Add tests

This commit is contained in:
Anders Hejlsberg 2018-06-14 13:06:37 -07:00
parent cee75aa9fc
commit 0cc0fad381
2 changed files with 220 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
// @strict: true
// @declaration: true
declare let f1: (...x: [number, string, boolean]) => void;
declare let f2: (x0: number, x1: string, x2: boolean) => void;
f1 = f2;
f2 = f1;
declare const t3: [number, string, boolean];
declare const t2: [string, boolean];
declare const t1: [boolean];
declare const t0: [];
declare const ns: [number, string];
declare const sn: [string, number];
f1(42, "hello", true);
f1(t3[0], t3[1], t3[2]);
f1(42, ...t2);
f1(42, "hello", ...t1);
f1(42, "hello", true, ...t0);
f1(ns[0], ns[1], true);
f1(...ns, true); // Error, tuple spread only expanded when last
f2(42, "hello", true);
f2(t3[0], t3[1], t3[2]);
f2(42, ...t2);
f2(42, "hello", ...t1);
f2(42, "hello", true, ...t0);
f2(ns[0], ns[1], true);
f2(...ns, true); // Error, tuple spread only expanded when last
declare function f10<T extends unknown[]>(...args: T): T;
const x10 = f10(42, "hello", true); // [number, string, boolean]
const x11 = f10(42, "hello"); // [number, string]
const x12 = f10(42); // [number]
const x13 = f10(); // []
const x14 = f10(...t3); // [number, string, boolean]
const x15 = f10(42, ...t2); // [number, string, boolean]
const x16 = f10(42, "hello", ...t1); // [number, string, boolean]
const x17 = f10(42, "hello", true, ...t0); // [number, string, boolean]
const x18 = f10(...ns, true); // (string | number | boolean)[]
function g10<U extends string[], V extends [number, number]>(u: U, v: V) {
let x1 = f10(...u); // U
let x2 = f10(...v); // V
let x3 = f10(1, ...u); // (string | number)[]
let x4 = f10(...u, ...v); // (string | number)[]
declare function f11<T extends (string | number | boolean)[]>(...args: T): T;
const z10 = f11(42, "hello", true); // [42, "hello", true]
const z11 = f11(42, "hello"); // [42, "hello"]
const z12 = f11(42); // [42]
const z13 = f11(); // []
const z14 = f11(...t3); // [number, string, boolean]
const z15 = f11(42, ...t2); // [42, string, boolean]
const z16 = f11(42, "hello", ...t1); // [42, "hello", boolean]
const z17 = f11(42, "hello", true, ...t0); // [42, "hello", true]
const z18 = f11(...ns, true); // (string | number | true)[]
function g11<U extends string[], V extends [number, number]>(u: U, v: V) {
let x1 = f11(...u); // U
let x2 = f11(...v); // V
let x3 = f11(1, ...u); // (string | 1)[]
let x4 = f11(...u, ...v); // (string | number)[]
function call<T extends unknown[], U>(f: (...args: T) => U, ...args: T) {
return f(...args);
function callr<T extends unknown[], U>(args: T, f: (...args: T) => U) {
return f(...args);
declare function f15(a: string, b: number): string | number;
declare function f16<A, B>(a: A, b: B): A | B;
let x20 = call((x, y) => x + y, 10, 20); // number
let x21 = call((x, y) => x + y, 10, "hello"); // string
let x22 = call(f15, "hello", 42); // string | number
let x23 = call(f16, "hello", 42); // unknown
let x24 = call<[string, number], string | number>(f16, "hello", 42); // string | number
let x30 = callr(sn, (x, y) => x + y); // string
let x31 = callr(sn, f15); // string | number
let x32 = callr(sn, f16); // string | number
function bind<T, U extends unknown[], V>(f: (x: T, U) => V, x: T) {
return ( U) => f(x,;
declare const f20: (x: number, y: string, z: boolean) => string[];
const f21 = bind(f20, 42); // (y: string, z: boolean) => string[]
const f22 = bind(f21, "hello"); // (z: boolean) => string[]
const f23 = bind(f22, true); // () => string[]
f20(42, "hello", true);
f21("hello", true);
declare const g20: (x: number, y?: string, z?: boolean) => string[];
const g21 = bind(g20, 42); // (y: string, z: boolean) => string[]
const g22 = bind(g21, "hello"); // (z: boolean) => string[]
const g23 = bind(g22, true); // () => string[]
g20(42, "hello", true);
g20(42, "hello");
g21("hello", true);
declare function f30<T, U extends ((x: T) => any)[]>(x: T, ...args: U): U;
const c30 = f30(42, x => "" + x, x => x + 1); // [(x: number) => string, (x: number) => number]
type Parameters<T extends Function> = T extends ((...args: infer U) => any) | (new(...args: infer U) => any) ? U : any[];
type T01 = Parameters<(x: number, y: string, z: boolean) => void>;
type T02 = Parameters<(...args: [number, string, boolean]) => void>;
type T03 = Parameters<new (x: number, y: string, z: boolean) => void>;
type T04 = Parameters<new (...args: [number, string, boolean]) => void>;
type T05<T> = Parameters<(...args: T[]) => void>;
type T06<T> = Parameters<new (...args: []) => void>;
type T07<T extends any[]> = Parameters<(...args: T) => void>;
type T08<T extends any[]> = Parameters<new (...args: T) => void>;
type T09 = Parameters<Function>;
type Record1 = {
move: [number, 'left' | 'right'];
jump: [number, 'up' | 'down'];
stop: string;
done: [];
type EventType<T> = {
emit<K extends keyof T = keyof T>(e: K, ...payload: T[K] extends any[] ? T[K] : [T[K]]): void;
declare var events: EventType<Record1>;
events.emit('move', 10, 'left');
events.emit('jump', 20, 'up');
events.emit('stop', 'Bye!');

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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
// @strict: true
// @declaration: true
type T1 = [number, string, boolean];
type T2 = [number, string, boolean?];
type T3 = [number, string?, boolean?];
type T4 = [number?, string?, boolean?];
type L1 = T1["length"];
type L2 = T2["length"];
type L3 = T3["length"];
type L4 = T4["length"];
function f1(t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4) {
t1 = t1;
t1 = t2; // Error
t1 = t3; // Error
t1 = t4; // Error
t2 = t1;
t2 = t2;
t2 = t3; // Error
t2 = t4; // Error
t3 = t1;
t3 = t2;
t3 = t3;
t3 = t4; // Error
t4 = t1;
t4 = t2;
t4 = t3;
t4 = t4;
type T5 = [number, string?, boolean];
type L5 = T5["length"];
function f2(t1: T1, t2: T2, t3: T3, t4: T4, t5: T5) {
t1 = t5; // Error
t2 = t5; // Error
t3 = t5;
t4 = t5;
t5 = t5;
t5 = t1;
t5 = t2; // Error
t5 = t3; // Error
t5 = t4; // Error
t5 = t5;
let t2: T2;
let t3: T3;
let t4: T4;
let t5: T5;
t2 = [42, "hello"];
t3 = [42, "hello"];
t3 = [42,,true]
t3 = [42];
t4 = [42, "hello"];
t4 = [42,,true];
t4 = [,"hello", true];
t4 = [,,true];
t4 = [];
t5 = [42,,true];