Merge branch 'master' into resolve_entity_name

This commit is contained in:
Andy Hanson 2016-08-11 09:18:21 -07:00
commit 5b9bd82070
246 changed files with 6053 additions and 28300 deletions

View file

@ -7,19 +7,33 @@ node_js:
sudo: false
- linux
- osx
- workerCount=3
fast_finish: true
- os: osx
node_js: '4'
node_js: stable
osx_image: xcode7.3
env: workerCount=2
- os: osx
node_js: '0.10'
- master
- transforms
- transforms
- npm uninstall typescript
- npm uninstall tslint
- npm install
- npm update
- node_modules
depth: 1

View file

@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ gulp.task(tsserverLibraryFile, false, [servicesFile], (done) => {
gulp.task("lssl", "Builds language service server library", [tsserverLibraryFile]);
gulp.task("local", "Builds the full compiler and services", [builtLocalCompiler, servicesFile, serverFile, builtGeneratedDiagnosticMessagesJSON]);
gulp.task("local", "Builds the full compiler and services", [builtLocalCompiler, servicesFile, serverFile, builtGeneratedDiagnosticMessagesJSON, tsserverLibraryFile]);
gulp.task("tsc", "Builds only the compiler", [builtLocalCompiler]);
@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ gulp.task("VerifyLKG", false, [], () => {
return gulp.src(expectedFiles).pipe(gulp.dest(LKGDirectory));
gulp.task("LKGInternal", false, ["lib", "local", "lssl"]);
gulp.task("LKGInternal", false, ["lib", "local"]);
gulp.task("LKG", "Makes a new LKG out of the built js files", ["clean", "dontUseDebugMode"], () => {
return runSequence("LKGInternal", "VerifyLKG");
@ -956,6 +956,7 @@ const lintTargets = [
"tests/*.ts", "tests/webhost/*.ts" // Note: does *not* descend recursively

View file

@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ var tsserverLibraryDefinitionFile = path.join(builtLocalDirectory, "tsserverlibr
[builtLocalDirectory, copyright].concat(languageServiceLibrarySources),
[builtLocalDirectory, copyright, builtLocalCompiler].concat(languageServiceLibrarySources).concat(libraryTargets),
/*prefixes*/ [copyright],
/*useBuiltCompiler*/ true,
{ noOutFile: false, generateDeclarations: true });
@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ task("lssl", [tsserverLibraryFile, tsserverLibraryDefinitionFile]);
// Local target to build the compiler and services
desc("Builds the full compiler and services");
task("local", ["generate-diagnostics", "lib", tscFile, servicesFile, nodeDefinitionsFile, serverFile, builtGeneratedDiagnosticMessagesJSON]);
task("local", ["generate-diagnostics", "lib", tscFile, servicesFile, nodeDefinitionsFile, serverFile, builtGeneratedDiagnosticMessagesJSON, "lssl"]);
// Local target to build only tsc.js
desc("Builds only the compiler");
@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ task("generate-spec", [specMd]);
// Makes a new LKG. This target does not build anything, but errors if not all the outputs are present in the built/local directory
desc("Makes a new LKG out of the built js files");
task("LKG", ["clean", "release", "local", "lssl"].concat(libraryTargets), function() {
task("LKG", ["clean", "release", "local"].concat(libraryTargets), function() {
var expectedFiles = [tscFile, servicesFile, serverFile, nodePackageFile, nodeDefinitionsFile, standaloneDefinitionsFile, tsserverLibraryFile, tsserverLibraryDefinitionFile].concat(libraryTargets);
var missingFiles = expectedFiles.filter(function (f) {
return !fs.existsSync(f);
@ -1041,7 +1041,8 @@ var lintTargets = compilerSources
.concat([nodeServerInFile, perftscPath, "tests/perfsys.ts", webhostPath]);
desc("Runs tslint on the compiler sources. Optional arguments are: f[iles]=regex");

View file

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
"scripts": {
"pretest": "jake tests",
"test": "jake runtests",
"test": "jake runtests-parallel",
"build": "npm run build:compiler && npm run build:tests",
"build:compiler": "jake local",
"build:tests": "jake tests",

View file

@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ namespace ts {
const flowLoopKeys: string[] = [];
const flowLoopTypes: Type[][] = [];
const visitedFlowNodes: FlowNode[] = [];
const visitedFlowTypes: Type[] = [];
const visitedFlowTypes: FlowType[] = [];
const potentialThisCollisions: Node[] = [];
const awaitedTypeStack: number[] = [];
@ -1138,6 +1138,10 @@ namespace ts {
else {
symbolFromVariable = getPropertyOfVariable(targetSymbol, name.text);
// If the export member we're looking for is default, and there is no real default but allowSyntheticDefaultImports is on, return the entire module as the default
if (!symbolFromVariable && allowSyntheticDefaultImports && name.text === "default") {
symbolFromVariable = resolveExternalModuleSymbol(moduleSymbol) || resolveSymbol(moduleSymbol);
// if symbolFromVariable is export - get its final target
symbolFromVariable = resolveSymbol(symbolFromVariable);
const symbolFromModule = getExportOfModule(targetSymbol, name.text);
@ -4415,10 +4419,19 @@ namespace ts {
const propTypes: Type[] = [];
const declarations: Declaration[] = [];
let commonType: Type = undefined;
let hasCommonType = true;
for (const prop of props) {
if (prop.declarations) {
addRange(declarations, prop.declarations);
const type = getTypeOfSymbol(prop);
if (!commonType) {
commonType = type;
else if (type !== commonType) {
hasCommonType = false;
const result = <TransientSymbol>createSymbol(
@ -4428,6 +4441,7 @@ namespace ts {
result.containingType = containingType;
result.hasCommonType = hasCommonType;
result.declarations = declarations;
result.isReadonly = isReadonly;
result.type = containingType.flags & TypeFlags.Union ? getUnionType(propTypes) : getIntersectionType(propTypes);
@ -4446,9 +4460,14 @@ namespace ts {
return property;
// Return the symbol for the property with the given name in the given type. Creates synthetic union properties when
// necessary, maps primitive types and type parameters are to their apparent types, and augments with properties from
// Object and Function as appropriate.
* Return the symbol for the property with the given name in the given type. Creates synthetic union properties when
* necessary, maps primitive types and type parameters are to their apparent types, and augments with properties from
* Object and Function as appropriate.
* @param type a type to look up property from
* @param name a name of property to look up in a given type
function getPropertyOfType(type: Type, name: string): Symbol {
type = getApparentType(type);
if (type.flags & TypeFlags.ObjectType) {
@ -5908,6 +5927,13 @@ namespace ts {
return isTypeRelatedTo(source, target, assignableRelation);
// A type S is considered to be an instance of a type T if S and T are the same type or if S is a
// subtype of T but not structurally identical to T. This specifically means that two distinct but
// structurally identical types (such as two classes) are not considered instances of each other.
function isTypeInstanceOf(source: Type, target: Type): boolean {
return source === target || isTypeSubtypeOf(source, target) && !isTypeIdenticalTo(source, target);
* This is *not* a bi-directional relationship.
* If one needs to check both directions for comparability, use a second call to this function or 'checkTypeComparableTo'.
@ -7767,16 +7793,17 @@ namespace ts {
function isMatchingReference(source: Node, target: Node): boolean {
if (source.kind === target.kind) {
switch (source.kind) {
case SyntaxKind.Identifier:
return getResolvedSymbol(<Identifier>source) === getResolvedSymbol(<Identifier>target);
case SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword:
return true;
case SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression:
return (<PropertyAccessExpression>source).name.text === (<PropertyAccessExpression>target).name.text &&
isMatchingReference((<PropertyAccessExpression>source).expression, (<PropertyAccessExpression>target).expression);
switch (source.kind) {
case SyntaxKind.Identifier:
return target.kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier && getResolvedSymbol(<Identifier>source) === getResolvedSymbol(<Identifier>target) ||
(target.kind === SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration || target.kind === SyntaxKind.BindingElement) &&
getExportSymbolOfValueSymbolIfExported(getResolvedSymbol(<Identifier>source)) === getSymbolOfNode(target);
case SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword:
return target.kind === SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword;
case SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression:
return target.kind === SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression &&
(<PropertyAccessExpression>source).name.text === (<PropertyAccessExpression>target).name.text &&
isMatchingReference((<PropertyAccessExpression>source).expression, (<PropertyAccessExpression>target).expression);
return false;
@ -7791,6 +7818,44 @@ namespace ts {
return false;
// Return true if target is a property access xxx.yyy, source is a property access xxx.zzz, the declared
// type of xxx is a union type, and yyy is a property that is possibly a discriminant. We consider a property
// a possible discriminant if its type differs in the constituents of containing union type, and if every
// choice is a unit type or a union of unit types.
function containsMatchingReferenceDiscriminant(source: Node, target: Node) {
return target.kind === SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression &&
containsMatchingReference(source, (<PropertyAccessExpression>target).expression) &&
isDiscriminantProperty(getDeclaredTypeOfReference((<PropertyAccessExpression>target).expression), (<PropertyAccessExpression>target).name.text);
function getDeclaredTypeOfReference(expr: Node): Type {
if (expr.kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier) {
return getTypeOfSymbol(getResolvedSymbol(<Identifier>expr));
if (expr.kind === SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression) {
const type = getDeclaredTypeOfReference((<PropertyAccessExpression>expr).expression);
return type && getTypeOfPropertyOfType(type, (<PropertyAccessExpression>expr).name.text);
return undefined;
function isDiscriminantProperty(type: Type, name: string) {
if (type) {
const nonNullType = getNonNullableType(type);
if (nonNullType.flags & TypeFlags.Union) {
const prop = getPropertyOfType(nonNullType, name);
if (prop && prop.flags & SymbolFlags.SyntheticProperty) {
if ((<TransientSymbol>prop).isDiscriminantProperty === undefined) {
(<TransientSymbol>prop).isDiscriminantProperty = !(<TransientSymbol>prop).hasCommonType &&
return (<TransientSymbol>prop).isDiscriminantProperty;
return false;
function isOrContainsMatchingReference(source: Node, target: Node) {
return isMatchingReference(source, target) || containsMatchingReference(source, target);
@ -7895,7 +7960,7 @@ namespace ts {
if (flags & TypeFlags.TypeParameter) {
const constraint = getConstraintOfTypeParameter(<TypeParameter>type);
return constraint ? getTypeFacts(constraint) : TypeFacts.All;
return getTypeFacts(constraint || emptyObjectType);
if (flags & TypeFlags.UnionOrIntersection) {
return getTypeFactsOfTypes((<UnionOrIntersectionType>type).types);
@ -7922,7 +7987,8 @@ namespace ts {
return firstType ? types ? getUnionType(types) : firstType : neverType;
return types ? getUnionType(types) :
firstType ? firstType : neverType;
function getTypeWithDefault(type: Type, defaultExpression: Expression) {
@ -8034,6 +8100,12 @@ namespace ts {
function getInitialOrAssignedType(node: VariableDeclaration | BindingElement | Expression) {
return node.kind === SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration || node.kind === SyntaxKind.BindingElement ?
getInitialType(<VariableDeclaration | BindingElement>node) :
function getReferenceCandidate(node: Expression): Expression {
switch (node.kind) {
case SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedExpression:
@ -8072,12 +8144,43 @@ namespace ts {
return source.flags & TypeFlags.Union ? !forEach((<UnionType>source).types, t => !contains(types, t)) : contains(types, source);
function isTypeSubsetOf(source: Type, target: Type) {
return source === target || target.flags & TypeFlags.Union && isTypeSubsetOfUnion(source, <UnionType>target);
function isTypeSubsetOfUnion(source: Type, target: UnionType) {
if (source.flags & TypeFlags.Union) {
for (const t of (<UnionType>source).types) {
if (!containsType(target.types, t)) {
return false;
return true;
if (source.flags & TypeFlags.EnumLiteral && target.flags & TypeFlags.Enum && (<EnumLiteralType>source).baseType === target) {
return true;
return containsType(target.types, source);
function filterType(type: Type, f: (t: Type) => boolean): Type {
return type.flags & TypeFlags.Union ?
getUnionType(filter((<UnionType>type).types, f)) :
f(type) ? type : neverType;
function isIncomplete(flowType: FlowType) {
return flowType.flags === 0;
function getTypeFromFlowType(flowType: FlowType) {
return flowType.flags === 0 ? (<IncompleteType>flowType).type : <Type>flowType;
function createFlowType(type: Type, incomplete: boolean): FlowType {
return incomplete ? { flags: 0, type } : type;
function getFlowTypeOfReference(reference: Node, declaredType: Type, assumeInitialized: boolean, includeOuterFunctions: boolean) {
let key: string;
if (!reference.flowNode || assumeInitialized && !(declaredType.flags & TypeFlags.Narrowable)) {
@ -8085,14 +8188,14 @@ namespace ts {
const initialType = assumeInitialized ? declaredType : includeFalsyTypes(declaredType, TypeFlags.Undefined);
const visitedFlowStart = visitedFlowCount;
const result = getTypeAtFlowNode(reference.flowNode);
const result = getTypeFromFlowType(getTypeAtFlowNode(reference.flowNode));
visitedFlowCount = visitedFlowStart;
if (reference.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.NonNullExpression && getTypeWithFacts(result, TypeFacts.NEUndefinedOrNull) === neverType) {
return declaredType;
return result;
function getTypeAtFlowNode(flow: FlowNode): Type {
function getTypeAtFlowNode(flow: FlowNode): FlowType {
while (true) {
if (flow.flags & FlowFlags.Shared) {
// We cache results of flow type resolution for shared nodes that were previously visited in
@ -8104,7 +8207,7 @@ namespace ts {
let type: Type;
let type: FlowType;
if (flow.flags & FlowFlags.Assignment) {
type = getTypeAtFlowAssignment(<FlowAssignment>flow);
if (!type) {
@ -8156,19 +8259,9 @@ namespace ts {
const node = flow.node;
// Assignments only narrow the computed type if the declared type is a union type. Thus, we
// only need to evaluate the assigned type if the declared type is a union type.
if ((node.kind === SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration || node.kind === SyntaxKind.BindingElement) &&
reference.kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier &&
getExportSymbolOfValueSymbolIfExported(getResolvedSymbol(<Identifier>reference)) === getSymbolOfNode(node)) {
return declaredType.flags & TypeFlags.Union ?
getAssignmentReducedType(<UnionType>declaredType, getInitialType(<VariableDeclaration | BindingElement>node)) :
// If the node is not a variable declaration or binding element, it is an identifier
// or a dotted name that is the target of an assignment. If we have a match, reduce
// the declared type by the assigned type.
if (isMatchingReference(reference, node)) {
return declaredType.flags & TypeFlags.Union ?
getAssignmentReducedType(<UnionType>declaredType, getAssignedType(<Expression>node)) :
getAssignmentReducedType(<UnionType>declaredType, getInitialOrAssignedType(node)) :
// We didn't have a direct match. However, if the reference is a dotted name, this
@ -8182,41 +8275,45 @@ namespace ts {
return undefined;
function getTypeAtFlowCondition(flow: FlowCondition) {
let type = getTypeAtFlowNode(flow.antecedent);
function getTypeAtFlowCondition(flow: FlowCondition): FlowType {
const flowType = getTypeAtFlowNode(flow.antecedent);
let type = getTypeFromFlowType(flowType);
if (type !== neverType) {
// If we have an antecedent type (meaning we're reachable in some way), we first
// attempt to narrow the antecedent type. If that produces the nothing type, then
// we take the type guard as an indication that control could reach here in a
// manner not understood by the control flow analyzer (e.g. a function argument
// has an invalid type, or a nested function has possibly made an assignment to a
// captured variable). We proceed by reverting to the declared type and then
// attempt to narrow the antecedent type. If that produces the never type, and if
// the antecedent type is incomplete (i.e. a transient type in a loop), then we
// take the type guard as an indication that control *could* reach here once we
// have the complete type. We proceed by reverting to the declared type and then
// narrow that.
const assumeTrue = (flow.flags & FlowFlags.TrueCondition) !== 0;
type = narrowType(type, flow.expression, assumeTrue);
if (type === neverType) {
if (type === neverType && isIncomplete(flowType)) {
type = narrowType(declaredType, flow.expression, assumeTrue);
return type;
return createFlowType(type, isIncomplete(flowType));
function getTypeAtSwitchClause(flow: FlowSwitchClause) {
const type = getTypeAtFlowNode(flow.antecedent);
function getTypeAtSwitchClause(flow: FlowSwitchClause): FlowType {
const flowType = getTypeAtFlowNode(flow.antecedent);
let type = getTypeFromFlowType(flowType);
const expr = flow.switchStatement.expression;
if (isMatchingReference(reference, expr)) {
return narrowTypeBySwitchOnDiscriminant(type, flow.switchStatement, flow.clauseStart, flow.clauseEnd);
type = narrowTypeBySwitchOnDiscriminant(type, flow.switchStatement, flow.clauseStart, flow.clauseEnd);
if (isMatchingPropertyAccess(expr)) {
return narrowTypeByDiscriminant(type, <PropertyAccessExpression>expr, t => narrowTypeBySwitchOnDiscriminant(t, flow.switchStatement, flow.clauseStart, flow.clauseEnd));
else if (isMatchingReferenceDiscriminant(expr)) {
type = narrowTypeByDiscriminant(type, <PropertyAccessExpression>expr, t => narrowTypeBySwitchOnDiscriminant(t, flow.switchStatement, flow.clauseStart, flow.clauseEnd));
return type;
return createFlowType(type, isIncomplete(flowType));
function getTypeAtFlowBranchLabel(flow: FlowLabel) {
function getTypeAtFlowBranchLabel(flow: FlowLabel): FlowType {
const antecedentTypes: Type[] = [];
let subtypeReduction = false;
let seenIncomplete = false;
for (const antecedent of flow.antecedents) {
const type = getTypeAtFlowNode(antecedent);
const flowType = getTypeAtFlowNode(antecedent);
const type = getTypeFromFlowType(flowType);
// If the type at a particular antecedent path is the declared type and the
// reference is known to always be assigned (i.e. when declared and initial types
// are the same), there is no reason to process more antecedents since the only
@ -8227,11 +8324,20 @@ namespace ts {
if (!contains(antecedentTypes, type)) {
// If an antecedent type is not a subset of the declared type, we need to perform
// subtype reduction. This happens when a "foreign" type is injected into the control
// flow using the instanceof operator or a user defined type predicate.
if (!isTypeSubsetOf(type, declaredType)) {
subtypeReduction = true;
if (isIncomplete(flowType)) {
seenIncomplete = true;
return getUnionType(antecedentTypes);
return createFlowType(getUnionType(antecedentTypes, subtypeReduction), seenIncomplete);
function getTypeAtFlowLoopLabel(flow: FlowLabel) {
function getTypeAtFlowLoopLabel(flow: FlowLabel): FlowType {
// If we have previously computed the control flow type for the reference at
// this flow loop junction, return the cached type.
const id = getFlowNodeId(flow);
@ -8243,23 +8349,24 @@ namespace ts {
return cache[key];
// If this flow loop junction and reference are already being processed, return
// the union of the types computed for each branch so far. We should never see
// an empty array here because the first antecedent of a loop junction is always
// the non-looping control flow path that leads to the top.
// the union of the types computed for each branch so far, marked as incomplete.
// We should never see an empty array here because the first antecedent of a loop
// junction is always the non-looping control flow path that leads to the top.
for (let i = flowLoopStart; i < flowLoopCount; i++) {
if (flowLoopNodes[i] === flow && flowLoopKeys[i] === key) {
return getUnionType(flowLoopTypes[i]);
return createFlowType(getUnionType(flowLoopTypes[i]), /*incomplete*/ true);
// Add the flow loop junction and reference to the in-process stack and analyze
// each antecedent code path.
const antecedentTypes: Type[] = [];
let subtypeReduction = false;
flowLoopNodes[flowLoopCount] = flow;
flowLoopKeys[flowLoopCount] = key;
flowLoopTypes[flowLoopCount] = antecedentTypes;
for (const antecedent of flow.antecedents) {
const type = getTypeAtFlowNode(antecedent);
const type = getTypeFromFlowType(getTypeAtFlowNode(antecedent));
// If we see a value appear in the cache it is a sign that control flow analysis
// was restarted and completed by checkExpressionCached. We can simply pick up
@ -8270,6 +8377,12 @@ namespace ts {
if (!contains(antecedentTypes, type)) {
// If an antecedent type is not a subset of the declared type, we need to perform
// subtype reduction. This happens when a "foreign" type is injected into the control
// flow using the instanceof operator or a user defined type predicate.
if (!isTypeSubsetOf(type, declaredType)) {
subtypeReduction = true;
// If the type at a particular antecedent path is the declared type there is no
// reason to process more antecedents since the only possible outcome is subtypes
// that will be removed in the final union type anyway.
@ -8277,13 +8390,14 @@ namespace ts {
return cache[key] = getUnionType(antecedentTypes);
return cache[key] = getUnionType(antecedentTypes, subtypeReduction);
function isMatchingPropertyAccess(expr: Expression) {
function isMatchingReferenceDiscriminant(expr: Expression) {
return expr.kind === SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression &&
declaredType.flags & TypeFlags.Union &&
isMatchingReference(reference, (<PropertyAccessExpression>expr).expression) &&
(declaredType.flags & TypeFlags.Union) !== 0;
isDiscriminantProperty(declaredType, (<PropertyAccessExpression>expr).name.text);
function narrowTypeByDiscriminant(type: Type, propAccess: PropertyAccessExpression, narrowType: (t: Type) => Type): Type {
@ -8297,9 +8411,12 @@ namespace ts {
if (isMatchingReference(reference, expr)) {
return getTypeWithFacts(type, assumeTrue ? TypeFacts.Truthy : TypeFacts.Falsy);
if (isMatchingPropertyAccess(expr)) {
if (isMatchingReferenceDiscriminant(expr)) {
return narrowTypeByDiscriminant(type, <PropertyAccessExpression>expr, t => getTypeWithFacts(t, assumeTrue ? TypeFacts.Truthy : TypeFacts.Falsy));
if (containsMatchingReferenceDiscriminant(reference, expr)) {
return declaredType;
return type;
@ -8326,12 +8443,15 @@ namespace ts {
if (isMatchingReference(reference, right)) {
return narrowTypeByEquality(type, operator, left, assumeTrue);
if (isMatchingPropertyAccess(left)) {
if (isMatchingReferenceDiscriminant(left)) {
return narrowTypeByDiscriminant(type, <PropertyAccessExpression>left, t => narrowTypeByEquality(t, operator, right, assumeTrue));
if (isMatchingPropertyAccess(right)) {
if (isMatchingReferenceDiscriminant(right)) {
return narrowTypeByDiscriminant(type, <PropertyAccessExpression>right, t => narrowTypeByEquality(t, operator, left, assumeTrue));
if (containsMatchingReferenceDiscriminant(reference, left) || containsMatchingReferenceDiscriminant(reference, right)) {
return declaredType;
case SyntaxKind.InstanceOfKeyword:
return narrowTypeByInstanceof(type, expr, assumeTrue);
@ -8468,25 +8588,26 @@ namespace ts {
function getNarrowedType(type: Type, candidate: Type, assumeTrue: boolean) {
if (!assumeTrue) {
return type.flags & TypeFlags.Union ?
getUnionType(filter((<UnionType>type).types, t => !isTypeSubtypeOf(t, candidate))) :
return filterType(type, t => !isTypeInstanceOf(t, candidate));
// If the current type is a union type, remove all constituents that aren't assignable to
// If the current type is a union type, remove all constituents that couldn't be instances of
// the candidate type. If one or more constituents remain, return a union of those.
if (type.flags & TypeFlags.Union) {
const assignableConstituents = filter((<UnionType>type).types, t => isTypeAssignableTo(t, candidate));
const assignableConstituents = filter((<UnionType>type).types, t => isTypeInstanceOf(t, candidate));
if (assignableConstituents.length) {
return getUnionType(assignableConstituents);
// If the candidate type is assignable to the target type, narrow to the candidate type.
// Otherwise, if the current type is assignable to the candidate, keep the current type.
// Otherwise, the types are completely unrelated, so narrow to the empty type.
// If the candidate type is a subtype of the target type, narrow to the candidate type.
// Otherwise, if the target type is assignable to the candidate type, keep the target type.
// Otherwise, if the candidate type is assignable to the target type, narrow to the candidate
// type. Otherwise, the types are completely unrelated, so narrow to an intersection of the
// two types.
const targetType = type.flags & TypeFlags.TypeParameter ? getApparentType(type) : type;
return isTypeAssignableTo(candidate, targetType) ? candidate :
return isTypeSubtypeOf(candidate, targetType) ? candidate :
isTypeAssignableTo(type, candidate) ? type :
getIntersectionType([type, candidate]);
isTypeAssignableTo(candidate, targetType) ? candidate :
getIntersectionType([type, candidate]);
function narrowTypeByTypePredicate(type: Type, callExpression: CallExpression, assumeTrue: boolean): Type {
@ -10034,7 +10155,7 @@ namespace ts {
for (const prop of props) {
// Is there a corresponding property in the element attributes type? Skip checking of properties
// that have already been assigned to, as these are not actually pushed into the resulting type
if (!nameTable[]) {
if (!hasProperty(nameTable, {
const targetPropSym = getPropertyOfType(elementAttributesType,;
if (targetPropSym) {
const msg = chainDiagnosticMessages(undefined, Diagnostics.Property_0_of_JSX_spread_attribute_is_not_assignable_to_target_property,;
@ -10380,7 +10501,7 @@ namespace ts {
const targetProperties = getPropertiesOfType(targetAttributesType);
for (let i = 0; i < targetProperties.length; i++) {
if (!(targetProperties[i].flags & SymbolFlags.Optional) &&
nameTable[targetProperties[i].name] === undefined) {
!hasProperty(nameTable, targetProperties[i].name)) {
error(node, Diagnostics.Property_0_is_missing_in_type_1, targetProperties[i].name, typeToString(targetAttributesType));
@ -12829,6 +12950,9 @@ namespace ts {
return checkDestructuringAssignment(element, type, contextualMapper);
else {
// We still need to check element expression here because we may need to set appropriate flag on the expression
// such as NodeCheckFlags.LexicalThis on "this"expression.
if (isTupleType(sourceType)) {
error(element, Diagnostics.Tuple_type_0_with_length_1_cannot_be_assigned_to_tuple_with_length_2, typeToString(sourceType), (<TupleType>sourceType).elementTypes.length, elements.length);
@ -12899,6 +13023,14 @@ namespace ts {
return (target.flags & TypeFlags.Nullable) !== 0 || isTypeComparableTo(source, target);
function getBestChoiceType(type1: Type, type2: Type): Type {
const firstAssignableToSecond = isTypeAssignableTo(type1, type2);
const secondAssignableToFirst = isTypeAssignableTo(type2, type1);
return secondAssignableToFirst && !firstAssignableToSecond ? type1 :
firstAssignableToSecond && !secondAssignableToFirst ? type2 :
getUnionType([type1, type2], /*subtypeReduction*/ true);
function checkBinaryExpression(node: BinaryExpression, contextualMapper?: TypeMapper) {
return checkBinaryLikeExpression(node.left, node.operatorToken, node.right, contextualMapper, node);
@ -13042,7 +13174,7 @@ namespace ts {
case SyntaxKind.BarBarToken:
return getTypeFacts(leftType) & TypeFacts.Falsy ?
getUnionType([removeDefinitelyFalsyTypes(leftType), rightType], /*subtypeReduction*/ true) :
getBestChoiceType(removeDefinitelyFalsyTypes(leftType), rightType) :
case SyntaxKind.EqualsToken:
@ -13169,7 +13301,7 @@ namespace ts {
const type1 = checkExpression(node.whenTrue, contextualMapper);
const type2 = checkExpression(node.whenFalse, contextualMapper);
return getUnionType([type1, type2], /*subtypeReduction*/ true);
return getBestChoiceType(type1, type2);
function typeContainsLiteralFromEnum(type: Type, enumType: EnumType) {
@ -16230,6 +16362,12 @@ namespace ts {
checkTypeAssignableTo(staticType, getTypeWithoutSignatures(staticBaseType), || node,
if (baseType.symbol.valueDeclaration && !isInAmbientContext(baseType.symbol.valueDeclaration)) {
if (!isBlockScopedNameDeclaredBeforeUse(baseType.symbol.valueDeclaration, node)) {
error(baseTypeNode, Diagnostics.A_class_must_be_declared_after_its_base_class);
if (!(staticBaseType.symbol && staticBaseType.symbol.flags & SymbolFlags.Class)) {
// When the static base type is a "class-like" constructor function (but not actually a class), we verify
// that all instantiated base constructor signatures return the same type. We can simply compare the type
@ -19650,7 +19788,7 @@ namespace ts {
function checkGrammarTopLevelElementForRequiredDeclareModifier(node: Node): boolean {
// A declare modifier is required for any top level .d.ts declaration except export=, export default,
// A declare modifier is required for any top level .d.ts declaration except export=, export default, export as namespace
// interfaces and imports categories:
// DeclarationElement:
@ -19668,6 +19806,7 @@ namespace ts {
node.kind === SyntaxKind.ImportEqualsDeclaration ||
node.kind === SyntaxKind.ExportDeclaration ||
node.kind === SyntaxKind.ExportAssignment ||
node.kind === SyntaxKind.NamespaceExportDeclaration ||
(node.flags & NodeFlags.Ambient) ||
(node.flags & (NodeFlags.Export | NodeFlags.Default))) {

View file

@ -334,8 +334,12 @@ namespace ts {
return keys;
export function getProperty<T>(map: Map<T>, key: string): T {
return, key) ? map[key] : undefined;
export function getProperty<T>(map: Map<T>, key: string): T | undefined {
return hasProperty(map, key) ? map[key] : undefined;
export function getOrUpdateProperty<T>(map: Map<T>, key: string, makeValue: () => T): T {
return hasProperty(map, key) ? map[key] : map[key] = makeValue();
export function isEmpty<T>(map: Map<T>) {

View file

@ -1947,6 +1947,10 @@
"category": "Error",
"code": 2689
"A class must be declared after its base class.": {
"category": "Error",
"code": 2690
"Import declaration '{0}' is using private name '{1}'.": {
"category": "Error",
"code": 4000

View file

@ -2578,7 +2578,7 @@ var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, ge
operand = (<TypeAssertion | NonNullExpression>operand).expression;
// We have an expression of the form: (<Type>SubExpr)
// We have an expression of the form: (<Type>SubExpr) or (SubExpr as Type)
// Emitting this as (SubExpr) is really not desirable. We would like to emit the subexpr as is.
// Omitting the parentheses, however, could cause change in the semantics of the generated
// code if the casted expression has a lower precedence than the rest of the expression, e.g.:
@ -2592,6 +2592,7 @@ var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, ge
operand.kind !== SyntaxKind.DeleteExpression &&
operand.kind !== SyntaxKind.PostfixUnaryExpression &&
operand.kind !== SyntaxKind.NewExpression &&
!(operand.kind === SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression && node.expression.kind === SyntaxKind.AsExpression) &&
!(operand.kind === SyntaxKind.CallExpression && node.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.NewExpression) &&
!(operand.kind === SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression && node.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.CallExpression) &&
!(operand.kind === SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral && node.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression)) {
@ -6841,7 +6842,7 @@ const _super = (function (geti, seti) {
// export { x, y }
for (const specifier of (<ExportDeclaration>node).exportClause.elements) {
const name = (specifier.propertyName ||;
(exportSpecifiers[name] || (exportSpecifiers[name] = [])).push(specifier);
getOrUpdateProperty(exportSpecifiers, name, () => []).push(specifier);

View file

@ -1055,19 +1055,15 @@ namespace ts {
return resolutions;
function getInferredTypesRoot(options: CompilerOptions, rootFiles: string[], host: CompilerHost) {
return computeCommonSourceDirectoryOfFilenames(rootFiles, host.getCurrentDirectory(), f => host.getCanonicalFileName(f));
* Given a set of options and a set of root files, returns the set of type directive names
* Given a set of options, returns the set of type directive names
* that should be included for this program automatically.
* This list could either come from the config file,
* or from enumerating the types root + initial secondary types lookup location.
* More type directives might appear in the program later as a result of loading actual source files;
* this list is only the set of defaults that are implicitly included.
export function getAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames(options: CompilerOptions, rootFiles: string[], host: CompilerHost): string[] {
export function getAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames(options: CompilerOptions, host: ModuleResolutionHost): string[] {
// Use explicit type list from tsconfig.json
if (options.types) {
return options.types;
@ -1080,7 +1076,10 @@ namespace ts {
if (typeRoots) {
for (const root of typeRoots) {
if (host.directoryExists(root)) {
result = result.concat(host.getDirectories(root));
for (const typeDirectivePath of host.getDirectories(root)) {
// Return just the type directive names
result = result.concat(getBaseFileName(normalizePath(typeDirectivePath)));
@ -1155,11 +1154,11 @@ namespace ts {
forEach(rootNames, name => processRootFile(name, /*isDefaultLib*/ false));
// load type declarations specified via 'types' argument or implicitly from types/ and node_modules/@types folders
const typeReferences: string[] = getAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames(options, rootNames, host);
const typeReferences: string[] = getAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames(options, host);
if (typeReferences) {
const inferredRoot = getInferredTypesRoot(options, rootNames, host);
const containingFilename = combinePaths(inferredRoot, "__inferred type names__.ts");
// This containingFilename needs to match with the one used in managed-side
const containingFilename = combinePaths(host.getCurrentDirectory(), "__inferred type names__.ts");
const resolutions = resolveTypeReferenceDirectiveNamesWorker(typeReferences, containingFilename);
for (let i = 0; i < typeReferences.length; i++) {
processTypeReferenceDirective(typeReferences[i], resolutions[i]);

View file

@ -1612,6 +1612,16 @@ namespace ts {
antecedent: FlowNode;
export type FlowType = Type | IncompleteType;
// Incomplete types occur during control flow analysis of loops. An IncompleteType
// is distinguished from a regular type by a flags value of zero. Incomplete type
// objects are internal to the getFlowTypeOfRefecence function and never escape it.
export interface IncompleteType {
flags: TypeFlags; // No flags set
type: Type; // The type marked incomplete
export interface AmdDependency {
path: string;
name: string;
@ -2156,6 +2166,8 @@ namespace ts {
mapper?: TypeMapper; // Type mapper for instantiation alias
referenced?: boolean; // True if alias symbol has been referenced as a value
containingType?: UnionOrIntersectionType; // Containing union or intersection type for synthetic property
hasCommonType?: boolean; // True if constituents of synthetic property all have same type
isDiscriminantProperty?: boolean; // True if discriminant synthetic property
resolvedExports?: SymbolTable; // Resolved exports of module
exportsChecked?: boolean; // True if exports of external module have been checked
isDeclarationWithCollidingName?: boolean; // True if symbol is block scoped redeclaration
@ -2906,6 +2918,7 @@ namespace ts {
directoryExists?(directoryName: string): boolean;
realpath?(path: string): string;
getCurrentDirectory?(): string;
getDirectories?(path: string): string[];
export interface ResolvedModule {

View file

@ -1569,6 +1569,7 @@ namespace ts {
case SyntaxKind.MethodSignature:
case SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.NamespaceImport:
case SyntaxKind.NamespaceExportDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.Parameter:
case SyntaxKind.PropertyAssignment:
case SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration:

View file

@ -750,7 +750,7 @@ namespace Harness {
export function readDirectory(path: string, extension?: string[], exclude?: string[], include?: string[]) {
const fs = new Utils.VirtualFileSystem(path, useCaseSensitiveFileNames());
for (const file in listFiles(path)) {
for (const file of listFiles(path)) {
return ts.matchFiles(path, extension, exclude, include, useCaseSensitiveFileNames(), getCurrentDirectory(), path => {

View file

@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ namespace ts.server {
describe("onMessage", () => {
it("should not throw when commands are executed with invalid arguments", () => {
let i = 0;
for (name in CommandNames) {
for (const name in CommandNames) {
if (!, name)) {

View file

@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ interface NumberConstructor {
* The value of the largest integer n such that n and n + 1 are both exactly representable as
* a Number value.
* The value of Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER is 9007199254740991 2^53 1.
* The value of Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER is 9007199254740991 2^53 1.
readonly MAX_SAFE_INTEGER: number;
@ -343,6 +343,30 @@ interface ObjectConstructor {
defineProperty(o: any, propertyKey: PropertyKey, attributes: PropertyDescriptor): any;
interface ReadonlyArray<T> {
* Returns the value of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and undefined
* otherwise.
* @param predicate find calls predicate once for each element of the array, in ascending
* order, until it finds one where predicate returns true. If such an element is found, find
* immediately returns that element value. Otherwise, find returns undefined.
* @param thisArg If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of
* predicate. If it is not provided, undefined is used instead.
find(predicate: (value: T, index: number, obj: ReadonlyArray<T>) => boolean, thisArg?: any): T | undefined;
* Returns the index of the first element in the array where predicate is true, and undefined
* otherwise.
* @param predicate find calls predicate once for each element of the array, in ascending
* order, until it finds one where predicate returns true. If such an element is found,
* findIndex immediately returns that element index. Otherwise, findIndex returns -1.
* @param thisArg If provided, it will be used as the this value for each invocation of
* predicate. If it is not provided, undefined is used instead.
findIndex(predicate: (value: T) => boolean, thisArg?: any): number;
interface RegExp {
* Returns a string indicating the flags of the regular expression in question. This field is read-only.

View file

@ -63,6 +63,26 @@ interface ArrayConstructor {
from<T>(iterable: Iterable<T>): Array<T>;
interface ReadonlyArray<T> {
/** Iterator */
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<T>;
* Returns an array of key, value pairs for every entry in the array
entries(): IterableIterator<[number, T]>;
* Returns an list of keys in the array
keys(): IterableIterator<number>;
* Returns an list of values in the array
values(): IterableIterator<T>;
interface IArguments {
/** Iterator */
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<any>;

src/lib/es5.d.ts vendored
View file

@ -1108,6 +1108,11 @@ interface Array<T> {
* Removes the last element from an array and returns it.
pop(): T | undefined;
* Combines two or more arrays.
* @param items Additional items to add to the end of array1.
concat(...items: T[][]): T[];
* Combines two or more arrays.
* @param items Additional items to add to the end of array1.

View file

@ -115,6 +115,9 @@ namespace ts.server {
readFile: fileName =>,
directoryExists: directoryName =>
if ( {
this.moduleResolutionHost.realpath = path =>;
private resolveNamesWithLocalCache<T extends Timestamped & { failedLookupLocations: string[] }, R>(

View file

@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
"types": []
"files": [

View file

@ -453,9 +453,9 @@ namespace ts.formatting {
case SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration:
if ((<MethodDeclaration>node).asteriskToken) {
return SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken;
// fall-through
case SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.Parameter:
return (<Declaration>node).name.kind;
@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ namespace ts.formatting {
else {
// indent token only if end line of previous range does not match start line of the token
const prevEndLine = savePreviousRange && sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(savePreviousRange.end).line;
indentToken = lastTriviaWasNewLine && tokenStart.line !== prevEndLine;
indentToken = lastTriviaWasNewLine && tokenStart.line !== prevEndLine;
@ -892,7 +892,7 @@ namespace ts.formatting {
function indentationIsDifferent(indentationString: string, startLinePosition: number): boolean {
return indentationString !== sourceFile.text.substr(startLinePosition , indentationString.length);
return indentationString !== sourceFile.text.substr(startLinePosition, indentationString.length);
function indentMultilineComment(commentRange: TextRange, indentation: number, firstLineIsIndented: boolean) {
@ -936,7 +936,7 @@ namespace ts.formatting {
// shift all parts on the delta size
const delta = indentation - nonWhitespaceColumnInFirstPart.column;
for (let i = startIndex, len = parts.length; i < len; i++, startLine++) {
for (let i = startIndex, len = parts.length; i < len; i++ , startLine++) {
const startLinePos = getStartPositionOfLine(startLine, sourceFile);
const nonWhitespaceCharacterAndColumn =
i === 0

View file

@ -231,6 +231,13 @@ namespace ts.formatting {
public NoSpaceBeforeCloseBraceInJsxExpression: Rule;
public SpaceBeforeCloseBraceInJsxExpression: Rule;
// JSX opening elements
public SpaceBeforeJsxAttribute: Rule;
public SpaceBeforeSlashInJsxOpeningElement: Rule;
public NoSpaceBeforeGreaterThanTokenInJsxOpeningElement: Rule;
public NoSpaceBeforeEqualInJsxAttribute: Rule;
public NoSpaceAfterEqualInJsxAttribute: Rule;
constructor() {
/// Common Rules
@ -322,7 +329,7 @@ namespace ts.formatting {
// Add a space between statements. All keywords except (do,else,case) has open/close parens after them.
// So, we have a rule to add a space for [),Any], [do,Any], [else,Any], and [case,Any]
this.SpaceBetweenStatements = new Rule(RuleDescriptor.create4(Shared.TokenRange.FromTokens([SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken, SyntaxKind.DoKeyword, SyntaxKind.ElseKeyword, SyntaxKind.CaseKeyword]), Shared.TokenRange.Any), RuleOperation.create2(new RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsNonJsxSameLineTokenContext, Rules.isNonJsxElementContext, Rules.IsNotForContext), RuleAction.Space));
this.SpaceBetweenStatements = new Rule(RuleDescriptor.create4(Shared.TokenRange.FromTokens([SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken, SyntaxKind.DoKeyword, SyntaxKind.ElseKeyword, SyntaxKind.CaseKeyword]), Shared.TokenRange.Any), RuleOperation.create2(new RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsNonJsxSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsNonJsxElementContext, Rules.IsNotForContext), RuleAction.Space));
// This low-pri rule takes care of "try {" and "finally {" in case the rule SpaceBeforeOpenBraceInControl didn't execute on FormatOnEnter.
this.SpaceAfterTryFinally = new Rule(RuleDescriptor.create2(Shared.TokenRange.FromTokens([SyntaxKind.TryKeyword, SyntaxKind.FinallyKeyword]), SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken), RuleOperation.create2(new RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsNonJsxSameLineTokenContext), RuleAction.Space));
@ -386,6 +393,13 @@ namespace ts.formatting {
// template string
this.NoSpaceBetweenTagAndTemplateString = new Rule(RuleDescriptor.create3(SyntaxKind.Identifier, Shared.TokenRange.FromTokens([SyntaxKind.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral, SyntaxKind.TemplateHead])), RuleOperation.create2(new RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsNonJsxSameLineTokenContext), RuleAction.Delete));
// jsx opening element
this.SpaceBeforeJsxAttribute = new Rule(RuleDescriptor.create2(Shared.TokenRange.Any, SyntaxKind.Identifier), RuleOperation.create2(new RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsNextTokenParentJsxAttribute, Rules.IsNonJsxSameLineTokenContext), RuleAction.Space));
this.SpaceBeforeSlashInJsxOpeningElement = new Rule(RuleDescriptor.create2(Shared.TokenRange.Any, SyntaxKind.SlashToken), RuleOperation.create2(new RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsJsxSelfClosingElementContext, Rules.IsNonJsxSameLineTokenContext), RuleAction.Space));
this.NoSpaceBeforeGreaterThanTokenInJsxOpeningElement = new Rule(RuleDescriptor.create1(SyntaxKind.SlashToken, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken), RuleOperation.create2(new RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsJsxSelfClosingElementContext, Rules.IsNonJsxSameLineTokenContext), RuleAction.Delete));
this.NoSpaceBeforeEqualInJsxAttribute = new Rule(RuleDescriptor.create2(Shared.TokenRange.Any, SyntaxKind.EqualsToken), RuleOperation.create2(new RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsJsxAttributeContext, Rules.IsNonJsxSameLineTokenContext), RuleAction.Delete));
this.NoSpaceAfterEqualInJsxAttribute = new Rule(RuleDescriptor.create3(SyntaxKind.EqualsToken, Shared.TokenRange.Any), RuleOperation.create2(new RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsJsxAttributeContext, Rules.IsNonJsxSameLineTokenContext), RuleAction.Delete));
// These rules are higher in priority than user-configurable rules.
this.HighPriorityCommonRules = [
this.IgnoreBeforeComment, this.IgnoreAfterLineComment,
@ -413,6 +427,8 @@ namespace ts.formatting {
this.SpaceBetweenAsyncAndOpenParen, this.SpaceBetweenAsyncAndFunctionKeyword,
this.SpaceBeforeJsxAttribute, this.SpaceBeforeSlashInJsxOpeningElement, this.NoSpaceBeforeGreaterThanTokenInJsxOpeningElement,
this.NoSpaceBeforeEqualInJsxAttribute, this.NoSpaceAfterEqualInJsxAttribute,
// TypeScript-specific rules
this.NoSpaceAfterConstructor, this.NoSpaceAfterModuleImport,
@ -450,8 +466,8 @@ namespace ts.formatting {
// Insert space after comma delimiter
this.SpaceAfterComma = new Rule(RuleDescriptor.create3(SyntaxKind.CommaToken, Shared.TokenRange.Any), RuleOperation.create2(new RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsNonJsxSameLineTokenContext, Rules.isNonJsxElementContext, Rules.IsNextTokenNotCloseBracket), RuleAction.Space));
this.NoSpaceAfterComma = new Rule(RuleDescriptor.create3(SyntaxKind.CommaToken, Shared.TokenRange.Any), RuleOperation.create2(new RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsNonJsxSameLineTokenContext, Rules.isNonJsxElementContext), RuleAction.Delete));
this.SpaceAfterComma = new Rule(RuleDescriptor.create3(SyntaxKind.CommaToken, Shared.TokenRange.Any), RuleOperation.create2(new RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsNonJsxSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsNonJsxElementContext, Rules.IsNextTokenNotCloseBracket), RuleAction.Space));
this.NoSpaceAfterComma = new Rule(RuleDescriptor.create3(SyntaxKind.CommaToken, Shared.TokenRange.Any), RuleOperation.create2(new RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsNonJsxSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsNonJsxElementContext), RuleAction.Delete));
// Insert space before and after binary operators
this.SpaceBeforeBinaryOperator = new Rule(RuleDescriptor.create4(Shared.TokenRange.Any, Shared.TokenRange.BinaryOperators), RuleOperation.create2(new RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsNonJsxSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsBinaryOpContext), RuleAction.Space));
@ -498,10 +514,10 @@ namespace ts.formatting {
this.SpaceBeforeTemplateMiddleAndTail = new Rule(RuleDescriptor.create4(Shared.TokenRange.Any, Shared.TokenRange.FromTokens([SyntaxKind.TemplateMiddle, SyntaxKind.TemplateTail])), RuleOperation.create2(new RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsNonJsxSameLineTokenContext), RuleAction.Space));
// No space after { and before } in JSX expression
this.NoSpaceAfterOpenBraceInJsxExpression = new Rule(RuleDescriptor.create3(SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken, Shared.TokenRange.Any), RuleOperation.create2(new RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsNonJsxSameLineTokenContext, Rules.isJsxExpressionContext), RuleAction.Delete));
this.SpaceAfterOpenBraceInJsxExpression = new Rule(RuleDescriptor.create3(SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken, Shared.TokenRange.Any), RuleOperation.create2(new RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsNonJsxSameLineTokenContext, Rules.isJsxExpressionContext), RuleAction.Space));
this.NoSpaceBeforeCloseBraceInJsxExpression = new Rule(RuleDescriptor.create2(Shared.TokenRange.Any, SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken), RuleOperation.create2(new RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsNonJsxSameLineTokenContext, Rules.isJsxExpressionContext), RuleAction.Delete));
this.SpaceBeforeCloseBraceInJsxExpression = new Rule(RuleDescriptor.create2(Shared.TokenRange.Any, SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken), RuleOperation.create2(new RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsNonJsxSameLineTokenContext, Rules.isJsxExpressionContext), RuleAction.Space));
this.NoSpaceAfterOpenBraceInJsxExpression = new Rule(RuleDescriptor.create3(SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken, Shared.TokenRange.Any), RuleOperation.create2(new RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsNonJsxSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsJsxExpressionContext), RuleAction.Delete));
this.SpaceAfterOpenBraceInJsxExpression = new Rule(RuleDescriptor.create3(SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken, Shared.TokenRange.Any), RuleOperation.create2(new RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsNonJsxSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsJsxExpressionContext), RuleAction.Space));
this.NoSpaceBeforeCloseBraceInJsxExpression = new Rule(RuleDescriptor.create2(Shared.TokenRange.Any, SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken), RuleOperation.create2(new RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsNonJsxSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsJsxExpressionContext), RuleAction.Delete));
this.SpaceBeforeCloseBraceInJsxExpression = new Rule(RuleDescriptor.create2(Shared.TokenRange.Any, SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken), RuleOperation.create2(new RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsNonJsxSameLineTokenContext, Rules.IsJsxExpressionContext), RuleAction.Space));
// Insert space after function keyword for anonymous functions
this.SpaceAfterAnonymousFunctionKeyword = new Rule(RuleDescriptor.create1(SyntaxKind.FunctionKeyword, SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken), RuleOperation.create2(new RuleOperationContext(Rules.IsFunctionDeclContext), RuleAction.Space));
@ -741,14 +757,26 @@ namespace ts.formatting {
return context.TokensAreOnSameLine() && context.contextNode.kind !== SyntaxKind.JsxText;
static isNonJsxElementContext(context: FormattingContext): boolean {
static IsNonJsxElementContext(context: FormattingContext): boolean {
return context.contextNode.kind !== SyntaxKind.JsxElement;
static isJsxExpressionContext(context: FormattingContext): boolean {
static IsJsxExpressionContext(context: FormattingContext): boolean {
return context.contextNode.kind === SyntaxKind.JsxExpression;
static IsNextTokenParentJsxAttribute(context: FormattingContext): boolean {
return context.nextTokenParent.kind === SyntaxKind.JsxAttribute;
static IsJsxAttributeContext(context: FormattingContext): boolean {
return context.contextNode.kind === SyntaxKind.JsxAttribute;
static IsJsxSelfClosingElementContext(context: FormattingContext): boolean {
return context.contextNode.kind === SyntaxKind.JsxSelfClosingElement;
static IsNotBeforeBlockInFunctionDeclarationContext(context: FormattingContext): boolean {
return !Rules.IsFunctionDeclContext(context) && !Rules.IsBeforeBlockContext(context);

View file

@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ namespace ts.NavigationBar {
function convertToTopLevelItem(n: NavigationBarNode): NavigationBarItem {
return {
text: getItemName(n.node),
kind: nodeKind(n.node),
kind: getNodeKind(n.node),
kindModifiers: getNodeModifiers(n.node),
spans: getSpans(n),
childItems: map(n.children, convertToChildItem) || emptyChildItemArray,
@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ namespace ts.NavigationBar {
function convertToChildItem(n: NavigationBarNode): NavigationBarItem {
return {
text: getItemName(n.node),
kind: nodeKind(n.node),
kind: getNodeKind(n.node),
kindModifiers: getNodeModifiers(n.node),
spans: getSpans(n),
childItems: emptyChildItemArray,
@ -539,57 +539,6 @@ namespace ts.NavigationBar {
// TODO: GH#9145: We should just use getNodeKind. No reason why navigationBar and navigateTo should have different behaviors.
function nodeKind(node: Node): string {
switch (node.kind) {
case SyntaxKind.SourceFile:
return ScriptElementKind.moduleElement;
case SyntaxKind.EnumMember:
return ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement;
case SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.BindingElement:
let variableDeclarationNode: Node;
let name: Node;
if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.BindingElement) {
name = (<BindingElement>node).name;
variableDeclarationNode = node;
// binding elements are added only for variable declarations
// bubble up to the containing variable declaration
while (variableDeclarationNode && variableDeclarationNode.kind !== SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration) {
variableDeclarationNode = variableDeclarationNode.parent;
else {
variableDeclarationNode = node;
name = (<VariableDeclaration>node).name;
if (isConst(variableDeclarationNode)) {
return ts.ScriptElementKind.constElement;
else if (isLet(variableDeclarationNode)) {
return ts.ScriptElementKind.letElement;
else {
return ts.ScriptElementKind.variableElement;
case SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction:
return ts.ScriptElementKind.functionElement;
case SyntaxKind.JSDocTypedefTag:
return ScriptElementKind.typeElement;
return getNodeKind(node);
function getModuleName(moduleDeclaration: ModuleDeclaration): string {
// We want to maintain quotation marks.
if (isAmbientModule(moduleDeclaration)) {

View file

@ -1690,6 +1690,8 @@ namespace ts {
/** enum E */
export const enumElement = "enum";
// TODO: GH#9983
export const enumMemberElement = "const";
* Inside module and script only
@ -1884,7 +1886,7 @@ namespace ts {
// Cache host information about scrip Should be refreshed
// Cache host information about script should be refreshed
// at each language service public entry point, since we don't know when
// set of scripts handled by the host changes.
class HostCache {
@ -2947,7 +2949,10 @@ namespace ts {
/* @internal */ export function getNodeKind(node: Node): string {
switch (node.kind) {
case SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration: return ScriptElementKind.moduleElement;
case SyntaxKind.SourceFile:
return isExternalModule(<SourceFile>node) ? ScriptElementKind.moduleElement : ScriptElementKind.scriptElement;
case SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration:
return ScriptElementKind.moduleElement;
case SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.ClassExpression:
return ScriptElementKind.classElement;
@ -2955,11 +2960,10 @@ namespace ts {
case SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration: return ScriptElementKind.typeElement;
case SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration: return ScriptElementKind.enumElement;
case SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration:
return isConst(node)
? ScriptElementKind.constElement
: isLet(node)
? ScriptElementKind.letElement
: ScriptElementKind.variableElement;
return getKindOfVariableDeclaration(<VariableDeclaration>node);
case SyntaxKind.BindingElement:
return getKindOfVariableDeclaration(<VariableDeclaration>getRootDeclaration(node));
case SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction:
case SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression:
return ScriptElementKind.functionElement;
@ -2976,7 +2980,7 @@ namespace ts {
case SyntaxKind.CallSignature: return ScriptElementKind.callSignatureElement;
case SyntaxKind.Constructor: return ScriptElementKind.constructorImplementationElement;
case SyntaxKind.TypeParameter: return ScriptElementKind.typeParameterElement;
case SyntaxKind.EnumMember: return ScriptElementKind.variableElement;
case SyntaxKind.EnumMember: return ScriptElementKind.enumMemberElement;
case SyntaxKind.Parameter: return (node.flags & NodeFlags.ParameterPropertyModifier) ? ScriptElementKind.memberVariableElement : ScriptElementKind.parameterElement;
case SyntaxKind.ImportEqualsDeclaration:
case SyntaxKind.ImportSpecifier:
@ -2984,8 +2988,19 @@ namespace ts {
case SyntaxKind.ExportSpecifier:
case SyntaxKind.NamespaceImport:
return ScriptElementKind.alias;
case SyntaxKind.JSDocTypedefTag:
return ScriptElementKind.typeElement;
return ScriptElementKind.unknown;
function getKindOfVariableDeclaration(v: VariableDeclaration): string {
return isConst(v)
? ScriptElementKind.constElement
: isLet(v)
? ScriptElementKind.letElement
: ScriptElementKind.variableElement;
return ScriptElementKind.unknown;
class CancellationTokenObject implements CancellationToken {
@ -3075,14 +3090,16 @@ namespace ts {
const oldSettings = program && program.getCompilerOptions();
const newSettings = hostCache.compilationSettings();
const changesInCompilationSettingsAffectSyntax = oldSettings &&
const shouldCreateNewSourceFiles = oldSettings &&
( !== ||
oldSettings.module !== newSettings.module ||
oldSettings.moduleResolution !== newSettings.moduleResolution ||
oldSettings.noResolve !== newSettings.noResolve ||
oldSettings.jsx !== newSettings.jsx ||
oldSettings.allowJs !== newSettings.allowJs ||
oldSettings.disableSizeLimit !== oldSettings.disableSizeLimit);
oldSettings.disableSizeLimit !== oldSettings.disableSizeLimit ||
oldSettings.baseUrl !== newSettings.baseUrl ||
!mapIsEqualTo(oldSettings.paths, newSettings.paths));
// Now create a new compiler
const compilerHost: CompilerHost = {
@ -3134,7 +3151,7 @@ namespace ts {
const oldSourceFiles = program.getSourceFiles();
const oldSettingsKey = documentRegistry.getKeyForCompilationSettings(oldSettings);
for (const oldSourceFile of oldSourceFiles) {
if (!newProgram.getSourceFile(oldSourceFile.fileName) || changesInCompilationSettingsAffectSyntax) {
if (!newProgram.getSourceFile(oldSourceFile.fileName) || shouldCreateNewSourceFiles) {
documentRegistry.releaseDocumentWithKey(oldSourceFile.path, oldSettingsKey);
@ -3168,7 +3185,7 @@ namespace ts {
// Check if the language version has changed since we last created a program; if they are the same,
// it is safe to reuse the sourceFiles; if not, then the shape of the AST can change, and the oldSourceFile
// can not be reused. we have to dump all syntax trees and create new ones.
if (!changesInCompilationSettingsAffectSyntax) {
if (!shouldCreateNewSourceFiles) {
// Check if the old program had this file already
const oldSourceFile = program && program.getSourceFileByPath(path);
if (oldSourceFile) {
@ -4813,7 +4830,14 @@ namespace ts {
if (symbolFlags & SymbolFlags.Alias) {
if (symbol.declarations[0].kind === SyntaxKind.NamespaceExportDeclaration) {
else {
ts.forEach(symbol.declarations, declaration => {

View file

@ -72,8 +72,13 @@ namespace ts {
directoryExists(directoryName: string): boolean;
/** Public interface of the the of a config service shim instance.*/
export interface CoreServicesShimHost extends Logger, ModuleResolutionHost {
/** Public interface of the core-services host instance used in managed side */
export interface CoreServicesShimHost extends Logger {
directoryExists(directoryName: string): boolean;
fileExists(fileName: string): boolean;
getCurrentDirectory(): string;
getDirectories(path: string): string;
* Returns a JSON-encoded value of the type: string[]
@ -81,9 +86,14 @@ namespace ts {
* when enumerating the directory.
readDirectory(rootDir: string, extension: string, basePaths?: string, excludeEx?: string, includeFileEx?: string, includeDirEx?: string, depth?: number): string;
useCaseSensitiveFileNames?(): boolean;
getCurrentDirectory(): string;
* Read arbitary text files on disk, i.e. when resolution procedure needs the content of 'package.json' to determine location of bundled typings for node modules
readFile(fileName: string): string;
realpath?(path: string): string;
trace(s: string): void;
useCaseSensitiveFileNames?(): boolean;
@ -240,6 +250,7 @@ namespace ts {
export interface CoreServicesShim extends Shim {
getAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames(compilerOptionsJson: string): string;
getPreProcessedFileInfo(fileName: string, sourceText: IScriptSnapshot): string;
getTSConfigFileInfo(fileName: string, sourceText: IScriptSnapshot): string;
getDefaultCompilationSettings(): string;
@ -492,6 +503,10 @@ namespace ts {
private readDirectoryFallback(rootDir: string, extension: string, exclude: string[]) {
return JSON.parse(this.shimHost.readDirectory(rootDir, extension, JSON.stringify(exclude)));
public getDirectories(path: string): string[] {
return JSON.parse(this.shimHost.getDirectories(path));
function simpleForwardCall(logger: Logger, actionDescription: string, action: () => any, logPerformance: boolean): any {
@ -1003,7 +1018,7 @@ namespace ts {
public getPreProcessedFileInfo(fileName: string, sourceTextSnapshot: IScriptSnapshot): string {
return this.forwardJSONCall(
"getPreProcessedFileInfo('" + fileName + "')",
() => {
// for now treat files as JavaScript
const result = preProcessFile(sourceTextSnapshot.getText(0, sourceTextSnapshot.getLength()), /* readImportFiles */ true, /* detectJavaScriptImports */ true);
@ -1017,6 +1032,16 @@ namespace ts {
public getAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames(compilerOptionsJson: string): string {
return this.forwardJSONCall(
() => {
const compilerOptions = <CompilerOptions>JSON.parse(compilerOptionsJson);
return getAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames(compilerOptions,;
private convertFileReferences(refs: FileReference[]): IFileReference[] {
if (!refs) {
return undefined;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
tests/cases/compiler/a.ts(2,5): error TS2339: Property 'default' does not exist on type 'typeof "tests/cases/compiler/b"'.
tests/cases/compiler/a.ts(3,5): error TS2339: Property 'default' does not exist on type 'typeof "tests/cases/compiler/b"'.
==== tests/cases/compiler/a.ts (2 errors) ====
import Foo = require("./b");;
!!! error TS2339: Property 'default' does not exist on type 'typeof "tests/cases/compiler/b"'.;
!!! error TS2339: Property 'default' does not exist on type 'typeof "tests/cases/compiler/b"'.
==== tests/cases/compiler/b.d.ts (0 errors) ====
export function foo();
export function bar();

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
//// [tests/cases/compiler/allowSyntheticDefaultImports10.ts] ////
//// [b.d.ts]
export function foo();
export function bar();
//// [a.ts]
import Foo = require("./b");;;
//// [a.js]
"use strict";
var Foo = require("./b");;;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
//// [tests/cases/compiler/allowSyntheticDefaultImports7.ts] ////
//// [b.d.ts]
export function foo();
export function bar();
//// [a.ts]
import { default as Foo } from "./b";;;
//// [a.js]
System.register(["./b"], function(exports_1, context_1) {
"use strict";
var __moduleName = context_1 &&;
var b_1;
return {
function (b_1_1) {
b_1 = b_1_1;
execute: function() {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/b.d.ts ===
export function foo();
>foo : Symbol(foo, Decl(b.d.ts, 0, 0))
export function bar();
>bar : Symbol(bar, Decl(b.d.ts, 0, 22))
=== tests/cases/compiler/a.ts ===
import { default as Foo } from "./b";
>default : Symbol(Foo, Decl(a.ts, 0, 8))
>Foo : Symbol(Foo, Decl(a.ts, 0, 8));
> : Symbol(, Decl(b.d.ts, 0, 22))
>Foo : Symbol(Foo, Decl(a.ts, 0, 8))
>bar : Symbol(, Decl(b.d.ts, 0, 22));
> : Symbol(, Decl(b.d.ts, 0, 0))
>Foo : Symbol(Foo, Decl(a.ts, 0, 8))
>foo : Symbol(, Decl(b.d.ts, 0, 0))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/b.d.ts ===
export function foo();
>foo : () => any
export function bar();
>bar : () => any
=== tests/cases/compiler/a.ts ===
import { default as Foo } from "./b";
>default : typeof Foo
>Foo : typeof Foo;
> : any
> : () => any
>Foo : typeof Foo
>bar : () => any;
> : any
> : () => any
>Foo : typeof Foo
>foo : () => any

View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
tests/cases/compiler/a.ts(1,10): error TS2305: Module '"tests/cases/compiler/b"' has no exported member 'default'.
==== tests/cases/compiler/b.d.ts (0 errors) ====
export function foo();
export function bar();
==== tests/cases/compiler/a.ts (1 errors) ====
import { default as Foo } from "./b";
!!! error TS2305: Module '"tests/cases/compiler/b"' has no exported member 'default'.;;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
//// [tests/cases/compiler/allowSyntheticDefaultImports8.ts] ////
//// [b.d.ts]
export function foo();
export function bar();
//// [a.ts]
import { default as Foo } from "./b";;;
//// [a.js]
System.register(["./b"], function(exports_1, context_1) {
"use strict";
var __moduleName = context_1 &&;
var b_1;
return {
function (b_1_1) {
b_1 = b_1_1;
execute: function() {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
//// [tests/cases/compiler/allowSyntheticDefaultImports9.ts] ////
//// [b.d.ts]
export function foo();
export function bar();
//// [a.ts]
import { default as Foo } from "./b";;;
//// [a.js]
"use strict";
var b_1 = require("./b");

View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/b.d.ts ===
export function foo();
>foo : Symbol(foo, Decl(b.d.ts, 0, 0))
export function bar();
>bar : Symbol(bar, Decl(b.d.ts, 0, 22))
=== tests/cases/compiler/a.ts ===
import { default as Foo } from "./b";
>default : Symbol(Foo, Decl(a.ts, 0, 8))
>Foo : Symbol(Foo, Decl(a.ts, 0, 8));
> : Symbol(, Decl(b.d.ts, 0, 22))
>Foo : Symbol(Foo, Decl(a.ts, 0, 8))
>bar : Symbol(, Decl(b.d.ts, 0, 22));
> : Symbol(, Decl(b.d.ts, 0, 0))
>Foo : Symbol(Foo, Decl(a.ts, 0, 8))
>foo : Symbol(, Decl(b.d.ts, 0, 0))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/b.d.ts ===
export function foo();
>foo : () => any
export function bar();
>bar : () => any
=== tests/cases/compiler/a.ts ===
import { default as Foo } from "./b";
>default : typeof Foo
>Foo : typeof Foo;
> : any
> : () => any
>Foo : typeof Foo
>bar : () => any;
> : any
> : () => any
>Foo : typeof Foo
>foo : () => any

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/a.d.ts ===
declare namespace ns {
>ns : Symbol(ns, Decl(a.d.ts, 0, 0))
class SecondNS extends FirstNS { }
>SecondNS : Symbol(SecondNS, Decl(a.d.ts, 1, 22))
>FirstNS : Symbol(FirstNS, Decl(a.d.ts, 2, 36))
class FirstNS { }
>FirstNS : Symbol(FirstNS, Decl(a.d.ts, 2, 36))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/a.d.ts ===
declare namespace ns {
>ns : typeof ns
class SecondNS extends FirstNS { }
>SecondNS : SecondNS
>FirstNS : FirstNS
class FirstNS { }
>FirstNS : FirstNS

View file

@ -3,21 +3,21 @@ var a: string[] = [];
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(arrayConcat2.ts, 0, 3))
a.concat("hello", 'world');
>a.concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>a.concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(arrayConcat2.ts, 0, 3))
>concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>a.concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>a.concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(arrayConcat2.ts, 0, 3))
>concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
var b = new Array<string>();
>b : Symbol(b, Decl(arrayConcat2.ts, 5, 3))
>Array : Symbol(Array, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>b.concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>b.concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>b : Symbol(b, Decl(arrayConcat2.ts, 5, 3))
>concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))

View file

@ -5,17 +5,17 @@ var a: string[] = [];
a.concat("hello", 'world');
>a.concat("hello", 'world') : string[]
>a.concat : (...items: (string | string[])[]) => string[]
>a.concat : { (...items: string[][]): string[]; (...items: (string | string[])[]): string[]; }
>a : string[]
>concat : (...items: (string | string[])[]) => string[]
>concat : { (...items: string[][]): string[]; (...items: (string | string[])[]): string[]; }
>"hello" : string
>'world' : string
>a.concat('Hello') : string[]
>a.concat : (...items: (string | string[])[]) => string[]
>a.concat : { (...items: string[][]): string[]; (...items: (string | string[])[]): string[]; }
>a : string[]
>concat : (...items: (string | string[])[]) => string[]
>concat : { (...items: string[][]): string[]; (...items: (string | string[])[]): string[]; }
>'Hello' : string
var b = new Array<string>();
@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ var b = new Array<string>();
>b.concat('hello') : string[]
>b.concat : (...items: (string | string[])[]) => string[]
>b.concat : { (...items: string[][]): string[]; (...items: (string | string[])[]): string[]; }
>b : string[]
>concat : (...items: (string | string[])[]) => string[]
>concat : { (...items: string[][]): string[]; (...items: (string | string[])[]): string[]; }
>'hello' : string

View file

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
var x = [].concat([{ a: 1 }], [{ a: 2 }])
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(arrayConcatMap.ts, 0, 3))
>[].concat([{ a: 1 }], [{ a: 2 }]) .map : Symbol(, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>[].concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>[].concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(arrayConcatMap.ts, 0, 20))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(arrayConcatMap.ts, 0, 32))

View file

@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ var x = [].concat([{ a: 1 }], [{ a: 2 }])
>[].concat([{ a: 1 }], [{ a: 2 }]) .map(b => b.a) : any[]
>[].concat([{ a: 1 }], [{ a: 2 }]) .map : <U>(callbackfn: (value: any, index: number, array: any[]) => U, thisArg?: any) => U[]
>[].concat([{ a: 1 }], [{ a: 2 }]) : any[]
>[].concat : (...items: any[]) => any[]
>[].concat : { (...items: any[][]): any[]; (...items: any[]): any[]; }
>[] : undefined[]
>concat : (...items: any[]) => any[]
>concat : { (...items: any[][]): any[]; (...items: any[]): any[]; }
>[{ a: 1 }] : { a: number; }[]
>{ a: 1 } : { a: number; }
>a : number

View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
//// [asOpEmitParens.ts]
declare var x;
// Must emit as (x + 1) * 3
(x + 1 as number) * 3;
// Should still emit as x.y
(x as any).y;
// Emit as new (x())
new (x() as any);
//// [asOpEmitParens.js]
// Must emit as (x + 1) * 3
(x + 1) * 3;
// Should still emit as x.y
// Emit as new (x())
new (x());

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
=== tests/cases/conformance/expressions/asOperator/asOpEmitParens.ts ===
declare var x;
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(asOpEmitParens.ts, 0, 11))
// Must emit as (x + 1) * 3
(x + 1 as number) * 3;
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(asOpEmitParens.ts, 0, 11))
// Should still emit as x.y
(x as any).y;
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(asOpEmitParens.ts, 0, 11))
// Emit as new (x())
new (x() as any);
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(asOpEmitParens.ts, 0, 11))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
=== tests/cases/conformance/expressions/asOperator/asOpEmitParens.ts ===
declare var x;
>x : any
// Must emit as (x + 1) * 3
(x + 1 as number) * 3;
>(x + 1 as number) * 3 : number
>(x + 1 as number) : number
>x + 1 as number : number
>x + 1 : any
>x : any
>1 : number
>3 : number
// Should still emit as x.y
(x as any).y;
>(x as any).y : any
>(x as any) : any
>x as any : any
>x : any
>y : any
// Emit as new (x())
new (x() as any);
>new (x() as any) : any
>(x() as any) : any
>x() as any : any
>x() : any
>x : any

View file

@ -1,4 +1,20 @@
//// [baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts]
class CBaseBase<T3> {
constructor(x: Parameter<T3>) { }
class CBase<T2> extends CBaseBase<Wrapper<T2>> {
class Parameter<T4> {
method(t: T4) { }
class Wrapper<T5> {
property: T5;
class C<T1> extends CBase<T1> {
public works() {
new CBaseBase<Wrapper<T1>>(this);
@ -9,22 +25,7 @@ class C<T1> extends CBase<T1> {
public method(t: Wrapper<T1>) { }
class CBase<T2> extends CBaseBase<Wrapper<T2>> {
class CBaseBase<T3> {
constructor(x: Parameter<T3>) { }
class Parameter<T4> {
method(t: T4) { }
class Wrapper<T5> {
property: T5;
//// [baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.js]
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || function (d, b) {
@ -32,6 +33,29 @@ var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || function (d, b) {
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
var CBaseBase = (function () {
function CBaseBase(x) {
return CBaseBase;
var CBase = (function (_super) {
__extends(CBase, _super);
function CBase() {
_super.apply(this, arguments);
return CBase;
var Parameter = (function () {
function Parameter() {
Parameter.prototype.method = function (t) { };
return Parameter;
var Wrapper = (function () {
function Wrapper() {
return Wrapper;
var C = (function (_super) {
__extends(C, _super);
function C() {
@ -46,26 +70,3 @@ var C = (function (_super) {
C.prototype.method = function (t) { };
return C;
var CBase = (function (_super) {
__extends(CBase, _super);
function CBase() {
_super.apply(this, arguments);
return CBase;
var CBaseBase = (function () {
function CBaseBase(x) {
return CBaseBase;
var Parameter = (function () {
function Parameter() {
Parameter.prototype.method = function (t) { };
return Parameter;
var Wrapper = (function () {
function Wrapper() {
return Wrapper;

View file

@ -1,69 +1,70 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts ===
class C<T1> extends CBase<T1> {
>C : Symbol(C, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 0, 0))
>T1 : Symbol(T1, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 0, 8))
>CBase : Symbol(CBase, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 9, 1))
>T1 : Symbol(T1, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 0, 8))
class CBaseBase<T3> {
>CBaseBase : Symbol(CBaseBase, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 0, 0))
>T3 : Symbol(T3, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 0, 16))
public works() {
>works : Symbol(, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 0, 31))
new CBaseBase<Wrapper<T1>>(this);
>CBaseBase : Symbol(CBaseBase, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 13, 1))
>Wrapper : Symbol(Wrapper, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 21, 1))
>T1 : Symbol(T1, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 0, 8))
>this : Symbol(C, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 0, 0))
public alsoWorks() {
>alsoWorks : Symbol(C.alsoWorks, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 3, 5))
new CBase<T1>(this); // Should not error, parameter is of type Parameter<Wrapper<T1>>
>CBase : Symbol(CBase, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 9, 1))
>T1 : Symbol(T1, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 0, 8))
>this : Symbol(C, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 0, 0))
public method(t: Wrapper<T1>) { }
>method : Symbol(C.method, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 6, 5))
>t : Symbol(t, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 8, 18))
>Wrapper : Symbol(Wrapper, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 21, 1))
>T1 : Symbol(T1, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 0, 8))
constructor(x: Parameter<T3>) { }
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 1, 16))
>Parameter : Symbol(Parameter, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 6, 1))
>T3 : Symbol(T3, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 0, 16))
class CBase<T2> extends CBaseBase<Wrapper<T2>> {
>CBase : Symbol(CBase, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 9, 1))
>T2 : Symbol(T2, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 11, 12))
>CBaseBase : Symbol(CBaseBase, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 13, 1))
>Wrapper : Symbol(Wrapper, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 21, 1))
>T2 : Symbol(T2, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 11, 12))
>CBase : Symbol(CBase, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 2, 1))
>T2 : Symbol(T2, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 4, 12))
>CBaseBase : Symbol(CBaseBase, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 0, 0))
>Wrapper : Symbol(Wrapper, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 10, 1))
>T2 : Symbol(T2, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 4, 12))
class CBaseBase<T3> {
>CBaseBase : Symbol(CBaseBase, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 13, 1))
>T3 : Symbol(T3, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 15, 16))
constructor(x: Parameter<T3>) { }
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 16, 16))
>Parameter : Symbol(Parameter, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 17, 1))
>T3 : Symbol(T3, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 15, 16))
class Parameter<T4> {
>Parameter : Symbol(Parameter, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 17, 1))
>T4 : Symbol(T4, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 19, 16))
>Parameter : Symbol(Parameter, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 6, 1))
>T4 : Symbol(T4, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 8, 16))
method(t: T4) { }
>method : Symbol(Parameter.method, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 19, 21))
>t : Symbol(t, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 20, 11))
>T4 : Symbol(T4, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 19, 16))
>method : Symbol(Parameter.method, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 8, 21))
>t : Symbol(t, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 9, 11))
>T4 : Symbol(T4, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 8, 16))
class Wrapper<T5> {
>Wrapper : Symbol(Wrapper, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 21, 1))
>T5 : Symbol(T5, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 23, 14))
>Wrapper : Symbol(Wrapper, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 10, 1))
>T5 : Symbol(T5, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 12, 14))
property: T5;
>property : Symbol(, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 23, 19))
>T5 : Symbol(T5, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 23, 14))
>property : Symbol(, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 12, 19))
>T5 : Symbol(T5, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 12, 14))
class C<T1> extends CBase<T1> {
>C : Symbol(C, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 14, 1))
>T1 : Symbol(T1, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 16, 8))
>CBase : Symbol(CBase, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 2, 1))
>T1 : Symbol(T1, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 16, 8))
public works() {
>works : Symbol(, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 16, 31))
new CBaseBase<Wrapper<T1>>(this);
>CBaseBase : Symbol(CBaseBase, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 0, 0))
>Wrapper : Symbol(Wrapper, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 10, 1))
>T1 : Symbol(T1, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 16, 8))
>this : Symbol(C, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 14, 1))
public alsoWorks() {
>alsoWorks : Symbol(C.alsoWorks, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 19, 5))
new CBase<T1>(this); // Should not error, parameter is of type Parameter<Wrapper<T1>>
>CBase : Symbol(CBase, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 2, 1))
>T1 : Symbol(T1, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 16, 8))
>this : Symbol(C, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 14, 1))
public method(t: Wrapper<T1>) { }
>method : Symbol(C.method, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 22, 5))
>t : Symbol(t, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 24, 18))
>Wrapper : Symbol(Wrapper, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 10, 1))
>T1 : Symbol(T1, Decl(baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts, 16, 8))

View file

@ -1,4 +1,42 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/baseTypeWrappingInstantiationChain.ts ===
class CBaseBase<T3> {
>CBaseBase : CBaseBase<T3>
>T3 : T3
constructor(x: Parameter<T3>) { }
>x : Parameter<T3>
>Parameter : Parameter<T4>
>T3 : T3
class CBase<T2> extends CBaseBase<Wrapper<T2>> {
>CBase : CBase<T2>
>T2 : T2
>CBaseBase : CBaseBase<Wrapper<T2>>
>Wrapper : Wrapper<T5>
>T2 : T2
class Parameter<T4> {
>Parameter : Parameter<T4>
>T4 : T4
method(t: T4) { }
>method : (t: T4) => void
>t : T4
>T4 : T4
class Wrapper<T5> {
>Wrapper : Wrapper<T5>
>T5 : T5
property: T5;
>property : T5
>T5 : T5
class C<T1> extends CBase<T1> {
>C : C<T1>
>T1 : T1
@ -32,40 +70,3 @@ class C<T1> extends CBase<T1> {
>T1 : T1
class CBase<T2> extends CBaseBase<Wrapper<T2>> {
>CBase : CBase<T2>
>T2 : T2
>CBaseBase : CBaseBase<Wrapper<T2>>
>Wrapper : Wrapper<T5>
>T2 : T2
class CBaseBase<T3> {
>CBaseBase : CBaseBase<T3>
>T3 : T3
constructor(x: Parameter<T3>) { }
>x : Parameter<T3>
>Parameter : Parameter<T4>
>T3 : T3
class Parameter<T4> {
>Parameter : Parameter<T4>
>T4 : T4
method(t: T4) { }
>method : (t: T4) => void
>t : T4
>T4 : T4
class Wrapper<T5> {
>Wrapper : Wrapper<T5>
>T5 : T5
property: T5;
>property : T5
>T5 : T5

View file

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
//// [bestChoiceType.ts]
// Repro from #10041
(''.match(/ /) || []).map(s => s.toLowerCase());
// Similar cases
function f1() {
let x = ''.match(/ /);
let y = x || [];
let z = => s.toLowerCase());
function f2() {
let x = ''.match(/ /);
let y = x ? x : [];
let z = => s.toLowerCase());
//// [bestChoiceType.js]
// Repro from #10041
(''.match(/ /) || []).map(function (s) { return s.toLowerCase(); });
// Similar cases
function f1() {
var x = ''.match(/ /);
var y = x || [];
var z = (s) { return s.toLowerCase(); });
function f2() {
var x = ''.match(/ /);
var y = x ? x : [];
var z = (s) { return s.toLowerCase(); });

View file

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/bestChoiceType.ts ===
// Repro from #10041
(''.match(/ /) || []).map(s => s.toLowerCase());
>(''.match(/ /) || []).map : Symbol(, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>''.match : Symbol(String.match, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>match : Symbol(String.match, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>map : Symbol(, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(bestChoiceType.ts, 3, 26))
>s.toLowerCase : Symbol(String.toLowerCase, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(bestChoiceType.ts, 3, 26))
>toLowerCase : Symbol(String.toLowerCase, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
// Similar cases
function f1() {
>f1 : Symbol(f1, Decl(bestChoiceType.ts, 3, 48))
let x = ''.match(/ /);
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(bestChoiceType.ts, 8, 7))
>''.match : Symbol(String.match, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>match : Symbol(String.match, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
let y = x || [];
>y : Symbol(y, Decl(bestChoiceType.ts, 9, 7))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(bestChoiceType.ts, 8, 7))
let z = => s.toLowerCase());
>z : Symbol(z, Decl(bestChoiceType.ts, 10, 7))
> : Symbol(, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>y : Symbol(y, Decl(bestChoiceType.ts, 9, 7))
>map : Symbol(, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(bestChoiceType.ts, 10, 18))
>s.toLowerCase : Symbol(String.toLowerCase, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(bestChoiceType.ts, 10, 18))
>toLowerCase : Symbol(String.toLowerCase, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
function f2() {
>f2 : Symbol(f2, Decl(bestChoiceType.ts, 11, 1))
let x = ''.match(/ /);
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(bestChoiceType.ts, 14, 7))
>''.match : Symbol(String.match, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>match : Symbol(String.match, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
let y = x ? x : [];
>y : Symbol(y, Decl(bestChoiceType.ts, 15, 7))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(bestChoiceType.ts, 14, 7))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(bestChoiceType.ts, 14, 7))
let z = => s.toLowerCase());
>z : Symbol(z, Decl(bestChoiceType.ts, 16, 7))
> : Symbol(, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>y : Symbol(y, Decl(bestChoiceType.ts, 15, 7))
>map : Symbol(, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(bestChoiceType.ts, 16, 18))
>s.toLowerCase : Symbol(String.toLowerCase, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(bestChoiceType.ts, 16, 18))
>toLowerCase : Symbol(String.toLowerCase, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/bestChoiceType.ts ===
// Repro from #10041
(''.match(/ /) || []).map(s => s.toLowerCase());
>(''.match(/ /) || []).map(s => s.toLowerCase()) : string[]
>(''.match(/ /) || []).map : <U>(callbackfn: (value: string, index: number, array: string[]) => U, thisArg?: any) => U[]
>(''.match(/ /) || []) : RegExpMatchArray
>''.match(/ /) || [] : RegExpMatchArray
>''.match(/ /) : RegExpMatchArray | null
>''.match : { (regexp: string): RegExpMatchArray | null; (regexp: RegExp): RegExpMatchArray | null; }
>'' : string
>match : { (regexp: string): RegExpMatchArray | null; (regexp: RegExp): RegExpMatchArray | null; }
>/ / : RegExp
>[] : never[]
>map : <U>(callbackfn: (value: string, index: number, array: string[]) => U, thisArg?: any) => U[]
>s => s.toLowerCase() : (s: string) => string
>s : string
>s.toLowerCase() : string
>s.toLowerCase : () => string
>s : string
>toLowerCase : () => string
// Similar cases
function f1() {
>f1 : () => void
let x = ''.match(/ /);
>x : RegExpMatchArray | null
>''.match(/ /) : RegExpMatchArray | null
>''.match : { (regexp: string): RegExpMatchArray | null; (regexp: RegExp): RegExpMatchArray | null; }
>'' : string
>match : { (regexp: string): RegExpMatchArray | null; (regexp: RegExp): RegExpMatchArray | null; }
>/ / : RegExp
let y = x || [];
>y : RegExpMatchArray
>x || [] : RegExpMatchArray
>x : RegExpMatchArray | null
>[] : never[]
let z = => s.toLowerCase());
>z : string[]
> => s.toLowerCase()) : string[]
> : <U>(callbackfn: (value: string, index: number, array: string[]) => U, thisArg?: any) => U[]
>y : RegExpMatchArray
>map : <U>(callbackfn: (value: string, index: number, array: string[]) => U, thisArg?: any) => U[]
>s => s.toLowerCase() : (s: string) => string
>s : string
>s.toLowerCase() : string
>s.toLowerCase : () => string
>s : string
>toLowerCase : () => string
function f2() {
>f2 : () => void
let x = ''.match(/ /);
>x : RegExpMatchArray | null
>''.match(/ /) : RegExpMatchArray | null
>''.match : { (regexp: string): RegExpMatchArray | null; (regexp: RegExp): RegExpMatchArray | null; }
>'' : string
>match : { (regexp: string): RegExpMatchArray | null; (regexp: RegExp): RegExpMatchArray | null; }
>/ / : RegExp
let y = x ? x : [];
>y : RegExpMatchArray
>x ? x : [] : RegExpMatchArray
>x : RegExpMatchArray | null
>x : RegExpMatchArray
>[] : never[]
let z = => s.toLowerCase());
>z : string[]
> => s.toLowerCase()) : string[]
> : <U>(callbackfn: (value: string, index: number, array: string[]) => U, thisArg?: any) => U[]
>y : RegExpMatchArray
>map : <U>(callbackfn: (value: string, index: number, array: string[]) => U, thisArg?: any) => U[]
>s => s.toLowerCase() : (s: string) => string
>s : string
>s.toLowerCase() : string
>s.toLowerCase : () => string
>s : string
>toLowerCase : () => string

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
tests/cases/conformance/internalModules/importDeclarations/circularImportAlias.ts(5,28): error TS2690: A class must be declared after its base class.
==== tests/cases/conformance/internalModules/importDeclarations/circularImportAlias.ts (1 errors) ====
// expected no error
module B {
export import a = A;
export class D extends a.C {
!!! error TS2690: A class must be declared after its base class.
id: number;
module A {
export class C { name: string }
export import b = B;
var c: { name: string };
var c = new B.a.C();

View file

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
=== tests/cases/conformance/internalModules/importDeclarations/circularImportAlias.ts ===
// expected no error
module B {
>B : Symbol(a.b, Decl(circularImportAlias.ts, 0, 0))
export import a = A;
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(circularImportAlias.ts, 2, 10))
>A : Symbol(a, Decl(circularImportAlias.ts, 7, 1))
export class D extends a.C {
>D : Symbol(D, Decl(circularImportAlias.ts, 3, 24))
>a.C : Symbol(a.C, Decl(circularImportAlias.ts, 9, 10))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(circularImportAlias.ts, 2, 10))
>C : Symbol(a.C, Decl(circularImportAlias.ts, 9, 10))
id: number;
>id : Symbol(, Decl(circularImportAlias.ts, 4, 32))
module A {
>A : Symbol(b.a, Decl(circularImportAlias.ts, 7, 1))
export class C { name: string }
>C : Symbol(C, Decl(circularImportAlias.ts, 9, 10))
>name : Symbol(, Decl(circularImportAlias.ts, 10, 20))
export import b = B;
>b : Symbol(b, Decl(circularImportAlias.ts, 10, 35))
>B : Symbol(b, Decl(circularImportAlias.ts, 0, 0))
var c: { name: string };
>c : Symbol(c, Decl(circularImportAlias.ts, 14, 3), Decl(circularImportAlias.ts, 15, 3))
>name : Symbol(name, Decl(circularImportAlias.ts, 14, 8))
var c = new B.a.C();
>c : Symbol(c, Decl(circularImportAlias.ts, 14, 3), Decl(circularImportAlias.ts, 15, 3))
>B.a.C : Symbol(A.C, Decl(circularImportAlias.ts, 9, 10))
>B.a : Symbol(B.a, Decl(circularImportAlias.ts, 2, 10))
>B : Symbol(B, Decl(circularImportAlias.ts, 0, 0))
>a : Symbol(B.a, Decl(circularImportAlias.ts, 2, 10))
>C : Symbol(A.C, Decl(circularImportAlias.ts, 9, 10))

View file

@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
=== tests/cases/conformance/internalModules/importDeclarations/circularImportAlias.ts ===
// expected no error
module B {
>B : typeof a.b
export import a = A;
>a : typeof a
>A : typeof a
export class D extends a.C {
>D : D
>a.C : a.C
>a : typeof a
>C : typeof a.C
id: number;
>id : number
module A {
>A : typeof b.a
export class C { name: string }
>C : C
>name : string
export import b = B;
>b : typeof b
>B : typeof b
var c: { name: string };
>c : { name: string; }
>name : string
var c = new B.a.C();
>c : { name: string; }
>new B.a.C() : A.C
>B.a.C : typeof A.C
>B.a : typeof A
>B : typeof B
>a : typeof A
>C : typeof A.C

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
tests/cases/conformance/classes/classExpressions/classExpression3.ts(1,23): error TS2690: A class must be declared after its base class.
tests/cases/conformance/classes/classExpressions/classExpression3.ts(1,37): error TS2690: A class must be declared after its base class.
==== tests/cases/conformance/classes/classExpressions/classExpression3.ts (2 errors) ====
let C = class extends class extends class { a = 1 } { b = 2 } { c = 3 };
!!! error TS2690: A class must be declared after its base class.
!!! error TS2690: A class must be declared after its base class.
let c = new C();

View file

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
=== tests/cases/conformance/classes/classExpressions/classExpression3.ts ===
let C = class extends class extends class { a = 1 } { b = 2 } { c = 3 };
>C : Symbol(C, Decl(classExpression3.ts, 0, 3))
>a : Symbol((Anonymous class).a, Decl(classExpression3.ts, 0, 43))
>b : Symbol((Anonymous class).b, Decl(classExpression3.ts, 0, 53))
>c : Symbol((Anonymous class).c, Decl(classExpression3.ts, 0, 63))
let c = new C();
>c : Symbol(c, Decl(classExpression3.ts, 1, 3))
>C : Symbol(C, Decl(classExpression3.ts, 0, 3))
>c.a : Symbol((Anonymous class).a, Decl(classExpression3.ts, 0, 43))
>c : Symbol(c, Decl(classExpression3.ts, 1, 3))
>a : Symbol((Anonymous class).a, Decl(classExpression3.ts, 0, 43))
>c.b : Symbol((Anonymous class).b, Decl(classExpression3.ts, 0, 53))
>c : Symbol(c, Decl(classExpression3.ts, 1, 3))
>b : Symbol((Anonymous class).b, Decl(classExpression3.ts, 0, 53))
>c.c : Symbol((Anonymous class).c, Decl(classExpression3.ts, 0, 63))
>c : Symbol(c, Decl(classExpression3.ts, 1, 3))
>c : Symbol((Anonymous class).c, Decl(classExpression3.ts, 0, 63))

View file

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
=== tests/cases/conformance/classes/classExpressions/classExpression3.ts ===
let C = class extends class extends class { a = 1 } { b = 2 } { c = 3 };
>C : typeof (Anonymous class)
>class extends class extends class { a = 1 } { b = 2 } { c = 3 } : typeof (Anonymous class)
>class extends class { a = 1 } { b = 2 } : (Anonymous class)
>class { a = 1 } : (Anonymous class)
>a : number
>1 : number
>b : number
>2 : number
>c : number
>3 : number
let c = new C();
>c : (Anonymous class)
>new C() : (Anonymous class)
>C : typeof (Anonymous class)
>c.a : number
>c : (Anonymous class)
>a : number
>c.b : number
>c : (Anonymous class)
>b : number
>c.c : number
>c : (Anonymous class)
>c : number

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
tests/cases/conformance/es6/classExpressions/classExpressionES63.ts(1,23): error TS2690: A class must be declared after its base class.
tests/cases/conformance/es6/classExpressions/classExpressionES63.ts(1,37): error TS2690: A class must be declared after its base class.
==== tests/cases/conformance/es6/classExpressions/classExpressionES63.ts (2 errors) ====
let C = class extends class extends class { a = 1 } { b = 2 } { c = 3 };
!!! error TS2690: A class must be declared after its base class.
!!! error TS2690: A class must be declared after its base class.
let c = new C();

View file

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/classExpressions/classExpressionES63.ts ===
let C = class extends class extends class { a = 1 } { b = 2 } { c = 3 };
>C : Symbol(C, Decl(classExpressionES63.ts, 0, 3))
>a : Symbol((Anonymous class).a, Decl(classExpressionES63.ts, 0, 43))
>b : Symbol((Anonymous class).b, Decl(classExpressionES63.ts, 0, 53))
>c : Symbol((Anonymous class).c, Decl(classExpressionES63.ts, 0, 63))
let c = new C();
>c : Symbol(c, Decl(classExpressionES63.ts, 1, 3))
>C : Symbol(C, Decl(classExpressionES63.ts, 0, 3))
>c.a : Symbol((Anonymous class).a, Decl(classExpressionES63.ts, 0, 43))
>c : Symbol(c, Decl(classExpressionES63.ts, 1, 3))
>a : Symbol((Anonymous class).a, Decl(classExpressionES63.ts, 0, 43))
>c.b : Symbol((Anonymous class).b, Decl(classExpressionES63.ts, 0, 53))
>c : Symbol(c, Decl(classExpressionES63.ts, 1, 3))
>b : Symbol((Anonymous class).b, Decl(classExpressionES63.ts, 0, 53))
>c.c : Symbol((Anonymous class).c, Decl(classExpressionES63.ts, 0, 63))
>c : Symbol(c, Decl(classExpressionES63.ts, 1, 3))
>c : Symbol((Anonymous class).c, Decl(classExpressionES63.ts, 0, 63))

View file

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
=== tests/cases/conformance/es6/classExpressions/classExpressionES63.ts ===
let C = class extends class extends class { a = 1 } { b = 2 } { c = 3 };
>C : typeof (Anonymous class)
>class extends class extends class { a = 1 } { b = 2 } { c = 3 } : typeof (Anonymous class)
>class extends class { a = 1 } { b = 2 } : (Anonymous class)
>class { a = 1 } : (Anonymous class)
>a : number
>1 : number
>b : number
>2 : number
>c : number
>3 : number
let c = new C();
>c : (Anonymous class)
>new C() : (Anonymous class)
>C : typeof (Anonymous class)
>c.a : number
>c : (Anonymous class)
>a : number
>c.b : number
>c : (Anonymous class)
>b : number
>c.c : number
>c : (Anonymous class)
>c : number

View file

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
tests/cases/compiler/classInheritence.ts(1,17): error TS2690: A class must be declared after its base class.
tests/cases/compiler/classInheritence.ts(2,7): error TS2506: 'A' is referenced directly or indirectly in its own base expression.
==== tests/cases/compiler/classInheritence.ts (1 errors) ====
==== tests/cases/compiler/classInheritence.ts (2 errors) ====
class B extends A { }
!!! error TS2690: A class must be declared after its base class.
class A extends A { }
!!! error TS2506: 'A' is referenced directly or indirectly in its own base expression.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
tests/cases/compiler/classOrder2.ts(2,17): error TS2690: A class must be declared after its base class.
==== tests/cases/compiler/classOrder2.ts (1 errors) ====
class A extends B {
!!! error TS2690: A class must be declared after its base class.
foo() {; }
class B {
bar() { }
var a = new A();;

View file

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/classOrder2.ts ===
class A extends B {
>A : Symbol(A, Decl(classOrder2.ts, 0, 0))
>B : Symbol(B, Decl(classOrder2.ts, 5, 1))
foo() {; }
>foo : Symbol(, Decl(classOrder2.ts, 1, 19))
> : Symbol(, Decl(classOrder2.ts, 7, 9))
>this : Symbol(A, Decl(classOrder2.ts, 0, 0))
>bar : Symbol(, Decl(classOrder2.ts, 7, 9))
class B {
>B : Symbol(B, Decl(classOrder2.ts, 5, 1))
bar() { }
>bar : Symbol(, Decl(classOrder2.ts, 7, 9))
var a = new A();
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(classOrder2.ts, 14, 3))
>A : Symbol(A, Decl(classOrder2.ts, 0, 0));
> : Symbol(, Decl(classOrder2.ts, 1, 19))
>a : Symbol(a, Decl(classOrder2.ts, 14, 3))
>foo : Symbol(, Decl(classOrder2.ts, 1, 19))

View file

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/classOrder2.ts ===
class A extends B {
>A : A
>B : B
foo() {; }
>foo : () => void
> : void
> : () => void
>this : this
>bar : () => void
class B {
>B : B
bar() { }
>bar : () => void
var a = new A();
>a : A
>new A() : A
>A : typeof A;
> : void
> : () => void
>a : A
>foo : () => void

View file

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
tests/cases/compiler/classSideInheritance2.ts(7,23): error TS2690: A class must be declared after its base class.
==== tests/cases/compiler/classSideInheritance2.ts (1 errors) ====
interface IText {
foo: number;
interface TextSpan {}
class SubText extends TextBase {
!!! error TS2690: A class must be declared after its base class.
constructor(text: IText, span: TextSpan) {
class TextBase implements IText {
public foo: number;
public subText(span: TextSpan): IText {
return new SubText(this, span);

View file

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/classSideInheritance2.ts ===
interface IText {
>IText : Symbol(IText, Decl(classSideInheritance2.ts, 0, 0))
foo: number;
>foo : Symbol(, Decl(classSideInheritance2.ts, 0, 17))
interface TextSpan {}
>TextSpan : Symbol(TextSpan, Decl(classSideInheritance2.ts, 2, 1))
class SubText extends TextBase {
>SubText : Symbol(SubText, Decl(classSideInheritance2.ts, 4, 21))
>TextBase : Symbol(TextBase, Decl(classSideInheritance2.ts, 11, 1))
constructor(text: IText, span: TextSpan) {
>text : Symbol(text, Decl(classSideInheritance2.ts, 8, 20))
>IText : Symbol(IText, Decl(classSideInheritance2.ts, 0, 0))
>span : Symbol(span, Decl(classSideInheritance2.ts, 8, 32))
>TextSpan : Symbol(TextSpan, Decl(classSideInheritance2.ts, 2, 1))
>super : Symbol(TextBase, Decl(classSideInheritance2.ts, 11, 1))
class TextBase implements IText {
>TextBase : Symbol(TextBase, Decl(classSideInheritance2.ts, 11, 1))
>IText : Symbol(IText, Decl(classSideInheritance2.ts, 0, 0))
public foo: number;
>foo : Symbol(, Decl(classSideInheritance2.ts, 13, 33))
public subText(span: TextSpan): IText {
>subText : Symbol(TextBase.subText, Decl(classSideInheritance2.ts, 14, 27))
>span : Symbol(span, Decl(classSideInheritance2.ts, 15, 23))
>TextSpan : Symbol(TextSpan, Decl(classSideInheritance2.ts, 2, 1))
>IText : Symbol(IText, Decl(classSideInheritance2.ts, 0, 0))
return new SubText(this, span);
>SubText : Symbol(SubText, Decl(classSideInheritance2.ts, 4, 21))
>this : Symbol(TextBase, Decl(classSideInheritance2.ts, 11, 1))
>span : Symbol(span, Decl(classSideInheritance2.ts, 15, 23))

View file

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/classSideInheritance2.ts ===
interface IText {
>IText : IText
foo: number;
>foo : number
interface TextSpan {}
>TextSpan : TextSpan
class SubText extends TextBase {
>SubText : SubText
>TextBase : TextBase
constructor(text: IText, span: TextSpan) {
>text : IText
>IText : IText
>span : TextSpan
>TextSpan : TextSpan
>super() : void
>super : typeof TextBase
class TextBase implements IText {
>TextBase : TextBase
>IText : IText
public foo: number;
>foo : number
public subText(span: TextSpan): IText {
>subText : (span: TextSpan) => IText
>span : TextSpan
>TextSpan : TextSpan
>IText : IText
return new SubText(this, span);
>new SubText(this, span) : SubText
>SubText : typeof SubText
>this : this
>span : TextSpan

View file

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
tests/cases/compiler/complexClassRelationships.ts(2,23): error TS2690: A class must be declared after its base class.
==== tests/cases/compiler/complexClassRelationships.ts (1 errors) ====
// There should be no errors in this file
class Derived extends Base {
!!! error TS2690: A class must be declared after its base class.
public static createEmpty(): Derived {
var item = new Derived();
return item;
class BaseCollection<T extends Base> {
constructor(f: () => T) {
(item: Thing) => { return [item.Components]; };
class Base {
ownerCollection: BaseCollection<Base>;
class Thing {
public get Components(): ComponentCollection<any> { return null }
class ComponentCollection<T> {
private static sortComponents(p: Foo) {
return p.prop1;
class Foo {
public get prop1() {
return new GenericType<string>(this);
public populate() {
public get prop2(): BaseCollection<Derived> {
return new BaseCollection<Derived>(Derived.createEmpty);
class GenericType<T> {
constructor(parent: FooBase) { }
class FooBase {
public populate() {

View file

@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/complexClassRelationships.ts ===
// There should be no errors in this file
class Derived extends Base {
>Derived : Symbol(Derived, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 0, 0))
>Base : Symbol(Base, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 11, 1))
public static createEmpty(): Derived {
>createEmpty : Symbol(Derived.createEmpty, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 1, 28))
>Derived : Symbol(Derived, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 0, 0))
var item = new Derived();
>item : Symbol(item, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 3, 11))
>Derived : Symbol(Derived, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 0, 0))
return item;
>item : Symbol(item, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 3, 11))
class BaseCollection<T extends Base> {
>BaseCollection : Symbol(BaseCollection, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 6, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 7, 21))
>Base : Symbol(Base, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 11, 1))
constructor(f: () => T) {
>f : Symbol(f, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 8, 16))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 7, 21))
(item: Thing) => { return [item.Components]; };
>item : Symbol(item, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 9, 9))
>Thing : Symbol(Thing, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 14, 1))
>item.Components : Symbol(Thing.Components, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 16, 13))
>item : Symbol(item, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 9, 9))
>Components : Symbol(Thing.Components, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 16, 13))
class Base {
>Base : Symbol(Base, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 11, 1))
ownerCollection: BaseCollection<Base>;
>ownerCollection : Symbol(Base.ownerCollection, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 12, 12))
>BaseCollection : Symbol(BaseCollection, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 6, 1))
>Base : Symbol(Base, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 11, 1))
class Thing {
>Thing : Symbol(Thing, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 14, 1))
public get Components(): ComponentCollection<any> { return null }
>Components : Symbol(Thing.Components, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 16, 13))
>ComponentCollection : Symbol(ComponentCollection, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 18, 1))
class ComponentCollection<T> {
>ComponentCollection : Symbol(ComponentCollection, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 18, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 20, 26))
private static sortComponents(p: Foo) {
>sortComponents : Symbol(ComponentCollection.sortComponents, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 20, 30))
>p : Symbol(p, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 21, 34))
>Foo : Symbol(Foo, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 24, 1))
return p.prop1;
>p.prop1 : Symbol(Foo.prop1, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 26, 11))
>p : Symbol(p, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 21, 34))
>prop1 : Symbol(Foo.prop1, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 26, 11))
class Foo {
>Foo : Symbol(Foo, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 24, 1))
public get prop1() {
>prop1 : Symbol(Foo.prop1, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 26, 11))
return new GenericType<string>(this);
>GenericType : Symbol(GenericType, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 36, 1))
>this : Symbol(Foo, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 24, 1))
public populate() {
>populate : Symbol(Foo.populate, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 29, 5))
>this.prop2 : Symbol(Foo.prop2, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 32, 5))
>this : Symbol(Foo, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 24, 1))
>prop2 : Symbol(Foo.prop2, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 32, 5))
public get prop2(): BaseCollection<Derived> {
>prop2 : Symbol(Foo.prop2, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 32, 5))
>BaseCollection : Symbol(BaseCollection, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 6, 1))
>Derived : Symbol(Derived, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 0, 0))
return new BaseCollection<Derived>(Derived.createEmpty);
>BaseCollection : Symbol(BaseCollection, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 6, 1))
>Derived : Symbol(Derived, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 0, 0))
>Derived.createEmpty : Symbol(Derived.createEmpty, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 1, 28))
>Derived : Symbol(Derived, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 0, 0))
>createEmpty : Symbol(Derived.createEmpty, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 1, 28))
class GenericType<T> {
>GenericType : Symbol(GenericType, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 36, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 38, 18))
constructor(parent: FooBase) { }
>parent : Symbol(parent, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 39, 16))
>FooBase : Symbol(FooBase, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 40, 1))
class FooBase {
>FooBase : Symbol(FooBase, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 40, 1))
public populate() {
>populate : Symbol(FooBase.populate, Decl(complexClassRelationships.ts, 42, 15))

View file

@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/complexClassRelationships.ts ===
// There should be no errors in this file
class Derived extends Base {
>Derived : Derived
>Base : Base
public static createEmpty(): Derived {
>createEmpty : () => Derived
>Derived : Derived
var item = new Derived();
>item : Derived
>new Derived() : Derived
>Derived : typeof Derived
return item;
>item : Derived
class BaseCollection<T extends Base> {
>BaseCollection : BaseCollection<T>
>T : T
>Base : Base
constructor(f: () => T) {
>f : () => T
>T : T
(item: Thing) => { return [item.Components]; };
>(item: Thing) => { return [item.Components]; } : (item: Thing) => ComponentCollection<any>[]
>item : Thing
>Thing : Thing
>[item.Components] : ComponentCollection<any>[]
>item.Components : ComponentCollection<any>
>item : Thing
>Components : ComponentCollection<any>
class Base {
>Base : Base
ownerCollection: BaseCollection<Base>;
>ownerCollection : BaseCollection<Base>
>BaseCollection : BaseCollection<T>
>Base : Base
class Thing {
>Thing : Thing
public get Components(): ComponentCollection<any> { return null }
>Components : ComponentCollection<any>
>ComponentCollection : ComponentCollection<T>
>null : null
class ComponentCollection<T> {
>ComponentCollection : ComponentCollection<T>
>T : T
private static sortComponents(p: Foo) {
>sortComponents : (p: Foo) => GenericType<string>
>p : Foo
>Foo : Foo
return p.prop1;
>p.prop1 : GenericType<string>
>p : Foo
>prop1 : GenericType<string>
class Foo {
>Foo : Foo
public get prop1() {
>prop1 : GenericType<string>
return new GenericType<string>(this);
>new GenericType<string>(this) : GenericType<string>
>GenericType : typeof GenericType
>this : this
public populate() {
>populate : () => void
>this.prop2 : BaseCollection<Derived>
>this : this
>prop2 : BaseCollection<Derived>
public get prop2(): BaseCollection<Derived> {
>prop2 : BaseCollection<Derived>
>BaseCollection : BaseCollection<T>
>Derived : Derived
return new BaseCollection<Derived>(Derived.createEmpty);
>new BaseCollection<Derived>(Derived.createEmpty) : BaseCollection<Derived>
>BaseCollection : typeof BaseCollection
>Derived : Derived
>Derived.createEmpty : () => Derived
>Derived : typeof Derived
>createEmpty : () => Derived
class GenericType<T> {
>GenericType : GenericType<T>
>T : T
constructor(parent: FooBase) { }
>parent : FooBase
>FooBase : FooBase
class FooBase {
>FooBase : FooBase
public populate() {
>populate : () => void

View file

@ -14,15 +14,15 @@ var fa: number[];
fa = fa.concat([0]);
>fa : Symbol(fa, Decl(concatError.ts, 8, 3))
>fa.concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>fa.concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>fa : Symbol(fa, Decl(concatError.ts, 8, 3))
>concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
fa = fa.concat(0);
>fa : Symbol(fa, Decl(concatError.ts, 8, 3))
>fa.concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>fa.concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>fa : Symbol(fa, Decl(concatError.ts, 8, 3))
>concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))

View file

@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ fa = fa.concat([0]);
>fa = fa.concat([0]) : number[]
>fa : number[]
>fa.concat([0]) : number[]
>fa.concat : (...items: (number | number[])[]) => number[]
>fa.concat : { (...items: number[][]): number[]; (...items: (number | number[])[]): number[]; }
>fa : number[]
>concat : (...items: (number | number[])[]) => number[]
>concat : { (...items: number[][]): number[]; (...items: (number | number[])[]): number[]; }
>[0] : number[]
>0 : number
@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ fa = fa.concat(0);
>fa = fa.concat(0) : number[]
>fa : number[]
>fa.concat(0) : number[]
>fa.concat : (...items: (number | number[])[]) => number[]
>fa.concat : { (...items: number[][]): number[]; (...items: (number | number[])[]): number[]; }
>fa : number[]
>concat : (...items: (number | number[])[]) => number[]
>concat : { (...items: number[][]): number[]; (...items: (number | number[])[]): number[]; }
>0 : number

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
//// [concatTuples.ts]
let ijs: [number, number][] = [[1, 2]];
ijs = ijs.concat([[3, 4], [5, 6]]);
//// [concatTuples.js]
var ijs = [[1, 2]];
ijs = ijs.concat([[3, 4], [5, 6]]);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/concatTuples.ts ===
let ijs: [number, number][] = [[1, 2]];
>ijs : Symbol(ijs, Decl(concatTuples.ts, 0, 3))
ijs = ijs.concat([[3, 4], [5, 6]]);
>ijs : Symbol(ijs, Decl(concatTuples.ts, 0, 3))
>ijs.concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>ijs : Symbol(ijs, Decl(concatTuples.ts, 0, 3))
>concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/concatTuples.ts ===
let ijs: [number, number][] = [[1, 2]];
>ijs : [number, number][]
>[[1, 2]] : [number, number][]
>[1, 2] : [number, number]
>1 : number
>2 : number
ijs = ijs.concat([[3, 4], [5, 6]]);
>ijs = ijs.concat([[3, 4], [5, 6]]) : [number, number][]
>ijs : [number, number][]
>ijs.concat([[3, 4], [5, 6]]) : [number, number][]
>ijs.concat : { (...items: [number, number][][]): [number, number][]; (...items: ([number, number] | [number, number][])[]): [number, number][]; }
>ijs : [number, number][]
>concat : { (...items: [number, number][][]): [number, number][]; (...items: ([number, number] | [number, number][])[]): [number, number][]; }
>[[3, 4], [5, 6]] : [number, number][]
>[3, 4] : [number, number]
>3 : number
>4 : number
>[5, 6] : [number, number]
>5 : number
>6 : number

View file

@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ if (isNodeList(sourceObj)) {
>sourceObj : Symbol(sourceObj, Decl(controlFlowBinaryOrExpression.ts, 23, 3))
>sourceObj.length : Symbol(length, Decl(controlFlowBinaryOrExpression.ts, 10, 27), Decl(controlFlowBinaryOrExpression.ts, 14, 33))
>sourceObj.length : Symbol(NodeList.length, Decl(controlFlowBinaryOrExpression.ts, 10, 27))
>sourceObj : Symbol(sourceObj, Decl(controlFlowBinaryOrExpression.ts, 23, 3))
>length : Symbol(length, Decl(controlFlowBinaryOrExpression.ts, 10, 27), Decl(controlFlowBinaryOrExpression.ts, 14, 33))
>length : Symbol(NodeList.length, Decl(controlFlowBinaryOrExpression.ts, 10, 27))
if (isHTMLCollection(sourceObj)) {
@ -74,9 +74,9 @@ if (isHTMLCollection(sourceObj)) {
>sourceObj : Symbol(sourceObj, Decl(controlFlowBinaryOrExpression.ts, 23, 3))
>sourceObj.length : Symbol(length, Decl(controlFlowBinaryOrExpression.ts, 10, 27), Decl(controlFlowBinaryOrExpression.ts, 14, 33))
>sourceObj.length : Symbol(HTMLCollection.length, Decl(controlFlowBinaryOrExpression.ts, 14, 33))
>sourceObj : Symbol(sourceObj, Decl(controlFlowBinaryOrExpression.ts, 23, 3))
>length : Symbol(length, Decl(controlFlowBinaryOrExpression.ts, 10, 27), Decl(controlFlowBinaryOrExpression.ts, 14, 33))
>length : Symbol(HTMLCollection.length, Decl(controlFlowBinaryOrExpression.ts, 14, 33))
if (isNodeList(sourceObj) || isHTMLCollection(sourceObj)) {

View file

@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ if (isNodeList(sourceObj)) {
>sourceObj.length : number
>sourceObj : NodeList | HTMLCollection
>sourceObj : NodeList
>length : number
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ if (isHTMLCollection(sourceObj)) {
>sourceObj.length : number
>sourceObj : NodeList | HTMLCollection
>sourceObj : HTMLCollection
>length : number
@ -102,11 +102,11 @@ if (isNodeList(sourceObj) || isHTMLCollection(sourceObj)) {
>sourceObj : EventTargetLike
>isHTMLCollection(sourceObj) : boolean
>isHTMLCollection : (sourceObj: any) => sourceObj is HTMLCollection
>sourceObj : { a: string; }
>sourceObj : HTMLCollection | { a: string; }
>sourceObj.length : number
>sourceObj : NodeList | HTMLCollection | ({ a: string; } & HTMLCollection)
>sourceObj : NodeList | HTMLCollection
>length : number

View file

@ -35,6 +35,22 @@ function b() {
x; // string
function c<T>(data: string | T): T {
if (typeof data === 'string') {
return JSON.parse(data);
else {
return data;
function d<T extends string>(data: string | T): never {
if (typeof data === 'string') {
throw new Error('will always happen');
else {
return data;
//// [controlFlowIfStatement.js]
@ -72,3 +88,19 @@ function b() {
x; // string
function c(data) {
if (typeof data === 'string') {
return JSON.parse(data);
else {
return data;
function d(data) {
if (typeof data === 'string') {
throw new Error('will always happen');
else {
return data;

View file

@ -71,4 +71,42 @@ function b() {
x; // string
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(controlFlowIfStatement.ts, 26, 7))
function c<T>(data: string | T): T {
>c : Symbol(c, Decl(controlFlowIfStatement.ts, 35, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(controlFlowIfStatement.ts, 36, 11))
>data : Symbol(data, Decl(controlFlowIfStatement.ts, 36, 14))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(controlFlowIfStatement.ts, 36, 11))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(controlFlowIfStatement.ts, 36, 11))
if (typeof data === 'string') {
>data : Symbol(data, Decl(controlFlowIfStatement.ts, 36, 14))
return JSON.parse(data);
>JSON.parse : Symbol(JSON.parse, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>JSON : Symbol(JSON, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>parse : Symbol(JSON.parse, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>data : Symbol(data, Decl(controlFlowIfStatement.ts, 36, 14))
else {
return data;
>data : Symbol(data, Decl(controlFlowIfStatement.ts, 36, 14))
function d<T extends string>(data: string | T): never {
>d : Symbol(d, Decl(controlFlowIfStatement.ts, 43, 1))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(controlFlowIfStatement.ts, 44, 11))
>data : Symbol(data, Decl(controlFlowIfStatement.ts, 44, 29))
>T : Symbol(T, Decl(controlFlowIfStatement.ts, 44, 11))
if (typeof data === 'string') {
>data : Symbol(data, Decl(controlFlowIfStatement.ts, 44, 29))
throw new Error('will always happen');
>Error : Symbol(Error, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
else {
return data;
>data : Symbol(data, Decl(controlFlowIfStatement.ts, 44, 29))

View file

@ -90,4 +90,51 @@ function b() {
x; // string
>x : string
function c<T>(data: string | T): T {
>c : <T>(data: string | T) => T
>T : T
>data : string | T
>T : T
>T : T
if (typeof data === 'string') {
>typeof data === 'string' : boolean
>typeof data : string
>data : string | T
>'string' : "string"
return JSON.parse(data);
>JSON.parse(data) : any
>JSON.parse : (text: string, reviver?: (key: any, value: any) => any) => any
>parse : (text: string, reviver?: (key: any, value: any) => any) => any
>data : string
else {
return data;
>data : T
function d<T extends string>(data: string | T): never {
>d : <T extends string>(data: string | T) => never
>T : T
>data : string | T
>T : T
if (typeof data === 'string') {
>typeof data === 'string' : boolean
>typeof data : string
>data : string | T
>'string' : "string"
throw new Error('will always happen');
>new Error('will always happen') : Error
>Error : ErrorConstructor
>'will always happen' : string
else {
return data;
>data : never

View file

@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
//// [controlFlowInstanceof.ts]
// Repros from #10167
function f1(s: Set<string> | Set<number>) {
s = new Set<number>();
s; // Set<number>
if (s instanceof Set) {
s; // Set<number>
s; // Set<number>
function f2(s: Set<string> | Set<number>) {
s = new Set<number>();
s; // Set<number>
if (s instanceof Promise) {
s; // Set<number> & Promise<any>
s; // Set<number>
function f3(s: Set<string> | Set<number>) {
s; // Set<string> | Set<number>
if (s instanceof Set) {
s; // Set<string> | Set<number>
else {
s; // never
function f4(s: Set<string> | Set<number>) {
s = new Set<number>();
s; // Set<number>
if (s instanceof Set) {
s; // Set<number>
else {
s; // never
// More tests
class A { a: string }
class B extends A { b: string }
class C extends A { c: string }
function foo(x: A | undefined) {
x; // A | undefined
if (x instanceof B || x instanceof C) {
x; // B | C
x; // A | undefined
if (x instanceof B && x instanceof C) {
x; // B & C
x; // A | undefined
if (!x) {
x; // A
if (x instanceof B) {
x; // B
if (x instanceof C) {
x; // B & C
else {
x; // B
x; // B
else {
x; // A
x; // A
// X is neither assignable to Y nor a subtype of Y
// Y is assignable to X, but not a subtype of X
interface X {
x?: string;
class Y {
y: string;
function goo(x: X) {
if (x instanceof Y) {
//// [controlFlowInstanceof.js]
// Repros from #10167
function f1(s) {
s = new Set();
s; // Set<number>
if (s instanceof Set) {
s; // Set<number>
s; // Set<number>
function f2(s) {
s = new Set();
s; // Set<number>
if (s instanceof Promise) {
s; // Set<number> & Promise<any>
s; // Set<number>
function f3(s) {
s; // Set<string> | Set<number>
if (s instanceof Set) {
s; // Set<string> | Set<number>
else {
s; // never
function f4(s) {
s = new Set();
s; // Set<number>
if (s instanceof Set) {
s; // Set<number>
else {
s; // never
// More tests
class A {
class B extends A {
class C extends A {
function foo(x) {
x; // A | undefined
if (x instanceof B || x instanceof C) {
x; // B | C
x; // A | undefined
if (x instanceof B && x instanceof C) {
x; // B & C
x; // A | undefined
if (!x) {
x; // A
if (x instanceof B) {
x; // B
if (x instanceof C) {
x; // B & C
else {
x; // B
x; // B
else {
x; // A
x; // A
class Y {
function goo(x) {
if (x instanceof Y) {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/controlFlowInstanceof.ts ===
// Repros from #10167
function f1(s: Set<string> | Set<number>) {
>f1 : Symbol(f1, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 0, 0))
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 3, 12))
>Set : Symbol(Set, Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --))
>Set : Symbol(Set, Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --))
s = new Set<number>();
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 3, 12))
>Set : Symbol(Set, Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --))
s; // Set<number>
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 3, 12))
if (s instanceof Set) {
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 3, 12))
>Set : Symbol(Set, Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --))
s; // Set<number>
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 3, 12))
s; // Set<number>
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 3, 12))
>s.add : Symbol(Set.add, Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --))
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 3, 12))
>add : Symbol(Set.add, Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --))
function f2(s: Set<string> | Set<number>) {
>f2 : Symbol(f2, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 11, 1))
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 13, 12))
>Set : Symbol(Set, Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --))
>Set : Symbol(Set, Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --))
s = new Set<number>();
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 13, 12))
>Set : Symbol(Set, Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --))
s; // Set<number>
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 13, 12))
if (s instanceof Promise) {
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 13, 12))
>Promise : Symbol(Promise, Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.promise.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.promise.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts, --, --))
s; // Set<number> & Promise<any>
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 13, 12))
s; // Set<number>
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 13, 12))
>s.add : Symbol(Set.add, Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --))
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 13, 12))
>add : Symbol(Set.add, Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --))
function f3(s: Set<string> | Set<number>) {
>f3 : Symbol(f3, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 21, 1))
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 23, 12))
>Set : Symbol(Set, Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --))
>Set : Symbol(Set, Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --))
s; // Set<string> | Set<number>
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 23, 12))
if (s instanceof Set) {
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 23, 12))
>Set : Symbol(Set, Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --))
s; // Set<string> | Set<number>
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 23, 12))
else {
s; // never
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 23, 12))
function f4(s: Set<string> | Set<number>) {
>f4 : Symbol(f4, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 31, 1))
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 33, 12))
>Set : Symbol(Set, Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --))
>Set : Symbol(Set, Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --))
s = new Set<number>();
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 33, 12))
>Set : Symbol(Set, Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --))
s; // Set<number>
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 33, 12))
if (s instanceof Set) {
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 33, 12))
>Set : Symbol(Set, Decl(lib.es2015.symbol.wellknown.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.iterable.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.es2015.collection.d.ts, --, --))
s; // Set<number>
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 33, 12))
else {
s; // never
>s : Symbol(s, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 33, 12))
// More tests
class A { a: string }
>A : Symbol(A, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 42, 1))
>a : Symbol(A.a, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 46, 9))
class B extends A { b: string }
>B : Symbol(B, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 46, 21))
>A : Symbol(A, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 42, 1))
>b : Symbol(B.b, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 47, 19))
class C extends A { c: string }
>C : Symbol(C, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 47, 31))
>A : Symbol(A, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 42, 1))
>c : Symbol(C.c, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 48, 19))
function foo(x: A | undefined) {
>foo : Symbol(foo, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 48, 31))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 50, 13))
>A : Symbol(A, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 42, 1))
x; // A | undefined
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 50, 13))
if (x instanceof B || x instanceof C) {
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 50, 13))
>B : Symbol(B, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 46, 21))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 50, 13))
>C : Symbol(C, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 47, 31))
x; // B | C
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 50, 13))
x; // A | undefined
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 50, 13))
if (x instanceof B && x instanceof C) {
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 50, 13))
>B : Symbol(B, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 46, 21))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 50, 13))
>C : Symbol(C, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 47, 31))
x; // B & C
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 50, 13))
x; // A | undefined
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 50, 13))
if (!x) {
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 50, 13))
x; // A
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 50, 13))
if (x instanceof B) {
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 50, 13))
>B : Symbol(B, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 46, 21))
x; // B
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 50, 13))
if (x instanceof C) {
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 50, 13))
>C : Symbol(C, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 47, 31))
x; // B & C
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 50, 13))
else {
x; // B
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 50, 13))
x; // B
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 50, 13))
else {
x; // A
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 50, 13))
x; // A
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 50, 13))
// X is neither assignable to Y nor a subtype of Y
// Y is assignable to X, but not a subtype of X
interface X {
>X : Symbol(X, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 78, 1))
x?: string;
>x : Symbol(X.x, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 83, 13))
class Y {
>Y : Symbol(Y, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 85, 1))
y: string;
>y : Symbol(Y.y, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 87, 9))
function goo(x: X) {
>goo : Symbol(goo, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 89, 1))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 91, 13))
>X : Symbol(X, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 78, 1))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 91, 13))
if (x instanceof Y) {
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 91, 13))
>Y : Symbol(Y, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 85, 1))
>x.y : Symbol(Y.y, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 87, 9))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 91, 13))
>y : Symbol(Y.y, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 87, 9))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(controlFlowInstanceof.ts, 91, 13))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/controlFlowInstanceof.ts ===
// Repros from #10167
function f1(s: Set<string> | Set<number>) {
>f1 : (s: Set<string> | Set<number>) => void
>s : Set<string> | Set<number>
>Set : Set<T>
>Set : Set<T>
s = new Set<number>();
>s = new Set<number>() : Set<number>
>s : Set<string> | Set<number>
>new Set<number>() : Set<number>
>Set : SetConstructor
s; // Set<number>
>s : Set<number>
if (s instanceof Set) {
>s instanceof Set : boolean
>s : Set<number>
>Set : SetConstructor
s; // Set<number>
>s : Set<number>
s; // Set<number>
>s : Set<number>
>s.add(42) : Set<number>
>s.add : (value: number) => Set<number>
>s : Set<number>
>add : (value: number) => Set<number>
>42 : number
function f2(s: Set<string> | Set<number>) {
>f2 : (s: Set<string> | Set<number>) => void
>s : Set<string> | Set<number>
>Set : Set<T>
>Set : Set<T>
s = new Set<number>();
>s = new Set<number>() : Set<number>
>s : Set<string> | Set<number>
>new Set<number>() : Set<number>
>Set : SetConstructor
s; // Set<number>
>s : Set<number>
if (s instanceof Promise) {
>s instanceof Promise : boolean
>s : Set<number>
>Promise : PromiseConstructor
s; // Set<number> & Promise<any>
>s : Set<number> & Promise<any>
s; // Set<number>
>s : Set<number>
>s.add(42) : Set<number>
>s.add : (value: number) => Set<number>
>s : Set<number>
>add : (value: number) => Set<number>
>42 : number
function f3(s: Set<string> | Set<number>) {
>f3 : (s: Set<string> | Set<number>) => void
>s : Set<string> | Set<number>
>Set : Set<T>
>Set : Set<T>
s; // Set<string> | Set<number>
>s : Set<string> | Set<number>
if (s instanceof Set) {
>s instanceof Set : boolean
>s : Set<string> | Set<number>
>Set : SetConstructor
s; // Set<string> | Set<number>
>s : Set<string> | Set<number>
else {
s; // never
>s : never
function f4(s: Set<string> | Set<number>) {
>f4 : (s: Set<string> | Set<number>) => void
>s : Set<string> | Set<number>
>Set : Set<T>
>Set : Set<T>
s = new Set<number>();
>s = new Set<number>() : Set<number>
>s : Set<string> | Set<number>
>new Set<number>() : Set<number>
>Set : SetConstructor
s; // Set<number>
>s : Set<number>
if (s instanceof Set) {
>s instanceof Set : boolean
>s : Set<number>
>Set : SetConstructor
s; // Set<number>
>s : Set<number>
else {
s; // never
>s : never
// More tests
class A { a: string }
>A : A
>a : string
class B extends A { b: string }
>B : B
>A : A
>b : string
class C extends A { c: string }
>C : C
>A : A
>c : string
function foo(x: A | undefined) {
>foo : (x: A) => void
>x : A
>A : A
x; // A | undefined
>x : A
if (x instanceof B || x instanceof C) {
>x instanceof B || x instanceof C : boolean
>x instanceof B : boolean
>x : A
>B : typeof B
>x instanceof C : boolean
>x : A
>C : typeof C
x; // B | C
>x : B | C
x; // A | undefined
>x : A
if (x instanceof B && x instanceof C) {
>x instanceof B && x instanceof C : boolean
>x instanceof B : boolean
>x : A
>B : typeof B
>x instanceof C : boolean
>x : B
>C : typeof C
x; // B & C
>x : B & C
x; // A | undefined
>x : A
if (!x) {
>!x : boolean
>x : A
x; // A
>x : A
if (x instanceof B) {
>x instanceof B : boolean
>x : A
>B : typeof B
x; // B
>x : B
if (x instanceof C) {
>x instanceof C : boolean
>x : B
>C : typeof C
x; // B & C
>x : B & C
else {
x; // B
>x : B
x; // B
>x : B
else {
x; // A
>x : A
x; // A
>x : A
// X is neither assignable to Y nor a subtype of Y
// Y is assignable to X, but not a subtype of X
interface X {
>X : X
x?: string;
>x : string
class Y {
>Y : Y
y: string;
>y : string
function goo(x: X) {
>goo : (x: X) => void
>x : X
>X : X
>x : X
if (x instanceof Y) {
>x instanceof Y : boolean
>x : X
>Y : typeof Y
>x.y : string
>x : Y
>y : string
>x : X

View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
tests/cases/compiler/derivedClasses.ts(1,19): error TS2690: A class must be declared after its base class.
==== tests/cases/compiler/derivedClasses.ts (1 errors) ====
class Red extends Color {
!!! error TS2690: A class must be declared after its base class.
public shade() {
var getHue = () => { return this.hue(); };
return getHue() + " red";
class Color {
public shade() { return "some shade"; }
public hue() { return "some hue"; }
class Blue extends Color {
public shade() {
var getHue = () => { return this.hue(); };
return getHue() + " blue";
var r = new Red();
var b = new Blue();

View file

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/derivedClasses.ts ===
class Red extends Color {
>Red : Symbol(Red, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 0, 0))
>Color : Symbol(Color, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 5, 1))
public shade() {
>shade : Symbol(Red.shade, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 0, 25))
var getHue = () => { return this.hue(); };
>getHue : Symbol(getHue, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 2, 8))
>this.hue : Symbol(Color.hue, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 8, 43))
>this : Symbol(Red, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 0, 0))
>hue : Symbol(Color.hue, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 8, 43))
return getHue() + " red";
>getHue : Symbol(getHue, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 2, 8))
class Color {
>Color : Symbol(Color, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 5, 1))
public shade() { return "some shade"; }
>shade : Symbol(Color.shade, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 7, 13))
public hue() { return "some hue"; }
>hue : Symbol(Color.hue, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 8, 43))
class Blue extends Color {
>Blue : Symbol(Blue, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 10, 1))
>Color : Symbol(Color, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 5, 1))
public shade() {
>shade : Symbol(Blue.shade, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 12, 26))
var getHue = () => { return this.hue(); };
>getHue : Symbol(getHue, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 15, 8))
>this.hue : Symbol(Color.hue, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 8, 43))
>this : Symbol(Blue, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 10, 1))
>hue : Symbol(Color.hue, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 8, 43))
return getHue() + " blue";
>getHue : Symbol(getHue, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 15, 8))
var r = new Red();
>r : Symbol(r, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 20, 3))
>Red : Symbol(Red, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 0, 0))
var b = new Blue();
>b : Symbol(b, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 21, 3))
>Blue : Symbol(Blue, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 10, 1))
>r.shade : Symbol(Red.shade, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 0, 25))
>r : Symbol(r, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 20, 3))
>shade : Symbol(Red.shade, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 0, 25))
>r.hue : Symbol(Color.hue, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 8, 43))
>r : Symbol(r, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 20, 3))
>hue : Symbol(Color.hue, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 8, 43))
>b.shade : Symbol(Blue.shade, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 12, 26))
>b : Symbol(b, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 21, 3))
>shade : Symbol(Blue.shade, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 12, 26))
>b.hue : Symbol(Color.hue, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 8, 43))
>b : Symbol(b, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 21, 3))
>hue : Symbol(Color.hue, Decl(derivedClasses.ts, 8, 43))

View file

@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/derivedClasses.ts ===
class Red extends Color {
>Red : Red
>Color : Color
public shade() {
>shade : () => string
var getHue = () => { return this.hue(); };
>getHue : () => string
>() => { return this.hue(); } : () => string
>this.hue() : string
>this.hue : () => string
>this : this
>hue : () => string
return getHue() + " red";
>getHue() + " red" : string
>getHue() : string
>getHue : () => string
>" red" : string
class Color {
>Color : Color
public shade() { return "some shade"; }
>shade : () => string
>"some shade" : string
public hue() { return "some hue"; }
>hue : () => string
>"some hue" : string
class Blue extends Color {
>Blue : Blue
>Color : Color
public shade() {
>shade : () => string
var getHue = () => { return this.hue(); };
>getHue : () => string
>() => { return this.hue(); } : () => string
>this.hue() : string
>this.hue : () => string
>this : this
>hue : () => string
return getHue() + " blue";
>getHue() + " blue" : string
>getHue() : string
>getHue : () => string
>" blue" : string
var r = new Red();
>r : Red
>new Red() : Red
>Red : typeof Red
var b = new Blue();
>b : Blue
>new Blue() : Blue
>Blue : typeof Blue
>r.shade() : string
>r.shade : () => string
>r : Red
>shade : () => string
>r.hue() : string
>r.hue : () => string
>r : Red
>hue : () => string
>b.shade() : string
>b.shade : () => string
>b : Blue
>shade : () => string
>b.hue() : string
>b.hue : () => string
>b : Blue
>hue : () => string

View file

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
tests/cases/compiler/discriminantPropertyCheck.ts(30,9): error TS2532: Object is possibly 'undefined'.
tests/cases/compiler/discriminantPropertyCheck.ts(66,9): error TS2532: Object is possibly 'undefined'.
==== tests/cases/compiler/discriminantPropertyCheck.ts (2 errors) ====
type Item = Item1 | Item2;
interface Base {
bar: boolean;
interface Item1 extends Base {
kind: "A";
foo: string | undefined;
baz: boolean;
qux: true;
interface Item2 extends Base {
kind: "B";
foo: string | undefined;
baz: boolean;
qux: false;
function goo1(x: Item) {
if (x.kind === "A" && !== undefined) {;
function goo2(x: Item) {
if ( !== undefined && x.kind === "A") {; // Error, intervening discriminant guard
!!! error TS2532: Object is possibly 'undefined'.
function foo1(x: Item) {
if ( && !== undefined) {;
function foo2(x: Item) {
if ( !== undefined && {;
function foo3(x: Item) {
if (x.baz && !== undefined) {;
function foo4(x: Item) {
if ( !== undefined && x.baz) {;
function foo5(x: Item) {
if (x.qux && !== undefined) {;
function foo6(x: Item) {
if ( !== undefined && x.qux) {; // Error, intervening discriminant guard
!!! error TS2532: Object is possibly 'undefined'.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
//// [discriminantPropertyCheck.ts]
type Item = Item1 | Item2;
interface Base {
bar: boolean;
interface Item1 extends Base {
kind: "A";
foo: string | undefined;
baz: boolean;
qux: true;
interface Item2 extends Base {
kind: "B";
foo: string | undefined;
baz: boolean;
qux: false;
function goo1(x: Item) {
if (x.kind === "A" && !== undefined) {;
function goo2(x: Item) {
if ( !== undefined && x.kind === "A") {; // Error, intervening discriminant guard
function foo1(x: Item) {
if ( && !== undefined) {;
function foo2(x: Item) {
if ( !== undefined && {;
function foo3(x: Item) {
if (x.baz && !== undefined) {;
function foo4(x: Item) {
if ( !== undefined && x.baz) {;
function foo5(x: Item) {
if (x.qux && !== undefined) {;
function foo6(x: Item) {
if ( !== undefined && x.qux) {; // Error, intervening discriminant guard
//// [discriminantPropertyCheck.js]
function goo1(x) {
if (x.kind === "A" && !== undefined) {;
function goo2(x) {
if ( !== undefined && x.kind === "A") {; // Error, intervening discriminant guard
function foo1(x) {
if ( && !== undefined) {;
function foo2(x) {
if ( !== undefined && {;
function foo3(x) {
if (x.baz && !== undefined) {;
function foo4(x) {
if ( !== undefined && x.baz) {;
function foo5(x) {
if (x.qux && !== undefined) {;
function foo6(x) {
if ( !== undefined && x.qux) {; // Error, intervening discriminant guard

View file

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
//// [discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts]
// Repro from #10228
interface A { kind: 'A'; }
interface B { kind: 'B'; }
type C = A | B | undefined;
function never(_: never): never {
throw new Error();
function useA(_: A): void { }
function useB(_: B): void { }
declare var c: C;
if (c !== undefined) {
switch (c.kind) {
case 'A': useA(c); break;
case 'B': useB(c); break;
default: never(c);
//// [discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.js]
// Repro from #10228
function never(_) {
throw new Error();
function useA(_) { }
function useB(_) { }
if (c !== undefined) {
switch (c.kind) {
case 'A':
case 'B':
default: never(c);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts ===
// Repro from #10228
interface A { kind: 'A'; }
>A : Symbol(A, Decl(discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts, 0, 0))
>kind : Symbol(A.kind, Decl(discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts, 3, 13))
interface B { kind: 'B'; }
>B : Symbol(B, Decl(discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts, 3, 26))
>kind : Symbol(B.kind, Decl(discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts, 4, 13))
type C = A | B | undefined;
>C : Symbol(C, Decl(discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts, 4, 26))
>A : Symbol(A, Decl(discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts, 0, 0))
>B : Symbol(B, Decl(discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts, 3, 26))
function never(_: never): never {
>never : Symbol(never, Decl(discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts, 6, 27))
>_ : Symbol(_, Decl(discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts, 8, 15))
throw new Error();
>Error : Symbol(Error, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
function useA(_: A): void { }
>useA : Symbol(useA, Decl(discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts, 10, 1))
>_ : Symbol(_, Decl(discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts, 12, 14))
>A : Symbol(A, Decl(discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts, 0, 0))
function useB(_: B): void { }
>useB : Symbol(useB, Decl(discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts, 12, 29))
>_ : Symbol(_, Decl(discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts, 13, 14))
>B : Symbol(B, Decl(discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts, 3, 26))
declare var c: C;
>c : Symbol(c, Decl(discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts, 15, 11))
>C : Symbol(C, Decl(discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts, 4, 26))
if (c !== undefined) {
>c : Symbol(c, Decl(discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts, 15, 11))
>undefined : Symbol(undefined)
switch (c.kind) {
>c.kind : Symbol(kind, Decl(discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts, 3, 13), Decl(discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts, 4, 13))
>c : Symbol(c, Decl(discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts, 15, 11))
>kind : Symbol(kind, Decl(discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts, 3, 13), Decl(discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts, 4, 13))
case 'A': useA(c); break;
>useA : Symbol(useA, Decl(discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts, 10, 1))
>c : Symbol(c, Decl(discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts, 15, 11))
case 'B': useB(c); break;
>useB : Symbol(useB, Decl(discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts, 12, 29))
>c : Symbol(c, Decl(discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts, 15, 11))
default: never(c);
>never : Symbol(never, Decl(discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts, 6, 27))
>c : Symbol(c, Decl(discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts, 15, 11))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/discriminantsAndNullOrUndefined.ts ===
// Repro from #10228
interface A { kind: 'A'; }
>A : A
>kind : "A"
interface B { kind: 'B'; }
>B : B
>kind : "B"
type C = A | B | undefined;
>C : C
>A : A
>B : B
function never(_: never): never {
>never : (_: never) => never
>_ : never
throw new Error();
>new Error() : Error
>Error : ErrorConstructor
function useA(_: A): void { }
>useA : (_: A) => void
>_ : A
>A : A
function useB(_: B): void { }
>useB : (_: B) => void
>_ : B
>B : B
declare var c: C;
>c : C
>C : C
if (c !== undefined) {
>c !== undefined : boolean
>c : C
>undefined : undefined
switch (c.kind) {
>c.kind : "A" | "B"
>c : A | B
>kind : "A" | "B"
case 'A': useA(c); break;
>'A' : "A"
>useA(c) : void
>useA : (_: A) => void
>c : A
case 'B': useB(c); break;
>'B' : "B"
>useB(c) : void
>useB : (_: B) => void
>c : B
default: never(c);
>never(c) : never
>never : (_: never) => never
>c : never

View file

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
//// [discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts]
// Repro from #10145
interface A { type: 'A' }
interface B { type: 'B' }
function isA(x: A | B): x is A { return x.type === 'A'; }
function isB(x: A | B): x is B { return x.type === 'B'; }
function foo1(x: A | B): any {
x; // A | B
if (isA(x)) {
return x; // A
x; // B
if (isB(x)) {
return x; // B
x; // never
function foo2(x: A | B): any {
x; // A | B
if (x.type === 'A') {
return x; // A
x; // B
if (x.type === 'B') {
return x; // B
x; // never
//// [discriminantsAndTypePredicates.js]
// Repro from #10145
function isA(x) { return x.type === 'A'; }
function isB(x) { return x.type === 'B'; }
function foo1(x) {
x; // A | B
if (isA(x)) {
return x; // A
x; // B
if (isB(x)) {
return x; // B
x; // never
function foo2(x) {
x; // A | B
if (x.type === 'A') {
return x; // A
x; // B
if (x.type === 'B') {
return x; // B
x; // never

View file

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts ===
// Repro from #10145
interface A { type: 'A' }
>A : Symbol(A, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 0, 0))
>type : Symbol(A.type, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 2, 13))
interface B { type: 'B' }
>B : Symbol(B, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 2, 25))
>type : Symbol(B.type, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 3, 13))
function isA(x: A | B): x is A { return x.type === 'A'; }
>isA : Symbol(isA, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 3, 25))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 5, 13))
>A : Symbol(A, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 0, 0))
>B : Symbol(B, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 2, 25))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 5, 13))
>A : Symbol(A, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 0, 0))
>x.type : Symbol(type, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 2, 13), Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 3, 13))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 5, 13))
>type : Symbol(type, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 2, 13), Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 3, 13))
function isB(x: A | B): x is B { return x.type === 'B'; }
>isB : Symbol(isB, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 5, 57))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 6, 13))
>A : Symbol(A, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 0, 0))
>B : Symbol(B, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 2, 25))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 6, 13))
>B : Symbol(B, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 2, 25))
>x.type : Symbol(type, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 2, 13), Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 3, 13))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 6, 13))
>type : Symbol(type, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 2, 13), Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 3, 13))
function foo1(x: A | B): any {
>foo1 : Symbol(foo1, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 6, 57))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 8, 14))
>A : Symbol(A, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 0, 0))
>B : Symbol(B, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 2, 25))
x; // A | B
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 8, 14))
if (isA(x)) {
>isA : Symbol(isA, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 3, 25))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 8, 14))
return x; // A
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 8, 14))
x; // B
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 8, 14))
if (isB(x)) {
>isB : Symbol(isB, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 5, 57))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 8, 14))
return x; // B
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 8, 14))
x; // never
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 8, 14))
function foo2(x: A | B): any {
>foo2 : Symbol(foo2, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 18, 1))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 20, 14))
>A : Symbol(A, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 0, 0))
>B : Symbol(B, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 2, 25))
x; // A | B
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 20, 14))
if (x.type === 'A') {
>x.type : Symbol(type, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 2, 13), Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 3, 13))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 20, 14))
>type : Symbol(type, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 2, 13), Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 3, 13))
return x; // A
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 20, 14))
x; // B
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 20, 14))
if (x.type === 'B') {
>x.type : Symbol(B.type, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 3, 13))
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 20, 14))
>type : Symbol(B.type, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 3, 13))
return x; // B
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 20, 14))
x; // never
>x : Symbol(x, Decl(discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts, 20, 14))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/discriminantsAndTypePredicates.ts ===
// Repro from #10145
interface A { type: 'A' }
>A : A
>type : "A"
interface B { type: 'B' }
>B : B
>type : "B"
function isA(x: A | B): x is A { return x.type === 'A'; }
>isA : (x: A | B) => x is A
>x : A | B
>A : A
>B : B
>x : any
>A : A
>x.type === 'A' : boolean
>x.type : "A" | "B"
>x : A | B
>type : "A" | "B"
>'A' : "A"
function isB(x: A | B): x is B { return x.type === 'B'; }
>isB : (x: A | B) => x is B
>x : A | B
>A : A
>B : B
>x : any
>B : B
>x.type === 'B' : boolean
>x.type : "A" | "B"
>x : A | B
>type : "A" | "B"
>'B' : "B"
function foo1(x: A | B): any {
>foo1 : (x: A | B) => any
>x : A | B
>A : A
>B : B
x; // A | B
>x : A | B
if (isA(x)) {
>isA(x) : boolean
>isA : (x: A | B) => x is A
>x : A | B
return x; // A
>x : A
x; // B
>x : B
if (isB(x)) {
>isB(x) : boolean
>isB : (x: A | B) => x is B
>x : B
return x; // B
>x : B
x; // never
>x : never
function foo2(x: A | B): any {
>foo2 : (x: A | B) => any
>x : A | B
>A : A
>B : B
x; // A | B
>x : A | B
if (x.type === 'A') {
>x.type === 'A' : boolean
>x.type : "A" | "B"
>x : A | B
>type : "A" | "B"
>'A' : "A"
return x; // A
>x : A
x; // B
>x : B
if (x.type === 'B') {
>x.type === 'B' : boolean
>x.type : "B"
>x : B
>type : "B"
>'B' : "B"
return x; // B
>x : B
x; // never
>x : never

View file

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
tests/cases/compiler/emitCapturingThisInTupleDestructuring1.ts(3,17): error TS2493: Tuple type '[any]' with length '1' cannot be assigned to tuple with length '3'.
tests/cases/compiler/emitCapturingThisInTupleDestructuring1.ts(3,29): error TS2493: Tuple type '[any]' with length '1' cannot be assigned to tuple with length '3'.
==== tests/cases/compiler/emitCapturingThisInTupleDestructuring1.ts (2 errors) ====
declare function wrapper(x: any);
wrapper((array: [any]) => {
[this.test, this.test1, this.test2] = array; // even though there is a compiler error, we should still emit lexical capture for "this"
!!! error TS2493: Tuple type '[any]' with length '1' cannot be assigned to tuple with length '3'.
!!! error TS2493: Tuple type '[any]' with length '1' cannot be assigned to tuple with length '3'.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
//// [emitCapturingThisInTupleDestructuring1.ts]
declare function wrapper(x: any);
wrapper((array: [any]) => {
[this.test, this.test1, this.test2] = array; // even though there is a compiler error, we should still emit lexical capture for "this"
//// [emitCapturingThisInTupleDestructuring1.js]
var _this = this;
wrapper(function (array) {
_this.test = array[0], _this.test1 = array[1], _this.test2 = array[2]; // even though there is a compiler error, we should still emit lexical capture for "this"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
tests/cases/compiler/emitCapturingThisInTupleDestructuring2.ts(8,39): error TS2493: Tuple type '[number, number]' with length '2' cannot be assigned to tuple with length '3'.
==== tests/cases/compiler/emitCapturingThisInTupleDestructuring2.ts (1 errors) ====
var array1: [number, number] = [1, 2];
class B {
test: number;
test1: any;
test2: any;
method() {
() => [this.test, this.test1, this.test2] = array1; // even though there is a compiler error, we should still emit lexical capture for "this"
!!! error TS2493: Tuple type '[number, number]' with length '2' cannot be assigned to tuple with length '3'.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
//// [emitCapturingThisInTupleDestructuring2.ts]
var array1: [number, number] = [1, 2];
class B {
test: number;
test1: any;
test2: any;
method() {
() => [this.test, this.test1, this.test2] = array1; // even though there is a compiler error, we should still emit lexical capture for "this"
//// [emitCapturingThisInTupleDestructuring2.js]
var array1 = [1, 2];
var B = (function () {
function B() {
B.prototype.method = function () {
var _this = this;
(function () { return (_this.test = array1[0], _this.test1 = array1[1], _this.test2 = array1[2], array1); }); // even though there is a compiler error, we should still emit lexical capture for "this"
return B;

View file

@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ function rebase(fn: (base: any, ...args: any[]) => any): (...args: any[]) => any
>fn : Symbol(fn, Decl(emitSkipsThisWithRestParameter.ts, 0, 16))
>apply : Symbol(Function.apply, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>this : Symbol(this, Decl(emitSkipsThisWithRestParameter.ts, 1, 20))
>[ this ].concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>[ this ].concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>this : Symbol(this, Decl(emitSkipsThisWithRestParameter.ts, 1, 20))
>concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>concat : Symbol(Array.concat, Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --), Decl(lib.d.ts, --, --))
>args : Symbol(args, Decl(emitSkipsThisWithRestParameter.ts, 1, 30))

View file

@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ function rebase(fn: (base: any, ...args: any[]) => any): (...args: any[]) => any
>apply : (this: Function, thisArg: any, argArray?: any) => any
>this : any
>[ this ].concat(args) : any[]
>[ this ].concat : (...items: any[]) => any[]
>[ this ].concat : { (...items: any[][]): any[]; (...items: any[]): any[]; }
>[ this ] : any[]
>this : any
>concat : (...items: any[]) => any[]
>concat : { (...items: any[][]): any[]; (...items: any[]): any[]; }
>args : any[]

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
//// [exportToString.ts]
const toString = 0;
export { toString };
//// [exportToString.js]
"use strict";
var toString = 0;
exports.toString = toString;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/exportToString.ts ===
const toString = 0;
>toString : Symbol(toString, Decl(exportToString.ts, 0, 5))
export { toString };
>toString : Symbol(toString, Decl(exportToString.ts, 1, 8))

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
=== tests/cases/compiler/exportToString.ts ===
const toString = 0;
>toString : number
>0 : number
export { toString };
>toString : number

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more