merge with origin/master

This commit is contained in:
Vladimir Matveev 2016-07-13 16:20:08 -07:00
commit 39c948ad34
169 changed files with 1061 additions and 1815 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -51,3 +51,4 @@ internal/

View file

@ -11,8 +11,11 @@ import newer = require("gulp-newer");
import tsc = require("gulp-typescript");
declare module "gulp-typescript" {
interface Settings {
stripInternal?: boolean;
pretty?: boolean;
newLine?: string;
noImplicitThis?: boolean;
stripInternal?: boolean;
types?: string[];
interface CompileStream extends NodeJS.ReadWriteStream {} // Either gulp or gulp-typescript has some odd typings which don't reflect reality, making this required
@ -82,12 +85,9 @@ let host = cmdLineOptions["host"];
// Constants
const compilerDirectory = "src/compiler/";
const servicesDirectory = "src/services/";
const serverDirectory = "src/server/";
const harnessDirectory = "src/harness/";
const libraryDirectory = "src/lib/";
const scriptsDirectory = "scripts/";
const unittestsDirectory = "tests/cases/unittests/";
const docDirectory = "doc/";
const builtDirectory = "built/";
@ -104,69 +104,6 @@ const nodeModulesPathPrefix = path.resolve("./node_modules/.bin/");
const isWin = /^win/.test(process.platform);
const mocha = path.join(nodeModulesPathPrefix, "mocha") + (isWin ? ".cmd" : "");
const compilerSources = require("./src/compiler/tsconfig.json") => path.join(compilerDirectory, file));
const servicesSources = require("./src/services/tsconfig.json") => path.join(servicesDirectory, file));
const serverCoreSources = require("./src/server/tsconfig.json") => path.join(serverDirectory, file));
const languageServiceLibrarySources = [
].map(function (f) {
return path.join(serverDirectory, f);
const harnessCoreSources = [
].map(function (f) {
return path.join(harnessDirectory, f);
const harnessSources = harnessCoreSources.concat([
].map(function (f) {
return path.join(unittestsDirectory, f);
].map(function (f) {
return path.join(serverDirectory, f);
const es2015LibrarySources = [
@ -306,6 +243,11 @@ function needsUpdate(source: string | string[], dest: string | string[]): boolea
function getCompilerSettings(base: tsc.Settings, useBuiltCompiler?: boolean): tsc.Settings {
const copy: tsc.Settings = {};
copy.noEmitOnError = true;
copy.noImplicitAny = true;
copy.noImplicitThis = true;
copy.pretty = true;
copy.types = [];
for (const key in base) {
copy[key] = base[key];
@ -492,21 +434,18 @@ const tsserverLibraryFile = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "tsserverlibrary.js")
const tsserverLibraryDefinitionFile = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "tsserverlibrary.d.ts");
gulp.task(tsserverLibraryFile, false, [servicesFile], (done) => {
const settings: tsc.Settings = getCompilerSettings({
declaration: true,
outFile: tsserverLibraryFile
}, /*useBuiltCompiler*/ true);
const {js, dts}: {js: NodeJS.ReadableStream, dts: NodeJS.ReadableStream} = gulp.src(languageServiceLibrarySources)
const serverLibraryProject = tsc.createProject("src/server/tsconfig.library.json", getCompilerSettings({}, /*useBuiltCompiler*/ true));
const {js, dts}: {js: NodeJS.ReadableStream, dts: NodeJS.ReadableStream} = serverLibraryProject.src()
return merge2([
@ -575,15 +514,13 @@ gulp.task("LKG", "Makes a new LKG out of the built js files", ["clean", "dontUse
// Task to build the tests infrastructure using the built compiler
const run = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "run.js");
gulp.task(run, false, [servicesFile], () => {
const settings: tsc.Settings = getCompilerSettings({
outFile: run
}, /*useBuiltCompiler*/ true);
return gulp.src(harnessSources)
const testProject = tsc.createProject("src/harness/tsconfig.json", getCompilerSettings({}, /*useBuiltCompiler*/true));
return testProject.src()
.pipe(sourcemaps.write(".", { includeContent: false, sourceRoot: "../../" }))
const internalTests = "internal/";
@ -758,13 +695,11 @@ gulp.task(nodeServerOutFile, false, [servicesFile], () => {
gulp.task("browserify", "Runs browserify on run.js to produce a file suitable for running tests in the browser", [servicesFile], (done) => {
const settings: tsc.Settings = getCompilerSettings({
outFile: "built/local/bundle.js"
}, /*useBuiltCompiler*/ true);
return gulp.src(harnessSources)
const testProject = tsc.createProject("src/harness/tsconfig.json", getCompilerSettings({ outFile: "built/local/bundle.js" }, /*useBuiltCompiler*/ true));
return testProject.src()
.pipe(through2.obj((file, enc, next) => {
.bundle((err, res) => {
@ -1005,36 +940,37 @@ function lintFile(options, path) {
return lintFileContents(options, path, contents);
const lintTargets = ["Gulpfile.ts"]
// Other harness sources
.concat(["instrumenter.ts"].map(function(f) { return path.join(harnessDirectory, f); }))
const lintTargets = [
gulp.task("lint", "Runs tslint on the compiler sources. Optional arguments are: --f[iles]=regex", ["build-rules"], () => {
const fileMatcher = RegExp(cmdLineOptions["files"]);
const lintOptions = getLinterOptions();
let failed = 0;
const fileMatcher = RegExp(cmdLineOptions["files"]);
const done = {};
for (const i in lintTargets) {
const target = lintTargets[i];
if (!done[target] && fileMatcher.test(target)) {
const result = lintFile(lintOptions, target);
return gulp.src(lintTargets)
.pipe(insert.transform((contents, file) => {
if (!fileMatcher.test(file.path)) return contents;
const result = lintFile(lintOptions, file.path);
if (result.failureCount > 0) {
failed += result.failureCount;
done[target] = true;
if (failed > 0) {
console.error("Linter errors.");
return contents; // TODO (weswig): Automatically apply fixes? :3
.on("end", () => {
if (failed > 0) {
console.error("Linter errors.");

View file

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ var serverDirectory = "src/server/";
var harnessDirectory = "src/harness/";
var libraryDirectory = "src/lib/";
var scriptsDirectory = "scripts/";
var unittestsDirectory = "tests/cases/unittests/";
var unittestsDirectory = "src/harness/unittests/";
var docDirectory = "doc/";
var builtDirectory = "built/";
@ -100,7 +100,6 @@ var servicesSources = [
var serverCoreSources = [
@ -302,13 +301,18 @@ var builtLocalCompiler = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, compilerFilename);
* @param {boolean} opts.stripInternal: true if compiler should remove declarations marked as @internal
* @param {boolean} opts.noMapRoot: true if compiler omit mapRoot option
* @param {boolean} opts.inlineSourceMap: true if compiler should inline sourceMap
* @param {Array} opts.types: array of types to include in compilation
* @param callback: a function to execute after the compilation process ends
function compileFile(outFile, sources, prereqs, prefixes, useBuiltCompiler, opts, callback) {
file(outFile, prereqs, function() {
var compilerPath = useBuiltCompiler ? builtLocalCompiler : LKGCompiler;
var options = "--noImplicitAny --noEmitOnError --types --pretty";
opts = opts || {};
var compilerPath = useBuiltCompiler ? builtLocalCompiler : LKGCompiler;
var options = "--noImplicitAny --noImplicitThis --noEmitOnError --types "
if (opts.types) {
options += opts.types.join(",");
options += " --pretty";
// Keep comments when specifically requested
// or when in debug mode.
if (!(opts.keepComments || useDebugMode)) {
@ -574,8 +578,7 @@ var cancellationTokenFile = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "cancellationToken.js
compileFile(cancellationTokenFile, cancellationTokenSources, [builtLocalDirectory].concat(cancellationTokenSources), /*prefixes*/ [copyright], /*useBuiltCompiler*/ true, { outDir: builtLocalDirectory, noOutFile: true });
var serverFile = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "tsserver.js");
compileFile(serverFile, serverSources,[builtLocalDirectory, copyright, cancellationTokenFile].concat(serverSources), /*prefixes*/ [copyright], /*useBuiltCompiler*/ true);
compileFile(serverFile, serverSources,[builtLocalDirectory, copyright, cancellationTokenFile].concat(serverSources), /*prefixes*/ [copyright], /*useBuiltCompiler*/ true, { types: ["node"] });
var tsserverLibraryFile = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "tsserverlibrary.js");
var tsserverLibraryDefinitionFile = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "tsserverlibrary.d.ts");
@ -678,7 +681,7 @@ compileFile(
/*prereqs*/ [builtLocalDirectory, tscFile].concat(libraryTargets).concat(harnessSources),
/*prefixes*/ [],
/*useBuiltCompiler:*/ true,
/*opts*/ { inlineSourceMap: true });
/*opts*/ { inlineSourceMap: true, types: ["node", "mocha", "chai"] });
var internalTests = "internal/";

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"name": "typescript",
"author": "Microsoft Corp.",
"homepage": "",
"version": "2.0.0",
"version": "2.1.0",
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"description": "TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development",
"keywords": [
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
"devDependencies": {
"@types/browserify": "latest",
"@types/chai": "latest",
"@types/del": "latest",
"@types/glob": "latest",
"@types/gulp": "latest",
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@
"@types/minimatch": "latest",
"@types/minimist": "latest",
"@types/mkdirp": "latest",
"@types/mocha": "latest",
"@types/node": "latest",
"@types/q": "latest",
"@types/run-sequence": "latest",

View file

@ -3160,23 +3160,26 @@ namespace ts {
if (declaration.kind === SyntaxKind.ExportAssignment) {
return links.type = checkExpression((<ExportAssignment>declaration).expression);
if (declaration.flags & NodeFlags.JavaScriptFile && declaration.kind === SyntaxKind.JSDocPropertyTag && (<JSDocPropertyTag>declaration).typeExpression) {
return links.type = getTypeFromTypeNode((<JSDocPropertyTag>declaration).typeExpression.type);
// Handle variable, parameter or property
if (!pushTypeResolution(symbol, TypeSystemPropertyName.Type)) {
return unknownType;
let type: Type = undefined;
// Handle module.exports = expr or this.p = expr
if (declaration.kind === SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression) {
type = getUnionType(map(symbol.declarations, (decl: BinaryExpression) => checkExpressionCached(decl.right)));
else if (declaration.kind === SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression) {
// Declarations only exist for property access expressions for certain
// special assignment kinds
if (declaration.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression) {
// Handle exports.p = expr or className.prototype.method = expr
type = checkExpressionCached((<BinaryExpression>declaration.parent).right);
// Handle certain special assignment kinds, which happen to union across multiple declarations:
// * module.exports = expr
// * exports.p = expr
// * this.p = expr
// * className.prototype.method = expr
if (declaration.kind === SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression ||
declaration.kind === SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression && declaration.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression) {
type = getUnionType(map(symbol.declarations,
decl => decl.kind === SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression ?
checkExpressionCached((<BinaryExpression>decl).right) :
if (type === undefined) {
@ -11673,7 +11676,7 @@ namespace ts {
function getInferredClassType(symbol: Symbol) {
const links = getSymbolLinks(symbol);
if (!links.inferredClassType) {
links.inferredClassType = createAnonymousType(undefined, symbol.members, emptyArray, emptyArray, /*stringIndexType*/ undefined, /*numberIndexType*/ undefined);
links.inferredClassType = createAnonymousType(symbol, symbol.members, emptyArray, emptyArray, /*stringIndexType*/ undefined, /*numberIndexType*/ undefined);
return links.inferredClassType;

View file

@ -901,9 +901,7 @@ namespace ts {
export function fileExtensionIs(path: string, extension: string): boolean {
const pathLen = path.length;
const extLen = extension.length;
return pathLen > extLen && path.substr(pathLen - extLen, extLen) === extension;
return path.length > extension.length && endsWith(path, extension);
export function fileExtensionIsAny(path: string, extensions: string[]): boolean {
@ -916,7 +914,6 @@ namespace ts {
return false;
// Reserved characters, forces escaping of any non-word (or digit), non-whitespace character.
// It may be inefficient (we could just match (/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g), but this is future
// proof.
@ -1238,20 +1235,20 @@ namespace ts {
getSignatureConstructor(): new (checker: TypeChecker) => Signature;
function Symbol(flags: SymbolFlags, name: string) {
function Symbol(this: Symbol, flags: SymbolFlags, name: string) {
this.flags = flags; = name;
this.declarations = undefined;
function Type(checker: TypeChecker, flags: TypeFlags) {
function Type(this: Type, checker: TypeChecker, flags: TypeFlags) {
this.flags = flags;
function Signature(checker: TypeChecker) {
function Node(kind: SyntaxKind, pos: number, end: number) {
function Node(this: Node, kind: SyntaxKind, pos: number, end: number) {
this.kind = kind;
this.pos = pos;
this.end = end;

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ namespace ts {
/* @internal */ export let ioWriteTime = 0;
/** The version of the TypeScript compiler release */
export const version = "2.0.0";
export const version = "2.1.0";
const emptyArray: any[] = [];
@ -112,13 +112,7 @@ namespace ts {
function moduleHasNonRelativeName(moduleName: string): boolean {
if (isRootedDiskPath(moduleName)) {
return false;
const i = moduleName.lastIndexOf("./", 1);
const startsWithDotSlashOrDotDotSlash = i === 0 || (i === 1 && moduleName.charCodeAt(0) ===;
return !startsWithDotSlashOrDotDotSlash;
return !(isRootedDiskPath(moduleName) || isExternalModuleNameRelative(moduleName));
interface ModuleResolutionState {
@ -997,6 +991,23 @@ namespace ts {
return sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics(diagnostics);
export function formatDiagnostics(diagnostics: Diagnostic[], host: CompilerHost): string {
let output = "";
for (const diagnostic of diagnostics) {
if (diagnostic.file) {
const { line, character } = getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(diagnostic.file, diagnostic.start);
const fileName = diagnostic.file.fileName;
const relativeFileName = convertToRelativePath(fileName, host.getCurrentDirectory(), fileName => host.getCanonicalFileName(fileName));
output += `${ relativeFileName }(${ line + 1 },${ character + 1 }): `;
const category = DiagnosticCategory[diagnostic.category].toLowerCase();
output += `${ category } TS${ diagnostic.code }: ${ flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diagnostic.messageText, sys.newLine) }${ sys.newLine }`;
return output;
export function flattenDiagnosticMessageText(messageText: string | DiagnosticMessageChain, newLine: string): string {
if (typeof messageText === "string") {
return messageText;
@ -1095,13 +1106,13 @@ namespace ts {
// As all these operations happen - and are nested - within the createProgram call, they close over the below variables.
// The current resolution depth is tracked by incrementing/decrementing as the depth first search progresses.
const maxNodeModulesJsDepth = typeof options.maxNodeModuleJsDepth === "number" ? options.maxNodeModuleJsDepth : 2;
let currentNodeModulesJsDepth = 0;
let currentNodeModulesDepth = 0;
// If a module has some of its imports skipped due to being at the depth limit under node_modules, then track
// this, as it may be imported at a shallower depth later, and then it will need its skipped imports processed.
const modulesWithElidedImports: Map<boolean> = {};
// Track source files that are JavaScript files found by searching under node_modules, as these shouldn't be compiled.
// Track source files that are source files found by searching under node_modules, as these shouldn't be compiled.
const sourceFilesFoundSearchingNodeModules: Map<boolean> = {};
const start = new Date().getTime();
@ -1404,7 +1415,7 @@ namespace ts {
function emit(sourceFile?: SourceFile, writeFileCallback?: WriteFileCallback, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken): EmitResult {
return runWithCancellationToken(() => emitWorker(this, sourceFile, writeFileCallback, cancellationToken));
return runWithCancellationToken(() => emitWorker(program, sourceFile, writeFileCallback, cancellationToken));
function isEmitBlocked(emitFileName: string): boolean {
@ -1923,9 +1934,21 @@ namespace ts {
reportFileNamesDifferOnlyInCasingError(fileName, file.fileName, refFile, refPos, refEnd);
// If the file was previously found via a node_modules search, but is now being processed as a root file,
// then everything it sucks in may also be marked incorrectly, and needs to be checked again.
if (file && lookUp(sourceFilesFoundSearchingNodeModules, file.path) && currentNodeModulesDepth == 0) {
sourceFilesFoundSearchingNodeModules[file.path] = false;
if (!options.noResolve) {
processReferencedFiles(file, getDirectoryPath(fileName), isDefaultLib);
modulesWithElidedImports[file.path] = false;
processImportedModules(file, getDirectoryPath(fileName));
// See if we need to reprocess the imports due to prior skipped imports
if (file && lookUp(modulesWithElidedImports, file.path)) {
if (currentNodeModulesJsDepth < maxNodeModulesJsDepth) {
else if (file && lookUp(modulesWithElidedImports, file.path)) {
if (currentNodeModulesDepth < maxNodeModulesJsDepth) {
modulesWithElidedImports[file.path] = false;
processImportedModules(file, getDirectoryPath(fileName));
@ -1947,6 +1970,7 @@ namespace ts {
filesByName.set(path, file);
if (file) {
sourceFilesFoundSearchingNodeModules[path] = (currentNodeModulesDepth > 0);
file.path = path;
if (host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames()) {
@ -2080,13 +2104,10 @@ namespace ts {
const isJsFileFromNodeModules = isFromNodeModulesSearch && hasJavaScriptFileExtension(resolution.resolvedFileName);
if (isFromNodeModulesSearch) {
sourceFilesFoundSearchingNodeModules[resolvedPath] = true;
if (isJsFileFromNodeModules) {
const elideImport = isJsFileFromNodeModules && currentNodeModulesJsDepth > maxNodeModulesJsDepth;
const elideImport = isJsFileFromNodeModules && currentNodeModulesDepth > maxNodeModulesJsDepth;
const shouldAddFile = resolution && !options.noResolve && i < file.imports.length && !elideImport;
if (elideImport) {
@ -2101,8 +2122,8 @@ namespace ts {
if (isJsFileFromNodeModules) {
if (isFromNodeModulesSearch) {

View file

@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ namespace ts {
return matchFiles(path, extensions, excludes, includes, /*useCaseSensitiveFileNames*/ false, shell.CurrentDirectory, getAccessibleFileSystemEntries);
return {
const wscriptSystem: System = {
newLine: "\r\n",
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: false,
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ namespace ts {
return fso.FolderExists(path);
createDirectory(directoryName: string) {
if (!this.directoryExists(directoryName)) {
if (!wscriptSystem.directoryExists(directoryName)) {
@ -221,6 +221,7 @@ namespace ts {
return wscriptSystem;
function getNodeSystem(): System {
@ -439,7 +440,7 @@ namespace ts {
return filter<string>(_fs.readdirSync(path), p => fileSystemEntryExists(combinePaths(path, p), FileSystemEntryKind.Directory));
return {
const nodeSystem: System = {
args: process.argv.slice(2),
newLine: _os.EOL,
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: useCaseSensitiveFileNames,
@ -501,7 +502,7 @@ namespace ts {
createDirectory(directoryName: string) {
if (!this.directoryExists(directoryName)) {
if (!nodeSystem.directoryExists(directoryName)) {
@ -549,6 +550,7 @@ namespace ts {
return _fs.realpathSync(path);
return nodeSystem;
function getChakraSystem(): System {

View file

@ -101,23 +101,8 @@ namespace ts {
return <string>diagnostic.messageText;
function getRelativeFileName(fileName: string, host: CompilerHost): string {
return host ? convertToRelativePath(fileName, host.getCurrentDirectory(), fileName => host.getCanonicalFileName(fileName)) : fileName;
function reportDiagnosticSimply(diagnostic: Diagnostic, host: CompilerHost): void {
let output = "";
if (diagnostic.file) {
const { line, character } = getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(diagnostic.file, diagnostic.start);
const relativeFileName = getRelativeFileName(diagnostic.file.fileName, host);
output += `${ relativeFileName }(${ line + 1 },${ character + 1 }): `;
const category = DiagnosticCategory[diagnostic.category].toLowerCase();
output += `${ category } TS${ diagnostic.code }: ${ flattenDiagnosticMessageText(diagnostic.messageText, sys.newLine) }${ sys.newLine }`;
sys.write(ts.formatDiagnostics([diagnostic], host));
const redForegroundEscapeSequence = "\u001b[91m";
@ -145,7 +130,7 @@ namespace ts {
const { line: firstLine, character: firstLineChar } = getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(file, start);
const { line: lastLine, character: lastLineChar } = getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(file, start + length);
const lastLineInFile = getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(file, file.text.length).line;
const relativeFileName = getRelativeFileName(file.fileName, host);
const relativeFileName = host ? convertToRelativePath(file.fileName, host.getCurrentDirectory(), fileName => host.getCanonicalFileName(fileName)) : file.fileName;
const hasMoreThanFiveLines = (lastLine - firstLine) >= 4;
let gutterWidth = (lastLine + 1 + "").length;

View file

@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
"compilerOptions": {
"noImplicitAny": true,
"noImplicitThis": true,
"removeComments": true,
"preserveConstEnums": true,
"pretty": true,
"outFile": "../../built/local/tsc.js",
"sourceMap": true,
"declaration": true,

View file

@ -1218,7 +1218,7 @@ namespace ts {
export function isExternalModuleNameRelative(moduleName: string): boolean {
// TypeScript 1.0 spec (April 2014): 11.2.1
// An external module name is "relative" if the first term is "." or "..".
return moduleName.substr(0, 2) === "./" || moduleName.substr(0, 3) === "../" || moduleName.substr(0, 2) === ".\\" || moduleName.substr(0, 3) === "..\\";
return /^\.\.?($|[\\/])/.test(moduleName);
export function isInstantiatedModule(node: ModuleDeclaration, preserveConstEnums: boolean) {
@ -3120,6 +3120,6 @@ namespace ts {
export function endsWith(str: string, suffix: string): boolean {
const expectedPos = str.length - suffix.length;
return str.indexOf(suffix, expectedPos) === expectedPos;
return expectedPos >= 0 && str.indexOf(suffix, expectedPos) === expectedPos;

View file

@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
// Type definitions for chai 1.7.2
// Project:
// Definitions by: Jed Hunsaker <>
// DefinitelyTyped:
declare module chai {
function expect(target: any, message?: string): Expect;
// Provides a way to extend the internals of Chai
function use(fn: (chai: any, utils: any) => void): any;
interface ExpectStatic {
(target: any): Expect;
interface Assertions {
attr(name: string, value?: string): any;
css(name: string, value?: string): any;
data(name: string, value?: string): any;
class(className: string): any;
id(id: string): any;
html(html: string): any;
text(text: string): any;
value(value: string): any;
visible: any;
hidden: any;
selected: any;
checked: any;
disabled: any;
empty: any;
exist: any;
interface Expect extends LanguageChains, NumericComparison, TypeComparison, Assertions {
not: Expect;
deep: Deep;
a: TypeComparison;
an: TypeComparison;
include: Include;
contain: Include;
ok: Expect;
true: Expect;
false: Expect;
null: Expect;
undefined: Expect;
exist: Expect;
empty: Expect;
arguments: Expect;
Arguments: Expect;
equal: Equal;
equals: Equal;
eq: Equal;
eql: Equal;
eqls: Equal;
property: Property;
ownProperty: OwnProperty;
haveOwnProperty: OwnProperty;
length: Length;
lengthOf: Length;
match(RegularExpression: RegExp, message?: string): Expect;
string(string: string, message?: string): Expect;
keys: Keys;
key(string: string): Expect;
throw: Throw;
throws: Throw;
Throw: Throw;
respondTo(method: string, message?: string): Expect;
itself: Expect;
satisfy(matcher: Function, message?: string): Expect;
closeTo(expected: number, delta: number, message?: string): Expect;
members: Members;
interface LanguageChains {
to: Expect;
be: Expect;
been: Expect;
is: Expect;
that: Expect;
and: Expect;
have: Expect;
with: Expect;
at: Expect;
of: Expect;
same: Expect;
interface NumericComparison {
above: NumberComparer;
gt: NumberComparer;
greaterThan: NumberComparer;
least: NumberComparer;
gte: NumberComparer;
below: NumberComparer;
lt: NumberComparer;
lessThan: NumberComparer;
most: NumberComparer;
lte: NumberComparer;
within(start: number, finish: number, message?: string): Expect;
interface NumberComparer {
(value: number, message?: string): Expect;
interface TypeComparison {
(type: string, message?: string): Expect;
instanceof: InstanceOf;
instanceOf: InstanceOf;
interface InstanceOf {
(constructor: Object, message?: string): Expect;
interface Deep {
equal: Equal;
property: Property;
interface Equal {
(value: any, message?: string): Expect;
interface Property {
(name: string, value?: any, message?: string): Expect;
interface OwnProperty {
(name: string, message?: string): Expect;
interface Length extends LanguageChains, NumericComparison {
(length: number, message?: string): Expect;
interface Include {
(value: Object, message?: string): Expect;
(value: string, message?: string): Expect;
(value: number, message?: string): Expect;
keys: Keys;
members: Members;
interface Keys {
(...keys: string[]): Expect;
(keys: any[]): Expect;
interface Members {
(set: any[], message?: string): Expect;
interface Throw {
(): Expect;
(expected: string, message?: string): Expect;
(expected: RegExp, message?: string): Expect;
(constructor: Error, expected?: string, message?: string): Expect;
(constructor: Error, expected?: RegExp, message?: string): Expect;
(constructor: Function, expected?: string, message?: string): Expect;
(constructor: Function, expected?: RegExp, message?: string): Expect;
function assert(expression: any, message?: string): void;
module assert {
function equal(actual: any, expected: any, message?: string): void;
function notEqual(actual: any, expected: any, message?: string): void;
function deepEqual<T>(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string): void;
function notDeepEqual<T>(actual: T, expected: T, message?: string): void;
function lengthOf(object: any[], length: number, message?: string): void;
function isTrue(value: any, message?: string): void;
function isFalse(value: any, message?: string): void;
function isOk(actual: any, message?: string): void;
function isUndefined(value: any, message?: string): void;
function isDefined(value: any, message?: string): void;

View file

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
// Type definitions for mocha 1.9.0
// Project:
// Definitions by: Kazi Manzur Rashid <>
// DefinitelyTyped:
declare var describe : {
(description: string, spec: () => void): void;
only(description: string, spec: () => void): void;
skip(description: string, spec: () => void): void;
timeout(ms: number): void;
declare var it: {
(expectation: string, assertion?: () => void): void;
(expectation: string, assertion?: (done: () => void) => void): void;
only(expectation: string, assertion?: () => void): void;
only(expectation: string, assertion?: (done: () => void) => void): void;
skip(expectation: string, assertion?: () => void): void;
skip(expectation: string, assertion?: (done: () => void) => void): void;
timeout(ms: number): void;
/** Runs once before any 'it' blocks in the current 'describe' are run */
declare function before(action: () => void): void;
/** Runs once before any 'it' blocks in the current 'describe' are run */
declare function before(action: (done: () => void) => void): void;
/** Runs once after all 'it' blocks in the current 'describe' are run */
declare function after(action: () => void): void;
/** Runs once after all 'it' blocks in the current 'describe' are run */
declare function after(action: (done: () => void) => void): void;
/** Runs before each individual 'it' block in the current 'describe' is run */
declare function beforeEach(action: () => void): void;
/** Runs before each individual 'it' block in the current 'describe' is run */
declare function beforeEach(action: (done: () => void) => void): void;
/** Runs after each individual 'it' block in the current 'describe' is run */
declare function afterEach(action: () => void): void;
/** Runs after each individual 'it' block in the current 'describe' is run */
declare function afterEach(action: (done: () => void) => void): void;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -18,12 +18,13 @@
/// <reference path="..\services\shims.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\server\session.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\server\client.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\server\node.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="external\mocha.d.ts"/>
/// <reference path="external\chai.d.ts"/>
/// <reference path="sourceMapRecorder.ts"/>
/// <reference path="runnerbase.ts"/>
/// <reference path="virtualFileSystem.ts" />
/// <reference types="node" />
/// <reference types="mocha" />
/// <reference types="chai" />
// Block scoped definitions work poorly for global variables, temporarily enable var
/* tslint:disable:no-var-keyword */
@ -32,7 +33,13 @@
var _chai: typeof chai = require("chai");
var assert: typeof _chai.assert = _chai.assert;
declare var __dirname: string; // Node-specific
var global = <any>Function("return this").call(undefined);
var global: NodeJS.Global = <any>Function("return this").call(undefined);
declare namespace NodeJS {
export interface Global {
WScript: typeof WScript;
ActiveXObject: typeof ActiveXObject;
/* tslint:enable:no-var-keyword */
namespace Utils {
@ -57,7 +64,7 @@ namespace Utils {
export let currentExecutionEnvironment = getExecutionEnvironment();
const Buffer: BufferConstructor = currentExecutionEnvironment !== ExecutionEnvironment.Browser
const Buffer: typeof global.Buffer = currentExecutionEnvironment !== ExecutionEnvironment.Browser
? require("buffer").Buffer
: undefined;
@ -133,7 +140,7 @@ namespace Utils {
export function memoize<T extends Function>(f: T): T {
const cache: { [idx: string]: any } = {};
return <any>(function() {
return <any>(function(this: any) {
const key =;
const cachedResult = cache[key];
if (cachedResult) {
@ -1376,31 +1383,27 @@ namespace Harness {
writeByteOrderMark: boolean;
function stringEndsWith(str: string, end: string) {
return str.substr(str.length - end.length) === end;
export function isTS(fileName: string) {
return stringEndsWith(fileName, ".ts");
return ts.endsWith(fileName, ".ts");
export function isTSX(fileName: string) {
return stringEndsWith(fileName, ".tsx");
return ts.endsWith(fileName, ".tsx");
export function isDTS(fileName: string) {
return stringEndsWith(fileName, ".d.ts");
return ts.endsWith(fileName, ".d.ts");
export function isJS(fileName: string) {
return stringEndsWith(fileName, ".js");
return ts.endsWith(fileName, ".js");
export function isJSX(fileName: string) {
return stringEndsWith(fileName, ".jsx");
return ts.endsWith(fileName, ".jsx");
export function isJSMap(fileName: string) {
return stringEndsWith(fileName, "") || stringEndsWith(fileName, "");
return ts.endsWith(fileName, "") || ts.endsWith(fileName, "");
/** Contains the code and errors of a compilation and some helper methods to check its status. */

View file

@ -479,17 +479,27 @@ class ProjectRunner extends RunnerBase {
it("Baseline of emitted result (" + moduleNameToString(moduleKind) + "): " + testCaseFileName, () => {
if (testCase.baselineCheck) {
const errs: Error[] = [];
ts.forEach(compilerResult.outputFiles, outputFile => {
Harness.Baseline.runBaseline("Baseline of emitted result (" + moduleNameToString(compilerResult.moduleKind) + "): " + testCaseFileName, getBaselineFolder(compilerResult.moduleKind) + outputFile.fileName, () => {
try {
return Harness.IO.readFile(getProjectOutputFolder(outputFile.fileName, compilerResult.moduleKind));
catch (e) {
return undefined;
// There may be multiple files with different baselines. Run all and report at the end, else
// it stops copying the remaining emitted files from 'local/projectOutput' to 'local/project'.
try {
Harness.Baseline.runBaseline("Baseline of emitted result (" + moduleNameToString(compilerResult.moduleKind) + "): " + testCaseFileName, getBaselineFolder(compilerResult.moduleKind) + outputFile.fileName, () => {
try {
return Harness.IO.readFile(getProjectOutputFolder(outputFile.fileName, compilerResult.moduleKind));
catch (e) {
return undefined;
catch (e) {
if (errs.length) {
throw Error(errs.join("\n "));

src/harness/tsconfig.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
"compilerOptions": {
"noImplicitAny": true,
"pretty": true,
"removeComments": false,
"preserveConstEnums": true,
"outFile": "../../built/local/run.js",
"sourceMap": true,
"declaration": false,
"stripInternal": true,
"types": [
"node", "mocha", "chai"
"files": [

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/// <reference path="..\..\..\src\harness\harness.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\harness.ts" />
namespace ts {
interface File {

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/// <reference path="..\..\..\src\harness\harness.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\..\..\src\compiler\commandLineParser.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\harness.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\..\compiler\commandLineParser.ts" />
namespace ts {
describe("parseCommandLine", () => {

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/// <reference path="..\..\..\src\harness\harness.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\..\..\src\compiler\commandLineParser.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\harness.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\..\compiler\commandLineParser.ts" />
namespace ts {
describe("convertCompilerOptionsFromJson", () => {

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/// <reference path="..\..\..\src\harness\harness.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\harness.ts" />
namespace ts {
describe("convertToBase64", () => {

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/// <reference path="..\..\..\src\harness\harness.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\..\..\src\compiler\commandLineParser.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\harness.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\..\compiler\commandLineParser.ts" />
namespace ts {
describe("convertTypingOptionsFromJson", () => {

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/// <reference path="..\..\..\src\harness\external\mocha.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\..\..\src\compiler\parser.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\harness.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\..\compiler\parser.ts" />
namespace ts {
ts.disableIncrementalParsing = false;

View file

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
/// <reference path="..\..\..\src\harness\external\mocha.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\..\..\src\harness\external\chai.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\..\..\src\compiler\parser.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\..\..\src\harness\harness.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\..\compiler\parser.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\harness.ts" />
namespace ts {
describe("JSDocParsing", () => {

View file

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
/// <reference path="..\..\..\src\harness\external\mocha.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\..\..\src\harness\harness.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\..\..\src\harness\virtualFileSystem.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\harness.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\virtualFileSystem.ts" />
namespace ts {
const caseInsensitiveBasePath = "c:/dev/";

View file

@ -1,11 +1,4 @@
/// <reference path="..\..\..\src\harness\external\mocha.d.ts" />
/// <reference path='..\..\..\src\harness\harness.ts' />
declare namespace chai.assert {
/* tslint:disable no-unused-variable */
function deepEqual(actual: any, expected: any): void;
/* tslint:enable no-unused-variable */
/// <reference path="..\harness.ts" />
namespace ts {
function diagnosticToString(diagnostic: Diagnostic) {

View file

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
/// <reference path="..\..\..\src\harness\external\mocha.d.ts" />
/// <reference path='..\..\..\src\harness\harness.ts' />
/// <reference path="..\..\..\src\harness\harnessLanguageService.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\harness.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\..\harness\harnessLanguageService.ts" />
namespace ts {

View file

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
/// <reference path="..\..\..\..\src\harness\external\mocha.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\..\..\..\src\harness\harnessLanguageService.ts" />
/// <reference path="..\..\harnessLanguageService.ts" />
interface ClassificationEntry {
value: any;

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
///<reference path='..\..\..\..\src\harness\harness.ts' />
/// <reference path="..\..\harness.ts" />
describe("DocumentRegistry", () => {
it("documents are shared between projects", () => {

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more