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namespace ts {
describe("unittests:: createMapShim", () => {
const stringKeys = [
const mixedKeys = [
{ toString() { return "2"; } },
null, // eslint-disable-line no-null/no-null
{ toString() { return "C"; } },
{ toString() { return "X1"; } },
function testMapIterationAddedValues<K>(keys: K[], map: ESMap<K, string>, useForEach: boolean): string {
let resultString = "";
map.set(keys[0], "1");
map.set(keys[1], "3");
map.set(keys[2], "2");
map.set(keys[3], "4");
let addedThree = false;
const doForEach = (value: string, key: K) => {
resultString += `${key}:${value};`;
// Add a new key ("0") - the map should provide this
// one in the next iteration.
if (key === keys[0]) {
map.set(keys[0], "X1");
map.set(keys[4], "X0");
map.set(keys[3], "X4");
else if (key === keys[1]) {
if (!addedThree) {
addedThree = true;
// Remove and re-add key "3"; the map should
// visit it after "0".
map.set(keys[1], "Y3");
// Change the value of "2"; the map should provide
// it when visiting the key.
map.set(keys[2], "Y2");
else {
// Check that an entry added when we visit the
// currently last entry will still be visited.
map.set(keys[5], "999");
else if (key === keys[5]) {
// Ensure that clear() behaves correctly same as removing all keys.
map.set(keys[6], "A");
map.set(keys[7], "B");
map.set(keys[8], "C");
else if (key === keys[6]) {
map.set(keys[9], "Z");
else if (key === keys[9]) {
// Check that the map behaves correctly when two items are
// added and removed immediately.
map.set(keys[10], "X");
map.set(keys[11], "X1");
map.set(keys[12], "X2");
map.set(keys[13], "Y");
if (useForEach) {
else {
// Use an iterator.
const iterator = map.entries();
while (true) {
const iterResult = iterator.next();
if (iterResult.done) {
const [key, value] = iterResult.value;
doForEach(value, key);
return resultString;
let MapShim!: MapConstructor;
beforeEach(() => {
function getIterator<I extends readonly any[] | ReadonlySet<any> | ReadonlyESMap<any, any> | undefined>(iterable: I): Iterator<
I extends ReadonlyESMap<infer K, infer V> ? [K, V] :
I extends ReadonlySet<infer T> ? T :
I extends readonly (infer T)[] ? T :
I extends undefined ? undefined :
function getIterator(iterable: readonly any[] | ReadonlySet<any> | ReadonlyESMap<any, any> | undefined): Iterator<any> | undefined {
// override `ts.getIterator` with a version that allows us to iterate over a `MapShim` in an environment with a native `Map`.
if (iterable instanceof MapShim) return iterable.entries();
return ts.getIterator(iterable);
MapShim = ShimCollections.createMapShim(getIterator);
afterEach(() => {
MapShim = undefined!;
it("iterates values in insertion order and handles changes with string keys", () => {
const expectedResult = "1:1;3:3;2:Y2;4:X4;0:X0;3:Y3;999:999;A:A;Z:Z;X:X;Y:Y;";
// First, ensure the test actually has the same behavior as a native Map.
2020-06-26 01:03:25 +02:00
let nativeMap = new Map<string, string>();
const nativeMapForEachResult = testMapIterationAddedValues(stringKeys, nativeMap, /* useForEach */ true);
assert.equal(nativeMapForEachResult, expectedResult, "nativeMap-forEach");
2020-06-26 01:03:25 +02:00
nativeMap = new Map<string, string>();
const nativeMapIteratorResult = testMapIterationAddedValues(stringKeys, nativeMap, /* useForEach */ false);
assert.equal(nativeMapIteratorResult, expectedResult, "nativeMap-iterator");
// Then, test the map shim.
let localShimMap = new MapShim<string, string>();
const shimMapForEachResult = testMapIterationAddedValues(stringKeys, localShimMap, /* useForEach */ true);
assert.equal(shimMapForEachResult, expectedResult, "shimMap-forEach");
localShimMap = new MapShim<string, string>();
const shimMapIteratorResult = testMapIterationAddedValues(stringKeys, localShimMap, /* useForEach */ false);
assert.equal(shimMapIteratorResult, expectedResult, "shimMap-iterator");
it("iterates values in insertion order and handles changes with mixed-type keys", () => {
const expectedResult = "true:1;3:3;2:Y2;4:X4;false:X0;3:Y3;null:999;undefined:A;Z:Z;X:X;Y:Y;";
// First, ensure the test actually has the same behavior as a native Map.
2020-06-26 01:03:25 +02:00
let nativeMap = new Map<any, string>();
const nativeMapForEachResult = testMapIterationAddedValues(mixedKeys, nativeMap, /* useForEach */ true);
assert.equal(nativeMapForEachResult, expectedResult, "nativeMap-forEach");
2020-06-26 01:03:25 +02:00
nativeMap = new Map<any, string>();
const nativeMapIteratorResult = testMapIterationAddedValues(mixedKeys, nativeMap, /* useForEach */ false);
assert.equal(nativeMapIteratorResult, expectedResult, "nativeMap-iterator");
// Then, test the map shim.
let localShimMap = new MapShim<any, string>();
const shimMapForEachResult = testMapIterationAddedValues(mixedKeys, localShimMap, /* useForEach */ true);
assert.equal(shimMapForEachResult, expectedResult, "shimMap-forEach");
localShimMap = new MapShim<any, string>();
const shimMapIteratorResult = testMapIterationAddedValues(mixedKeys, localShimMap, /* useForEach */ false);
assert.equal(shimMapIteratorResult, expectedResult, "shimMap-iterator");
it("create from Array", () => {
const map = new MapShim([["a", "b"]]);
assert.equal(map.size, 1);
assert.equal(map.get("a"), "b");
it("create from Map", () => {
const map1 = new MapShim([["a", "b"]]);
const map2 = new MapShim(map1);
assert.equal(map1.size, 1);
assert.equal(map2.size, 1);
assert.equal(map2.get("a"), "b");
it("set when not present", () => {
const map = new MapShim<string, string>();
const result = map.set("a", "b");
assert.equal(map.size, 1);
assert.strictEqual(result, map);
assert.equal(map.get("a"), "b");
it("set when present", () => {
const map = new MapShim<string, string>();
map.set("a", "z");
const result = map.set("a", "b");
assert.equal(map.size, 1);
assert.strictEqual(result, map);
assert.equal(map.get("a"), "b");
it("has when not present", () => {
const map = new MapShim<string, string>();
it("has when present", () => {
const map = new MapShim<string, string>();
map.set("a", "b");
it("get when not present", () => {
const map = new MapShim<string, string>();
it("get when present", () => {
const map = new MapShim<string, string>();
map.set("a", "b");
assert.equal(map.get("a"), "b");
it("delete when not present", () => {
const map = new MapShim<string, string>();
it("delete when present", () => {
const map = new MapShim<string, string>();
map.set("a", "b");
it("delete twice when present", () => {
const map = new MapShim<string, string>();
map.set("a", "b");
it("remove only item and iterate", () => {
const map = new MapShim<string, string>();
map.set("a", "b");
const actual = arrayFrom(map.keys());
assert.deepEqual(actual, []);
it("remove first item and iterate", () => {
const map = new MapShim<string, string>();
map.set("a", "b");
map.set("c", "d");
assert.deepEqual(arrayFrom(map.keys()), ["c"]);
assert.deepEqual(arrayFrom(map.values()), ["d"]);
assert.deepEqual(arrayFrom(map.entries()), [["c", "d"]]);
it("remove last item and iterate", () => {
const map = new MapShim<string, string>();
map.set("a", "b");
map.set("c", "d");
assert.deepEqual(arrayFrom(map.keys()), ["a"]);
assert.deepEqual(arrayFrom(map.values()), ["b"]);
assert.deepEqual(arrayFrom(map.entries()), [["a", "b"]]);
it("remove middle item and iterate", () => {
const map = new MapShim<string, string>();
map.set("a", "b");
map.set("c", "d");
map.set("e", "f");
assert.deepEqual(arrayFrom(map.keys()), ["a", "e"]);
assert.deepEqual(arrayFrom(map.values()), ["b", "f"]);
assert.deepEqual(arrayFrom(map.entries()), [["a", "b"], ["e", "f"]]);
it("keys", () => {
const map = new MapShim<string, string>();
map.set("c", "d");
map.set("a", "b");
assert.deepEqual(arrayFrom(map.keys()), ["c", "a"]);
it("values", () => {
const map = new MapShim<string, string>();
map.set("c", "d");
map.set("a", "b");
assert.deepEqual(arrayFrom(map.values()), ["d", "b"]);
it("entries", () => {
const map = new MapShim<string, string>();
map.set("c", "d");
map.set("a", "b");
assert.deepEqual(arrayFrom(map.entries()), [["c", "d"], ["a", "b"]]);
it("forEach", () => {
const map = new MapShim<string, string>();
map.set("c", "d");
map.set("a", "b");
const actual: [string, string][] = [];
map.forEach((value, key) => actual.push([key, value]));
assert.deepEqual(actual, [["c", "d"], ["a", "b"]]);