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2014-07-13 01:04:16 +02:00
==== tests/cases/conformance/parser/ecmascript5/parserRealSource14.ts (160 errors) ====
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
// See LICENSE.txt in the project root for complete license information.
///<reference path='typescript.ts' />
!!! File 'typescript.ts' not found.
module TypeScript {
export function lastOf(items: any[]): any {
return (items === null || items.length === 0) ? null : items[items.length - 1];
export function max(a: number, b: number): number {
return a >= b ? a : b;
export function min(a: number, b: number): number {
return a <= b ? a : b;
// Helper class representing a path from a root ast node to a (grand)child ast node.
// This is helpful as our tree don't have parents.
export class AstPath {
public asts: TypeScript.AST[] = [];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'AST'.
public top: number = -1;
static reverseIndexOf(items: any[], index: number): any {
return (items === null || items.length <= index) ? null : items[items.length - index - 1];
public clone(): AstPath {
var clone = new AstPath();
clone.asts = this.asts.map((value) => { return value; });
clone.top = this.top;
return clone;
public pop(): TypeScript.AST {
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'AST'.
var head = this.ast();
while (this.asts.length > this.count()) {
return head;
public push(ast: TypeScript.AST) {
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'AST'.
while (this.asts.length > this.count()) {
this.top = this.asts.length;
public up() {
if (this.top <= -1)
throw new Error("Invalid call to 'up'");
public down() {
if (this.top == this.ast.length - 1)
throw new Error("Invalid call to 'down'");
public nodeType(): TypeScript.NodeType {
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'NodeType'.
if (this.ast() == null)
return TypeScript.NodeType.None;
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
return this.ast().nodeType;
public ast() {
return <TypeScript.AST>AstPath.reverseIndexOf(this.asts, this.asts.length - (this.top + 1));
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'AST'.
public parent() {
return <TypeScript.AST>AstPath.reverseIndexOf(this.asts, this.asts.length - this.top);
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'AST'.
public count() {
return this.top + 1;
public get(index: number): TypeScript.AST {
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'AST'.
return this.asts[index];
public isNameOfClass(): boolean {
if (this.ast() === null || this.parent() === null)
return false;
return (this.ast().nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.Name) &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(this.parent().nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.ClassDeclaration) &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
((<TypeScript.InterfaceDeclaration>this.parent()).name === this.ast());
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'InterfaceDeclaration'.
public isNameOfInterface(): boolean {
if (this.ast() === null || this.parent() === null)
return false;
return (this.ast().nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.Name) &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(this.parent().nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.InterfaceDeclaration) &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
((<TypeScript.InterfaceDeclaration>this.parent()).name === this.ast());
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'InterfaceDeclaration'.
public isNameOfArgument(): boolean {
if (this.ast() === null || this.parent() === null)
return false;
return (this.ast().nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.Name) &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(this.parent().nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.ArgDecl) &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
((<TypeScript.ArgDecl>this.parent()).id === this.ast());
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'ArgDecl'.
public isNameOfVariable(): boolean {
if (this.ast() === null || this.parent() === null)
return false;
return (this.ast().nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.Name) &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(this.parent().nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.VarDecl) &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
((<TypeScript.VarDecl>this.parent()).id === this.ast());
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'VarDecl'.
public isNameOfModule(): boolean {
if (this.ast() === null || this.parent() === null)
return false;
return (this.ast().nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.Name) &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(this.parent().nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.ModuleDeclaration) &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
((<TypeScript.ModuleDeclaration>this.parent()).name === this.ast());
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'ModuleDeclaration'.
public isNameOfFunction(): boolean {
if (this.ast() === null || this.parent() === null)
return false;
return (this.ast().nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.Name) &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(this.parent().nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.FuncDecl) &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
((<TypeScript.FuncDecl>this.parent()).name === this.ast());
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'FuncDecl'.
public isChildOfScript(): boolean {
var ast = lastOf(this.asts);
return this.count() >= 3 &&
this.asts[this.top] === ast &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.List &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
this.asts[this.top - 2].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.Script;
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
public isChildOfModule(): boolean {
var ast = lastOf(this.asts);
return this.count() >= 3 &&
this.asts[this.top] === ast &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.List &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
this.asts[this.top - 2].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.ModuleDeclaration;
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
public isChildOfClass(): boolean {
var ast = lastOf(this.asts);
return this.count() >= 3 &&
this.asts[this.top] === ast &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.List &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
this.asts[this.top - 2].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.ClassDeclaration;
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
public isArgumentOfClassConstructor(): boolean {
var ast = lastOf(this.asts);
return this.count() >= 5 &&
this.asts[this.top] === ast &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.List &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
this.asts[this.top - 2].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.FuncDecl &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
this.asts[this.top - 3].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.List &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
this.asts[this.top - 4].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.ClassDeclaration &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
((<TypeScript.FuncDecl>this.asts[this.top - 2]).isConstructor) &&
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'FuncDecl'.
((<TypeScript.FuncDecl>this.asts[this.top - 2]).arguments === this.asts[this.top - 1]) &&
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'FuncDecl'.
((<TypeScript.ClassDeclaration>this.asts[this.top - 4]).constructorDecl === this.asts[this.top - 2]);
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'ClassDeclaration'.
public isChildOfInterface(): boolean {
var ast = lastOf(this.asts);
return this.count() >= 3 &&
this.asts[this.top] === ast &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.List &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
this.asts[this.top - 2].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.InterfaceDeclaration;
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
public isTopLevelImplicitModule() {
return this.count() >= 1 &&
this.asts[this.top].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.ModuleDeclaration &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
TypeScript.hasFlag((<TypeScript.ModuleDeclaration>this.asts[this.top]).modFlags, TypeScript.ModuleFlags.IsWholeFile);
!!! Property 'hasFlag' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'ModuleDeclaration'.
!!! Property 'ModuleFlags' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
public isBodyOfTopLevelImplicitModule() {
return this.count() >= 2 &&
this.asts[this.top - 0].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.List &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.ModuleDeclaration &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.ModuleDeclaration>this.asts[this.top - 1]).members == this.asts[this.top - 0] &&
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'ModuleDeclaration'.
TypeScript.hasFlag((<TypeScript.ModuleDeclaration>this.asts[this.top - 1]).modFlags, TypeScript.ModuleFlags.IsWholeFile);
!!! Property 'hasFlag' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'ModuleDeclaration'.
!!! Property 'ModuleFlags' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
public isBodyOfScript(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 2 &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.Script &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.Script>this.asts[this.top - 1]).bod == this.asts[this.top - 0];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'Script'.
public isBodyOfSwitch(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 2 &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.Switch &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.SwitchStatement>this.asts[this.top - 1]).caseList == this.asts[this.top - 0];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'SwitchStatement'.
public isBodyOfModule(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 2 &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.ModuleDeclaration &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.ModuleDeclaration>this.asts[this.top - 1]).members == this.asts[this.top - 0];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'ModuleDeclaration'.
public isBodyOfClass(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 2 &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.ClassDeclaration &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.ClassDeclaration>this.asts[this.top - 1]).members == this.asts[this.top - 0];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'ClassDeclaration'.
public isBodyOfFunction(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 2 &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.FuncDecl &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.FuncDecl>this.asts[this.top - 1]).bod == this.asts[this.top - 0];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'FuncDecl'.
public isBodyOfInterface(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 2 &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.InterfaceDeclaration &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.InterfaceDeclaration>this.asts[this.top - 1]).members == this.asts[this.top - 0];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'InterfaceDeclaration'.
public isBodyOfBlock(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 2 &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.Block &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.Block>this.asts[this.top - 1]).statements == this.asts[this.top - 0];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'Block'.
public isBodyOfFor(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 2 &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.For &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.ForStatement>this.asts[this.top - 1]).body == this.asts[this.top - 0];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'ForStatement'.
public isBodyOfCase(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 2 &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.Case &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.CaseStatement>this.asts[this.top - 1]).body == this.asts[this.top - 0];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'CaseStatement'.
public isBodyOfTry(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 2 &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.Try &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.Try>this.asts[this.top - 1]).body == this.asts[this.top - 0];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'Try'.
public isBodyOfCatch(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 2 &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.Catch &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.Catch>this.asts[this.top - 1]).body == this.asts[this.top - 0];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'Catch'.
public isBodyOfDoWhile(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 2 &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.DoWhile &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.DoWhileStatement>this.asts[this.top - 1]).body == this.asts[this.top - 0];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'DoWhileStatement'.
public isBodyOfWhile(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 2 &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.While &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.WhileStatement>this.asts[this.top - 1]).body == this.asts[this.top - 0];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'WhileStatement'.
public isBodyOfForIn(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 2 &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.ForIn &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.ForInStatement>this.asts[this.top - 1]).body == this.asts[this.top - 0];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'ForInStatement'.
public isBodyOfWith(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 2 &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.With &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.WithStatement>this.asts[this.top - 1]).body == this.asts[this.top - 0];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'WithStatement'.
public isBodyOfFinally(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 2 &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.Finally &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.Finally>this.asts[this.top - 1]).body == this.asts[this.top - 0];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'Finally'.
public isCaseOfSwitch(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 3 &&
this.asts[this.top - 2].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.Switch &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.List &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.SwitchStatement>this.asts[this.top - 2]).caseList == this.asts[this.top - 1];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'SwitchStatement'.
public isDefaultCaseOfSwitch(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 3 &&
this.asts[this.top - 2].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.Switch &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.List &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.SwitchStatement>this.asts[this.top - 2]).caseList == this.asts[this.top - 1] &&
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'SwitchStatement'.
(<TypeScript.SwitchStatement>this.asts[this.top - 2]).defaultCase == this.asts[this.top - 0];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'SwitchStatement'.
public isListOfObjectLit(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 2 &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.ObjectLit &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
this.asts[this.top - 0].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.List &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.UnaryExpression>this.asts[this.top - 1]).operand == this.asts[this.top - 0];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'UnaryExpression'.
public isBodyOfObjectLit(): boolean {
return this.isListOfObjectLit();
public isEmptyListOfObjectLit(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 2 &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.ObjectLit &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
this.asts[this.top - 0].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.List &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.UnaryExpression>this.asts[this.top - 1]).operand == this.asts[this.top - 0] &&
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'UnaryExpression'.
(<TypeScript.ASTList>this.asts[this.top - 0]).members.length == 0;
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'ASTList'.
public isMemberOfObjectLit(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 3 &&
this.asts[this.top - 2].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.ObjectLit &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.List &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
this.asts[this.top - 0].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.Member &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.UnaryExpression>this.asts[this.top - 2]).operand == this.asts[this.top - 1];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'UnaryExpression'.
public isNameOfMemberOfObjectLit(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 4 &&
this.asts[this.top - 3].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.ObjectLit &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
this.asts[this.top - 2].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.List &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.Member &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
this.asts[this.top - 0].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.Name &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.UnaryExpression>this.asts[this.top - 3]).operand == this.asts[this.top - 2];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'UnaryExpression'.
public isListOfArrayLit(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 2 &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.ArrayLit &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
this.asts[this.top - 0].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.List &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.UnaryExpression>this.asts[this.top - 1]).operand == this.asts[this.top - 0];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'UnaryExpression'.
public isTargetOfMember(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 2 &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.Member &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.BinaryExpression>this.asts[this.top - 1]).operand1 === this.asts[this.top - 0];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'BinaryExpression'.
public isMemberOfMember(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 2 &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.Member &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.BinaryExpression>this.asts[this.top - 1]).operand2 === this.asts[this.top - 0];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'BinaryExpression'.
public isItemOfList(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 2 &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.List;
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
//(<Tools.ASTList>this.asts[this.top - 1]).operand2 === this.asts[this.top - 0];
public isThenOfIf(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 2 &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.If &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.IfStatement>this.asts[this.top - 1]).thenBod == this.asts[this.top - 0];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'IfStatement'.
public isElseOfIf(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 2 &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.If &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.IfStatement>this.asts[this.top - 1]).elseBod == this.asts[this.top - 0];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'IfStatement'.
public isBodyOfDefaultCase(): boolean {
return this.isBodyOfCase();
public isSingleStatementList(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 1 &&
this.asts[this.top].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.List &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.ASTList>this.asts[this.top]).members.length === 1;
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'ASTList'.
public isArgumentListOfFunction(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 2 &&
this.asts[this.top - 0].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.List &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.FuncDecl &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.FuncDecl>this.asts[this.top - 1]).arguments === this.asts[this.top - 0];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'FuncDecl'.
public isArgumentOfFunction(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 3 &&
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.List &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
this.asts[this.top - 2].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.FuncDecl &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.FuncDecl>this.asts[this.top - 2]).arguments === this.asts[this.top - 1];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'FuncDecl'.
public isArgumentListOfCall(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 2 &&
this.asts[this.top - 0].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.List &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.Call &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.CallExpression>this.asts[this.top - 1]).arguments === this.asts[this.top - 0];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'CallExpression'.
public isArgumentListOfNew(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 2 &&
this.asts[this.top - 0].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.List &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
this.asts[this.top - 1].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.New &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.CallExpression>this.asts[this.top - 1]).arguments === this.asts[this.top - 0];
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'CallExpression'.
public isSynthesizedBlock(): boolean {
return this.count() >= 1 &&
this.asts[this.top - 0].nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.Block &&
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
(<TypeScript.Block>this.asts[this.top - 0]).isStatementBlock === false;
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'Block'.
export function isValidAstNode(ast: TypeScript.ASTSpan): boolean {
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'ASTSpan'.
if (ast === null)
return false;
if (ast.minChar === -1 || ast.limChar === -1)
return false;
return true;
export class AstPathContext {
public path = new TypeScript.AstPath();
export enum GetAstPathOptions {
Default = 0,
EdgeInclusive = 1,
//We need this options dealing with an AST coming from an incomplete AST. For example:
// class foo { // r
// If we ask for the AST at the position after the "r" character, we won't see we are
// inside a comment, because the "class" AST node has a limChar corresponding to the position of
// the "{" character, meaning we don't traverse the tree down to the stmt list of the class, meaning
// we don't find the "precomment" attached to the errorneous empty stmt.
//TODO: It would be nice to be able to get rid of this.
DontPruneSearchBasedOnPosition = 1 << 1,
/// Return the stack of AST nodes containing "position"
export function getAstPathToPosition(script: TypeScript.AST, pos: number, options = GetAstPathOptions.Default): TypeScript.AstPath {
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'AST'.
var lookInComments = (comments: TypeScript.Comment[]) => {
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'Comment'.
if (comments && comments.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < comments.length; i++) {
var minChar = comments[i].minChar;
var limChar = comments[i].limChar;
if (!comments[i].isBlockComment) {
limChar++; // For single line comments, include 1 more character (for the newline)
if (pos >= minChar && pos < limChar) {
var pre = function (cur: TypeScript.AST, parent: TypeScript.AST, walker: IAstWalker) {
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'AST'.
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'AST'.
!!! Cannot find name 'IAstWalker'.
if (isValidAstNode(cur)) {
// Add "cur" to the stack if it contains our position
// For "identifier" nodes, we need a special case: A position equal to "limChar" is
// valid, since the position corresponds to a caret position (in between characters)
// For example:
// bar
// 0123
// If "position == 3", the caret is at the "right" of the "r" character, which should be considered valid
var inclusive =
hasFlag(options, GetAstPathOptions.EdgeInclusive) ||
!!! Cannot find name 'hasFlag'.
cur.nodeType === TypeScript.NodeType.Name ||
!!! Property 'NodeType' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
pos === script.limChar; // Special "EOF" case
var minChar = cur.minChar;
var limChar = cur.limChar + (inclusive ? 1 : 0)
if (pos >= minChar && pos < limChar) {
// TODO: Since AST is sometimes not correct wrt to position, only add "cur" if it's better
// than top of the stack.
var previous = ctx.path.ast();
if (previous == null || (cur.minChar >= previous.minChar && cur.limChar <= previous.limChar)) {
else {
//logger.log("TODO: Ignoring node because minChar, limChar not better than previous node in stack");
// The AST walker skips comments, but we might be in one, so check the pre/post comments for this node manually
if (pos < limChar) {
if (pos >= minChar) {
if (!hasFlag(options, GetAstPathOptions.DontPruneSearchBasedOnPosition)) {
!!! Cannot find name 'hasFlag'.
// Don't go further down the tree if pos is outside of [minChar, limChar]
walker.options.goChildren = (minChar <= pos && pos <= limChar);
return cur;
var ctx = new AstPathContext();
TypeScript.getAstWalkerFactory().walk(script, pre, null, null, ctx);
!!! Property 'getAstWalkerFactory' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
return ctx.path;
// Find a source text offset that is safe for lexing tokens at the given position.
// This is used when "position" might be inside a comment or string, etc.
export function getTokenizationOffset(script: TypeScript.Script, position: number): number {
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'Script'.
var bestOffset = 0;
var pre = (cur: TypeScript.AST, parent: TypeScript.AST, walker: TypeScript.IAstWalker): TypeScript.AST => {
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'AST'.
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'AST'.
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'IAstWalker'.
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'AST'.
if (TypeScript.isValidAstNode(cur)) {
// Did we find a closer offset?
if (cur.minChar <= position) {
bestOffset = max(bestOffset, cur.minChar);
// Stop the walk if this node is not related to "minChar"
if (cur.minChar > position || cur.limChar < bestOffset) {
walker.options.goChildren = false;
return cur;
TypeScript.getAstWalkerFactory().walk(script, pre);
!!! Property 'getAstWalkerFactory' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.
return bestOffset;
/// Simple function to Walk an AST using a simple callback function.
export function walkAST(ast: TypeScript.AST, callback: (path: AstPath, walker: TypeScript.IAstWalker) => void ): void {
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'AST'.
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'IAstWalker'.
var pre = function (cur: TypeScript.AST, parent: TypeScript.AST, walker: TypeScript.IAstWalker) {
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'AST'.
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'AST'.
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'IAstWalker'.
var path: TypeScript.AstPath = walker.state;
callback(path, walker);
return cur;
var post = function (cur: TypeScript.AST, parent: TypeScript.AST, walker: TypeScript.IAstWalker) {
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'AST'.
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'AST'.
!!! Module 'TypeScript' has no exported member 'IAstWalker'.
var path: TypeScript.AstPath = walker.state;
return cur;
var path = new AstPath();
TypeScript.getAstWalkerFactory().walk(ast, pre, post, null, path);
!!! Property 'getAstWalkerFactory' does not exist on type 'typeof TypeScript'.