
89 lines
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2014-07-13 01:04:16 +02:00
///<reference path="harness.ts" />
///<reference path="runnerbase.ts" />
enum UnittestTestType {
class UnitTestRunner extends RunnerBase {
constructor(public testType?: UnittestTestType) {
public initializeTests() {
switch (this.testType) {
case UnittestTestType.Compiler:
this.tests = this.enumerateFiles('tests/cases/unittests/compiler');
case UnittestTestType.LanguageService:
this.tests = this.enumerateFiles('tests/cases/unittests/ls');
if (this.tests.length === 0) {
throw new Error('Unsupported test cases: ' + this.testType);
var outfile = new Harness.Compiler.WriterAggregator()
var outerr = new Harness.Compiler.WriterAggregator();
// note this is running immediately to generate tests to be run later inside describe/it
// need a fresh instance so that the previous runner's last test is not hanging around
var harnessCompiler = Harness.Compiler.getCompiler({ useExistingInstance: false });
var toBeAdded = this.tests.map(test => {
return { unitName: test, content: Harness.IO.readFile(test) }
harnessCompiler.compile({ noResolve: true });
var stdout = new Harness.Compiler.EmitterIOHost();
var emitDiagnostics = harnessCompiler.emitAll(stdout);
var results = stdout.toArray();
var lines: string[] = [];
results.forEach(v => lines = lines.concat(v.file.lines));
var code = lines.join("\n")
var nodeContext: any = undefined;
if (Utils.getExecutionEnvironment() === Utils.ExecutionEnvironment.Node) {
nodeContext = {
require: require,
process: process,
describe: describe,
it: it,
assert: assert,
beforeEach: beforeEach,
afterEach: afterEach,
before: before,
after: after,
Harness: Harness,
IO: Harness.IO
// FourSlash: FourSlash
describe("Setup compiler for compiler unittests", () => {
// ensures a clean compiler instance when tests are eventually executed following this describe block
harnessCompiler = Harness.Compiler.getCompiler({
useExistingInstance: false,
optionsForFreshInstance: { useMinimalDefaultLib: true, noImplicitAny: false }
// this generated code is a series of top level describe/it blocks that will run in between the setup and cleanup blocks in this file
Utils.evalFile(code, "generated_test_code.js", nodeContext);
describe("Cleanup after unittests", () => {
var harnessCompiler = Harness.Compiler.getCompiler({
useExistingInstance: false,
optionsForFreshInstance: { useMinimalDefaultLib: true, noImplicitAny: false }
// note this runs immediately (ie before this same code in the describe block above)
// to make sure the next runner doesn't include the previous one's stuff
harnessCompiler = Harness.Compiler.getCompiler({ useExistingInstance: false });