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==== tests/cases/compiler/privacyFunctionCannotNameParameterTypeDeclFile_consumer.ts (24 errors) ====
import exporter = require("privacyFunctionCannotNameParameterTypeDeclFile_exporter");
export class publicClassWithWithPrivateParmeterTypes {
static myPublicStaticMethod(param = exporter.createExportedWidget1()) { // Error
!!! Parameter 'param' of public static method from exported class has or is using name 'Widget1' from external module "tests/cases/compiler/privacyFunctionCannotNameParameterTypeDeclFile_Widgets" but cannot be named.
private static myPrivateStaticMethod(param = exporter.createExportedWidget1()) {
myPublicMethod(param = exporter.createExportedWidget1()) { // Error
!!! Parameter 'param' of public method from exported class has or is using name 'Widget1' from external module "tests/cases/compiler/privacyFunctionCannotNameParameterTypeDeclFile_Widgets" but cannot be named.
private myPrivateMethod(param = exporter.createExportedWidget1()) {
constructor(param = exporter.createExportedWidget1(), private param1 = exporter.createExportedWidget1(), public param2 = exporter.createExportedWidget1()) { // Error
!!! Parameter 'param' of constructor from exported class has or is using name 'Widget1' from external module "tests/cases/compiler/privacyFunctionCannotNameParameterTypeDeclFile_Widgets" but cannot be named.
!!! Parameter 'param1' of constructor from exported class has or is using name 'Widget1' from external module "tests/cases/compiler/privacyFunctionCannotNameParameterTypeDeclFile_Widgets" but cannot be named.
!!! Parameter 'param2' of constructor from exported class has or is using name 'Widget1' from external module "tests/cases/compiler/privacyFunctionCannotNameParameterTypeDeclFile_Widgets" but cannot be named.
export class publicClassWithWithPrivateParmeterTypes1 {
static myPublicStaticMethod(param = exporter.createExportedWidget3()) { // Error
!!! Parameter 'param' of public static method from exported class has or is using name 'Widget3' from external module "GlobalWidgets" but cannot be named.
private static myPrivateStaticMethod(param = exporter.createExportedWidget3()) {
myPublicMethod(param = exporter.createExportedWidget3()) { // Error
!!! Parameter 'param' of public method from exported class has or is using name 'Widget3' from external module "GlobalWidgets" but cannot be named.
private myPrivateMethod(param = exporter.createExportedWidget3()) {
constructor(param = exporter.createExportedWidget3(), private param1 = exporter.createExportedWidget3(), public param2 = exporter.createExportedWidget3()) { // Error
!!! Parameter 'param' of constructor from exported class has or is using name 'Widget3' from external module "GlobalWidgets" but cannot be named.
!!! Parameter 'param1' of constructor from exported class has or is using name 'Widget3' from external module "GlobalWidgets" but cannot be named.
!!! Parameter 'param2' of constructor from exported class has or is using name 'Widget3' from external module "GlobalWidgets" but cannot be named.
class privateClassWithWithPrivateParmeterTypes {
static myPublicStaticMethod(param = exporter.createExportedWidget1()) {
private static myPrivateStaticMethod(param = exporter.createExportedWidget1()) {
myPublicMethod(param = exporter.createExportedWidget1()) {
private myPrivateMethod(param = exporter.createExportedWidget1()) {
constructor(param = exporter.createExportedWidget1(), private param1 = exporter.createExportedWidget1(), public param2 = exporter.createExportedWidget1()) {
class privateClassWithWithPrivateParmeterTypes2 {
static myPublicStaticMethod(param = exporter.createExportedWidget3()) {
private static myPrivateStaticMethod(param = exporter.createExportedWidget3()) {
myPublicMethod(param = exporter.createExportedWidget3()) {
private myPrivateMethod(param = exporter.createExportedWidget3()) {
constructor(param = exporter.createExportedWidget3(), private param1 = exporter.createExportedWidget3(), public param2 = exporter.createExportedWidget3()) {
export function publicFunctionWithPrivateParmeterTypes(param = exporter.createExportedWidget1()) { // Error
!!! Parameter 'param' of exported function has or is using name 'Widget1' from external module "tests/cases/compiler/privacyFunctionCannotNameParameterTypeDeclFile_Widgets" but cannot be named.
function privateFunctionWithPrivateParmeterTypes(param = exporter.createExportedWidget1()) {
export function publicFunctionWithPrivateParmeterTypes1(param = exporter.createExportedWidget3()) { // Error
!!! Parameter 'param' of exported function has or is using name 'Widget3' from external module "GlobalWidgets" but cannot be named.
function privateFunctionWithPrivateParmeterTypes1(param = exporter.createExportedWidget3()) {
export class publicClassWithPrivateModuleParameterTypes {
static myPublicStaticMethod(param= exporter.createExportedWidget2()) { // Error
!!! Parameter 'param' of public static method from exported class has or is using name 'SpecializedWidget.Widget2' from external module "tests/cases/compiler/privacyFunctionCannotNameParameterTypeDeclFile_Widgets" but cannot be named.
myPublicMethod(param= exporter.createExportedWidget2()) { // Error
!!! Parameter 'param' of public method from exported class has or is using name 'SpecializedWidget.Widget2' from external module "tests/cases/compiler/privacyFunctionCannotNameParameterTypeDeclFile_Widgets" but cannot be named.
constructor(param= exporter.createExportedWidget2(), private param1= exporter.createExportedWidget2(), public param2= exporter.createExportedWidget2()) { // Error
!!! Parameter 'param' of constructor from exported class has or is using name 'SpecializedWidget.Widget2' from external module "tests/cases/compiler/privacyFunctionCannotNameParameterTypeDeclFile_Widgets" but cannot be named.
!!! Parameter 'param1' of constructor from exported class has or is using name 'SpecializedWidget.Widget2' from external module "tests/cases/compiler/privacyFunctionCannotNameParameterTypeDeclFile_Widgets" but cannot be named.
!!! Parameter 'param2' of constructor from exported class has or is using name 'SpecializedWidget.Widget2' from external module "tests/cases/compiler/privacyFunctionCannotNameParameterTypeDeclFile_Widgets" but cannot be named.
export class publicClassWithPrivateModuleParameterTypes2 {
static myPublicStaticMethod(param= exporter.createExportedWidget4()) { // Error
!!! Parameter 'param' of public static method from exported class has or is using name 'SpecializedGlobalWidget.Widget4' from external module "GlobalWidgets" but cannot be named.
myPublicMethod(param= exporter.createExportedWidget4()) { // Error
!!! Parameter 'param' of public method from exported class has or is using name 'SpecializedGlobalWidget.Widget4' from external module "GlobalWidgets" but cannot be named.
constructor(param= exporter.createExportedWidget4(), private param1= exporter.createExportedWidget4(), public param2= exporter.createExportedWidget4()) { // Error
!!! Parameter 'param' of constructor from exported class has or is using name 'SpecializedGlobalWidget.Widget4' from external module "GlobalWidgets" but cannot be named.
!!! Parameter 'param1' of constructor from exported class has or is using name 'SpecializedGlobalWidget.Widget4' from external module "GlobalWidgets" but cannot be named.
!!! Parameter 'param2' of constructor from exported class has or is using name 'SpecializedGlobalWidget.Widget4' from external module "GlobalWidgets" but cannot be named.
export function publicFunctionWithPrivateModuleParameterTypes(param= exporter.createExportedWidget2()) { // Error
!!! Parameter 'param' of exported function has or is using name 'SpecializedWidget.Widget2' from external module "tests/cases/compiler/privacyFunctionCannotNameParameterTypeDeclFile_Widgets" but cannot be named.
export function publicFunctionWithPrivateModuleParameterTypes1(param= exporter.createExportedWidget4()) { // Error
!!! Parameter 'param' of exported function has or is using name 'SpecializedGlobalWidget.Widget4' from external module "GlobalWidgets" but cannot be named.
class privateClassWithPrivateModuleParameterTypes {
static myPublicStaticMethod(param= exporter.createExportedWidget2()) {
myPublicMethod(param= exporter.createExportedWidget2()) {
constructor(param= exporter.createExportedWidget2(), private param1= exporter.createExportedWidget2(), public param2= exporter.createExportedWidget2()) {
class privateClassWithPrivateModuleParameterTypes1 {
static myPublicStaticMethod(param= exporter.createExportedWidget4()) {
myPublicMethod(param= exporter.createExportedWidget4()) {
constructor(param= exporter.createExportedWidget4(), private param1= exporter.createExportedWidget4(), public param2= exporter.createExportedWidget4()) {
function privateFunctionWithPrivateModuleParameterTypes(param= exporter.createExportedWidget2()) {
function privateFunctionWithPrivateModuleParameterTypes1(param= exporter.createExportedWidget4()) {
==== tests/cases/compiler/privacyFunctionCannotNameParameterTypeDeclFile_GlobalWidgets.ts (0 errors) ====
declare module "GlobalWidgets" {
export class Widget3 {
name: string;
export function createWidget3(): Widget3;
export module SpecializedGlobalWidget {
export class Widget4 {
name: string;
function createWidget4(): Widget4;
==== tests/cases/compiler/privacyFunctionCannotNameParameterTypeDeclFile_Widgets.ts (0 errors) ====
export class Widget1 {
name = 'one';
export function createWidget1() {
return new Widget1();
export module SpecializedWidget {
export class Widget2 {
name = 'one';
export function createWidget2() {
return new Widget2();
==== tests/cases/compiler/privacyFunctionCannotNameParameterTypeDeclFile_exporter.ts (0 errors) ====
///<reference path='privacyFunctionCannotNameParameterTypeDeclFile_GlobalWidgets.ts'/>
import Widgets = require("privacyFunctionCannotNameParameterTypeDeclFile_Widgets");
import Widgets1 = require("GlobalWidgets");
export function createExportedWidget1() {
return Widgets.createWidget1();
export function createExportedWidget2() {
return Widgets.SpecializedWidget.createWidget2();
export function createExportedWidget3() {
return Widgets1.createWidget3();
export function createExportedWidget4() {
return Widgets1.SpecializedGlobalWidget.createWidget4();