Davide Giacometti e19ecd2ba1
[FancyZones] Use accent color and theme (#14158)
* use accent color and theme

* typo

* Updated FZ color UX (#14171)

Co-authored-by: Laute <Niels.Laute@philips.com>

* fix resources

* rebase fix

* label updated

Co-authored-by: Niels Laute <niels.laute@live.nl>
Co-authored-by: Laute <Niels.Laute@philips.com>
2021-11-04 14:30:06 +00:00

58 lines
2.4 KiB

#pragma once
#include <common/SettingsAPI/settings_objects.h>
enum struct OverlappingZonesAlgorithm : int
Smallest = 0,
Largest = 1,
Positional = 2,
ClosestCenter = 3,
EnumElements = 4, // number of elements in the enum, not counting this
// in reality, this file needs to be kept in sync currently with src/settings-ui/Microsoft.PowerToys.Settings.UI.Library/FZConfigProperties.cs
struct Settings
// The values specified here are the defaults.
bool shiftDrag = true;
bool mouseSwitch = false;
bool displayChange_moveWindows = false;
bool zoneSetChange_flashZones = false;
bool zoneSetChange_moveWindows = false;
bool overrideSnapHotkeys = false;
bool moveWindowAcrossMonitors = false;
bool moveWindowsBasedOnPosition = false;
bool appLastZone_moveWindows = false;
bool openWindowOnActiveMonitor = false;
bool restoreSize = false;
bool quickLayoutSwitch = true;
bool flashZonesOnQuickSwitch = true;
bool use_cursorpos_editor_startupscreen = true;
bool showZonesOnAllMonitors = false;
bool spanZonesAcrossMonitors = false;
bool makeDraggedWindowTransparent = true;
bool systemTheme = true;
std::wstring zoneColor = L"#AACDFF";
std::wstring zoneBorderColor = L"#FFFFFF";
std::wstring zoneHighlightColor = L"#008CFF";
int zoneHighlightOpacity = 50;
OverlappingZonesAlgorithm overlappingZonesAlgorithm = OverlappingZonesAlgorithm::Smallest;
PowerToysSettings::HotkeyObject editorHotkey = PowerToysSettings::HotkeyObject::from_settings(true, false, false, true, VK_OEM_3);
bool windowSwitching = true;
PowerToysSettings::HotkeyObject nextTabHotkey = PowerToysSettings::HotkeyObject::from_settings(true, false, false, false, VK_NEXT);
PowerToysSettings::HotkeyObject prevTabHotkey = PowerToysSettings::HotkeyObject::from_settings(true, false, false, false, VK_PRIOR);
std::wstring excludedApps = L"";
std::vector<std::wstring> excludedAppsArray;
interface __declspec(uuid("{BA4E77C4-6F44-4C5D-93D3-CBDE880495C2}")) IFancyZonesSettings : public IUnknown
IFACEMETHOD_(bool, GetConfig)(_Out_ PWSTR buffer, _Out_ int *buffer_size) = 0;
IFACEMETHOD_(void, SetConfig)(PCWSTR serializedPowerToysSettings) = 0;
IFACEMETHOD_(void, ReloadSettings)() = 0;
IFACEMETHOD_(const Settings*, GetSettings)() const = 0;
winrt::com_ptr<IFancyZonesSettings> MakeFancyZonesSettings(HINSTANCE hinstance, PCWSTR name, PCWSTR key) noexcept;