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2015-01-16 03:18:19 +01:00
/// <reference path="core.ts"/>
namespace ts {
export type FileWatcherCallback = (fileName: string, removed?: boolean) => void;
export type DirectoryWatcherCallback = (directoryName: string) => void;
export interface WatchedFile {
fileName: string;
callback: FileWatcherCallback;
mtime?: Date;
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
export interface System {
args: string[];
newLine: string;
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: boolean;
write(s: string): void;
2015-04-09 23:18:32 +02:00
readFile(path: string, encoding?: string): string;
writeFile(path: string, data: string, writeByteOrderMark?: boolean): void;
watchFile?(path: string, callback: FileWatcherCallback): FileWatcher;
2016-01-08 07:48:17 +01:00
watchDirectory?(path: string, callback: DirectoryWatcherCallback, recursive?: boolean): FileWatcher;
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
resolvePath(path: string): string;
fileExists(path: string): boolean;
directoryExists(path: string): boolean;
2015-04-09 23:18:32 +02:00
createDirectory(path: string): void;
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
getExecutingFilePath(): string;
getCurrentDirectory(): string;
readDirectory(path: string, extensions?: string[], exclude?: string[], include?: string[]): string[];
getModifiedTime?(path: string): Date;
createHash?(data: string): string;
2015-04-09 23:18:32 +02:00
getMemoryUsage?(): number;
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
exit(exitCode?: number): void;
realpath?(path: string): string;
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
export interface FileWatcher {
close(): void;
2016-01-08 07:48:17 +01:00
export interface DirectoryWatcher extends FileWatcher {
directoryName: string;
referenceCount: number;
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
declare var require: any;
declare var module: any;
declare var process: any;
declare var global: any;
declare var __filename: string;
declare var Buffer: {
new (str: string, encoding?: string): any;
2015-07-24 00:18:48 +02:00
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
declare class Enumerator {
public atEnd(): boolean;
public moveNext(): boolean;
public item(): any;
constructor(o: any);
2015-12-02 01:18:06 +01:00
declare var ChakraHost: {
args: string[];
currentDirectory: string;
executingFile: string;
2015-12-12 01:32:44 +01:00
newLine?: string;
useCaseSensitiveFileNames?: boolean;
2015-12-02 01:18:06 +01:00
echo(s: string): void;
quit(exitCode?: number): void;
fileExists(path: string): boolean;
directoryExists(path: string): boolean;
createDirectory(path: string): void;
resolvePath(path: string): string;
readFile(path: string): string;
writeFile(path: string, contents: string): void;
readDirectory(path: string, extensions?: string[], exclude?: string[], include?: string[]): string[];
watchFile?(path: string, callback: FileWatcherCallback): FileWatcher;
2016-01-08 07:48:17 +01:00
watchDirectory?(path: string, callback: DirectoryWatcherCallback, recursive?: boolean): FileWatcher;
realpath(path: string): string;
2015-12-02 02:44:43 +01:00
2015-12-02 01:18:06 +01:00
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
export var sys: System = (function () {
function getWScriptSystem(): System {
2015-11-04 23:02:33 +01:00
const fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
const shell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
2014-07-13 01:04:16 +02:00
2015-11-04 23:02:33 +01:00
const fileStream = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Stream");
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
fileStream.Type = 2 /*text*/;
2015-11-04 23:02:33 +01:00
const binaryStream = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Stream");
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
binaryStream.Type = 1 /*binary*/;
2015-11-04 23:02:33 +01:00
const args: string[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < WScript.Arguments.length; i++) {
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
args[i] = WScript.Arguments.Item(i);
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
function readFile(fileName: string, encoding?: string): string {
if (!fso.FileExists(fileName)) {
return undefined;
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
try {
if (encoding) {
fileStream.Charset = encoding;
else {
// Load file and read the first two bytes into a string with no interpretation
fileStream.Charset = "x-ansi";
2015-11-04 23:02:33 +01:00
const bom = fileStream.ReadText(2) || "";
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
// Position must be at 0 before encoding can be changed
fileStream.Position = 0;
// [0xFF,0xFE] and [0xFE,0xFF] mean utf-16 (little or big endian), otherwise default to utf-8
fileStream.Charset = bom.length >= 2 && (bom.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFF && bom.charCodeAt(1) === 0xFE || bom.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFE && bom.charCodeAt(1) === 0xFF) ? "unicode" : "utf-8";
// ReadText method always strips byte order mark from resulting string
return fileStream.ReadText();
catch (e) {
throw e;
finally {
2014-07-13 01:04:16 +02:00
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
function writeFile(fileName: string, data: string, writeByteOrderMark?: boolean): void {
try {
// Write characters in UTF-8 encoding
fileStream.Charset = "utf-8";
// If we don't want the BOM, then skip it by setting the starting location to 3 (size of BOM).
// If not, start from position 0, as the BOM will be added automatically when charset==utf8.
if (writeByteOrderMark) {
fileStream.Position = 0;
else {
fileStream.Position = 3;
binaryStream.SaveToFile(fileName, 2 /*overwrite*/);
2014-08-06 20:32:51 +02:00
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
finally {
2014-08-06 20:32:51 +02:00
2014-07-13 01:04:16 +02:00
function getNames(collection: any): string[] {
2015-11-04 23:02:33 +01:00
const result: string[] = [];
for (let e = new Enumerator(collection); !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) {
return result.sort();
function getAccessibleFileSystemEntries(path: string): FileSystemEntries {
try {
2015-11-04 23:02:33 +01:00
const folder = fso.GetFolder(path || ".");
const files = getNames(folder.files);
const directories = getNames(folder.subfolders);
return { files, directories };
catch (e) {
return { files: [], directories: [] };
function readDirectory(path: string, extensions?: string[], excludes?: string[], includes?: string[]): string[] {
return matchFiles(path, extensions, excludes, includes, /*useCaseSensitiveFileNames*/ false, shell.CurrentDirectory, getAccessibleFileSystemEntries);
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
return {
newLine: "\r\n",
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: false,
write(s: string): void {
resolvePath(path: string): string {
return fso.GetAbsolutePathName(path);
fileExists(path: string): boolean {
return fso.FileExists(path);
directoryExists(path: string) {
return fso.FolderExists(path);
createDirectory(directoryName: string) {
if (!this.directoryExists(directoryName)) {
getExecutingFilePath() {
return WScript.ScriptFullName;
getCurrentDirectory() {
return shell.CurrentDirectory;
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
exit(exitCode?: number): void {
try {
catch (e) {
2014-07-13 01:04:16 +02:00
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
2015-12-02 02:44:43 +01:00
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
function getNodeSystem(): System {
2015-07-24 00:18:48 +02:00
const _fs = require("fs");
const _path = require("path");
const _os = require("os");
const _crypto = require("crypto");
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
const useNonPollingWatchers = process.env["TSC_NONPOLLING_WATCHER"];
function createWatchedFileSet() {
const dirWatchers: Map<DirectoryWatcher> = {};
// One file can have multiple watchers
const fileWatcherCallbacks: Map<FileWatcherCallback[]> = {};
return { addFile, removeFile };
function reduceDirWatcherRefCountForFile(fileName: string) {
const dirName = getDirectoryPath(fileName);
if (hasProperty(dirWatchers, dirName)) {
const watcher = dirWatchers[dirName];
watcher.referenceCount -= 1;
if (watcher.referenceCount <= 0) {
delete dirWatchers[dirName];
function addDirWatcher(dirPath: string): void {
if (hasProperty(dirWatchers, dirPath)) {
const watcher = dirWatchers[dirPath];
watcher.referenceCount += 1;
const watcher: DirectoryWatcher = _fs.watch(
{ persistent: true },
(eventName: string, relativeFileName: string) => fileEventHandler(eventName, relativeFileName, dirPath)
watcher.referenceCount = 1;
dirWatchers[dirPath] = watcher;
function addFileWatcherCallback(filePath: string, callback: FileWatcherCallback): void {
if (hasProperty(fileWatcherCallbacks, filePath)) {
else {
fileWatcherCallbacks[filePath] = [callback];
function addFile(fileName: string, callback: FileWatcherCallback): WatchedFile {
addFileWatcherCallback(fileName, callback);
return { fileName, callback };
function removeFile(watchedFile: WatchedFile) {
removeFileWatcherCallback(watchedFile.fileName, watchedFile.callback);
2015-10-15 00:10:05 +02:00
function removeFileWatcherCallback(filePath: string, callback: FileWatcherCallback) {
if (hasProperty(fileWatcherCallbacks, filePath)) {
const newCallbacks = copyListRemovingItem(callback, fileWatcherCallbacks[filePath]);
if (newCallbacks.length === 0) {
delete fileWatcherCallbacks[filePath];
else {
fileWatcherCallbacks[filePath] = newCallbacks;
function fileEventHandler(eventName: string, relativeFileName: string, baseDirPath: string) {
// When files are deleted from disk, the triggered "rename" event would have a relativefileName of "undefined"
const fileName = typeof relativeFileName !== "string"
? undefined
: ts.getNormalizedAbsolutePath(relativeFileName, baseDirPath);
// Some applications save a working file via rename operations
if ((eventName === "change" || eventName === "rename") && hasProperty(fileWatcherCallbacks, fileName)) {
for (const fileCallback of fileWatcherCallbacks[fileName]) {
2015-11-04 23:02:33 +01:00
const watchedFileSet = createWatchedFileSet();
2015-10-02 00:25:43 +02:00
function isNode4OrLater(): boolean {
2016-04-19 23:25:57 +02:00
return parseInt(process.version.charAt(1)) >= 4;
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
2015-07-24 00:18:48 +02:00
const platform: string = _os.platform();
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
// win32\win64 are case insensitive platforms, MacOS (darwin) by default is also case insensitive
2015-07-24 00:18:48 +02:00
const useCaseSensitiveFileNames = platform !== "win32" && platform !== "win64" && platform !== "darwin";
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
function readFile(fileName: string, encoding?: string): string {
if (!fileExists(fileName)) {
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
return undefined;
2015-11-04 23:02:33 +01:00
const buffer = _fs.readFileSync(fileName);
let len = buffer.length;
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
if (len >= 2 && buffer[0] === 0xFE && buffer[1] === 0xFF) {
// Big endian UTF-16 byte order mark detected. Since big endian is not supported by node.js,
// flip all byte pairs and treat as little endian.
len &= ~1;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
2015-11-04 23:02:33 +01:00
const temp = buffer[i];
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
buffer[i] = buffer[i + 1];
buffer[i + 1] = temp;
return buffer.toString("utf16le", 2);
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
if (len >= 2 && buffer[0] === 0xFF && buffer[1] === 0xFE) {
// Little endian UTF-16 byte order mark detected
return buffer.toString("utf16le", 2);
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
if (len >= 3 && buffer[0] === 0xEF && buffer[1] === 0xBB && buffer[2] === 0xBF) {
// UTF-8 byte order mark detected
return buffer.toString("utf8", 3);
// Default is UTF-8 with no byte order mark
return buffer.toString("utf8");
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
function writeFile(fileName: string, data: string, writeByteOrderMark?: boolean): void {
// If a BOM is required, emit one
if (writeByteOrderMark) {
data = "\uFEFF" + data;
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
2014-08-06 20:32:51 +02:00
let fd: number;
try {
fd = _fs.openSync(fileName, "w");
_fs.writeSync(fd, data, undefined, "utf8");
finally {
if (fd !== undefined) {
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
2014-07-13 01:04:16 +02:00
function getAccessibleFileSystemEntries(path: string): FileSystemEntries {
try {
const entries = _fs.readdirSync(path || ".").sort();
const files: string[] = [];
2015-11-04 23:02:33 +01:00
const directories: string[] = [];
for (const entry of entries) {
// This is necessary because on some file system node fails to exclude
// "." and "..". See https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/4002
if (entry === "." || entry === "..") {
const name = combinePaths(path, entry);
const stat = _fs.statSync(name);
if (stat.isFile()) {
else if (stat.isDirectory()) {
return { files, directories };
catch (e) {
return { files: [], directories: [] };
function readDirectory(path: string, extensions?: string[], excludes?: string[], includes?: string[]): string[] {
return matchFiles(path, extensions, excludes, includes, useCaseSensitiveFileNames, process.cwd(), getAccessibleFileSystemEntries);
function getCanonicalPath(path: string): string {
return useCaseSensitiveFileNames ? path : path.toLowerCase();
const enum FileSystemEntryKind {
2016-02-12 02:29:01 +01:00
function fileSystemEntryExists(path: string, entryKind: FileSystemEntryKind): boolean {
try {
const stat = _fs.statSync(path);
switch (entryKind) {
case FileSystemEntryKind.File: return stat.isFile();
case FileSystemEntryKind.Directory: return stat.isDirectory();
catch (e) {
return false;
function fileExists(path: string): boolean {
return fileSystemEntryExists(path, FileSystemEntryKind.File);
function directoryExists(path: string): boolean {
return fileSystemEntryExists(path, FileSystemEntryKind.Directory);
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
return {
args: process.argv.slice(2),
newLine: _os.EOL,
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: useCaseSensitiveFileNames,
write(s: string): void {
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
watchFile: (fileName, callback) => {
if (useNonPollingWatchers) {
const watchedFile = watchedFileSet.addFile(fileName, callback);
return {
close: () => watchedFileSet.removeFile(watchedFile)
else {
_fs.watchFile(fileName, { persistent: true, interval: 250 }, fileChanged);
return {
close: () => _fs.unwatchFile(fileName, fileChanged)
function fileChanged(curr: any, prev: any) {
if (+curr.mtime <= +prev.mtime) {
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
watchDirectory: (directoryName, callback, recursive) => {
// Node 4.0 `fs.watch` function supports the "recursive" option on both OSX and Windows
2015-10-02 20:49:30 +02:00
// (ref: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/2649 and https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/4643)
let options: any;
if (isNode4OrLater() && (process.platform === "win32" || process.platform === "darwin")) {
options = { persistent: true, recursive: !!recursive };
else {
options = { persistent: true };
return _fs.watch(
(eventName: string, relativeFileName: string) => {
// In watchDirectory we only care about adding and removing files (when event name is
// "rename"); changes made within files are handled by corresponding fileWatchers (when
// event name is "change")
2015-10-15 00:10:05 +02:00
if (eventName === "rename") {
// When deleting a file, the passed baseFileName is null
callback(!relativeFileName ? relativeFileName : normalizePath(combinePaths(directoryName, relativeFileName)));
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
resolvePath: function (path: string): string {
return _path.resolve(path);
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
createDirectory(directoryName: string) {
if (!this.directoryExists(directoryName)) {
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
getExecutingFilePath() {
return __filename;
getCurrentDirectory() {
return process.cwd();
getModifiedTime(path) {
2016-02-10 01:47:52 +01:00
try {
return _fs.statSync(path).mtime;
catch (e) {
return undefined;
createHash(data) {
2016-02-10 01:50:22 +01:00
const hash = _crypto.createHash("md5");
return hash.digest("hex");
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
getMemoryUsage() {
if (global.gc) {
return process.memoryUsage().heapUsed;
exit(exitCode?: number): void {
realpath(path: string): string {
return _fs.realpathSync(path);
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
2015-12-02 02:44:43 +01:00
2015-12-02 01:18:06 +01:00
function getChakraSystem(): System {
const realpath = ChakraHost.realpath && ((path: string) => ChakraHost.realpath(path));
2015-12-02 01:18:06 +01:00
return {
2015-12-12 01:19:08 +01:00
newLine: ChakraHost.newLine || "\r\n",
2015-12-02 01:18:06 +01:00
args: ChakraHost.args,
2015-12-12 01:19:08 +01:00
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: !!ChakraHost.useCaseSensitiveFileNames,
2015-12-02 20:49:54 +01:00
write: ChakraHost.echo,
2015-12-02 01:18:06 +01:00
readFile(path: string, encoding?: string) {
// encoding is automatically handled by the implementation in ChakraHost
return ChakraHost.readFile(path);
writeFile(path: string, data: string, writeByteOrderMark?: boolean) {
// If a BOM is required, emit one
if (writeByteOrderMark) {
data = "\uFEFF" + data;
ChakraHost.writeFile(path, data);
2015-12-02 20:49:54 +01:00
resolvePath: ChakraHost.resolvePath,
fileExists: ChakraHost.fileExists,
directoryExists: ChakraHost.directoryExists,
createDirectory: ChakraHost.createDirectory,
getExecutingFilePath: () => ChakraHost.executingFile,
getCurrentDirectory: () => ChakraHost.currentDirectory,
readDirectory: ChakraHost.readDirectory,
exit: ChakraHost.quit,
2015-12-02 01:18:06 +01:00
2015-12-02 02:44:43 +01:00
if (typeof ChakraHost !== "undefined") {
return getChakraSystem();
else if (typeof WScript !== "undefined" && typeof ActiveXObject === "function") {
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
return getWScriptSystem();
else if (typeof process !== "undefined" && process.nextTick && !process.browser && typeof require !== "undefined") {
// process and process.nextTick checks if current environment is node-like
// process.browser check excludes webpack and browserify
2014-12-06 01:33:39 +01:00
return getNodeSystem();
else {
return undefined; // Unsupported host
2016-01-05 19:11:44 +01:00