Stefan Markovic 5cfbd72fa8
[PowerRename] Fluent UX (#13678)
* PowerRename new UI

* Add scrollviewer

* Don't deploy PowerRenameUI_new

* Visual updates

* Visual updates

* Updates

* Update Resources.resw

* Added docs button

* Update MainWindow.xaml

* Wire Docs button

* RegEx -> regular expressions

* Update Show only renamed list on search/replace text changed

* Update Show only renamed list on search/replace text changed - proper fix
Set searchTerm to NULL when cleared - fix Show only renamed files on clear searchTerm

* Files/folders input error handling

* Fix renaming with keeping UI window opened

After renaming folder, all of it's children need path update.
Without path update, further renaming of children items would

* Update only children, not all items with greater depth

* Fix dictionary false positives

* Remove .NET dep

* Rename PowerRenameUI_new to PowerRenameUILib
Rename executable PowerRenameUIHost to PowerRename

Co-authored-by: Laute <Niels.Laute@philips.com>
2021-10-25 14:40:19 +01:00

27 lines
1.6 KiB

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