# Web project for the Settings UI ## Introduction This project generates the web UI shown in the [PowerToys Settings](/src/editor). It's a `ReactJS` project created using [UI Fabric](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/fabric#/). ## Build Commands Here are the commands to build and test this project: ### To start the development server ``` npm install npm run start ``` ### Building and integrating into PowerToys settings project ``` npm run build ``` ## Updating the icons Icons inside [`src/icons/`](./src/icons/) were generated from the [Office UI Fabric Icons subset generation tool.](https://uifabricicons.azurewebsites.net/) In case the subset needs to be changed, additional steps are needed to include the icon font in the built `dist/bundle.js`: - Copy the inline font data taken from [`src/icons/css/fabric-icons-inline.css`](src/icons/css/fabric-icons-inline.css) and place it in the `fontFace` `src` value in [`src/icons/src/fabric-icons.ts`](src/icons/src/fabric-icons.ts). A list of the current icons in the subset can be seen in the `icons` object in [`src/icons/src/fabric-icons.ts`](src/icons/src/fabric-icons.ts). SVG icons, including the icons for each PowerToy listed in the Settings, are contained in [`src/svg/`](src/svg/). To add additional SVG icons add them to [`src/svg/`](src/svg/) and register them in [`src/setup_icons.tsx`](src/setup_icons.tsx). ## Code Structure The project structure is based on the [`UI Fabric` scaffold](https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/fabric#/get-started/web#option-1-quick-start) obtained by initializing it with `npm init uifabric`. #### [index.html](./index.html) The HTML entry-point of the project. Loads the `ReactJS` distribution script. Defines JavaScript functions to receive and send messages to the [PowerToys Settings](/src/editor) window. #### [src/index.tsx](./src/index.tsx) Main `ReactJS` entrypoint, initializing the `ReactDOM`. #### [src/setup_icons.tsx](./src/setup_icons.tsx) Defines the `setup_powertoys_icons` function that registers the icons to be used in the components. #### [src/components/](./src/components/) Contains the `ReactJS` components, including the Settings controls for each type of setting. #### [src/components/App.tsx](./src/components/App.tsx) Defines the main App component, containing the UI layout, navigation menu, dialogs and main load/save logic. #### [src/components/GeneralSettings.tsx](./src/components/GeneralSettings.tsx) Defines the PowerToys General Settings component, including logic to construct the object sent to PowerToys to change the General settings. #### [src/components/ModuleSettings.tsx](./src/components/ModuleSettings.tsx) Defines the component that generates the settings screen for a PowerToy depending on its settings definition. #### [src/components/BaseSettingsControl.tsx](./src/components/BaseSettingsControl.tsx) Defines the base class for a Settings control. #### [src/css/layout.css](./src/css/layout.css) General layout styles. #### [src/icons/](./src/icons/) Icons generated from the [Office UI Fabric Icons subset generation tool.](https://uifabricicons.azurewebsites.net/) #### [src/svg/](./src/svg/) SVG icon assets. ## Creating a new settings control The [`BaseSettingsControl` class](./src/components/BaseSettingsControl.tsx) can be extended to create a new Settings control type. ```tsx export class BaseSettingsControl extends React.Component { parent_on_change: Function; constructor(props:any) { super(props); this.parent_on_change=props.on_change; } public get_value():any { return null; } } ``` A settings control overrides the `get_value` function to return the value to be used for the Setting the control is representing. It will use the `parent_on_change` property to signal that the user made some changes to the settings. Here's the [`StringTextSettingsControl`](./src/components/StringTextSettingsControl.tsx) component to serve as an example: ```tsx export class StringTextSettingsControl extends BaseSettingsControl { textref:any = null; // Keeps a reference to the corresponding TextField in the DOM. constructor(props:any) { super(props); this.textref = null; this.state={ property_values: props.setting } } componentWillReceiveProps(props: any) { // Fully controlled component. // Reacting to a property change so that the control is redrawn properly. this.setState({ property_values: props.setting }) } public get_value() : any { // Returns the TextField value. return {value: this.textref.value}; } public render(): JSX.Element { // Renders a UI Fabric TextField. return ( { // Updates the state with the new value introduced in the TextField. this.setState( (prev_state:any) => ({ property_values: { ...(prev_state.property_values), value: _new_value } }) ); // Signal the parent that the user changed a value. this.parent_on_change(); } } value={this.state.property_values.value} label={this.state.property_values.display_name} componentRef= {(input) => {this.textref=input;}} /> ); } } ``` Each settings property has a `editor_type` field that's used to differentiate between the Settings control types: ```js 'test string_text': { display_name: 'This is what a string_text looks like', editor_type: 'string_text', value: 'A sample string value' } ``` A new Settings control component can be added to [`src/components/`](./src/components/). To render the new Settings control, its `editor_type` and component instance need to be added to the [`ModuleSettings` component render()](./src/components/ModuleSettings.tsx): ```tsx import React from 'react'; import {StringTextSettingsControl} from './StringTextSettingsControl'; ... export class ModuleSettings extends React.Component { references: any; parent_on_change: Function; ... public render(): JSX.Element { let power_toys_properties = this.state.powertoy.properties; return ( ... { Object.keys(power_toys_properties). map( (key) => { switch(power_toys_properties[key].editor_type) { ... case 'string_text': return {this.references[key]=input;}} />; ... ```