# Architecture ## Overview `PowerToys Run` is a plugin-based .net core desktop application. It is written in WPF using `Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)` structural design pattern. This article provides an overview of `PowerToys Run` architecture and introduces major components in the data flow. Note : We refer to base application without plugins as `PowerLauncher`, which is same as the name of startup WPF project. ## UI PowerToys Run UI is written in the WPF framework. The UI code is present in the Powerlauncher project and is spanned across three high-level components: [`MainWindow.xaml`](/src/modules/launcher/PowerLauncher/MainWindow.xaml), [`LauncherControl.xaml`](/src/modules/launcher/PowerLauncher/LauncherControl.xaml) and [`ResultList.xaml`](/src/modules/launcher/PowerLauncher/LauncherControl.xaml). These components are discussed below. ![Image of PowerToys Run UI](/doc/images/launcher/pt_run_ui.png) **Fig 1: PowerToys Run UI architecture** 1. **[`MainWindow.xaml`](/src/modules/launcher/PowerLauncher/MainWindow.xaml)**: This is the outermost-level UI control. It is composed of lower-level UI components such as [`LauncherControl.xaml`](/src/modules/launcher/PowerLauncher/LauncherControl.xaml) and [`ResultList.xaml`](/src/modules/launcher/PowerLauncher/LauncherControl.xaml). The corresponding code-behind file implements all the UI related functionalities such as autosuggest, key-bindings, toggling visibility of WPF window and animations. 2. **[`LauncherControl.xaml`](/src/modules/launcher/PowerLauncher/LauncherControl.xaml)**: This control implements the UI component for editing query text.(marked in red in Fig 1) It consists of two overlapping WPF controls, `TextBox` and `TextBlock`. The outer `TextBox` is used for editing query whereas the inner `TextBlock` is used to display autosuggest text. 3. **[`ResultList.xaml`](/src/modules/launcher/PowerLauncher/LauncherControl.xaml)**: This control implements the UI component for displaying results (marked in green in Fig 1). It consists of a `ListView` WPF control with a custom `ItemTemplate` to display application logo, name, tooltip text, and context menu. ## Data flow The backend code is written using the `Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)` structural design pattern. Plugins act as `Model` in this project. A detailed overview of the project's structure is given [here](/doc/devdocs/modules/launcher/project_structure.md). #### Flow of data between UI(view) and ViewModels Data flow between View and ViewModel follows typical `MVVM` scheme. Properties in viewModels are bound to WPF controls and when these properties are updated, `INotifyPropertyChanged` handler is invoked, which in turn updates UI. The diagram below provides a rough sketch of the components involved. ![Flow of data between UI(view) and ViewModels](/doc/images/launcher/ui_vm_interaction.PNG) **Fig 2: Flow of data between UI and ViewModels.** #### Flow of data between ViewModels and Plugins(Model) `PowerLauncher` interact with plugins using [`IPlugin`](/src/modules/launcher/Wox.Plugin/IPlugin.cs) and `IDelayedExecutionPlugin` interface. [`IPlugin`](/src/modules/launcher/Wox.Plugin/IPlugin.cs) is used for initialization and making queries which are fast (typically return results in less than 100ms).[`IDelayedExecutionPlugin`](/src/modules/launcher/Wox.Plugin/IDelayedExecutionPlugin.cs) is used for long-running queries and is implemented only when required. For example, [`IDelayedExecutionPlugin`](/src/modules/launcher/Wox.Plugin/IDelayedExecutionPlugin.cs) is implemented by indexer plugin for searching files with names of form \*abc\*. ``` public interface IPlugin { // Query plugin List Query(Query query); // Initialize plugin void Init(PluginInitContext context); } public interface IDelayedExecutionPlugin : IFeatures { // Query plugin List Query(Query query, bool delayedExecution); } ``` ![Flow of data between UI(view) and ViewModels](/doc/images/launcher/vm_plugin_interaction.PNG) **Fig 3: Flow of data between ViewModels and Plugins.** #### Requesting services from powerlauncher Plugins could use the [`IPublicAPI`](/src/modules/launcher/Wox.Plugin/IPublicAPI.cs) interface to request services such as getting the current theme (for deciding logo background), displaying messages to the user, and toggling the visibility of PowerLauncher.