Move code from 'Completions' to 'PathCompletions' namespace

This commit is contained in:
Andy Hanson 2017-03-01 08:29:33 -08:00
parent 97965574ed
commit 0f50a5ffa7
3 changed files with 552 additions and 549 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
/// <reference path="./pathCompletions.ts" />
/* @internal */
namespace ts.Completions {
export type Log = (message: string) => void;
export function getCompletionsAtPosition(host: LanguageServiceHost, typeChecker: TypeChecker, log: Log, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, sourceFile: SourceFile, position: number): CompletionInfo | undefined {
if (isInReferenceComment(sourceFile, position)) {
return getTripleSlashReferenceCompletion(sourceFile, position, compilerOptions, host);
return PathCompletions.getTripleSlashReferenceCompletion(sourceFile, position, compilerOptions, host);
if (isInString(sourceFile, position)) {
@ -171,7 +173,7 @@ namespace ts.Completions {
// i.e. import * as ns from "/*completion position*/";
// import x = require("/*completion position*/");
// var y = require("/*completion position*/");
return getStringLiteralCompletionEntriesFromModuleNames(<StringLiteral>node, compilerOptions, host, typeChecker);
return PathCompletions.getStringLiteralCompletionEntriesFromModuleNames(<StringLiteral>node, compilerOptions, host, typeChecker);
else if (isEqualityExpression(node.parent)) {
// Get completions from the type of the other operand
@ -273,489 +275,6 @@ namespace ts.Completions {
function getStringLiteralCompletionEntriesFromModuleNames(node: StringLiteral, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, host: LanguageServiceHost, typeChecker: TypeChecker): CompletionInfo {
const literalValue = normalizeSlashes(node.text);
const scriptPath = node.getSourceFile().path;
const scriptDirectory = getDirectoryPath(scriptPath);
const span = getDirectoryFragmentTextSpan((<StringLiteral>node).text, node.getStart() + 1);
let entries: CompletionEntry[];
if (isPathRelativeToScript(literalValue) || isRootedDiskPath(literalValue)) {
const extensions = getSupportedExtensions(compilerOptions);
if (compilerOptions.rootDirs) {
entries = getCompletionEntriesForDirectoryFragmentWithRootDirs(
compilerOptions.rootDirs, literalValue, scriptDirectory, extensions, /*includeExtensions*/false, span, compilerOptions, host, scriptPath);
else {
entries = getCompletionEntriesForDirectoryFragment(
literalValue, scriptDirectory, extensions, /*includeExtensions*/false, span, host, scriptPath);
else {
// Check for node modules
entries = getCompletionEntriesForNonRelativeModules(literalValue, scriptDirectory, span, compilerOptions, host, typeChecker);
return {
isGlobalCompletion: false,
isMemberCompletion: false,
isNewIdentifierLocation: true,
* Takes a script path and returns paths for all potential folders that could be merged with its
* containing folder via the "rootDirs" compiler option
function getBaseDirectoriesFromRootDirs(rootDirs: string[], basePath: string, scriptPath: string, ignoreCase: boolean): string[] {
// Make all paths absolute/normalized if they are not already
rootDirs = map(rootDirs, rootDirectory => normalizePath(isRootedDiskPath(rootDirectory) ? rootDirectory : combinePaths(basePath, rootDirectory)));
// Determine the path to the directory containing the script relative to the root directory it is contained within
let relativeDirectory: string;
for (const rootDirectory of rootDirs) {
if (containsPath(rootDirectory, scriptPath, basePath, ignoreCase)) {
relativeDirectory = scriptPath.substr(rootDirectory.length);
// Now find a path for each potential directory that is to be merged with the one containing the script
return deduplicate(map(rootDirs, rootDirectory => combinePaths(rootDirectory, relativeDirectory)));
function getCompletionEntriesForDirectoryFragmentWithRootDirs(rootDirs: string[], fragment: string, scriptPath: string, extensions: string[], includeExtensions: boolean, span: TextSpan, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, host: LanguageServiceHost, exclude?: string): CompletionEntry[] {
const basePath = compilerOptions.project || host.getCurrentDirectory();
const ignoreCase = !(host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames && host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames());
const baseDirectories = getBaseDirectoriesFromRootDirs(rootDirs, basePath, scriptPath, ignoreCase);
const result: CompletionEntry[] = [];
for (const baseDirectory of baseDirectories) {
getCompletionEntriesForDirectoryFragment(fragment, baseDirectory, extensions, includeExtensions, span, host, exclude, result);
return result;
* Given a path ending at a directory, gets the completions for the path, and filters for those entries containing the basename.
function getCompletionEntriesForDirectoryFragment(fragment: string, scriptPath: string, extensions: string[], includeExtensions: boolean, span: TextSpan, host: LanguageServiceHost, exclude?: string, result: CompletionEntry[] = []): CompletionEntry[] {
if (fragment === undefined) {
fragment = "";
fragment = normalizeSlashes(fragment);
* Remove the basename from the path. Note that we don't use the basename to filter completions;
* the client is responsible for refining completions.
fragment = getDirectoryPath(fragment);
if (fragment === "") {
fragment = "." + directorySeparator;
fragment = ensureTrailingDirectorySeparator(fragment);
const absolutePath = normalizeAndPreserveTrailingSlash(isRootedDiskPath(fragment) ? fragment : combinePaths(scriptPath, fragment));
const baseDirectory = getDirectoryPath(absolutePath);
const ignoreCase = !(host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames && host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames());
if (tryDirectoryExists(host, baseDirectory)) {
// Enumerate the available files if possible
const files = tryReadDirectory(host, baseDirectory, extensions, /*exclude*/undefined, /*include*/["./*"]);
if (files) {
* Multiple file entries might map to the same truncated name once we remove extensions
* (happens iff includeExtensions === false)so we use a set-like data structure. Eg:
* both foo.ts and foo.tsx become foo
const foundFiles = createMap<boolean>();
for (let filePath of files) {
filePath = normalizePath(filePath);
if (exclude && comparePaths(filePath, exclude, scriptPath, ignoreCase) === Comparison.EqualTo) {
const foundFileName = includeExtensions ? getBaseFileName(filePath) : removeFileExtension(getBaseFileName(filePath));
if (!foundFiles.get(foundFileName)) {
foundFiles.set(foundFileName, true);
forEachKey(foundFiles, foundFile => {
result.push(createCompletionEntryForModule(foundFile, ScriptElementKind.scriptElement, span));
// If possible, get folder completion as well
const directories = tryGetDirectories(host, baseDirectory);
if (directories) {
for (const directory of directories) {
const directoryName = getBaseFileName(normalizePath(directory));
result.push(createCompletionEntryForModule(directoryName,, span));
return result;
* Check all of the declared modules and those in node modules. Possible sources of modules:
* Modules that are found by the type checker
* Modules found relative to "baseUrl" compliler options (including patterns from "paths" compiler option)
* Modules from node_modules (i.e. those listed in package.json)
* This includes all files that are found in node_modules/moduleName/ with acceptable file extensions
function getCompletionEntriesForNonRelativeModules(fragment: string, scriptPath: string, span: TextSpan, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, host: LanguageServiceHost, typeChecker: TypeChecker): CompletionEntry[] {
const { baseUrl, paths } = compilerOptions;
let result: CompletionEntry[];
if (baseUrl) {
const fileExtensions = getSupportedExtensions(compilerOptions);
const projectDir = compilerOptions.project || host.getCurrentDirectory();
const absolute = isRootedDiskPath(baseUrl) ? baseUrl : combinePaths(projectDir, baseUrl);
result = getCompletionEntriesForDirectoryFragment(fragment, normalizePath(absolute), fileExtensions, /*includeExtensions*/false, span, host);
if (paths) {
for (const path in paths) {
if (paths.hasOwnProperty(path)) {
if (path === "*") {
if (paths[path]) {
for (const pattern of paths[path]) {
for (const match of getModulesForPathsPattern(fragment, baseUrl, pattern, fileExtensions, host)) {
result.push(createCompletionEntryForModule(match, ScriptElementKind.externalModuleName, span));
else if (startsWith(path, fragment)) {
const entry = paths[path] && paths[path].length === 1 && paths[path][0];
if (entry) {
result.push(createCompletionEntryForModule(path, ScriptElementKind.externalModuleName, span));
else {
result = [];
getCompletionEntriesFromTypings(host, compilerOptions, scriptPath, span, result);
for (const moduleName of enumeratePotentialNonRelativeModules(fragment, scriptPath, compilerOptions, typeChecker, host)) {
result.push(createCompletionEntryForModule(moduleName, ScriptElementKind.externalModuleName, span));
return result;
function getModulesForPathsPattern(fragment: string, baseUrl: string, pattern: string, fileExtensions: string[], host: LanguageServiceHost): string[] {
if (host.readDirectory) {
const parsed = hasZeroOrOneAsteriskCharacter(pattern) ? tryParsePattern(pattern) : undefined;
if (parsed) {
// The prefix has two effective parts: the directory path and the base component after the filepath that is not a
// full directory component. For example: directory/path/of/prefix/base*
const normalizedPrefix = normalizeAndPreserveTrailingSlash(parsed.prefix);
const normalizedPrefixDirectory = getDirectoryPath(normalizedPrefix);
const normalizedPrefixBase = getBaseFileName(normalizedPrefix);
const fragmentHasPath = fragment.indexOf(directorySeparator) !== -1;
// Try and expand the prefix to include any path from the fragment so that we can limit the readDirectory call
const expandedPrefixDirectory = fragmentHasPath ? combinePaths(normalizedPrefixDirectory, normalizedPrefixBase + getDirectoryPath(fragment)) : normalizedPrefixDirectory;
const normalizedSuffix = normalizePath(parsed.suffix);
const baseDirectory = combinePaths(baseUrl, expandedPrefixDirectory);
const completePrefix = fragmentHasPath ? baseDirectory : ensureTrailingDirectorySeparator(baseDirectory) + normalizedPrefixBase;
// If we have a suffix, then we need to read the directory all the way down. We could create a glob
// that encodes the suffix, but we would have to escape the character "?" which readDirectory
// doesn't support. For now, this is safer but slower
const includeGlob = normalizedSuffix ? "**/*" : "./*";
const matches = tryReadDirectory(host, baseDirectory, fileExtensions, undefined, [includeGlob]);
if (matches) {
const result: string[] = [];
// Trim away prefix and suffix
for (const match of matches) {
const normalizedMatch = normalizePath(match);
if (!endsWith(normalizedMatch, normalizedSuffix) || !startsWith(normalizedMatch, completePrefix)) {
const start = completePrefix.length;
const length = normalizedMatch.length - start - normalizedSuffix.length;
result.push(removeFileExtension(normalizedMatch.substr(start, length)));
return result;
return undefined;
function enumeratePotentialNonRelativeModules(fragment: string, scriptPath: string, options: CompilerOptions, typeChecker: TypeChecker, host: LanguageServiceHost): string[] {
// Check If this is a nested module
const isNestedModule = fragment.indexOf(directorySeparator) !== -1;
const moduleNameFragment = isNestedModule ? fragment.substr(0, fragment.lastIndexOf(directorySeparator)) : undefined;
// Get modules that the type checker picked up
const ambientModules = map(typeChecker.getAmbientModules(), sym => stripQuotes(;
let nonRelativeModules = filter(ambientModules, moduleName => startsWith(moduleName, fragment));
// Nested modules of the form "module-name/sub" need to be adjusted to only return the string
// after the last '/' that appears in the fragment because that's where the replacement span
// starts
if (isNestedModule) {
const moduleNameWithSeperator = ensureTrailingDirectorySeparator(moduleNameFragment);
nonRelativeModules = map(nonRelativeModules, moduleName => {
if (startsWith(fragment, moduleNameWithSeperator)) {
return moduleName.substr(moduleNameWithSeperator.length);
return moduleName;
if (!options.moduleResolution || options.moduleResolution === ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs) {
for (const visibleModule of enumerateNodeModulesVisibleToScript(host, scriptPath)) {
if (!isNestedModule) {
else if (startsWith(visibleModule.moduleName, moduleNameFragment)) {
const nestedFiles = tryReadDirectory(host, visibleModule.moduleDir, supportedTypeScriptExtensions, /*exclude*/undefined, /*include*/["./*"]);
if (nestedFiles) {
for (let f of nestedFiles) {
f = normalizePath(f);
const nestedModule = removeFileExtension(getBaseFileName(f));
return deduplicate(nonRelativeModules);
function getTripleSlashReferenceCompletion(sourceFile: SourceFile, position: number, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, host: LanguageServiceHost): CompletionInfo {
const token = getTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, position);
if (!token) {
return undefined;
const commentRanges: CommentRange[] = getLeadingCommentRanges(sourceFile.text, token.pos);
if (!commentRanges || !commentRanges.length) {
return undefined;
const range = forEach(commentRanges, commentRange => position >= commentRange.pos && position <= commentRange.end && commentRange);
if (!range) {
return undefined;
const completionInfo: CompletionInfo = {
* We don't want the editor to offer any other completions, such as snippets, inside a comment.
isGlobalCompletion: false,
isMemberCompletion: false,
* The user may type in a path that doesn't yet exist, creating a "new identifier"
* with respect to the collection of identifiers the server is aware of.
isNewIdentifierLocation: true,
entries: []
const text = sourceFile.text.substr(range.pos, position - range.pos);
const match = tripleSlashDirectiveFragmentRegex.exec(text);
if (match) {
const prefix = match[1];
const kind = match[2];
const toComplete = match[3];
const scriptPath = getDirectoryPath(sourceFile.path);
if (kind === "path") {
// Give completions for a relative path
const span: TextSpan = getDirectoryFragmentTextSpan(toComplete, range.pos + prefix.length);
completionInfo.entries = getCompletionEntriesForDirectoryFragment(toComplete, scriptPath, getSupportedExtensions(compilerOptions), /*includeExtensions*/true, span, host, sourceFile.path);
else {
// Give completions based on the typings available
const span: TextSpan = { start: range.pos + prefix.length, length: match[0].length - prefix.length };
completionInfo.entries = getCompletionEntriesFromTypings(host, compilerOptions, scriptPath, span);
return completionInfo;
function getCompletionEntriesFromTypings(host: LanguageServiceHost, options: CompilerOptions, scriptPath: string, span: TextSpan, result: CompletionEntry[] = []): CompletionEntry[] {
// Check for typings specified in compiler options
if (options.types) {
for (const moduleName of options.types) {
result.push(createCompletionEntryForModule(moduleName, ScriptElementKind.externalModuleName, span));
else if (host.getDirectories) {
let typeRoots: string[];
try {
// Wrap in try catch because getEffectiveTypeRoots touches the filesystem
typeRoots = getEffectiveTypeRoots(options, host);
catch (e) {}
if (typeRoots) {
for (const root of typeRoots) {
getCompletionEntriesFromDirectories(host, root, span, result);
if (host.getDirectories) {
// Also get all @types typings installed in visible node_modules directories
for (const packageJson of findPackageJsons(scriptPath, host)) {
const typesDir = combinePaths(getDirectoryPath(packageJson), "node_modules/@types");
getCompletionEntriesFromDirectories(host, typesDir, span, result);
return result;
function getCompletionEntriesFromDirectories(host: LanguageServiceHost, directory: string, span: TextSpan, result: Push<CompletionEntry>) {
if (host.getDirectories && tryDirectoryExists(host, directory)) {
const directories = tryGetDirectories(host, directory);
if (directories) {
for (let typeDirectory of directories) {
typeDirectory = normalizePath(typeDirectory);
result.push(createCompletionEntryForModule(getBaseFileName(typeDirectory), ScriptElementKind.externalModuleName, span));
function findPackageJsons(currentDir: string, host: LanguageServiceHost): string[] {
const paths: string[] = [];
let currentConfigPath: string;
while (true) {
currentConfigPath = findConfigFile(currentDir, (f) => tryFileExists(host, f), "package.json");
if (currentConfigPath) {
currentDir = getDirectoryPath(currentConfigPath);
const parent = getDirectoryPath(currentDir);
if (currentDir === parent) {
currentDir = parent;
else {
return paths;
function enumerateNodeModulesVisibleToScript(host: LanguageServiceHost, scriptPath: string) {
const result: VisibleModuleInfo[] = [];
if (host.readFile && host.fileExists) {
for (const packageJson of findPackageJsons(scriptPath, host)) {
const contents = tryReadingPackageJson(packageJson);
if (!contents) {
const nodeModulesDir = combinePaths(getDirectoryPath(packageJson), "node_modules");
const foundModuleNames: string[] = [];
// Provide completions for all non @types dependencies
for (const key of nodeModulesDependencyKeys) {
addPotentialPackageNames(contents[key], foundModuleNames);
for (const moduleName of foundModuleNames) {
const moduleDir = combinePaths(nodeModulesDir, moduleName);
return result;
function tryReadingPackageJson(filePath: string) {
try {
const fileText = tryReadFile(host, filePath);
return fileText ? JSON.parse(fileText) : undefined;
catch (e) {
return undefined;
function addPotentialPackageNames(dependencies: any, result: string[]) {
if (dependencies) {
for (const dep in dependencies) {
if (dependencies.hasOwnProperty(dep) && !startsWith(dep, "@types/")) {
function createCompletionEntryForModule(name: string, kind: string, replacementSpan: TextSpan): CompletionEntry {
return { name, kind, kindModifiers: ScriptElementKindModifier.none, sortText: name, replacementSpan };
// Replace everything after the last directory seperator that appears
function getDirectoryFragmentTextSpan(text: string, textStart: number): TextSpan {
const index = text.lastIndexOf(directorySeparator);
const offset = index !== -1 ? index + 1 : 0;
return { start: textStart + offset, length: text.length - offset };
// Returns true if the path is explicitly relative to the script (i.e. relative to . or ..)
function isPathRelativeToScript(path: string) {
if (path && path.length >= 2 && path.charCodeAt(0) === {
const slashIndex = path.length >= 3 && path.charCodeAt(1) === ? 2 : 1;
const slashCharCode = path.charCodeAt(slashIndex);
return slashCharCode === CharacterCodes.slash || slashCharCode === CharacterCodes.backslash;
return false;
function normalizeAndPreserveTrailingSlash(path: string) {
return hasTrailingDirectorySeparator(path) ? ensureTrailingDirectorySeparator(normalizePath(path)) : normalizePath(path);
export function getCompletionEntryDetails(typeChecker: TypeChecker, log: (message: string) => void, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, sourceFile: SourceFile, position: number, entryName: string): CompletionEntryDetails {
// Compute all the completion symbols again.
const completionData = getCompletionData(typeChecker, log, sourceFile, position);
@ -1457,20 +976,18 @@ namespace ts.Completions {
function isFunction(kind: SyntaxKind): boolean {
if (!isFunctionLikeKind(kind)) {
return false;
switch (kind) {
case SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression:
case SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction:
case SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.MethodSignature:
case SyntaxKind.GetAccessor:
case SyntaxKind.SetAccessor:
case SyntaxKind.CallSignature:
case SyntaxKind.ConstructSignature:
case SyntaxKind.IndexSignature:
case SyntaxKind.Constructor:
case SyntaxKind.ConstructorType:
case SyntaxKind.FunctionType:
return false;
return true;
return false;
@ -1748,59 +1265,6 @@ namespace ts.Completions {
* Matches a triple slash reference directive with an incomplete string literal for its path. Used
* to determine if the caret is currently within the string literal and capture the literal fragment
* for completions.
* For example, this matches
* /// <reference path="fragment
* but not
* /// <reference path="fragment"
const tripleSlashDirectiveFragmentRegex = /^(\/\/\/\s*<reference\s+(path|types)\s*=\s*(?:'|"))([^\3"]*)$/;
interface VisibleModuleInfo {
moduleName: string;
moduleDir: string;
const nodeModulesDependencyKeys = ["dependencies", "devDependencies", "peerDependencies", "optionalDependencies"];
function tryGetDirectories(host: LanguageServiceHost, directoryName: string): string[] {
return tryIOAndConsumeErrors(host, host.getDirectories, directoryName);
function tryReadDirectory(host: LanguageServiceHost, path: string, extensions?: string[], exclude?: string[], include?: string[]): string[] {
return tryIOAndConsumeErrors(host, host.readDirectory, path, extensions, exclude, include);
function tryReadFile(host: LanguageServiceHost, path: string): string {
return tryIOAndConsumeErrors(host, host.readFile, path);
function tryFileExists(host: LanguageServiceHost, path: string): boolean {
return tryIOAndConsumeErrors(host, host.fileExists, path);
function tryDirectoryExists(host: LanguageServiceHost, path: string): boolean {
try {
return directoryProbablyExists(path, host);
catch (e) {}
return undefined;
function tryIOAndConsumeErrors<T>(host: LanguageServiceHost, toApply: (...a: any[]) => T, ...args: any[]) {
try {
return toApply && toApply.apply(host, args);
catch (e) {}
return undefined;
function isEqualityExpression(node: Node): node is BinaryExpression {
return isBinaryExpression(node) && isEqualityOperatorKind(node.operatorToken.kind);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,538 @@
/* @internal */
namespace ts.Completions.PathCompletions {
export function getStringLiteralCompletionEntriesFromModuleNames(node: StringLiteral, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, host: LanguageServiceHost, typeChecker: TypeChecker): CompletionInfo {
const literalValue = normalizeSlashes(node.text);
const scriptPath = node.getSourceFile().path;
const scriptDirectory = getDirectoryPath(scriptPath);
const span = getDirectoryFragmentTextSpan((<StringLiteral>node).text, node.getStart() + 1);
let entries: CompletionEntry[];
if (isPathRelativeToScript(literalValue) || isRootedDiskPath(literalValue)) {
const extensions = getSupportedExtensions(compilerOptions);
if (compilerOptions.rootDirs) {
entries = getCompletionEntriesForDirectoryFragmentWithRootDirs(
compilerOptions.rootDirs, literalValue, scriptDirectory, extensions, /*includeExtensions*/false, span, compilerOptions, host, scriptPath);
else {
entries = getCompletionEntriesForDirectoryFragment(
literalValue, scriptDirectory, extensions, /*includeExtensions*/false, span, host, scriptPath);
else {
// Check for node modules
entries = getCompletionEntriesForNonRelativeModules(literalValue, scriptDirectory, span, compilerOptions, host, typeChecker);
return {
isGlobalCompletion: false,
isMemberCompletion: false,
isNewIdentifierLocation: true,
* Takes a script path and returns paths for all potential folders that could be merged with its
* containing folder via the "rootDirs" compiler option
function getBaseDirectoriesFromRootDirs(rootDirs: string[], basePath: string, scriptPath: string, ignoreCase: boolean): string[] {
// Make all paths absolute/normalized if they are not already
rootDirs = map(rootDirs, rootDirectory => normalizePath(isRootedDiskPath(rootDirectory) ? rootDirectory : combinePaths(basePath, rootDirectory)));
// Determine the path to the directory containing the script relative to the root directory it is contained within
let relativeDirectory: string;
for (const rootDirectory of rootDirs) {
if (containsPath(rootDirectory, scriptPath, basePath, ignoreCase)) {
relativeDirectory = scriptPath.substr(rootDirectory.length);
// Now find a path for each potential directory that is to be merged with the one containing the script
return deduplicate(map(rootDirs, rootDirectory => combinePaths(rootDirectory, relativeDirectory)));
function getCompletionEntriesForDirectoryFragmentWithRootDirs(rootDirs: string[], fragment: string, scriptPath: string, extensions: string[], includeExtensions: boolean, span: TextSpan, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, host: LanguageServiceHost, exclude?: string): CompletionEntry[] {
const basePath = compilerOptions.project || host.getCurrentDirectory();
const ignoreCase = !(host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames && host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames());
const baseDirectories = getBaseDirectoriesFromRootDirs(rootDirs, basePath, scriptPath, ignoreCase);
const result: CompletionEntry[] = [];
for (const baseDirectory of baseDirectories) {
getCompletionEntriesForDirectoryFragment(fragment, baseDirectory, extensions, includeExtensions, span, host, exclude, result);
return result;
* Given a path ending at a directory, gets the completions for the path, and filters for those entries containing the basename.
function getCompletionEntriesForDirectoryFragment(fragment: string, scriptPath: string, extensions: string[], includeExtensions: boolean, span: TextSpan, host: LanguageServiceHost, exclude?: string, result: CompletionEntry[] = []): CompletionEntry[] {
if (fragment === undefined) {
fragment = "";
fragment = normalizeSlashes(fragment);
* Remove the basename from the path. Note that we don't use the basename to filter completions;
* the client is responsible for refining completions.
fragment = getDirectoryPath(fragment);
if (fragment === "") {
fragment = "." + directorySeparator;
fragment = ensureTrailingDirectorySeparator(fragment);
const absolutePath = normalizeAndPreserveTrailingSlash(isRootedDiskPath(fragment) ? fragment : combinePaths(scriptPath, fragment));
const baseDirectory = getDirectoryPath(absolutePath);
const ignoreCase = !(host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames && host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames());
if (tryDirectoryExists(host, baseDirectory)) {
// Enumerate the available files if possible
const files = tryReadDirectory(host, baseDirectory, extensions, /*exclude*/undefined, /*include*/["./*"]);
if (files) {
* Multiple file entries might map to the same truncated name once we remove extensions
* (happens iff includeExtensions === false)so we use a set-like data structure. Eg:
* both foo.ts and foo.tsx become foo
const foundFiles = createMap<boolean>();
for (let filePath of files) {
filePath = normalizePath(filePath);
if (exclude && comparePaths(filePath, exclude, scriptPath, ignoreCase) === Comparison.EqualTo) {
const foundFileName = includeExtensions ? getBaseFileName(filePath) : removeFileExtension(getBaseFileName(filePath));
if (!foundFiles.get(foundFileName)) {
foundFiles.set(foundFileName, true);
forEachKey(foundFiles, foundFile => {
result.push(createCompletionEntryForModule(foundFile, ScriptElementKind.scriptElement, span));
// If possible, get folder completion as well
const directories = tryGetDirectories(host, baseDirectory);
if (directories) {
for (const directory of directories) {
const directoryName = getBaseFileName(normalizePath(directory));
result.push(createCompletionEntryForModule(directoryName,, span));
return result;
* Check all of the declared modules and those in node modules. Possible sources of modules:
* Modules that are found by the type checker
* Modules found relative to "baseUrl" compliler options (including patterns from "paths" compiler option)
* Modules from node_modules (i.e. those listed in package.json)
* This includes all files that are found in node_modules/moduleName/ with acceptable file extensions
function getCompletionEntriesForNonRelativeModules(fragment: string, scriptPath: string, span: TextSpan, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, host: LanguageServiceHost, typeChecker: TypeChecker): CompletionEntry[] {
const { baseUrl, paths } = compilerOptions;
let result: CompletionEntry[];
if (baseUrl) {
const fileExtensions = getSupportedExtensions(compilerOptions);
const projectDir = compilerOptions.project || host.getCurrentDirectory();
const absolute = isRootedDiskPath(baseUrl) ? baseUrl : combinePaths(projectDir, baseUrl);
result = getCompletionEntriesForDirectoryFragment(fragment, normalizePath(absolute), fileExtensions, /*includeExtensions*/false, span, host);
if (paths) {
for (const path in paths) {
if (paths.hasOwnProperty(path)) {
if (path === "*") {
if (paths[path]) {
for (const pattern of paths[path]) {
for (const match of getModulesForPathsPattern(fragment, baseUrl, pattern, fileExtensions, host)) {
result.push(createCompletionEntryForModule(match, ScriptElementKind.externalModuleName, span));
else if (startsWith(path, fragment)) {
const entry = paths[path] && paths[path].length === 1 && paths[path][0];
if (entry) {
result.push(createCompletionEntryForModule(path, ScriptElementKind.externalModuleName, span));
else {
result = [];
getCompletionEntriesFromTypings(host, compilerOptions, scriptPath, span, result);
for (const moduleName of enumeratePotentialNonRelativeModules(fragment, scriptPath, compilerOptions, typeChecker, host)) {
result.push(createCompletionEntryForModule(moduleName, ScriptElementKind.externalModuleName, span));
return result;
function getModulesForPathsPattern(fragment: string, baseUrl: string, pattern: string, fileExtensions: string[], host: LanguageServiceHost): string[] {
if (host.readDirectory) {
const parsed = hasZeroOrOneAsteriskCharacter(pattern) ? tryParsePattern(pattern) : undefined;
if (parsed) {
// The prefix has two effective parts: the directory path and the base component after the filepath that is not a
// full directory component. For example: directory/path/of/prefix/base*
const normalizedPrefix = normalizeAndPreserveTrailingSlash(parsed.prefix);
const normalizedPrefixDirectory = getDirectoryPath(normalizedPrefix);
const normalizedPrefixBase = getBaseFileName(normalizedPrefix);
const fragmentHasPath = fragment.indexOf(directorySeparator) !== -1;
// Try and expand the prefix to include any path from the fragment so that we can limit the readDirectory call
const expandedPrefixDirectory = fragmentHasPath ? combinePaths(normalizedPrefixDirectory, normalizedPrefixBase + getDirectoryPath(fragment)) : normalizedPrefixDirectory;
const normalizedSuffix = normalizePath(parsed.suffix);
const baseDirectory = combinePaths(baseUrl, expandedPrefixDirectory);
const completePrefix = fragmentHasPath ? baseDirectory : ensureTrailingDirectorySeparator(baseDirectory) + normalizedPrefixBase;
// If we have a suffix, then we need to read the directory all the way down. We could create a glob
// that encodes the suffix, but we would have to escape the character "?" which readDirectory
// doesn't support. For now, this is safer but slower
const includeGlob = normalizedSuffix ? "**/*" : "./*";
const matches = tryReadDirectory(host, baseDirectory, fileExtensions, undefined, [includeGlob]);
if (matches) {
const result: string[] = [];
// Trim away prefix and suffix
for (const match of matches) {
const normalizedMatch = normalizePath(match);
if (!endsWith(normalizedMatch, normalizedSuffix) || !startsWith(normalizedMatch, completePrefix)) {
const start = completePrefix.length;
const length = normalizedMatch.length - start - normalizedSuffix.length;
result.push(removeFileExtension(normalizedMatch.substr(start, length)));
return result;
return undefined;
function enumeratePotentialNonRelativeModules(fragment: string, scriptPath: string, options: CompilerOptions, typeChecker: TypeChecker, host: LanguageServiceHost): string[] {
// Check If this is a nested module
const isNestedModule = fragment.indexOf(directorySeparator) !== -1;
const moduleNameFragment = isNestedModule ? fragment.substr(0, fragment.lastIndexOf(directorySeparator)) : undefined;
// Get modules that the type checker picked up
const ambientModules = map(typeChecker.getAmbientModules(), sym => stripQuotes(;
let nonRelativeModules = filter(ambientModules, moduleName => startsWith(moduleName, fragment));
// Nested modules of the form "module-name/sub" need to be adjusted to only return the string
// after the last '/' that appears in the fragment because that's where the replacement span
// starts
if (isNestedModule) {
const moduleNameWithSeperator = ensureTrailingDirectorySeparator(moduleNameFragment);
nonRelativeModules = map(nonRelativeModules, moduleName => {
if (startsWith(fragment, moduleNameWithSeperator)) {
return moduleName.substr(moduleNameWithSeperator.length);
return moduleName;
if (!options.moduleResolution || options.moduleResolution === ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs) {
for (const visibleModule of enumerateNodeModulesVisibleToScript(host, scriptPath)) {
if (!isNestedModule) {
else if (startsWith(visibleModule.moduleName, moduleNameFragment)) {
const nestedFiles = tryReadDirectory(host, visibleModule.moduleDir, supportedTypeScriptExtensions, /*exclude*/undefined, /*include*/["./*"]);
if (nestedFiles) {
for (let f of nestedFiles) {
f = normalizePath(f);
const nestedModule = removeFileExtension(getBaseFileName(f));
return deduplicate(nonRelativeModules);
export function getTripleSlashReferenceCompletion(sourceFile: SourceFile, position: number, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, host: LanguageServiceHost): CompletionInfo {
const token = getTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, position);
if (!token) {
return undefined;
const commentRanges: CommentRange[] = getLeadingCommentRanges(sourceFile.text, token.pos);
if (!commentRanges || !commentRanges.length) {
return undefined;
const range = forEach(commentRanges, commentRange => position >= commentRange.pos && position <= commentRange.end && commentRange);
if (!range) {
return undefined;
const completionInfo: CompletionInfo = {
* We don't want the editor to offer any other completions, such as snippets, inside a comment.
isGlobalCompletion: false,
isMemberCompletion: false,
* The user may type in a path that doesn't yet exist, creating a "new identifier"
* with respect to the collection of identifiers the server is aware of.
isNewIdentifierLocation: true,
entries: []
const text = sourceFile.text.substr(range.pos, position - range.pos);
const match = tripleSlashDirectiveFragmentRegex.exec(text);
if (match) {
const prefix = match[1];
const kind = match[2];
const toComplete = match[3];
const scriptPath = getDirectoryPath(sourceFile.path);
if (kind === "path") {
// Give completions for a relative path
const span: TextSpan = getDirectoryFragmentTextSpan(toComplete, range.pos + prefix.length);
completionInfo.entries = getCompletionEntriesForDirectoryFragment(toComplete, scriptPath, getSupportedExtensions(compilerOptions), /*includeExtensions*/true, span, host, sourceFile.path);
else {
// Give completions based on the typings available
const span: TextSpan = { start: range.pos + prefix.length, length: match[0].length - prefix.length };
completionInfo.entries = getCompletionEntriesFromTypings(host, compilerOptions, scriptPath, span);
return completionInfo;
function getCompletionEntriesFromTypings(host: LanguageServiceHost, options: CompilerOptions, scriptPath: string, span: TextSpan, result: CompletionEntry[] = []): CompletionEntry[] {
// Check for typings specified in compiler options
if (options.types) {
for (const moduleName of options.types) {
result.push(createCompletionEntryForModule(moduleName, ScriptElementKind.externalModuleName, span));
else if (host.getDirectories) {
let typeRoots: string[];
try {
// Wrap in try catch because getEffectiveTypeRoots touches the filesystem
typeRoots = getEffectiveTypeRoots(options, host);
catch (e) {}
if (typeRoots) {
for (const root of typeRoots) {
getCompletionEntriesFromDirectories(host, root, span, result);
if (host.getDirectories) {
// Also get all @types typings installed in visible node_modules directories
for (const packageJson of findPackageJsons(scriptPath, host)) {
const typesDir = combinePaths(getDirectoryPath(packageJson), "node_modules/@types");
getCompletionEntriesFromDirectories(host, typesDir, span, result);
return result;
function getCompletionEntriesFromDirectories(host: LanguageServiceHost, directory: string, span: TextSpan, result: Push<CompletionEntry>) {
if (host.getDirectories && tryDirectoryExists(host, directory)) {
const directories = tryGetDirectories(host, directory);
if (directories) {
for (let typeDirectory of directories) {
typeDirectory = normalizePath(typeDirectory);
result.push(createCompletionEntryForModule(getBaseFileName(typeDirectory), ScriptElementKind.externalModuleName, span));
function findPackageJsons(currentDir: string, host: LanguageServiceHost): string[] {
const paths: string[] = [];
let currentConfigPath: string;
while (true) {
currentConfigPath = findConfigFile(currentDir, (f) => tryFileExists(host, f), "package.json");
if (currentConfigPath) {
currentDir = getDirectoryPath(currentConfigPath);
const parent = getDirectoryPath(currentDir);
if (currentDir === parent) {
currentDir = parent;
else {
return paths;
function enumerateNodeModulesVisibleToScript(host: LanguageServiceHost, scriptPath: string) {
const result: VisibleModuleInfo[] = [];
if (host.readFile && host.fileExists) {
for (const packageJson of findPackageJsons(scriptPath, host)) {
const contents = tryReadingPackageJson(packageJson);
if (!contents) {
const nodeModulesDir = combinePaths(getDirectoryPath(packageJson), "node_modules");
const foundModuleNames: string[] = [];
// Provide completions for all non @types dependencies
for (const key of nodeModulesDependencyKeys) {
addPotentialPackageNames(contents[key], foundModuleNames);
for (const moduleName of foundModuleNames) {
const moduleDir = combinePaths(nodeModulesDir, moduleName);
return result;
function tryReadingPackageJson(filePath: string) {
try {
const fileText = tryReadFile(host, filePath);
return fileText ? JSON.parse(fileText) : undefined;
catch (e) {
return undefined;
function addPotentialPackageNames(dependencies: any, result: string[]) {
if (dependencies) {
for (const dep in dependencies) {
if (dependencies.hasOwnProperty(dep) && !startsWith(dep, "@types/")) {
function createCompletionEntryForModule(name: string, kind: string, replacementSpan: TextSpan): CompletionEntry {
return { name, kind, kindModifiers: ScriptElementKindModifier.none, sortText: name, replacementSpan };
// Replace everything after the last directory seperator that appears
function getDirectoryFragmentTextSpan(text: string, textStart: number): TextSpan {
const index = text.lastIndexOf(directorySeparator);
const offset = index !== -1 ? index + 1 : 0;
return { start: textStart + offset, length: text.length - offset };
// Returns true if the path is explicitly relative to the script (i.e. relative to . or ..)
function isPathRelativeToScript(path: string) {
if (path && path.length >= 2 && path.charCodeAt(0) === {
const slashIndex = path.length >= 3 && path.charCodeAt(1) === ? 2 : 1;
const slashCharCode = path.charCodeAt(slashIndex);
return slashCharCode === CharacterCodes.slash || slashCharCode === CharacterCodes.backslash;
return false;
function normalizeAndPreserveTrailingSlash(path: string) {
return hasTrailingDirectorySeparator(path) ? ensureTrailingDirectorySeparator(normalizePath(path)) : normalizePath(path);
* Matches a triple slash reference directive with an incomplete string literal for its path. Used
* to determine if the caret is currently within the string literal and capture the literal fragment
* for completions.
* For example, this matches
* /// <reference path="fragment
* but not
* /// <reference path="fragment"
const tripleSlashDirectiveFragmentRegex = /^(\/\/\/\s*<reference\s+(path|types)\s*=\s*(?:'|"))([^\3"]*)$/;
interface VisibleModuleInfo {
moduleName: string;
moduleDir: string;
const nodeModulesDependencyKeys = ["dependencies", "devDependencies", "peerDependencies", "optionalDependencies"];
function tryGetDirectories(host: LanguageServiceHost, directoryName: string): string[] {
return tryIOAndConsumeErrors(host, host.getDirectories, directoryName);
function tryReadDirectory(host: LanguageServiceHost, path: string, extensions?: string[], exclude?: string[], include?: string[]): string[] {
return tryIOAndConsumeErrors(host, host.readDirectory, path, extensions, exclude, include);
function tryReadFile(host: LanguageServiceHost, path: string): string {
return tryIOAndConsumeErrors(host, host.readFile, path);
function tryFileExists(host: LanguageServiceHost, path: string): boolean {
return tryIOAndConsumeErrors(host, host.fileExists, path);
function tryDirectoryExists(host: LanguageServiceHost, path: string): boolean {
try {
return directoryProbablyExists(path, host);
catch (e) {}
return undefined;
function tryIOAndConsumeErrors<T>(host: LanguageServiceHost, toApply: (...a: any[]) => T, ...args: any[]) {
try {
return toApply && toApply.apply(host, args);
catch (e) {}
return undefined;

View file

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