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2014-07-13 01:04:16 +02:00
/// <reference path='harness.ts'/>
/// <reference path='runnerbase.ts' />
/// <reference path='syntacticCleaner.ts' />
/// <reference path='loggedIO.ts' />
/// <reference path='..\compiler\commandLineParser.ts'/>
module RWC {
class RWCEmitter implements Harness.Compiler.IEmitterIOHost {
public outputs: { [filename: string]: string; } = {};
constructor() { }
writeFile(path: string, contents: string, writeByteOrderMark: boolean) {
if (path in this.outputs) throw new Error('Emitter attempted to write to "' + path + '" twice');
this.outputs[path] = contents;
directoryExists(s: string) {
return false;
fileExists(s: string) {
return true;
resolvePath(s: string) {
return s;
function runWithIOLog(ioLog: IOLog, fn: () => void) {
var oldSys = sys;
var wrappedSys = Playback.wrapSystem(sys);
sys = wrappedSys;
try {
} finally {
sys = oldSys;
function collateOutputs(emitterIOHost: RWCEmitter, fnTest: (s: string) => {}, clean?: (s: string) => string) {
// Collect, test, and sort the filenames
var files: string[] = [];
for (var fn in emitterIOHost.outputs) {
if (emitterIOHost.outputs.hasOwnProperty(fn) && fnTest(fn)) {
function cleanName(fn: string) {
var lastSlash = Harness.Path.switchToForwardSlashes(fn).lastIndexOf('/');
return fn.substr(lastSlash + 1).toLowerCase();
files.sort((a, b) => cleanName(a).localeCompare(cleanName(b)));
// Emit them
var result = '';
files.forEach(fn => {
// Some extra spacing if this isn't the first file
if (result.length) result = result + '\r\n\r\n';
// Filename header + content
result = result + '/*====== ' + fn + ' ======*/\r\n';
if (clean) {
result = result + clean(emitterIOHost.outputs[fn]);
} else {
result = result + emitterIOHost.outputs[fn];
return result;
export function runRWCTest(jsonPath: string) {
var harnessCompiler = Harness.Compiler.getCompiler();
var opts: ts.ParsedCommandLine;
var ioLog: IOLog = JSON.parse(Harness.IO.readFile(jsonPath));
var errors = '';
it('has parsable options', () => {
runWithIOLog(ioLog, () => {
opts = ts.parseCommandLine(ioLog.arguments);
assert.equal(opts.errors.length, 0);
var emitterIOHost = new RWCEmitter();
it('can compile', () => {
runWithIOLog(ioLog, () => {
var inputList: string[] = opts.filenames;
var noDefaultLib = false;
var libPath = Harness.IO.directoryName(sys.getExecutingFilePath()) + '/lib.d.ts';
if (!opts.options.noResolve) {
var filemap: any = {};
var host: ts.CompilerHost = {
getCurrentDirectory: () => sys.getCurrentDirectory(),
getCancellationToken: (): any => undefined,
getSourceFile: (fileName, languageVersion) => {
var fileContents: string;
try {
fileContents = sys.readFile(fileName);
catch (e) {
// Leave fileContents undefined;
return ts.createSourceFile(fileName, fileContents, languageVersion);
getDefaultLibFilename: () => libPath,
writeFile: (fn, contents) => emitterIOHost.writeFile(fn, contents, false),
getCanonicalFileName: getCanonicalFileName,
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: () => sys.useCaseSensitiveFileNames
var resolvedProgram = ts.createProgram(opts.filenames, opts.options, host);
resolvedProgram.getSourceFiles().forEach(sourceFile => {
noDefaultLib = noDefaultLib || sourceFile.hasNoDefaultLib;
if (inputList.indexOf(sourceFile.filename) === -1) {
if (!opts.options.noLib && !noDefaultLib) {
// Load the files
inputList.forEach((item: string) => {
var resolvedPath = Harness.Path.switchToForwardSlashes(sys.resolvePath(item));
try {
var content = sys.readFile(resolvedPath);
catch (e) {
// Leave content undefined.
harnessCompiler.addInputFile({ unitName: resolvedPath, content: content });
// Emit the results
var compilationErrors = harnessCompiler.reportCompilationErrors();
// Create an error baseline
compilationErrors.forEach(err => {
errors += err.filename + ' line ' + err.line + ': ' + err.message + '\r\n';
// Baselines
var baselineOpts: Harness.Baseline.BaselineOptions = { Subfolder: 'rwc' };
var baseName = /(.*)\/(.*).json/.exec(Harness.Path.switchToForwardSlashes(jsonPath))[2];
it('has the expected emitted code', () => {
Harness.Baseline.runBaseline('has the expected emitted code', baseName + '.output.js', () => {
return collateOutputs(emitterIOHost, fn => fn.substr(fn.length - '.js'.length) === '.js', s => SyntacticCleaner.clean(s));
}, false, baselineOpts);
it('has the expected declaration file content', () => {
Harness.Baseline.runBaseline('has the expected declaration file content', baseName + '.d.ts', () => {
var result = collateOutputs(emitterIOHost, fn => fn.substr(fn.length - '.d.ts'.length) === '.d.ts');
return result.length > 0 ? result : null;
}, false, baselineOpts);
it('has the expected source maps', () => {
Harness.Baseline.runBaseline('has the expected source maps', baseName + '.map', () => {
var result = collateOutputs(emitterIOHost, fn => fn.substr(fn.length - '.map'.length) === '.map');
return result.length > 0 ? result : null;
}, false, baselineOpts);
it('has the expected errors', () => {
Harness.Baseline.runBaseline('has the expected errors', baseName + '.errors.txt', () => {
return errors.length > 0 ? errors : null;
}, false, baselineOpts);
// TODO: Type baselines (need to refactor out from compilerRunner)
class RWCRunner extends RunnerBase {
private runnerPath = "tests/runners/rwc";
private sourcePath = "tests/cases/rwc/";
private harnessCompiler: Harness.Compiler.HarnessCompiler;
/** Setup the runner's tests so that they are ready to be executed by the harness
* The first test should be a describe/it block that sets up the harness's compiler instance appropriately
public initializeTests(): void {
// Recreate the compiler with the default lib
Harness.Compiler.recreate({ useMinimalDefaultLib: false, noImplicitAny: false });
this.harnessCompiler = Harness.Compiler.getCompiler();
// Read in and evaluate the test list
var testList = Harness.IO.listFiles(this.sourcePath, /.+\.json$/);
for (var i = 0; i < testList.length; i++) {
private runTest(jsonFilename: string) {
describe("Testing a RWC project: " + jsonFilename, () => {