Add regression test

This commit is contained in:
Anders Hejlsberg 2017-03-27 11:44:49 +02:00
parent 4aeab77783
commit 0b8a9fc3d0
4 changed files with 182 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
//// [indexedAccessRelation.ts]
// Repro from #14723
class Component<S> {
setState<K extends keyof S>(state: Pick<S, K>) {}
export interface State<T> {
a?: T;
class Foo {}
class Comp<T extends Foo, S> extends Component<S & State<T>>
foo(a: T) {
this.setState({ a: a });
//// [indexedAccessRelation.js]
// Repro from #14723
"use strict";
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
return function (d, b) {
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
exports.__esModule = true;
var Component = (function () {
function Component() {
Component.prototype.setState = function (state) { };
return Component;
var Foo = (function () {
function Foo() {
return Foo;
var Comp = (function (_super) {
__extends(Comp, _super);
function Comp() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
} = function (a) {
this.setState({ a: a });
return Comp;

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/indexedAccessRelation.ts ===
// Repro from #14723
class Component<S> {
>Component : Symbol(Component, Decl(indexedAccessRelation.ts, 0, 0))
>S : Symbol(S, Decl(indexedAccessRelation.ts, 2, 16))
setState<K extends keyof S>(state: Pick<S, K>) {}
>setState : Symbol(Component.setState, Decl(indexedAccessRelation.ts, 2, 20))
>K : Symbol(K, Decl(indexedAccessRelation.ts, 3, 13))
>S : Symbol(S, Decl(indexedAccessRelation.ts, 2, 16))
>state : Symbol(state, Decl(indexedAccessRelation.ts, 3, 32))
>Pick : Symbol(Pick, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>S : Symbol(S, Decl(indexedAccessRelation.ts, 2, 16))
>K : Symbol(K, Decl(indexedAccessRelation.ts, 3, 13))
export interface State<T> {
>State : Symbol(State, Decl(indexedAccessRelation.ts, 4, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(indexedAccessRelation.ts, 6, 23))
a?: T;
>a : Symbol(State.a, Decl(indexedAccessRelation.ts, 6, 27))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(indexedAccessRelation.ts, 6, 23))
class Foo {}
>Foo : Symbol(Foo, Decl(indexedAccessRelation.ts, 8, 1))
class Comp<T extends Foo, S> extends Component<S & State<T>>
>Comp : Symbol(Comp, Decl(indexedAccessRelation.ts, 10, 12))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(indexedAccessRelation.ts, 12, 11))
>Foo : Symbol(Foo, Decl(indexedAccessRelation.ts, 8, 1))
>S : Symbol(S, Decl(indexedAccessRelation.ts, 12, 25))
>Component : Symbol(Component, Decl(indexedAccessRelation.ts, 0, 0))
>S : Symbol(S, Decl(indexedAccessRelation.ts, 12, 25))
>State : Symbol(State, Decl(indexedAccessRelation.ts, 4, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(indexedAccessRelation.ts, 12, 11))
foo(a: T) {
>foo : Symbol(, Decl(indexedAccessRelation.ts, 13, 1))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(indexedAccessRelation.ts, 14, 8))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(indexedAccessRelation.ts, 12, 11))
this.setState({ a: a });
>this.setState : Symbol(Component.setState, Decl(indexedAccessRelation.ts, 2, 20))
>this : Symbol(Comp, Decl(indexedAccessRelation.ts, 10, 12))
>setState : Symbol(Component.setState, Decl(indexedAccessRelation.ts, 2, 20))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(indexedAccessRelation.ts, 15, 23))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(indexedAccessRelation.ts, 14, 8))

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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/indexedAccessRelation.ts ===
// Repro from #14723
class Component<S> {
>Component : Component<S>
>S : S
setState<K extends keyof S>(state: Pick<S, K>) {}
>setState : <K extends keyof S>(state: Pick<S, K>) => void
>K : K
>S : S
>state : Pick<S, K>
>Pick : Pick<T, K>
>S : S
>K : K
export interface State<T> {
>State : State<T>
>T : T
a?: T;
>a : T
>T : T
class Foo {}
>Foo : Foo
class Comp<T extends Foo, S> extends Component<S & State<T>>
>Comp : Comp<T, S>
>T : T
>Foo : Foo
>S : S
>Component : Component<S & State<T>>
>S : S
>State : State<T>
>T : T
foo(a: T) {
>foo : (a: T) => void
>a : T
>T : T
this.setState({ a: a });
>this.setState({ a: a }) : void
>this.setState : <K extends keyof (S & State<T>)>(state: Pick<S & State<T>, K>) => void
>this : this
>setState : <K extends keyof (S & State<T>)>(state: Pick<S & State<T>, K>) => void
>{ a: a } : { a: T; }
>a : T
>a : T

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
// Repro from #14723
class Component<S> {
setState<K extends keyof S>(state: Pick<S, K>) {}
export interface State<T> {
a?: T;
class Foo {}
class Comp<T extends Foo, S> extends Component<S & State<T>>
foo(a: T) {
this.setState({ a: a });