
681 lines
24 KiB
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2014-07-13 01:04:16 +02:00
// This file contains the build logic for the public repo
// @ts-check
/// <reference types="jake" />
2014-07-13 01:04:16 +02:00
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
const fs = require("fs");
const os = require("os");
const path = require("path");
const child_process = require("child_process");
const removeInternal = require("remove-internal");
const fold = require("travis-fold");
const ts = require("./lib/typescript");
const del = require("del");
2018-06-08 02:53:44 +02:00
const getDirSize = require("./scripts/build/getDirSize");
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
const host = process.env.TYPESCRIPT_HOST || process.env.host || "node";
const locales = ["cs", "de", "es", "fr", "it", "ja", "ko", "pl", "pt-br", "ru", "tr", "zh-cn", "zh-tw"];
const defaultTestTimeout = 40000;
let useDebugMode = true;
const TaskNames = {
local: "local",
runtests: "runtests",
runtestsParallel: "runtests-parallel",
buildRules: "build-rules",
clean: "clean",
lib: "lib",
buildFoldStart: "build-fold-start",
buildFoldEnd: "build-fold-end",
generateDiagnostics: "generate-diagnostics",
coreBuild: "core-build",
lkg: "LKG",
release: "release",
lssl: "lssl",
lint: "lint"
const Paths = {
lkg: "lib",
lkgCompiler: "lib/tsc.js",
built: "built",
builtLocal: "built/local",
builtLocalCompiler: "built/local/tsc.js",
builtLocalRun: "built/local/run.js",
locLcg: "built/local/enu/diagnosticMessages.generated.json.lcg",
typesMapOutput: "built/local/typesMap.json",
2018-06-10 23:56:48 +02:00
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
servicesFile: "built/local/typescriptServices.js",
servicesDefinitionFile: "built/local/typescriptServices.d.ts",
2018-06-10 23:56:48 +02:00
tsserverGlobalLibraryFile: "built/local/tsserverGlobalLibrary.js",
tsserverGlobalLibraryDefinitionFile: "built/local/tsserverGlobalLibrary.d.ts",
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
tsserverLibraryFile: "built/local/tsserverlibrary.js",
tsserverLibraryDefinitionFile: "built/local/tsserverlibrary.d.ts",
baselines: {
local: "tests/baselines/local",
localTest262: "tests/baselines/test262/local",
localRwc: "tests/baselines/rwc/local",
reference: "tests/baselines/reference",
referenceTest262: "tests/baselines/test262/reference",
referenceRwc: "tests/baselines/rwc/reference"
copyright: "CopyrightNotice.txt",
thirdParty: "ThirdPartyNoticeText.txt",
library: "src/lib",
processDiagnosticMessagesJs: "scripts/processDiagnosticMessages.js",
diagnosticInformationMap: "src/parser/diagnosticInformationMap.generated.ts",
diagnosticMessagesJson: "src/parser/diagnosticMessages.json",
srcServer: "src/server",
const ConfigFileFor = {
tsc: "src/tsc",
tsserver: "src/tsserver",
runjs: "src/testRunner",
lint: "scripts/tslint",
all: "src"
const ExpectedLKGFiles = [
2018-06-10 19:59:03 +02:00
/** @type {{ libs: string[], paths?: Record<string, string>, sources?: Record<string, string[]> }} */
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
const libraries = readJson("./src/lib/libs.json");
2018-06-10 19:59:03 +02:00
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
2018-06-10 19:59:03 +02:00
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
// Local target to build the compiler and services
desc("Builds the full compiler and services");
task(TaskNames.local, [
// buildProtocolDts,
// builtGeneratedDiagnosticMessagesJSON,
// "localize",
2018-06-10 19:59:03 +02:00
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
desc("Runs all the tests in parallel using the built run.js file. Optional arguments are: t[ests]=category1|category2|... d[ebug]=true.");
task(TaskNames.runtestsParallel, [TaskNames.lib], function () {
tsbuild([ConfigFileFor.runjs, ConfigFileFor.lint]);
runConsoleTests("min", /*parallel*/ true);
}, { async: true });
2018-06-10 19:59:03 +02:00
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
desc("Runs all the tests in parallel using the built run.js file. Optional arguments are: t[ests]=category1|category2|... d[ebug]=true.");
task(TaskNames.runtests, [TaskNames.lib], function () {
tsbuild([ConfigFileFor.runjs, ConfigFileFor.lint]);
runConsoleTests('mocha-fivemat-progress-reporter', /*runInParallel*/ false);;
}, { async: true });
2018-06-10 19:59:03 +02:00
2018-06-10 22:26:16 +02:00
// Makes the test results the new baseline
desc("Makes the most recent test results the new baseline, overwriting the old baseline");
task("baseline-accept", function () {
acceptBaseline(Paths.baselines.local, Paths.baselines.reference);
desc("Makes the most recent rwc test results the new baseline, overwriting the old baseline");
task("baseline-accept-rwc", function () {
acceptBaseline(Paths.baselines.localRwc, Paths.baselines.referenceRwc);
desc("Makes the most recent test262 test results the new baseline, overwriting the old baseline");
task("baseline-accept-test262", function () {
acceptBaseline(Paths.baselines.localTest262, Paths.baselines.referenceTest262);
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
const libraryTargets = getLibraryTargets();
desc("Builds the library targets");
task(TaskNames.lib, libraryTargets);
2018-06-10 19:59:03 +02:00
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
desc("Builds language service server library");
task("lssl", [TaskNames.coreBuild, Paths.tsserverLibraryFile, Paths.tsserverLibraryDefinitionFile, Paths.typesMapOutput]);
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
// Makes a new LKG. This target does not build anything, but errors if not all the outputs are present in the built/local directory
desc("Makes a new LKG out of the built js files");
task(TaskNames.lkg, [
], () => {
const sizeBefore = getDirSize(Paths.lkg);
const localizationTargets = locales.map(f => path.join(Paths.builtLocal, f)).concat(path.dirname(Paths.locLcg));
2018-06-10 23:56:48 +02:00
const copyrightContent = readFileSync(Paths.copyright);
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
const expectedFiles = [...libraryTargets, ...ExpectedLKGFiles, ...localizationTargets];
const missingFiles = expectedFiles.filter(f => !fs.existsSync(f));
if (missingFiles.length > 0) {
fail(new Error("Cannot replace the LKG unless all built targets are present in directory " + Paths.builtLocal +
". The following files are missing:\n" + missingFiles.join("\n")));
// Copy all the targets into the LKG directory
expectedFiles.forEach(f => {
2018-06-10 23:56:48 +02:00
let content = readFileSync(f);
2018-06-10 19:59:03 +02:00
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
// If this is a .d.ts file, run remove-internal on it
if (f.endsWith(".d.ts")) {
content = removeInternal.elide(content).result;
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
if (f.endsWith(".d.ts") || f.endsWith(".js")) {
// Prepend the copyright header to it
content = copyrightContent + content;
2018-06-10 19:59:03 +02:00
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
fs.writeFile(path.join(Paths.lkg, path.basename(f)), content, { encoding: 'utf-8' }, (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
2018-06-10 19:59:03 +02:00
2018-06-10 19:59:03 +02:00
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
const sizeAfter = getDirSize(Paths.lkg);
if (sizeAfter > (sizeBefore * 1.10)) {
throw new Error("The lib folder increased by 10% or more. This likely indicates a bug.");
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
desc("Runs tslint on the compiler sources. Optional arguments are: f[iles]=regex");
task(TaskNames.lint, [TaskNames.buildRules], () => {
if (fold.isTravis()) console.log(fold.start("lint"));
function lint(project, cb) {
const fix = process.env.fix || process.env.f;
const cmd = `node node_modules/tslint/bin/tslint --project ${project} --formatters-dir ./built/local/tslint/formatters --format autolinkableStylish${fix ? " --fix" : ""}`;
console.log("Linting: " + cmd);
jake.exec([cmd], cb, /** @type {jake.ExecOptions} */({ interactive: true, windowsVerbatimArguments: true }));
lint("scripts/tslint/tsconfig.json", () => lint("src/tsconfig-base.json", () => {
if (fold.isTravis()) console.log(fold.end("lint"));
2018-06-10 19:59:03 +02:00
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
desc("Diffs the compiler baselines using the diff tool specified by the 'DIFF' environment variable");
task('diff', function () {
var cmd = `"${getDiffTool()} ${Paths.baselines.reference} ${Paths.baselines.local}`;
2018-06-10 19:59:03 +02:00
}, { async: true });
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
desc("Diffs the RWC baselines using the diff tool specified by the 'DIFF' environment variable");
task('diff-rwc', function () {
var cmd = `"${getDiffTool()} ${Paths.baselines.referenceRwc} ${Paths.baselines.localRwc}`;
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
}, { async: true });
2018-06-10 19:59:03 +02:00
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
desc("Sets the release mode flag");
task("release", function () {
useDebugMode = false;
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
desc("Clears the release mode flag");
task("setDebugMode", function () {
useDebugMode = true;
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
desc("Emit the start of the build fold");
task(TaskNames.buildFoldStart, [], function () {
if (fold.isTravis()) console.log(fold.start("build"));
2015-09-18 22:13:26 +02:00
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
desc("Emit the end of the build fold");
task(TaskNames.buildFoldEnd, [], function () {
if (fold.isTravis()) console.log(fold.end("build"));
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
desc("Compiles tslint rules to js");
task(TaskNames.buildRules, [], function () {
tsbuild(ConfigFileFor.lint, undefined, () => complete());
}, { async: true });
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
desc("Cleans the compiler output, declare files, and tests");
task(TaskNames.clean, function () {
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
desc("Generates a diagnostic file in TypeScript based on an input JSON file");
task(TaskNames.generateDiagnostics, [Paths.diagnosticInformationMap]);
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
task(TaskNames.coreBuild, function () {
tsbuild(ConfigFileFor.all, undefined, () => complete());
}, { async: true });
2018-06-10 19:59:03 +02:00
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
file(Paths.diagnosticInformationMap, [Paths.diagnosticMessagesJson], function (complete) {
tsbuild("scripts/processDiagnosticMessages.tsconfig.json", /*lkg*/ true, function () {
const cmd = `${host} scripts/processDiagnosticMessages.js ${Paths.diagnosticMessagesJson}`;
var ex = jake.createExec([cmd]);
// Add listeners for output and error
ex.addListener("stdout", function (output) {
ex.addListener("stderr", function (error) {
ex.addListener("cmdEnd", function () {
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
}, { async: true });
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
file(Paths.typesMapOutput, /** @type {*} */(function () {
2018-06-10 23:56:48 +02:00
var content = readFileSync(path.join(Paths.srcServer, 'typesMap.json'));
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
// Validate that it's valid JSON
try {
} catch (e) {
console.log("Parse error in typesMap.json: " + e);
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
fs.writeFileSync(Paths.typesMapOutput, content);
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
file(Paths.tsserverLibraryFile, [TaskNames.coreBuild, Paths.copyright, ...libraryTargets], function() {
2018-06-10 23:56:48 +02:00
const originalContent = readFileSync(Paths.tsserverGlobalLibraryFile);
const newContent =
readFileSync(Paths.copyright) +
writeFileSync(Paths.tsserverLibraryFile, newContent);
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
file(Paths.tsserverLibraryDefinitionFile, [TaskNames.coreBuild, Paths.copyright, ...libraryTargets], function () {
2018-06-10 23:56:48 +02:00
const content = readFileSync(Paths.tsserverGlobalLibraryDefinitionFile);
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
const newContent =
removeConstModifierFromEnumDeclarations(content) +
`\nexport = ts` +
`\nexport as namespace ts;`;
2014-07-13 01:04:16 +02:00
2018-06-10 23:56:48 +02:00
writeFileSync(Paths.tsserverLibraryDefinitionFile, newContent);
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
2018-06-10 19:59:03 +02:00
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
function getLibraryTargets() {
return libraries.libs.map(function (lib) {
var relativeSources = ["header.d.ts"].concat(libraries.sources && libraries.sources[lib] || [lib + ".d.ts"]);
var relativeTarget = libraries.paths && libraries.paths[lib] || ("lib." + lib + ".d.ts");
var sources = [Paths.copyright].concat(relativeSources.map(s => path.join(Paths.library, s)));
var target = path.join(Paths.builtLocal, relativeTarget);
file(target, [Paths.builtLocal].concat(sources), function () {
concatenateFiles(target, sources);
return target;
function runConsoleTests(defaultReporter, runInParallel) {
var dirty = process.env.dirty;
2016-04-13 03:40:39 +02:00
if (!dirty) {
2017-06-08 21:24:20 +02:00
var debug = process.env.debug || process.env["debug-brk"] || process.env.d;
var inspect = process.env.inspect || process.env["inspect-brk"] || process.env.i;
2017-06-06 22:33:19 +02:00
var testTimeout = process.env.timeout || defaultTestTimeout;
var runners = process.env.runners || process.env.runner || process.env.ru;
2017-06-06 22:33:19 +02:00
var tests = process.env.test || process.env.tests || process.env.t;
var light = process.env.light === undefined || process.env.light !== "false";
var stackTraceLimit = process.env.stackTraceLimit;
2014-07-13 01:04:16 +02:00
var testConfigFile = 'test.config';
2016-08-19 23:34:14 +02:00
if (fs.existsSync(testConfigFile)) {
2014-07-13 01:04:16 +02:00
var workerCount, taskConfigsFolder;
if (runInParallel) {
// generate name to store task configuration files
var prefix = os.tmpdir() + "/ts-tests";
var i = 1;
do {
taskConfigsFolder = prefix + i;
} while (fs.existsSync(taskConfigsFolder));
2017-06-06 22:33:19 +02:00
workerCount = process.env.workerCount || process.env.p || os.cpus().length;
2014-09-03 19:37:32 +02:00
if (tests && tests.toLocaleLowerCase() === "rwc") {
2016-11-22 02:25:38 +01:00
testTimeout = 800000;
2014-09-03 19:37:32 +02:00
if (tests || runners || light || testTimeout || taskConfigsFolder) {
writeTestConfigFile(tests, runners, light, taskConfigsFolder, workerCount, stackTraceLimit, colors, testTimeout);
var colorsFlag = process.env.color || process.env.colors;
var colors = colorsFlag !== "false" && colorsFlag !== "0";
2017-02-07 23:36:15 +01:00
var reporter = process.env.reporter || process.env.r || defaultReporter;
var bail = process.env.bail || process.env.b;
var lintFlag = process.env.lint !== 'false';
// timeout normally isn't necessary but Travis-CI has been timing out on compiler baselines occasionally
// default timeout is 2sec which really should be enough, but maybe we just need a small amount longer
2016-08-19 23:34:14 +02:00
if (!runInParallel) {
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
var startTime = Travis.mark();
2017-02-07 23:36:15 +01:00
var args = [];
args.push("-R", reporter);
if (tests) {
args.push("-g", `"${tests}"`);
if (colors) {
else {
if (bail) {
2017-06-08 21:24:20 +02:00
if (inspect) {
else if (debug) {
else {
args.push("-t", testTimeout);
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
2017-02-07 23:36:15 +01:00
var cmd = "mocha " + args.join(" ");
2015-10-24 01:27:44 +02:00
var savedNodeEnv = process.env.NODE_ENV;
process.env.NODE_ENV = "development";
exec(cmd, function () {
process.env.NODE_ENV = savedNodeEnv;
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
2016-08-19 23:34:14 +02:00
}, function (e, status) {
process.env.NODE_ENV = savedNodeEnv;
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
else {
var savedNodeEnv = process.env.NODE_ENV;
process.env.NODE_ENV = "development";
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
var startTime = Travis.mark();
exec(host + " " + Paths.builtLocalRun, function () {
process.env.NODE_ENV = savedNodeEnv;
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
var lint = jake.Task["lint"];
lint.addListener("complete", () => finish());
}, function (e, status) {
process.env.NODE_ENV = savedNodeEnv;
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
2016-06-06 20:37:59 +02:00
function failWithStatus(status) {
fail("Process exited with code " + status);
2016-06-06 20:37:59 +02:00
function finish(errorStatus) {
if (errorStatus !== undefined) {
else {
function runLinter() {
2016-06-01 03:43:51 +02:00
if (!lintFlag || dirty) {
var lint = jake.Task['lint'];
lint.addListener('complete', function () {
2018-06-10 19:59:03 +02:00
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
// used to pass data from jake command line directly to run.js
function writeTestConfigFile(tests, runners, light, taskConfigsFolder, workerCount, stackTraceLimit, colors, testTimeout) {
var testConfigContents = JSON.stringify({
runners: runners ? runners.split(",") : undefined,
test: tests ? [tests] : undefined,
light: light,
workerCount: workerCount,
taskConfigsFolder: taskConfigsFolder,
stackTraceLimit: stackTraceLimit,
noColor: !colors,
timeout: testTimeout
fs.writeFileSync('test.config', testConfigContents);
2014-12-04 20:15:00 +01:00
2017-02-14 07:13:48 +01:00
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
function deleteTemporaryProjectOutput() {
if (fs.existsSync(path.join(Paths.baselines.local, "projectOutput/"))) {
jake.rmRf(path.join(Paths.baselines.local, "projectOutput/"));
2014-07-13 01:04:16 +02:00
2018-06-10 19:59:03 +02:00
2014-07-13 01:04:16 +02:00
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
function cleanTestDirs() {
// Clean the local baselines directory
if (fs.existsSync(Paths.baselines.local)) {
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
// Clean the local Rwc baselines directory
if (fs.existsSync(Paths.baselines.localRwc)) {
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
function tsbuild(tsconfigPath, useLkg = true, done = undefined) {
const startCompileTime = Travis.mark();
2018-06-10 01:48:08 +02:00
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
const compilerPath = useLkg ? Paths.lkgCompiler : Paths.builtLocalCompiler;
const cmd = `${host} ${compilerPath} -b -v ${Array.isArray(tsconfigPath) ? tsconfigPath.join(" ") : tsconfigPath}`;
2018-06-10 19:59:03 +02:00
var ex = jake.createExec([cmd]);
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
// Add listeners for output and error
ex.addListener("stdout", function (output) {
ex.addListener("stderr", function (error) {
2016-08-19 23:34:14 +02:00
ex.addListener("cmdEnd", function () {
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
done && done();
ex.addListener("error", function () {
fail(`Compilation of ${tsconfigPath} unsuccessful`);
2018-06-10 19:59:03 +02:00
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
const Travis = {
mark() {
if (!fold.isTravis()) return;
var stamp = process.hrtime();
var id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 0xFFFFFFFF).toString(16);
console.log("travis_time:start:" + id + "\r");
return {
stamp: stamp,
id: id
measure(marker) {
if (!fold.isTravis()) return;
var diff = process.hrtime(marker.stamp);
var total = [marker.stamp[0] + diff[0], marker.stamp[1] + diff[1]];
console.log("travis_time:end:" + marker.id + ":start=" + toNs(marker.stamp) + ",finish=" + toNs(total) + ",duration=" + toNs(diff) + "\r");
2018-06-10 19:59:03 +02:00
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
function toNs(diff) {
return diff[0] * 1e9 + diff[1];
2016-08-11 18:53:38 +02:00
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
function exec(cmd, completeHandler, errorHandler) {
var ex = jake.createExec([cmd], /** @type {jake.ExecOptions} */({ windowsVerbatimArguments: true, interactive: true }));
// Add listeners for output and error
ex.addListener("stdout", function (output) {
ex.addListener("stderr", function (error) {
2018-06-10 19:59:03 +02:00
ex.addListener("cmdEnd", function () {
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
if (completeHandler) {
2018-06-10 19:59:03 +02:00
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
ex.addListener("error", function (e, status) {
if (errorHandler) {
errorHandler(e, status);
else {
fail("Process exited with code " + status);
2018-06-10 01:48:08 +02:00
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
/** @param jsonPath {string} */
function readJson(jsonPath) {
const jsonText = fs.readFileSync(jsonPath, "utf8");
const result = ts.parseConfigFileTextToJson(jsonPath, jsonText);
if (result.error) {
throw new Error("An error occurred during parse.");
return result.config;
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
/** @param diagnostics {ts.Diagnostic[]} */
function reportDiagnostics(diagnostics) {
console.log(diagnosticsToString(diagnostics, process.stdout.isTTY));
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
* @param diagnostics {ts.Diagnostic[]}
* @param [pretty] {boolean}
function diagnosticsToString(diagnostics, pretty) {
const host = {
getCurrentDirectory() { return process.cwd(); },
getCanonicalFileName(fileName) { return fileName; },
getNewLine() { return os.EOL; }
return pretty ? ts.formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext(diagnostics, host) :
ts.formatDiagnostics(diagnostics, host);
2018-06-10 22:26:16 +02:00
function acceptBaseline(sourceFolder, targetFolder) {
console.log('Accept baselines from ' + sourceFolder + ' to ' + targetFolder);
var deleteEnding = '.delete';
acceptBaselineFolder(sourceFolder, targetFolder);
function acceptBaselineFolder(sourceFolder, targetFolder) {
var files = fs.readdirSync(sourceFolder);
for (var i in files) {
var filename = files[i];
var fullLocalPath = path.join(sourceFolder, filename);
var stat = fs.statSync(fullLocalPath);
if (stat.isFile()) {
if (filename.substr(filename.length - deleteEnding.length) === deleteEnding) {
filename = filename.substr(0, filename.length - deleteEnding.length);
fs.unlinkSync(path.join(targetFolder, filename));
else {
var target = path.join(targetFolder, filename);
if (fs.existsSync(target)) {
fs.renameSync(path.join(sourceFolder, filename), target);
else if (stat.isDirectory()) {
acceptBaselineFolder(fullLocalPath, path.join(targetFolder, filename));
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
// concatenate a list of sourceFiles to a destinationFile
function concatenateFiles(destinationFile, sourceFiles) {
var temp = "temptemp";
// append all files in sequence
var text = "";
for (var i = 0; i < sourceFiles.length; i++) {
if (!fs.existsSync(sourceFiles[i])) {
fail(sourceFiles[i] + " does not exist!");
if (i > 0) { text += "\n\n"; }
text += fs.readFileSync(sourceFiles[i]).toString().replace(/\r?\n/g, "\n");
fs.writeFileSync(temp, text);
// Move the file to the final destination
fs.renameSync(temp, destinationFile);
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
function getDiffTool() {
var program = process.env['DIFF'];
if (!program) {
fail("Add the 'DIFF' environment variable to the path of the program you want to use.");
2018-06-10 22:23:16 +02:00
return program;
function removeConstModifierFromEnumDeclarations(text) {
return text.replace(/^(\s*)(export )?const enum (\S+) {(\s*)$/gm, '$1$2enum $3 {$4');
2018-06-10 23:56:48 +02:00
* @param {string} path
function readFileSync(path) {
return fs.readFileSync(path, { encoding: "utf-8" });
* @param {string} path
* @param {string} contents
function writeFileSync(path, contents) {
fs.writeFileSync(path, contents, { encoding: "utf-8" });