2013-12-27 20:06:49 +08:00

116 lines
2.8 KiB

#include <tchar.h>
#include "Python.h"
#include <thread>
#include <future>
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void InitPythonEnv()
char* GetErrorMessage()
char *pStrErrorMessage = NULL;
PyObject *ptype, *pvalue, *ptraceback;
PyErr_Fetch(&ptype, &pvalue, &ptraceback);
pStrErrorMessage = PyString_AsString(pvalue);
return pStrErrorMessage;
char* Exec(char* directory, char* file, char* method, char* para)
PyObject *pName, *pModule, *pDict, *pFunc, *pValue, *pClass, *pInstance;
char *error;
PyThreadState* global_state = PyThreadState_Get();
PyThreadState* ts = Py_NewInterpreter();
// Initialise the Python interpreter
// Create GIL/enable threads
//PyGILState_STATE gstate = PyGILState_Ensure();
// // Get the default thread state
// PyThreadState* state = PyThreadState_Get();
// // Once in each thread
//PyThreadState* stateForNewThread = PyThreadState_New(state->interp);
// Build the name object
PyObject *sys = PyImport_ImportModule("sys");
PyObject *path = PyObject_GetAttrString(sys, "path");
PyList_Append(path, PyString_FromString(directory));
pName = PyString_FromString(file);
error = GetErrorMessage();
if(error != NULL){
char* err =new char[5000]();
sprintf(error, "%s:%s","PYTHONERROR",error);
return err;
pModule = PyImport_Import(pName);
error = GetErrorMessage();
if(error != NULL){
char* err =new char[5000]();
sprintf(err, "%s:%s","PYTHONERROR",error);
return err;
pDict = PyModule_GetDict(pModule);
error = GetErrorMessage();
if(error != NULL){
char* err =new char[5000]();
sprintf(err, "%s:%s","PYTHONERROR",error);
return err;
pClass = PyDict_GetItemString(pDict,"PyWinAlfred");
error = GetErrorMessage();
if(error != NULL){
char* err =new char[5000]();
sprintf(err, "%s:%s","PYTHONERROR",error);
return err;
pInstance = PyObject_CallObject(pClass, NULL);
error = GetErrorMessage();
if(error != NULL){
char* err =new char[5000]();
sprintf(err, "%s:%s","PYTHONERROR",error);
return err;
// Call a method of the class with two parameters
pValue = PyObject_CallMethod(pInstance,method, "(s)",para);
error = GetErrorMessage();
if(error != NULL){
char* err =new char[5000]();
sprintf(err, "%s:%s","PYTHONERROR",error);
return err;
char * str_ret = PyString_AsString(pValue);
// Finish the Python Interpreter
return str_ret;
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) char* ExecPython(char* directory, char* file, char* method, char* para)
auto future = std::async(Exec,directory,file,method,para);
return future.get();