Fixed up baselines.

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Rosenwasser 2014-12-10 16:57:02 -08:00
parent 38bf383f03
commit 7fb92f8af0
4 changed files with 1011 additions and 765 deletions

View file

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions
and limitations under the License.
***************************************************************************** */
declare module ts {
declare module "typescript" {
interface Map<T> {
[index: string]: T;
@ -152,92 +152,91 @@ declare module ts {
SetKeyword = 117,
StringKeyword = 118,
TypeKeyword = 119,
Missing = 120,
QualifiedName = 121,
ComputedPropertyName = 122,
TypeParameter = 123,
Parameter = 124,
Property = 125,
Method = 126,
Constructor = 127,
GetAccessor = 128,
SetAccessor = 129,
CallSignature = 130,
ConstructSignature = 131,
IndexSignature = 132,
TypeReference = 133,
FunctionType = 134,
ConstructorType = 135,
TypeQuery = 136,
TypeLiteral = 137,
ArrayType = 138,
TupleType = 139,
UnionType = 140,
ParenthesizedType = 141,
ArrayLiteralExpression = 142,
ObjectLiteralExpression = 143,
PropertyAccessExpression = 144,
ElementAccessExpression = 145,
CallExpression = 146,
NewExpression = 147,
TaggedTemplateExpression = 148,
TypeAssertionExpression = 149,
ParenthesizedExpression = 150,
FunctionExpression = 151,
ArrowFunction = 152,
DeleteExpression = 153,
TypeOfExpression = 154,
VoidExpression = 155,
PrefixUnaryExpression = 156,
PostfixUnaryExpression = 157,
BinaryExpression = 158,
ConditionalExpression = 159,
TemplateExpression = 160,
YieldExpression = 161,
OmittedExpression = 162,
TemplateSpan = 163,
Block = 164,
VariableStatement = 165,
EmptyStatement = 166,
ExpressionStatement = 167,
IfStatement = 168,
DoStatement = 169,
WhileStatement = 170,
ForStatement = 171,
ForInStatement = 172,
ContinueStatement = 173,
BreakStatement = 174,
ReturnStatement = 175,
WithStatement = 176,
SwitchStatement = 177,
LabeledStatement = 178,
ThrowStatement = 179,
TryStatement = 180,
TryBlock = 181,
CatchBlock = 182,
FinallyBlock = 183,
DebuggerStatement = 184,
VariableDeclaration = 185,
FunctionDeclaration = 186,
FunctionBlock = 187,
ClassDeclaration = 188,
InterfaceDeclaration = 189,
TypeAliasDeclaration = 190,
EnumDeclaration = 191,
ModuleDeclaration = 192,
ModuleBlock = 193,
ImportDeclaration = 194,
ExportAssignment = 195,
CaseClause = 196,
DefaultClause = 197,
HeritageClause = 198,
PropertyAssignment = 199,
ShorthandPropertyAssignment = 200,
EnumMember = 201,
SourceFile = 202,
Program = 203,
SyntaxList = 204,
Count = 205,
QualifiedName = 120,
ComputedPropertyName = 121,
TypeParameter = 122,
Parameter = 123,
Property = 124,
Method = 125,
Constructor = 126,
GetAccessor = 127,
SetAccessor = 128,
CallSignature = 129,
ConstructSignature = 130,
IndexSignature = 131,
TypeReference = 132,
FunctionType = 133,
ConstructorType = 134,
TypeQuery = 135,
TypeLiteral = 136,
ArrayType = 137,
TupleType = 138,
UnionType = 139,
ParenthesizedType = 140,
ArrayLiteralExpression = 141,
ObjectLiteralExpression = 142,
PropertyAccessExpression = 143,
ElementAccessExpression = 144,
CallExpression = 145,
NewExpression = 146,
TaggedTemplateExpression = 147,
TypeAssertionExpression = 148,
ParenthesizedExpression = 149,
FunctionExpression = 150,
ArrowFunction = 151,
DeleteExpression = 152,
TypeOfExpression = 153,
VoidExpression = 154,
PrefixUnaryExpression = 155,
PostfixUnaryExpression = 156,
BinaryExpression = 157,
ConditionalExpression = 158,
TemplateExpression = 159,
YieldExpression = 160,
OmittedExpression = 161,
TemplateSpan = 162,
Block = 163,
VariableStatement = 164,
EmptyStatement = 165,
ExpressionStatement = 166,
IfStatement = 167,
DoStatement = 168,
WhileStatement = 169,
ForStatement = 170,
ForInStatement = 171,
ContinueStatement = 172,
BreakStatement = 173,
ReturnStatement = 174,
WithStatement = 175,
SwitchStatement = 176,
LabeledStatement = 177,
ThrowStatement = 178,
TryStatement = 179,
TryBlock = 180,
FinallyBlock = 181,
DebuggerStatement = 182,
VariableDeclaration = 183,
FunctionDeclaration = 184,
ClassDeclaration = 185,
InterfaceDeclaration = 186,
TypeAliasDeclaration = 187,
EnumDeclaration = 188,
ModuleDeclaration = 189,
ModuleBlock = 190,
ImportDeclaration = 191,
ExportAssignment = 192,
ExternalModuleReference = 193,
CaseClause = 194,
DefaultClause = 195,
HeritageClause = 196,
CatchClause = 197,
PropertyAssignment = 198,
ShorthandPropertyAssignment = 199,
EnumMember = 200,
SourceFile = 201,
Program = 202,
SyntaxList = 203,
Count = 204,
FirstAssignment = 51,
LastAssignment = 62,
FirstReservedWord = 64,
@ -246,11 +245,11 @@ declare module ts {
LastKeyword = 119,
FirstFutureReservedWord = 100,
LastFutureReservedWord = 108,
FirstTypeNode = 133,
LastTypeNode = 141,
FirstTypeNode = 132,
LastTypeNode = 140,
FirstPunctuation = 13,
LastPunctuation = 62,
FirstToken = 1,
FirstToken = 0,
LastToken = 119,
FirstTriviaToken = 2,
LastTriviaToken = 5,
@ -262,12 +261,11 @@ declare module ts {
LastOperator = 62,
FirstBinaryOperator = 23,
LastBinaryOperator = 62,
FirstNode = 120,
const enum NodeFlags {
Export = 1,
Ambient = 2,
QuestionMark = 4,
Rest = 8,
Public = 16,
Private = 32,
Protected = 64,
@ -287,6 +285,8 @@ declare module ts {
DisallowIn = 2,
Yield = 4,
GeneratorParameter = 8,
ContainsError = 16,
HasPropagatedChildContainsErrorFlag = 32,
interface Node extends TextRange {
kind: SyntaxKind;
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ declare module ts {
interface NodeArray<T> extends Array<T>, TextRange {
hasTrailingComma?: boolean;
interface ModifiersArray extends Array<Node> {
interface ModifiersArray extends NodeArray<Node> {
flags: number;
interface Identifier extends PrimaryExpression {
@ -314,11 +314,6 @@ declare module ts {
right: Identifier;
type EntityName = Identifier | QualifiedName;
interface ParsedSignature {
typeParameters?: NodeArray<TypeParameterDeclaration>;
parameters: NodeArray<ParameterDeclaration>;
type?: TypeNode;
type DeclarationName = Identifier | LiteralExpression | ComputedPropertyName;
interface Declaration extends Node {
_declarationBrand: any;
@ -332,21 +327,43 @@ declare module ts {
constraint?: TypeNode;
expression?: Expression;
interface SignatureDeclaration extends Declaration, ParsedSignature {
interface SignatureDeclaration extends Declaration {
typeParameters?: NodeArray<TypeParameterDeclaration>;
parameters: NodeArray<ParameterDeclaration>;
type?: TypeNode;
interface VariableDeclaration extends Declaration {
name: Identifier;
type?: TypeNode;
initializer?: Expression;
interface ParameterDeclaration extends Declaration {
dotDotDotToken?: Node;
name: Identifier;
questionToken?: Node;
type?: TypeNode | StringLiteralExpression;
initializer?: Expression;
interface PropertyDeclaration extends Declaration, ClassElement {
_propertyDeclarationBrand: any;
questionToken?: Node;
type?: TypeNode;
initializer?: Expression;
interface ShortHandPropertyDeclaration extends Declaration {
name: Identifier;
type VariableOrParameterDeclaration = VariableDeclaration | ParameterDeclaration;
type VariableOrParameterOrPropertyDeclaration = VariableOrParameterDeclaration | PropertyDeclaration;
interface ObjectLiteralElement extends Declaration {
_objectLiteralBrandBrand: any;
interface ParameterDeclaration extends VariableDeclaration {
interface ShorthandPropertyAssignment extends ObjectLiteralElement {
name: Identifier;
questionToken?: Node;
interface PropertyAssignment extends ObjectLiteralElement {
_propertyAssignmentBrand: any;
name: DeclarationName;
questionToken?: Node;
initializer: Expression;
* Several node kinds share function-like features such as a signature,
@ -359,25 +376,31 @@ declare module ts {
interface FunctionLikeDeclaration extends SignatureDeclaration {
_functionLikeDeclarationBrand: any;
asteriskToken?: Node;
questionToken?: Node;
body?: Block | Expression;
interface FunctionDeclaration extends FunctionLikeDeclaration, Statement {
name: Identifier;
body?: Block;
interface MethodDeclaration extends FunctionLikeDeclaration, ClassElement {
interface MethodDeclaration extends FunctionLikeDeclaration, ClassElement, ObjectLiteralElement {
body?: Block;
interface ConstructorDeclaration extends FunctionLikeDeclaration, ClassElement {
body?: Block;
interface AccessorDeclaration extends FunctionLikeDeclaration, ClassElement {
body?: Block;
interface AccessorDeclaration extends FunctionLikeDeclaration, ClassElement, ObjectLiteralElement {
_accessorDeclarationBrand: any;
body: Block;
interface IndexSignatureDeclaration extends SignatureDeclaration, ClassElement {
_indexSignatureDeclarationBrand: any;
interface TypeNode extends Node {
_typeNodeBrand: any;
interface FunctionOrConstructorTypeNode extends TypeNode, SignatureDeclaration {
_functionOrConstructorTypeNodeBrand: any;
interface TypeReferenceNode extends TypeNode {
typeName: EntityName;
@ -401,9 +424,6 @@ declare module ts {
interface ParenthesizedTypeNode extends TypeNode {
type: TypeNode;
interface StringLiteralTypeNode extends TypeNode {
text: string;
interface Expression extends Node {
_expressionBrand: any;
contextualType?: Type;
@ -460,6 +480,10 @@ declare module ts {
interface LiteralExpression extends PrimaryExpression {
text: string;
isUnterminated?: boolean;
interface StringLiteralExpression extends LiteralExpression {
_stringLiteralExpressionBrand: any;
interface TemplateExpression extends PrimaryExpression {
head: LiteralExpression;
@ -476,7 +500,7 @@ declare module ts {
elements: NodeArray<Expression>;
interface ObjectLiteralExpression extends PrimaryExpression, Declaration {
properties: NodeArray<Declaration>;
properties: NodeArray<ObjectLiteralElement>;
interface PropertyAccessExpression extends MemberExpression {
expression: LeftHandSideExpression;
@ -484,7 +508,7 @@ declare module ts {
interface ElementAccessExpression extends MemberExpression {
expression: LeftHandSideExpression;
argumentExpression: Expression;
argumentExpression?: Expression;
interface CallExpression extends LeftHandSideExpression {
expression: LeftHandSideExpression;
@ -553,10 +577,14 @@ declare module ts {
expression: Expression;
clauses: NodeArray<CaseOrDefaultClause>;
interface CaseOrDefaultClause extends Node {
interface CaseClause extends Node {
expression?: Expression;
statements: NodeArray<Statement>;
interface DefaultClause extends Node {
statements: NodeArray<Statement>;
type CaseOrDefaultClause = CaseClause | DefaultClause;
interface LabeledStatement extends Statement {
label: Identifier;
statement: Statement;
@ -566,12 +594,13 @@ declare module ts {
interface TryStatement extends Statement {
tryBlock: Block;
catchBlock?: CatchBlock;
catchClause?: CatchClause;
finallyBlock?: Block;
interface CatchBlock extends Block, Declaration {
variable: Identifier;
interface CatchClause extends Declaration {
name: Identifier;
type?: TypeNode;
block: Block;
interface ModuleElement extends Node {
_moduleElementBrand: any;
@ -616,8 +645,10 @@ declare module ts {
interface ImportDeclaration extends Declaration, ModuleElement {
name: Identifier;
entityName?: EntityName;
externalModuleName?: LiteralExpression;
moduleReference: EntityName | ExternalModuleReference;
interface ExternalModuleReference extends Node {
expression?: Expression;
interface ExportAssignment extends Statement, ModuleElement {
exportName: Identifier;
@ -630,6 +661,7 @@ declare module ts {
interface SourceFile extends Declaration {
statements: NodeArray<ModuleElement>;
endOfFileToken: Node;
filename: string;
text: string;
getLineAndCharacterFromPosition(position: number): LineAndCharacter;
@ -638,10 +670,11 @@ declare module ts {
amdDependencies: string[];
amdModuleName: string;
referencedFiles: FileReference[];
semanticDiagnostics: Diagnostic[];
referenceDiagnostics: Diagnostic[];
parseDiagnostics: Diagnostic[];
grammarDiagnostics: Diagnostic[];
getSyntacticDiagnostics(): Diagnostic[];
semanticDiagnostics: Diagnostic[];
hasNoDefaultLib: boolean;
externalModuleIndicator: Node;
nodeCount: number;
@ -703,10 +736,8 @@ declare module ts {
getIdentifierCount(): number;
getSymbolCount(): number;
getTypeCount(): number;
checkProgram(): void;
emitFiles(targetSourceFile?: SourceFile): EmitResult;
getParentOfSymbol(symbol: Symbol): Symbol;
getNarrowedTypeOfSymbol(symbol: Symbol, node: Node): Type;
getTypeOfSymbolAtLocation(symbol: Symbol, node: Node): Type;
getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(symbol: Symbol): Type;
getPropertiesOfType(type: Type): Symbol[];
getPropertyOfType(type: Type, propertyName: string): Symbol;
@ -714,16 +745,16 @@ declare module ts {
getIndexTypeOfType(type: Type, kind: IndexKind): Type;
getReturnTypeOfSignature(signature: Signature): Type;
getSymbolsInScope(location: Node, meaning: SymbolFlags): Symbol[];
getSymbolInfo(node: Node): Symbol;
getSymbolAtLocation(node: Node): Symbol;
getShorthandAssignmentValueSymbol(location: Node): Symbol;
getTypeOfNode(node: Node): Type;
getTypeAtLocation(node: Node): Type;
typeToString(type: Type, enclosingDeclaration?: Node, flags?: TypeFormatFlags): string;
symbolToString(symbol: Symbol, enclosingDeclaration?: Node, meaning?: SymbolFlags): string;
getSymbolDisplayBuilder(): SymbolDisplayBuilder;
getFullyQualifiedName(symbol: Symbol): string;
getAugmentedPropertiesOfType(type: Type): Symbol[];
getRootSymbols(symbol: Symbol): Symbol[];
getContextualType(node: Node): Type;
getContextualType(node: Expression): Type;
getResolvedSignature(node: CallLikeExpression, candidatesOutArray?: Signature[]): Signature;
getSignatureFromDeclaration(declaration: SignatureDeclaration): Signature;
isImplementationOfOverload(node: FunctionLikeDeclaration): boolean;
@ -797,10 +828,10 @@ declare module ts {
isTopLevelValueImportWithEntityName(node: ImportDeclaration): boolean;
getNodeCheckFlags(node: Node): NodeCheckFlags;
getEnumMemberValue(node: EnumMember): number;
hasSemanticErrors(): boolean;
hasSemanticErrors(sourceFile?: SourceFile): boolean;
isDeclarationVisible(node: Declaration): boolean;
isImplementationOfOverload(node: FunctionLikeDeclaration): boolean;
writeTypeAtLocation(location: Node, enclosingDeclaration: Node, flags: TypeFormatFlags, writer: SymbolWriter): void;
writeTypeOfDeclaration(declaration: AccessorDeclaration | VariableOrParameterDeclaration, enclosingDeclaration: Node, flags: TypeFormatFlags, writer: SymbolWriter): void;
writeReturnTypeOfSignatureDeclaration(signatureDeclaration: SignatureDeclaration, enclosingDeclaration: Node, flags: TypeFormatFlags, writer: SymbolWriter): void;
isSymbolAccessible(symbol: Symbol, enclosingDeclaration: Node, meaning: SymbolFlags): SymbolAccessiblityResult;
isEntityNameVisible(entityName: EntityName, enclosingDeclaration: Node): SymbolVisibilityResult;
@ -944,7 +975,6 @@ declare module ts {
StringLike = 258,
NumberLike = 132,
ObjectType = 48128,
Structured = 65025,
interface Type {
flags: TypeFlags;
@ -1057,12 +1087,6 @@ declare module ts {
* Early error - any error (can be produced at parsing\binding\typechecking step) that blocks emit
isEarly?: boolean;
* Parse error - error produced by parser when it scanner returns a token
* that parser does not understand in its current state
* (as opposed to grammar error when parser can interpret the token but interpretation is not legal from the grammar perespective)
isParseError?: boolean;
enum DiagnosticCategory {
Warning = 0,
@ -1094,6 +1118,7 @@ declare module ts {
version?: boolean;
watch?: boolean;
preserveConstEnums?: boolean;
allowNonTsExtensions?: boolean;
[option: string]: string | number | boolean;
const enum ModuleKind {
@ -1254,7 +1279,7 @@ declare module ts {
interface CompilerHost {
getSourceFile(filename: string, languageVersion: ScriptTarget, onError?: (message: string) => void): SourceFile;
getDefaultLibFilename(): string;
getDefaultLibFilename(options: CompilerOptions): string;
getCancellationToken?(): CancellationToken;
writeFile(filename: string, data: string, writeByteOrderMark: boolean, onError?: (message: string) => void): void;
getCurrentDirectory(): string;
@ -1263,7 +1288,7 @@ declare module ts {
getNewLine(): string;
declare module ts {
declare module "typescript" {
interface ErrorCallback {
(message: DiagnosticMessage): void;
@ -1280,12 +1305,14 @@ declare module ts {
hasPrecedingLineBreak(): boolean;
isIdentifier(): boolean;
isReservedWord(): boolean;
isUnterminated(): boolean;
reScanGreaterToken(): SyntaxKind;
reScanSlashToken(): SyntaxKind;
reScanTemplateToken(): SyntaxKind;
scan(): SyntaxKind;
setText(text: string): void;
setTextPos(textPos: number): void;
lookAhead<T>(callback: () => T): T;
tryScan<T>(callback: () => T): T;
function tokenToString(t: SyntaxKind): string;
@ -1307,23 +1334,19 @@ declare module ts {
function getTrailingCommentRanges(text: string, pos: number): CommentRange[];
function isIdentifierStart(ch: number, languageVersion: ScriptTarget): boolean;
function isIdentifierPart(ch: number, languageVersion: ScriptTarget): boolean;
function createScanner(languageVersion: ScriptTarget, skipTrivia: boolean, text?: string, onError?: ErrorCallback, onComment?: CommentCallback): Scanner;
function createScanner(languageVersion: ScriptTarget, skipTrivia: boolean, text?: string, onError?: ErrorCallback): Scanner;
declare module ts {
interface ReferencePathMatchResult {
fileReference?: FileReference;
diagnostic?: DiagnosticMessage;
isNoDefaultLib?: boolean;
declare module "typescript" {
function getNodeConstructor(kind: SyntaxKind): new () => Node;
function forEachChild<T>(node: Node, cbNode: (node: Node) => T, cbNodes?: (nodes: Node[]) => T): T;
function createSourceFile(filename: string, sourceText: string, languageVersion: ScriptTarget, version: string, isOpen?: boolean): SourceFile;
function createProgram(rootNames: string[], options: CompilerOptions, host: CompilerHost): Program;
declare module ts {
declare module "typescript" {
function createTypeChecker(program: Program, fullTypeCheck: boolean): TypeChecker;
declare module ts {
declare module "typescript" {
var servicesVersion: string;
interface Node {
getSourceFile(): SourceFile;
getChildCount(sourceFile?: SourceFile): number;
@ -1411,10 +1434,10 @@ declare module ts {
getScriptVersion(fileName: string): string;
getScriptIsOpen(fileName: string): boolean;
getScriptSnapshot(fileName: string): IScriptSnapshot;
getLocalizedDiagnosticMessages(): any;
getCancellationToken(): CancellationToken;
getLocalizedDiagnosticMessages?(): any;
getCancellationToken?(): CancellationToken;
getCurrentDirectory(): string;
getDefaultLibFilename(): string;
getDefaultLibFilename(options: CompilerOptions): string;
interface LanguageService {
cleanupSemanticCache(): void;
@ -1423,7 +1446,7 @@ declare module ts {
getCompilerOptionsDiagnostics(): Diagnostic[];
getSyntacticClassifications(fileName: string, span: TextSpan): ClassifiedSpan[];
getSemanticClassifications(fileName: string, span: TextSpan): ClassifiedSpan[];
getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number, isMemberCompletion: boolean): CompletionInfo;
getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number): CompletionInfo;
getCompletionEntryDetails(fileName: string, position: number, entryName: string): CompletionEntryDetails;
getQuickInfoAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number): QuickInfo;
getNameOrDottedNameSpan(fileName: string, startPos: number, endPos: number): TextSpan;
@ -1811,11 +1834,12 @@ declare module ts {
static interfaceName: string;
static moduleName: string;
static typeParameterName: string;
static typeAlias: string;
function displayPartsToString(displayParts: SymbolDisplayPart[]): string;
interface DisplayPartsSymbolWriter extends SymbolWriter {
displayParts(): SymbolDisplayPart[];
function displayPartsToString(displayParts: SymbolDisplayPart[]): string;
function getDefaultCompilerOptions(): CompilerOptions;
class OperationCanceledException {
@ -1832,7 +1856,6 @@ declare module ts {
function createClassifier(host: Logger): Classifier;
export = ts;
//// [APISample_node_compile.js]
var ts = require("typescript");

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -150,92 +150,91 @@ declare module ts {
SetKeyword = 117,
StringKeyword = 118,
TypeKeyword = 119,
Missing = 120,
QualifiedName = 121,
ComputedPropertyName = 122,
TypeParameter = 123,
Parameter = 124,
Property = 125,
Method = 126,
Constructor = 127,
GetAccessor = 128,
SetAccessor = 129,
CallSignature = 130,
ConstructSignature = 131,
IndexSignature = 132,
TypeReference = 133,
FunctionType = 134,
ConstructorType = 135,
TypeQuery = 136,
TypeLiteral = 137,
ArrayType = 138,
TupleType = 139,
UnionType = 140,
ParenthesizedType = 141,
ArrayLiteralExpression = 142,
ObjectLiteralExpression = 143,
PropertyAccessExpression = 144,
ElementAccessExpression = 145,
CallExpression = 146,
NewExpression = 147,
TaggedTemplateExpression = 148,
TypeAssertionExpression = 149,
ParenthesizedExpression = 150,
FunctionExpression = 151,
ArrowFunction = 152,
DeleteExpression = 153,
TypeOfExpression = 154,
VoidExpression = 155,
PrefixUnaryExpression = 156,
PostfixUnaryExpression = 157,
BinaryExpression = 158,
ConditionalExpression = 159,
TemplateExpression = 160,
YieldExpression = 161,
OmittedExpression = 162,
TemplateSpan = 163,
Block = 164,
VariableStatement = 165,
EmptyStatement = 166,
ExpressionStatement = 167,
IfStatement = 168,
DoStatement = 169,
WhileStatement = 170,
ForStatement = 171,
ForInStatement = 172,
ContinueStatement = 173,
BreakStatement = 174,
ReturnStatement = 175,
WithStatement = 176,
SwitchStatement = 177,
LabeledStatement = 178,
ThrowStatement = 179,
TryStatement = 180,
TryBlock = 181,
CatchBlock = 182,
FinallyBlock = 183,
DebuggerStatement = 184,
VariableDeclaration = 185,
FunctionDeclaration = 186,
FunctionBlock = 187,
ClassDeclaration = 188,
InterfaceDeclaration = 189,
TypeAliasDeclaration = 190,
EnumDeclaration = 191,
ModuleDeclaration = 192,
ModuleBlock = 193,
ImportDeclaration = 194,
ExportAssignment = 195,
CaseClause = 196,
DefaultClause = 197,
HeritageClause = 198,
PropertyAssignment = 199,
ShorthandPropertyAssignment = 200,
EnumMember = 201,
SourceFile = 202,
Program = 203,
SyntaxList = 204,
Count = 205,
QualifiedName = 120,
ComputedPropertyName = 121,
TypeParameter = 122,
Parameter = 123,
Property = 124,
Method = 125,
Constructor = 126,
GetAccessor = 127,
SetAccessor = 128,
CallSignature = 129,
ConstructSignature = 130,
IndexSignature = 131,
TypeReference = 132,
FunctionType = 133,
ConstructorType = 134,
TypeQuery = 135,
TypeLiteral = 136,
ArrayType = 137,
TupleType = 138,
UnionType = 139,
ParenthesizedType = 140,
ArrayLiteralExpression = 141,
ObjectLiteralExpression = 142,
PropertyAccessExpression = 143,
ElementAccessExpression = 144,
CallExpression = 145,
NewExpression = 146,
TaggedTemplateExpression = 147,
TypeAssertionExpression = 148,
ParenthesizedExpression = 149,
FunctionExpression = 150,
ArrowFunction = 151,
DeleteExpression = 152,
TypeOfExpression = 153,
VoidExpression = 154,
PrefixUnaryExpression = 155,
PostfixUnaryExpression = 156,
BinaryExpression = 157,
ConditionalExpression = 158,
TemplateExpression = 159,
YieldExpression = 160,
OmittedExpression = 161,
TemplateSpan = 162,
Block = 163,
VariableStatement = 164,
EmptyStatement = 165,
ExpressionStatement = 166,
IfStatement = 167,
DoStatement = 168,
WhileStatement = 169,
ForStatement = 170,
ForInStatement = 171,
ContinueStatement = 172,
BreakStatement = 173,
ReturnStatement = 174,
WithStatement = 175,
SwitchStatement = 176,
LabeledStatement = 177,
ThrowStatement = 178,
TryStatement = 179,
TryBlock = 180,
FinallyBlock = 181,
DebuggerStatement = 182,
VariableDeclaration = 183,
FunctionDeclaration = 184,
ClassDeclaration = 185,
InterfaceDeclaration = 186,
TypeAliasDeclaration = 187,
EnumDeclaration = 188,
ModuleDeclaration = 189,
ModuleBlock = 190,
ImportDeclaration = 191,
ExportAssignment = 192,
ExternalModuleReference = 193,
CaseClause = 194,
DefaultClause = 195,
HeritageClause = 196,
CatchClause = 197,
PropertyAssignment = 198,
ShorthandPropertyAssignment = 199,
EnumMember = 200,
SourceFile = 201,
Program = 202,
SyntaxList = 203,
Count = 204,
FirstAssignment = 51,
LastAssignment = 62,
FirstReservedWord = 64,
@ -244,11 +243,11 @@ declare module ts {
LastKeyword = 119,
FirstFutureReservedWord = 100,
LastFutureReservedWord = 108,
FirstTypeNode = 133,
LastTypeNode = 141,
FirstTypeNode = 132,
LastTypeNode = 140,
FirstPunctuation = 13,
LastPunctuation = 62,
FirstToken = 1,
FirstToken = 0,
LastToken = 119,
FirstTriviaToken = 2,
LastTriviaToken = 5,
@ -260,12 +259,11 @@ declare module ts {
LastOperator = 62,
FirstBinaryOperator = 23,
LastBinaryOperator = 62,
FirstNode = 120,
const enum NodeFlags {
Export = 1,
Ambient = 2,
QuestionMark = 4,
Rest = 8,
Public = 16,
Private = 32,
Protected = 64,
@ -285,6 +283,8 @@ declare module ts {
DisallowIn = 2,
Yield = 4,
GeneratorParameter = 8,
ContainsError = 16,
HasPropagatedChildContainsErrorFlag = 32,
interface Node extends TextRange {
kind: SyntaxKind;
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ declare module ts {
interface NodeArray<T> extends Array<T>, TextRange {
hasTrailingComma?: boolean;
interface ModifiersArray extends Array<Node> {
interface ModifiersArray extends NodeArray<Node> {
flags: number;
interface Identifier extends PrimaryExpression {
@ -312,11 +312,6 @@ declare module ts {
right: Identifier;
type EntityName = Identifier | QualifiedName;
interface ParsedSignature {
typeParameters?: NodeArray<TypeParameterDeclaration>;
parameters: NodeArray<ParameterDeclaration>;
type?: TypeNode;
type DeclarationName = Identifier | LiteralExpression | ComputedPropertyName;
interface Declaration extends Node {
_declarationBrand: any;
@ -330,21 +325,43 @@ declare module ts {
constraint?: TypeNode;
expression?: Expression;
interface SignatureDeclaration extends Declaration, ParsedSignature {
interface SignatureDeclaration extends Declaration {
typeParameters?: NodeArray<TypeParameterDeclaration>;
parameters: NodeArray<ParameterDeclaration>;
type?: TypeNode;
interface VariableDeclaration extends Declaration {
name: Identifier;
type?: TypeNode;
initializer?: Expression;
interface ParameterDeclaration extends Declaration {
dotDotDotToken?: Node;
name: Identifier;
questionToken?: Node;
type?: TypeNode | StringLiteralExpression;
initializer?: Expression;
interface PropertyDeclaration extends Declaration, ClassElement {
_propertyDeclarationBrand: any;
questionToken?: Node;
type?: TypeNode;
initializer?: Expression;
interface ShortHandPropertyDeclaration extends Declaration {
name: Identifier;
type VariableOrParameterDeclaration = VariableDeclaration | ParameterDeclaration;
type VariableOrParameterOrPropertyDeclaration = VariableOrParameterDeclaration | PropertyDeclaration;
interface ObjectLiteralElement extends Declaration {
_objectLiteralBrandBrand: any;
interface ParameterDeclaration extends VariableDeclaration {
interface ShorthandPropertyAssignment extends ObjectLiteralElement {
name: Identifier;
questionToken?: Node;
interface PropertyAssignment extends ObjectLiteralElement {
_propertyAssignmentBrand: any;
name: DeclarationName;
questionToken?: Node;
initializer: Expression;
* Several node kinds share function-like features such as a signature,
@ -357,25 +374,31 @@ declare module ts {
interface FunctionLikeDeclaration extends SignatureDeclaration {
_functionLikeDeclarationBrand: any;
asteriskToken?: Node;
questionToken?: Node;
body?: Block | Expression;
interface FunctionDeclaration extends FunctionLikeDeclaration, Statement {
name: Identifier;
body?: Block;
interface MethodDeclaration extends FunctionLikeDeclaration, ClassElement {
interface MethodDeclaration extends FunctionLikeDeclaration, ClassElement, ObjectLiteralElement {
body?: Block;
interface ConstructorDeclaration extends FunctionLikeDeclaration, ClassElement {
body?: Block;
interface AccessorDeclaration extends FunctionLikeDeclaration, ClassElement {
body?: Block;
interface AccessorDeclaration extends FunctionLikeDeclaration, ClassElement, ObjectLiteralElement {
_accessorDeclarationBrand: any;
body: Block;
interface IndexSignatureDeclaration extends SignatureDeclaration, ClassElement {
_indexSignatureDeclarationBrand: any;
interface TypeNode extends Node {
_typeNodeBrand: any;
interface FunctionOrConstructorTypeNode extends TypeNode, SignatureDeclaration {
_functionOrConstructorTypeNodeBrand: any;
interface TypeReferenceNode extends TypeNode {
typeName: EntityName;
@ -399,9 +422,6 @@ declare module ts {
interface ParenthesizedTypeNode extends TypeNode {
type: TypeNode;
interface StringLiteralTypeNode extends TypeNode {
text: string;
interface Expression extends Node {
_expressionBrand: any;
contextualType?: Type;
@ -458,6 +478,10 @@ declare module ts {
interface LiteralExpression extends PrimaryExpression {
text: string;
isUnterminated?: boolean;
interface StringLiteralExpression extends LiteralExpression {
_stringLiteralExpressionBrand: any;
interface TemplateExpression extends PrimaryExpression {
head: LiteralExpression;
@ -474,7 +498,7 @@ declare module ts {
elements: NodeArray<Expression>;
interface ObjectLiteralExpression extends PrimaryExpression, Declaration {
properties: NodeArray<Declaration>;
properties: NodeArray<ObjectLiteralElement>;
interface PropertyAccessExpression extends MemberExpression {
expression: LeftHandSideExpression;
@ -482,7 +506,7 @@ declare module ts {
interface ElementAccessExpression extends MemberExpression {
expression: LeftHandSideExpression;
argumentExpression: Expression;
argumentExpression?: Expression;
interface CallExpression extends LeftHandSideExpression {
expression: LeftHandSideExpression;
@ -551,10 +575,14 @@ declare module ts {
expression: Expression;
clauses: NodeArray<CaseOrDefaultClause>;
interface CaseOrDefaultClause extends Node {
interface CaseClause extends Node {
expression?: Expression;
statements: NodeArray<Statement>;
interface DefaultClause extends Node {
statements: NodeArray<Statement>;
type CaseOrDefaultClause = CaseClause | DefaultClause;
interface LabeledStatement extends Statement {
label: Identifier;
statement: Statement;
@ -564,12 +592,13 @@ declare module ts {
interface TryStatement extends Statement {
tryBlock: Block;
catchBlock?: CatchBlock;
catchClause?: CatchClause;
finallyBlock?: Block;
interface CatchBlock extends Block, Declaration {
variable: Identifier;
interface CatchClause extends Declaration {
name: Identifier;
type?: TypeNode;
block: Block;
interface ModuleElement extends Node {
_moduleElementBrand: any;
@ -614,8 +643,10 @@ declare module ts {
interface ImportDeclaration extends Declaration, ModuleElement {
name: Identifier;
entityName?: EntityName;
externalModuleName?: LiteralExpression;
moduleReference: EntityName | ExternalModuleReference;
interface ExternalModuleReference extends Node {
expression?: Expression;
interface ExportAssignment extends Statement, ModuleElement {
exportName: Identifier;
@ -628,6 +659,7 @@ declare module ts {
interface SourceFile extends Declaration {
statements: NodeArray<ModuleElement>;
endOfFileToken: Node;
filename: string;
text: string;
getLineAndCharacterFromPosition(position: number): LineAndCharacter;
@ -636,10 +668,11 @@ declare module ts {
amdDependencies: string[];
amdModuleName: string;
referencedFiles: FileReference[];
semanticDiagnostics: Diagnostic[];
referenceDiagnostics: Diagnostic[];
parseDiagnostics: Diagnostic[];
grammarDiagnostics: Diagnostic[];
getSyntacticDiagnostics(): Diagnostic[];
semanticDiagnostics: Diagnostic[];
hasNoDefaultLib: boolean;
externalModuleIndicator: Node;
nodeCount: number;
@ -701,10 +734,8 @@ declare module ts {
getIdentifierCount(): number;
getSymbolCount(): number;
getTypeCount(): number;
checkProgram(): void;
emitFiles(targetSourceFile?: SourceFile): EmitResult;
getParentOfSymbol(symbol: Symbol): Symbol;
getNarrowedTypeOfSymbol(symbol: Symbol, node: Node): Type;
getTypeOfSymbolAtLocation(symbol: Symbol, node: Node): Type;
getDeclaredTypeOfSymbol(symbol: Symbol): Type;
getPropertiesOfType(type: Type): Symbol[];
getPropertyOfType(type: Type, propertyName: string): Symbol;
@ -712,16 +743,16 @@ declare module ts {
getIndexTypeOfType(type: Type, kind: IndexKind): Type;
getReturnTypeOfSignature(signature: Signature): Type;
getSymbolsInScope(location: Node, meaning: SymbolFlags): Symbol[];
getSymbolInfo(node: Node): Symbol;
getSymbolAtLocation(node: Node): Symbol;
getShorthandAssignmentValueSymbol(location: Node): Symbol;
getTypeOfNode(node: Node): Type;
getTypeAtLocation(node: Node): Type;
typeToString(type: Type, enclosingDeclaration?: Node, flags?: TypeFormatFlags): string;
symbolToString(symbol: Symbol, enclosingDeclaration?: Node, meaning?: SymbolFlags): string;
getSymbolDisplayBuilder(): SymbolDisplayBuilder;
getFullyQualifiedName(symbol: Symbol): string;
getAugmentedPropertiesOfType(type: Type): Symbol[];
getRootSymbols(symbol: Symbol): Symbol[];
getContextualType(node: Node): Type;
getContextualType(node: Expression): Type;
getResolvedSignature(node: CallLikeExpression, candidatesOutArray?: Signature[]): Signature;
getSignatureFromDeclaration(declaration: SignatureDeclaration): Signature;
isImplementationOfOverload(node: FunctionLikeDeclaration): boolean;
@ -795,10 +826,10 @@ declare module ts {
isTopLevelValueImportWithEntityName(node: ImportDeclaration): boolean;
getNodeCheckFlags(node: Node): NodeCheckFlags;
getEnumMemberValue(node: EnumMember): number;
hasSemanticErrors(): boolean;
hasSemanticErrors(sourceFile?: SourceFile): boolean;
isDeclarationVisible(node: Declaration): boolean;
isImplementationOfOverload(node: FunctionLikeDeclaration): boolean;
writeTypeAtLocation(location: Node, enclosingDeclaration: Node, flags: TypeFormatFlags, writer: SymbolWriter): void;
writeTypeOfDeclaration(declaration: AccessorDeclaration | VariableOrParameterDeclaration, enclosingDeclaration: Node, flags: TypeFormatFlags, writer: SymbolWriter): void;
writeReturnTypeOfSignatureDeclaration(signatureDeclaration: SignatureDeclaration, enclosingDeclaration: Node, flags: TypeFormatFlags, writer: SymbolWriter): void;
isSymbolAccessible(symbol: Symbol, enclosingDeclaration: Node, meaning: SymbolFlags): SymbolAccessiblityResult;
isEntityNameVisible(entityName: EntityName, enclosingDeclaration: Node): SymbolVisibilityResult;
@ -942,7 +973,6 @@ declare module ts {
StringLike = 258,
NumberLike = 132,
ObjectType = 48128,
Structured = 65025,
interface Type {
flags: TypeFlags;
@ -1055,12 +1085,6 @@ declare module ts {
* Early error - any error (can be produced at parsing\binding\typechecking step) that blocks emit
isEarly?: boolean;
* Parse error - error produced by parser when it scanner returns a token
* that parser does not understand in its current state
* (as opposed to grammar error when parser can interpret the token but interpretation is not legal from the grammar perespective)
isParseError?: boolean;
enum DiagnosticCategory {
Warning = 0,
@ -1092,6 +1116,7 @@ declare module ts {
version?: boolean;
watch?: boolean;
preserveConstEnums?: boolean;
allowNonTsExtensions?: boolean;
[option: string]: string | number | boolean;
const enum ModuleKind {
@ -1252,7 +1277,7 @@ declare module ts {
interface CompilerHost {
getSourceFile(filename: string, languageVersion: ScriptTarget, onError?: (message: string) => void): SourceFile;
getDefaultLibFilename(): string;
getDefaultLibFilename(options: CompilerOptions): string;
getCancellationToken?(): CancellationToken;
writeFile(filename: string, data: string, writeByteOrderMark: boolean, onError?: (message: string) => void): void;
getCurrentDirectory(): string;
@ -1278,12 +1303,14 @@ declare module ts {
hasPrecedingLineBreak(): boolean;
isIdentifier(): boolean;
isReservedWord(): boolean;
isUnterminated(): boolean;
reScanGreaterToken(): SyntaxKind;
reScanSlashToken(): SyntaxKind;
reScanTemplateToken(): SyntaxKind;
scan(): SyntaxKind;
setText(text: string): void;
setTextPos(textPos: number): void;
lookAhead<T>(callback: () => T): T;
tryScan<T>(callback: () => T): T;
function tokenToString(t: SyntaxKind): string;
@ -1305,14 +1332,9 @@ declare module ts {
function getTrailingCommentRanges(text: string, pos: number): CommentRange[];
function isIdentifierStart(ch: number, languageVersion: ScriptTarget): boolean;
function isIdentifierPart(ch: number, languageVersion: ScriptTarget): boolean;
function createScanner(languageVersion: ScriptTarget, skipTrivia: boolean, text?: string, onError?: ErrorCallback, onComment?: CommentCallback): Scanner;
function createScanner(languageVersion: ScriptTarget, skipTrivia: boolean, text?: string, onError?: ErrorCallback): Scanner;
declare module ts {
interface ReferencePathMatchResult {
fileReference?: FileReference;
diagnostic?: DiagnosticMessage;
isNoDefaultLib?: boolean;
function getNodeConstructor(kind: SyntaxKind): new () => Node;
function forEachChild<T>(node: Node, cbNode: (node: Node) => T, cbNodes?: (nodes: Node[]) => T): T;
function createSourceFile(filename: string, sourceText: string, languageVersion: ScriptTarget, version: string, isOpen?: boolean): SourceFile;
@ -1322,6 +1344,7 @@ declare module ts {
function createTypeChecker(program: Program, fullTypeCheck: boolean): TypeChecker;
declare module ts {
var servicesVersion: string;
interface Node {
getSourceFile(): SourceFile;
getChildCount(sourceFile?: SourceFile): number;
@ -1409,10 +1432,10 @@ declare module ts {
getScriptVersion(fileName: string): string;
getScriptIsOpen(fileName: string): boolean;
getScriptSnapshot(fileName: string): IScriptSnapshot;
getLocalizedDiagnosticMessages(): any;
getCancellationToken(): CancellationToken;
getLocalizedDiagnosticMessages?(): any;
getCancellationToken?(): CancellationToken;
getCurrentDirectory(): string;
getDefaultLibFilename(): string;
getDefaultLibFilename(options: CompilerOptions): string;
interface LanguageService {
cleanupSemanticCache(): void;
@ -1421,7 +1444,7 @@ declare module ts {
getCompilerOptionsDiagnostics(): Diagnostic[];
getSyntacticClassifications(fileName: string, span: TextSpan): ClassifiedSpan[];
getSemanticClassifications(fileName: string, span: TextSpan): ClassifiedSpan[];
getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number, isMemberCompletion: boolean): CompletionInfo;
getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number): CompletionInfo;
getCompletionEntryDetails(fileName: string, position: number, entryName: string): CompletionEntryDetails;
getQuickInfoAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number): QuickInfo;
getNameOrDottedNameSpan(fileName: string, startPos: number, endPos: number): TextSpan;
@ -1809,11 +1832,12 @@ declare module ts {
static interfaceName: string;
static moduleName: string;
static typeParameterName: string;
static typeAlias: string;
function displayPartsToString(displayParts: SymbolDisplayPart[]): string;
interface DisplayPartsSymbolWriter extends SymbolWriter {
displayParts(): SymbolDisplayPart[];
function displayPartsToString(displayParts: SymbolDisplayPart[]): string;
function getDefaultCompilerOptions(): CompilerOptions;
class OperationCanceledException {

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