522BD3}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{32F3882B-F2D6-4586-B5ED-11E39E522BD3}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
{7E1E3F13-2BD6-3F75-A6A7-873A2B55C60F}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
{7E1E3F13-2BD6-3F75-A6A7-873A2B55C60F}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
{7E1E3F13-2BD6-3F75-A6A7-873A2B55C60F}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{7E1E3F13-2BD6-3F75-A6A7-873A2B55C60F}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
{D9B8FC84-322A-4F9F-BBB9-20915C47DDFD}.Debug|x64.ActiveCfg = Debug|x64
{D9B8FC84-322A-4F9F-BBB9-20915C47DDFD}.Debug|x64.Build.0 = Debug|x64
{D9B8FC84-322A-4F9F-BBB9-20915C47DDFD}.Release|x64.ActiveCfg = Release|x64
{D9B8FC84-322A-4F9F-BBB9-20915C47DDFD}.Release|x64.Build.0 = Release|x64
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<Import Project="..\packages\WiX.3.11.2\build\wix.props" Condition="Exists('..\packages\WiX.3.11.2\build\wix.props')" />
<Import Project="..\..\src\Version.props" />
<Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Release</Configuration>
@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
<PreBuildEvent>IF NOT DEFINED IsPipeline (
call "$([MSBuild]::GetVsInstallRoot())\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat" -arch=amd64 -host_arch=amd64 -winsdk=10.0.18362.0
SET PTRoot=..\..\..\..
call "..\..\publish.cmd"

View file

@ -8,12 +8,9 @@
<?define KeyboardManagerProjectName="KeyboardManager"?>
<?define PowerRenameProjectName="PowerRename"?>
<?define ColorPickerProjectName="ColorPicker"?>
<?define VideoConferenceProjectName="VideoConference"?>
<?define AwakeProjectName="Awake"?>
<?define MouseUtilsProjectName="MouseUtils"?>
<?define EspressoProjectName="Espresso"?>
<?define RepoDir="$(var.ProjectDir)..\..\" ?>
<?define BinX32Dir="$(var.RepoDir)x86\$(var.Configuration)\" ?>
<?define BinX64Dir="$(var.RepoDir)x64\$(var.Configuration)\" ?>
<?define ShortcutGuideExecutable=$(var.BinX64Dir)\modules\ShortcutGuide\ShortcutGuide?>
<?define ShortcutGuideModuleInterface=$(var.BinX64Dir)\modules\ShortcutGuide\ShortcutGuideModuleInterface?>
@ -78,39 +75,30 @@
<Property Id="CREATESCHEDULEDTASK" Value="1"/>
<Property Id="WixShellExecTarget" Value="[#PowerToys_ActionRunner.exe]" />
<RegistrySearch Id="ExistingExtPath" Root="HKCR" Key="CLSID\{0440049F-D1DC-4E46-B27B-98393D79486B}\InprocServer32" Type="raw"/>
<RegistrySearch Id="ExistingImageResizerPath" Root="HKCR" Key="CLSID\{51B4D7E5-7568-4234-B4BB-47FB3C016A69}\InprocServer32" Type="raw"/>
<Custom Action="DetectPrevInstallPath" After="CostFinalize" />
<Custom Action="SetRegisterPowerToysSchTaskParam" Before="RegisterPowerToysSchTask" />
<Custom Action="SetApplyModulesRegistryChangeSetsParam" Before="ApplyModulesRegistryChangeSets" />
<Custom Action="SetUnApplyModulesRegistryChangeSetsParam" Before="UnApplyModulesRegistryChangeSets" />
<Custom Action="RegisterPowerToysSchTask" After="InstallFiles">
<Custom Action="ApplyModulesRegistryChangeSets" After="InstallFiles">
NOT Installed
<Custom Action="WixCloseApplications" Before="RemoveFiles" />
<Custom Action="RemovePowerToysSchTasks" After="RemoveFiles" />
<!-- TODO: Use to activate embedded MSIX -->
<!--<Custom Action="InstallEmbeddedMSIXTask" After="InstallFinalize">
NOT Installed
<Custom Action="TelemetryLogInstallSuccess" After="InstallFinalize">
NOT Installed
<Custom Action="TelemetryLogUninstallSuccess" After="InstallFinalize">
<Custom Action="UnApplyModulesRegistryChangeSets" Before="InstallFinalize">
Installed AND (REMOVE="ALL")
<!-- TODO: Use to activate embedded MSIX -->
<!--<Custom Action="UninstallEmbeddedMSIXTask" After="InstallFinalize">
Installed AND (REMOVE="ALL")
<Custom Action="TerminateProcesses" Before="InstallValidate" />
@ -126,15 +114,7 @@
Value="[#PowerToys.exe]" />
<CustomAction Id="SetApplyModulesRegistryChangeSetsParam"
<CustomAction Id="SetUnApplyModulesRegistryChangeSetsParam"
<!-- Needs to Impersonate="no" and Execute="deferred" in order to run elevated. -->
<!-- Needs to Impersonate="no" and Execute="deferred" in order to run elevated. -->
<CustomAction Id="RegisterPowerToysSchTask"
@ -151,21 +131,7 @@
<CustomAction Id="InstallEmbeddedMSIXTask"
<CustomAction Id="UninstallEmbeddedMSIXTask"
<CustomAction Id="TelemetryLogInstallSuccess"
<CustomAction Id="TelemetryLogInstallSuccess"
@ -228,26 +194,8 @@
<CustomAction Id="ApplyModulesRegistryChangeSets"
<CustomAction Id="UnApplyModulesRegistryChangeSets"
<!-- Close 'PowerToys.exe' before uninstall-->
<Property Id="MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL" Value="DisableShutdown" />
<Property Id="MSIFASTINSTALL" Value="DisableShutdown" />
<Property Id="MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL" Value="Disable" />
<util:CloseApplication CloseMessage="yes" Target="PowerToys.exe" ElevatedCloseMessage="yes" RebootPrompt="no" TerminateProcess="0" />
@ -263,32 +211,28 @@
<Directory Id="ToolsFolder" Name="Tools"/>
<Directory Id="ModulesInstallFolder" Name="modules">
<Directory Id="ImageResizerInstallFolder" Name="$(var.ImageResizerProjectName)" />
<Directory Id="PowerRenameInstallFolder" Name="$(var.PowerRenameProjectName)">
<Directory Id="PowerRenameAssetsFolder" Name="Assets" />
<Directory Id="PowerRenameInstallFolder" Name="$(var.PowerRenameProjectName)"/>
<Directory Id="ShortcutGuideInstallFolder" Name="ShortcutGuide">
<Directory Id="ShortcutGuideExecutableInstallFolder" Name="ShortcutGuide">
<Directory Id="ShortcutGuideSvgsInstallFolder" Name="svgs"/>
<Directory Id="ShortcutGuideModuleInterfaceInstallFolder" Name="ShortcutGuideModuleInterface"/>
<Directory Id="VideoConferenceInstallFolder" Name="$(var.VideoConferenceProjectName)">
<Directory Id="VideoConferenceIconsFolder" Name="Icons" />
<Directory Id="FileExplorerPreviewInstallFolder" Name="FileExplorerPreview" />
<Directory Id="FancyZonesInstallFolder" Name="$(var.FancyZonesProjectName)" />
<Directory Id="AwakeInstallFolder" Name="$(var.AwakeProjectName)">
<Directory Id="AwakeInstallFolderRuntimes" Name="Runtimes">
<Directory Id="AwakeInstallFolderRuntimesWin" Name="Win">
<Directory Id="AwakeInstallFolderRuntimesWinLib" Name="Lib">
<Directory Id="AwakeInstallFolderNetcoreApp21" Name="netcoreapp2.1" />
<Directory Id="AwakeInstallFolderNetcoreApp30" Name="netcoreapp3.0" />
<Directory Id="AwakeInstallFolderNetStandard20" Name="netstandard2.0" />
<Directory Id="EspressoInstallFolder" Name="$(var.EspressoProjectName)">
<Directory Id="EspressoInstallFolderRuntimes" Name="Runtimes">
<Directory Id="EspressoInstallFolderRuntimesWin" Name="Win">
<Directory Id="EspressoInstallFolderRuntimesWinLib" Name="Lib">
<Directory Id="EspressoInstallFolderNetcoreApp21" Name="netcoreapp2.1" />
<Directory Id="EspressoInstallFolderNetcoreApp30" Name="netcoreapp3.0" />
<Directory Id="EspressoInstallFolderNetStandard20" Name="netstandard2.0" />
<!-- KBM -->
<Directory Id="KeyboardManagerInstallFolder" Name="$(var.KeyboardManagerProjectName)">
<Directory Id="KeyboardManagerEditorInstallFolder" Name="KeyboardManagerEditor" />
@ -300,10 +244,6 @@
<Directory Id="ColorPickerResourcesFolder" Name="Resources"/>
<!-- Mouse Utils -->
<Directory Id="MouseUtilsInstallFolder" Name="$(var.MouseUtilsProjectName)">
<!-- Launcher -->
<Directory Id="LauncherInstallFolder" Name="launcher">
<Directory Id="AssetsFolder" Name="Assets" />
@ -316,55 +256,44 @@
<Directory Id="CalculatorImagesFolder" Name="Images" />
<Directory Id="CalculatorLanguagesFolder" Name="Languages" />
<Directory Id="FolderPluginFolder" Name="Folder">
<Directory Id="FolderPluginFolder" Name="Microsoft.Plugin.Folder">
<Directory Id="FolderPluginImagesFolder" Name="Images" />
<Directory Id="FolderPluginLanguagesFolder" Name="Languages" />
<Directory Id="ProgramPluginFolder" Name="Program">
<Directory Id="ProgramPluginFolder" Name="Microsoft.Plugin.Program">
<Directory Id="ProgramImagesFolder" Name="Images" />
<Directory Id="ProgramLanguagesFolder" Name="Languages" />
<Directory Id="ShellPluginFolder" Name="Shell">
<Directory Id="ShellPluginFolder" Name="Microsoft.Plugin.Shell">
<Directory Id="ShellImagesFolder" Name="Images" />
<Directory Id="ShellLanguagesFolder" Name="Languages" />
<Directory Id="IndexerPluginFolder" Name="Indexer">
<Directory Id="IndexerPluginFolder" Name="Microsoft.Plugin.Indexer">
<Directory Id="IndexerImagesFolder" Name="Images" />
<Directory Id="IndexerLanguagesFolder" Name="Languages" />
<Directory Id="UriPluginFolder" Name="Uri">
<Directory Id="UriPluginFolder" Name="Microsoft.Plugin.Uri">
<Directory Id="UriImagesFolder" Name="Images" />
<Directory Id="UriLanguagesFolder" Name="Languages" />
<Directory Id="UnitConverterPluginFolder" Name="UnitConverter">
<Directory Id="UnitConverterImagesFolder" Name="Images" />
<Directory Id="UnitConverterLanguagesFolder" Name="Languages" />
<Directory Id="VSCodeWorkspacesPluginFolder" Name="VSCodeWorkspace">
<Directory Id="VSCodeWorkspaceImagesFolder" Name="Images" />
<Directory Id="VSCodeWorkspaceLanguagesFolder" Name="Languages" />
<Directory Id="WindowWalkerPluginFolder" Name="WindowWalker">
<Directory Id="WindowWalkerPluginFolder" Name="Microsoft.Plugin.WindowWalker">
<Directory Id="WindowWalkerImagesFolder" Name="Images" />
<Directory Id="WindowWalkerLanguagesFolder" Name="Languages" />
<Directory Id="RegistryPluginFolder" Name="Registry">
<Directory Id="RegistryPluginFolder" Name="Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Registry">
<Directory Id="RegistryImagesFolder" Name="Images" />
<Directory Id="RegistryLanguagesFolder" Name="Languages" />
<Directory Id="ServicePluginFolder" Name="Service">
<Directory Id="ServiceImagesFolder" Name="Images" />
<Directory Id="WindowsTerminalPluginFolder" Name="WindowsTerminal">
<Directory Id="WindowsTerminalImagesFolder" Name="Images" />
<Directory Id="SystemPluginFolder" Name="System">
<Directory Id="SystemImagesFolder" Name="Images" />
<Directory Id="WindowsSettingsPluginFolder" Name="WindowsSettings">
<Directory Id="WindowsSettingsImagesFolder" Name="Images" />
<Directory Id="WindowsSettingsLanguagesFolder" Name="Languages" />
@ -422,9 +351,6 @@
<Component Id="PowerToys_ActionRunner_exe" Guid="626ABB17-16F0-4007-9A58-6998724A5E14" Win64="yes">
<File Id="PowerToys.ActionRunner.exe" KeyPath="yes" Checksum="yes" />
<Component Id="PowerToys_Update_exe" Guid="446D0AD4-AA8F-45BA-BDAC-6C620DF77AFF" Win64="yes">
<File Id="PowerToys.Update.exe" KeyPath="yes" Checksum="yes" />
<Component Id="License_rtf" Guid="3E5AE43B-CFB4-449B-A346-94CAAFF3312E" Win64="yes">
<File Source="$(var.RepoDir)\installer\License.rtf" Id="License.rtf" KeyPath="yes" />
@ -481,19 +407,16 @@
<!-- FancyZone -->
<DirectoryRef Id="FancyZonesInstallFolder" FileSource="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\">
<Component Id="Module_FancyZones" Guid="C6B5272E-6ED4-4B80-B0E7-2FF0355D8CF4" Win64="yes">
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.FancyZonesProjectName)\FancyZonesModuleInterface.dll" KeyPath="yes" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.FancyZonesProjectName)\fancyzones.dll" KeyPath="yes" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.FancyZonesProjectName)\FancyZonesEditor.dll" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.FancyZonesProjectName)\FancyZonesEditor.runtimeconfig.json" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.FancyZonesProjectName)\FancyZonesEditor.deps.json" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.FancyZonesProjectName)\FancyZonesEditor.exe" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.FancyZonesProjectName)\PowerToys.FancyZones.exe" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.FancyZonesProjectName)\ControlzEx.dll" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.FancyZonesProjectName)\Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.dll" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.FancyZonesProjectName)\ModernWpf.dll" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.FancyZonesProjectName)\ModernWpf.Controls.dll" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.FancyZonesProjectName)\System.Text.Json.dll" />
<File Id="FancyZones_interop" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.FancyZonesProjectName)\PowerToysInterop.dll" />
<File Id="FancyZones_ManagedCommon" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.FancyZonesProjectName)\ManagedCommon.dll" />
<File Id="FancyZones_Microsoft.PowerToys.Common.UI" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.FancyZonesProjectName)\Microsoft.PowerToys.Common.UI.dll" />
<File Id="FancyZones_Telemetry.dll" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.FancyZonesProjectName)\ManagedTelemetry.dll" />
@ -507,14 +430,75 @@
<Component Id="BugReportTool_exe" Guid="0F8E3E9F-2E86-4660-A3BF-AE4DD431B93C" Win64="yes">
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<DirectoryRef Id="ModulesInstallFolder" FileSource="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\">
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<Component Id="Module_PowerPreview_PerUserRegistry" Guid="CD90ADC0-7CD5-4A62-B0AF-23545C1E6DD3" Win64="yes">
<!-- Added a separate component for Per-User registry changes -->
<!-- Registry Key for Class Registration of Svg Preview Handler -->
<RegistryKey Root="HKCR" Key="CLSID\{ddee2b8a-6807-48a6-bb20-2338174ff779}">
<RegistryValue Type="string" Value="Microsoft.PowerToys.PreviewHandler.Svg.SvgPreviewHandler" />
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<RegistryValue Type="string" Key="InprocServer32" Name="Class" Value="Microsoft.PowerToys.PreviewHandler.Svg.SvgPreviewHandler" />
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<RegistryValue Type="string" Key="InprocServer32\$(var.Version).0" Name="Assembly" Value="SvgPreviewHandler, Version=$(var.Version).0, Culture=neutral" />
<RegistryValue Type="string" Key="InprocServer32\$(var.Version).0" Name="Class" Value="Microsoft.PowerToys.PreviewHandler.Svg.SvgPreviewHandler" />
<!-- Registry Key for Class Registration of Svg Thumbnail Provider -->
<RegistryKey Root="HKCR" Key="CLSID\{36B27788-A8BB-4698-A756-DF9F11F64F84}">
<RegistryValue Type="string" Value="Microsoft.PowerToys.ThumbnailHandler.Svg.SvgThumbnailProvider" />
<RegistryValue Type="string" Name="DisplayName" Value="Svg Thumbnail Provider" />
<RegistryValue Type="string" Name="AppID" Value="{CF142243-F059-45AF-8842-DBBE9783DB14}" />
<RegistryValue Type="string" Key="Implemented Categories\{62C8FE65-4EBB-45e7-B440-6E39B2CDBF29}" Value=""/>
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<RegistryValue Type="string" Key="InprocServer32" Name="Assembly" Value="SvgThumbnailProvider, Version=$(var.Version).0, Culture=neutral" />
<RegistryValue Type="string" Key="InprocServer32" Name="Class" Value="Microsoft.PowerToys.ThumbnailHandler.Svg.SvgThumbnailProvider" />
<RegistryValue Type="string" Key="InprocServer32" Name="ThreadingModel" Value="Both" />
<RegistryValue Type="string" Key="InprocServer32\$(var.Version).0" Name="Assembly" Value="SvgThumbnailProvider, Version=$(var.Version).0, Culture=neutral" />
<RegistryValue Type="string" Key="InprocServer32\$(var.Version).0" Name="Class" Value="Microsoft.PowerToys.ThumbnailHandler.Svg.SvgThumbnailProvider" />
<!-- Registry Key for Class Registration of Markdown Preview Handler -->
<RegistryKey Root="HKCR" Key="CLSID\{45769bcc-e8fd-42d0-947e-02beef77a1f5}">
<RegistryValue Type="string" Value="Microsoft.PowerToys.PreviewHandler.Markdown.MarkdownPreviewHandler" />
<RegistryValue Type="string" Name="DisplayName" Value="Markdown Preview Handler" />
<RegistryValue Type="string" Name="AppID" Value="{CF142243-F059-45AF-8842-DBBE9783DB14}" />
<RegistryValue Type="string" Key="Implemented Categories\{62C8FE65-4EBB-45e7-B440-6E39B2CDBF29}" Value="" />
<RegistryValue Type="string" Key="InprocServer32" Value="[FileExplorerPreviewInstallFolder]MarkdownPreviewHandler.comhost.dll" />
<RegistryValue Type="string" Key="InprocServer32" Name="Assembly" Value="MarkdownPreviewHandler, Version=$(var.Version).0, Culture=neutral" />
<RegistryValue Type="string" Key="InprocServer32" Name="Class" Value="Microsoft.PowerToys.PreviewHandler.Markdown.MarkdownPreviewHandler" />
<RegistryValue Type="string" Key="InprocServer32" Name="ThreadingModel" Value="Both" />
<RegistryValue Type="string" Key="InprocServer32\$(var.Version).0" Name="Assembly" Value="MarkdownPreviewHandler, Version=$(var.Version).0, Culture=neutral" />
<RegistryValue Type="string" Key="InprocServer32\$(var.Version).0" Name="Class" Value="Microsoft.PowerToys.PreviewHandler.Markdown.MarkdownPreviewHandler" />
<!-- Registry Key for AppID registration -->
<RegistryKey Root="HKCR" Key="AppID\{CF142243-F059-45AF-8842-DBBE9783DB14}">
<RegistryValue Type="expandable" Name="DllSurrogate" Value="%SystemRoot%\system32\prevhost.exe" />
<!-- Add Svg preview handler to preview handlers list -->
<RegistryKey Root="HKLM" Key="Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\PreviewHandlers">
<RegistryValue Type="string" Name="{ddee2b8a-6807-48a6-bb20-2338174ff779}" Value="Svg Preview Handler" />
<!-- Add Markdown preview handler to preview handlers list -->
<RegistryKey Root="HKLM" Key="Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\PreviewHandlers">
<RegistryValue Type="string" Name="{45769bcc-e8fd-42d0-947e-02beef77a1f5}" Value="Markdown Preview Handler" />
<!-- Add file type association for Svg Preview Handler -->
<RegistryKey Root="HKCR" Key=".svg\shellex">
<RegistryValue Type="string" Key="{8895b1c6-b41f-4c1c-a562-0d564250836f}" Value="{ddee2b8a-6807-48a6-bb20-2338174ff779}" />
<!-- Add file type association for Svg Thumbnail Provider -->
<RegistryKey Root="HKCR" Key=".svg\shellex">
<RegistryValue Type="string" Key="{E357FCCD-A995-4576-B01F-234630154E96}" Value="{36B27788-A8BB-4698-A756-DF9F11F64F84}" />
<!-- Add file type association for Markdown Preview Handler -->
<RegistryKey Root="HKCR" Key=".md\shellex">
<RegistryValue Type="string" Key="{8895b1c6-b41f-4c1c-a562-0d564250836f}" Value="{45769bcc-e8fd-42d0-947e-02beef77a1f5}" />
<!-- Update Key to use IE11 for prevhost.exe -->
<RegistryKey Root="HKLM" Key="Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION">
<RegistryValue Type="integer" Name="prevhost.exe" Value="11000" />
@ -531,6 +515,7 @@
<Component Id="Module_ImageResizer" Guid="96E63289-759C-4A73-A56B-EE7429932F72" Win64="yes">
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.ImageResizerProjectName)\ImageResizer.exe" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.ImageResizerProjectName)\ImageResizerExt.dll" KeyPath="yes" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.ImageResizerProjectName)\Newtonsoft.Json.dll" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.ImageResizerProjectName)\ImageResizer.dll" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.ImageResizerProjectName)\ImageResizer.deps.json" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.ImageResizerProjectName)\ImageResizer.runtimeconfig.json" />
@ -544,8 +529,7 @@
<File Id="Module_ImageResizer_Microsoft_Xaml_Behaviors" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.ImageResizerProjectName)\Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.dll" />
<File Id="ImageResizer_interop" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.ImageResizerProjectName)\PowerToysInterop.dll" />
<File Id="ImageResizer_System.IO.Abstractions.dll" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.ImageResizerProjectName)\System.IO.Abstractions.dll" />
<File Id="ImageResizer_System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.ImageResizerProjectName)\System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll" />
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<!-- VCRuntime -->
<?foreach File in vcruntime140.dll;vcruntime140_1.dll;concrt140.dll;msvcp140.dll;msvcp140_1.dll;msvcp140_2.dll;msvcp140_codecvt_ids.dll;vccorlib140.dll?>
<File Id="ImageResizer_$(var.File)" Source="$(var.RepoDir)installer\VCRuntime\$(var.File)" />
@ -621,19 +605,7 @@
<!-- PowerRename -->
<DirectoryRef Id="PowerRenameInstallFolder" FileSource="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.PowerRenameProjectName)">
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<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.PowerRenameProjectName)\Microsoft.UI.Xaml.dll" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.PowerRenameProjectName)\msvcp140_app.dll" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.PowerRenameProjectName)\PowerRenameUILib.dll" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.PowerRenameProjectName)\PowerRename.exe" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.PowerRenameProjectName)\resources.pri" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.PowerRenameProjectName)\vcruntime140_1_app.dll" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.PowerRenameProjectName)\vcruntime140_app.dll" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.PowerRenameProjectName)\PowerRenameExt.dll" KeyPath="yes" />
<!-- VCRuntime -->
<?foreach File in vcruntime140.dll;vcruntime140_1.dll;concrt140.dll;msvcp140.dll;msvcp140_1.dll;msvcp140_2.dll;msvcp140_codecvt_ids.dll;vccorlib140.dll?>
<File Id="PowerRename_$(var.File)" Source="$(var.RepoDir)installer\VCRuntime\$(var.File)" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.PowerRenameProjectName)\PowerRenameExt.dll" KeyPath="yes" />
<RegistryKey Root="HKCR" Key="CLSID\{0440049F-D1DC-4E46-B27B-98393D79486B}">
<RegistryValue Type="string" Value="PowerRename Shell Extension" />
<RegistryValue Type="string" Name="ContextMenuOptIn" Value="" />
@ -646,22 +618,6 @@
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<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.PowerRenameProjectName)\Assets\folder.png" />
<!-- MouseUtils -->
<DirectoryRef Id="MouseUtilsInstallFolder" FileSource="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.MouseUtilsProjectName)">
<Component Id="Module_FindMyMouse" Guid="60D0E4AE-188F-4403-BF06-1465AACC1BC5" Win64="yes">
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<!-- Shortcut guide -->
<DirectoryRef Id="ShortcutGuideModuleInterfaceInstallFolder" FileSource="$(var.ShortcutGuideModuleInterface)">
<Component Id="Module_ShortcutGuideModuleInterface" Guid="CBD0AC09-91D3-428E-B2B3-05745ADF3473" Win64="yes">
@ -669,36 +625,6 @@
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<Condition>WINDOWSBUILDNUMBER >= 18362</Condition>
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<Class Id="{31AD75E9-8C3A-49C8-B9ED-5880D6B4A764}" Context="InprocServer32" ThreadingModel="apartment" Description="PowerToys VideoConference Mute" />
<File SelfRegCost="1" Source="$(var.BinX32Dir)modules\$(var.VideoConferenceProjectName)\VideoConferenceProxyFilter_x86.dll">
<Class Id="{31AD75E9-8C3A-49C8-B9ED-5880D6B4A732}" Context="InprocServer32" ThreadingModel="apartment" Description="PowerToys VideoConference Mute" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.VideoConferenceProjectName)\VideoConferenceModule.dll" />
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<Condition>WINDOWSBUILDNUMBER >= 18362</Condition>
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<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.VideoConferenceProjectName)\Icons\Off-NotInUse Light.png" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.VideoConferenceProjectName)\Icons\Off-Off Dark.png" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.VideoConferenceProjectName)\Icons\Off-Off Light.png" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.VideoConferenceProjectName)\Icons\Off-On Dark.png" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.VideoConferenceProjectName)\Icons\Off-On Light.png" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.VideoConferenceProjectName)\Icons\On-NotInUse Dark.png" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.VideoConferenceProjectName)\Icons\On-NotInUse Light.png" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.VideoConferenceProjectName)\Icons\On-Off Light.png" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.VideoConferenceProjectName)\Icons\On-Off Dark.png" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.VideoConferenceProjectName)\Icons\On-On Dark.png" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.VideoConferenceProjectName)\Icons\On-On Light.png" />
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<File Source="$(var.ShortcutGuideExecutable)\PowerToys.ShortcutGuide.exe" KeyPath="yes" />
@ -744,35 +670,35 @@
<!-- Awake -->
<DirectoryRef Id="AwakeInstallFolder" FileSource="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.AwakeProjectName)">
<Component Id="Module_Awake" Guid="F26F5780-5B38-43B2-BC21-8406ED6E2071" Win64="yes">
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<!-- Espresso -->
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<DirectoryRef Id="AwakeInstallFolderNetcoreApp21" FileSource="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.AwakeProjectName)\runtimes\win\lib\netcoreapp2.1">
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<DirectoryRef Id="EspressoInstallFolderNetcoreApp21" FileSource="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\$(var.EspressoProjectName)\runtimes\win\lib\netcoreapp2.1">
<Component Id="Module_Espresso_runtime_netcoreapp21" Guid="52ED2831-6F3F-47D3-AA1A-88C697BE9D0F">
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@ -790,7 +716,7 @@
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<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\FileExplorerPreview\SvgPreviewHandler.runtimeconfig.json" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\FileExplorerPreview\SvgPreviewHandler.deps.json" />
<!-- File to include dll for Svg Thumbnail Provider -->
<!-- File to include dll for Svg Preview Handler -->
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\FileExplorerPreview\SvgThumbnailProvider.dll" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\FileExplorerPreview\SvgThumbnailProvider.comhost.dll" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\FileExplorerPreview\SvgThumbnailProvider.runtimeconfig.json" />
@ -803,16 +729,6 @@
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<File Id="FileExplorerPreview_System.IO.Abstractions.dll" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\FileExplorerPreview\System.IO.Abstractions.dll" />
<!-- File to include dll for Pdf Preview Handler -->
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\FileExplorerPreview\PdfPreviewHandler.dll" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\FileExplorerPreview\PdfPreviewHandler.comhost.dll" />
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<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\FileExplorerPreview\PdfPreviewHandler.deps.json" />
<!-- File to include dll for Pdf Thumbnail Provider -->
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\FileExplorerPreview\PdfThumbnailProvider.dll" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\FileExplorerPreview\PdfThumbnailProvider.comhost.dll" />
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<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\FileExplorerPreview\PdfThumbnailProvider.deps.json" />
@ -823,7 +739,7 @@
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)Settings\PowerToys.Settings.exe"/>
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)Settings\Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI.exe"/>
<!-- dll -->
<?foreach File in concrt140_app.dll;Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.dll;System.IO.Abstractions.dll;Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI.Lib.dll;PowerToys.Settings.dll;Microsoft.Toolkit.dll;Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.dll;Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.dll;Microsoft.Toolkit.Win32.UI.XamlHost.dll;Microsoft.Toolkit.Win32.UI.XamlHost.Managed.dll;Microsoft.Toolkit.Wpf.UI.Controls.dll;Microsoft.Toolkit.Wpf.UI.XamlHost.dll;Microsoft.UI.Xaml.dll;Microsoft.Xaml.Interactions.dll;Microsoft.Xaml.Interactivity.dll;msvcp140_1_app.dll;msvcp140_2_app.dll;msvcp140_app.dll;PowerToysInterop.dll;System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll;System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll;System.Text.Json.dll;vcamp140_app.dll;vccorlib140_app.dll;vcomp140_app.dll;vcruntime140_1_app.dll;vcruntime140_app.dll;ManagedTelemetry.dll;ManagedCommon.dll;ColorCode.Core.dll;ColorCode.UWP.dll;Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas.winmd;Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls.Core.dll;Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls.DataGrid.dll;Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls.Input.dll;Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls.Layout.dll;Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls.Markdown.dll;Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls.Media.dll;Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls.Primitives.dll?>
<?foreach File in concrt140_app.dll;Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.dll;System.IO.Abstractions.dll;Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI.Lib.dll;PowerToys.Settings.dll;Microsoft.Toolkit.dll;Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.dll;Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.dll;Microsoft.Toolkit.Win32.UI.XamlHost.dll;Microsoft.Toolkit.Win32.UI.XamlHost.Managed.dll;Microsoft.Toolkit.Wpf.UI.Controls.dll;Microsoft.Toolkit.Wpf.UI.XamlHost.dll;Microsoft.UI.Xaml.dll;Microsoft.Xaml.Interactions.dll;Microsoft.Xaml.Interactivity.dll;msvcp140_1_app.dll;msvcp140_2_app.dll;msvcp140_app.dll;Newtonsoft.Json.dll;PowerToysInterop.dll;System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll;System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll;System.Text.Json.dll;vcamp140_app.dll;vccorlib140_app.dll;vcomp140_app.dll;vcruntime140_1_app.dll;vcruntime140_app.dll;ManagedTelemetry.dll;ManagedCommon.dll;ColorCode.Core.dll;ColorCode.UWP.dll;Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas.winmd;Microsoft.Toolkit.Parsers.dll;Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Animations.dll;Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.UI.Controls.dll?>
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<!-- json -->
@ -863,29 +779,29 @@
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<File Id="SettingsV2_Controls_$(var.File)" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)Settings\Controls\$(var.File)" />
@ -898,7 +814,7 @@
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@ -945,7 +861,6 @@
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@ -954,27 +869,22 @@
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@ -988,7 +898,6 @@
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<ComponentRef Id="WebcamReportTool_exe" />
@ -998,7 +907,7 @@
<!-- Resource directories should be added only if the installer is built on the build farm -->
<?ifdef env.IsPipeline?>
<?foreach ParentDirectory in LauncherInstallFolder;FancyZonesInstallFolder;ImageResizerInstallFolder;ColorPickerInstallFolder;FileExplorerPreviewInstallFolder;CalculatorPluginFolder;FolderPluginFolder;ProgramPluginFolder;ShellPluginFolder;IndexerPluginFolder;UnitConverterPluginFolder;UriPluginFolder;WindowWalkerPluginFolder;RegistryPluginFolder;VSCodeWorkspacesPluginFolder;ServicePluginFolder;SystemPluginFolder;WindowsSettingsPluginFolder;WindowsTerminalPluginFolder?>
<?foreach ParentDirectory in LauncherInstallFolder;FancyZonesInstallFolder;ImageResizerInstallFolder;ColorPickerInstallFolder;FileExplorerPreviewInstallFolder;CalculatorPluginFolder;FolderPluginFolder;ProgramPluginFolder;ShellPluginFolder;IndexerPluginFolder;UriPluginFolder;WindowWalkerPluginFolder;RegistryPluginFolder;VSCodeWorkspacesPluginFolder;ServicePluginFolder;SystemPluginFolder?>
<DirectoryRef Id="$(var.ParentDirectory)">
<!-- Resource file directories -->
<?foreach Language in $(var.LocLanguageList)?>
@ -1053,38 +962,35 @@
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<File Id="SVGPreviewHandler_$(var.IdSafeLanguage)_File" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\FileExplorerPreview\$(var.Language)\SvgPreviewHandler.resources.dll" />
<!-- PowerToys Run aka Launcher plugin resources -->
<Component Id="Launcher_Calculator_$(var.IdSafeLanguage)_Component" Directory="Resource$(var.IdSafeLanguage)CalculatorPluginFolder">
<File Id="Launcher_Calculator_$(var.IdSafeLanguage)_File" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Calculator\$(var.Language)\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Calculator.resources.dll" />
<Component Id="Launcher_Folder_$(var.IdSafeLanguage)_Component" Directory="Resource$(var.IdSafeLanguage)FolderPluginFolder">
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<File Id="Launcher_Folder_$(var.IdSafeLanguage)_File" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Folder\$(var.Language)\Microsoft.Plugin.Folder.resources.dll" />
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<File Id="Launcher_Program_$(var.IdSafeLanguage)_File" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Program\$(var.Language)\Microsoft.Plugin.Program.resources.dll" />
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<File Id="Launcher_Indexer_$(var.IdSafeLanguage)_File" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Indexer\$(var.Language)\Microsoft.Plugin.Indexer.resources.dll" />
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<File Id="Launcher_Uri_$(var.IdSafeLanguage)_File" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Uri\$(var.Language)\Microsoft.Plugin.Uri.resources.dll" />
<File Id="Launcher_Uri_$(var.IdSafeLanguage)_File" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Uri\$(var.Language)\Microsoft.Plugin.Uri.resources.dll" />
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<File Id="Launcher_WindowWalker_$(var.IdSafeLanguage)_File" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.WindowWalker\$(var.Language)\Microsoft.Plugin.WindowWalker.resources.dll" />
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<File Id="Launcher_Registry_$(var.IdSafeLanguage)_File" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Registry\$(var.Language)\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Registry.resources.dll" />
<File Id="Launcher_Registry_$(var.IdSafeLanguage)_File" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Registry\$(var.Language)\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Registry.resources.dll" />
<Component Id="Launcher_Service_$(var.IdSafeLanguage)_Component" Directory="Resource$(var.IdSafeLanguage)ServicePluginFolder">
<File Id="Launcher_Service_$(var.IdSafeLanguage)_File" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Service\$(var.Language)\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Service.resources.dll" />
@ -1092,14 +998,6 @@
<Component Id="Launcher_System_$(var.IdSafeLanguage)_Component" Directory="Resource$(var.IdSafeLanguage)SystemPluginFolder">
<File Id="Launcher_System_$(var.IdSafeLanguage)_File" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\System\$(var.Language)\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.System.resources.dll" />
<Component Id="Launcher_WindowsSettings_$(var.IdSafeLanguage)_Component" Directory="Resource$(var.IdSafeLanguage)WindowsSettingsPluginFolder">
<File Id="Launcher_WindowsSettings_$(var.IdSafeLanguage)_File" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\WindowsSettings\$(var.Language)\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.WindowsSettings.resources.dll" />
<!-- Uncomment after Plugin receives the localization files.
<Component Id="Launcher_WindowsTerminal_$(var.IdSafeLanguage)_Component" Directory="Resource$(var.IdSafeLanguage)WindowsTerminalFolder">
<File Id="Launcher_WindowsTerminal_$(var.IdSafeLanguage)_File" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\WindowsTerminal\$(var.Language)\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.WindowsTerminal.resources.dll" />
<?undef IdSafeLanguage?>
@ -1117,7 +1015,7 @@
<Component Id="launcherInstallComponent" Directory="LauncherInstallFolder" Guid="5E688DB4-C522-4268-BA54-ED1CDFFE9DB6">
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\Launcher\Microsoft.Launcher.dll" />
<?foreach File in concrt140_app.dll;ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll;JetBrains.Annotations.dll;Mages.Core.dll;Microsoft.Search.Interop.dll;Mono.Cecil.dll;Mono.Cecil.Mdb.dll;Mono.Cecil.Pdb.dll;Mono.Cecil.Rocks.dll;msvcp140_1_app.dll;msvcp140_2_app.dll;msvcp140_app.dll;NLog.dll;NLog.Extensions.Logging.dll;PowerLauncher.deps.json;PowerLauncher.dll;PowerLauncher.exe;Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.dll;System.Text.Json.dll;PowerLauncher.runtimeconfig.json;System.Data.OleDb.dll;UnitsNet.dll;vcamp140_app.dll;vccorlib140_app.dll;vcomp140_app.dll;vcruntime140_1_app.dll;vcruntime140_app.dll;Wox.Infrastructure.dll;Wox.Plugin.dll;PowerToysInterop.dll;ManagedTelemetry.dll;PowerLauncher.Telemetry.dll;Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions.dll;Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder.dll;Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.dll;Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll;Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll;Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll;Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.dll;Microsoft.Extensions.Options.dll;Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.dll;ControlzEx.dll;ManagedCommon.dll;System.IO.Abstractions.dll;Microsoft.PowerToys.Common.UI.dll;System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController.dll;Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications.dll;ModernWpf.Controls.dll;ModernWpf.dll;System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll;System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll?>
<?foreach File in concrt140_app.dll;ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll;JetBrains.Annotations.dll;Mages.Core.dll;Microsoft.Search.Interop.dll;Mono.Cecil.dll;Mono.Cecil.Mdb.dll;Mono.Cecil.Pdb.dll;Mono.Cecil.Rocks.dll;msvcp140_1_app.dll;msvcp140_2_app.dll;msvcp140_app.dll;Newtonsoft.Json.dll;NLog.dll;NLog.Extensions.Logging.dll;PowerLauncher.deps.json;PowerLauncher.dll;PowerLauncher.exe;Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.dll;System.Text.Json.dll;PowerLauncher.runtimeconfig.json;System.Data.OleDb.dll;vcamp140_app.dll;vccorlib140_app.dll;vcomp140_app.dll;vcruntime140_1_app.dll;vcruntime140_app.dll;Wox.Infrastructure.dll;Wox.Plugin.dll;PowerToysInterop.dll;ManagedTelemetry.dll;PowerLauncher.Telemetry.dll;Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions.dll;Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder.dll;Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.dll;Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions.dll;Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.dll;Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions.dll;Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.dll;Microsoft.Extensions.Options.dll;Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.dll;ControlzEx.dll;ManagedCommon.dll;System.IO.Abstractions.dll;Microsoft.PowerToys.Common.UI.dll;System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController.dll;Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications.dll;ModernWpf.Controls.dll;ModernWpf.dll;System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll;System.Text.Encodings.Web.dll?>
<File Id="File_$(var.File)" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\$(var.File)" />
<File Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)Settings\Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI.Lib.dll" />
@ -1147,71 +1045,60 @@
<!-- Folder Plugin -->
<Component Id="FolderComponent" Directory="FolderPluginFolder" Guid="453D6C29-8F0D-46EC-B210-82E6AF547039">
<?foreach File in plugin.json;Microsoft.Plugin.Folder.deps.json;Microsoft.Plugin.Folder.dll;ManagedTelemetry.dll?>
<File Id="Folder_$(var.File)" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Folder\$(var.File)" />
<File Id="Folder_$(var.File)" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Folder\$(var.File)" />
<Component Id="FolderImagesComponent" Directory="FolderPluginImagesFolder" Guid="6C5226EB-E312-4768-B4D1-B1D3ACFCCBDF">
<?foreach File in copy.dark.png;copy.light.png;delete.dark.png;delete.light.png;file.dark.png;file.light.png;folder.dark.png;folder.light.png;user.dark.png;user.light.png;Warning.dark.png;Warning.light.png?>
<File Id="FolderPlugin_$(var.File)" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Folder\Images\$(var.File)" />
<File Id="FolderPlugin_$(var.File)" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Folder\Images\$(var.File)" />
<!-- Program Plugin -->
<Component Id="ProgramComponent" Directory="ProgramPluginFolder" Guid="3C5CA6E6-3D36-4F4E-B40E-38AA5E5CB799">
<?foreach File in plugin.json;Microsoft.Plugin.Program.deps.json;Microsoft.Plugin.Program.dll;ManagedTelemetry.dll?>
<File Id="Program_$(var.File)" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Program\$(var.File)" />
<File Id="Program_$(var.File)" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Program\$(var.File)" />
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<File Id="Program_$(var.File)" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Program\Images\$(var.File)" />
<File Id="Program_$(var.File)" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Program\Images\$(var.File)" />
<!-- Shell Plugin -->
<Component Id="ShellComponent" Directory="ShellPluginFolder" Guid="6D3D7294-1804-47C9-83E5-47A8867F3801">
<?foreach File in plugin.json;Microsoft.Plugin.Shell.deps.json;Microsoft.Plugin.Shell.dll;ManagedTelemetry.dll?>
<File Id="Shell_$(var.File)" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Shell\$(var.File)" />
<File Id="Shell_$(var.File)" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Shell\$(var.File)" />
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<?foreach File in shell.light.png;shell.dark.png;user.light.png;user.dark.png?>
<File Id="Shell_$(var.File)" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Shell\Images\$(var.File)" />
<File Id="Shell_$(var.File)" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Shell\Images\$(var.File)" />
<!-- Indexer Plugin -->
<Component Id="IndexerComponent" Directory="IndexerPluginFolder" Guid="FEA9816A-B4F7-42CC-99AF-B05F3E7F7EBF">
<?foreach File in Microsoft.Plugin.Indexer.deps.json;Microsoft.Plugin.Indexer.dll;plugin.json;ManagedTelemetry.dll?>
<File Id="Indexer_$(var.File)" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Indexer\$(var.File)" />
<File Id="Indexer_$(var.File)" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Indexer\$(var.File)" />
<Component Id="IndexerImagesComponent" Directory="IndexerImagesFolder" Guid="DB2E8D49-D104-425B-9616-952AC8CAB676">
<?foreach File in indexer.dark.png;indexer.light.png;Warning.light.png;Warning.dark.png?>
<File Id="Indexer_$(var.File)" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Indexer\Images\$(var.File)" />
<File Id="Indexer_$(var.File)" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Indexer\Images\$(var.File)" />
<!-- UnitConverter Plugin -->
<Component Id="UnitConverterComponent" Directory="UnitConverterPluginFolder" Guid="D4F429E3-C619-49D6-9416-88A757D18E02">
<?foreach File in plugin.json;Community.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.UnitConverter.deps.json;Community.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.UnitConverter.dll?>
<File Id="UnitConverter_$(var.File)" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\UnitConverter\$(var.File)" />
<Component Id="UnitConverterImagesComponent" Directory="UnitConverterImagesFolder" Guid="16ABD217-0898-47B2-89D9-AF1ABF00F543">
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<File Id="UnitConverterDark" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\UnitConverter\Images\unitconverter.dark.png" />
<!-- Uri Plugin -->
<Component Id="UriComponent" Directory="UriPluginFolder" Guid="C7DC8F88-554C-4375-9510-9435399B5D3D">
<?foreach File in plugin.json;Microsoft.Plugin.Uri.deps.json;Microsoft.Plugin.Uri.dll;ManagedTelemetry.dll?>
<File Id="Uri_$(var.File)" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Uri\$(var.File)" />
<File Id="Uri_$(var.File)" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Uri\$(var.File)" />
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<File Id="UriDarkIcon" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Uri\Images\Uri.dark.png" />
<File Id="UriLightIcon" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Uri\Images\Uri.light.png" />
<File Id="UriDarkIcon" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Uri\Images\Uri.dark.png" />
<File Id="UriLightIcon" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.Uri\Images\Uri.light.png" />
<!-- VSCodeWorkspaces Plugin -->
@ -1231,23 +1118,23 @@
<!-- WindowWalker Plugin -->
<Component Id="WindowWalkerComponent" Directory="WindowWalkerPluginFolder" Guid="EB1391C9-B701-421F-80FC-ABB2FEDFAD19">
<?foreach File in plugin.json;Microsoft.Plugin.WindowWalker.deps.json;Microsoft.Plugin.WindowWalker.dll;ManagedTelemetry.dll?>
<File Id="WindowWalker_$(var.File)" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\WindowWalker\$(var.File)" />
<File Id="WindowWalker_$(var.File)" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.WindowWalker\$(var.File)" />
<Component Id="WindowWalkerImagesComponent" Directory="WindowWalkerImagesFolder" Guid="3944A7F5-77F4-4979-9911-EDE709B2F509">
<File Id="WindowWalkerDarkIcon" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\WindowWalker\Images\windowwalker.dark.png" />
<File Id="WindowWalkerLightIcon" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\WindowWalker\Images\windowwalker.light.png" />
<File Id="WindowWalkerDarkIcon" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.WindowWalker\Images\windowwalker.dark.png" />
<File Id="WindowWalkerLightIcon" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.Plugin.WindowWalker\Images\windowwalker.light.png" />
<!-- Registry Plugin -->
<Component Id="RegistryComponent" Directory="RegistryPluginFolder" Guid="186FDFDC-12F1-4221-BEF6-DE6763F54B18">
<?foreach File in plugin.json;Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Registry.deps.json;Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Registry.dll;ManagedTelemetry.dll?>
<File Id="Registry_$(var.File)" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Registry\$(var.File)" />
<File Id="Registry_$(var.File)" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Registry\$(var.File)" />
<Component Id="RegistryImagesComponent" Directory="RegistryImagesFolder" Guid="2E2C91A2-9F53-40C6-BBE9-E6FD6D6E94EB">
<File Id="RegistryDarkIcon" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Registry\Images\reg.dark.png" />
<File Id="RegistryLightIcon" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Registry\Images\reg.light.png" />
<File Id="RegistryDarkIcon" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Registry\Images\reg.dark.png" />
<File Id="RegistryLightIcon" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.Registry\Images\reg.light.png" />
<!-- Service Plugin -->
@ -1282,28 +1169,6 @@
<File Id="SystemSleepLightIcon" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\System\Images\sleep.light.png" />
<!-- WindowsSettings Plugin -->
<Component Id="WindowsSettingsComponent" Directory="WindowsSettingsPluginFolder" Guid="ACEC2B6D-8E95-43BF-A1E4-137E95F07C96">
<?foreach File in plugin.json;Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.WindowsSettings.deps.json;Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.WindowsSettings.dll;ManagedTelemetry.dll?>
<File Id="WindowsSettings_$(var.File)" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\WindowsSettings\$(var.File)" />
<Component Id="WindowsSettingsImagesComponent" Directory="WindowsSettingsImagesFolder" Guid="E1CE33A7-6318-4FA6-A46B-9302A00BD6AA">
<File Id="WindowsSettingsDarkIcon" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\WindowsSettings\Images\WindowsSettings.dark.png" />
<File Id="WindowsSettingsLightIcon" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\WindowsSettings\Images\WindowsSettings.light.png" />
<!-- WindowsTerminal Plugin -->
<Component Id="WindowsTerminalComponent" Directory="WindowsTerminalPluginFolder" Guid="5392FD11-9A69-4409-A711-748C225F1A18">
<?foreach File in plugin.json;Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.WindowsTerminal.deps.json;Microsoft.PowerToys.Run.Plugin.WindowsTerminal.dll;ManagedTelemetry.dll?>
<File Id="WindowsTerminal_$(var.File)" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\WindowsTerminal\$(var.File)" />
<Component Id="WindowsTerminalImagesComponent" Directory="WindowsTerminalImagesFolder" Guid="CDD21BEB-E2F3-4138-A1F8-72FD3B52706A">
<File Id="WindowsTerminalDarkIcon" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\WindowsTerminal\Images\WindowsTerminal.dark.png" />
<File Id="WindowsTerminalLightIcon" Source="$(var.BinX64Dir)modules\launcher\Plugins\WindowsTerminal\Images\WindowsTerminal.light.png" />

View file

@ -1,21 +1,12 @@
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include <ProjectTelemetry.h>
#include <spdlog/sinks/base_sink.h>
#include "../../src/common/logger/logger.h"
#include "../../src/common/utils/MsiUtils.h"
#include "../../src/common/utils/modulesRegistry.h"
#include "../../src/common/updating/installer.h"
#include "../../src/common/version/version.h"
#include "../../installer/PowerToysBootstrapper/bootstrapper/RcResource.h"
using namespace std;
const DWORD USERNAME_DOMAIN_LEN = DNLEN + UNLEN + 2; // Domain Name + '\' + User Name + '\0'
const DWORD USERNAME_LEN = UNLEN + 1; // User Name + '\0'
static const wchar_t* POWERTOYS_EXE_COMPONENT = L"{A2C66D91-3485-4D00-B04D-91844E6B345B}";
static const wchar_t* POWERTOYS_UPGRADE_CODE = L"{42B84BF7-5FBF-473B-9C8B-049DC16F7708}";
struct WcaSink : spdlog::sinks::base_sink<std::mutex>
virtual void sink_it_(const spdlog::details::log_msg& msg) override
virtual void flush_() override
// we don't need to flush wca log manually
void initSystemLogger()
static std::once_flag initLoggerFlag;
std::call_once(initLoggerFlag, []() { Logger::init(std::vector<spdlog::sink_ptr>{ std::make_shared<WcaSink>() }); });
HRESULT getInstallFolder(MSIHANDLE hInstall, std::wstring& installationDir)
DWORD len = 0;
wchar_t _[1];
MsiGetPropertyW(hInstall, L"CustomActionData", _, &len);
len += 1;
HRESULT hr = MsiGetPropertyW(hInstall, L"CustomActionData",, &len);
if (installationDir.length())
installationDir.resize(installationDir.length() - 1);
ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to get INSTALLFOLDER property.");
return hr;
UINT __stdcall ApplyModulesRegistryChangeSetsCA(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
std::wstring installationFolder;
bool failedToApply = false;
hr = WcaInitialize(hInstall, "ApplyModulesRegistryChangeSets");
ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to initialize");
hr = getInstallFolder(hInstall, installationFolder);
ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to get installFolder.");
for (const auto& changeSet : getAllModulesChangeSets(installationFolder, false))
if (!changeSet.apply())
WcaLog(LOGMSG_STANDARD, "Couldn't apply registry changeSet");
failedToApply = true;
if (!failedToApply)
WcaLog(LOGMSG_STANDARD, "All registry changeSets applied successfully");
return WcaFinalize(er);
UINT __stdcall UnApplyModulesRegistryChangeSetsCA(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
std::wstring installationFolder;
hr = WcaInitialize(hInstall, "UndoModulesRegistryChangeSets"); // original func name is too long
ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to initialize");
hr = getInstallFolder(hInstall, installationFolder);
ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to get installFolder.");
for (const auto& changeSet : getAllModulesChangeSets(installationFolder, false))
ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to extract msix");
return WcaFinalize(er);
UINT __stdcall InstallEmbeddedMSIXCA(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
hr = WcaInitialize(hInstall, "InstallEmbeddedMSIXCA");
ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to initialize");
if (auto msix = RcResource::create(IDR_BIN_MSIX_HELLO_PACKAGE, L"BIN", DLL_HANDLE))
WcaLog(LOGMSG_STANDARD, "Extracted MSIX");
// TODO: Use to activate embedded MSIX
const auto msix_path = std::filesystem::temp_directory_path() / "hello_package.msix";
if (!msix->saveAsFile(msix_path))
ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to save msix");
using namespace winrt::Windows::Management::Deployment;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation;
Uri msix_uri{ msix_path.wstring() };
PackageManager pm;
auto result = pm.AddPackageAsync(msix_uri, nullptr, DeploymentOptions::None).get();
if (!result)
ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to AddPackage");
WcaLog(LOGMSG_STANDARD, "MSIX[s] were installed!");
ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to extract msix");
return WcaFinalize(er);
UINT __stdcall UninstallEmbeddedMSIXCA(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
using namespace winrt::Windows::Management::Deployment;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation;
// TODO: This must be replaced with the actual publisher and package name
const wchar_t package_name[] = L"46b35c25-b593-48d5-aeb1-d3e9c3b796e9";
const wchar_t publisher[] = L"CN=yuyoyuppe";
PackageManager pm;
hr = WcaInitialize(hInstall, "UninstallEmbeddedMSIXCA");
ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to initialize");
for (const auto& p : pm.FindPackagesForUser({}, package_name, publisher))
auto result = pm.RemovePackageAsync(p.Id().FullName()).get();
if (result)
WcaLog(LOGMSG_STANDARD, "MSIX was uninstalled!");
WcaLog(LOGMSG_STANDARD, "Couldn't uninstall MSIX!");
return WcaFinalize(er);
// Creates a Scheduled Task to run at logon for the current user.
// The path of the executable to run should be passed as the CustomActionData (Value).
// Based on the Task Scheduler Logon Trigger Example:
@ -210,12 +40,12 @@ UINT __stdcall CreateScheduledTaskCA(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
ITaskSettings* pSettings = nullptr;
ITriggerCollection* pTriggerCollection = nullptr;
IRegisteredTask* pRegisteredTask = nullptr;
IPrincipal* pPrincipal = nullptr;
ITrigger* pTrigger = nullptr;
ILogonTrigger* pLogonTrigger = nullptr;
IAction* pAction = nullptr;
IActionCollection* pActionCollection = nullptr;
IExecAction* pExecAction = nullptr;
IPrincipal * pPrincipal = nullptr;
ITrigger * pTrigger = nullptr;
ILogonTrigger * pLogonTrigger = nullptr;
IAction * pAction = nullptr;
IActionCollection * pActionCollection = nullptr;
IExecAction * pExecAction = nullptr;
LPWSTR wszExecutablePath = nullptr;
@ -358,6 +188,7 @@ UINT __stdcall CreateScheduledTaskCA(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
ExitOnFailure(hr, "Cannot create the action: %x", hr);
// QI for the executable task pointer.
hr = pAction->QueryInterface(
IID_IExecAction, (void**)&pExecAction);
@ -469,7 +300,7 @@ UINT __stdcall RemoveScheduledTasksCA(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
ITaskService* pService = nullptr;
ITaskFolder* pTaskFolder = nullptr;
IRegisteredTaskCollection* pTaskCollection = nullptr;
ITaskFolder* pRootFolder = nullptr;
ITaskFolder * pRootFolder = nullptr;
LONG numTasks = 0;
hr = WcaInitialize(hInstall, "RemoveScheduledTasksCA");
@ -751,175 +582,19 @@ UINT __stdcall DetectPrevInstallPathCA(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
if (auto install_path = GetMsiPackageInstalledPath())
if (auto install_path = updating::get_msi_package_installed_path())
MsiSetPropertyW(hInstall, L"INSTALLFOLDER", install_path->data());
catch (...)
return WcaFinalize(er);
UINT __stdcall CertifyVirtualCameraDriverCA(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
#ifdef CIBuild // On pipeline we are using microsoft certification
WcaInitialize(hInstall, "CertifyVirtualCameraDriverCA");
return WcaFinalize(ERROR_SUCCESS);
LPWSTR certificatePath = nullptr;
HCERTSTORE hCertStore = nullptr;
HANDLE hfile = nullptr;
char* pFileContent = nullptr;
hr = WcaInitialize(hInstall, "CertifyVirtualCameraDriverCA");
ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to initialize", hr);
hr = WcaGetProperty(L"CustomActionData", &certificatePath);
ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to get install preperty", hr);
if (!hCertStore)
hr = GetLastError();
ExitOnFailure(hr, "Cannot put principal run level: %x", hr);
hfile = CreateFile(certificatePath, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr);
hr = GetLastError();
ExitOnFailure(hr, "Certificate file open failed", hr);
size = GetFileSize(hfile, nullptr);
if (size == INVALID_FILE_SIZE)
hr = GetLastError();
ExitOnFailure(hr, "Certificate file size not valid", hr);
pFileContent = (char*)malloc(size);
DWORD sizeread;
if (!ReadFile(hfile, pFileContent, size, &sizeread, nullptr))
hr = GetLastError();
ExitOnFailure(hr, "Certificate file read failed", hr);
if (!CertAddEncodedCertificateToStore(hCertStore,
(const BYTE*)pFileContent,
hr = GetLastError();
ExitOnFailure(hr, "Adding certificate failed", hr);
if (hCertStore)
CertCloseStore(hCertStore, 0);
if (hfile)
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr))
PMSIHANDLE hRecord = MsiCreateRecord(0);
MsiRecordSetString(hRecord, 0, TEXT("Failed to add certificate to store"));
return WcaFinalize(er);
UINT __stdcall InstallVirtualCameraDriverCA(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
LPWSTR driverPath = nullptr;
hr = WcaInitialize(hInstall, "InstallVirtualCameraDriverCA");
ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to initialize");
hr = WcaGetProperty(L"CustomActionData", &driverPath);
ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to get install preperty");
BOOL requiresReboot;
DiInstallDriverW(GetConsoleWindow(), driverPath, DIIRFLAG_FORCE_INF, &requiresReboot);
hr = GetLastError();
ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to install driver");
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr))
PMSIHANDLE hRecord = MsiCreateRecord(0);
MsiRecordSetString(hRecord, 0, TEXT("Failed to install virtual camera driver"));
return WcaFinalize(er);
UINT __stdcall UninstallVirtualCameraDriverCA(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
LPWSTR driverPath = nullptr;
hr = WcaInitialize(hInstall, "UninstallVirtualCameraDriverCA");
ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to initialize");
hr = WcaGetProperty(L"CustomActionData", &driverPath);
ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to get uninstall preperty");
BOOL requiresReboot;
DiUninstallDriverW(GetConsoleWindow(), driverPath, 0, &requiresReboot);
switch (GetLastError())
case ERROR_IN_WOW64:
hr = GetLastError();
ExitOnFailure(hr, "Failed to uninstall driver");
if (!SUCCEEDED(hr))
PMSIHANDLE hRecord = MsiCreateRecord(0);
MsiRecordSetString(hRecord, 0, TEXT("Filed to iminstall virtual camera driver"));
return WcaFinalize(er);
UINT __stdcall TerminateProcessesCA(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
@ -938,14 +613,10 @@ UINT __stdcall TerminateProcessesCA(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
processes.resize(bytes / sizeof(processes[0]));
std::array<std::wstring_view, 8> processesToTerminate = {
std::array<std::wstring_view, 4> processesToTerminate = {
@ -957,7 +628,7 @@ UINT __stdcall TerminateProcessesCA(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
wchar_t processName[MAX_PATH] = L"<unknown>";
if (!hProcess)
@ -983,7 +654,7 @@ UINT __stdcall TerminateProcessesCA(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &windowProcID);
if (windowProcID == targetProcID)
SendMessageTimeoutA(hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0, SMTO_BLOCK, timeout, &_);
return TRUE;
@ -1001,6 +672,7 @@ UINT __stdcall TerminateProcessesCA(MSIHANDLE hInstall)
return WcaFinalize(er);
// DllMain - Initialize and cleanup WiX custom action utils.
extern "C" BOOL WINAPI DllMain(__in HINSTANCE hInst, __in ULONG ulReason, __in LPVOID)
@ -1009,7 +681,6 @@ extern "C" BOOL WINAPI DllMain(__in HINSTANCE hInst, __in ULONG ulReason, __in L

View file

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
LIBRARY "PowerToysSetupCustomActions"
@ -13,11 +12,4 @@ EXPORTS

View file

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.Default.props" />
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'" Label="Configuration">
@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.props" />
<Import Project="..\..\deps\spdlog.props" />
<ImportGroup Label="ExtensionSettings">
<ImportGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'" Label="PropertySheets">
@ -54,11 +53,10 @@
<AdditionalOptions>/await /Zc:twoPhase- /Wv:18 %(AdditionalOptions)</AdditionalOptions>
<ItemDefinitionGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)'=='Debug|x64'">
@ -114,20 +112,10 @@
<None Include="packages.config" />
<ClInclude Include="..\PowerToysBootstrapper\bootstrapper\RcResource.h" />
<ClInclude Include="resource.h" />
<ClInclude Include="stdafx.h" />
<ClInclude Include="Telemetry\ProjectTelemetry.h" />
<ClInclude Include="Telemetry\TraceLoggingDefines.h" />
<ResourceCompile Include="Resource.rc" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\src\common\logger\logger.vcxproj">
<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets" />
<ImportGroup Label="ExtensionTargets" />
<Target Name="EnsureNuGetPackageBuildImports" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild">

View file

@ -12,8 +12,6 @@
<ClInclude Include="Telemetry\TraceLoggingDefines.h">
<ClInclude Include="resource.h" />
<ClInclude Include="..\PowerToysBootstrapper\bootstrapper\RcResource.h" />
<None Include="CustomAction.def" />
@ -24,7 +22,4 @@
<ResourceCompile Include="Resource.rc" />

View file

@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
// Microsoft Visual C++ generated resource script.
#include "resource.h"
// Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource.
#include "winres.h"
// English (United States) resources
#if !defined(AFX_RESOURCE_DLL) || defined(AFX_TARG_RUS)
"#include ""winres.h""\r\n"
#endif // English (United States) resources
// TODO: Use to activate embedded MSIX
//IDR_BIN_MSIX_HELLO_PACKAGE BIN "..\\..\..\\src\\modules\\HelloModule\\AppPackages\\HelloModule_1.0.0.0_x64_Test\\HelloModule_1.0.0.0_x64.msix"
// Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource.
#endif // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED

View file

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
// Microsoft Visual C++ generated include file.
// Used by Resource.rc
// Next default values for new objects

View file

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
// Windows Header Files:
#include <windows.h>
#include <newdev.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
#include <msiquery.h>
#include <Msi.h>
@ -27,10 +26,3 @@
#include <psapi.h>
#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include <mutex>
#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.Collections.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.ApplicationModel.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Management.Deployment.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.System.h>

View file

@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# PowerToys installer instructions
Please go to for instructions
Please go to for instructions

View file

@ -64,7 +64,28 @@
<data name="DOTNET_CORE_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE_TITLE" xml:space="preserve">
<value>PowerToys installation error</value>
<data name="GITHUB_NEW_VERSION_AVAILABLE" xml:space="preserve">
<value>An update to PowerToys is available.</value>
<data name="GITHUB_NEW_VERSION_UPDATE_NOW" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Update now</value>
<data name="UNINSTALLATION_UNKNOWN_ERROR" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Error: please uninstall the previous version of PowerToys manually.</value>
<data name="GITHUB_NEW_VERSION_AVAILABLE_OFFER_VISIT" xml:space="preserve">
<value>An update to PowerToys is available. Visit our GitHub page to update.</value>
<data name="GITHUB_NEW_VERSION_MORE_INFO" xml:space="preserve">
<value>More info...</value>
<data name="TOAST_TITLE" xml:space="preserve">
<value>PowerToys Update</value>
<data name="OFFER_UNINSTALL_MSI" xml:space="preserve">
<value>We've detected a previous installation of PowerToys. Would you like to remove it?</value>
<data name="OFFER_UNINSTALL_MSI_TITLE" xml:space="preserve">
<value>PowerToys: uninstall previous version?</value>

View file

@ -11,6 +11,12 @@
#include <filesystem>
#include <string_view>
#include <common/updating/updating.h>
#include <common/updating/updateState.h>
#include <common/updating/installer.h>
#include <common/updating/http_client.h>
#include <common/updating/dotnet_installation.h>
#include <common/utils/elevation.h>
#include <common/utils/process_path.h>
#include <common/utils/resources.h>
@ -22,12 +28,214 @@
#include <winrt/Windows.ApplicationModel.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Storage.h>
#include <Msi.h>
#include "../runner/tray_icon.h"
#include "../runner/ActionRunnerUtils.h"
#include "../runner/action_runner_utils.h"
auto Strings = create_notifications_strings();
using namespace cmdArg;
int UninstallMsiAction()
const auto package_path = updating::get_msi_package_path();
if (package_path.empty())
return 0;
if (!updating::uninstall_msi_version(package_path, Strings))
return -1;
// Launch PowerToys again, since it's been terminated by the MSI uninstaller
std::wstring runner_path{ winrt::Windows::ApplicationModel::Package::Current().InstalledLocation().Path() };
runner_path += L"\\PowerToys.exe";
SHELLEXECUTEINFOW sei{ sizeof(sei) };
sei.lpFile = runner_path.c_str();
sei.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
return 0;
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
std::optional<fs::path> CopySelfToTempDir()
std::error_code error;
auto dst_path = fs::temp_directory_path() / "PowerToys.ActionRunner.exe";
fs::copy_file(get_module_filename(), dst_path, fs::copy_options::overwrite_existing, error);
if (error)
return std::nullopt;
return std::move(dst_path);
std::optional<fs::path> ObtainInstallerPath()
using namespace updating;
auto state = UpdateState::read();
if (state.state == UpdateState::readyToDownload || state.state == UpdateState::errorDownloading)
const auto new_version_info = get_github_version_info_async(Strings).get();
if (!new_version_info)
Logger::error(L"Couldn't obtain github version info: {}", new_version_info.error());
return std::nullopt;
if (!std::holds_alternative<new_version_download_info>(*new_version_info))
Logger::error("Invoked with -update_now argument, but no update was available");
return std::nullopt;
auto downloaded_installer = download_new_version(std::get<new_version_download_info>(*new_version_info)).get();
if (!downloaded_installer)
Logger::error("Couldn't download new installer");
return downloaded_installer;
else if (state.state == UpdateState::readyToInstall)
fs::path installer{ get_pending_updates_path() / state.downloadedInstallerFilename };
if (fs::is_regular_file(installer))
return std::move(installer);
Logger::error(L"Couldn't find a downloaded installer {}", installer.native());
return std::nullopt;
Logger::error("Invoked with -update_now argument, but update state was invalid");
return std::nullopt;
bool InstallNewVersionStage1()
const auto installer = ObtainInstallerPath();
if (!installer)
return false;
if (auto copy_in_temp = CopySelfToTempDir())
// Detect if PT was running
const auto pt_main_window = FindWindowW(pt_tray_icon_window_class, nullptr);
const bool launch_powertoys = pt_main_window != nullptr;
if (pt_main_window != nullptr)
SendMessageW(pt_main_window, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
std::wstring arguments{ UPDATE_NOW_LAUNCH_STAGE2 };
arguments += L" \"";
arguments += installer->c_str();
arguments += L"\" \"";
arguments += get_module_folderpath();
arguments += L"\" ";
arguments += launch_powertoys ? UPDATE_STAGE2_RESTART_PT : UPDATE_STAGE2_DONT_START_PT;
SHELLEXECUTEINFOW sei{ sizeof(sei) };
sei.lpFile = copy_in_temp->c_str();
sei.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
sei.lpParameters = arguments.c_str();
return ShellExecuteExW(&sei) == TRUE;
return false;
bool InstallNewVersionStage2(std::wstring installer_path, std::wstring_view install_path, bool launch_powertoys)
std::transform(begin(installer_path), end(installer_path), begin(installer_path), ::towlower);
bool success = true;
if (installer_path.ends_with(L".msi"))
success = MsiInstallProductW(, nullptr) == ERROR_SUCCESS;
// If it's not .msi, then it's our .exe installer
SHELLEXECUTEINFOW sei{ sizeof(sei) };
sei.lpFile = installer_path.c_str();
sei.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
std::wstring parameters = L"--no_full_ui";
if (launch_powertoys)
// .exe installer launches the main app by default
launch_powertoys = false;
parameters += L"--no_start_pt";
sei.lpParameters = parameters.c_str();
success = ShellExecuteExW(&sei) == TRUE;
// Wait for the install completion
if (success)
WaitForSingleObject(sei.hProcess, INFINITE);
DWORD exitCode = 0;
GetExitCodeProcess(sei.hProcess, &exitCode);
success = exitCode == 0;
if (!success)
return false;
std::error_code _;
fs::remove(installer_path, _);
UpdateState::store([&](UpdateState& state) {
state = {};
state.state = UpdateState::upToDate;
if (launch_powertoys)
std::wstring new_pt_path{ install_path };
new_pt_path += L"\\PowerToys.exe";
SHELLEXECUTEINFOW sei{ sizeof(sei) };
sei.lpFile = new_pt_path.c_str();
sei.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
sei.lpParameters = UPDATE_REPORT_SUCCESS;
return ShellExecuteExW(&sei) == TRUE;
return true;
int nArgs = 0;
@ -104,6 +312,37 @@ int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE, HINSTANCE, LPSTR, int)
else if (action == UNINSTALL_MSI)
return UninstallMsiAction();
else if (action == UPDATE_NOW_LAUNCH_STAGE1)
const bool failed = !InstallNewVersionStage1();
if (failed)
UpdateState::store([&](UpdateState& state) {
state.downloadedInstallerFilename = {};
state.state = UpdateState::errorDownloading;
return failed;
else if (action == UPDATE_NOW_LAUNCH_STAGE2)
using namespace std::string_view_literals;
const bool failed = !InstallNewVersionStage2(args[2], args[3], args[4] == std::wstring_view{ UPDATE_STAGE2_RESTART_PT });
if (failed)
UpdateState::store([&](UpdateState& state) {
state.downloadedInstallerFilename = {};
state.state = UpdateState::errorDownloading;
return failed;
return 0;

View file

@ -41,9 +41,15 @@
<ProjectReference Include="..\common\logger\logger.vcxproj">
<ProjectReference Include="..\common\notifications\notifications.vcxproj">
<ProjectReference Include="..\common\SettingsAPI\SetttingsAPI.vcxproj">
<ProjectReference Include="..\common\updating\updating.vcxproj">
<ClInclude Include="resource.h" />

View file

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
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<Item ItemId=";DOTNET_CORE_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE" ItemType="0;.resx" PsrId="211" Leaf="true">
<Str Cat="Text">
<Val><![CDATA[Couldn't download .NET Core Desktop Runtime 3.1, please install it manually.]]></Val>
<Tgt Cat="Text" Stat="Loc" Orig="New">
<Val><![CDATA[Nepovedlo se stáhnout modul .NET Core Desktop Runtime 3.1, nainstalujte ho prosím ručně.]]></Val>
<Disp Icon="Str" />
<Item ItemId=";DOTNET_CORE_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE_TITLE" ItemType="0;.resx" PsrId="211" Leaf="true">
<Str Cat="Text">
<Val><![CDATA[PowerToys installation error]]></Val>
<Tgt Cat="Text" Stat="Loc" Orig="New">
<Val><![CDATA[Chyba instalace PowerToys]]></Val>
<Disp Icon="Str" />
<Item ItemId=";GITHUB_NEW_VERSION_AVAILABLE_OFFER_VISIT" ItemType="0;.resx" PsrId="211" Leaf="true">
<Str Cat="Text">
<Val><![CDATA[An update to PowerToys is available. Visit our GitHub page to update.]]></Val>
<Tgt Cat="Text" Stat="Loc" Orig="New">
<Val><![CDATA[Je k dispozici aktualizace pro sadu PowerToys. Pokud ji chcete aktualizovat, navštivte naši stránku na GitHubu.]]></Val>
<Disp Icon="Str" />

View file

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
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<Str Cat="Text">
<Val><![CDATA[Couldn't download .NET Core Desktop Runtime 3.1, please install it manually.]]></Val>
<Tgt Cat="Text" Stat="Loc" Orig="New">
<Val><![CDATA[.NET Core Desktop Runtime 3.1 konnte nicht heruntergeladen werden. Führen Sie die Installation manuell durch.]]></Val>
<Disp Icon="Str" />
<Item ItemId=";DOTNET_CORE_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE_TITLE" ItemType="0;.resx" PsrId="211" Leaf="true">
<Str Cat="Text">
<Val><![CDATA[PowerToys installation error]]></Val>
<Tgt Cat="Text" Stat="Loc" Orig="New">
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<Item ItemId=";GITHUB_NEW_VERSION_AVAILABLE_OFFER_VISIT" ItemType="0;.resx" PsrId="211" Leaf="true">
<Str Cat="Text">
<Val><![CDATA[An update to PowerToys is available. Visit our GitHub page to update.]]></Val>
<Tgt Cat="Text" Stat="Loc" Orig="New">
<Val><![CDATA[Für PowerToys ist ein Update verfügbar. Besuchen Sie unsere GitHub-Seite, um das Update durchzuführen.]]></Val>
<Disp Icon="Str" />

View file

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LCX SchemaVersion="6.0" Name="S:\src\ActionRunner\Resources.resx" PsrId="211" FileType="1" SrcCul="en-US" TgtCul="es-ES" xmlns="">
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<Item ItemId=";DOTNET_CORE_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE" ItemType="0;.resx" PsrId="211" Leaf="true">
<Str Cat="Text">
<Val><![CDATA[Couldn't download .NET Core Desktop Runtime 3.1, please install it manually.]]></Val>
<Tgt Cat="Text" Stat="Loc" Orig="New">
<Val><![CDATA[No se pudo descargar .NET Core Desktop Runtime 3.1. Instálelo manualmente.]]></Val>
<Disp Icon="Str" />
<Item ItemId=";DOTNET_CORE_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE_TITLE" ItemType="0;.resx" PsrId="211" Leaf="true">
<Str Cat="Text">
<Val><![CDATA[PowerToys installation error]]></Val>
<Tgt Cat="Text" Stat="Loc" Orig="New">
<Val><![CDATA[Error de instalación de PowerToys]]></Val>
<Disp Icon="Str" />
<Item ItemId=";GITHUB_NEW_VERSION_AVAILABLE_OFFER_VISIT" ItemType="0;.resx" PsrId="211" Leaf="true">
<Str Cat="Text">
<Val><![CDATA[An update to PowerToys is available. Visit our GitHub page to update.]]></Val>
<Tgt Cat="Text" Stat="Loc" Orig="New">
<Val><![CDATA[Hay disponible una actualización de PowerToys. Visite nuestra página de GitHub para actualizar.]]></Val>
<Disp Icon="Str" />

View file

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LCX SchemaVersion="6.0" Name="S:\src\ActionRunner\Resources.resx" PsrId="211" FileType="1" SrcCul="en-US" TgtCul="fr-FR" xmlns="">
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<Str Cat="Text">
<Val><![CDATA[Couldn't download .NET Core Desktop Runtime 3.1, please install it manually.]]></Val>
<Tgt Cat="Text" Stat="Loc" Orig="New">
<Val><![CDATA[Impossible de télécharger .NET Core Desktop Runtime 3.1, installez-le manuellement.]]></Val>
<Disp Icon="Str" />
<Item ItemId=";DOTNET_CORE_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE_TITLE" ItemType="0;.resx" PsrId="211" Leaf="true">
<Str Cat="Text">
<Val><![CDATA[PowerToys installation error]]></Val>
<Tgt Cat="Text" Stat="Loc" Orig="New">
<Val><![CDATA[Erreur d'installation de PowerToys]]></Val>
<Disp Icon="Str" />
<Item ItemId=";GITHUB_NEW_VERSION_AVAILABLE_OFFER_VISIT" ItemType="0;.resx" PsrId="211" Leaf="true">
<Str Cat="Text">
<Val><![CDATA[An update to PowerToys is available. Visit our GitHub page to update.]]></Val>
<Tgt Cat="Text" Stat="Loc" Orig="New">
<Val><![CDATA[Une mise à jour de PowerToys est disponible. Visitez notre page GitHub pour effectuer la mise à jour.]]></Val>
<Disp Icon="Str" />

View file

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LCX SchemaVersion="6.0" Name="S:\src\ActionRunner\Resources.resx" PsrId="211" FileType="1" SrcCul="en-US" TgtCul="hu-HU" xmlns="">
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<Item ItemId=";DOTNET_CORE_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE" ItemType="0;.resx" PsrId="211" Leaf="true">
<Str Cat="Text">
<Val><![CDATA[Couldn't download .NET Core Desktop Runtime 3.1, please install it manually.]]></Val>
<Tgt Cat="Text" Stat="Loc" Orig="New">
<Val><![CDATA[Nem sikerült letölteni a .NET Core futásidejű asztali összetevő 3.1-es verzióját, telepítse manuálisan.]]></Val>
<Disp Icon="Str" />
<Item ItemId=";DOTNET_CORE_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE_TITLE" ItemType="0;.resx" PsrId="211" Leaf="true">
<Str Cat="Text">
<Val><![CDATA[PowerToys installation error]]></Val>
<Tgt Cat="Text" Stat="Loc" Orig="New">
<Val><![CDATA[PowerToys-telepítési hiba]]></Val>
<Disp Icon="Str" />
<Item ItemId=";GITHUB_NEW_VERSION_AVAILABLE_OFFER_VISIT" ItemType="0;.resx" PsrId="211" Leaf="true">
<Str Cat="Text">
<Val><![CDATA[An update to PowerToys is available. Visit our GitHub page to update.]]></Val>
<Tgt Cat="Text" Stat="Loc" Orig="New">
<Val><![CDATA[PowerToys-frissítés érhető el. A frissítéshez látogasson el a GitHub oldalunkra.]]></Val>
<Disp Icon="Str" />

View file

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LCX SchemaVersion="6.0" Name="S:\src\ActionRunner\Resources.resx" PsrId="211" FileType="1" SrcCul="en-US" TgtCul="it-IT" xmlns="">
<Cmt Name="Dev" />
<Cmt Name="LcxAdmin" />
<Cmt Name="Rccx" />
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<Item ItemId=";DOTNET_CORE_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE" ItemType="0;.resx" PsrId="211" Leaf="true">
<Str Cat="Text">
<Val><![CDATA[Couldn't download .NET Core Desktop Runtime 3.1, please install it manually.]]></Val>
<Tgt Cat="Text" Stat="Loc" Orig="New">
<Val><![CDATA[Non è stato possibile scaricare .NET Core Desktop Runtime 3.1. Installarlo manualmente.]]></Val>
<Disp Icon="Str" />
<Item ItemId=";DOTNET_CORE_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE_TITLE" ItemType="0;.resx" PsrId="211" Leaf="true">
<Str Cat="Text">
<Val><![CDATA[PowerToys installation error]]></Val>
<Tgt Cat="Text" Stat="Loc" Orig="New">
<Val><![CDATA[Errore di installazione di PowerToys]]></Val>
<Disp Icon="Str" />
<Item ItemId=";GITHUB_NEW_VERSION_AVAILABLE_OFFER_VISIT" ItemType="0;.resx" PsrId="211" Leaf="true">
<Str Cat="Text">
<Val><![CDATA[An update to PowerToys is available. Visit our GitHub page to update.]]></Val>
<Tgt Cat="Text" Stat="Loc" Orig="New">
<Val><![CDATA[È disponibile un aggiornamento per PowerToys. Per procedere all'aggiornamento, visitare la pagina di GitHub.]]></Val>
<Disp Icon="Str" />

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more