added comments

This commit is contained in:
Vladimir Matveev 2014-07-25 16:49:35 -07:00
parent 956b6398e0
commit 6fe8acb103

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@ -2059,6 +2059,10 @@ module ts {
if (!links.resolvedType) {
var arrayType = globalArrayType;
if (!arrayType) {
// if user code contains augmentation for Array type that includes call\construct signatures with arrays as parameter\return types,
// then we might step here then during initialization of the global Array type when globalArrayType is not yet set.
// CODE: interface Array<T> { (): number[] }
// in this case just resolve name 'Array' again and get declared type of symbol
var arrayTypeSymbol = resolveName(node, "Array", SymbolFlags.Type, /*nameNotFoundMessage*/ undefined, /*nameArg*/ undefined);
arrayType = getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(arrayTypeSymbol);