Stefan Markovic 5cfbd72fa8
[PowerRename] Fluent UX (#13678)
* PowerRename new UI

* Add scrollviewer

* Don't deploy PowerRenameUI_new

* Visual updates

* Visual updates

* Updates

* Update Resources.resw

* Added docs button

* Update MainWindow.xaml

* Wire Docs button

* RegEx -> regular expressions

* Update Show only renamed list on search/replace text changed

* Update Show only renamed list on search/replace text changed - proper fix
Set searchTerm to NULL when cleared - fix Show only renamed files on clear searchTerm

* Files/folders input error handling

* Fix renaming with keeping UI window opened

After renaming folder, all of it's children need path update.
Without path update, further renaming of children items would

* Update only children, not all items with greater depth

* Fix dictionary false positives

* Remove .NET dep

* Rename PowerRenameUI_new to PowerRenameUILib
Rename executable PowerRenameUIHost to PowerRename

Co-authored-by: Laute <Niels.Laute@philips.com>
2021-10-25 14:40:19 +01:00

109 lines
3.5 KiB

#pragma once
#include <unknwn.h> // To enable support for non-WinRT interfaces, unknwn.h must be included before any C++/WinRT headers.
#include <winrt/Windows.System.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.Collections.h>
#pragma push_macro("GetCurrentTime")
#undef GetCurrentTime
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Xaml.Hosting.h>
#pragma pop_macro("GetCurrentTime")
#include <winrt/Windows.UI.Xaml.Markup.h>
#include <windows.ui.xaml.hosting.desktopwindowxamlsource.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <wil/resource.h>
class DesktopWindow
int MessageLoop(HACCEL accelerators);
HWND CreateDesktopWindowsXamlSource(DWORD extraStyles, const winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::UIElement& content);
void ClearXamlIslands();
HWND WindowHandle() const
return m_window.get();
static void OnNCCreate(HWND window, LPARAM lparam) noexcept
auto cs = reinterpret_cast<CREATESTRUCT*>(lparam);
auto that = static_cast<DesktopWindow*>(cs->lpCreateParams);
that->m_window.reset(window); // take ownership of the window
SetWindowLongPtrW(window, GWLP_USERDATA, reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(that));
winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Hosting::DesktopWindowXamlSource GetFocusedIsland();
bool FilterMessage(const MSG* msg);
void OnTakeFocusRequested(winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Hosting::DesktopWindowXamlSource const& sender, winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Hosting::DesktopWindowXamlSourceTakeFocusRequestedEventArgs const& args);
winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Hosting::DesktopWindowXamlSource GetNextFocusedIsland(const MSG* msg);
bool NavigateFocus(MSG* msg);
wil::unique_hwnd m_window;
winrt::guid m_lastFocusRequestId;
std::vector<winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Hosting::DesktopWindowXamlSource::TakeFocusRequested_revoker> m_takeFocusEventRevokers;
std::vector<winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Hosting::DesktopWindowXamlSource> m_xamlSources;
template<typename T>
struct DesktopWindowT : public DesktopWindow
using base_type = DesktopWindowT<T>;
static LRESULT __stdcall WndProc(HWND window, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) noexcept
if (message == WM_NCCREATE)
OnNCCreate(window, lparam);
else if (message == WM_NCDESTROY)
SetWindowLongPtrW(window, GWLP_USERDATA, 0);
else if (auto that = reinterpret_cast<T*>(GetWindowLongPtrW(window, GWLP_USERDATA)))
return that->MessageHandler(message, wparam, lparam);
return DefWindowProcW(window, message, wparam, lparam);
LRESULT MessageHandler(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) noexcept
switch (message)
HANDLE_MSG(WindowHandle(), WM_DESTROY, OnDestroy);
HANDLE_MSG(WindowHandle(), WM_ACTIVATE, OnActivate);
HANDLE_MSG(WindowHandle(), WM_SETFOCUS, OnSetFocus);
return DefWindowProcW(WindowHandle(), message, wParam, lParam);
void OnDestroy(HWND)
void OnActivate(HWND, UINT state, HWND hwndActDeact, BOOL fMinimized)
if (state == WA_INACTIVE)
m_hwndLastFocus = GetFocus();
void OnSetFocus(HWND, HWND hwndOldFocus)
if (m_hwndLastFocus)
HWND m_hwndLastFocus = nullptr;