Sample to baseline output

This commit is contained in:
Sheetal Nandi 2019-10-16 12:55:58 -07:00
parent e54d5cae60
commit 66ea16a23a
22 changed files with 2166 additions and 307 deletions

View file

@ -279,6 +279,7 @@ interface Symbol {
buildKind: BuildKind;
modifyFs: (fs: vfs.FileSystem) => void;
subScenario?: string;
commandLineArgs?: readonly string[];
export interface VerifyTsBuildInput extends TscCompile {
@ -318,7 +319,12 @@ interface Symbol {
verifyTscBaseline(() => sys);
for (const { buildKind, modifyFs, subScenario: incrementalSubScenario } of incrementalScenarios) {
for (const {
subScenario: incrementalSubScenario,
commandLineArgs: incrementalCommandLineArgs
} of incrementalScenarios) {
describe(incrementalSubScenario || buildKind, () => {
let newSys: TscCompileSystem;
before(() => {
@ -329,7 +335,7 @@ interface Symbol {
subScenario: incrementalSubScenario || subScenario,
fs: () => sys.vfs,
commandLineArgs: incrementalCommandLineArgs || commandLineArgs,
modifyFs: fs => {

View file

@ -14,123 +14,63 @@ namespace ts {
projFs = undefined!; // Release the contents
function getSampleFsAfterBuild() {
const fs = projFs.shadow();
const host = fakes.SolutionBuilderHost.create(fs);
const builder = createSolutionBuilder(host, ["/src/tests"], {});;
return fs;
describe("sanity check of clean build of 'sample1' project", () => {
it("can build the sample project 'sample1' without error", () => {
const fs = projFs.shadow();
const host = fakes.SolutionBuilderHost.create(fs);
const builder = createSolutionBuilder(host, ["/src/tests"], { dry: false, force: false, verbose: false });
// Check for outputs. Not an exhaustive list
verifyOutputsPresent(fs, allExpectedOutputs);
it("builds correctly when outDir is specified", () => {
const fs = projFs.shadow();
fs.writeFileSync("/src/logic/tsconfig.json", JSON.stringify({
scenario: "sample1",
subScenario: "builds correctly when outDir is specified",
fs: () => projFs,
commandLineArgs: ["--b", "/src/tests"],
modifyFs: fs => fs.writeFileSync("/src/logic/tsconfig.json", JSON.stringify({
compilerOptions: { composite: true, declaration: true, sourceMap: true, outDir: "outDir" },
references: [{ path: "../core" }]
const host = fakes.SolutionBuilderHost.create(fs);
const builder = createSolutionBuilder(host, ["/src/tests"], {});;
const expectedOutputs = => f.replace("/logic/", "/logic/outDir/"));
// Check for outputs. Not an exhaustive list
verifyOutputsPresent(fs, expectedOutputs);
it("builds correctly when declarationDir is specified", () => {
const fs = projFs.shadow();
fs.writeFileSync("/src/logic/tsconfig.json", JSON.stringify({
scenario: "sample1",
subScenario: "builds correctly when declarationDir is specified",
fs: () => projFs,
commandLineArgs: ["--b", "/src/tests"],
modifyFs: fs => fs.writeFileSync("/src/logic/tsconfig.json", JSON.stringify({
compilerOptions: { composite: true, declaration: true, sourceMap: true, declarationDir: "out/decls" },
references: [{ path: "../core" }]
const host = fakes.SolutionBuilderHost.create(fs);
const builder = createSolutionBuilder(host, ["/src/tests"], {});;
const expectedOutputs = => f.replace("/logic/index.d.ts", "/logic/out/decls/index.d.ts"));
// Check for outputs. Not an exhaustive list
verifyOutputsPresent(fs, expectedOutputs);
it("builds correctly when project is not composite or doesnt have any references", () => {
const fs = projFs.shadow();
replaceText(fs, "/src/core/tsconfig.json", `"composite": true,`, "");
const host = fakes.SolutionBuilderHost.create(fs);
const builder = createSolutionBuilder(host, ["/src/core"], { verbose: true });;
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_out_of_date_because_output_file_1_does_not_exist, "src/core/tsconfig.json", "src/core/anotherModule.js"],
[Diagnostics.Building_project_0, "/src/core/tsconfig.json"]
verifyOutputsPresent(fs, ["/src/core/index.js", "/src/core/index.d.ts", "/src/core/"]);
scenario: "sample1",
subScenario: "builds correctly when project is not composite or doesnt have any references",
fs: () => projFs,
commandLineArgs: ["--b", "/src/core", "--verbose"],
modifyFs: fs => replaceText(fs, "/src/core/tsconfig.json", `"composite": true,`, ""),
describe("dry builds", () => {
it("doesn't write any files in a dry build", () => {
const fs = projFs.shadow();
const host = fakes.SolutionBuilderHost.create(fs);
const builder = createSolutionBuilder(host, ["/src/tests"], { dry: true, force: false, verbose: false });;
[Diagnostics.A_non_dry_build_would_build_project_0, "/src/core/tsconfig.json"],
[Diagnostics.A_non_dry_build_would_build_project_0, "/src/logic/tsconfig.json"],
[Diagnostics.A_non_dry_build_would_build_project_0, "/src/tests/tsconfig.json"]
// Check for outputs to not be written. Not an exhaustive list
verifyOutputsAbsent(fs, allExpectedOutputs);
it("indicates that it would skip builds during a dry build", () => {
const { fs, tick } = getFsWithTime(projFs);
const host = fakes.SolutionBuilderHost.create(fs);
let builder = createSolutionBuilder(host, ["/src/tests"], { dry: false, force: false, verbose: false });;
builder = createSolutionBuilder(host, ["/src/tests"], { dry: true, force: false, verbose: false });;
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_up_to_date, "/src/core/tsconfig.json"],
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_up_to_date, "/src/logic/tsconfig.json"],
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_up_to_date, "/src/tests/tsconfig.json"]
scenario: "sample1",
subScenario: "does not write any files in a dry build",
fs: () => projFs,
commandLineArgs: ["--b", "/src/tests", "--dry"],
describe("clean builds", () => {
it("removes all files it built", () => {
const fs = projFs.shadow();
const host = fakes.SolutionBuilderHost.create(fs);
const builder = createSolutionBuilder(host, ["/src/tests"], { dry: false, force: false, verbose: false });;
// Verify they exist
verifyOutputsPresent(fs, allExpectedOutputs);
// Verify they are gone
verifyOutputsAbsent(fs, allExpectedOutputs);
// Subsequent clean shouldn't throw / etc
verifyOutputsAbsent(fs, allExpectedOutputs);;
// Verify they exist
verifyOutputsPresent(fs, allExpectedOutputs);
scenario: "sample1",
subScenario: "removes all files it built",
fs: getSampleFsAfterBuild,
commandLineArgs: ["--b", "/src/tests", "--clean"],
incrementalScenarios: [noChangeRun]
it("cleans till project specified", () => {
@ -158,29 +98,12 @@ namespace ts {
describe("force builds", () => {
it("always builds under --force", () => {
const { fs, time, tick } = getFsWithTime(projFs);
const host = fakes.SolutionBuilderHost.create(fs);
let builder = createSolutionBuilder(host, ["/src/tests"], { dry: false, force: true, verbose: false });;
let currentTime = time();
Debug.assert(time() !== currentTime, "Time moves on");
currentTime = time();
builder = createSolutionBuilder(host, ["/src/tests"], { dry: false, force: true, verbose: false });;
function checkOutputTimestamps(expected: number) {
// Check timestamps
for (const output of allExpectedOutputs) {
const actual = fs.statSync(output).mtimeMs;
assert(actual === expected, `File ${output} has timestamp ${actual}, expected ${expected}`);
scenario: "sample1",
subScenario: "always builds under with force option",
fs: () => projFs,
commandLineArgs: ["--b", "/src/tests", "--force"],
incrementalScenarios: [noChangeRun]
@ -196,64 +119,42 @@ namespace ts {
return { fs, host, builder };
it("Builds the project", () => {
const fs = projFs.shadow();
const host = fakes.SolutionBuilderHost.create(fs);
const builder = createSolutionBuilder(host, ["/src/tests"], { verbose: true });;
getExpectedDiagnosticForProjectsInBuild("src/core/tsconfig.json", "src/logic/tsconfig.json", "src/tests/tsconfig.json"),
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_out_of_date_because_output_file_1_does_not_exist, "src/core/tsconfig.json", "src/core/anotherModule.js"],
[Diagnostics.Building_project_0, "/src/core/tsconfig.json"],
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_out_of_date_because_output_file_1_does_not_exist, "src/logic/tsconfig.json", "src/logic/index.js"],
[Diagnostics.Building_project_0, "/src/logic/tsconfig.json"],
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_out_of_date_because_output_file_1_does_not_exist, "src/tests/tsconfig.json", "src/tests/index.js"],
[Diagnostics.Building_project_0, "/src/tests/tsconfig.json"]
// All three projects are up to date
it("Detects that all projects are up to date", () => {
const { host, builder } = initializeWithBuild();;
getExpectedDiagnosticForProjectsInBuild("src/core/tsconfig.json", "src/logic/tsconfig.json", "src/tests/tsconfig.json"),
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_up_to_date_because_newest_input_1_is_older_than_oldest_output_2, "src/core/tsconfig.json", "src/core/anotherModule.ts", "src/core/anotherModule.js"],
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_up_to_date_because_newest_input_1_is_older_than_oldest_output_2, "src/logic/tsconfig.json", "src/logic/index.ts", "src/logic/index.js"],
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_up_to_date_because_newest_input_1_is_older_than_oldest_output_2, "src/tests/tsconfig.json", "src/tests/index.ts", "src/tests/index.js"]
// Update a file in the leaf node (tests), only it should rebuild the last one
it("Only builds the leaf node project", () => {
const { fs, host, builder } = initializeWithBuild();
fs.writeFileSync("/src/tests/index.ts", "const m = 10;");;
getExpectedDiagnosticForProjectsInBuild("src/core/tsconfig.json", "src/logic/tsconfig.json", "src/tests/tsconfig.json"),
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_up_to_date_because_newest_input_1_is_older_than_oldest_output_2, "src/core/tsconfig.json", "src/core/anotherModule.ts", "src/core/anotherModule.js"],
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_up_to_date_because_newest_input_1_is_older_than_oldest_output_2, "src/logic/tsconfig.json", "src/logic/index.ts", "src/logic/index.js"],
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_out_of_date_because_oldest_output_1_is_older_than_newest_input_2, "src/tests/tsconfig.json", "src/tests/index.js", "src/tests/index.ts"],
[Diagnostics.Building_project_0, "/src/tests/tsconfig.json"]
// Update a file in the parent (without affecting types), should get fast downstream builds
it("Detects type-only changes in upstream projects", () => {
const { fs, host, builder } = initializeWithBuild();
replaceText(fs, "/src/core/index.ts", "HELLO WORLD", "WELCOME PLANET");;
getExpectedDiagnosticForProjectsInBuild("src/core/tsconfig.json", "src/logic/tsconfig.json", "src/tests/tsconfig.json"),
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_out_of_date_because_oldest_output_1_is_older_than_newest_input_2, "src/core/tsconfig.json", "src/core/anotherModule.js", "src/core/index.ts"],
[Diagnostics.Building_project_0, "/src/core/tsconfig.json"],
[Diagnostics.Updating_unchanged_output_timestamps_of_project_0, "/src/core/tsconfig.json"],
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_up_to_date_with_d_ts_files_from_its_dependencies, "src/logic/tsconfig.json"],
[Diagnostics.Updating_output_timestamps_of_project_0, "/src/logic/tsconfig.json"],
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_up_to_date_with_d_ts_files_from_its_dependencies, "src/tests/tsconfig.json"],
[Diagnostics.Updating_output_timestamps_of_project_0, "/src/tests/tsconfig.json"]
scenario: "sample1",
subScenario: "can detect when and what to rebuild",
fs: getSampleFsAfterBuild,
commandLineArgs: ["--b", "/src/tests", "--verbose"],
incrementalScenarios: [
// Update a file in the leaf node (tests), only it should rebuild the last one
subScenario: "Only builds the leaf node project",
buildKind: BuildKind.IncrementalDtsUnchanged,
modifyFs: fs => fs.writeFileSync("/src/tests/index.ts", "const m = 10;"),
// Update a file in the parent (without affecting types), should get fast downstream builds
subScenario: "Detects type-only changes in upstream projects",
buildKind: BuildKind.IncrementalDtsChange,
modifyFs: fs => replaceText(fs, "/src/core/index.ts", "HELLO WORLD", "WELCOME PLANET"),
subScenario: "indicates that it would skip builds during a dry build",
buildKind: BuildKind.IncrementalDtsUnchanged,
modifyFs: noop,
commandLineArgs: ["--b", "/src/tests", "--dry"],
subScenario: "rebuilds from start if force option is set",
buildKind: BuildKind.IncrementalDtsChange,
modifyFs: noop,
commandLineArgs: ["--b", "/src/tests", "--verbose", "--force"],
subScenario: "rebuilds when tsconfig changes",
buildKind: BuildKind.IncrementalDtsChange,
modifyFs: fs => replaceText(fs, "/src/tests/tsconfig.json", `"composite": true`, `"composite": true, "target": "es3"`),
it("rebuilds completely when version in tsbuildinfo doesnt match ts version", () => {
@ -300,61 +201,19 @@ namespace ts {
it("rebuilds from start if --f is passed", () => {
const { host, builder } = initializeWithBuild({ force: true });;
getExpectedDiagnosticForProjectsInBuild("src/core/tsconfig.json", "src/logic/tsconfig.json", "src/tests/tsconfig.json"),
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_up_to_date_because_newest_input_1_is_older_than_oldest_output_2, "src/core/tsconfig.json", "src/core/anotherModule.ts", "src/core/anotherModule.js"],
[Diagnostics.Building_project_0, "/src/core/tsconfig.json"],
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_up_to_date_with_d_ts_files_from_its_dependencies, "src/logic/tsconfig.json"],
[Diagnostics.Building_project_0, "/src/logic/tsconfig.json"],
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_up_to_date_with_d_ts_files_from_its_dependencies, "src/tests/tsconfig.json"],
[Diagnostics.Building_project_0, "/src/tests/tsconfig.json"]
it("rebuilds when tsconfig changes", () => {
const { fs, host, builder } = initializeWithBuild();
replaceText(fs, "/src/tests/tsconfig.json", `"composite": true`, `"composite": true, "target": "es3"`);;
getExpectedDiagnosticForProjectsInBuild("src/core/tsconfig.json", "src/logic/tsconfig.json", "src/tests/tsconfig.json"),
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_up_to_date_because_newest_input_1_is_older_than_oldest_output_2, "src/core/tsconfig.json", "src/core/anotherModule.ts", "src/core/anotherModule.js"],
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_up_to_date_because_newest_input_1_is_older_than_oldest_output_2, "src/logic/tsconfig.json", "src/logic/index.ts", "src/logic/index.js"],
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_out_of_date_because_oldest_output_1_is_older_than_newest_input_2, "src/tests/tsconfig.json", "src/tests/index.js", "src/tests/tsconfig.json"],
[Diagnostics.Building_project_0, "/src/tests/tsconfig.json"],
it("rebuilds when extended config file changes", () => {
const { fs, tick } = getFsWithTime(projFs);
fs.writeFileSync("/src/tests/tsconfig.base.json", JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: { target: "es3" } }));
replaceText(fs, "/src/tests/tsconfig.json", `"references": [`, `"extends": "./tsconfig.base.json", "references": [`);
const host = fakes.SolutionBuilderHost.create(fs);
let builder = createSolutionBuilder(host, ["/src/tests"], { verbose: true });;
getExpectedDiagnosticForProjectsInBuild("src/core/tsconfig.json", "src/logic/tsconfig.json", "src/tests/tsconfig.json"),
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_out_of_date_because_output_file_1_does_not_exist, "src/core/tsconfig.json", "src/core/anotherModule.js"],
[Diagnostics.Building_project_0, "/src/core/tsconfig.json"],
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_out_of_date_because_output_file_1_does_not_exist, "src/logic/tsconfig.json", "src/logic/index.js"],
[Diagnostics.Building_project_0, "/src/logic/tsconfig.json"],
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_out_of_date_because_output_file_1_does_not_exist, "src/tests/tsconfig.json", "src/tests/index.js"],
[Diagnostics.Building_project_0, "/src/tests/tsconfig.json"]
builder = createSolutionBuilder(host, ["/src/tests"], { verbose: true });
fs.writeFileSync("/src/tests/tsconfig.base.json", JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: {} }));;
getExpectedDiagnosticForProjectsInBuild("src/core/tsconfig.json", "src/logic/tsconfig.json", "src/tests/tsconfig.json"),
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_up_to_date_because_newest_input_1_is_older_than_oldest_output_2, "src/core/tsconfig.json", "src/core/anotherModule.ts", "src/core/anotherModule.js"],
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_up_to_date_because_newest_input_1_is_older_than_oldest_output_2, "src/logic/tsconfig.json", "src/logic/index.ts", "src/logic/index.js"],
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_out_of_date_because_oldest_output_1_is_older_than_newest_input_2, "src/tests/tsconfig.json", "src/tests/index.js", "src/tests/tsconfig.base.json"],
[Diagnostics.Building_project_0, "/src/tests/tsconfig.json"]
scenario: "sample1",
subScenario: "rebuilds when extended config file changes",
fs: () => projFs,
commandLineArgs: ["--b", "/src/tests", "--verbose"],
modifyFs: fs => {
fs.writeFileSync("/src/tests/tsconfig.base.json", JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: { target: "es3" } }));
replaceText(fs, "/src/tests/tsconfig.json", `"references": [`, `"extends": "./tsconfig.base.json", "references": [`);
incrementalScenarios: [{
buildKind: BuildKind.IncrementalDtsChange,
modifyFs: fs => fs.writeFileSync("/src/tests/tsconfig.base.json", JSON.stringify({ compilerOptions: {} }))
it("builds till project specified", () => {
@ -435,27 +294,12 @@ namespace ts {
describe("downstream-blocked compilations", () => {
it("won't build downstream projects if upstream projects have errors", () => {
const fs = projFs.shadow();
const host = fakes.SolutionBuilderHost.create(fs);
const builder = createSolutionBuilder(host, ["/src/tests"], { dry: false, force: false, verbose: true });
// Induce an error in the middle project
replaceText(fs, "/src/logic/index.ts", "c.multiply(10, 15)", `c.muitply()`);;
getExpectedDiagnosticForProjectsInBuild("src/core/tsconfig.json", "src/logic/tsconfig.json", "src/tests/tsconfig.json"),
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_out_of_date_because_output_file_1_does_not_exist, "src/core/tsconfig.json", "src/core/anotherModule.js"],
[Diagnostics.Building_project_0, "/src/core/tsconfig.json"],
[Diagnostics.Project_0_is_out_of_date_because_output_file_1_does_not_exist, "src/logic/tsconfig.json", "src/logic/index.js"],
[Diagnostics.Building_project_0, "/src/logic/tsconfig.json"],
message: [Diagnostics.Property_0_does_not_exist_on_type_1, "muitply", `typeof import("/src/core/index")`],
location: expectedLocationIndexOf(fs, "/src/logic/index.ts", "muitply"),
[Diagnostics.Project_0_can_t_be_built_because_its_dependency_1_has_errors, "src/tests/tsconfig.json", "src/logic"],
[Diagnostics.Skipping_build_of_project_0_because_its_dependency_1_has_errors, "/src/tests/tsconfig.json", "/src/logic"]
scenario: "sample1",
subScenario: "does not build downstream projects if upstream projects have errors",
fs: () => projFs,
commandLineArgs: ["--b", "/src/tests", "--verbose"],
modifyFs: fs => replaceText(fs, "/src/logic/index.ts", "c.multiply(10, 15)", `c.muitply()`)
@ -515,54 +359,17 @@ export class cNew {}`);
describe("lists files", () => {
it("listFiles", () => {
const fs = projFs.shadow();
const host = fakes.SolutionBuilderHost.create(fs);
const builder = createSolutionBuilder(host, ["/src/tests"], { listFiles: true });;
assert.deepEqual(host.traces, [
function getCoreOutputs() {
return [
scenario: "sample1",
subScenario: "listFiles",
fs: () => projFs,
commandLineArgs: ["--b", "/src/tests", "--listFiles"],
it("listEmittedFiles", () => {
const fs = projFs.shadow();
const host = fakes.SolutionBuilderHost.create(fs);
const builder = createSolutionBuilder(host, ["/src/tests"], { listEmittedFiles: true });;
assert.deepEqual(host.traces, [
"TSFILE: /src/core/anotherModule.js",
"TSFILE: /src/core/",
"TSFILE: /src/core/anotherModule.d.ts",
"TSFILE: /src/core/index.js",
"TSFILE: /src/core/",
"TSFILE: /src/core/index.d.ts",
"TSFILE: /src/core/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo",
"TSFILE: /src/logic/",
"TSFILE: /src/logic/index.js",
"TSFILE: /src/logic/index.d.ts",
"TSFILE: /src/logic/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo",
"TSFILE: /src/tests/index.js",
"TSFILE: /src/tests/index.d.ts",
"TSFILE: /src/tests/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo",
scenario: "sample1",
subScenario: "listEmittedFiles",
fs: () => projFs,
commandLineArgs: ["--b", "/src/tests", "--listEmittedFiles"],
@ -590,7 +397,8 @@ class someClass { }`),
buildKind: BuildKind.IncrementalDtsChange,
modifyFs: fs => replaceText(fs, "/src/logic/tsconfig.json", `"declaration": true,`, `"declaration": true,
"declarationDir": "decls",`),

View file

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
//// [/lib/incremental-declaration-changesOutput.txt]
/lib/tsc --b /src/tests --verbose
12:08:00 AM - Projects in this build:
* src/core/tsconfig.json
* src/logic/tsconfig.json
* src/tests/tsconfig.json
12:08:00 AM - Project 'src/core/tsconfig.json' is out of date because oldest output 'src/core/anotherModule.js' is older than newest input 'src/core/index.ts'
12:08:00 AM - Building project '/src/core/tsconfig.json'...
12:08:00 AM - Updating unchanged output timestamps of project '/src/core/tsconfig.json'...
12:08:00 AM - Project 'src/logic/tsconfig.json' is up to date with .d.ts files from its dependencies
12:08:00 AM - Updating output timestamps of project '/src/logic/tsconfig.json'...
12:08:00 AM - Project 'src/tests/tsconfig.json' is up to date with .d.ts files from its dependencies
12:08:00 AM - Updating output timestamps of project '/src/tests/tsconfig.json'...
exitCode:: ExitStatus.Success
//// [/src/core/index.d.ts] file written with same contents
//// [/src/core/]
//// [/src/core/index.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.someString = "WELCOME PLANET";
function leftPad(s, n) { return s + n; }
exports.leftPad = leftPad;
function multiply(a, b) { return a * b; }
exports.multiply = multiply;
//// [/src/core/index.ts]
export const someString: string = "WELCOME PLANET";
export function leftPad(s: string, n: number) { return s + n; }
export function multiply(a: number, b: number) { return a * b; }
//// [/src/core/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo]
"program": {
"fileInfos": {
"../../lib/lib.d.ts": {
"version": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };",
"signature": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };"
"./anothermodule.ts": {
"version": "-2676574883-export const World = \"hello\";\r\n",
"signature": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#"
"./index.ts": {
"version": "-2157245566-export const someString: string = \"WELCOME PLANET\";\r\nexport function leftPad(s: string, n: number) { return s + n; }\r\nexport function multiply(a: number, b: number) { return a * b; }\r\n",
"signature": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#"
"./some_decl.d.ts": {
"version": "-9253692965-declare const dts: any;\r\n",
"signature": "-9253692965-declare const dts: any;\r\n"
"options": {
"composite": true,
"declaration": true,
"declarationMap": true,
"skipDefaultLibCheck": true,
"configFilePath": "./tsconfig.json"
"referencedMap": {},
"exportedModulesMap": {},
"semanticDiagnosticsPerFile": [
"version": "FakeTSVersion"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
//// [/lib/incremental-declaration-changesOutput.txt]
/lib/tsc --b /src/tests --verbose --force
12:16:00 AM - Projects in this build:
* src/core/tsconfig.json
* src/logic/tsconfig.json
* src/tests/tsconfig.json
12:16:00 AM - Project 'src/core/tsconfig.json' is up to date because newest input 'src/core/anotherModule.ts' is older than oldest output 'src/core/anotherModule.js'
12:16:00 AM - Building project '/src/core/tsconfig.json'...
12:16:00 AM - Project 'src/logic/tsconfig.json' is up to date with .d.ts files from its dependencies
12:16:00 AM - Building project '/src/logic/tsconfig.json'...
12:16:00 AM - Project 'src/tests/tsconfig.json' is up to date with .d.ts files from its dependencies
12:16:00 AM - Building project '/src/tests/tsconfig.json'...
exitCode:: ExitStatus.Success
//// [/src/core/anotherModule.d.ts] file written with same contents
//// [/src/core/] file written with same contents
//// [/src/core/anotherModule.js] file written with same contents
//// [/src/core/index.d.ts] file written with same contents
//// [/src/core/] file written with same contents
//// [/src/core/index.js] file written with same contents
//// [/src/core/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo] file written with same contents
//// [/src/logic/index.d.ts] file written with same contents
//// [/src/logic/index.js] file written with same contents
//// [/src/logic/] file written with same contents
//// [/src/logic/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo] file written with same contents
//// [/src/tests/index.d.ts] file written with same contents
//// [/src/tests/index.js] file written with same contents
//// [/src/tests/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo] file written with same contents

View file

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
//// [/lib/incremental-declaration-changesOutput.txt]
/lib/tsc --b /src/tests --verbose
12:04:00 AM - Projects in this build:
* src/core/tsconfig.json
* src/logic/tsconfig.json
* src/tests/tsconfig.json
12:04:00 AM - Project 'src/core/tsconfig.json' is up to date because newest input 'src/core/anotherModule.ts' is older than oldest output 'src/core/anotherModule.js'
12:04:00 AM - Project 'src/logic/tsconfig.json' is up to date because newest input 'src/logic/index.ts' is older than oldest output 'src/logic/index.js'
12:04:00 AM - Project 'src/tests/tsconfig.json' is out of date because oldest output 'src/tests/index.js' is older than newest input 'src/tests/tsconfig.base.json'
12:04:00 AM - Building project '/src/tests/tsconfig.json'...
exitCode:: ExitStatus.Success
//// [/src/tests/index.d.ts] file written with same contents
//// [/src/tests/index.js] file written with same contents
//// [/src/tests/tsconfig.base.json]
//// [/src/tests/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo]
"program": {
"fileInfos": {
"../../lib/lib.d.ts": {
"version": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };",
"signature": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };"
"../core/index.ts": {
"version": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#",
"signature": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#"
"../core/anothermodule.ts": {
"version": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#",
"signature": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#"
"../logic/index.ts": {
"version": "-6548680073-export declare function getSecondsInDay(): number;\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n",
"signature": "-6548680073-export declare function getSecondsInDay(): number;\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n"
"./index.ts": {
"version": "12336236525-import * as c from '../core/index';\r\nimport * as logic from '../logic/index';\r\n\r\nc.leftPad(\"\", 10);\r\nlogic.getSecondsInDay();\r\n\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport const m = mod;\r\n",
"signature": "-9209611-import * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n"
"options": {
"composite": true,
"declaration": true,
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
"skipDefaultLibCheck": true,
"configFilePath": "./tsconfig.json"
"referencedMap": {
"../logic/index.ts": [
"./index.ts": [
"exportedModulesMap": {
"../logic/index.ts": [
"./index.ts": [
"semanticDiagnosticsPerFile": [
"version": "FakeTSVersion"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
//// [/lib/incremental-declaration-changesOutput.txt]
/lib/tsc --b /src/tests --verbose
12:20:00 AM - Projects in this build:
* src/core/tsconfig.json
* src/logic/tsconfig.json
* src/tests/tsconfig.json
12:20:00 AM - Project 'src/core/tsconfig.json' is up to date because newest input 'src/core/anotherModule.ts' is older than oldest output 'src/core/anotherModule.js'
12:20:00 AM - Project 'src/logic/tsconfig.json' is up to date because newest input 'src/logic/index.ts' is older than oldest output 'src/logic/index.js'
12:20:00 AM - Project 'src/tests/tsconfig.json' is out of date because oldest output 'src/tests/index.js' is older than newest input 'src/tests/tsconfig.json'
12:20:00 AM - Building project '/src/tests/tsconfig.json'...
exitCode:: ExitStatus.Success
//// [/src/tests/index.d.ts] file written with same contents
//// [/src/tests/index.js] file written with same contents
//// [/src/tests/tsconfig.json]
"references": [
{ "path": "../core" },
{ "path": "../logic" }
"files": ["index.ts"],
"compilerOptions": {
"composite": true, "target": "es3",
"declaration": true,
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
"skipDefaultLibCheck": true
//// [/src/tests/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo]
"program": {
"fileInfos": {
"../../lib/lib.d.ts": {
"version": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };",
"signature": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };"
"../core/index.ts": {
"version": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#",
"signature": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#"
"../core/anothermodule.ts": {
"version": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#",
"signature": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#"
"../logic/index.ts": {
"version": "-6548680073-export declare function getSecondsInDay(): number;\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n",
"signature": "-6548680073-export declare function getSecondsInDay(): number;\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n"
"./index.ts": {
"version": "12336236525-import * as c from '../core/index';\r\nimport * as logic from '../logic/index';\r\n\r\nc.leftPad(\"\", 10);\r\nlogic.getSecondsInDay();\r\n\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport const m = mod;\r\n",
"signature": "-9209611-import * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n"
"options": {
"composite": true,
"target": 0,
"declaration": true,
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
"skipDefaultLibCheck": true,
"configFilePath": "./tsconfig.json"
"referencedMap": {
"../logic/index.ts": [
"./index.ts": [
"exportedModulesMap": {
"../logic/index.ts": [
"./index.ts": [
"semanticDiagnosticsPerFile": [
"version": "FakeTSVersion"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
//// [/lib/incremental-declaration-doesnt-changeOutput.txt]
/lib/tsc --b /src/tests --verbose
12:04:00 AM - Projects in this build:
* src/core/tsconfig.json
* src/logic/tsconfig.json
* src/tests/tsconfig.json
12:04:00 AM - Project 'src/core/tsconfig.json' is up to date because newest input 'src/core/anotherModule.ts' is older than oldest output 'src/core/anotherModule.js'
12:04:00 AM - Project 'src/logic/tsconfig.json' is up to date because newest input 'src/logic/index.ts' is older than oldest output 'src/logic/index.js'
12:04:00 AM - Project 'src/tests/tsconfig.json' is out of date because oldest output 'src/tests/index.js' is older than newest input 'src/tests/index.ts'
12:04:00 AM - Building project '/src/tests/tsconfig.json'...
exitCode:: ExitStatus.Success
//// [/src/tests/index.d.ts]
declare const m = 10;
//// [/src/tests/index.js]
var m = 10;
//// [/src/tests/index.ts]
const m = 10;
//// [/src/tests/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo]
"program": {
"fileInfos": {
"../../lib/lib.d.ts": {
"version": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };",
"signature": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };"
"./index.ts": {
"version": "3708260210-const m = 10;",
"signature": "1073907769-declare const m = 10;\r\n"
"options": {
"composite": true,
"declaration": true,
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
"skipDefaultLibCheck": true,
"configFilePath": "./tsconfig.json"
"referencedMap": {},
"exportedModulesMap": {},
"semanticDiagnosticsPerFile": [
"version": "FakeTSVersion"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
//// [/lib/incremental-declaration-doesnt-changeOutput.txt]
/lib/tsc --b /src/tests --dry
12:12:00 AM - Project '/src/core/tsconfig.json' is up to date
12:12:00 AM - Project '/src/logic/tsconfig.json' is up to date
12:12:00 AM - Project '/src/tests/tsconfig.json' is up to date
exitCode:: ExitStatus.Success

View file

@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
//// [/lib/initial-buildOutput.txt]
/lib/tsc --b /src/tests --force
exitCode:: ExitStatus.Success
//// [/src/core/anotherModule.d.ts]
export declare const World = "hello";
//// [/src/core/]
//// [/src/core/anotherModule.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.World = "hello";
//// [/src/core/index.d.ts]
export declare const someString: string;
export declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;
export declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;
//// [/src/core/]
//// [/src/core/index.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.someString = "HELLO WORLD";
function leftPad(s, n) { return s + n; }
exports.leftPad = leftPad;
function multiply(a, b) { return a * b; }
exports.multiply = multiply;
//// [/src/core/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo]
"program": {
"fileInfos": {
"../../lib/lib.d.ts": {
"version": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };",
"signature": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };"
"./anothermodule.ts": {
"version": "-2676574883-export const World = \"hello\";\r\n",
"signature": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#"
"./index.ts": {
"version": "-18749805970-export const someString: string = \"HELLO WORLD\";\r\nexport function leftPad(s: string, n: number) { return s + n; }\r\nexport function multiply(a: number, b: number) { return a * b; }\r\n",
"signature": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#"
"./some_decl.d.ts": {
"version": "-9253692965-declare const dts: any;\r\n",
"signature": "-9253692965-declare const dts: any;\r\n"
"options": {
"composite": true,
"declaration": true,
"declarationMap": true,
"skipDefaultLibCheck": true,
"configFilePath": "./tsconfig.json"
"referencedMap": {},
"exportedModulesMap": {},
"semanticDiagnosticsPerFile": [
"version": "FakeTSVersion"
//// [/src/logic/index.d.ts]
export declare function getSecondsInDay(): number;
import * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';
export declare const m: typeof mod;
//// [/src/logic/index.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
var c = require("../core/index");
function getSecondsInDay() {
return c.multiply(10, 15);
exports.getSecondsInDay = getSecondsInDay;
var mod = require("../core/anotherModule");
exports.m = mod;
//// [/src/logic/]
//// [/src/logic/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo]
"program": {
"fileInfos": {
"../../lib/lib.d.ts": {
"version": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };",
"signature": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };"
"../core/index.ts": {
"version": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#",
"signature": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#"
"../core/anothermodule.ts": {
"version": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#",
"signature": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#"
"./index.ts": {
"version": "-5786964698-import * as c from '../core/index';\r\nexport function getSecondsInDay() {\r\n return c.multiply(10, 15);\r\n}\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport const m = mod;\r\n",
"signature": "-6548680073-export declare function getSecondsInDay(): number;\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n"
"options": {
"composite": true,
"declaration": true,
"sourceMap": true,
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
"skipDefaultLibCheck": true,
"configFilePath": "./tsconfig.json"
"referencedMap": {
"./index.ts": [
"exportedModulesMap": {
"./index.ts": [
"semanticDiagnosticsPerFile": [
"version": "FakeTSVersion"
//// [/src/tests/index.d.ts]
import * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';
export declare const m: typeof mod;
//// [/src/tests/index.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
var c = require("../core/index");
var logic = require("../logic/index");
c.leftPad("", 10);
var mod = require("../core/anotherModule");
exports.m = mod;
//// [/src/tests/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo]
"program": {
"fileInfos": {
"../../lib/lib.d.ts": {
"version": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };",
"signature": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };"
"../core/index.ts": {
"version": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#",
"signature": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#"
"../core/anothermodule.ts": {
"version": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#",
"signature": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#"
"../logic/index.ts": {
"version": "-6548680073-export declare function getSecondsInDay(): number;\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n",
"signature": "-6548680073-export declare function getSecondsInDay(): number;\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n"
"./index.ts": {
"version": "12336236525-import * as c from '../core/index';\r\nimport * as logic from '../logic/index';\r\n\r\nc.leftPad(\"\", 10);\r\nlogic.getSecondsInDay();\r\n\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport const m = mod;\r\n",
"signature": "-9209611-import * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n"
"options": {
"composite": true,
"declaration": true,
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
"skipDefaultLibCheck": true,
"configFilePath": "./tsconfig.json"
"referencedMap": {
"../logic/index.ts": [
"./index.ts": [
"exportedModulesMap": {
"../logic/index.ts": [
"./index.ts": [
"semanticDiagnosticsPerFile": [
"version": "FakeTSVersion"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
//// [/lib/initial-buildOutput.txt]
/lib/tsc --b /src/tests
exitCode:: ExitStatus.Success
//// [/src/core/anotherModule.d.ts]
export declare const World = "hello";
//// [/src/core/]
//// [/src/core/anotherModule.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.World = "hello";
//// [/src/core/index.d.ts]
export declare const someString: string;
export declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;
export declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;
//// [/src/core/]
//// [/src/core/index.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.someString = "HELLO WORLD";
function leftPad(s, n) { return s + n; }
exports.leftPad = leftPad;
function multiply(a, b) { return a * b; }
exports.multiply = multiply;
//// [/src/core/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo]
"program": {
"fileInfos": {
"../../lib/lib.d.ts": {
"version": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };",
"signature": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };"
"./anothermodule.ts": {
"version": "-2676574883-export const World = \"hello\";\r\n",
"signature": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#"
"./index.ts": {
"version": "-18749805970-export const someString: string = \"HELLO WORLD\";\r\nexport function leftPad(s: string, n: number) { return s + n; }\r\nexport function multiply(a: number, b: number) { return a * b; }\r\n",
"signature": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#"
"./some_decl.d.ts": {
"version": "-9253692965-declare const dts: any;\r\n",
"signature": "-9253692965-declare const dts: any;\r\n"
"options": {
"composite": true,
"declaration": true,
"declarationMap": true,
"skipDefaultLibCheck": true,
"configFilePath": "./tsconfig.json"
"referencedMap": {},
"exportedModulesMap": {},
"semanticDiagnosticsPerFile": [
"version": "FakeTSVersion"
//// [/src/logic/index.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
var c = require("../core/index");
function getSecondsInDay() {
return c.multiply(10, 15);
exports.getSecondsInDay = getSecondsInDay;
var mod = require("../core/anotherModule");
exports.m = mod;
//// [/src/logic/]
//// [/src/logic/out/decls/index.d.ts]
export declare function getSecondsInDay(): number;
import * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';
export declare const m: typeof mod;
//// [/src/logic/tsconfig.json]
//// [/src/logic/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo]
"program": {
"fileInfos": {
"../../lib/lib.d.ts": {
"version": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };",
"signature": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };"
"../core/index.ts": {
"version": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#",
"signature": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#"
"../core/anothermodule.ts": {
"version": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#",
"signature": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#"
"./index.ts": {
"version": "-5786964698-import * as c from '../core/index';\r\nexport function getSecondsInDay() {\r\n return c.multiply(10, 15);\r\n}\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport const m = mod;\r\n",
"signature": "-6548680073-export declare function getSecondsInDay(): number;\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n"
"options": {
"composite": true,
"declaration": true,
"sourceMap": true,
"declarationDir": "./out/decls",
"configFilePath": "./tsconfig.json"
"referencedMap": {
"./index.ts": [
"exportedModulesMap": {
"./index.ts": [
"semanticDiagnosticsPerFile": [
"version": "FakeTSVersion"
//// [/src/tests/index.d.ts]
import * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';
export declare const m: typeof mod;
//// [/src/tests/index.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
var c = require("../core/index");
var logic = require("../logic/index");
c.leftPad("", 10);
var mod = require("../core/anotherModule");
exports.m = mod;
//// [/src/tests/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo]
"program": {
"fileInfos": {
"../../lib/lib.d.ts": {
"version": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };",
"signature": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };"
"../core/index.ts": {
"version": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#",
"signature": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#"
"../core/anothermodule.ts": {
"version": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#",
"signature": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#"
"../logic/index.ts": {
"version": "-6548680073-export declare function getSecondsInDay(): number;\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n",
"signature": "-6548680073-export declare function getSecondsInDay(): number;\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n"
"./index.ts": {
"version": "12336236525-import * as c from '../core/index';\r\nimport * as logic from '../logic/index';\r\n\r\nc.leftPad(\"\", 10);\r\nlogic.getSecondsInDay();\r\n\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport const m = mod;\r\n",
"signature": "-9209611-import * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n"
"options": {
"composite": true,
"declaration": true,
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
"skipDefaultLibCheck": true,
"configFilePath": "./tsconfig.json"
"referencedMap": {
"../logic/index.ts": [
"./index.ts": [
"exportedModulesMap": {
"../logic/index.ts": [
"./index.ts": [
"semanticDiagnosticsPerFile": [
"version": "FakeTSVersion"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
//// [/lib/initial-buildOutput.txt]
/lib/tsc --b /src/tests
exitCode:: ExitStatus.Success
//// [/src/core/anotherModule.d.ts]
export declare const World = "hello";
//// [/src/core/]
//// [/src/core/anotherModule.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.World = "hello";
//// [/src/core/index.d.ts]
export declare const someString: string;
export declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;
export declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;
//// [/src/core/]
//// [/src/core/index.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.someString = "HELLO WORLD";
function leftPad(s, n) { return s + n; }
exports.leftPad = leftPad;
function multiply(a, b) { return a * b; }
exports.multiply = multiply;
//// [/src/core/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo]
"program": {
"fileInfos": {
"../../lib/lib.d.ts": {
"version": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };",
"signature": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };"
"./anothermodule.ts": {
"version": "-2676574883-export const World = \"hello\";\r\n",
"signature": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#"
"./index.ts": {
"version": "-18749805970-export const someString: string = \"HELLO WORLD\";\r\nexport function leftPad(s: string, n: number) { return s + n; }\r\nexport function multiply(a: number, b: number) { return a * b; }\r\n",
"signature": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#"
"./some_decl.d.ts": {
"version": "-9253692965-declare const dts: any;\r\n",
"signature": "-9253692965-declare const dts: any;\r\n"
"options": {
"composite": true,
"declaration": true,
"declarationMap": true,
"skipDefaultLibCheck": true,
"configFilePath": "./tsconfig.json"
"referencedMap": {},
"exportedModulesMap": {},
"semanticDiagnosticsPerFile": [
"version": "FakeTSVersion"
//// [/src/logic/outDir/index.d.ts]
export declare function getSecondsInDay(): number;
import * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';
export declare const m: typeof mod;
//// [/src/logic/outDir/index.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
var c = require("../core/index");
function getSecondsInDay() {
return c.multiply(10, 15);
exports.getSecondsInDay = getSecondsInDay;
var mod = require("../core/anotherModule");
exports.m = mod;
//// [/src/logic/outDir/]
//// [/src/logic/outDir/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo]
"program": {
"fileInfos": {
"../../../lib/lib.d.ts": {
"version": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };",
"signature": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };"
"../../core/index.ts": {
"version": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#",
"signature": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#"
"../../core/anothermodule.ts": {
"version": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#",
"signature": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#"
"../index.ts": {
"version": "-5786964698-import * as c from '../core/index';\r\nexport function getSecondsInDay() {\r\n return c.multiply(10, 15);\r\n}\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport const m = mod;\r\n",
"signature": "-6548680073-export declare function getSecondsInDay(): number;\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n"
"options": {
"composite": true,
"declaration": true,
"sourceMap": true,
"outDir": "./",
"configFilePath": "../tsconfig.json"
"referencedMap": {
"../index.ts": [
"exportedModulesMap": {
"../index.ts": [
"semanticDiagnosticsPerFile": [
"version": "FakeTSVersion"
//// [/src/logic/tsconfig.json]
//// [/src/tests/index.d.ts]
import * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';
export declare const m: typeof mod;
//// [/src/tests/index.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
var c = require("../core/index");
var logic = require("../logic/index");
c.leftPad("", 10);
var mod = require("../core/anotherModule");
exports.m = mod;
//// [/src/tests/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo]
"program": {
"fileInfos": {
"../../lib/lib.d.ts": {
"version": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };",
"signature": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };"
"../core/index.ts": {
"version": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#",
"signature": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#"
"../core/anothermodule.ts": {
"version": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#",
"signature": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#"
"../logic/index.ts": {
"version": "-6548680073-export declare function getSecondsInDay(): number;\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n",
"signature": "-6548680073-export declare function getSecondsInDay(): number;\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n"
"./index.ts": {
"version": "12336236525-import * as c from '../core/index';\r\nimport * as logic from '../logic/index';\r\n\r\nc.leftPad(\"\", 10);\r\nlogic.getSecondsInDay();\r\n\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport const m = mod;\r\n",
"signature": "-9209611-import * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n"
"options": {
"composite": true,
"declaration": true,
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
"skipDefaultLibCheck": true,
"configFilePath": "./tsconfig.json"
"referencedMap": {
"../logic/index.ts": [
"./index.ts": [
"exportedModulesMap": {
"../logic/index.ts": [
"./index.ts": [
"semanticDiagnosticsPerFile": [
"version": "FakeTSVersion"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
//// [/lib/initial-buildOutput.txt]
/lib/tsc --b /src/core --verbose
12:00:00 AM - Projects in this build:
* src/core/tsconfig.json
12:00:00 AM - Project 'src/core/tsconfig.json' is out of date because output file 'src/core/anotherModule.js' does not exist
12:00:00 AM - Building project '/src/core/tsconfig.json'...
exitCode:: ExitStatus.Success
//// [/src/core/anotherModule.d.ts]
export declare const World = "hello";
//// [/src/core/]
//// [/src/core/anotherModule.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.World = "hello";
//// [/src/core/index.d.ts]
export declare const someString: string;
export declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;
export declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;
//// [/src/core/]
//// [/src/core/index.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.someString = "HELLO WORLD";
function leftPad(s, n) { return s + n; }
exports.leftPad = leftPad;
function multiply(a, b) { return a * b; }
exports.multiply = multiply;
//// [/src/core/tsconfig.json]
"compilerOptions": {
"declaration": true,
"declarationMap": true,
"skipDefaultLibCheck": true

View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
//// [/lib/initial-buildOutput.txt]
/lib/tsc --b /src/tests --verbose
12:01:00 AM - Projects in this build:
* src/core/tsconfig.json
* src/logic/tsconfig.json
* src/tests/tsconfig.json
12:01:00 AM - Project 'src/core/tsconfig.json' is up to date because newest input 'src/core/anotherModule.ts' is older than oldest output 'src/core/anotherModule.js'
12:01:00 AM - Project 'src/logic/tsconfig.json' is up to date because newest input 'src/logic/index.ts' is older than oldest output 'src/logic/index.js'
12:01:00 AM - Project 'src/tests/tsconfig.json' is up to date because newest input 'src/tests/index.ts' is older than oldest output 'src/tests/index.js'
exitCode:: ExitStatus.Success

View file

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
//// [/lib/initial-buildOutput.txt]
/lib/tsc --b /src/tests --verbose
12:00:00 AM - Projects in this build:
* src/core/tsconfig.json
* src/logic/tsconfig.json
* src/tests/tsconfig.json
12:00:00 AM - Project 'src/core/tsconfig.json' is out of date because output file 'src/core/anotherModule.js' does not exist
12:00:00 AM - Building project '/src/core/tsconfig.json'...
12:00:00 AM - Project 'src/logic/tsconfig.json' is out of date because output file 'src/logic/index.js' does not exist
12:00:00 AM - Building project '/src/logic/tsconfig.json'...
src/logic/index.ts(3,14): error TS2339: Property 'muitply' does not exist on type 'typeof import("/src/core/index")'.
12:00:00 AM - Project 'src/tests/tsconfig.json' can't be built because its dependency 'src/logic' has errors
12:00:00 AM - Skipping build of project '/src/tests/tsconfig.json' because its dependency '/src/logic' has errors
exitCode:: ExitStatus.DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsGenerated
//// [/src/core/anotherModule.d.ts]
export declare const World = "hello";
//// [/src/core/]
//// [/src/core/anotherModule.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.World = "hello";
//// [/src/core/index.d.ts]
export declare const someString: string;
export declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;
export declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;
//// [/src/core/]
//// [/src/core/index.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.someString = "HELLO WORLD";
function leftPad(s, n) { return s + n; }
exports.leftPad = leftPad;
function multiply(a, b) { return a * b; }
exports.multiply = multiply;
//// [/src/core/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo]
"program": {
"fileInfos": {
"../../lib/lib.d.ts": {
"version": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };",
"signature": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };"
"./anothermodule.ts": {
"version": "-2676574883-export const World = \"hello\";\r\n",
"signature": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#"
"./index.ts": {
"version": "-18749805970-export const someString: string = \"HELLO WORLD\";\r\nexport function leftPad(s: string, n: number) { return s + n; }\r\nexport function multiply(a: number, b: number) { return a * b; }\r\n",
"signature": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#"
"./some_decl.d.ts": {
"version": "-9253692965-declare const dts: any;\r\n",
"signature": "-9253692965-declare const dts: any;\r\n"
"options": {
"composite": true,
"declaration": true,
"declarationMap": true,
"skipDefaultLibCheck": true,
"configFilePath": "./tsconfig.json"
"referencedMap": {},
"exportedModulesMap": {},
"semanticDiagnosticsPerFile": [
"version": "FakeTSVersion"
//// [/src/logic/index.ts]
import * as c from '../core/index';
export function getSecondsInDay() {
return c.muitply();
import * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';
export const m = mod;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
//// [/lib/initial-buildOutput.txt]
/lib/tsc --b /src/tests --dry
12:00:00 AM - A non-dry build would build project '/src/core/tsconfig.json'
12:00:00 AM - A non-dry build would build project '/src/logic/tsconfig.json'
12:00:00 AM - A non-dry build would build project '/src/tests/tsconfig.json'
exitCode:: ExitStatus.Success

View file

@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
//// [/lib/initial-buildOutput.txt]
/lib/tsc --b /src/tests --listEmittedFiles
TSFILE: /src/core/anotherModule.js
TSFILE: /src/core/
TSFILE: /src/core/anotherModule.d.ts
TSFILE: /src/core/index.js
TSFILE: /src/core/
TSFILE: /src/core/index.d.ts
TSFILE: /src/core/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo
TSFILE: /src/logic/
TSFILE: /src/logic/index.js
TSFILE: /src/logic/index.d.ts
TSFILE: /src/logic/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo
TSFILE: /src/tests/index.js
TSFILE: /src/tests/index.d.ts
TSFILE: /src/tests/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo
exitCode:: ExitStatus.Success
//// [/src/core/anotherModule.d.ts]
export declare const World = "hello";
//// [/src/core/]
//// [/src/core/anotherModule.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.World = "hello";
//// [/src/core/index.d.ts]
export declare const someString: string;
export declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;
export declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;
//// [/src/core/]
//// [/src/core/index.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.someString = "HELLO WORLD";
function leftPad(s, n) { return s + n; }
exports.leftPad = leftPad;
function multiply(a, b) { return a * b; }
exports.multiply = multiply;
//// [/src/core/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo]
"program": {
"fileInfos": {
"../../lib/lib.d.ts": {
"version": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };",
"signature": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };"
"./anothermodule.ts": {
"version": "-2676574883-export const World = \"hello\";\r\n",
"signature": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#"
"./index.ts": {
"version": "-18749805970-export const someString: string = \"HELLO WORLD\";\r\nexport function leftPad(s: string, n: number) { return s + n; }\r\nexport function multiply(a: number, b: number) { return a * b; }\r\n",
"signature": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#"
"./some_decl.d.ts": {
"version": "-9253692965-declare const dts: any;\r\n",
"signature": "-9253692965-declare const dts: any;\r\n"
"options": {
"composite": true,
"declaration": true,
"declarationMap": true,
"skipDefaultLibCheck": true,
"listEmittedFiles": true,
"configFilePath": "./tsconfig.json"
"referencedMap": {},
"exportedModulesMap": {},
"semanticDiagnosticsPerFile": [
"version": "FakeTSVersion"
//// [/src/logic/index.d.ts]
export declare function getSecondsInDay(): number;
import * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';
export declare const m: typeof mod;
//// [/src/logic/index.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
var c = require("../core/index");
function getSecondsInDay() {
return c.multiply(10, 15);
exports.getSecondsInDay = getSecondsInDay;
var mod = require("../core/anotherModule");
exports.m = mod;
//// [/src/logic/]
//// [/src/logic/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo]
"program": {
"fileInfos": {
"../../lib/lib.d.ts": {
"version": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };",
"signature": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };"
"../core/index.ts": {
"version": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#",
"signature": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#"
"../core/anothermodule.ts": {
"version": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#",
"signature": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#"
"./index.ts": {
"version": "-5786964698-import * as c from '../core/index';\r\nexport function getSecondsInDay() {\r\n return c.multiply(10, 15);\r\n}\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport const m = mod;\r\n",
"signature": "-6548680073-export declare function getSecondsInDay(): number;\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n"
"options": {
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"./index.ts": [
"exportedModulesMap": {
"./index.ts": [
"semanticDiagnosticsPerFile": [
"version": "FakeTSVersion"
//// [/src/tests/index.d.ts]
import * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';
export declare const m: typeof mod;
//// [/src/tests/index.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
var c = require("../core/index");
var logic = require("../logic/index");
c.leftPad("", 10);
var mod = require("../core/anotherModule");
exports.m = mod;
//// [/src/tests/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo]
"program": {
"fileInfos": {
"../../lib/lib.d.ts": {
"version": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };",
"signature": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };"
"../core/index.ts": {
"version": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#",
"signature": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#"
"../core/anothermodule.ts": {
"version": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#",
"signature": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#"
"../logic/index.ts": {
"version": "-6548680073-export declare function getSecondsInDay(): number;\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n",
"signature": "-6548680073-export declare function getSecondsInDay(): number;\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n"
"./index.ts": {
"version": "12336236525-import * as c from '../core/index';\r\nimport * as logic from '../logic/index';\r\n\r\nc.leftPad(\"\", 10);\r\nlogic.getSecondsInDay();\r\n\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport const m = mod;\r\n",
"signature": "-9209611-import * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n"
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"../logic/index.ts": [
"./index.ts": [
"exportedModulesMap": {
"../logic/index.ts": [
"./index.ts": [
"semanticDiagnosticsPerFile": [
"version": "FakeTSVersion"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
//// [/lib/initial-buildOutput.txt]
/lib/tsc --b /src/tests --listFiles
exitCode:: ExitStatus.Success
//// [/src/core/anotherModule.d.ts]
export declare const World = "hello";
//// [/src/core/]
//// [/src/core/anotherModule.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.World = "hello";
//// [/src/core/index.d.ts]
export declare const someString: string;
export declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;
export declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;
//// [/src/core/]
//// [/src/core/index.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.someString = "HELLO WORLD";
function leftPad(s, n) { return s + n; }
exports.leftPad = leftPad;
function multiply(a, b) { return a * b; }
exports.multiply = multiply;
//// [/src/core/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo]
"program": {
"fileInfos": {
"../../lib/lib.d.ts": {
"version": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };",
"signature": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };"
"./anothermodule.ts": {
"version": "-2676574883-export const World = \"hello\";\r\n",
"signature": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#"
"./index.ts": {
"version": "-18749805970-export const someString: string = \"HELLO WORLD\";\r\nexport function leftPad(s: string, n: number) { return s + n; }\r\nexport function multiply(a: number, b: number) { return a * b; }\r\n",
"signature": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#"
"./some_decl.d.ts": {
"version": "-9253692965-declare const dts: any;\r\n",
"signature": "-9253692965-declare const dts: any;\r\n"
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"semanticDiagnosticsPerFile": [
"version": "FakeTSVersion"
//// [/src/logic/index.d.ts]
export declare function getSecondsInDay(): number;
import * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';
export declare const m: typeof mod;
//// [/src/logic/index.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
var c = require("../core/index");
function getSecondsInDay() {
return c.multiply(10, 15);
exports.getSecondsInDay = getSecondsInDay;
var mod = require("../core/anotherModule");
exports.m = mod;
//// [/src/logic/]
//// [/src/logic/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo]
"program": {
"fileInfos": {
"../../lib/lib.d.ts": {
"version": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };",
"signature": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };"
"../core/index.ts": {
"version": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#",
"signature": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#"
"../core/anothermodule.ts": {
"version": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#",
"signature": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#"
"./index.ts": {
"version": "-5786964698-import * as c from '../core/index';\r\nexport function getSecondsInDay() {\r\n return c.multiply(10, 15);\r\n}\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport const m = mod;\r\n",
"signature": "-6548680073-export declare function getSecondsInDay(): number;\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n"
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"./index.ts": [
"exportedModulesMap": {
"./index.ts": [
"semanticDiagnosticsPerFile": [
"version": "FakeTSVersion"
//// [/src/tests/index.d.ts]
import * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';
export declare const m: typeof mod;
//// [/src/tests/index.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
var c = require("../core/index");
var logic = require("../logic/index");
c.leftPad("", 10);
var mod = require("../core/anotherModule");
exports.m = mod;
//// [/src/tests/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo]
"program": {
"fileInfos": {
"../../lib/lib.d.ts": {
"version": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };",
"signature": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };"
"../core/index.ts": {
"version": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#",
"signature": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#"
"../core/anothermodule.ts": {
"version": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#",
"signature": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#"
"../logic/index.ts": {
"version": "-6548680073-export declare function getSecondsInDay(): number;\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n",
"signature": "-6548680073-export declare function getSecondsInDay(): number;\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n"
"./index.ts": {
"version": "12336236525-import * as c from '../core/index';\r\nimport * as logic from '../logic/index';\r\n\r\nc.leftPad(\"\", 10);\r\nlogic.getSecondsInDay();\r\n\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport const m = mod;\r\n",
"signature": "-9209611-import * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n"
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"referencedMap": {
"../logic/index.ts": [
"./index.ts": [
"exportedModulesMap": {
"../logic/index.ts": [
"./index.ts": [
"semanticDiagnosticsPerFile": [
"version": "FakeTSVersion"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
//// [/lib/initial-buildOutput.txt]
/lib/tsc --b /src/tests --verbose
12:01:00 AM - Projects in this build:
* src/core/tsconfig.json
* src/logic/tsconfig.json
* src/tests/tsconfig.json
12:01:00 AM - Project 'src/core/tsconfig.json' is out of date because output file 'src/core/anotherModule.js' does not exist
12:01:00 AM - Building project '/src/core/tsconfig.json'...
12:01:00 AM - Project 'src/logic/tsconfig.json' is out of date because output file 'src/logic/index.js' does not exist
12:01:00 AM - Building project '/src/logic/tsconfig.json'...
12:01:00 AM - Project 'src/tests/tsconfig.json' is out of date because output file 'src/tests/index.js' does not exist
12:01:00 AM - Building project '/src/tests/tsconfig.json'...
exitCode:: ExitStatus.Success
//// [/src/core/anotherModule.d.ts]
export declare const World = "hello";
//// [/src/core/]
//// [/src/core/anotherModule.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.World = "hello";
//// [/src/core/index.d.ts]
export declare const someString: string;
export declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;
export declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;
//// [/src/core/]
//// [/src/core/index.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
exports.someString = "HELLO WORLD";
function leftPad(s, n) { return s + n; }
exports.leftPad = leftPad;
function multiply(a, b) { return a * b; }
exports.multiply = multiply;
//// [/src/core/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo]
"program": {
"fileInfos": {
"../../lib/lib.d.ts": {
"version": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };",
"signature": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };"
"./anothermodule.ts": {
"version": "-2676574883-export const World = \"hello\";\r\n",
"signature": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#"
"./index.ts": {
"version": "-18749805970-export const someString: string = \"HELLO WORLD\";\r\nexport function leftPad(s: string, n: number) { return s + n; }\r\nexport function multiply(a: number, b: number) { return a * b; }\r\n",
"signature": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#"
"./some_decl.d.ts": {
"version": "-9253692965-declare const dts: any;\r\n",
"signature": "-9253692965-declare const dts: any;\r\n"
"options": {
"composite": true,
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"declarationMap": true,
"skipDefaultLibCheck": true,
"configFilePath": "./tsconfig.json"
"referencedMap": {},
"exportedModulesMap": {},
"semanticDiagnosticsPerFile": [
"version": "FakeTSVersion"
//// [/src/logic/index.d.ts]
export declare function getSecondsInDay(): number;
import * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';
export declare const m: typeof mod;
//// [/src/logic/index.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
var c = require("../core/index");
function getSecondsInDay() {
return c.multiply(10, 15);
exports.getSecondsInDay = getSecondsInDay;
var mod = require("../core/anotherModule");
exports.m = mod;
//// [/src/logic/]
//// [/src/logic/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo]
"program": {
"fileInfos": {
"../../lib/lib.d.ts": {
"version": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };",
"signature": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };"
"../core/index.ts": {
"version": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#",
"signature": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#"
"../core/anothermodule.ts": {
"version": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#",
"signature": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#"
"./index.ts": {
"version": "-5786964698-import * as c from '../core/index';\r\nexport function getSecondsInDay() {\r\n return c.multiply(10, 15);\r\n}\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport const m = mod;\r\n",
"signature": "-6548680073-export declare function getSecondsInDay(): number;\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n"
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"./index.ts": [
"exportedModulesMap": {
"./index.ts": [
"semanticDiagnosticsPerFile": [
"version": "FakeTSVersion"
//// [/src/tests/index.d.ts]
import * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';
export declare const m: typeof mod;
//// [/src/tests/index.js]
"use strict";
exports.__esModule = true;
var c = require("../core/index");
var logic = require("../logic/index");
c.leftPad("", 10);
var mod = require("../core/anotherModule");
exports.m = mod;
//// [/src/tests/tsconfig.base.json]
//// [/src/tests/tsconfig.json]
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{ "path": "../core" },
{ "path": "../logic" }
"files": ["index.ts"],
"compilerOptions": {
"composite": true,
"declaration": true,
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
"skipDefaultLibCheck": true
//// [/src/tests/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo]
"program": {
"fileInfos": {
"../../lib/lib.d.ts": {
"version": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };",
"signature": "3858781397-/// <reference no-default-lib=\"true\"/>\ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array<T> { length: number; [n: number]: T; }\ninterface ReadonlyArray<T> {}\ndeclare const console: { log(msg: any): void; };"
"../core/index.ts": {
"version": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#",
"signature": "-13851440507-export declare const someString: string;\r\nexport declare function leftPad(s: string, n: number): string;\r\nexport declare function multiply(a: number, b: number): number;\r\n//#"
"../core/anothermodule.ts": {
"version": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#",
"signature": "7652028357-export declare const World = \"hello\";\r\n//#"
"../logic/index.ts": {
"version": "-6548680073-export declare function getSecondsInDay(): number;\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n",
"signature": "-6548680073-export declare function getSecondsInDay(): number;\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n"
"./index.ts": {
"version": "12336236525-import * as c from '../core/index';\r\nimport * as logic from '../logic/index';\r\n\r\nc.leftPad(\"\", 10);\r\nlogic.getSecondsInDay();\r\n\r\nimport * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport const m = mod;\r\n",
"signature": "-9209611-import * as mod from '../core/anotherModule';\r\nexport declare const m: typeof mod;\r\n"
"options": {
"target": 0,
"composite": true,
"declaration": true,
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"skipDefaultLibCheck": true,
"configFilePath": "./tsconfig.json"
"referencedMap": {
"../logic/index.ts": [
"./index.ts": [
"exportedModulesMap": {
"../logic/index.ts": [
"./index.ts": [
"semanticDiagnosticsPerFile": [
"version": "FakeTSVersion"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
//// [/lib/initial-buildOutput.txt]
/lib/tsc --b /src/tests --clean
exitCode:: ExitStatus.Success
//// [/src/core/anotherModule.d.ts] unlink
//// [/src/core/] unlink
//// [/src/core/anotherModule.js] unlink
//// [/src/core/index.d.ts] unlink
//// [/src/core/] unlink
//// [/src/core/index.js] unlink
//// [/src/core/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo] unlink
//// [/src/logic/index.d.ts] unlink
//// [/src/logic/index.js] unlink
//// [/src/logic/] unlink
//// [/src/logic/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo] unlink
//// [/src/tests/index.d.ts] unlink
//// [/src/tests/index.js] unlink
//// [/src/tests/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo] unlink

View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
//// [/lib/no-change-runOutput.txt]
/lib/tsc --b /src/tests --force
exitCode:: ExitStatus.Success
//// [/src/core/anotherModule.d.ts] file written with same contents
//// [/src/core/] file written with same contents
//// [/src/core/anotherModule.js] file written with same contents
//// [/src/core/index.d.ts] file written with same contents
//// [/src/core/] file written with same contents
//// [/src/core/index.js] file written with same contents
//// [/src/core/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo] file written with same contents
//// [/src/logic/index.d.ts] file written with same contents
//// [/src/logic/index.js] file written with same contents
//// [/src/logic/] file written with same contents
//// [/src/logic/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo] file written with same contents
//// [/src/tests/index.d.ts] file written with same contents
//// [/src/tests/index.js] file written with same contents
//// [/src/tests/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo] file written with same contents

View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
//// [/lib/no-change-runOutput.txt]
/lib/tsc --b /src/tests --clean
exitCode:: ExitStatus.Success

View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
//// [/lib/no-change-runOutput.txt]
/lib/tsc --b /src/tests --verbose
12:16:00 AM - Projects in this build:
* src/core/tsconfig.json
* src/logic/tsconfig.json
* src/tests/tsconfig.json
12:16:00 AM - Project 'src/core/tsconfig.json' is up to date because newest input 'src/core/anotherModule.ts' is older than oldest output 'src/core/anotherModule.js'
12:16:00 AM - Project 'src/logic/tsconfig.json' is up to date because newest input 'src/logic/index.ts' is older than oldest output 'src/logic/index.js'
12:16:00 AM - Project 'src/tests/tsconfig.json' is up to date because newest input 'src/tests/index.ts' is older than oldest output 'src/tests/index.js'
exitCode:: ExitStatus.Success
readFiles:: {
"/src/tests/tsconfig.json": 1,
"/src/core/tsconfig.json": 1,
"/src/logic/tsconfig.json": 1,
"/src/core/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo": 1,
"/src/logic/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo": 1,
"/src/tests/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo": 1