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2014-08-15 23:33:16 +02:00
=== tests/cases/compiler/dottedSymbolResolution1.ts ===
interface JQuery {
2015-04-13 23:01:57 +02:00
>JQuery : JQuery, Symbol(JQuery, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 0, 0))
2014-08-15 23:33:16 +02:00
find(selector: string): JQuery;
2015-04-13 23:01:57 +02:00
>find : (selector: string) => JQuery, Symbol(find, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 0, 18))
>selector : string, Symbol(selector, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 1, 9))
>JQuery : JQuery, Symbol(JQuery, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 0, 0))
2014-08-15 23:33:16 +02:00
interface JQueryStatic {
2015-04-13 23:01:57 +02:00
>JQueryStatic : JQueryStatic, Symbol(JQueryStatic, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 2, 1))
2014-08-15 23:33:16 +02:00
(selector: string): JQuery;
2015-04-13 23:01:57 +02:00
>selector : string, Symbol(selector, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 6, 5))
>JQuery : JQuery, Symbol(JQuery, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 0, 0))
2014-08-15 23:33:16 +02:00
(object: JQuery): JQuery;
2015-04-13 23:01:57 +02:00
>object : JQuery, Symbol(object, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 7, 5))
>JQuery : JQuery, Symbol(JQuery, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 0, 0))
>JQuery : JQuery, Symbol(JQuery, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 0, 0))
2014-08-15 23:33:16 +02:00
class Base { foo() { } }
2015-04-13 23:01:57 +02:00
>Base : Base, Symbol(Base, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 8, 1))
>foo : () => void, Symbol(foo, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 10, 12))
2014-08-15 23:33:16 +02:00
function each(collection: string, callback: (indexInArray: any, valueOfElement: any) => any): any;
2015-04-13 23:01:57 +02:00
>each : { (collection: string, callback: (indexInArray: any, valueOfElement: any) => any): any; (collection: JQuery, callback: (indexInArray: number, valueOfElement: Base) => any): any; }, Symbol(each, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 10, 24), Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 12, 98), Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 13, 102))
>collection : string, Symbol(collection, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 12, 14))
>callback : (indexInArray: any, valueOfElement: any) => any, Symbol(callback, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 12, 33))
>indexInArray : any, Symbol(indexInArray, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 12, 45))
>valueOfElement : any, Symbol(valueOfElement, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 12, 63))
2014-08-15 23:33:16 +02:00
function each(collection: JQuery, callback: (indexInArray: number, valueOfElement: Base) => any): any;
2015-04-13 23:01:57 +02:00
>each : { (collection: string, callback: (indexInArray: any, valueOfElement: any) => any): any; (collection: JQuery, callback: (indexInArray: number, valueOfElement: Base) => any): any; }, Symbol(each, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 10, 24), Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 12, 98), Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 13, 102))
>collection : JQuery, Symbol(collection, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 13, 14))
>JQuery : JQuery, Symbol(JQuery, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 0, 0))
>callback : (indexInArray: number, valueOfElement: Base) => any, Symbol(callback, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 13, 33))
>indexInArray : number, Symbol(indexInArray, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 13, 45))
>valueOfElement : Base, Symbol(valueOfElement, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 13, 66))
>Base : Base, Symbol(Base, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 8, 1))
2014-08-15 23:33:16 +02:00
function each(collection: any, callback: (indexInArray: any, valueOfElement: any) => any): any {
2015-04-13 23:01:57 +02:00
>each : { (collection: string, callback: (indexInArray: any, valueOfElement: any) => any): any; (collection: JQuery, callback: (indexInArray: number, valueOfElement: Base) => any): any; }, Symbol(each, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 10, 24), Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 12, 98), Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 13, 102))
>collection : any, Symbol(collection, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 14, 14))
>callback : (indexInArray: any, valueOfElement: any) => any, Symbol(callback, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 14, 30))
>indexInArray : any, Symbol(indexInArray, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 14, 42))
>valueOfElement : any, Symbol(valueOfElement, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 14, 60))
2014-08-15 23:33:16 +02:00
return null;
2015-04-13 21:36:11 +02:00
>null : null
2014-08-15 23:33:16 +02:00
function _setBarAndText(): void {
2015-04-13 23:01:57 +02:00
>_setBarAndText : () => void, Symbol(_setBarAndText, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 16, 1))
2014-08-15 23:33:16 +02:00
var x: JQuery, $: JQueryStatic
2015-04-13 23:01:57 +02:00
>x : JQuery, Symbol(x, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 19, 7))
>JQuery : JQuery, Symbol(JQuery, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 0, 0))
>$ : JQueryStatic, Symbol($, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 19, 18))
>JQueryStatic : JQueryStatic, Symbol(JQueryStatic, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 2, 1))
2014-08-15 23:33:16 +02:00
each(x.find(" "), function () {
2014-08-22 03:39:46 +02:00
>each(x.find(" "), function () { var $this: JQuery = $(''), thisBar = $this.find(".fx-usagebars-calloutbar-this"); // bug lead to 'could not find dotted symbol' here } ) : any
2015-04-13 23:01:57 +02:00
>each : { (collection: string, callback: (indexInArray: any, valueOfElement: any) => any): any; (collection: JQuery, callback: (indexInArray: number, valueOfElement: Base) => any): any; }, Symbol(each, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 10, 24), Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 12, 98), Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 13, 102))
2014-08-15 23:33:16 +02:00
>x.find(" ") : JQuery
2015-04-13 23:01:57 +02:00
>x.find : (selector: string) => JQuery, Symbol(JQuery.find, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 0, 18))
>x : JQuery, Symbol(x, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 19, 7))
>find : (selector: string) => JQuery, Symbol(JQuery.find, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 0, 18))
2015-04-13 21:36:11 +02:00
>" " : string
2014-08-22 03:39:46 +02:00
>function () { var $this: JQuery = $(''), thisBar = $this.find(".fx-usagebars-calloutbar-this"); // bug lead to 'could not find dotted symbol' here } : () => void
2014-08-15 23:33:16 +02:00
var $this: JQuery = $(''),
2015-04-13 23:01:57 +02:00
>$this : JQuery, Symbol($this, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 21, 11))
>JQuery : JQuery, Symbol(JQuery, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 0, 0))
2014-08-15 23:33:16 +02:00
>$('') : JQuery
2015-04-13 23:01:57 +02:00
>$ : JQueryStatic, Symbol($, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 19, 18))
2015-04-13 21:36:11 +02:00
>'' : string
2014-08-15 23:33:16 +02:00
thisBar = $this.find(".fx-usagebars-calloutbar-this"); // bug lead to 'could not find dotted symbol' here
2015-04-13 23:01:57 +02:00
>thisBar : JQuery, Symbol(thisBar, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 21, 34))
2014-08-15 23:33:16 +02:00
>$this.find(".fx-usagebars-calloutbar-this") : JQuery
2015-04-13 23:01:57 +02:00
>$this.find : (selector: string) => JQuery, Symbol(JQuery.find, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 0, 18))
>$this : JQuery, Symbol($this, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 21, 11))
>find : (selector: string) => JQuery, Symbol(JQuery.find, Decl(dottedSymbolResolution1.ts, 0, 18))
2015-04-13 21:36:11 +02:00
>".fx-usagebars-calloutbar-this" : string
2014-08-15 23:33:16 +02:00
} );