Add spread tests

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Shively-Sanders 2016-09-26 09:33:08 -07:00
parent bf866cea7b
commit 0fea59f642
10 changed files with 270 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -3,8 +3,5 @@ var {h?} = { h?: 1 };
var {i}: string | number = { i: 2 };
var {i1}: string | number| {} = { i1: 2 };
var { f2: {f21} = { f212: "string" } }: any = undefined;
var { ...d1 } = {
a: 1, b: 1, d1: 9, e: 10
var {1} = { 1 };
var {"prop"} = { "prop": 1 };
var {"prop"} = { "prop": 1 };

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
interface Congealed<T, U> {
let sandwich: Congealed<{jam: number }, { peanutButter: number }>;

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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
// @target: es5
let o = { a: 1, b: 'no' }
let o2 = { b: 'yes', c: true }
let swap = { a: 'yes', b: -1 };
let addAfter: { a: number, b: string, c: boolean } =
{ ...o, c: false }
let addBefore: { a: number, b: string, c: boolean } =
{ c: false, ...o }
// Note: ignore still changes the order that properties are printed
let ignore: { a: number, b: string } =
{ b: 'ignored', ...o }
let override: { a: number, b: string } =
{ ...o, b: 'override' }
let nested: { a: number, b: boolean, c: string } =
{ ...{ a: 3, ...{ b: false, c: 'overriden' } }, c: 'whatever' }
let combined: { a: number, b: string, c: boolean } =
{ ...o, ...o2 }
let combinedBefore: { a: number, b: string, c: boolean } =
{ b: 'ok', ...o, ...o2 }
let combinedMid: { a: number, b: string, c: boolean } =
{ ...o, b: 'ok', ...o2 }
let combinedAfter: { a: number, b: string, c: boolean } =
{ ...o, ...o2, b: 'ok' }
let combinedNested: { a: number, b: boolean, c: string, d: string } =
{ ...{ a: 4, ...{ b: false, c: 'overriden' } }, d: 'actually new', ...{ a: 5, d: 'maybe new' } }
let combinedNestedChangeType: { a: number, b: boolean, c: number } =
{ ...{ a: 1, ...{ b: false, c: 'overriden' } }, c: -1 }
let propertyNested: { a: { a: number, b: string } } =
{ a: { ... o } }
// accessors don't copy the descriptor
// (which means that readonly getters become read/write properties)
let op = { get a () { return 6 } };
let getter: { a: number, c: number } =
{ ...op, c: 7 }
getter.a = 12;
// null and undefined are just skipped
let spreadNull: { a: number } =
{ a: 7, ...null }
let spreadUndefined: { a: number } =
{ a: 7, ...undefined }
// methods are not enumerable
class C { p = 1; m() { } }
let c: C = new C()
let spreadC: { p: number } = { ...c }
// own methods are enumerable
let cplus: { p: number, plus(): void } = { ...c, plus() { return this.p + 1; } };;
// new field's type conflicting with existing field is OK
let changeTypeAfter: { a: string, b: string } =
{ ...o, a: 'wrong type?' }
let changeTypeBefore: { a: number, b: string } =
{ a: 'wrong type?', ...o };
let changeTypeBoth: { a: string, b: number } =
{ ...o, ...swap };
// optional
let definiteBoolean: { sn: boolean };
let definiteString: { sn: string };
let optionalString: { sn?: string };
let optionalNumber: { sn?: number };
let optionalUnionStops: { sn: string | number | boolean } = { ...definiteBoolean, ...definiteString, ...optionalNumber };
let optionalUnionDuplicates: { sn: string | number } = { ...definiteBoolean, ...definiteString, ...optionalString, ...optionalNumber };
let allOptional: { sn?: string | number } = { ...optionalString, ...optionalNumber };
// computed property
let computedFirst: { a: number, b: string, "before everything": number } =
{ ['before everything']: 12, ...o, b: 'yes' }
let computedMiddle: { a: number, b: string, c: boolean, "in the middle": number } =
{ ...o, ['in the middle']: 13, b: 'maybe?', ...o2 }
let computedAfter: { a: number, b: string, "at the end": number } =
{ ...o, b: 'yeah', ['at the end']: 14 }
// shortcut syntax
let a = 12;
let shortCutted: { a: number, b: string } = { ...o, a }
// generics
function f<T, U>(t: T, u: U): { id: string, ...T, ...U } {
return { id: 'id', ...t, ...u };
let exclusive: { id: string, a: number, b: string, c: string, d: boolean } =
f({ a: 1, b: 'yes' }, { c: 'no', d: false })
let overlap: { id: string, a: number, b: string } =
f({ a: 1 }, { a: 2, b: 'extra' })
let overlapConflict: { id:string, a: string } =
f({ a: 1 }, { a: 'mismatch' })
let overwriteId: { id: boolean, a: number, c: number, d: string } =
f({ a: 1, id: true }, { c: 1, d: 'no' })
class D { m() { }; q = 2; }
let classesAreWrong: { id: string, ...C, ...D } =
f(new C(), new D())

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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
function f<T, U, V>(t: T, u: U, v: V): void {
let o: { ...T, ...U, ...V };
const same: { ...T, ...U, ...V } = o; // ok
const reversed: { ...V, ...U, ...T } = o; // error, reversed
const reversed2: { ...U, ...T, ...V } = o; // error, U and T are still reversed
const missingT: { ...U, ...V } = o; // error, missing T
const missingU: { ...T, ...V } = o; // error, missing U
const missingV: { ...T, ...U } = o; // error, missing V
const atEnd: { ...T, ...U, second: string } = { ...t, ...u, second: 'foo' }; // ok
const atBeginning: { first: string, ...T, ...U, } = { first: 'foo', ...t, ...u }; // ok
const emptyTarget: { } = { ...t, ...u } // ok
const emptySource: { ...T, ...U } = { }; // error, {} is not assignable to U (or T)
let optionalNumber: { sn?: number };
let optionalString: { sn?: string };
let optionalBoolean: { sn?: boolean };
const unionCutoff: { ...T, sn?: number | string | boolean } =
{ ...optionalBoolean, ...t, ...optionalString, ...optionalNumber } // ok; // ok
const optionalCutoff = { ...t, ...optionalNumber }; // ok; // ok
const interspersed: { first: string, ...T, second: string, ...U, third: string } =
{ first: '1', ...t, second: '2', ...u, third: '3' }; // ok
const interspersedMissingU: { first: string, second: string, ...T, third: string } =
{ first: '1', ...t, second: '2', ...u, third: '3' }; // error, 'U' is missing
const interspersedOrder1: { first: string, ...T, second: string, ...U, third: string, secondsecond: string } =
{ first: '1', ...t, second: '2', ...u, third: '3', secondsecond: 'false' }; // ok
const interspersedOrder2: { first: string, second: string, secondsecond: string, third: string, ...T, ...U } =
{ first: '1', ...t, second: '2', ...u, third: '3', secondsecond: 'false' }; // ok
const mismatchFirst: { first: string, ...T, second: string, ...U, third: string } =
{ firrrrrrst: '1', ...t, second: '2', ...u, third: '3' }; // error, 'first' not found
const mismatchSecond: { first: string, ...T, second: string, ...U, third: string } =
{ first: '1', ...t, ssssssssecond: '2', ...u, third: '3' }; // error, 'second' not found
const mismatchLast: { first: string, ...T, second: string, ...U, third: string } =
{ first: '1', ...t, second: '2', ...u, thirrrrrrrd: '3' }; // error, 'third' not found

View file

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
// @target: es5
let o = { a: 1, b: 'no' }
/// private propagates
class PrivateOptionalX {
private x?: number;
class PublicX {
public x: number;
let privateOptionalx: PrivateOptionalX;
let publicx: PublicX;
let o3 = { ...publicx, ...privateOptionalx };
let sn: string | number = o3.x; // error, x is private
let optionalString: { sn?: string };
let optionalNumber: { sn?: number };
let allOptional: { sn: string | number } = { ...optionalString, ...optionalNumber };
// error, 'sn' is optional in source, required in target
// assignability as target
interface Bool { b: boolean };
interface Str { s: string };
let spread: { ...Bool, ...Str } = { s: 'foo' }; // error, missing 'b'
let b: Bool;
spread = b; // error, missing 's'
// expressions are not allowed
let o1 = { ...1 + 1 };
let o2 = { ...(1 + 1) };
// literal repeats are not allowed, but spread repeats are fine
let duplicated = { b: 'bad', ...o, b: 'bad', ...o2, b: 'bad' }
let duplicatedSpread = { ...o, ...o }
// write-only properties get skipped
let setterOnly = { ...{ set b (bad: number) { } } };
setterOnly.b = 12; // error, 'b' does not exist
// methods are skipped because they aren't enumerable
class C { p = 1; m() { } }
let c: C = new C()
let spreadC = { ...c }
spreadC.m(); // error 'm' is not in '{ ... c }'
let callableConstructableSpread: { ...PublicX, (n: number): number, new (p: number) };
callableConstructableSpread(12); // error, no call signature
new callableConstructableSpread(12); // error, no construct signature
let callableSpread = { ...publicx, ...(n => n + 1) }; // error, can't spread functions

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
let o7 = { ...o? };
let o8 = { ...*o };
let o9 = { ...matchMedia() { }};
let o10 = { ...get x() { return 12; }};

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
/// <reference path='fourslash.ts'/>
////let o = { a: 1, b: 'no' }
////let o2 = { b: 'yes', c: true }
////let swap = { a: 'yes', b: -1 };
////let addAfter: { a: number, b: string, c: boolean } =
//// { ...o, c: false }
////let addBefore: { a: number, b: string, c: boolean } =
//// { c: false, ...o }
////let ignore: { a: number, b: string } =
//// { b: 'ignored', ...o }
////let combinedNestedChangeType: { a: number, b: boolean, c: number } =
//// { ...{ a: 1, ...{ b: false, c: 'overriden' } }, c: -1 }
////let spreadNull: { a: number } =
//// { a: 7, ...null }
////let spreadUndefined: { a: number } =
//// { a: 7, ...undefined }
verify.memberListContains('a', '(property) a: number');
verify.memberListContains('b', '(property) b: string');
verify.memberListContains('a', '(property) a: number');
verify.memberListContains('b', '(property) b: boolean');
verify.memberListContains('c', '(property) c: number');
verify.memberListContains('a', '(property) a: number');
verify.memberListContains('a', '(property) a: number');

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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
/// <reference path='fourslash.ts'/>
////interface A1 { [|a|]: number };
////interface A2 { [|a|]?: number };
////let a12: { ...A1, ...A2 };
const ranges = test.ranges();
// members of spread types only refer to themselves and the resulting property
verify.referencesOf(ranges[0], [ranges[0], ranges[2]]);
verify.referencesOf(ranges[1], [ranges[1], ranges[2]]);
// but the resulting property refers to everything
verify.referencesOf(ranges[2], ranges);

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
/// <reference path='fourslash.ts'/>
////interface A1 { /*1*/a: number };
////interface A2 { /*2*/a?: number };
////let a12: { ...A1, ...A2 };
verify.goToDefinition('3', [ '1', '2' ]);

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
/// <reference path='fourslash.ts'/>
////interface A1 { [|a|]: number };
////interface A2 { [|a|]?: number };
////let a12: { ...A1, ...A2 };
const ranges = test.ranges();
// A1 unions with A2, so rename A1.a and a12.a
verify.renameLocations(/*findInStrings*/ false, /*findInComments*/ false, [ranges[0], ranges[2]]);
// A1 unions with A2, so rename A2.a and a12.a
verify.renameLocations(/*findInStrings*/ false, /*findInComments*/ false, [ranges[1], ranges[2]]);
// a12.a unions A1.a and A2.a, so rename A1.a, A2.a and a12.a
verify.renameLocations(/*findInStrings*/ false, /*findInComments*/ false, [ranges[0], ranges[1], ranges[2]]);