Merge branch 'master' into sourceFileUpdate

This commit is contained in:
Cyrus Najmabadi 2014-12-12 14:12:27 -08:00
commit 760eb9b8e0
6 changed files with 195 additions and 184 deletions

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@ -1335,7 +1335,7 @@ module ts {
// flag so that we don't mark any subsequent nodes.
if (parseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode) {
parseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode = false;
node.flags |= NodeFlags.ContainsError;
node.parserContextFlags |= ParserContextFlags.ThisNodeHasError;
return node;
@ -1701,7 +1701,7 @@ module ts {
// differently depending on what mode it is in.
// This also applies to all our other context flags as well.
var nodeContextFlags = node.parserContextFlags & ParserContextFlags.FlagsMask;
var nodeContextFlags = node.parserContextFlags & ParserContextFlags.ParserGeneratedFlags;
if (nodeContextFlags !== contextFlags) {
return undefined;
@ -3941,27 +3941,25 @@ module ts {
return finishNode(node);
function isLabel(): boolean {
return isIdentifier() && lookAhead(nextTokenIsColonToken);
function parseExpressionOrLabeledStatement(): ExpressionStatement | LabeledStatement {
// Avoiding having to do the lookahead for a labeled statement by just trying to parse
// out an expression, seeing if it is identifier and then seeing if it is followed by
// a colon.
var fullStart = scanner.getStartPos();
var expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression);
function nextTokenIsColonToken() {
return nextToken() === SyntaxKind.ColonToken;
function parseLabeledStatement(): LabeledStatement {
var node = <LabeledStatement>createNode(SyntaxKind.LabeledStatement);
node.label = parseIdentifier();
node.statement = parseStatement();
return finishNode(node);
function parseExpressionStatement(): ExpressionStatement {
var node = <ExpressionStatement>createNode(SyntaxKind.ExpressionStatement);
node.expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression);
return finishNode(node);
if (expression.kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier && parseOptional(SyntaxKind.ColonToken)) {
var labeledStatement = <LabeledStatement>createNode(SyntaxKind.LabeledStatement, fullStart);
labeledStatement.label = <Identifier>expression;
labeledStatement.statement = parseStatement();
return finishNode(labeledStatement);
else {
var expressionStatement = <ExpressionStatement>createNode(SyntaxKind.ExpressionStatement, fullStart);
expressionStatement.expression = expression;
return finishNode(expressionStatement);
function isStartOfStatement(inErrorRecovery: boolean): boolean {
@ -4107,9 +4105,7 @@ module ts {
return isLabel()
? parseLabeledStatement()
: parseExpressionStatement();
return parseExpressionOrLabeledStatement();

View file

@ -294,17 +294,6 @@ module ts {
Const = 0x00001000, // Variable declaration
OctalLiteral = 0x00002000,
// If the parser encountered an error when parsing the code that created this node. Note
// the parser only sets this directly on the node it creates right after encountering the
// error. We then propagate that flag upwards to parent nodes during incremental parsing.
ContainsError = 0x00004000,
// Used during incremental parsing to determine if we need to visit this node to see if
// any of its children had an error. Once we compute that once, we can set this bit on the
// node to know that we never have to do it again. From that point on, we can just check
// the node directly for 'ContainsError'.
HasPropagatedChildContainsErrorFlag = 0x00008000,
Modifier = Export | Ambient | Public | Private | Protected | Static,
AccessibilityModifier = Public | Private | Protected,
BlockScoped = Let | Const
@ -324,7 +313,24 @@ module ts {
// If this node was parsed in the parameters of a generator.
GeneratorParameter = 1 << 3,
FlagsMask = StrictMode | DisallowIn | Yield | GeneratorParameter,
// If the parser encountered an error when parsing the code that created this node. Note
// the parser only sets this directly on the node it creates right after encountering the
// error.
ThisNodeHasError = 1 << 4,
// Context flags set directly by the parser.
ParserGeneratedFlags = StrictMode | DisallowIn | Yield | GeneratorParameter | ThisNodeHasError,
// Context flags computed by aggregating child flags upwards.
// If this node, or any of it's children (transitively) contain an error.
ThisNodeOrAnySubNodesHasError = 1 << 5,
// Used during incremental parsing to determine if we need to visit this node to see if
// any of its children had an error. Once we compute that once, we can set this bit on the
// node to know that we never have to do it again. From that point on, we can just check
// the node directly for 'ContainsError'.
HasComputedThisNodeOrAnySubNodesHasError = 1 << 6
export interface Node extends TextRange {

View file

@ -68,25 +68,25 @@ module ts {
// Returns true if this node contains a parse error anywhere underneath it.
export function containsParseError(node: Node): boolean {
if (!hasFlag(node.flags, NodeFlags.HasPropagatedChildContainsErrorFlag)) {
if (!hasFlag(node.parserContextFlags, ParserContextFlags.HasComputedThisNodeOrAnySubNodesHasError)) {
// A node is considered to contain a parse error if:
// a) the parser explicitly marked that it had an error
// b) any of it's children reported that it had an error.
var val = hasFlag(node.flags, NodeFlags.ContainsError) ||
var val = hasFlag(node.parserContextFlags, ParserContextFlags.ThisNodeHasError) ||
forEachChild(node, containsParseError);
// If so, mark ourselves accordingly.
if (val) {
node.flags |= NodeFlags.ContainsError;
node.parserContextFlags |= ParserContextFlags.ThisNodeOrAnySubNodesHasError;
// Also mark that we've propogated the child information to this node. This way we can
// always consult the bit directly on this node without needing to check its children
// again.
node.flags |= NodeFlags.HasPropagatedChildContainsErrorFlag;
node.parserContextFlags |= ParserContextFlags.HasComputedThisNodeOrAnySubNodesHasError;
return hasFlag(node.flags, NodeFlags.ContainsError);
return hasFlag(node.parserContextFlags, ParserContextFlags.ThisNodeOrAnySubNodesHasError);
export function getSourceFileOfNode(node: Node): SourceFile {

View file

@ -1415,44 +1415,50 @@ module FourSlash {
private checkPostEditInvariants() {
if (this.editValidation === IncrementalEditValidation.None) {
/// TODO: reimplement this section
//if (this.editValidation === IncrementalEditValidation.None) {
// return;
var incrementalSourceFile = this.languageService.getSourceFile(this.activeFile.fileName);
var incrementalSyntaxDiagnostics = JSON.stringify(Utils.convertDiagnostics(incrementalSourceFile.getSyntacticDiagnostics()));
//// Get syntactic errors (to force a refresh)
//var incrSyntaxErrs = JSON.stringify(this.languageService.getSyntacticDiagnostics(this.activeFile.fileName));
// Check syntactic structure
var snapshot = this.languageServiceShimHost.getScriptSnapshot(this.activeFile.fileName);
var content = snapshot.getText(0, snapshot.getLength());
//// Check syntactic structure
//var snapshot = this.languageServiceShimHost.getScriptSnapshot(this.activeFile.fileName);
//var content = snapshot.getText(0, snapshot.getLength());
//var refSyntaxTree = TypeScript.Parser.parse(this.activeFile.fileName, TypeScript.SimpleText.fromString(content), ts.ScriptTarget.ES5, TypeScript.isDTSFile(this.activeFile.fileName));
//var fullSyntaxErrs = JSON.stringify(refSyntaxTree.diagnostics());
var referenceSourceFile = ts.createLanguageServiceSourceFile(
this.activeFile.fileName, createScriptSnapShot(content), ts.ScriptTarget.Latest, /*version:*/ "0", /*isOpen:*/ false, /*setNodeParents:*/ false);
var referenceSyntaxDiagnostics = JSON.stringify(Utils.convertDiagnostics(referenceSourceFile.getSyntacticDiagnostics()));
//if (incrSyntaxErrs !== fullSyntaxErrs) {
// this.raiseError('Mismatched incremental/full syntactic errors for file ' + this.activeFile.fileName + '.\n=== Incremental errors ===\n' + incrSyntaxErrs + '\n=== Full Errors ===\n' + fullSyntaxErrs);
if (incrementalSyntaxDiagnostics !== referenceSyntaxDiagnostics) {
this.raiseError('Mismatched incremental/reference syntactic diagnostics for file ' + this.activeFile.fileName + '.\n=== Incremental diagnostics ===\n' + incrementalSyntaxDiagnostics + '\n=== Reference Diagnostics ===\n' + referenceSyntaxDiagnostics);
// if (this.editValidation !== IncrementalEditValidation.SyntacticOnly) {
// var compiler = new TypeScript.TypeScriptCompiler();
// for (var i = 0; i < this.testData.files.length; i++) {
// snapshot = this.languageServiceShimHost.getScriptSnapshot(this.testData.files[i].fileName);
// compiler.addFile(this.testData.files[i].fileName, TypeScript.ScriptSnapshot.fromString(snapshot.getText(0, snapshot.getLength())), ts.ByteOrderMark.None, 0, true);
// }
var incrementalSourceFileJSON = Utils.sourceFileToJSON(incrementalSourceFile);
var referenceSourceFileJSON = Utils.sourceFileToJSON(referenceSourceFile);
// compiler.addFile('lib.d.ts', TypeScript.ScriptSnapshot.fromString(Harness.Compiler.libTextMinimal), ts.ByteOrderMark.None, 0, true);
if (incrementalSyntaxDiagnostics !== referenceSyntaxDiagnostics) {
this.raiseError('Mismatched incremental/reference ast for file ' + this.activeFile.fileName + '.\n=== Incremental AST ===\n' + incrementalSourceFileJSON + '\n=== Reference AST ===\n' + referenceSourceFileJSON);
// for (var i = 0; i < this.testData.files.length; i++) {
// var refSemanticErrs = JSON.stringify(compiler.getSemanticDiagnostics(this.testData.files[i].fileName));
// var incrSemanticErrs = JSON.stringify(this.languageService.getSemanticDiagnostics(this.testData.files[i].fileName));
//if (this.editValidation !== IncrementalEditValidation.SyntacticOnly) {
// var compiler = new TypeScript.TypeScriptCompiler();
// for (var i = 0; i < this.testData.files.length; i++) {
// snapshot = this.languageServiceShimHost.getScriptSnapshot(this.testData.files[i].fileName);
// compiler.addFile(this.testData.files[i].fileName, TypeScript.ScriptSnapshot.fromString(snapshot.getText(0, snapshot.getLength())), ts.ByteOrderMark.None, 0, true);
// }
// if (incrSemanticErrs !== refSemanticErrs) {
// this.raiseError('Mismatched incremental/full semantic errors for file ' + this.testData.files[i].fileName + '\n=== Incremental errors ===\n' + incrSemanticErrs + '\n=== Full Errors ===\n' + refSemanticErrs);
// }
// }
// }
// compiler.addFile('lib.d.ts', TypeScript.ScriptSnapshot.fromString(Harness.Compiler.libTextMinimal), ts.ByteOrderMark.None, 0, true);
// for (var i = 0; i < this.testData.files.length; i++) {
// var refSemanticErrs = JSON.stringify(compiler.getSemanticDiagnostics(this.testData.files[i].fileName));
// var incrSemanticErrs = JSON.stringify(this.languageService.getSemanticDiagnostics(this.testData.files[i].fileName));
// if (incrSemanticErrs !== refSemanticErrs) {
// this.raiseError('Mismatched incremental/full semantic errors for file ' + this.testData.files[i].fileName + '\n=== Incremental errors ===\n' + incrSemanticErrs + '\n=== Full Errors ===\n' + refSemanticErrs);
// }
// }
private fixCaretPosition() {

View file

@ -175,6 +175,120 @@ module Utils {
function isNodeOrArray(a: any): boolean {
return a !== undefined && typeof a.pos === "number";
export function convertDiagnostics(diagnostics: ts.Diagnostic[]) {
function convertDiagnostic(diagnostic: ts.Diagnostic) {
return {
start: diagnostic.start,
length: diagnostic.length,
messageText: diagnostic.messageText,
category: (<any>ts).DiagnosticCategory[diagnostic.category],
code: diagnostic.code
export function sourceFileToJSON(file: ts.SourceFile): string {
return JSON.stringify(file,(k, v) => {
return isNodeOrArray(v) ? serializeNode(v) : v;
}, " ");
function getKindName(k: number): string {
return (<any>ts).SyntaxKind[k]
function getFlagName(flags: any, f: number): any {
if (f === 0) {
return 0;
var result = "";
ts.forEach(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(flags),(v: any) => {
if (isFinite(v)) {
v = +v;
if (f === +v) {
result = flags[v];
return true;
else if ((f & v) > 0) {
if (result.length)
result += " | ";
result += flags[v];
return false;
return result;
function getNodeFlagName(f: number) { return getFlagName((<any>ts).NodeFlags, f); }
function getParserContextFlagName(f: number) {
// Clear the flag that are produced by aggregating child values.. That is ephemeral
// data we don't care about in the dump. We only care what the parser set directly
// on the ast.
return getFlagName((<any>ts).ParserContextFlags, f & ts.ParserContextFlags.ParserGeneratedFlags);
function serializeNode(n: ts.Node): any {
var o: any = { kind: getKindName(n.kind) };
o.containsParseError = ts.containsParseError(n);
ts.forEach(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(n), propertyName => {
switch (propertyName) {
case "parent":
case "symbol":
case "locals":
case "localSymbol":
case "kind":
case "semanticDiagnostics":
case "id":
case "nodeCount":
case "symbolCount":
case "identifierCount":
case "scriptSnapshot":
// Blacklist of items we never put in the baseline file.
case "flags":
// Print out flags with their enum names.
o[propertyName] = getNodeFlagName(n.flags);
case "parserContextFlags":
o[propertyName] = getParserContextFlagName(n.parserContextFlags);
case "referenceDiagnostics":
case "parseDiagnostics":
case "grammarDiagnostics":
o[propertyName] = Utils.convertDiagnostics((<any>n)[propertyName]);
case "nextContainer":
if (n.nextContainer) {
o[propertyName] = { kind: n.nextContainer.kind, pos: n.nextContainer.pos, end: n.nextContainer.end };
case "text":
// Include 'text' field for identifiers/literals, but not for source files.
if (n.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.SourceFile) {
o[propertyName] = (<any>n)[propertyName];
o[propertyName] = (<any>n)[propertyName];
return undefined;
return o;
module Harness.Path {

View file

@ -21,117 +21,6 @@ class Test262BaselineRunner extends RunnerBase {
return Test262BaselineRunner.basePath + "/" + filename;
private static serializeSourceFile(file: ts.SourceFile): string {
function getKindName(k: number): string {
return (<any>ts).SyntaxKind[k]
function getFlagName(flags: any, f: number): any {
if (f === 0) {
return 0;
var result = "";
ts.forEach(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(flags), (v: any) => {
if (isFinite(v)) {
v = +v;
if (f === +v) {
result = flags[v];
return true;
else if ((f & v) > 0) {
if (result.length)
result += " | ";
result += flags[v];
return false;
return result;
function getNodeFlagName(f: number) { return getFlagName((<any>ts).NodeFlags, f); }
function getParserContextFlagName(f: number) { return getFlagName((<any>ts).ParserContextFlags, f); }
function convertDiagnostics(diagnostics: ts.Diagnostic[]) {
function convertDiagnostic(diagnostic: ts.Diagnostic): any {
return {
start: diagnostic.start,
length: diagnostic.length,
messageText: diagnostic.messageText,
category: (<any>ts).DiagnosticCategory[diagnostic.category],
code: diagnostic.code
function serializeNode(n: ts.Node): any {
var o: any = { kind: getKindName(n.kind) };
o.containsParseError = ts.containsParseError(n);
ts.forEach(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(n), propertyName => {
switch (propertyName) {
case "parent":
case "symbol":
case "locals":
case "localSymbol":
case "kind":
case "semanticDiagnostics":
case "id":
case "nodeCount":
case "symbolCount":
case "identifierCount":
// Blacklist of items we never put in the baseline file.
case "flags":
// Print out flags with their enum names.
o[propertyName] = getNodeFlagName(n.flags);
case "parserContextFlags":
o[propertyName] = getParserContextFlagName(n.parserContextFlags);
case "referenceDiagnostics":
case "parseDiagnostics":
case "grammarDiagnostics":
o[propertyName] = convertDiagnostics((<any>n)[propertyName]);
case "nextContainer":
if (n.nextContainer) {
o[propertyName] = { kind: n.nextContainer.kind, pos: n.nextContainer.pos, end: n.nextContainer.end };
case "text":
// Include 'text' field for identifiers/literals, but not for source files.
if (n.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.SourceFile) {
o[propertyName] = (<any>n)[propertyName];
o[propertyName] = (<any>n)[propertyName];
return undefined;
return o;
return JSON.stringify(file, (k, v) => {
return Test262BaselineRunner.isNodeOrArray(v) ? serializeNode(v) : v;
}, " ");
private static isNodeOrArray(a: any): boolean {
return a !== undefined && typeof a.pos === "number";
private runTest(filePath: string) {
describe('test262 test for ' + filePath, () => {
// Mocha holds onto the closure environment of the describe callback even after the test is done.
@ -196,7 +85,7 @@ class Test262BaselineRunner extends RunnerBase {
it('has the expected AST',() => {
Harness.Baseline.runBaseline('has the expected AST', testState.filename + '.AST.txt',() => {
var sourceFile = testState.checker.getProgram().getSourceFile(Test262BaselineRunner.getTestFilePath(testState.filename));
return Test262BaselineRunner.serializeSourceFile(sourceFile);
return Utils.sourceFileToJSON(sourceFile);
}, false, Test262BaselineRunner.baselineOptions);