Tests for iterationMode=iterable

This commit is contained in:
Ron Buckton 2016-11-18 17:55:06 -08:00
parent 32bcc9749b
commit 38b7757e57
65 changed files with 3617 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
tests/cases/conformance/statements/for-ofStatements/ES5For-of33.ts(2,5): error TS2304: Cannot find name 'console'.
==== tests/cases/conformance/statements/for-ofStatements/ES5For-of33.ts (1 errors) ====
for (var v of ['a', 'b', 'c']) {
!!! error TS2304: Cannot find name 'console'.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
//// [ES5For-of33.ts]
for (var v of ['a', 'b', 'c']) {
//// [ES5For-of33.js]
var __values = (this && this.__values) || function (o) { return (i = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator] || 0) ? i.call(o) : { next: function () { return { done: d = d || i >= o.length, value: d ? void 0 : o[i++] }; } }; var i, d; };
var __step = (this && this.__step) || function (r) { return !(r.done || (r.done = (r.result = r.iterator.next()).done)); };
var __close = (this && this.__close) || function (r) { return (m = !(r && r.done) && r.iterator["return"]) && m.call(r.iterator); var m; };
try {
for (var iterator_1 = { iterator: __values(['a', 'b', 'c']) }; __step(iterator_1);) {
var v = iterator_1.result.value;
catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
finally {
try { __close(iterator_1); } finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
var e_1;
//# sourceMappingURL=ES5For-of33.js.map

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
//// [ES5For-of33.js.map]

View file

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
JsFile: ES5For-of33.js
mapUrl: ES5For-of33.js.map
sources: ES5For-of33.ts
>>>var __values = (this && this.__values) || function (o) { return (i = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator] || 0) ? i.call(o) : { next: function () { return { done: d = d || i >= o.length, value: d ? void 0 : o[i++] }; } }; var i, d; };
>>>var __step = (this && this.__step) || function (r) { return !(r.done || (r.done = (r.result = r.iterator.next()).done)); };
>>>var __close = (this && this.__close) || function (r) { return (m = !(r && r.done) && r.iterator["return"]) && m.call(r.iterator); var m; };
>>>try {
>>> for (var iterator_1 = { iterator: __values(['a', 'b', 'c']) }; __step(iterator_1);) {
1 >^^^^
2 > ^^^
3 > ^
4 > ^
5 > ^^^^
6 > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
7 > ^^
8 > ^^^^^^^^^^
9 > ^^^^^^^^^
10> ^
11> ^^^
12> ^^
13> ^^^
14> ^^
15> ^^^
16> ^
17> ^
18> ^^
19> ^^
20> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
1 >
2 > for
3 >
4 > (var v of
5 >
6 >
7 >
8 >
9 >
10> [
11> 'a'
12> ,
13> 'b'
14> ,
15> 'c'
16> ]
20> var v
1 >Emitted(5, 5) Source(1, 1) + SourceIndex(0)
2 >Emitted(5, 8) Source(1, 4) + SourceIndex(0)
3 >Emitted(5, 9) Source(1, 5) + SourceIndex(0)
4 >Emitted(5, 10) Source(1, 15) + SourceIndex(0)
5 >Emitted(5, 14) Source(1, 15) + SourceIndex(0)
6 >Emitted(5, 27) Source(1, 15) + SourceIndex(0)
7 >Emitted(5, 29) Source(1, 15) + SourceIndex(0)
8 >Emitted(5, 39) Source(1, 15) + SourceIndex(0)
9 >Emitted(5, 48) Source(1, 15) + SourceIndex(0)
10>Emitted(5, 49) Source(1, 16) + SourceIndex(0)
11>Emitted(5, 52) Source(1, 19) + SourceIndex(0)
12>Emitted(5, 54) Source(1, 21) + SourceIndex(0)
13>Emitted(5, 57) Source(1, 24) + SourceIndex(0)
14>Emitted(5, 59) Source(1, 26) + SourceIndex(0)
15>Emitted(5, 62) Source(1, 29) + SourceIndex(0)
16>Emitted(5, 63) Source(1, 30) + SourceIndex(0)
17>Emitted(5, 64) Source(1, 30) + SourceIndex(0)
18>Emitted(5, 66) Source(1, 30) + SourceIndex(0)
19>Emitted(5, 68) Source(1, 6) + SourceIndex(0)
20>Emitted(5, 86) Source(1, 11) + SourceIndex(0)
>>> var v = iterator_1.result.value;
1 >^^^^^^^^
2 > ^^^^
3 > ^
4 > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
1 >
2 > var
3 > v
4 >
1 >Emitted(6, 9) Source(1, 6) + SourceIndex(0)
2 >Emitted(6, 13) Source(1, 10) + SourceIndex(0)
3 >Emitted(6, 14) Source(1, 11) + SourceIndex(0)
4 >Emitted(6, 40) Source(1, 11) + SourceIndex(0)
>>> console.log(v);
1 >^^^^^^^^
2 > ^^^^^^^
3 > ^
4 > ^^^
5 > ^
6 > ^
7 > ^
8 > ^
1 > of ['a', 'b', 'c']) {
2 > console
3 > .
4 > log
5 > (
6 > v
7 > )
8 > ;
1 >Emitted(7, 9) Source(2, 5) + SourceIndex(0)
2 >Emitted(7, 16) Source(2, 12) + SourceIndex(0)
3 >Emitted(7, 17) Source(2, 13) + SourceIndex(0)
4 >Emitted(7, 20) Source(2, 16) + SourceIndex(0)
5 >Emitted(7, 21) Source(2, 17) + SourceIndex(0)
6 >Emitted(7, 22) Source(2, 18) + SourceIndex(0)
7 >Emitted(7, 23) Source(2, 19) + SourceIndex(0)
8 >Emitted(7, 24) Source(2, 20) + SourceIndex(0)
>>> }
1 >^^^^^
1 >
1 >Emitted(8, 6) Source(3, 2) + SourceIndex(0)
>>>catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
>>>finally {
>>> try { __close(iterator_1); } finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
>>>var e_1;
>>>//# sourceMappingURL=ES5For-of33.js.map

View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
tests/cases/conformance/statements/for-ofStatements/ES5For-of34.ts(4,6): error TS2322: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.
==== tests/cases/conformance/statements/for-ofStatements/ES5For-of34.ts (1 errors) ====
function foo() {
return { x: 0 };
for (foo().x of ['a', 'b', 'c']) {
!!! error TS2322: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.
var p = foo().x;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
//// [ES5For-of34.ts]
function foo() {
return { x: 0 };
for (foo().x of ['a', 'b', 'c']) {
var p = foo().x;
//// [ES5For-of34.js]
var __values = (this && this.__values) || function (o) { return (i = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator] || 0) ? i.call(o) : { next: function () { return { done: d = d || i >= o.length, value: d ? void 0 : o[i++] }; } }; var i, d; };
var __step = (this && this.__step) || function (r) { return !(r.done || (r.done = (r.result = r.iterator.next()).done)); };
var __close = (this && this.__close) || function (r) { return (m = !(r && r.done) && r.iterator["return"]) && m.call(r.iterator); var m; };
function foo() {
return { x: 0 };
try {
for (var iterator_1 = { iterator: __values(['a', 'b', 'c']) }; __step(iterator_1);) {
foo().x = iterator_1.result.value;
var p = foo().x;
catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
finally {
try { __close(iterator_1); } finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
var e_1;
//# sourceMappingURL=ES5For-of34.js.map

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
//// [ES5For-of34.js.map]

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@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
JsFile: ES5For-of34.js
mapUrl: ES5For-of34.js.map
sources: ES5For-of34.ts
>>>var __values = (this && this.__values) || function (o) { return (i = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator] || 0) ? i.call(o) : { next: function () { return { done: d = d || i >= o.length, value: d ? void 0 : o[i++] }; } }; var i, d; };
>>>var __step = (this && this.__step) || function (r) { return !(r.done || (r.done = (r.result = r.iterator.next()).done)); };
>>>var __close = (this && this.__close) || function (r) { return (m = !(r && r.done) && r.iterator["return"]) && m.call(r.iterator); var m; };
>>>function foo() {
1 >
2 >^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^->
1 >
1 >Emitted(4, 1) Source(1, 1) + SourceIndex(0)
>>> return { x: 0 };
2 > ^^^^^^
3 > ^
4 > ^^
5 > ^
6 > ^^
7 > ^
8 > ^^
9 > ^
1->function foo() {
2 > return
3 >
4 > {
5 > x
6 > :
7 > 0
8 > }
9 > ;
1->Emitted(5, 5) Source(2, 5) + SourceIndex(0)
2 >Emitted(5, 11) Source(2, 11) + SourceIndex(0)
3 >Emitted(5, 12) Source(2, 12) + SourceIndex(0)
4 >Emitted(5, 14) Source(2, 14) + SourceIndex(0)
5 >Emitted(5, 15) Source(2, 15) + SourceIndex(0)
6 >Emitted(5, 17) Source(2, 17) + SourceIndex(0)
7 >Emitted(5, 18) Source(2, 18) + SourceIndex(0)
8 >Emitted(5, 20) Source(2, 20) + SourceIndex(0)
9 >Emitted(5, 21) Source(2, 21) + SourceIndex(0)
1 >
2 >^
3 > ^^^^^->
1 >
2 >}
1 >Emitted(6, 1) Source(3, 1) + SourceIndex(0)
2 >Emitted(6, 2) Source(3, 2) + SourceIndex(0)
>>>try {
>>> for (var iterator_1 = { iterator: __values(['a', 'b', 'c']) }; __step(iterator_1);) {
2 > ^^^
3 > ^
4 > ^
5 > ^^^^
6 > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
7 > ^^
8 > ^^^^^^^^^^
9 > ^^^^^^^^^
10> ^
11> ^^^
12> ^^
13> ^^^
14> ^^
15> ^^^
16> ^
17> ^
18> ^^
19> ^^
20> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2 > for
3 >
4 > (foo().x of
5 >
6 >
7 >
8 >
9 >
10> [
11> 'a'
12> ,
13> 'b'
14> ,
15> 'c'
16> ]
20> foo().x
1->Emitted(8, 5) Source(4, 1) + SourceIndex(0)
2 >Emitted(8, 8) Source(4, 4) + SourceIndex(0)
3 >Emitted(8, 9) Source(4, 5) + SourceIndex(0)
4 >Emitted(8, 10) Source(4, 17) + SourceIndex(0)
5 >Emitted(8, 14) Source(4, 17) + SourceIndex(0)
6 >Emitted(8, 27) Source(4, 17) + SourceIndex(0)
7 >Emitted(8, 29) Source(4, 17) + SourceIndex(0)
8 >Emitted(8, 39) Source(4, 17) + SourceIndex(0)
9 >Emitted(8, 48) Source(4, 17) + SourceIndex(0)
10>Emitted(8, 49) Source(4, 18) + SourceIndex(0)
11>Emitted(8, 52) Source(4, 21) + SourceIndex(0)
12>Emitted(8, 54) Source(4, 23) + SourceIndex(0)
13>Emitted(8, 57) Source(4, 26) + SourceIndex(0)
14>Emitted(8, 59) Source(4, 28) + SourceIndex(0)
15>Emitted(8, 62) Source(4, 31) + SourceIndex(0)
16>Emitted(8, 63) Source(4, 32) + SourceIndex(0)
17>Emitted(8, 64) Source(4, 32) + SourceIndex(0)
18>Emitted(8, 66) Source(4, 32) + SourceIndex(0)
19>Emitted(8, 68) Source(4, 6) + SourceIndex(0)
20>Emitted(8, 86) Source(4, 13) + SourceIndex(0)
>>> foo().x = iterator_1.result.value;
1 >^^^^^^^^
2 > ^^^
3 > ^^
4 > ^
5 > ^
6 > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
1 >
2 > foo
3 > ()
4 > .
5 > x
6 >
1 >Emitted(9, 9) Source(4, 6) + SourceIndex(0)
2 >Emitted(9, 12) Source(4, 9) + SourceIndex(0)
3 >Emitted(9, 14) Source(4, 11) + SourceIndex(0)
4 >Emitted(9, 15) Source(4, 12) + SourceIndex(0)
5 >Emitted(9, 16) Source(4, 13) + SourceIndex(0)
6 >Emitted(9, 42) Source(4, 13) + SourceIndex(0)
>>> var p = foo().x;
1 >^^^^^^^^
2 > ^^^^
3 > ^
4 > ^^^
5 > ^^^
6 > ^^
7 > ^
8 > ^
9 > ^
1 > of ['a', 'b', 'c']) {
2 > var
3 > p
4 > =
5 > foo
6 > ()
7 > .
8 > x
9 > ;
1 >Emitted(10, 9) Source(5, 5) + SourceIndex(0)
2 >Emitted(10, 13) Source(5, 9) + SourceIndex(0)
3 >Emitted(10, 14) Source(5, 10) + SourceIndex(0)
4 >Emitted(10, 17) Source(5, 13) + SourceIndex(0)
5 >Emitted(10, 20) Source(5, 16) + SourceIndex(0)
6 >Emitted(10, 22) Source(5, 18) + SourceIndex(0)
7 >Emitted(10, 23) Source(5, 19) + SourceIndex(0)
8 >Emitted(10, 24) Source(5, 20) + SourceIndex(0)
9 >Emitted(10, 25) Source(5, 21) + SourceIndex(0)
>>> }
1 >^^^^^
1 >
1 >Emitted(11, 6) Source(6, 2) + SourceIndex(0)
>>>catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
>>>finally {
>>> try { __close(iterator_1); } finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
>>>var e_1;
>>>//# sourceMappingURL=ES5For-of34.js.map

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
tests/cases/conformance/statements/for-ofStatements/ES5For-of35.ts(1,13): error TS2459: Type 'number' has no property 'x' and no string index signature.
tests/cases/conformance/statements/for-ofStatements/ES5For-of35.ts(1,23): error TS2459: Type 'number' has no property 'y' and no string index signature.
==== tests/cases/conformance/statements/for-ofStatements/ES5For-of35.ts (2 errors) ====
for (const {x: a = 0, y: b = 1} of [2, 3]) {
!!! error TS2459: Type 'number' has no property 'x' and no string index signature.
!!! error TS2459: Type 'number' has no property 'y' and no string index signature.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
//// [ES5For-of35.ts]
for (const {x: a = 0, y: b = 1} of [2, 3]) {
//// [ES5For-of35.js]
var __values = (this && this.__values) || function (o) { return (i = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator] || 0) ? i.call(o) : { next: function () { return { done: d = d || i >= o.length, value: d ? void 0 : o[i++] }; } }; var i, d; };
var __step = (this && this.__step) || function (r) { return !(r.done || (r.done = (r.result = r.iterator.next()).done)); };
var __close = (this && this.__close) || function (r) { return (m = !(r && r.done) && r.iterator["return"]) && m.call(r.iterator); var m; };
try {
for (var iterator_1 = { iterator: __values([2, 3]) }; __step(iterator_1);) {
var _a = iterator_1.result.value, _b = _a.x, a = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b, _c = _a.y, b = _c === void 0 ? 1 : _c;
catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
finally {
try { __close(iterator_1); } finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
var e_1;
//# sourceMappingURL=ES5For-of35.js.map

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
//// [ES5For-of35.js.map]

View file

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
JsFile: ES5For-of35.js
mapUrl: ES5For-of35.js.map
sources: ES5For-of35.ts
>>>var __values = (this && this.__values) || function (o) { return (i = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator] || 0) ? i.call(o) : { next: function () { return { done: d = d || i >= o.length, value: d ? void 0 : o[i++] }; } }; var i, d; };
>>>var __step = (this && this.__step) || function (r) { return !(r.done || (r.done = (r.result = r.iterator.next()).done)); };
>>>var __close = (this && this.__close) || function (r) { return (m = !(r && r.done) && r.iterator["return"]) && m.call(r.iterator); var m; };
>>>try {
>>> for (var iterator_1 = { iterator: __values([2, 3]) }; __step(iterator_1);) {
1 >^^^^
2 > ^^^
3 > ^
4 > ^
5 > ^^^^
6 > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
7 > ^^
8 > ^^^^^^^^^^
9 > ^^^^^^^^^
10> ^
11> ^
12> ^^
13> ^
14> ^
15> ^
16> ^^
17> ^^
18> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
19> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^->
1 >
2 > for
3 >
4 > (const {x: a = 0, y: b = 1} of
5 >
6 >
7 >
8 >
9 >
10> [
11> 2
12> ,
13> 3
14> ]
18> const {x: a = 0, y: b = 1}
1 >Emitted(5, 5) Source(1, 1) + SourceIndex(0)
2 >Emitted(5, 8) Source(1, 4) + SourceIndex(0)
3 >Emitted(5, 9) Source(1, 5) + SourceIndex(0)
4 >Emitted(5, 10) Source(1, 36) + SourceIndex(0)
5 >Emitted(5, 14) Source(1, 36) + SourceIndex(0)
6 >Emitted(5, 27) Source(1, 36) + SourceIndex(0)
7 >Emitted(5, 29) Source(1, 36) + SourceIndex(0)
8 >Emitted(5, 39) Source(1, 36) + SourceIndex(0)
9 >Emitted(5, 48) Source(1, 36) + SourceIndex(0)
10>Emitted(5, 49) Source(1, 37) + SourceIndex(0)
11>Emitted(5, 50) Source(1, 38) + SourceIndex(0)
12>Emitted(5, 52) Source(1, 40) + SourceIndex(0)
13>Emitted(5, 53) Source(1, 41) + SourceIndex(0)
14>Emitted(5, 54) Source(1, 42) + SourceIndex(0)
15>Emitted(5, 55) Source(1, 42) + SourceIndex(0)
16>Emitted(5, 57) Source(1, 42) + SourceIndex(0)
17>Emitted(5, 59) Source(1, 6) + SourceIndex(0)
18>Emitted(5, 77) Source(1, 32) + SourceIndex(0)
>>> var _a = iterator_1.result.value, _b = _a.x, a = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b, _c = _a.y, b = _c === void 0 ? 1 : _c;
2 > ^^^^
3 > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
4 > ^^
5 > ^^^^^^^^^
6 > ^^
7 > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
8 > ^^
9 > ^^^^^^^^^
10> ^^
11> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2 >
3 > {x: a = 0, y: b = 1}
4 >
5 > x: a = 0
6 >
7 > x: a = 0
8 > ,
9 > y: b = 1
11> y: b = 1
1->Emitted(6, 9) Source(1, 12) + SourceIndex(0)
2 >Emitted(6, 13) Source(1, 12) + SourceIndex(0)
3 >Emitted(6, 41) Source(1, 32) + SourceIndex(0)
4 >Emitted(6, 43) Source(1, 13) + SourceIndex(0)
5 >Emitted(6, 52) Source(1, 21) + SourceIndex(0)
6 >Emitted(6, 54) Source(1, 13) + SourceIndex(0)
7 >Emitted(6, 80) Source(1, 21) + SourceIndex(0)
8 >Emitted(6, 82) Source(1, 23) + SourceIndex(0)
9 >Emitted(6, 91) Source(1, 31) + SourceIndex(0)
10>Emitted(6, 93) Source(1, 23) + SourceIndex(0)
11>Emitted(6, 119) Source(1, 31) + SourceIndex(0)
>>> a;
1 >^^^^^^^^
2 > ^
3 > ^
4 > ^->
1 >} of [2, 3]) {
2 > a
3 > ;
1 >Emitted(7, 9) Source(2, 5) + SourceIndex(0)
2 >Emitted(7, 10) Source(2, 6) + SourceIndex(0)
3 >Emitted(7, 11) Source(2, 7) + SourceIndex(0)
>>> b;
2 > ^
3 > ^
2 > b
3 > ;
1->Emitted(8, 9) Source(3, 5) + SourceIndex(0)
2 >Emitted(8, 10) Source(3, 6) + SourceIndex(0)
3 >Emitted(8, 11) Source(3, 7) + SourceIndex(0)
>>> }
1 >^^^^^
1 >
1 >Emitted(9, 6) Source(4, 2) + SourceIndex(0)
>>>catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
>>>finally {
>>> try { __close(iterator_1); } finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
>>>var e_1;
>>>//# sourceMappingURL=ES5For-of35.js.map

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
tests/cases/conformance/statements/for-ofStatements/ES5For-of36.ts(1,10): error TS2544: Type 'number' is not an array type or does not have a '[Symbol.iterator]()' method that returns an iterator.
==== tests/cases/conformance/statements/for-ofStatements/ES5For-of36.ts (1 errors) ====
for (let [a = 0, b = 1] of [2, 3]) {
!!! error TS2544: Type 'number' is not an array type or does not have a '[Symbol.iterator]()' method that returns an iterator.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
//// [ES5For-of36.ts]
for (let [a = 0, b = 1] of [2, 3]) {
//// [ES5For-of36.js]
var __read = (this && this.__read) || function (o, n) {
if (!(m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator])) return o;
var m, i = m.call(o), ar = [], r, e;
try { while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value); }
catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
finally { try { if (m = !(r && r.done) && i["return"]) m.call(i); } finally { if (e) throw e.error; } }
return ar;
var __values = (this && this.__values) || function (o) { return (i = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator] || 0) ? i.call(o) : { next: function () { return { done: d = d || i >= o.length, value: d ? void 0 : o[i++] }; } }; var i, d; };
var __step = (this && this.__step) || function (r) { return !(r.done || (r.done = (r.result = r.iterator.next()).done)); };
var __close = (this && this.__close) || function (r) { return (m = !(r && r.done) && r.iterator["return"]) && m.call(r.iterator); var m; };
try {
for (var iterator_1 = { iterator: __values([2, 3]) }; __step(iterator_1);) {
var _a = __read(iterator_1.result.value, 2), _b = _a[0], a = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b, _c = _a[1], b = _c === void 0 ? 1 : _c;
catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
finally {
try { __close(iterator_1); } finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
var e_1;
//# sourceMappingURL=ES5For-of36.js.map

View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
//// [ES5For-of36.js.map]

View file

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
JsFile: ES5For-of36.js
mapUrl: ES5For-of36.js.map
sources: ES5For-of36.ts
>>>var __read = (this && this.__read) || function (o, n) {
>>> if (!(m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator])) return o;
>>> var m, i = m.call(o), ar = [], r, e;
>>> try { while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value); }
>>> catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
>>> finally { try { if (m = !(r && r.done) && i["return"]) m.call(i); } finally { if (e) throw e.error; } }
>>> return ar;
>>>var __values = (this && this.__values) || function (o) { return (i = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator] || 0) ? i.call(o) : { next: function () { return { done: d = d || i >= o.length, value: d ? void 0 : o[i++] }; } }; var i, d; };
>>>var __step = (this && this.__step) || function (r) { return !(r.done || (r.done = (r.result = r.iterator.next()).done)); };
>>>var __close = (this && this.__close) || function (r) { return (m = !(r && r.done) && r.iterator["return"]) && m.call(r.iterator); var m; };
>>>try {
>>> for (var iterator_1 = { iterator: __values([2, 3]) }; __step(iterator_1);) {
1 >^^^^
2 > ^^^
3 > ^
4 > ^
5 > ^^^^
6 > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
7 > ^^
8 > ^^^^^^^^^^
9 > ^^^^^^^^^
10> ^
11> ^
12> ^^
13> ^
14> ^
15> ^
16> ^^
17> ^^
18> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
19> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^->
1 >
2 > for
3 >
4 > (let [a = 0, b = 1] of
5 >
6 >
7 >
8 >
9 >
10> [
11> 2
12> ,
13> 3
14> ]
18> let [a = 0, b = 1]
1 >Emitted(13, 5) Source(1, 1) + SourceIndex(0)
2 >Emitted(13, 8) Source(1, 4) + SourceIndex(0)
3 >Emitted(13, 9) Source(1, 5) + SourceIndex(0)
4 >Emitted(13, 10) Source(1, 28) + SourceIndex(0)
5 >Emitted(13, 14) Source(1, 28) + SourceIndex(0)
6 >Emitted(13, 27) Source(1, 28) + SourceIndex(0)
7 >Emitted(13, 29) Source(1, 28) + SourceIndex(0)
8 >Emitted(13, 39) Source(1, 28) + SourceIndex(0)
9 >Emitted(13, 48) Source(1, 28) + SourceIndex(0)
10>Emitted(13, 49) Source(1, 29) + SourceIndex(0)
11>Emitted(13, 50) Source(1, 30) + SourceIndex(0)
12>Emitted(13, 52) Source(1, 32) + SourceIndex(0)
13>Emitted(13, 53) Source(1, 33) + SourceIndex(0)
14>Emitted(13, 54) Source(1, 34) + SourceIndex(0)
15>Emitted(13, 55) Source(1, 34) + SourceIndex(0)
16>Emitted(13, 57) Source(1, 34) + SourceIndex(0)
17>Emitted(13, 59) Source(1, 6) + SourceIndex(0)
18>Emitted(13, 77) Source(1, 24) + SourceIndex(0)
>>> var _a = __read(iterator_1.result.value, 2), _b = _a[0], a = _b === void 0 ? 0 : _b, _c = _a[1], b = _c === void 0 ? 1 : _c;
2 > ^^^^
3 > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
4 > ^^
5 > ^^^^^^^^^^
6 > ^^
7 > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
8 > ^^
9 > ^^^^^^^^^^
10> ^^
11> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2 >
3 > [a = 0, b = 1]
4 >
5 > a = 0
6 >
7 > a = 0
8 > ,
9 > b = 1
11> b = 1
1->Emitted(14, 9) Source(1, 10) + SourceIndex(0)
2 >Emitted(14, 13) Source(1, 10) + SourceIndex(0)
3 >Emitted(14, 52) Source(1, 24) + SourceIndex(0)
4 >Emitted(14, 54) Source(1, 11) + SourceIndex(0)
5 >Emitted(14, 64) Source(1, 16) + SourceIndex(0)
6 >Emitted(14, 66) Source(1, 11) + SourceIndex(0)
7 >Emitted(14, 92) Source(1, 16) + SourceIndex(0)
8 >Emitted(14, 94) Source(1, 18) + SourceIndex(0)
9 >Emitted(14, 104) Source(1, 23) + SourceIndex(0)
10>Emitted(14, 106) Source(1, 18) + SourceIndex(0)
11>Emitted(14, 132) Source(1, 23) + SourceIndex(0)
>>> a;
1 >^^^^^^^^
2 > ^
3 > ^
4 > ^->
1 >] of [2, 3]) {
2 > a
3 > ;
1 >Emitted(15, 9) Source(2, 5) + SourceIndex(0)
2 >Emitted(15, 10) Source(2, 6) + SourceIndex(0)
3 >Emitted(15, 11) Source(2, 7) + SourceIndex(0)
>>> b;
2 > ^
3 > ^
2 > b
3 > ;
1->Emitted(16, 9) Source(3, 5) + SourceIndex(0)
2 >Emitted(16, 10) Source(3, 6) + SourceIndex(0)
3 >Emitted(16, 11) Source(3, 7) + SourceIndex(0)
>>> }
1 >^^^^^
1 >
1 >Emitted(17, 6) Source(4, 2) + SourceIndex(0)
>>>catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
>>>finally {
>>> try { __close(iterator_1); } finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
>>>var e_1;
>>>//# sourceMappingURL=ES5For-of36.js.map

View file

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
//// [arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts]
function f0() {
var a = [1, 2, 3];
var a1 = [...a];
var a2 = [1, ...a];
var a3 = [1, 2, ...a];
var a4 = [...a, 1];
var a5 = [...a, 1, 2];
var a6 = [1, 2, ...a, 1, 2];
var a7 = [1, ...a, 2, ...a];
var a8 = [...a, ...a, ...a];
function f1() {
var a = [1, 2, 3];
var b = ["hello", ...a, true];
var b: (string | number | boolean)[];
function f2() {
var a = [...[...[...[...[...[]]]]]];
var b = [...[...[...[...[...[5]]]]]];
//// [arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.js]
var __read = (this && this.__read) || function (o, n) {
if (!(m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator])) return o;
var m, i = m.call(o), ar = [], r, e;
try { while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value); }
catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
finally { try { if (m = !(r && r.done) && i["return"]) m.call(i); } finally { if (e) throw e.error; } }
return ar;
var __spread = (this && this.__spread) || function () {
for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
return ar;
function f0() {
var a = [1, 2, 3];
var a1 = __spread(a);
var a2 = __spread([1], a);
var a3 = __spread([1, 2], a);
var a4 = __spread(a, [1]);
var a5 = __spread(a, [1, 2]);
var a6 = __spread([1, 2], a, [1, 2]);
var a7 = __spread([1], a, [2], a);
var a8 = __spread(a, a, a);
function f1() {
var a = [1, 2, 3];
var b = __spread(["hello"], a, [true]);
var b;
function f2() {
var a = __spread([]);
var b = __spread([5]);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/spread/arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts ===
function f0() {
>f0 : Symbol(f0, Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 0, 0))
var a = [1, 2, 3];
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 1, 7))
var a1 = [...a];
>a1 : Symbol(a1, Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 2, 7))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 1, 7))
var a2 = [1, ...a];
>a2 : Symbol(a2, Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 3, 7))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 1, 7))
var a3 = [1, 2, ...a];
>a3 : Symbol(a3, Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 4, 7))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 1, 7))
var a4 = [...a, 1];
>a4 : Symbol(a4, Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 5, 7))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 1, 7))
var a5 = [...a, 1, 2];
>a5 : Symbol(a5, Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 6, 7))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 1, 7))
var a6 = [1, 2, ...a, 1, 2];
>a6 : Symbol(a6, Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 7, 7))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 1, 7))
var a7 = [1, ...a, 2, ...a];
>a7 : Symbol(a7, Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 8, 7))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 1, 7))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 1, 7))
var a8 = [...a, ...a, ...a];
>a8 : Symbol(a8, Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 9, 7))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 1, 7))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 1, 7))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 1, 7))
function f1() {
>f1 : Symbol(f1, Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 10, 1))
var a = [1, 2, 3];
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 13, 7))
var b = ["hello", ...a, true];
>b : Symbol(b, Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 14, 7), Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 15, 7))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 13, 7))
var b: (string | number | boolean)[];
>b : Symbol(b, Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 14, 7), Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 15, 7))
function f2() {
>f2 : Symbol(f2, Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 16, 1))
var a = [...[...[...[...[...[]]]]]];
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 19, 7))
var b = [...[...[...[...[...[5]]]]]];
>b : Symbol(b, Decl(arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts, 20, 7))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/spread/arrayLiteralSpreadES5iterable.ts ===
function f0() {
>f0 : () => void
var a = [1, 2, 3];
>a : number[]
>[1, 2, 3] : number[]
>1 : 1
>2 : 2
>3 : 3
var a1 = [...a];
>a1 : number[]
>[...a] : number[]
>...a : number
>a : number[]
var a2 = [1, ...a];
>a2 : number[]
>[1, ...a] : number[]
>1 : 1
>...a : number
>a : number[]
var a3 = [1, 2, ...a];
>a3 : number[]
>[1, 2, ...a] : number[]
>1 : 1
>2 : 2
>...a : number
>a : number[]
var a4 = [...a, 1];
>a4 : number[]
>[...a, 1] : number[]
>...a : number
>a : number[]
>1 : 1
var a5 = [...a, 1, 2];
>a5 : number[]
>[...a, 1, 2] : number[]
>...a : number
>a : number[]
>1 : 1
>2 : 2
var a6 = [1, 2, ...a, 1, 2];
>a6 : number[]
>[1, 2, ...a, 1, 2] : number[]
>1 : 1
>2 : 2
>...a : number
>a : number[]
>1 : 1
>2 : 2
var a7 = [1, ...a, 2, ...a];
>a7 : number[]
>[1, ...a, 2, ...a] : number[]
>1 : 1
>...a : number
>a : number[]
>2 : 2
>...a : number
>a : number[]
var a8 = [...a, ...a, ...a];
>a8 : number[]
>[...a, ...a, ...a] : number[]
>...a : number
>a : number[]
>...a : number
>a : number[]
>...a : number
>a : number[]
function f1() {
>f1 : () => void
var a = [1, 2, 3];
>a : number[]
>[1, 2, 3] : number[]
>1 : 1
>2 : 2
>3 : 3
var b = ["hello", ...a, true];
>b : (string | number | boolean)[]
>["hello", ...a, true] : (string | number | boolean)[]
>"hello" : "hello"
>...a : number
>a : number[]
>true : true
var b: (string | number | boolean)[];
>b : (string | number | boolean)[]
function f2() {
>f2 : () => void
var a = [...[...[...[...[...[]]]]]];
>a : any[]
>[...[...[...[...[...[]]]]]] : undefined[]
>...[...[...[...[...[]]]]] : undefined
>[...[...[...[...[]]]]] : undefined[]
>...[...[...[...[]]]] : undefined
>[...[...[...[]]]] : undefined[]
>...[...[...[]]] : undefined
>[...[...[]]] : undefined[]
>...[...[]] : undefined
>[...[]] : undefined[]
>...[] : undefined
>[] : undefined[]
var b = [...[...[...[...[...[5]]]]]];
>b : number[]
>[...[...[...[...[...[5]]]]]] : number[]
>...[...[...[...[...[5]]]]] : number
>[...[...[...[...[5]]]]] : number[]
>...[...[...[...[5]]]] : number
>[...[...[...[5]]]] : number[]
>...[...[...[5]]] : number
>[...[...[5]]] : number[]
>...[...[5]] : number
>[...[5]] : number[]
>...[5] : number
>[5] : number[]
>5 : 5

View file

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/destructuringArrayBindingPatternAndAssignment1ES5iterable.ts(43,6): error TS2525: Initializer provides no value for this binding element and the binding element has no default value.
tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/destructuringArrayBindingPatternAndAssignment1ES5iterable.ts(44,8): error TS2525: Initializer provides no value for this binding element and the binding element has no default value.
tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/destructuringArrayBindingPatternAndAssignment1ES5iterable.ts(44,18): error TS2525: Initializer provides no value for this binding element and the binding element has no default value.
==== tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/destructuringArrayBindingPatternAndAssignment1ES5iterable.ts (3 errors) ====
/* AssignmentPattern:
* ObjectAssignmentPattern
* ArrayAssignmentPattern
* ArrayAssignmentPattern:
* [Elision<opt> AssignmentRestElementopt ]
* [AssignmentElementList]
* [AssignmentElementList, Elision<opt> AssignmentRestElementopt ]
* AssignmentElementList:
* Elision<opt> AssignmentElement
* AssignmentElementList, Elisionopt AssignmentElement
* AssignmentElement:
* LeftHandSideExpression Initialiseropt
* AssignmentPattern Initialiseropt
* AssignmentRestElement:
* ... LeftHandSideExpression
// In a destructuring assignment expression, the type of the expression on the right must be assignable to the assignment target on the left.
// An expression of type S is considered assignable to an assignment target V if one of the following is true
// V is an array assignment pattern, S is the type Any or an array-like type (section 3.3.2), and, for each assignment element E in V,
// S is the type Any, or
var [a0, a1]: any = undefined;
var [a2 = false, a3 = 1]: any = undefined;
// V is an array assignment pattern, S is the type Any or an array-like type (section 3.3.2), and, for each assignment element E in V,
// S is a tuple- like type (section 3.3.3) with a property named N of a type that is assignable to the target given in E,
// where N is the numeric index of E in the array assignment pattern, or
var [b0, b1, b2] = [2, 3, 4];
var [b3, b4, b5]: [number, number, string] = [1, 2, "string"];
function foo() {
return [1, 2, 3];
var [b6, b7] = foo();
var [...b8] = foo();
// S is not a tuple- like type and the numeric index signature type of S is assignable to the target given in E.
var temp = [1,2,3]
var [c0, c1] = [...temp];
var [c2] = [];
!!! error TS2525: Initializer provides no value for this binding element and the binding element has no default value.
var [[[c3]], [[[[c4]]]]] = [[[]], [[[[]]]]]
!!! error TS2525: Initializer provides no value for this binding element and the binding element has no default value.
!!! error TS2525: Initializer provides no value for this binding element and the binding element has no default value.
var [[c5], c6]: [[string|number], boolean] = [[1], true];
var [, c7] = [1, 2, 3];
var [,,, c8] = [1, 2, 3, 4];
var [,,, c9] = [1, 2, 3, 4];
var [,,,...c10] = [1, 2, 3, 4, "hello"];
var [c11, c12, ...c13] = [1, 2, "string"];
var [c14, c15, c16] = [1, 2, "string"];

View file

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
//// [destructuringArrayBindingPatternAndAssignment1ES5iterable.ts]
/* AssignmentPattern:
* ObjectAssignmentPattern
* ArrayAssignmentPattern
* ArrayAssignmentPattern:
* [Elision<opt> AssignmentRestElementopt ]
* [AssignmentElementList]
* [AssignmentElementList, Elision<opt> AssignmentRestElementopt ]
* AssignmentElementList:
* Elision<opt> AssignmentElement
* AssignmentElementList, Elisionopt AssignmentElement
* AssignmentElement:
* LeftHandSideExpression Initialiseropt
* AssignmentPattern Initialiseropt
* AssignmentRestElement:
* ... LeftHandSideExpression
// In a destructuring assignment expression, the type of the expression on the right must be assignable to the assignment target on the left.
// An expression of type S is considered assignable to an assignment target V if one of the following is true
// V is an array assignment pattern, S is the type Any or an array-like type (section 3.3.2), and, for each assignment element E in V,
// S is the type Any, or
var [a0, a1]: any = undefined;
var [a2 = false, a3 = 1]: any = undefined;
// V is an array assignment pattern, S is the type Any or an array-like type (section 3.3.2), and, for each assignment element E in V,
// S is a tuple- like type (section 3.3.3) with a property named N of a type that is assignable to the target given in E,
// where N is the numeric index of E in the array assignment pattern, or
var [b0, b1, b2] = [2, 3, 4];
var [b3, b4, b5]: [number, number, string] = [1, 2, "string"];
function foo() {
return [1, 2, 3];
var [b6, b7] = foo();
var [...b8] = foo();
// S is not a tuple- like type and the numeric index signature type of S is assignable to the target given in E.
var temp = [1,2,3]
var [c0, c1] = [...temp];
var [c2] = [];
var [[[c3]], [[[[c4]]]]] = [[[]], [[[[]]]]]
var [[c5], c6]: [[string|number], boolean] = [[1], true];
var [, c7] = [1, 2, 3];
var [,,, c8] = [1, 2, 3, 4];
var [,,, c9] = [1, 2, 3, 4];
var [,,,...c10] = [1, 2, 3, 4, "hello"];
var [c11, c12, ...c13] = [1, 2, "string"];
var [c14, c15, c16] = [1, 2, "string"];
//// [destructuringArrayBindingPatternAndAssignment1ES5iterable.js]
/* AssignmentPattern:
* ObjectAssignmentPattern
* ArrayAssignmentPattern
* ArrayAssignmentPattern:
* [Elision<opt> AssignmentRestElementopt ]
* [AssignmentElementList]
* [AssignmentElementList, Elision<opt> AssignmentRestElementopt ]
* AssignmentElementList:
* Elision<opt> AssignmentElement
* AssignmentElementList, Elisionopt AssignmentElement
* AssignmentElement:
* LeftHandSideExpression Initialiseropt
* AssignmentPattern Initialiseropt
* AssignmentRestElement:
* ... LeftHandSideExpression
var __read = (this && this.__read) || function (o, n) {
if (!(m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator])) return o;
var m, i = m.call(o), ar = [], r, e;
try { while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value); }
catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
finally { try { if (m = !(r && r.done) && i["return"]) m.call(i); } finally { if (e) throw e.error; } }
return ar;
var __spread = (this && this.__spread) || function () {
for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
return ar;
// In a destructuring assignment expression, the type of the expression on the right must be assignable to the assignment target on the left.
// An expression of type S is considered assignable to an assignment target V if one of the following is true
// V is an array assignment pattern, S is the type Any or an array-like type (section 3.3.2), and, for each assignment element E in V,
// S is the type Any, or
var _a = __read(undefined, 2), a0 = _a[0], a1 = _a[1];
var _b = __read(undefined, 2), _c = _b[0], a2 = _c === void 0 ? false : _c, _d = _b[1], a3 = _d === void 0 ? 1 : _d;
// V is an array assignment pattern, S is the type Any or an array-like type (section 3.3.2), and, for each assignment element E in V,
// S is a tuple- like type (section 3.3.3) with a property named N of a type that is assignable to the target given in E,
// where N is the numeric index of E in the array assignment pattern, or
var _e = __read([2, 3, 4], 3), b0 = _e[0], b1 = _e[1], b2 = _e[2];
var _f = __read([1, 2, "string"], 3), b3 = _f[0], b4 = _f[1], b5 = _f[2];
function foo() {
return [1, 2, 3];
var _g = __read(foo(), 2), b6 = _g[0], b7 = _g[1];
var _h = __read(foo()), b8 = _h.slice(0);
// S is not a tuple- like type and the numeric index signature type of S is assignable to the target given in E.
var temp = [1, 2, 3];
var _j = __read(__spread(temp), 2), c0 = _j[0], c1 = _j[1];
var _k = __read([], 1), c2 = _k[0];
var _l = __read([[[]], [[[[]]]]], 2), _m = __read(_l[0], 1), _o = __read(_m[0], 1), c3 = _o[0], _p = __read(_l[1], 1), _q = __read(_p[0], 1), _r = __read(_q[0], 1), _s = __read(_r[0], 1), c4 = _s[0];
var _t = __read([[1], true], 2), _u = __read(_t[0], 1), c5 = _u[0], c6 = _t[1];
var _v = __read([1, 2, 3], 2), c7 = _v[1];
var _w = __read([1, 2, 3, 4], 4), c8 = _w[3];
var _x = __read([1, 2, 3, 4], 4), c9 = _x[3];
var _y = __read([1, 2, 3, 4, "hello"]), c10 = _y.slice(3);
var _z = __read([1, 2, "string"]), c11 = _z[0], c12 = _z[1], c13 = _z.slice(2);
var _0 = __read([1, 2, "string"], 3), c14 = _0[0], c15 = _0[1], c16 = _0[2];

View file

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/destructuringParameterDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts(62,10): error TS2393: Duplicate function implementation.
tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/destructuringParameterDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts(63,10): error TS2393: Duplicate function implementation.
==== tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/destructuringParameterDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts (2 errors) ====
// A parameter declaration may specify either an identifier or a binding pattern.
// The identifiers specified in parameter declarations and binding patterns
// in a parameter list must be unique within that parameter list.
// If the declaration includes a type annotation, the parameter is of that type
function a1([a, b, [[c]]]: [number, number, string[][]]) { }
function a2(o: { x: number, a: number }) { }
function a3({j, k, l: {m, n}, q: [a, b, c]}: { j: number, k: string, l: { m: boolean, n: number }, q: (number|string)[] }) { };
function a4({x, a}: { x: number, a: number }) { }
a1([1, 2, [["world"]]]);
a1([1, 2, [["world"]], 3]);
// If the declaration includes an initializer expression (which is permitted only
// when the parameter list occurs in conjunction with a function body),
// the parameter type is the widened form (section 3.11) of the type of the initializer expression.
function b1(z = [undefined, null]) { };
function b2(z = null, o = { x: 0, y: undefined }) { }
function b3({z: {x, y: {j}}} = { z: { x: "hi", y: { j: 1 } } }) { }
interface F1 {
b5(z, y, [, a, b], {p, m: { q, r}});
function b6([a, z, y] = [undefined, null, undefined]) { }
function b7([[a], b, [[c, d]]] = [[undefined], undefined, [[undefined, undefined]]]) { }
b1([1, 2, 3]); // z is widen to the type any[]
b2("string", { x: 200, y: "string" });
b2("string", { x: 200, y: true });
b6(["string", 1, 2]); // Shouldn't be an error
b7([["string"], 1, [[true, false]]]); // Shouldn't be an error
// If the declaration specifies a binding pattern, the parameter type is the implied type of that binding pattern (section 5.1.3)
enum Foo { a }
function c0({z: {x, y: {j}}}) { }
function c1({z} = { z: 10 }) { }
function c2({z = 10}) { }
function c3({b}: { b: number|string} = { b: "hello" }) { }
function c5([a, b, [[c]]]) { }
function c6([a, b, [[c=1]]]) { }
c0({z : { x: 1, y: { j: "world" } }}); // Implied type is { z: {x: any, y: {j: any}} }
c0({z : { x: "string", y: { j: true } }}); // Implied type is { z: {x: any, y: {j: any}} }
c1(); // Implied type is {z:number}?
c1({ z: 1 }) // Implied type is {z:number}?
c2({}); // Implied type is {z?: number}
c2({z:1}); // Implied type is {z?: number}
c3({ b: 1 }); // Implied type is { b: number|string }.
c5([1, 2, [["string"]]]); // Implied type is is [any, any, [[any]]]
c5([1, 2, [["string"]], false, true]); // Implied type is is [any, any, [[any]]]
// A parameter can be marked optional by following its name or binding pattern with a question mark (?)
// or by including an initializer.
function d0(x?) { }
!!! error TS2393: Duplicate function implementation.
function d0(x = 10) { }
!!! error TS2393: Duplicate function implementation.
interface F2 {
d3([a, b, c]?);
d4({x, y, z}?);
e0([a, b, c]);
class C2 implements F2 {
constructor() { }
d3() { }
d4() { }
e0([a, b, c]) { }
class C3 implements F2 {
d3([a, b, c]) { }
d4({x, y, z}) { }
e0([a, b, c]) { }
function d5({x, y} = { x: 1, y: 2 }) { }
d5(); // Parameter is optional as its declaration included an initializer
// Destructuring parameter declarations do not permit type annotations on the individual binding patterns,
// as such annotations would conflict with the already established meaning of colons in object literals.
// Type annotations must instead be written on the top- level parameter declaration
function e1({x: number}) { } // x has type any NOT number
function e2({x}: { x: number }) { } // x is type number
function e3({x}: { x?: number }) { } // x is an optional with type number
function e4({x: [number,string,any] }) { } // x has type [any, any, any]
function e5({x: [a, b, c]}: { x: [number, number, number] }) { } // x has type [any, any, any]

View file

@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
//// [destructuringParameterDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts]
// A parameter declaration may specify either an identifier or a binding pattern.
// The identifiers specified in parameter declarations and binding patterns
// in a parameter list must be unique within that parameter list.
// If the declaration includes a type annotation, the parameter is of that type
function a1([a, b, [[c]]]: [number, number, string[][]]) { }
function a2(o: { x: number, a: number }) { }
function a3({j, k, l: {m, n}, q: [a, b, c]}: { j: number, k: string, l: { m: boolean, n: number }, q: (number|string)[] }) { };
function a4({x, a}: { x: number, a: number }) { }
a1([1, 2, [["world"]]]);
a1([1, 2, [["world"]], 3]);
// If the declaration includes an initializer expression (which is permitted only
// when the parameter list occurs in conjunction with a function body),
// the parameter type is the widened form (section 3.11) of the type of the initializer expression.
function b1(z = [undefined, null]) { };
function b2(z = null, o = { x: 0, y: undefined }) { }
function b3({z: {x, y: {j}}} = { z: { x: "hi", y: { j: 1 } } }) { }
interface F1 {
b5(z, y, [, a, b], {p, m: { q, r}});
function b6([a, z, y] = [undefined, null, undefined]) { }
function b7([[a], b, [[c, d]]] = [[undefined], undefined, [[undefined, undefined]]]) { }
b1([1, 2, 3]); // z is widen to the type any[]
b2("string", { x: 200, y: "string" });
b2("string", { x: 200, y: true });
b6(["string", 1, 2]); // Shouldn't be an error
b7([["string"], 1, [[true, false]]]); // Shouldn't be an error
// If the declaration specifies a binding pattern, the parameter type is the implied type of that binding pattern (section 5.1.3)
enum Foo { a }
function c0({z: {x, y: {j}}}) { }
function c1({z} = { z: 10 }) { }
function c2({z = 10}) { }
function c3({b}: { b: number|string} = { b: "hello" }) { }
function c5([a, b, [[c]]]) { }
function c6([a, b, [[c=1]]]) { }
c0({z : { x: 1, y: { j: "world" } }}); // Implied type is { z: {x: any, y: {j: any}} }
c0({z : { x: "string", y: { j: true } }}); // Implied type is { z: {x: any, y: {j: any}} }
c1(); // Implied type is {z:number}?
c1({ z: 1 }) // Implied type is {z:number}?
c2({}); // Implied type is {z?: number}
c2({z:1}); // Implied type is {z?: number}
c3({ b: 1 }); // Implied type is { b: number|string }.
c5([1, 2, [["string"]]]); // Implied type is is [any, any, [[any]]]
c5([1, 2, [["string"]], false, true]); // Implied type is is [any, any, [[any]]]
// A parameter can be marked optional by following its name or binding pattern with a question mark (?)
// or by including an initializer.
function d0(x?) { }
function d0(x = 10) { }
interface F2 {
d3([a, b, c]?);
d4({x, y, z}?);
e0([a, b, c]);
class C2 implements F2 {
constructor() { }
d3() { }
d4() { }
e0([a, b, c]) { }
class C3 implements F2 {
d3([a, b, c]) { }
d4({x, y, z}) { }
e0([a, b, c]) { }
function d5({x, y} = { x: 1, y: 2 }) { }
d5(); // Parameter is optional as its declaration included an initializer
// Destructuring parameter declarations do not permit type annotations on the individual binding patterns,
// as such annotations would conflict with the already established meaning of colons in object literals.
// Type annotations must instead be written on the top- level parameter declaration
function e1({x: number}) { } // x has type any NOT number
function e2({x}: { x: number }) { } // x is type number
function e3({x}: { x?: number }) { } // x is an optional with type number
function e4({x: [number,string,any] }) { } // x has type [any, any, any]
function e5({x: [a, b, c]}: { x: [number, number, number] }) { } // x has type [any, any, any]
//// [destructuringParameterDeclaration1ES5iterable.js]
// A parameter declaration may specify either an identifier or a binding pattern.
// The identifiers specified in parameter declarations and binding patterns
// in a parameter list must be unique within that parameter list.
var __read = (this && this.__read) || function (o, n) {
if (!(m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator])) return o;
var m, i = m.call(o), ar = [], r, e;
try { while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value); }
catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
finally { try { if (m = !(r && r.done) && i["return"]) m.call(i); } finally { if (e) throw e.error; } }
return ar;
// If the declaration includes a type annotation, the parameter is of that type
function a1(_a) {
var _b = __read(_a, 3), a = _b[0], b = _b[1], _c = __read(_b[2], 1), _d = __read(_c[0], 1), c = _d[0];
function a2(o) { }
function a3(_a) {
var j = _a.j, k = _a.k, _b = _a.l, m = _b.m, n = _b.n, _c = __read(_a.q, 3), a = _c[0], b = _c[1], c = _c[2];
function a4(_a) {
var x = _a.x, a = _a.a;
a1([1, 2, [["world"]]]);
a1([1, 2, [["world"]], 3]);
// If the declaration includes an initializer expression (which is permitted only
// when the parameter list occurs in conjunction with a function body),
// the parameter type is the widened form (section 3.11) of the type of the initializer expression.
function b1(z) {
if (z === void 0) { z = [undefined, null]; }
function b2(z, o) {
if (z === void 0) { z = null; }
if (o === void 0) { o = { x: 0, y: undefined }; }
function b3(_a) {
var _b = (_a === void 0 ? { z: { x: "hi", y: { j: 1 } } } : _a).z, x = _b.x, j = _b.y.j;
function b6(_a) {
var _b = __read(_a === void 0 ? [undefined, null, undefined] : _a, 3), a = _b[0], z = _b[1], y = _b[2];
function b7(_a) {
var _b = __read(_a === void 0 ? [[undefined], undefined, [[undefined, undefined]]] : _a, 3), _c = __read(_b[0], 1), a = _c[0], b = _b[1], _d = __read(_b[2], 1), _e = __read(_d[0], 2), c = _e[0], d = _e[1];
b1([1, 2, 3]); // z is widen to the type any[]
b2("string", { x: 200, y: "string" });
b2("string", { x: 200, y: true });
b6(["string", 1, 2]); // Shouldn't be an error
b7([["string"], 1, [[true, false]]]); // Shouldn't be an error
// If the declaration specifies a binding pattern, the parameter type is the implied type of that binding pattern (section 5.1.3)
var Foo;
(function (Foo) {
Foo[Foo["a"] = 0] = "a";
})(Foo || (Foo = {}));
function c0(_a) {
var _b = _a.z, x = _b.x, j = _b.y.j;
function c1(_a) {
var z = (_a === void 0 ? { z: 10 } : _a).z;
function c2(_a) {
var _b = _a.z, z = _b === void 0 ? 10 : _b;
function c3(_a) {
var b = (_a === void 0 ? { b: "hello" } : _a).b;
function c5(_a) {
var _b = __read(_a, 3), a = _b[0], b = _b[1], _c = __read(_b[2], 1), _d = __read(_c[0], 1), c = _d[0];
function c6(_a) {
var _b = __read(_a, 3), a = _b[0], b = _b[1], _c = __read(_b[2], 1), _d = __read(_c[0], 1), _e = _d[0], c = _e === void 0 ? 1 : _e;
c0({ z: { x: 1, y: { j: "world" } } }); // Implied type is { z: {x: any, y: {j: any}} }
c0({ z: { x: "string", y: { j: true } } }); // Implied type is { z: {x: any, y: {j: any}} }
c1(); // Implied type is {z:number}?
c1({ z: 1 }); // Implied type is {z:number}?
c2({}); // Implied type is {z?: number}
c2({ z: 1 }); // Implied type is {z?: number}
c3({ b: 1 }); // Implied type is { b: number|string }.
c5([1, 2, [["string"]]]); // Implied type is is [any, any, [[any]]]
c5([1, 2, [["string"]], false, true]); // Implied type is is [any, any, [[any]]]
// A parameter can be marked optional by following its name or binding pattern with a question mark (?)
// or by including an initializer.
function d0(x) { }
function d0(x) {
if (x === void 0) { x = 10; }
var C2 = (function () {
function C2() {
C2.prototype.d3 = function () { };
C2.prototype.d4 = function () { };
C2.prototype.e0 = function (_a) {
var _b = __read(_a, 3), a = _b[0], b = _b[1], c = _b[2];
return C2;
var C3 = (function () {
function C3() {
C3.prototype.d3 = function (_a) {
var _b = __read(_a, 3), a = _b[0], b = _b[1], c = _b[2];
C3.prototype.d4 = function (_a) {
var x = _a.x, y = _a.y, z = _a.z;
C3.prototype.e0 = function (_a) {
var _b = __read(_a, 3), a = _b[0], b = _b[1], c = _b[2];
return C3;
function d5(_a) {
var _b = _a === void 0 ? { x: 1, y: 2 } : _a, x = _b.x, y = _b.y;
d5(); // Parameter is optional as its declaration included an initializer
// Destructuring parameter declarations do not permit type annotations on the individual binding patterns,
// as such annotations would conflict with the already established meaning of colons in object literals.
// Type annotations must instead be written on the top- level parameter declaration
function e1(_a) {
var number = _a.x;
} // x has type any NOT number
function e2(_a) {
var x = _a.x;
} // x is type number
function e3(_a) {
var x = _a.x;
} // x is an optional with type number
function e4(_a) {
var _b = __read(_a.x, 3), number = _b[0], string = _b[1], any = _b[2];
} // x has type [any, any, any]
function e5(_a) {
var _b = __read(_a.x, 3), a = _b[0], b = _b[1], c = _b[2];
} // x has type [any, any, any]

View file

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
//// [destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts]
// If the parameter is a rest parameter, the parameter type is any[]
// A type annotation for a rest parameter must denote an array type.
// RestParameter:
// ... Identifier TypeAnnotation(opt)
type arrayString = Array<String>
type someArray = Array<String> | number[];
type stringOrNumArray = Array<String|Number>;
function a1(...x: (number|string)[]) { }
function a2(...a) { }
function a3(...a: Array<String>) { }
function a4(...a: arrayString) { }
function a5(...a: stringOrNumArray) { }
function a9([a, b, [[c]]]) { }
function a10([a, b, [[c]], ...x]) { }
function a11([a, b, c, ...x]: number[]) { }
var array = [1, 2, 3];
var array2 = [true, false, "hello"];
a9([1, 2, [["string"]], false, true]); // Parameter type is [any, any, [[any]]]
a10([1, 2, [["string"]], false, true]); // Parameter type is any[]
a10([1, 2, 3, false, true]); // Parameter type is any[]
a10([1, 2]); // Parameter type is any[]
a11([1, 2]); // Parameter type is number[]
// Rest parameter with generic
function foo<T>(...a: T[]) { }
foo<number|string>("hello", 1, 2);
foo("hello", "world");
enum E { a, b }
const enum E1 { a, b }
function foo1<T extends Number>(...a: T[]) { }
foo1(1, 2, 3, E.a);
foo1(1, 2, 3, E1.a, E.b);
//// [destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.js]
// If the parameter is a rest parameter, the parameter type is any[]
// A type annotation for a rest parameter must denote an array type.
var __read = (this && this.__read) || function (o, n) {
if (!(m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator])) return o;
var m, i = m.call(o), ar = [], r, e;
try { while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value); }
catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
finally { try { if (m = !(r && r.done) && i["return"]) m.call(i); } finally { if (e) throw e.error; } }
return ar;
var __spread = (this && this.__spread) || function () {
for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
return ar;
function a1() {
var x = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
x[_i] = arguments[_i];
function a2() {
var a = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
a[_i] = arguments[_i];
function a3() {
var a = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
a[_i] = arguments[_i];
function a4() {
var a = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
a[_i] = arguments[_i];
function a5() {
var a = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
a[_i] = arguments[_i];
function a9(_a) {
var _b = __read(_a, 3), a = _b[0], b = _b[1], _c = __read(_b[2], 1), _d = __read(_c[0], 1), c = _d[0];
function a10(_a) {
var _b = __read(_a), a = _b[0], b = _b[1], _c = __read(_b[2], 1), _d = __read(_c[0], 1), c = _d[0], x = _b.slice(3);
function a11(_a) {
var _b = __read(_a), a = _b[0], b = _b[1], c = _b[2], x = _b.slice(3);
var array = [1, 2, 3];
var array2 = [true, false, "hello"];
a1.apply(void 0, __spread(array));
a9([1, 2, [["string"]], false, true]); // Parameter type is [any, any, [[any]]]
a10([1, 2, [["string"]], false, true]); // Parameter type is any[]
a10([1, 2, 3, false, true]); // Parameter type is any[]
a10([1, 2]); // Parameter type is any[]
a11([1, 2]); // Parameter type is number[]
// Rest parameter with generic
function foo() {
var a = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
a[_i] = arguments[_i];
foo("hello", 1, 2);
foo("hello", "world");
var E;
(function (E) {
E[E["a"] = 0] = "a";
E[E["b"] = 1] = "b";
})(E || (E = {}));
function foo1() {
var a = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
a[_i] = arguments[_i];
foo1(1, 2, 3, E.a);
foo1(1, 2, 3, 0 /* a */, E.b);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts ===
// If the parameter is a rest parameter, the parameter type is any[]
// A type annotation for a rest parameter must denote an array type.
// RestParameter:
// ... Identifier TypeAnnotation(opt)
type arrayString = Array<String>
>arrayString : Symbol(arrayString, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 0, 0))
>Array : Symbol(Array, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>String : Symbol(String, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
type someArray = Array<String> | number[];
>someArray : Symbol(someArray, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 7, 32))
>Array : Symbol(Array, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>String : Symbol(String, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
type stringOrNumArray = Array<String|Number>;
>stringOrNumArray : Symbol(stringOrNumArray, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 8, 42))
>Array : Symbol(Array, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>String : Symbol(String, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>Number : Symbol(Number, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
function a1(...x: (number|string)[]) { }
>a1 : Symbol(a1, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 9, 45))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 11, 12))
function a2(...a) { }
>a2 : Symbol(a2, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 11, 40))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 12, 12))
function a3(...a: Array<String>) { }
>a3 : Symbol(a3, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 12, 21))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 13, 12))
>Array : Symbol(Array, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>String : Symbol(String, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
function a4(...a: arrayString) { }
>a4 : Symbol(a4, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 13, 36))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 14, 12))
>arrayString : Symbol(arrayString, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 0, 0))
function a5(...a: stringOrNumArray) { }
>a5 : Symbol(a5, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 14, 34))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 15, 12))
>stringOrNumArray : Symbol(stringOrNumArray, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 8, 42))
function a9([a, b, [[c]]]) { }
>a9 : Symbol(a9, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 15, 39))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 16, 13))
>b : Symbol(b, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 16, 15))
>c : Symbol(c, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 16, 21))
function a10([a, b, [[c]], ...x]) { }
>a10 : Symbol(a10, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 16, 30))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 17, 14))
>b : Symbol(b, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 17, 16))
>c : Symbol(c, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 17, 22))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 17, 26))
function a11([a, b, c, ...x]: number[]) { }
>a11 : Symbol(a11, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 17, 37))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 18, 14))
>b : Symbol(b, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 18, 16))
>c : Symbol(c, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 18, 19))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 18, 22))
var array = [1, 2, 3];
>array : Symbol(array, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 21, 3))
var array2 = [true, false, "hello"];
>array2 : Symbol(array2, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 22, 3))
>a2 : Symbol(a2, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 11, 40))
>array : Symbol(array, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 21, 3))
>a1 : Symbol(a1, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 9, 45))
>array : Symbol(array, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 21, 3))
a9([1, 2, [["string"]], false, true]); // Parameter type is [any, any, [[any]]]
>a9 : Symbol(a9, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 15, 39))
a10([1, 2, [["string"]], false, true]); // Parameter type is any[]
>a10 : Symbol(a10, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 16, 30))
a10([1, 2, 3, false, true]); // Parameter type is any[]
>a10 : Symbol(a10, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 16, 30))
a10([1, 2]); // Parameter type is any[]
>a10 : Symbol(a10, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 16, 30))
a11([1, 2]); // Parameter type is number[]
>a11 : Symbol(a11, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 17, 37))
// Rest parameter with generic
function foo<T>(...a: T[]) { }
>foo : Symbol(foo, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 31, 12))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 34, 13))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 34, 16))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 34, 13))
foo<number|string>("hello", 1, 2);
>foo : Symbol(foo, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 31, 12))
foo("hello", "world");
>foo : Symbol(foo, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 31, 12))
enum E { a, b }
>E : Symbol(E, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 36, 22))
>a : Symbol(E.a, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 38, 8))
>b : Symbol(E.b, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 38, 11))
const enum E1 { a, b }
>E1 : Symbol(E1, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 38, 15))
>a : Symbol(E1.a, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 39, 15))
>b : Symbol(E1.b, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 39, 18))
function foo1<T extends Number>(...a: T[]) { }
>foo1 : Symbol(foo1, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 39, 22))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 40, 14))
>Number : Symbol(Number, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 40, 32))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 40, 14))
foo1(1, 2, 3, E.a);
>foo1 : Symbol(foo1, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 39, 22))
>E.a : Symbol(E.a, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 38, 8))
>E : Symbol(E, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 36, 22))
>a : Symbol(E.a, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 38, 8))
foo1(1, 2, 3, E1.a, E.b);
>foo1 : Symbol(foo1, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 39, 22))
>E1.a : Symbol(E1.a, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 39, 15))
>E1 : Symbol(E1, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 38, 15))
>a : Symbol(E1.a, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 39, 15))
>E.b : Symbol(E.b, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 38, 11))
>E : Symbol(E, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 36, 22))
>b : Symbol(E.b, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts, 38, 11))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/destructuringParameterDeclaration3ES5iterable.ts ===
// If the parameter is a rest parameter, the parameter type is any[]
// A type annotation for a rest parameter must denote an array type.
// RestParameter:
// ... Identifier TypeAnnotation(opt)
type arrayString = Array<String>
>arrayString : String[]
>Array : T[]
>String : String
type someArray = Array<String> | number[];
>someArray : someArray
>Array : T[]
>String : String
type stringOrNumArray = Array<String|Number>;
>stringOrNumArray : (String | Number)[]
>Array : T[]
>String : String
>Number : Number
function a1(...x: (number|string)[]) { }
>a1 : (...x: (string | number)[]) => void
>x : (string | number)[]
function a2(...a) { }
>a2 : (...a: any[]) => void
>a : any[]
function a3(...a: Array<String>) { }
>a3 : (...a: String[]) => void
>a : String[]
>Array : T[]
>String : String
function a4(...a: arrayString) { }
>a4 : (...a: String[]) => void
>a : String[]
>arrayString : String[]
function a5(...a: stringOrNumArray) { }
>a5 : (...a: (String | Number)[]) => void
>a : (String | Number)[]
>stringOrNumArray : (String | Number)[]
function a9([a, b, [[c]]]) { }
>a9 : ([a, b, [[c]]]: [any, any, [[any]]]) => void
>a : any
>b : any
>c : any
function a10([a, b, [[c]], ...x]) { }
>a10 : ([a, b, [[c]], ...x]: any[]) => void
>a : any
>b : any
>c : any
>x : any[]
function a11([a, b, c, ...x]: number[]) { }
>a11 : ([a, b, c, ...x]: number[]) => void
>a : number
>b : number
>c : number
>x : number[]
var array = [1, 2, 3];
>array : number[]
>[1, 2, 3] : number[]
>1 : 1
>2 : 2
>3 : 3
var array2 = [true, false, "hello"];
>array2 : (string | boolean)[]
>[true, false, "hello"] : (string | boolean)[]
>true : true
>false : false
>"hello" : "hello"
>a2([...array]) : void
>a2 : (...a: any[]) => void
>[...array] : number[]
>...array : number
>array : number[]
>a1(...array) : void
>a1 : (...x: (string | number)[]) => void
>...array : number
>array : number[]
a9([1, 2, [["string"]], false, true]); // Parameter type is [any, any, [[any]]]
>a9([1, 2, [["string"]], false, true]) : void
>a9 : ([a, b, [[c]]]: [any, any, [[any]]]) => void
>[1, 2, [["string"]], false, true] : [number, number, [[string]], boolean, boolean]
>1 : 1
>2 : 2
>[["string"]] : [[string]]
>["string"] : [string]
>"string" : "string"
>false : false
>true : true
a10([1, 2, [["string"]], false, true]); // Parameter type is any[]
>a10([1, 2, [["string"]], false, true]) : void
>a10 : ([a, b, [[c]], ...x]: any[]) => void
>[1, 2, [["string"]], false, true] : (number | boolean | string[][])[]
>1 : 1
>2 : 2
>[["string"]] : string[][]
>["string"] : string[]
>"string" : "string"
>false : false
>true : true
a10([1, 2, 3, false, true]); // Parameter type is any[]
>a10([1, 2, 3, false, true]) : void
>a10 : ([a, b, [[c]], ...x]: any[]) => void
>[1, 2, 3, false, true] : (number | boolean)[]
>1 : 1
>2 : 2
>3 : 3
>false : false
>true : true
a10([1, 2]); // Parameter type is any[]
>a10([1, 2]) : void
>a10 : ([a, b, [[c]], ...x]: any[]) => void
>[1, 2] : number[]
>1 : 1
>2 : 2
a11([1, 2]); // Parameter type is number[]
>a11([1, 2]) : void
>a11 : ([a, b, c, ...x]: number[]) => void
>[1, 2] : number[]
>1 : 1
>2 : 2
// Rest parameter with generic
function foo<T>(...a: T[]) { }
>foo : <T>(...a: T[]) => void
>T : T
>a : T[]
>T : T
foo<number|string>("hello", 1, 2);
>foo<number|string>("hello", 1, 2) : void
>foo : <T>(...a: T[]) => void
>"hello" : "hello"
>1 : 1
>2 : 2
foo("hello", "world");
>foo("hello", "world") : void
>foo : <T>(...a: T[]) => void
>"hello" : "hello"
>"world" : "world"
enum E { a, b }
>E : E
>a : E.a
>b : E.b
const enum E1 { a, b }
>E1 : E1
>a : E1.a
>b : E1.b
function foo1<T extends Number>(...a: T[]) { }
>foo1 : <T extends Number>(...a: T[]) => void
>T : T
>Number : Number
>a : T[]
>T : T
foo1(1, 2, 3, E.a);
>foo1(1, 2, 3, E.a) : void
>foo1 : <T extends Number>(...a: T[]) => void
>1 : 1
>2 : 2
>3 : 3
>E.a : E.a
>E : typeof E
>a : E.a
foo1(1, 2, 3, E1.a, E.b);
>foo1(1, 2, 3, E1.a, E.b) : void
>foo1 : <T extends Number>(...a: T[]) => void
>1 : 1
>2 : 2
>3 : 3
>E1.a : E1.a
>E1 : typeof E1
>a : E1.a
>E.b : E.b
>E : typeof E
>b : E.b

View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
//// [destructuringParameterDeclaration7ES5iterable.ts]
interface ISomething {
foo: string,
bar: string
function foo({}, {foo, bar}: ISomething) {}
function baz([], {foo, bar}: ISomething) {}
function one([], {}) {}
function two([], [a, b, c]: number[]) {}
//// [destructuringParameterDeclaration7ES5iterable.js]
var __read = (this && this.__read) || function (o, n) {
if (!(m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator])) return o;
var m, i = m.call(o), ar = [], r, e;
try { while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value); }
catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
finally { try { if (m = !(r && r.done) && i["return"]) m.call(i); } finally { if (e) throw e.error; } }
return ar;
function foo(_a, _b) {
var foo = _b.foo, bar = _b.bar;
function baz(_a, _b) {
var foo = _b.foo, bar = _b.bar;
function one(_a, _b) { }
function two(_a, _b) {
var _c = __read(_b, 3), a = _c[0], b = _c[1], c = _c[2];

View file

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/destructuringParameterDeclaration7ES5iterable.ts ===
interface ISomething {
>ISomething : Symbol(ISomething, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration7ES5iterable.ts, 0, 0))
foo: string,
>foo : Symbol(ISomething.foo, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration7ES5iterable.ts, 1, 22))
bar: string
>bar : Symbol(ISomething.bar, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration7ES5iterable.ts, 2, 16))
function foo({}, {foo, bar}: ISomething) {}
>foo : Symbol(foo, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration7ES5iterable.ts, 4, 1))
>foo : Symbol(foo, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration7ES5iterable.ts, 6, 18))
>bar : Symbol(bar, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration7ES5iterable.ts, 6, 22))
>ISomething : Symbol(ISomething, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration7ES5iterable.ts, 0, 0))
function baz([], {foo, bar}: ISomething) {}
>baz : Symbol(baz, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration7ES5iterable.ts, 6, 43))
>foo : Symbol(foo, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration7ES5iterable.ts, 8, 18))
>bar : Symbol(bar, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration7ES5iterable.ts, 8, 22))
>ISomething : Symbol(ISomething, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration7ES5iterable.ts, 0, 0))
function one([], {}) {}
>one : Symbol(one, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration7ES5iterable.ts, 8, 43))
function two([], [a, b, c]: number[]) {}
>two : Symbol(two, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration7ES5iterable.ts, 10, 23))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration7ES5iterable.ts, 12, 18))
>b : Symbol(b, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration7ES5iterable.ts, 12, 20))
>c : Symbol(c, Decl(destructuringParameterDeclaration7ES5iterable.ts, 12, 23))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/destructuringParameterDeclaration7ES5iterable.ts ===
interface ISomething {
>ISomething : ISomething
foo: string,
>foo : string
bar: string
>bar : string
function foo({}, {foo, bar}: ISomething) {}
>foo : ({}: {}, {foo, bar}: ISomething) => void
>foo : string
>bar : string
>ISomething : ISomething
function baz([], {foo, bar}: ISomething) {}
>baz : ([]: any[], {foo, bar}: ISomething) => void
>foo : string
>bar : string
>ISomething : ISomething
function one([], {}) {}
>one : ([]: any[], {}: {}) => void
function two([], [a, b, c]: number[]) {}
>two : ([]: any[], [a, b, c]: number[]) => void
>a : number
>b : number
>c : number

View file

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
//// [destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts]
// The type T associated with a destructuring variable declaration is determined as follows:
// If the declaration includes a type annotation, T is that type.
var {a1, a2}: { a1: number, a2: string } = { a1: 10, a2: "world" }
var [a3, [[a4]], a5]: [number, [[string]], boolean] = [1, [["hello"]], true];
// The type T associated with a destructuring variable declaration is determined as follows:
// Otherwise, if the declaration includes an initializer expression, T is the type of that initializer expression.
var { b1: { b11 } = { b11: "string" } } = { b1: { b11: "world" } };
var temp = { t1: true, t2: "false" };
var [b2 = 3, b3 = true, b4 = temp] = [3, false, { t1: false, t2: "hello" }];
var [b5 = 3, b6 = true, b7 = temp] = [undefined, undefined, undefined];
// The type T associated with a binding element is determined as follows:
// If the binding element is a rest element, T is an array type with
// an element type E, where E is the type of the numeric index signature of S.
var [...c1] = [1,2,3];
var [...c2] = [1,2,3, "string"];
// The type T associated with a binding element is determined as follows:
// Otherwise, if S is a tuple- like type (section 3.3.3):
// Let N be the zero-based index of the binding element in the array binding pattern.
// If S has a property with the numerical name N, T is the type of that property.
var [d1,d2] = [1,"string"]
// The type T associated with a binding element is determined as follows:
// Otherwise, if S is a tuple- like type (section 3.3.3):
// Otherwise, if S has a numeric index signature, T is the type of the numeric index signature.
var temp1 = [true, false, true]
var [d3, d4] = [1, "string", ...temp1];
// Combining both forms of destructuring,
var {e: [e1, e2, e3 = { b1: 1000, b4: 200 }]} = { e: [1, 2, { b1: 4, b4: 0 }] };
var {f: [f1, f2, { f3: f4, f5 }, , ]} = { f: [1, 2, { f3: 4, f5: 0 }] };
// When a destructuring variable declaration, binding property, or binding element specifies
// an initializer expression, the type of the initializer expression is required to be assignable
// to the widened form of the type associated with the destructuring variable declaration, binding property, or binding element.
var {g: {g1 = [undefined, null]}}: { g: { g1: any[] } } = { g: { g1: [1, 2] } };
var {h: {h1 = [undefined, null]}}: { h: { h1: number[] } } = { h: { h1: [1, 2] } };
//// [destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.js]
var __read = (this && this.__read) || function (o, n) {
if (!(m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator])) return o;
var m, i = m.call(o), ar = [], r, e;
try { while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value); }
catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
finally { try { if (m = !(r && r.done) && i["return"]) m.call(i); } finally { if (e) throw e.error; } }
return ar;
var __spread = (this && this.__spread) || function () {
for (var ar = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) ar = ar.concat(__read(arguments[i]));
return ar;
// The type T associated with a destructuring variable declaration is determined as follows:
// If the declaration includes a type annotation, T is that type.
var _a = { a1: 10, a2: "world" }, a1 = _a.a1, a2 = _a.a2;
var _b = __read([1, [["hello"]], true], 3), a3 = _b[0], _c = __read(_b[1], 1), _d = __read(_c[0], 1), a4 = _d[0], a5 = _b[2];
// The type T associated with a destructuring variable declaration is determined as follows:
// Otherwise, if the declaration includes an initializer expression, T is the type of that initializer expression.
var _e = { b1: { b11: "world" } }.b1, b11 = (_e === void 0 ? { b11: "string" } : _e).b11;
var temp = { t1: true, t2: "false" };
var _f = __read([3, false, { t1: false, t2: "hello" }], 3), _g = _f[0], b2 = _g === void 0 ? 3 : _g, _h = _f[1], b3 = _h === void 0 ? true : _h, _j = _f[2], b4 = _j === void 0 ? temp : _j;
var _k = __read([undefined, undefined, undefined], 3), _l = _k[0], b5 = _l === void 0 ? 3 : _l, _m = _k[1], b6 = _m === void 0 ? true : _m, _o = _k[2], b7 = _o === void 0 ? temp : _o;
// The type T associated with a binding element is determined as follows:
// If the binding element is a rest element, T is an array type with
// an element type E, where E is the type of the numeric index signature of S.
var _p = __read([1, 2, 3]), c1 = _p.slice(0);
var _q = __read([1, 2, 3, "string"]), c2 = _q.slice(0);
// The type T associated with a binding element is determined as follows:
// Otherwise, if S is a tuple- like type (section 3.3.3):
// Let N be the zero-based index of the binding element in the array binding pattern.
// If S has a property with the numerical name N, T is the type of that property.
var _r = __read([1, "string"], 2), d1 = _r[0], d2 = _r[1];
// The type T associated with a binding element is determined as follows:
// Otherwise, if S is a tuple- like type (section 3.3.3):
// Otherwise, if S has a numeric index signature, T is the type of the numeric index signature.
var temp1 = [true, false, true];
var _s = __read(__spread([1, "string"], temp1), 2), d3 = _s[0], d4 = _s[1];
// Combining both forms of destructuring,
var _t = __read({ e: [1, 2, { b1: 4, b4: 0 }] }.e, 3), e1 = _t[0], e2 = _t[1], _u = _t[2], e3 = _u === void 0 ? { b1: 1000, b4: 200 } : _u;
var _v = __read({ f: [1, 2, { f3: 4, f5: 0 }] }.f, 4), f1 = _v[0], f2 = _v[1], _w = _v[2], f4 = _w.f3, f5 = _w.f5;
// When a destructuring variable declaration, binding property, or binding element specifies
// an initializer expression, the type of the initializer expression is required to be assignable
// to the widened form of the type associated with the destructuring variable declaration, binding property, or binding element.
var _x = { g: { g1: [1, 2] } }.g.g1, g1 = _x === void 0 ? [undefined, null] : _x;
var _y = { h: { h1: [1, 2] } }.h.h1, h1 = _y === void 0 ? [undefined, null] : _y;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts ===
// The type T associated with a destructuring variable declaration is determined as follows:
// If the declaration includes a type annotation, T is that type.
var {a1, a2}: { a1: number, a2: string } = { a1: 10, a2: "world" }
>a1 : Symbol(a1, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 2, 5))
>a2 : Symbol(a2, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 2, 8))
>a1 : Symbol(a1, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 2, 15))
>a2 : Symbol(a2, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 2, 27))
>a1 : Symbol(a1, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 2, 44))
>a2 : Symbol(a2, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 2, 52))
var [a3, [[a4]], a5]: [number, [[string]], boolean] = [1, [["hello"]], true];
>a3 : Symbol(a3, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 3, 5))
>a4 : Symbol(a4, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 3, 11))
>a5 : Symbol(a5, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 3, 16))
// The type T associated with a destructuring variable declaration is determined as follows:
// Otherwise, if the declaration includes an initializer expression, T is the type of that initializer expression.
var { b1: { b11 } = { b11: "string" } } = { b1: { b11: "world" } };
>b1 : Symbol(b1, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 7, 44))
>b11 : Symbol(b11, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 7, 11))
>b11 : Symbol(b11, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 7, 21))
>b1 : Symbol(b1, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 7, 44))
>b11 : Symbol(b11, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 7, 50))
var temp = { t1: true, t2: "false" };
>temp : Symbol(temp, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 8, 3))
>t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 8, 12))
>t2 : Symbol(t2, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 8, 22))
var [b2 = 3, b3 = true, b4 = temp] = [3, false, { t1: false, t2: "hello" }];
>b2 : Symbol(b2, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 9, 5))
>b3 : Symbol(b3, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 9, 12))
>b4 : Symbol(b4, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 9, 23))
>temp : Symbol(temp, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 8, 3))
>t1 : Symbol(t1, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 9, 49))
>t2 : Symbol(t2, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 9, 60))
var [b5 = 3, b6 = true, b7 = temp] = [undefined, undefined, undefined];
>b5 : Symbol(b5, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 10, 5))
>b6 : Symbol(b6, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 10, 12))
>b7 : Symbol(b7, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 10, 23))
>temp : Symbol(temp, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 8, 3))
>undefined : Symbol(undefined)
>undefined : Symbol(undefined)
>undefined : Symbol(undefined)
// The type T associated with a binding element is determined as follows:
// If the binding element is a rest element, T is an array type with
// an element type E, where E is the type of the numeric index signature of S.
var [...c1] = [1,2,3];
>c1 : Symbol(c1, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 15, 5))
var [...c2] = [1,2,3, "string"];
>c2 : Symbol(c2, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 16, 5))
// The type T associated with a binding element is determined as follows:
// Otherwise, if S is a tuple- like type (section 3.3.3):
// Let N be the zero-based index of the binding element in the array binding pattern.
// If S has a property with the numerical name N, T is the type of that property.
var [d1,d2] = [1,"string"]
>d1 : Symbol(d1, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 22, 5))
>d2 : Symbol(d2, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 22, 8))
// The type T associated with a binding element is determined as follows:
// Otherwise, if S is a tuple- like type (section 3.3.3):
// Otherwise, if S has a numeric index signature, T is the type of the numeric index signature.
var temp1 = [true, false, true]
>temp1 : Symbol(temp1, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 27, 3))
var [d3, d4] = [1, "string", ...temp1];
>d3 : Symbol(d3, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 28, 5))
>d4 : Symbol(d4, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 28, 8))
>temp1 : Symbol(temp1, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 27, 3))
// Combining both forms of destructuring,
var {e: [e1, e2, e3 = { b1: 1000, b4: 200 }]} = { e: [1, 2, { b1: 4, b4: 0 }] };
>e : Symbol(e, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 31, 49))
>e1 : Symbol(e1, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 31, 9))
>e2 : Symbol(e2, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 31, 12))
>e3 : Symbol(e3, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 31, 16))
>b1 : Symbol(b1, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 31, 23))
>b4 : Symbol(b4, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 31, 33))
>e : Symbol(e, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 31, 49))
>b1 : Symbol(b1, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 31, 61))
>b4 : Symbol(b4, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 31, 68))
var {f: [f1, f2, { f3: f4, f5 }, , ]} = { f: [1, 2, { f3: 4, f5: 0 }] };
>f : Symbol(f, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 32, 41))
>f1 : Symbol(f1, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 32, 9))
>f2 : Symbol(f2, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 32, 12))
>f3 : Symbol(f3, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 32, 53))
>f4 : Symbol(f4, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 32, 18))
>f5 : Symbol(f5, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 32, 26))
>f : Symbol(f, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 32, 41))
>f3 : Symbol(f3, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 32, 53))
>f5 : Symbol(f5, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 32, 60))
// When a destructuring variable declaration, binding property, or binding element specifies
// an initializer expression, the type of the initializer expression is required to be assignable
// to the widened form of the type associated with the destructuring variable declaration, binding property, or binding element.
var {g: {g1 = [undefined, null]}}: { g: { g1: any[] } } = { g: { g1: [1, 2] } };
>g : Symbol(g, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 37, 36))
>g1 : Symbol(g1, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 37, 9))
>undefined : Symbol(undefined)
>g : Symbol(g, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 37, 36))
>g1 : Symbol(g1, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 37, 41))
>g : Symbol(g, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 37, 59))
>g1 : Symbol(g1, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 37, 64))
var {h: {h1 = [undefined, null]}}: { h: { h1: number[] } } = { h: { h1: [1, 2] } };
>h : Symbol(h, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 38, 36))
>h1 : Symbol(h1, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 38, 9))
>undefined : Symbol(undefined)
>h : Symbol(h, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 38, 36))
>h1 : Symbol(h1, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 38, 41))
>h : Symbol(h, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 38, 62))
>h1 : Symbol(h1, Decl(destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts, 38, 67))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/destructuringVariableDeclaration1ES5iterable.ts ===
// The type T associated with a destructuring variable declaration is determined as follows:
// If the declaration includes a type annotation, T is that type.
var {a1, a2}: { a1: number, a2: string } = { a1: 10, a2: "world" }
>a1 : number
>a2 : string
>a1 : number
>a2 : string
>{ a1: 10, a2: "world" } : { a1: number; a2: string; }
>a1 : number
>10 : 10
>a2 : string
>"world" : "world"
var [a3, [[a4]], a5]: [number, [[string]], boolean] = [1, [["hello"]], true];
>a3 : number
>a4 : string
>a5 : boolean
>[1, [["hello"]], true] : [number, [[string]], true]
>1 : 1
>[["hello"]] : [[string]]
>["hello"] : [string]
>"hello" : "hello"
>true : true
// The type T associated with a destructuring variable declaration is determined as follows:
// Otherwise, if the declaration includes an initializer expression, T is the type of that initializer expression.
var { b1: { b11 } = { b11: "string" } } = { b1: { b11: "world" } };
>b1 : any
>b11 : string
>{ b11: "string" } : { b11: string; }
>b11 : string
>"string" : "string"
>{ b1: { b11: "world" } } : { b1?: { b11: string; }; }
>b1 : { b11: string; }
>{ b11: "world" } : { b11: string; }
>b11 : string
>"world" : "world"
var temp = { t1: true, t2: "false" };
>temp : { t1: boolean; t2: string; }
>{ t1: true, t2: "false" } : { t1: boolean; t2: string; }
>t1 : boolean
>true : true
>t2 : string
>"false" : "false"
var [b2 = 3, b3 = true, b4 = temp] = [3, false, { t1: false, t2: "hello" }];
>b2 : number
>3 : 3
>b3 : boolean
>true : true
>b4 : { t1: boolean; t2: string; }
>temp : { t1: boolean; t2: string; }
>[3, false, { t1: false, t2: "hello" }] : [number, false, { t1: false; t2: string; }]
>3 : 3
>false : false
>{ t1: false, t2: "hello" } : { t1: false; t2: string; }
>t1 : boolean
>false : false
>t2 : string
>"hello" : "hello"
var [b5 = 3, b6 = true, b7 = temp] = [undefined, undefined, undefined];
>b5 : 3
>3 : 3
>b6 : true
>true : true
>b7 : { t1: boolean; t2: string; }
>temp : { t1: boolean; t2: string; }
>[undefined, undefined, undefined] : [undefined, undefined, undefined]
>undefined : undefined
>undefined : undefined
>undefined : undefined
// The type T associated with a binding element is determined as follows:
// If the binding element is a rest element, T is an array type with
// an element type E, where E is the type of the numeric index signature of S.
var [...c1] = [1,2,3];
>c1 : number[]
>[1,2,3] : number[]
>1 : 1
>2 : 2
>3 : 3
var [...c2] = [1,2,3, "string"];
>c2 : (string | number)[]
>[1,2,3, "string"] : (string | number)[]
>1 : 1
>2 : 2
>3 : 3
>"string" : "string"
// The type T associated with a binding element is determined as follows:
// Otherwise, if S is a tuple- like type (section 3.3.3):
// Let N be the zero-based index of the binding element in the array binding pattern.
// If S has a property with the numerical name N, T is the type of that property.
var [d1,d2] = [1,"string"]
>d1 : number
>d2 : string
>[1,"string"] : [number, string]
>1 : 1
>"string" : "string"
// The type T associated with a binding element is determined as follows:
// Otherwise, if S is a tuple- like type (section 3.3.3):
// Otherwise, if S has a numeric index signature, T is the type of the numeric index signature.
var temp1 = [true, false, true]
>temp1 : boolean[]
>[true, false, true] : boolean[]
>true : true
>false : false
>true : true
var [d3, d4] = [1, "string", ...temp1];
>d3 : string | number | boolean
>d4 : string | number | boolean
>[1, "string", ...temp1] : (string | number | boolean)[]
>1 : 1
>"string" : "string"
>...temp1 : boolean
>temp1 : boolean[]
// Combining both forms of destructuring,
var {e: [e1, e2, e3 = { b1: 1000, b4: 200 }]} = { e: [1, 2, { b1: 4, b4: 0 }] };
>e : any
>e1 : number
>e2 : number
>e3 : { b1: number; b4: number; }
>{ b1: 1000, b4: 200 } : { b1: number; b4: number; }
>b1 : number
>1000 : 1000
>b4 : number
>200 : 200
>{ e: [1, 2, { b1: 4, b4: 0 }] } : { e: [number, number, { b1: number; b4: number; }]; }
>e : [number, number, { b1: number; b4: number; }]
>[1, 2, { b1: 4, b4: 0 }] : [number, number, { b1: number; b4: number; }]
>1 : 1
>2 : 2
>{ b1: 4, b4: 0 } : { b1: number; b4: number; }
>b1 : number
>4 : 4
>b4 : number
>0 : 0
var {f: [f1, f2, { f3: f4, f5 }, , ]} = { f: [1, 2, { f3: 4, f5: 0 }] };
>f : any
>f1 : number
>f2 : number
>f3 : any
>f4 : number
>f5 : number
> : undefined
>{ f: [1, 2, { f3: 4, f5: 0 }] } : { f: [number, number, { f3: number; f5: number; }, any]; }
>f : [number, number, { f3: number; f5: number; }, any]
>[1, 2, { f3: 4, f5: 0 }] : [number, number, { f3: number; f5: number; }, any]
>1 : 1
>2 : 2
>{ f3: 4, f5: 0 } : { f3: number; f5: number; }
>f3 : number
>4 : 4
>f5 : number
>0 : 0
// When a destructuring variable declaration, binding property, or binding element specifies
// an initializer expression, the type of the initializer expression is required to be assignable
// to the widened form of the type associated with the destructuring variable declaration, binding property, or binding element.
var {g: {g1 = [undefined, null]}}: { g: { g1: any[] } } = { g: { g1: [1, 2] } };
>g : any
>g1 : any[]
>[undefined, null] : null[]
>undefined : undefined
>null : null
>g : { g1: any[]; }
>g1 : any[]
>{ g: { g1: [1, 2] } } : { g: { g1: number[]; }; }
>g : { g1: number[]; }
>{ g1: [1, 2] } : { g1: number[]; }
>g1 : number[]
>[1, 2] : number[]
>1 : 1
>2 : 2
var {h: {h1 = [undefined, null]}}: { h: { h1: number[] } } = { h: { h1: [1, 2] } };
>h : any
>h1 : number[]
>[undefined, null] : null[]
>undefined : undefined
>null : null
>h : { h1: number[]; }
>h1 : number[]
>{ h: { h1: [1, 2] } } : { h: { h1: number[]; }; }
>h : { h1: number[]; }
>{ h1: [1, 2] } : { h1: number[]; }
>h1 : number[]
>[1, 2] : number[]
>1 : 1
>2 : 2

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
//// [emptyAssignmentPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts]
var a: any;
({} = a);
([] = a);
//// [emptyAssignmentPatterns01_ES5iterable.js]
var a;
//// [emptyAssignmentPatterns01_ES5iterable.d.ts]
declare var a: any;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/emptyAssignmentPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts ===
var a: any;
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 1, 3))
({} = a);
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 1, 3))
([] = a);
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 1, 3))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/emptyAssignmentPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts ===
var a: any;
>a : any
({} = a);
>({} = a) : any
>{} = a : any
>{} : {}
>a : any
([] = a);
>([] = a) : any
>[] = a : any
>[] : undefined[]
>a : any

View file

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
//// [emptyAssignmentPatterns02_ES5iterable.ts]
var a: any;
let x, y, z, a1, a2, a3;
({} = { x, y, z } = a);
([] = [ a1, a2, a3] = a);
//// [emptyAssignmentPatterns02_ES5iterable.js]
var __read = (this && this.__read) || function (o, n) {
if (!(m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator])) return o;
var m, i = m.call(o), ar = [], r, e;
try { while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value); }
catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
finally { try { if (m = !(r && r.done) && i["return"]) m.call(i); } finally { if (e) throw e.error; } }
return ar;
var a;
var x, y, z, a1, a2, a3;
(x = a.x, y = a.y, z = a.z);
(_a = __read(a, 3), a1 = _a[0], a2 = _a[1], a3 = _a[2]);
var _a;
//// [emptyAssignmentPatterns02_ES5iterable.d.ts]
declare var a: any;
declare let x: any, y: any, z: any, a1: any, a2: any, a3: any;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/emptyAssignmentPatterns02_ES5iterable.ts ===
var a: any;
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns02_ES5iterable.ts, 1, 3))
let x, y, z, a1, a2, a3;
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns02_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 3))
>y : Symbol(y, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns02_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 6))
>z : Symbol(z, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns02_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 9))
>a1 : Symbol(a1, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns02_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 12))
>a2 : Symbol(a2, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns02_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 16))
>a3 : Symbol(a3, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns02_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 20))
({} = { x, y, z } = a);
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns02_ES5iterable.ts, 4, 7))
>y : Symbol(y, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns02_ES5iterable.ts, 4, 10))
>z : Symbol(z, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns02_ES5iterable.ts, 4, 13))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns02_ES5iterable.ts, 1, 3))
([] = [ a1, a2, a3] = a);
>a1 : Symbol(a1, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns02_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 12))
>a2 : Symbol(a2, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns02_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 16))
>a3 : Symbol(a3, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns02_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 20))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns02_ES5iterable.ts, 1, 3))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/emptyAssignmentPatterns02_ES5iterable.ts ===
var a: any;
>a : any
let x, y, z, a1, a2, a3;
>x : any
>y : any
>z : any
>a1 : any
>a2 : any
>a3 : any
({} = { x, y, z } = a);
>({} = { x, y, z } = a) : any
>{} = { x, y, z } = a : any
>{} : {}
>{ x, y, z } = a : any
>{ x, y, z } : { x: any; y: any; z: any; }
>x : any
>y : any
>z : any
>a : any
([] = [ a1, a2, a3] = a);
>([] = [ a1, a2, a3] = a) : any
>[] = [ a1, a2, a3] = a : any
>[] : undefined[]
>[ a1, a2, a3] = a : any
>[ a1, a2, a3] : [any, any, any]
>a1 : any
>a2 : any
>a3 : any
>a : any

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
//// [emptyAssignmentPatterns03_ES5iterable.ts]
var a: any;
({} = {} = a);
([] = [] = a);
//// [emptyAssignmentPatterns03_ES5iterable.js]
var a;
//// [emptyAssignmentPatterns03_ES5iterable.d.ts]
declare var a: any;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/emptyAssignmentPatterns03_ES5iterable.ts ===
var a: any;
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns03_ES5iterable.ts, 1, 3))
({} = {} = a);
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns03_ES5iterable.ts, 1, 3))
([] = [] = a);
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns03_ES5iterable.ts, 1, 3))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/emptyAssignmentPatterns03_ES5iterable.ts ===
var a: any;
>a : any
({} = {} = a);
>({} = {} = a) : any
>{} = {} = a : any
>{} : {}
>{} = a : any
>{} : {}
>a : any
([] = [] = a);
>([] = [] = a) : any
>[] = [] = a : any
>[] : undefined[]
>[] = a : any
>[] : undefined[]
>a : any

View file

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
//// [emptyAssignmentPatterns04_ES5iterable.ts]
var a: any;
let x, y, z, a1, a2, a3;
({ x, y, z } = {} = a);
([ a1, a2, a3] = [] = a);
//// [emptyAssignmentPatterns04_ES5iterable.js]
var __read = (this && this.__read) || function (o, n) {
if (!(m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator])) return o;
var m, i = m.call(o), ar = [], r, e;
try { while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value); }
catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
finally { try { if (m = !(r && r.done) && i["return"]) m.call(i); } finally { if (e) throw e.error; } }
return ar;
var a;
var x, y, z, a1, a2, a3;
(x = a.x, y = a.y, z = a.z);
(_a = __read(a, 3), a1 = _a[0], a2 = _a[1], a3 = _a[2]);
var _a;
//// [emptyAssignmentPatterns04_ES5iterable.d.ts]
declare var a: any;
declare let x: any, y: any, z: any, a1: any, a2: any, a3: any;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/emptyAssignmentPatterns04_ES5iterable.ts ===
var a: any;
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns04_ES5iterable.ts, 1, 3))
let x, y, z, a1, a2, a3;
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns04_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 3))
>y : Symbol(y, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns04_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 6))
>z : Symbol(z, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns04_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 9))
>a1 : Symbol(a1, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns04_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 12))
>a2 : Symbol(a2, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns04_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 16))
>a3 : Symbol(a3, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns04_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 20))
({ x, y, z } = {} = a);
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns04_ES5iterable.ts, 4, 2))
>y : Symbol(y, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns04_ES5iterable.ts, 4, 5))
>z : Symbol(z, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns04_ES5iterable.ts, 4, 8))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns04_ES5iterable.ts, 1, 3))
([ a1, a2, a3] = [] = a);
>a1 : Symbol(a1, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns04_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 12))
>a2 : Symbol(a2, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns04_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 16))
>a3 : Symbol(a3, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns04_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 20))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyAssignmentPatterns04_ES5iterable.ts, 1, 3))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/emptyAssignmentPatterns04_ES5iterable.ts ===
var a: any;
>a : any
let x, y, z, a1, a2, a3;
>x : any
>y : any
>z : any
>a1 : any
>a2 : any
>a3 : any
({ x, y, z } = {} = a);
>({ x, y, z } = {} = a) : any
>{ x, y, z } = {} = a : any
>{ x, y, z } : { x: any; y: any; z: any; }
>x : any
>y : any
>z : any
>{} = a : any
>{} : {}
>a : any
([ a1, a2, a3] = [] = a);
>([ a1, a2, a3] = [] = a) : any
>[ a1, a2, a3] = [] = a : any
>[ a1, a2, a3] : [any, any, any]
>a1 : any
>a2 : any
>a3 : any
>[] = a : any
>[] : undefined[]
>a : any

View file

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
//// [emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts]
(function () {
var a: any;
var {} = a;
let {} = a;
const {} = a;
var [] = a;
let [] = a;
const [] = a;
var {} = a, [] = a;
let {} = a, [] = a;
const {} = a, [] = a;
var { p1: {}, p2: [] } = a;
let { p1: {}, p2: [] } = a;
const { p1: {}, p2: [] } = a;
for (var {} = {}, {} = {}; false; void 0) {
function f({} = a, [] = a, { p: {} = a} = a) {
return ({} = a, [] = a, { p: {} = a } = a) => a;
(function () {
const ns: number[][] = [];
for (var {} of ns) {
for (let {} of ns) {
for (const {} of ns) {
for (var [] of ns) {
for (let [] of ns) {
for (const [] of ns) {
//// [emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.js]
var __read = (this && this.__read) || function (o, n) {
if (!(m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator])) return o;
var m, i = m.call(o), ar = [], r, e;
try { while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value); }
catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
finally { try { if (m = !(r && r.done) && i["return"]) m.call(i); } finally { if (e) throw e.error; } }
return ar;
var __values = (this && this.__values) || function (o) { return (i = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator] || 0) ? i.call(o) : { next: function () { return { done: d = d || i >= o.length, value: d ? void 0 : o[i++] }; } }; var i, d; };
var __step = (this && this.__step) || function (r) { return !(r.done || (r.done = (r.result = r.iterator.next()).done)); };
var __close = (this && this.__close) || function (r) { return (m = !(r && r.done) && r.iterator["return"]) && m.call(r.iterator); var m; };
(function () {
var a;
var _a = a;
var _b = a;
var _c = a;
var _d = __read(a, 0);
var _e = __read(a, 0);
var _f = __read(a, 0);
var _g = a, _h = __read(a, 0);
var _j = a, _k = __read(a, 0);
var _l = a, _m = __read(a, 0);
var _o = a.p1, _p = __read(a.p2, 0);
var _q = a.p1, _r = __read(a.p2, 0);
var _s = a.p1, _t = __read(a.p2, 0);
for (var _u = {}, _v = {}; false; void 0) {
function f(_a, _b, _c) {
_a = a;
_b = a;
var _d = (_c === void 0 ? a : _c).p, _e = _d === void 0 ? a : _d;
return function (_a, _b, _c) {
_a = a;
_b = a;
var _d = (_c === void 0 ? a : _c).p, _e = _d === void 0 ? a : _d;
return a;
(function () {
var ns = [];
try {
for (var ns_1 = { iterator: __values(ns) }; __step(ns_1);) {
var _a = ns_1.result.value;
catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; }
finally {
try { __close(ns_1); } finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; }
try {
for (var ns_2 = { iterator: __values(ns) }; __step(ns_2);) {
var _b = ns_2.result.value;
catch (e_2_1) { e_2 = { error: e_2_1 }; }
finally {
try { __close(ns_2); } finally { if (e_2) throw e_2.error; }
try {
for (var ns_3 = { iterator: __values(ns) }; __step(ns_3);) {
var _c = ns_3.result.value;
catch (e_3_1) { e_3 = { error: e_3_1 }; }
finally {
try { __close(ns_3); } finally { if (e_3) throw e_3.error; }
try {
for (var ns_4 = { iterator: __values(ns) }; __step(ns_4);) {
var _d = __read(ns_4.result.value, 0);
catch (e_4_1) { e_4 = { error: e_4_1 }; }
finally {
try { __close(ns_4); } finally { if (e_4) throw e_4.error; }
try {
for (var ns_5 = { iterator: __values(ns) }; __step(ns_5);) {
var _e = __read(ns_5.result.value, 0);
catch (e_5_1) { e_5 = { error: e_5_1 }; }
finally {
try { __close(ns_5); } finally { if (e_5) throw e_5.error; }
try {
for (var ns_6 = { iterator: __values(ns) }; __step(ns_6);) {
var _f = __read(ns_6.result.value, 0);
catch (e_6_1) { e_6 = { error: e_6_1 }; }
finally {
try { __close(ns_6); } finally { if (e_6) throw e_6.error; }
var e_1, e_2, e_3, e_4, e_5, e_6;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts ===
(function () {
var a: any;
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 7))
var {} = a;
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 7))
let {} = a;
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 7))
const {} = a;
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 7))
var [] = a;
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 7))
let [] = a;
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 7))
const [] = a;
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 7))
var {} = a, [] = a;
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 7))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 7))
let {} = a, [] = a;
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 7))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 7))
const {} = a, [] = a;
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 7))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 7))
var { p1: {}, p2: [] } = a;
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 7))
let { p1: {}, p2: [] } = a;
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 7))
const { p1: {}, p2: [] } = a;
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 7))
for (var {} = {}, {} = {}; false; void 0) {
function f({} = a, [] = a, { p: {} = a} = a) {
>f : Symbol(f, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 21, 5))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 7))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 7))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 7))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 7))
return ({} = a, [] = a, { p: {} = a } = a) => a;
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 7))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 7))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 7))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 7))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 2, 7))
(function () {
const ns: number[][] = [];
>ns : Symbol(ns, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 29, 9))
for (var {} of ns) {
>ns : Symbol(ns, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 29, 9))
for (let {} of ns) {
>ns : Symbol(ns, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 29, 9))
for (const {} of ns) {
>ns : Symbol(ns, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 29, 9))
for (var [] of ns) {
>ns : Symbol(ns, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 29, 9))
for (let [] of ns) {
>ns : Symbol(ns, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 29, 9))
for (const [] of ns) {
>ns : Symbol(ns, Decl(emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts, 29, 9))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns01_ES5iterable.ts ===
(function () {
>(function () { var a: any; var {} = a; let {} = a; const {} = a; var [] = a; let [] = a; const [] = a; var {} = a, [] = a; let {} = a, [] = a; const {} = a, [] = a; var { p1: {}, p2: [] } = a; let { p1: {}, p2: [] } = a; const { p1: {}, p2: [] } = a; for (var {} = {}, {} = {}; false; void 0) { } function f({} = a, [] = a, { p: {} = a} = a) { return ({} = a, [] = a, { p: {} = a } = a) => a; }})() : void
>(function () { var a: any; var {} = a; let {} = a; const {} = a; var [] = a; let [] = a; const [] = a; var {} = a, [] = a; let {} = a, [] = a; const {} = a, [] = a; var { p1: {}, p2: [] } = a; let { p1: {}, p2: [] } = a; const { p1: {}, p2: [] } = a; for (var {} = {}, {} = {}; false; void 0) { } function f({} = a, [] = a, { p: {} = a} = a) { return ({} = a, [] = a, { p: {} = a } = a) => a; }}) : () => void
>function () { var a: any; var {} = a; let {} = a; const {} = a; var [] = a; let [] = a; const [] = a; var {} = a, [] = a; let {} = a, [] = a; const {} = a, [] = a; var { p1: {}, p2: [] } = a; let { p1: {}, p2: [] } = a; const { p1: {}, p2: [] } = a; for (var {} = {}, {} = {}; false; void 0) { } function f({} = a, [] = a, { p: {} = a} = a) { return ({} = a, [] = a, { p: {} = a } = a) => a; }} : () => void
var a: any;
>a : any
var {} = a;
>a : any
let {} = a;
>a : any
const {} = a;
>a : any
var [] = a;
>a : any
let [] = a;
>a : any
const [] = a;
>a : any
var {} = a, [] = a;
>a : any
>a : any
let {} = a, [] = a;
>a : any
>a : any
const {} = a, [] = a;
>a : any
>a : any
var { p1: {}, p2: [] } = a;
>p1 : any
>p2 : any
>a : any
let { p1: {}, p2: [] } = a;
>p1 : any
>p2 : any
>a : any
const { p1: {}, p2: [] } = a;
>p1 : any
>p2 : any
>a : any
for (var {} = {}, {} = {}; false; void 0) {
>{} : {}
>{} : {}
>false : false
>void 0 : undefined
>0 : 0
function f({} = a, [] = a, { p: {} = a} = a) {
>f : ({}?: any, []?: any, {p: {}}?: any) => ({}?: any, []?: any, {p: {}}?: any) => any
>a : any
>a : any
>p : any
>a : any
>a : any
return ({} = a, [] = a, { p: {} = a } = a) => a;
>({} = a, [] = a, { p: {} = a } = a) => a : ({}?: any, []?: any, {p: {}}?: any) => any
>a : any
>a : any
>p : any
>a : any
>a : any
>a : any
(function () {
>(function () { const ns: number[][] = []; for (var {} of ns) { } for (let {} of ns) { } for (const {} of ns) { } for (var [] of ns) { } for (let [] of ns) { } for (const [] of ns) { }})() : void
>(function () { const ns: number[][] = []; for (var {} of ns) { } for (let {} of ns) { } for (const {} of ns) { } for (var [] of ns) { } for (let [] of ns) { } for (const [] of ns) { }}) : () => void
>function () { const ns: number[][] = []; for (var {} of ns) { } for (let {} of ns) { } for (const {} of ns) { } for (var [] of ns) { } for (let [] of ns) { } for (const [] of ns) { }} : () => void
const ns: number[][] = [];
>ns : number[][]
>[] : undefined[]
for (var {} of ns) {
>ns : number[][]
for (let {} of ns) {
>ns : number[][]
for (const {} of ns) {
>ns : number[][]
for (var [] of ns) {
>ns : number[][]
for (let [] of ns) {
>ns : number[][]
for (const [] of ns) {
>ns : number[][]

View file

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns02_ES5iterable.ts(3,9): error TS1182: A destructuring declaration must have an initializer.
tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns02_ES5iterable.ts(4,9): error TS1182: A destructuring declaration must have an initializer.
tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns02_ES5iterable.ts(5,11): error TS1182: A destructuring declaration must have an initializer.
tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns02_ES5iterable.ts(7,9): error TS1182: A destructuring declaration must have an initializer.
tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns02_ES5iterable.ts(8,9): error TS1182: A destructuring declaration must have an initializer.
tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns02_ES5iterable.ts(9,11): error TS1182: A destructuring declaration must have an initializer.
==== tests/cases/conformance/es6/destructuring/emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns02_ES5iterable.ts (6 errors) ====
(function () {
var {};
!!! error TS1182: A destructuring declaration must have an initializer.
let {};
!!! error TS1182: A destructuring declaration must have an initializer.
const {};
!!! error TS1182: A destructuring declaration must have an initializer.
var [];
!!! error TS1182: A destructuring declaration must have an initializer.
let [];
!!! error TS1182: A destructuring declaration must have an initializer.
const [];
!!! error TS1182: A destructuring declaration must have an initializer.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
//// [emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns02_ES5iterable.ts]
(function () {
var {};
let {};
const {};
var [];
let [];
const [];
//// [emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns02_ES5iterable.js]
var __read = (this && this.__read) || function (o, n) {
if (!(m = typeof Symbol === "function" && o[Symbol.iterator])) return o;
var m, i = m.call(o), ar = [], r, e;
try { while ((n === void 0 || n-- > 0) && !(r = i.next()).done) ar.push(r.value); }
catch (error) { e = { error: error }; }
finally { try { if (m = !(r && r.done) && i["return"]) m.call(i); } finally { if (e) throw e.error; } }
return ar;
(function () {
var _a = void 0;
var _b = void 0;
var _c = void 0;
var _d = __read(void 0, 0);
var _e = __read(void 0, 0);
var _f = __read(void 0, 0);
//// [emptyVariableDeclarationBindingPatterns02_ES5iterable.d.ts]

View file

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
// @iterationMode: iterable
/* AssignmentPattern:
* ObjectAssignmentPattern
* ArrayAssignmentPattern
* ArrayAssignmentPattern:
* [Elision<opt> AssignmentRestElementopt ]
* [AssignmentElementList]
* [AssignmentElementList, Elision<opt> AssignmentRestElementopt ]
* AssignmentElementList:
* Elision<opt> AssignmentElement
* AssignmentElementList, Elisionopt AssignmentElement
* AssignmentElement:
* LeftHandSideExpression Initialiseropt
* AssignmentPattern Initialiseropt
* AssignmentRestElement:
* ... LeftHandSideExpression
// In a destructuring assignment expression, the type of the expression on the right must be assignable to the assignment target on the left.
// An expression of type S is considered assignable to an assignment target V if one of the following is true
// V is an array assignment pattern, S is the type Any or an array-like type (section 3.3.2), and, for each assignment element E in V,
// S is the type Any, or
var [a0, a1]: any = undefined;
var [a2 = false, a3 = 1]: any = undefined;
// V is an array assignment pattern, S is the type Any or an array-like type (section 3.3.2), and, for each assignment element E in V,
// S is a tuple- like type (section 3.3.3) with a property named N of a type that is assignable to the target given in E,
// where N is the numeric index of E in the array assignment pattern, or
var [b0, b1, b2] = [2, 3, 4];
var [b3, b4, b5]: [number, number, string] = [1, 2, "string"];
function foo() {
return [1, 2, 3];
var [b6, b7] = foo();
var [...b8] = foo();
// S is not a tuple- like type and the numeric index signature type of S is assignable to the target given in E.
var temp = [1,2,3]
var [c0, c1] = [...temp];
var [c2] = [];
var [[[c3]], [[[[c4]]]]] = [[[]], [[[[]]]]]
var [[c5], c6]: [[string|number], boolean] = [[1], true];
var [, c7] = [1, 2, 3];
var [,,, c8] = [1, 2, 3, 4];
var [,,, c9] = [1, 2, 3, 4];
var [,,,...c10] = [1, 2, 3, 4, "hello"];
var [c11, c12, ...c13] = [1, 2, "string"];
var [c14, c15, c16] = [1, 2, "string"];

View file

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
// @iterationMode: iterable
// A parameter declaration may specify either an identifier or a binding pattern.
// The identifiers specified in parameter declarations and binding patterns
// in a parameter list must be unique within that parameter list.
// If the declaration includes a type annotation, the parameter is of that type
function a1([a, b, [[c]]]: [number, number, string[][]]) { }
function a2(o: { x: number, a: number }) { }
function a3({j, k, l: {m, n}, q: [a, b, c]}: { j: number, k: string, l: { m: boolean, n: number }, q: (number|string)[] }) { };
function a4({x, a}: { x: number, a: number }) { }
a1([1, 2, [["world"]]]);
a1([1, 2, [["world"]], 3]);
// If the declaration includes an initializer expression (which is permitted only
// when the parameter list occurs in conjunction with a function body),
// the parameter type is the widened form (section 3.11) of the type of the initializer expression.
function b1(z = [undefined, null]) { };
function b2(z = null, o = { x: 0, y: undefined }) { }
function b3({z: {x, y: {j}}} = { z: { x: "hi", y: { j: 1 } } }) { }
interface F1 {
b5(z, y, [, a, b], {p, m: { q, r}});
function b6([a, z, y] = [undefined, null, undefined]) { }
function b7([[a], b, [[c, d]]] = [[undefined], undefined, [[undefined, undefined]]]) { }
b1([1, 2, 3]); // z is widen to the type any[]
b2("string", { x: 200, y: "string" });
b2("string", { x: 200, y: true });
b6(["string", 1, 2]); // Shouldn't be an error
b7([["string"], 1, [[true, false]]]); // Shouldn't be an error
// If the declaration specifies a binding pattern, the parameter type is the implied type of that binding pattern (section 5.1.3)
enum Foo { a }
function c0({z: {x, y: {j}}}) { }
function c1({z} = { z: 10 }) { }
function c2({z = 10}) { }
function c3({b}: { b: number|string} = { b: "hello" }) { }
function c5([a, b, [[c]]]) { }
function c6([a, b, [[c=1]]]) { }
c0({z : { x: 1, y: { j: "world" } }}); // Implied type is { z: {x: any, y: {j: any}} }
c0({z : { x: "string", y: { j: true } }}); // Implied type is { z: {x: any, y: {j: any}} }
c1(); // Implied type is {z:number}?
c1({ z: 1 }) // Implied type is {z:number}?
c2({}); // Implied type is {z?: number}
c2({z:1}); // Implied type is {z?: number}
c3({ b: 1 }); // Implied type is { b: number|string }.
c5([1, 2, [["string"]]]); // Implied type is is [any, any, [[any]]]
c5([1, 2, [["string"]], false, true]); // Implied type is is [any, any, [[any]]]
// A parameter can be marked optional by following its name or binding pattern with a question mark (?)
// or by including an initializer.
function d0(x?) { }
function d0(x = 10) { }
interface F2 {
d3([a, b, c]?);
d4({x, y, z}?);
e0([a, b, c]);
class C2 implements F2 {
constructor() { }
d3() { }
d4() { }
e0([a, b, c]) { }
class C3 implements F2 {
d3([a, b, c]) { }
d4({x, y, z}) { }
e0([a, b, c]) { }
function d5({x, y} = { x: 1, y: 2 }) { }
d5(); // Parameter is optional as its declaration included an initializer
// Destructuring parameter declarations do not permit type annotations on the individual binding patterns,
// as such annotations would conflict with the already established meaning of colons in object literals.
// Type annotations must instead be written on the top- level parameter declaration
function e1({x: number}) { } // x has type any NOT number
function e2({x}: { x: number }) { } // x is type number
function e3({x}: { x?: number }) { } // x is an optional with type number
function e4({x: [number,string,any] }) { } // x has type [any, any, any]
function e5({x: [a, b, c]}: { x: [number, number, number] }) { } // x has type [any, any, any]

View file

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
// @target: es5
// @iterationMode: iterable
// If the parameter is a rest parameter, the parameter type is any[]
// A type annotation for a rest parameter must denote an array type.
// RestParameter:
// ... Identifier TypeAnnotation(opt)
type arrayString = Array<String>
type someArray = Array<String> | number[];
type stringOrNumArray = Array<String|Number>;
function a1(...x: (number|string)[]) { }
function a2(...a) { }
function a3(...a: Array<String>) { }
function a4(...a: arrayString) { }
function a5(...a: stringOrNumArray) { }
function a9([a, b, [[c]]]) { }
function a10([a, b, [[c]], ...x]) { }
function a11([a, b, c, ...x]: number[]) { }
var array = [1, 2, 3];
var array2 = [true, false, "hello"];
a9([1, 2, [["string"]], false, true]); // Parameter type is [any, any, [[any]]]
a10([1, 2, [["string"]], false, true]); // Parameter type is any[]
a10([1, 2, 3, false, true]); // Parameter type is any[]
a10([1, 2]); // Parameter type is any[]
a11([1, 2]); // Parameter type is number[]
// Rest parameter with generic
function foo<T>(...a: T[]) { }
foo<number|string>("hello", 1, 2);
foo("hello", "world");
enum E { a, b }
const enum E1 { a, b }
function foo1<T extends Number>(...a: T[]) { }
foo1(1, 2, 3, E.a);
foo1(1, 2, 3, E1.a, E.b);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
// @target: es5
// @iterationMode: iterable
interface ISomething {
foo: string,
bar: string
function foo({}, {foo, bar}: ISomething) {}
function baz([], {foo, bar}: ISomething) {}
function one([], {}) {}
function two([], [a, b, c]: number[]) {}

View file

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// @iterationMode: iterable
// The type T associated with a destructuring variable declaration is determined as follows:
// If the declaration includes a type annotation, T is that type.
var {a1, a2}: { a1: number, a2: string } = { a1: 10, a2: "world" }
var [a3, [[a4]], a5]: [number, [[string]], boolean] = [1, [["hello"]], true];
// The type T associated with a destructuring variable declaration is determined as follows:
// Otherwise, if the declaration includes an initializer expression, T is the type of that initializer expression.
var { b1: { b11 } = { b11: "string" } } = { b1: { b11: "world" } };
var temp = { t1: true, t2: "false" };
var [b2 = 3, b3 = true, b4 = temp] = [3, false, { t1: false, t2: "hello" }];
var [b5 = 3, b6 = true, b7 = temp] = [undefined, undefined, undefined];
// The type T associated with a binding element is determined as follows:
// If the binding element is a rest element, T is an array type with
// an element type E, where E is the type of the numeric index signature of S.
var [...c1] = [1,2,3];
var [...c2] = [1,2,3, "string"];
// The type T associated with a binding element is determined as follows:
// Otherwise, if S is a tuple- like type (section 3.3.3):
// Let N be the zero-based index of the binding element in the array binding pattern.
// If S has a property with the numerical name N, T is the type of that property.
var [d1,d2] = [1,"string"]
// The type T associated with a binding element is determined as follows:
// Otherwise, if S is a tuple- like type (section 3.3.3):
// Otherwise, if S has a numeric index signature, T is the type of the numeric index signature.
var temp1 = [true, false, true]
var [d3, d4] = [1, "string", ...temp1];
// Combining both forms of destructuring,
var {e: [e1, e2, e3 = { b1: 1000, b4: 200 }]} = { e: [1, 2, { b1: 4, b4: 0 }] };
var {f: [f1, f2, { f3: f4, f5 }, , ]} = { f: [1, 2, { f3: 4, f5: 0 }] };
// When a destructuring variable declaration, binding property, or binding element specifies
// an initializer expression, the type of the initializer expression is required to be assignable
// to the widened form of the type associated with the destructuring variable declaration, binding property, or binding element.
var {g: {g1 = [undefined, null]}}: { g: { g1: any[] } } = { g: { g1: [1, 2] } };
var {h: {h1 = [undefined, null]}}: { h: { h1: number[] } } = { h: { h1: [1, 2] } };

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
// @target: es5
// @declaration: true
// @iterationMode: iterable
var a: any;
({} = a);
([] = a);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
// @target: es5
// @declaration: true
// @iterationMode: iterable
var a: any;
let x, y, z, a1, a2, a3;
({} = { x, y, z } = a);
([] = [ a1, a2, a3] = a);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
// @target: es5
// @declaration: true
// @iterationMode: iterable
var a: any;
({} = {} = a);
([] = [] = a);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
// @target: es5
// @declaration: true
// @iterationMode: iterable
var a: any;
let x, y, z, a1, a2, a3;
({ x, y, z } = {} = a);
([ a1, a2, a3] = [] = a);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
// @target: es5
// @iterationMode: iterable
(function () {
var a: any;
var {} = a;
let {} = a;
const {} = a;
var [] = a;
let [] = a;
const [] = a;
var {} = a, [] = a;
let {} = a, [] = a;
const {} = a, [] = a;
var { p1: {}, p2: [] } = a;
let { p1: {}, p2: [] } = a;
const { p1: {}, p2: [] } = a;
for (var {} = {}, {} = {}; false; void 0) {
function f({} = a, [] = a, { p: {} = a} = a) {
return ({} = a, [] = a, { p: {} = a } = a) => a;
(function () {
const ns: number[][] = [];
for (var {} of ns) {
for (let {} of ns) {
for (const {} of ns) {
for (var [] of ns) {
for (let [] of ns) {
for (const [] of ns) {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
// @target: es5
// @declaration: true
// @iterationMode: iterable
(function () {
var {};
let {};
const {};
var [];
let [];
const [];

View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
// @iterationMode: iterable
function f0() {
var a = [1, 2, 3];
var a1 = [...a];
var a2 = [1, ...a];
var a3 = [1, 2, ...a];
var a4 = [...a, 1];
var a5 = [...a, 1, 2];
var a6 = [1, 2, ...a, 1, 2];
var a7 = [1, ...a, 2, ...a];
var a8 = [...a, ...a, ...a];
function f1() {
var a = [1, 2, 3];
var b = ["hello", ...a, true];
var b: (string | number | boolean)[];
function f2() {
var a = [...[...[...[...[...[]]]]]];
var b = [...[...[...[...[...[5]]]]]];

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
//@sourcemap: true
//@iterationMode: iterable
for (var v of ['a', 'b', 'c']) {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
//@sourcemap: true
//@iterationMode: iterable
function foo() {
return { x: 0 };
for (foo().x of ['a', 'b', 'c']) {
var p = foo().x;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
//@sourcemap: true
//@iterationMode: iterable
for (const {x: a = 0, y: b = 1} of [2, 3]) {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
//@sourcemap: true
//@iterationMode: iterable
for (let [a = 0, b = 1] of [2, 3]) {