Move transformFunctionBody back into es2015

This commit is contained in:
Ron Buckton 2016-11-15 12:32:43 -08:00
parent dff9849ac9
commit 98e192f357
9 changed files with 1405 additions and 1475 deletions

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@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ namespace ts {
export function createConditional(condition: Expression, questionToken: QuestionToken, whenTrue: Expression, colonToken: ColonToken, whenFalse: Expression, location?: TextRange) {
const node = <ConditionalExpression>createNode(SyntaxKind.ConditionalExpression, location);
node.condition = condition;
node.condition = parenthesizeForConditionalHead(condition);
node.questionToken = questionToken;
node.whenTrue = whenTrue;
node.colonToken = colonToken;
@ -2603,6 +2603,16 @@ namespace ts {
return SyntaxKind.Unknown;
export function parenthesizeForConditionalHead(condition: Expression) {
const conditionalPrecedence = getOperatorPrecedence(SyntaxKind.ConditionalExpression, SyntaxKind.QuestionToken);
const emittedCondition = skipPartiallyEmittedExpressions(condition);
const conditionPrecedence = getExpressionPrecedence(emittedCondition);
if (compareValues(conditionPrecedence, conditionalPrecedence) === Comparison.LessThan) {
return createParen(condition);
return condition;
* Wraps an expression in parentheses if it is needed in order to use the expression
* as the expression of a NewExpression node.
@ -3102,555 +3112,6 @@ namespace ts {
return tryGetModuleNameFromFile(resolver.getExternalModuleFileFromDeclaration(declaration), host, compilerOptions);
* Transforms the body of a function-like node.
* @param node A function-like node.
export function transformFunctionBody(node: FunctionLikeDeclaration,
visitor: (node: Node) => VisitResult<Node>,
currentSourceFile: SourceFile,
context: TransformationContext,
enableSubstitutionsForCapturedThis: () => void,
convertObjectRest?: boolean) {
let multiLine = false; // indicates whether the block *must* be emitted as multiple lines
let singleLine = false; // indicates whether the block *may* be emitted as a single line
let statementsLocation: TextRange;
let closeBraceLocation: TextRange;
const statements: Statement[] = [];
const body = node.body;
let statementOffset: number;
if (isBlock(body)) {
// ensureUseStrict is false because no new prologue-directive should be added.
// addPrologueDirectives will simply put already-existing directives at the beginning of the target statement-array
statementOffset = addPrologueDirectives(statements, body.statements, /*ensureUseStrict*/ false, visitor);
addCaptureThisForNodeIfNeeded(statements, node, enableSubstitutionsForCapturedThis);
addDefaultValueAssignmentsIfNeeded(context, statements, node, visitor, convertObjectRest);
addRestParameterIfNeeded(statements, node, /*inConstructorWithSynthesizedSuper*/ false);
// If we added any generated statements, this must be a multi-line block.
if (!multiLine && statements.length > 0) {
multiLine = true;
if (isBlock(body)) {
statementsLocation = body.statements;
addRange(statements, visitNodes(body.statements, visitor, isStatement, statementOffset));
// If the original body was a multi-line block, this must be a multi-line block.
if (!multiLine && body.multiLine) {
multiLine = true;
else {
Debug.assert(node.kind === SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction);
// To align with the old emitter, we use a synthetic end position on the location
// for the statement list we synthesize when we down-level an arrow function with
// an expression function body. This prevents both comments and source maps from
// being emitted for the end position only.
statementsLocation = moveRangeEnd(body, -1);
const equalsGreaterThanToken = (<ArrowFunction>node).equalsGreaterThanToken;
if (!nodeIsSynthesized(equalsGreaterThanToken) && !nodeIsSynthesized(body)) {
if (rangeEndIsOnSameLineAsRangeStart(equalsGreaterThanToken, body, currentSourceFile)) {
singleLine = true;
else {
multiLine = true;
const expression = visitNode(body, visitor, isExpression);
const returnStatement = createReturn(expression, /*location*/ body);
setEmitFlags(returnStatement, EmitFlags.NoTokenSourceMaps | EmitFlags.NoTrailingSourceMap | EmitFlags.NoTrailingComments);
// To align with the source map emit for the old emitter, we set a custom
// source map location for the close brace.
closeBraceLocation = body;
const lexicalEnvironment = context.endLexicalEnvironment();
addRange(statements, lexicalEnvironment);
// If we added any final generated statements, this must be a multi-line block
if (!multiLine && lexicalEnvironment && lexicalEnvironment.length) {
multiLine = true;
const block = createBlock(createNodeArray(statements, statementsLocation), node.body, multiLine);
if (!multiLine && singleLine) {
setEmitFlags(block, EmitFlags.SingleLine);
if (closeBraceLocation) {
setTokenSourceMapRange(block, SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken, closeBraceLocation);
setOriginalNode(block, node.body);
return block;
* Adds a statement to capture the `this` of a function declaration if it is needed.
* @param statements The statements for the new function body.
* @param node A node.
export function addCaptureThisForNodeIfNeeded(statements: Statement[], node: Node, enableSubstitutionsForCapturedThis: () => void): void {
if (node.transformFlags & TransformFlags.ContainsCapturedLexicalThis && node.kind !== SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction) {
captureThisForNode(statements, node, createThis(), enableSubstitutionsForCapturedThis);
export function captureThisForNode(statements: Statement[], node: Node, initializer: Expression | undefined, enableSubstitutionsForCapturedThis?: () => void, originalStatement?: Statement): void {
const captureThisStatement = createVariableStatement(
/*modifiers*/ undefined,
/*type*/ undefined,
setEmitFlags(captureThisStatement, EmitFlags.NoComments | EmitFlags.CustomPrologue);
setSourceMapRange(captureThisStatement, node);
* Gets a value indicating whether we need to add default value assignments for a
* function-like node.
* @param node A function-like node.
function shouldAddDefaultValueAssignments(node: FunctionLikeDeclaration): boolean {
return (node.transformFlags & TransformFlags.ContainsDefaultValueAssignments) !== 0;
* Adds statements to the body of a function-like node if it contains parameters with
* binding patterns or initializers.
* @param statements The statements for the new function body.
* @param node A function-like node.
export function addDefaultValueAssignmentsIfNeeded(context: TransformationContext,
statements: Statement[],
node: FunctionLikeDeclaration,
visitor: (node: Node) => VisitResult<Node>,
convertObjectRest: boolean): void {
if (!shouldAddDefaultValueAssignments(node)) {
for (const parameter of node.parameters) {
const { name, initializer, dotDotDotToken } = parameter;
// A rest parameter cannot have a binding pattern or an initializer,
// so let's just ignore it.
if (dotDotDotToken) {
if (isBindingPattern(name)) {
addDefaultValueAssignmentForBindingPattern(context, statements, parameter, name, initializer, visitor, convertObjectRest);
else if (initializer) {
addDefaultValueAssignmentForInitializer(statements, parameter, name, initializer, visitor);
* Adds statements to the body of a function-like node for parameters with binding patterns
* @param statements The statements for the new function body.
* @param parameter The parameter for the function.
* @param name The name of the parameter.
* @param initializer The initializer for the parameter.
function addDefaultValueAssignmentForBindingPattern(context: TransformationContext,
statements: Statement[],
parameter: ParameterDeclaration,
name: BindingPattern, initializer: Expression,
visitor: (node: Node) => VisitResult<Node>,
convertObjectRest: boolean): void {
const temp = getGeneratedNameForNode(parameter);
// In cases where a binding pattern is simply '[]' or '{}',
// we usually don't want to emit a var declaration; however, in the presence
// of an initializer, we must emit that expression to preserve side effects.
if (name.elements.length > 0) {
/*modifiers*/ undefined,
/*skipInitializer*/ convertObjectRest,
/*recordTempVariablesInLine*/ true,
? FlattenLevel.ObjectRest
: FlattenLevel.All,
else if (initializer) {
visitNode(initializer, visitor, isExpression)
* Adds statements to the body of a function-like node for parameters with initializers.
* @param statements The statements for the new function body.
* @param parameter The parameter for the function.
* @param name The name of the parameter.
* @param initializer The initializer for the parameter.
function addDefaultValueAssignmentForInitializer(statements: Statement[],
parameter: ParameterDeclaration,
name: Identifier,
initializer: Expression,
visitor: (node: Node) => VisitResult<Node>): void {
initializer = visitNode(initializer, visitor, isExpression);
const statement = createIf(
setEmitFlags(getMutableClone(name), EmitFlags.NoSourceMap),
setEmitFlags(initializer, EmitFlags.NoSourceMap | getEmitFlags(initializer)),
/*location*/ parameter
], /*location*/ parameter),
EmitFlags.SingleLine | EmitFlags.NoTrailingSourceMap | EmitFlags.NoTokenSourceMaps
/*elseStatement*/ undefined,
/*location*/ parameter
statement.startsOnNewLine = true;
setEmitFlags(statement, EmitFlags.NoTokenSourceMaps | EmitFlags.NoTrailingSourceMap | EmitFlags.CustomPrologue);
* Gets a value indicating whether we need to add statements to handle a rest parameter.
* @param node A ParameterDeclaration node.
* @param inConstructorWithSynthesizedSuper A value indicating whether the parameter is
* part of a constructor declaration with a
* synthesized call to `super`
function shouldAddRestParameter(node: ParameterDeclaration, inConstructorWithSynthesizedSuper: boolean) {
return node && node.dotDotDotToken && === SyntaxKind.Identifier && !inConstructorWithSynthesizedSuper;
* Adds statements to the body of a function-like node if it contains a rest parameter.
* @param statements The statements for the new function body.
* @param node A function-like node.
* @param inConstructorWithSynthesizedSuper A value indicating whether the parameter is
* part of a constructor declaration with a
* synthesized call to `super`
export function addRestParameterIfNeeded(statements: Statement[], node: FunctionLikeDeclaration, inConstructorWithSynthesizedSuper: boolean): void {
const parameter = lastOrUndefined(node.parameters);
if (!shouldAddRestParameter(parameter, inConstructorWithSynthesizedSuper)) {
// `declarationName` is the name of the local declaration for the parameter.
const declarationName = getMutableClone(<Identifier>;
setEmitFlags(declarationName, EmitFlags.NoSourceMap);
// `expressionName` is the name of the parameter used in expressions.
const expressionName = getSynthesizedClone(<Identifier>;
const restIndex = node.parameters.length - 1;
const temp = createLoopVariable();
// var param = [];
/*modifiers*/ undefined,
/*type*/ undefined,
/*location*/ parameter
// for (var _i = restIndex; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
// param[_i - restIndex] = arguments[_i];
// }
const forStatement = createFor(
createVariableDeclaration(temp, /*type*/ undefined, createLiteral(restIndex))
], /*location*/ parameter),
createPropertyAccess(createIdentifier("arguments"), "length"),
/*location*/ parameter
createPostfixIncrement(temp, /*location*/ parameter),
createSubtract(temp, createLiteral(restIndex))
createElementAccess(createIdentifier("arguments"), temp)
/*location*/ parameter
setEmitFlags(forStatement, EmitFlags.CustomPrologue);
export function convertForOf(node: ForOfStatement, convertedLoopBodyStatements: Statement[],
visitor: (node: Node) => VisitResult<Node>,
enableSubstitutionsForBlockScopedBindings: () => void,
context: TransformationContext,
convertObjectRest?: boolean): ForStatement | ForOfStatement {
// The following ES6 code:
// for (let v of expr) { }
// should be emitted as
// for (var _i = 0, _a = expr; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
// var v = _a[_i];
// }
// where _a and _i are temps emitted to capture the RHS and the counter,
// respectively.
// When the left hand side is an expression instead of a let declaration,
// the "let v" is not emitted.
// When the left hand side is a let/const, the v is renamed if there is
// another v in scope.
// Note that all assignments to the LHS are emitted in the body, including
// all destructuring.
// Note also that because an extra statement is needed to assign to the LHS,
// for-of bodies are always emitted as blocks.
const expression = visitNode(node.expression, visitor, isExpression);
const initializer = node.initializer;
const statements: Statement[] = [];
// In the case where the user wrote an identifier as the RHS, like this:
// for (let v of arr) { }
// we don't want to emit a temporary variable for the RHS, just use it directly.
const counter = convertObjectRest ? undefined : createLoopVariable();
const rhsReference = expression.kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier
? createUniqueName((<Identifier>expression).text)
: createTempVariable(/*recordTempVariable*/ undefined);
const elementAccess = convertObjectRest ? rhsReference : createElementAccess(rhsReference, counter);
// Initialize LHS
// var v = _a[_i];
if (isVariableDeclarationList(initializer)) {
if (initializer.flags & NodeFlags.BlockScoped) {
const firstOriginalDeclaration = firstOrUndefined(initializer.declarations);
if (firstOriginalDeclaration && isBindingPattern( {
// This works whether the declaration is a var, let, or const.
// It will use rhsIterationValue _a[_i] as the initializer.
const declarations = flattenDestructuringBinding(
/*skipInitializer*/ false,
/*recordTempVariablesInLine*/ true,
? FlattenLevel.ObjectRest
: FlattenLevel.All,
const declarationList = createVariableDeclarationList(declarations, /*location*/ initializer);
setOriginalNode(declarationList, initializer);
// Adjust the source map range for the first declaration to align with the old
// emitter.
const firstDeclaration = declarations[0];
const lastDeclaration = lastOrUndefined(declarations);
setSourceMapRange(declarationList, createRange(firstDeclaration.pos, lastDeclaration.end));
/*modifiers*/ undefined,
else {
// The following call does not include the initializer, so we have
// to emit it separately.
/*modifiers*/ undefined,
firstOriginalDeclaration ? : createTempVariable(/*recordTempVariable*/ undefined),
/*type*/ undefined,
createElementAccess(rhsReference, counter)
], /*location*/ moveRangePos(initializer, -1)),
/*location*/ moveRangeEnd(initializer, -1)
else {
// Initializer is an expression. Emit the expression in the body, so that it's
// evaluated on every iteration.
const assignment = createAssignment(initializer, elementAccess);
if (isDestructuringAssignment(assignment)) {
// This is a destructuring pattern, so we flatten the destructuring instead.
/*needsValue*/ false,
? FlattenLevel.ObjectRest
: FlattenLevel.All,
/*createAssignmentCallback*/ undefined,
else {
// Currently there is not way to check that assignment is binary expression of destructing assignment
// so we have to cast never type to binaryExpression
(<BinaryExpression>assignment).end = initializer.end;
statements.push(createStatement(assignment, /*location*/ moveRangeEnd(initializer, -1)));
let bodyLocation: TextRange;
let statementsLocation: TextRange;
if (convertedLoopBodyStatements) {
addRange(statements, convertedLoopBodyStatements);
else {
const statement = visitNode(node.statement, visitor, isStatement);
if (isBlock(statement)) {
addRange(statements, statement.statements);
bodyLocation = statement;
statementsLocation = statement.statements;
else {
// The old emitter does not emit source maps for the expression
setEmitFlags(expression, EmitFlags.NoSourceMap | getEmitFlags(expression));
// The old emitter does not emit source maps for the block.
// We add the location to preserve comments.
const body = createBlock(
createNodeArray(statements, /*location*/ statementsLocation),
/*location*/ bodyLocation
setEmitFlags(body, EmitFlags.NoSourceMap | EmitFlags.NoTokenSourceMaps);
let forStatement: ForStatement | ForOfStatement;
if (convertObjectRest) {
forStatement = createForOf(
createVariableDeclaration(rhsReference, /*type*/ undefined, /*initializer*/ undefined, /*location*/ node.expression)
], /*location*/ node.expression),
/*location*/ node
else {
forStatement = createFor(
createVariableDeclaration(counter, /*type*/ undefined, createLiteral(0), /*location*/ moveRangePos(node.expression, -1)),
createVariableDeclaration(rhsReference, /*type*/ undefined, expression, /*location*/ node.expression)
], /*location*/ node.expression),
createPropertyAccess(rhsReference, "length"),
/*location*/ node.expression
createPostfixIncrement(counter, /*location*/ node.expression),
/*location*/ node
// Disable trailing source maps for the OpenParenToken to align source map emit with the old emitter.
setEmitFlags(forStatement, EmitFlags.NoTokenTrailingSourceMaps);
return forStatement;
* Gets the initializer of an BindingOrAssignmentElement.

View file

@ -861,7 +861,7 @@ namespace ts {
if (constructor) {
addDefaultValueAssignmentsIfNeeded(context, statements, constructor, visitor, /*convertObjectRest*/ false);
addDefaultValueAssignmentsIfNeeded(statements, constructor);
addRestParameterIfNeeded(statements, constructor, hasSynthesizedSuper);
Debug.assert(statementOffset >= 0, "statementOffset not initialized correctly!");
@ -954,7 +954,7 @@ namespace ts {
// If this isn't a derived class, just capture 'this' for arrow functions if necessary.
if (!hasExtendsClause) {
if (ctor) {
addCaptureThisForNodeIfNeeded(statements, ctor, enableSubstitutionsForCapturedThis);
addCaptureThisForNodeIfNeeded(statements, ctor);
return SuperCaptureResult.NoReplacement;
@ -1016,7 +1016,7 @@ namespace ts {
// Perform the capture.
captureThisForNode(statements, ctor, superCallExpression, enableSubstitutionsForCapturedThis, firstStatement);
captureThisForNode(statements, ctor, superCallExpression, firstStatement);
// If we're actually replacing the original statement, we need to signal this to the caller.
if (superCallExpression) {
@ -1085,6 +1085,250 @@ namespace ts {
* Gets a value indicating whether we need to add default value assignments for a
* function-like node.
* @param node A function-like node.
function shouldAddDefaultValueAssignments(node: FunctionLikeDeclaration): boolean {
return (node.transformFlags & TransformFlags.ContainsDefaultValueAssignments) !== 0;
* Adds statements to the body of a function-like node if it contains parameters with
* binding patterns or initializers.
* @param statements The statements for the new function body.
* @param node A function-like node.
function addDefaultValueAssignmentsIfNeeded(statements: Statement[], node: FunctionLikeDeclaration): void {
if (!shouldAddDefaultValueAssignments(node)) {
for (const parameter of node.parameters) {
const { name, initializer, dotDotDotToken } = parameter;
// A rest parameter cannot have a binding pattern or an initializer,
// so let's just ignore it.
if (dotDotDotToken) {
if (isBindingPattern(name)) {
addDefaultValueAssignmentForBindingPattern(statements, parameter, name, initializer);
else if (initializer) {
addDefaultValueAssignmentForInitializer(statements, parameter, name, initializer);
* Adds statements to the body of a function-like node for parameters with binding patterns
* @param statements The statements for the new function body.
* @param parameter The parameter for the function.
* @param name The name of the parameter.
* @param initializer The initializer for the parameter.
function addDefaultValueAssignmentForBindingPattern(statements: Statement[], parameter: ParameterDeclaration, name: BindingPattern, initializer: Expression): void {
const temp = getGeneratedNameForNode(parameter);
// In cases where a binding pattern is simply '[]' or '{}',
// we usually don't want to emit a var declaration; however, in the presence
// of an initializer, we must emit that expression to preserve side effects.
if (name.elements.length > 0) {
/*modifiers*/ undefined,
/*skipInitializer*/ false,
/*recordTempVariablesInLine*/ true,
else if (initializer) {
visitNode(initializer, visitor, isExpression)
* Adds statements to the body of a function-like node for parameters with initializers.
* @param statements The statements for the new function body.
* @param parameter The parameter for the function.
* @param name The name of the parameter.
* @param initializer The initializer for the parameter.
function addDefaultValueAssignmentForInitializer(statements: Statement[], parameter: ParameterDeclaration, name: Identifier, initializer: Expression): void {
initializer = visitNode(initializer, visitor, isExpression);
const statement = createIf(
setEmitFlags(getMutableClone(name), EmitFlags.NoSourceMap),
setEmitFlags(initializer, EmitFlags.NoSourceMap | getEmitFlags(initializer)),
/*location*/ parameter
], /*location*/ parameter),
EmitFlags.SingleLine | EmitFlags.NoTrailingSourceMap | EmitFlags.NoTokenSourceMaps
/*elseStatement*/ undefined,
/*location*/ parameter
statement.startsOnNewLine = true;
setEmitFlags(statement, EmitFlags.NoTokenSourceMaps | EmitFlags.NoTrailingSourceMap | EmitFlags.CustomPrologue);
* Gets a value indicating whether we need to add statements to handle a rest parameter.
* @param node A ParameterDeclaration node.
* @param inConstructorWithSynthesizedSuper A value indicating whether the parameter is
* part of a constructor declaration with a
* synthesized call to `super`
function shouldAddRestParameter(node: ParameterDeclaration, inConstructorWithSynthesizedSuper: boolean) {
return node && node.dotDotDotToken && === SyntaxKind.Identifier && !inConstructorWithSynthesizedSuper;
* Adds statements to the body of a function-like node if it contains a rest parameter.
* @param statements The statements for the new function body.
* @param node A function-like node.
* @param inConstructorWithSynthesizedSuper A value indicating whether the parameter is
* part of a constructor declaration with a
* synthesized call to `super`
function addRestParameterIfNeeded(statements: Statement[], node: FunctionLikeDeclaration, inConstructorWithSynthesizedSuper: boolean): void {
const parameter = lastOrUndefined(node.parameters);
if (!shouldAddRestParameter(parameter, inConstructorWithSynthesizedSuper)) {
// `declarationName` is the name of the local declaration for the parameter.
const declarationName = getMutableClone(<Identifier>;
setEmitFlags(declarationName, EmitFlags.NoSourceMap);
// `expressionName` is the name of the parameter used in expressions.
const expressionName = getSynthesizedClone(<Identifier>;
const restIndex = node.parameters.length - 1;
const temp = createLoopVariable();
// var param = [];
/*modifiers*/ undefined,
/*type*/ undefined,
/*location*/ parameter
// for (var _i = restIndex; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
// param[_i - restIndex] = arguments[_i];
// }
const forStatement = createFor(
createVariableDeclaration(temp, /*type*/ undefined, createLiteral(restIndex))
], /*location*/ parameter),
createPropertyAccess(createIdentifier("arguments"), "length"),
/*location*/ parameter
createPostfixIncrement(temp, /*location*/ parameter),
createSubtract(temp, createLiteral(restIndex))
createElementAccess(createIdentifier("arguments"), temp)
/*location*/ parameter
setEmitFlags(forStatement, EmitFlags.CustomPrologue);
* Adds a statement to capture the `this` of a function declaration if it is needed.
* @param statements The statements for the new function body.
* @param node A node.
function addCaptureThisForNodeIfNeeded(statements: Statement[], node: Node): void {
if (node.transformFlags & TransformFlags.ContainsCapturedLexicalThis && node.kind !== SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction) {
captureThisForNode(statements, node, createThis());
function captureThisForNode(statements: Statement[], node: Node, initializer: Expression | undefined, originalStatement?: Statement): void {
const captureThisStatement = createVariableStatement(
/*modifiers*/ undefined,
/*type*/ undefined,
setEmitFlags(captureThisStatement, EmitFlags.NoComments | EmitFlags.CustomPrologue);
setSourceMapRange(captureThisStatement, node);
* Adds statements to the class body function for a class to define the members of the
* class.
@ -1282,7 +1526,7 @@ namespace ts {
/*typeParameters*/ undefined,
visitNodes(node.parameters, visitor, isParameter),
/*type*/ undefined,
transformFunctionBody(node, visitor, currentSourceFile, context, enableSubstitutionsForCapturedThis),
/*location*/ node
/*original*/ node);
@ -1309,7 +1553,7 @@ namespace ts {
/*typeParameters*/ undefined,
visitNodes(node.parameters, visitor, isParameter),
/*type*/ undefined,
saveStateAndInvoke(node, node => transformFunctionBody(node, visitor, currentSourceFile, context, enableSubstitutionsForCapturedThis)),
saveStateAndInvoke(node, transformFunctionBody),
/*original*/ node
@ -1319,6 +1563,96 @@ namespace ts {
return expression;
* Transforms the body of a function-like node.
* @param node A function-like node.
function transformFunctionBody(node: FunctionLikeDeclaration) {
let multiLine = false; // indicates whether the block *must* be emitted as multiple lines
let singleLine = false; // indicates whether the block *may* be emitted as a single line
let statementsLocation: TextRange;
let closeBraceLocation: TextRange;
const statements: Statement[] = [];
const body = node.body;
let statementOffset: number;
if (isBlock(body)) {
// ensureUseStrict is false because no new prologue-directive should be added.
// addPrologueDirectives will simply put already-existing directives at the beginning of the target statement-array
statementOffset = addPrologueDirectives(statements, body.statements, /*ensureUseStrict*/ false, visitor);
addCaptureThisForNodeIfNeeded(statements, node);
addDefaultValueAssignmentsIfNeeded(statements, node);
addRestParameterIfNeeded(statements, node, /*inConstructorWithSynthesizedSuper*/ false);
// If we added any generated statements, this must be a multi-line block.
if (!multiLine && statements.length > 0) {
multiLine = true;
if (isBlock(body)) {
statementsLocation = body.statements;
addRange(statements, visitNodes(body.statements, visitor, isStatement, statementOffset));
// If the original body was a multi-line block, this must be a multi-line block.
if (!multiLine && body.multiLine) {
multiLine = true;
else {
Debug.assert(node.kind === SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction);
// To align with the old emitter, we use a synthetic end position on the location
// for the statement list we synthesize when we down-level an arrow function with
// an expression function body. This prevents both comments and source maps from
// being emitted for the end position only.
statementsLocation = moveRangeEnd(body, -1);
const equalsGreaterThanToken = (<ArrowFunction>node).equalsGreaterThanToken;
if (!nodeIsSynthesized(equalsGreaterThanToken) && !nodeIsSynthesized(body)) {
if (rangeEndIsOnSameLineAsRangeStart(equalsGreaterThanToken, body, currentSourceFile)) {
singleLine = true;
else {
multiLine = true;
const expression = visitNode(body, visitor, isExpression);
const returnStatement = createReturn(expression, /*location*/ body);
setEmitFlags(returnStatement, EmitFlags.NoTokenSourceMaps | EmitFlags.NoTrailingSourceMap | EmitFlags.NoTrailingComments);
// To align with the source map emit for the old emitter, we set a custom
// source map location for the close brace.
closeBraceLocation = body;
const lexicalEnvironment = context.endLexicalEnvironment();
addRange(statements, lexicalEnvironment);
// If we added any final generated statements, this must be a multi-line block
if (!multiLine && lexicalEnvironment && lexicalEnvironment.length) {
multiLine = true;
const block = createBlock(createNodeArray(statements, statementsLocation), node.body, multiLine);
if (!multiLine && singleLine) {
setEmitFlags(block, EmitFlags.SingleLine);
if (closeBraceLocation) {
setTokenSourceMapRange(block, SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken, closeBraceLocation);
setOriginalNode(block, node.body);
return block;
* Visits an ExpressionStatement that contains a destructuring assignment.
@ -1606,7 +1940,177 @@ namespace ts {
function convertForOfToFor(node: ForOfStatement, convertedLoopBodyStatements: Statement[]): ForStatement {
return <ForStatement>convertForOf(node, convertedLoopBodyStatements, visitor, enableSubstitutionsForBlockScopedBindings, context, /*transformRest*/ false);
// The following ES6 code:
// for (let v of expr) { }
// should be emitted as
// for (var _i = 0, _a = expr; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
// var v = _a[_i];
// }
// where _a and _i are temps emitted to capture the RHS and the counter,
// respectively.
// When the left hand side is an expression instead of a let declaration,
// the "let v" is not emitted.
// When the left hand side is a let/const, the v is renamed if there is
// another v in scope.
// Note that all assignments to the LHS are emitted in the body, including
// all destructuring.
// Note also that because an extra statement is needed to assign to the LHS,
// for-of bodies are always emitted as blocks.
const expression = visitNode(node.expression, visitor, isExpression);
const initializer = node.initializer;
const statements: Statement[] = [];
// In the case where the user wrote an identifier as the RHS, like this:
// for (let v of arr) { }
// we don't want to emit a temporary variable for the RHS, just use it directly.
const counter = createLoopVariable();
const rhsReference = expression.kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier
? createUniqueName((<Identifier>expression).text)
: createTempVariable(/*recordTempVariable*/ undefined);
const elementAccess = createElementAccess(rhsReference, counter);
// Initialize LHS
// var v = _a[_i];
if (isVariableDeclarationList(initializer)) {
if (initializer.flags & NodeFlags.BlockScoped) {
const firstOriginalDeclaration = firstOrUndefined(initializer.declarations);
if (firstOriginalDeclaration && isBindingPattern( {
// This works whether the declaration is a var, let, or const.
// It will use rhsIterationValue _a[_i] as the initializer.
const declarations = flattenDestructuringBinding(
/*skipInitializer*/ false,
/*recordTempVariablesInLine*/ true,
const declarationList = createVariableDeclarationList(declarations, /*location*/ initializer);
setOriginalNode(declarationList, initializer);
// Adjust the source map range for the first declaration to align with the old
// emitter.
const firstDeclaration = declarations[0];
const lastDeclaration = lastOrUndefined(declarations);
setSourceMapRange(declarationList, createRange(firstDeclaration.pos, lastDeclaration.end));
/*modifiers*/ undefined,
else {
// The following call does not include the initializer, so we have
// to emit it separately.
/*modifiers*/ undefined,
firstOriginalDeclaration ? : createTempVariable(/*recordTempVariable*/ undefined),
/*type*/ undefined,
createElementAccess(rhsReference, counter)
], /*location*/ moveRangePos(initializer, -1)),
/*location*/ moveRangeEnd(initializer, -1)
else {
// Initializer is an expression. Emit the expression in the body, so that it's
// evaluated on every iteration.
const assignment = createAssignment(initializer, elementAccess);
if (isDestructuringAssignment(assignment)) {
// This is a destructuring pattern, so we flatten the destructuring instead.
/*needsValue*/ false,
/*createAssignmentCallback*/ undefined,
else {
// Currently there is not way to check that assignment is binary expression of destructing assignment
// so we have to cast never type to binaryExpression
(<BinaryExpression>assignment).end = initializer.end;
statements.push(createStatement(assignment, /*location*/ moveRangeEnd(initializer, -1)));
let bodyLocation: TextRange;
let statementsLocation: TextRange;
if (convertedLoopBodyStatements) {
addRange(statements, convertedLoopBodyStatements);
else {
const statement = visitNode(node.statement, visitor, isStatement);
if (isBlock(statement)) {
addRange(statements, statement.statements);
bodyLocation = statement;
statementsLocation = statement.statements;
else {
// The old emitter does not emit source maps for the expression
setEmitFlags(expression, EmitFlags.NoSourceMap | getEmitFlags(expression));
// The old emitter does not emit source maps for the block.
// We add the location to preserve comments.
const body = createBlock(
createNodeArray(statements, /*location*/ statementsLocation),
/*location*/ bodyLocation
setEmitFlags(body, EmitFlags.NoSourceMap | EmitFlags.NoTokenSourceMaps);
const forStatement = createFor(
createVariableDeclaration(counter, /*type*/ undefined, createLiteral(0), /*location*/ moveRangePos(node.expression, -1)),
createVariableDeclaration(rhsReference, /*type*/ undefined, expression, /*location*/ node.expression)
], /*location*/ node.expression),
createPropertyAccess(rhsReference, "length"),
/*location*/ node.expression
createPostfixIncrement(counter, /*location*/ node.expression),
/*location*/ node
// Disable trailing source maps for the OpenParenToken to align source map emit with the old emitter.
setEmitFlags(forStatement, EmitFlags.NoTokenTrailingSourceMaps);
return forStatement;
@ -2592,7 +3096,7 @@ namespace ts {
const statements: Statement[] = [];
addRange(statements, prologue);
addCaptureThisForNodeIfNeeded(statements, node, enableSubstitutionsForCapturedThis);
addCaptureThisForNodeIfNeeded(statements, node);
addRange(statements, visitNodes(createNodeArray(remaining), visitor, isStatement));
addRange(statements, endLexicalEnvironment());
const clone = getMutableClone(node);

View file

@ -17,84 +17,75 @@ namespace ts {
function visitor(node: Node): VisitResult<Node> {
if (node.transformFlags & TransformFlags.ES2016) {
return visitorWorker(node);
else if (node.transformFlags & TransformFlags.ContainsES2016) {
return visitEachChild(node, visitor, context);
else {
if ((node.transformFlags & TransformFlags.ContainsES2016) === 0) {
return node;
function visitorWorker(node: Node): VisitResult<Node> {
switch (node.kind) {
case SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression:
return visitBinaryExpression(<BinaryExpression>node);
return visitEachChild(node, visitor, context);
function visitBinaryExpression(node: BinaryExpression): Expression {
// We are here because ES2016 adds support for the exponentiation operator.
switch (node.operatorToken.kind) {
case SyntaxKind.AsteriskAsteriskEqualsToken:
return visitExponentiationAssignmentExpression(node);
case SyntaxKind.AsteriskAsteriskToken:
return visitExponentiationExpression(node);
return visitEachChild(node, visitor, context);
function visitExponentiationAssignmentExpression(node: BinaryExpression) {
let target: Expression;
let value: Expression;
const left = visitNode(node.left, visitor, isExpression);
const right = visitNode(node.right, visitor, isExpression);
if (node.operatorToken.kind === SyntaxKind.AsteriskAsteriskEqualsToken) {
let target: Expression;
let value: Expression;
if (isElementAccessExpression(left)) {
// Transforms `a[x] **= b` into `(_a = a)[_x = x] = Math.pow(_a[_x], b)`
const expressionTemp = createTempVariable(hoistVariableDeclaration);
const argumentExpressionTemp = createTempVariable(hoistVariableDeclaration);
target = createElementAccess(
createAssignment(expressionTemp, left.expression, /*location*/ left.expression),
createAssignment(argumentExpressionTemp, left.argumentExpression, /*location*/ left.argumentExpression),
/*location*/ left
value = createElementAccess(
/*location*/ left
else if (isPropertyAccessExpression(left)) {
// Transforms `a.x **= b` into `(_a = a).x = Math.pow(_a.x, b)`
const expressionTemp = createTempVariable(hoistVariableDeclaration);
target = createPropertyAccess(
createAssignment(expressionTemp, left.expression, /*location*/ left.expression),,
/*location*/ left
value = createPropertyAccess(
/*location*/ left
else {
// Transforms `a **= b` into `a = Math.pow(a, b)`
target = left;
value = left;
return createAssignment(target, createMathPow(value, right, /*location*/ node), /*location*/ node);
if (isElementAccessExpression(left)) {
// Transforms `a[x] **= b` into `(_a = a)[_x = x] = Math.pow(_a[_x], b)`
const expressionTemp = createTempVariable(hoistVariableDeclaration);
const argumentExpressionTemp = createTempVariable(hoistVariableDeclaration);
target = createElementAccess(
createAssignment(expressionTemp, left.expression, /*location*/ left.expression),
createAssignment(argumentExpressionTemp, left.argumentExpression, /*location*/ left.argumentExpression),
/*location*/ left
value = createElementAccess(
/*location*/ left
else if (node.operatorToken.kind === SyntaxKind.AsteriskAsteriskToken) {
// Transforms `a ** b` into `Math.pow(a, b)`
return createMathPow(left, right, /*location*/ node);
else if (isPropertyAccessExpression(left)) {
// Transforms `a.x **= b` into `(_a = a).x = Math.pow(_a.x, b)`
const expressionTemp = createTempVariable(hoistVariableDeclaration);
target = createPropertyAccess(
createAssignment(expressionTemp, left.expression, /*location*/ left.expression),,
/*location*/ left
value = createPropertyAccess(
/*location*/ left
else {
return visitEachChild(node, visitor, context);
// Transforms `a **= b` into `a = Math.pow(a, b)`
target = left;
value = left;
return createAssignment(target, createMathPow(value, right, /*location*/ node), /*location*/ node);
function visitExponentiationExpression(node: BinaryExpression) {
// Transforms `a ** b` into `Math.pow(a, b)`
const left = visitNode(node.left, visitor, isExpression);
const right = visitNode(node.right, visitor, isExpression);
return createMathPow(left, right, /*location*/ node);

View file

@ -7,39 +7,38 @@ namespace ts {
const {
} = context;
let currentSourceFile: SourceFile;
return transformSourceFile;
function transformSourceFile(node: SourceFile) {
currentSourceFile = node;
return visitEachChild(node, visitor, context);
function visitor(node: Node): VisitResult<Node> {
if (node.transformFlags & TransformFlags.ESNext) {
return visitorWorker(node);
else if (node.transformFlags & TransformFlags.ContainsESNext) {
return visitNodeContainingESNext(node);
else {
return node;
return visitorWorker(node, /*noDestructuringValue*/ false);
function visitorWorker(node: Node): VisitResult<Node> {
function visitorNoDestructuringValue(node: Node): VisitResult<Node> {
return visitorWorker(node, /*noDestructuringValue*/ true);
function visitorWorker(node: Node, noDestructuringValue: boolean): VisitResult<Node> {
if ((node.transformFlags & TransformFlags.ContainsESNext) === 0) {
return node;
switch (node.kind) {
case SyntaxKind.ObjectLiteralExpression:
return visitObjectLiteralExpression(node as ObjectLiteralExpression);
case SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression:
return visitBinaryExpression(node as BinaryExpression, /*needsDestructuringValue*/ true);
return visitBinaryExpression(node as BinaryExpression, noDestructuringValue);
case SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration:
return visitVariableDeclaration(node as VariableDeclaration);
case SyntaxKind.ForOfStatement:
return visitForOfStatement(node as ForOfStatement);
case SyntaxKind.ObjectBindingPattern:
case SyntaxKind.ArrayBindingPattern:
return node;
case SyntaxKind.ForStatement:
return visitForStatement(node as ForStatement);
case SyntaxKind.VoidExpression:
return visitVoidExpression(node as VoidExpression);
case SyntaxKind.Constructor:
return visitConstructorDeclaration(node as ConstructorDeclaration);
case SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration:
@ -56,20 +55,13 @@ namespace ts {
return visitArrowFunction(node as ArrowFunction);
case SyntaxKind.Parameter:
return visitParameter(node as ParameterDeclaration);
return visitEachChild(node, visitor, context);
function visitNodeContainingESNext(node: Node) {
switch (node.kind) {
case SyntaxKind.ExpressionStatement:
return visitExpressionStatement(node as ExpressionStatement);
case SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedExpression:
return visitParenthesizedExpression(node as ParenthesizedExpression, /*needsDestructuringValue*/ true);
return visitParenthesizedExpression(node as ParenthesizedExpression, noDestructuringValue);
return visitEachChild(node, visitor, context);
return visitEachChild(node, visitor, context);
function chunkObjectLiteralElements(elements: ObjectLiteralElement[]): Expression[] {
@ -105,38 +97,27 @@ namespace ts {
function visitObjectLiteralExpression(node: ObjectLiteralExpression): Expression {
// spread elements emit like so:
// non-spread elements are chunked together into object literals, and then all are passed to __assign:
// { a, ...o, b } => __assign({a}, o, {b});
// If the first element is a spread element, then the first argument to __assign is {}:
// { ...o, a, b, ...o2 } => __assign({}, o, {a, b}, o2)
const objects = chunkObjectLiteralElements(;
if (objects.length && objects[0].kind !== SyntaxKind.ObjectLiteralExpression) {
if (node.transformFlags & TransformFlags.ContainsObjectSpread) {
// spread elements emit like so:
// non-spread elements are chunked together into object literals, and then all are passed to __assign:
// { a, ...o, b } => __assign({a}, o, {b});
// If the first element is a spread element, then the first argument to __assign is {}:
// { ...o, a, b, ...o2 } => __assign({}, o, {a, b}, o2)
const objects = chunkObjectLiteralElements(;
if (objects.length && objects[0].kind !== SyntaxKind.ObjectLiteralExpression) {
return createCall(createIdentifier("__assign"), undefined, objects);
return createCall(createIdentifier("__assign"), undefined, objects);
return visitEachChild(node, visitor, context);
function visitExpressionStatement(node: ExpressionStatement): ExpressionStatement {
switch (node.expression.kind) {
case SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedExpression:
return updateStatement(node, visitParenthesizedExpression(<ParenthesizedExpression>node.expression, /*needsDestructuringValue*/ false));
case SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression:
return updateStatement(node, visitBinaryExpression(<BinaryExpression>node.expression, /*needsDestructuringValue*/ false));
return visitEachChild(node, visitor, context);
return visitEachChild(node, visitorNoDestructuringValue, context);
function visitParenthesizedExpression(node: ParenthesizedExpression, needsDestructuringValue: boolean): ParenthesizedExpression {
if (!needsDestructuringValue) {
switch (node.expression.kind) {
case SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedExpression:
return updateParen(node, visitParenthesizedExpression(<ParenthesizedExpression>node.expression, /*needsDestructuringValue*/ false));
case SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression:
return updateParen(node, visitBinaryExpression(<BinaryExpression>node.expression, /*needsDestructuringValue*/ false));
return visitEachChild(node, visitor, context);
function visitParenthesizedExpression(node: ParenthesizedExpression, noDestructuringValue: boolean): ParenthesizedExpression {
return visitEachChild(node, noDestructuringValue ? visitorNoDestructuringValue : visitor, context);
@ -144,17 +125,24 @@ namespace ts {
* @param node A BinaryExpression node.
function visitBinaryExpression(node: BinaryExpression, needsDestructuringValue: boolean): Expression {
function visitBinaryExpression(node: BinaryExpression, noDestructuringValue: boolean): Expression {
if (isDestructuringAssignment(node) && node.left.transformFlags & TransformFlags.ContainsObjectRest) {
return flattenDestructuringAssignment(
/*createAssignmentCallback*/ undefined,
else if (node.operatorToken.kind === SyntaxKind.CommaToken) {
return updateBinary(
visitNode(node.left, visitorNoDestructuringValue, isExpression),
visitNode(node.right, noDestructuringValue ? visitorNoDestructuringValue : visitor, isExpression)
return visitEachChild(node, visitor, context);
@ -178,6 +166,20 @@ namespace ts {
return visitEachChild(node, visitor, context);
function visitForStatement(node: ForStatement): VisitResult<Statement> {
return updateFor(
visitNode(node.initializer, visitorNoDestructuringValue, isForInitializer),
visitNode(node.condition, visitor, isExpression),
visitNode(node.incrementor, visitor, isExpression),
visitNode(node.statement, visitor, isStatement)
function visitVoidExpression(node: VoidExpression) {
return visitEachChild(node, visitorNoDestructuringValue, context);
* Visits a ForOfStatement and converts it into a ES2015-compatible ForOfStatement.

View file

@ -2721,7 +2721,7 @@ namespace ts {
resolvedSignature?: Signature; // Cached signature of signature node or call expression
resolvedSymbol?: Symbol; // Cached name resolution result
resolvedIndexInfo?: IndexInfo; // Cached indexing info resolution result
maybeTypePredicate?: boolean; // Cached check whether call expression might reference a type predicate
maybeTypePredicate?: boolean; // Cached check whether call expression might reference a type predicate
enumMemberValue?: number; // Constant value of enum member
isVisible?: boolean; // Is this node visible
hasReportedStatementInAmbientContext?: boolean; // Cache boolean if we report statements in ambient context
@ -3558,36 +3558,34 @@ namespace ts {
TypeScript = 1 << 0,
ContainsTypeScript = 1 << 1,
ContainsJsx = 1 << 2,
ESNext = 1 << 3,
ContainsESNext = 1 << 4,
ContainsES2017 = 1 << 5,
ES2016 = 1 << 6,
ContainsES2016 = 1 << 7,
ES2015 = 1 << 8,
ContainsES2015 = 1 << 9,
Generator = 1 << 10,
ContainsGenerator = 1 << 11,
DestructuringAssignment = 1 << 12,
ContainsDestructuringAssignment = 1 << 13,
ContainsESNext = 1 << 3,
ContainsES2017 = 1 << 4,
ContainsES2016 = 1 << 5,
ES2015 = 1 << 6,
ContainsES2015 = 1 << 7,
Generator = 1 << 8,
ContainsGenerator = 1 << 9,
DestructuringAssignment = 1 << 10,
ContainsDestructuringAssignment = 1 << 11,
// Markers
// - Flags used to indicate that a subtree contains a specific transformation.
ContainsDecorators = 1 << 14,
ContainsPropertyInitializer = 1 << 15,
ContainsLexicalThis = 1 << 16,
ContainsCapturedLexicalThis = 1 << 17,
ContainsLexicalThisInComputedPropertyName = 1 << 18,
ContainsDefaultValueAssignments = 1 << 19,
ContainsParameterPropertyAssignments = 1 << 20,
ContainsSpread = 1 << 21,
ContainsDecorators = 1 << 12,
ContainsPropertyInitializer = 1 << 13,
ContainsLexicalThis = 1 << 14,
ContainsCapturedLexicalThis = 1 << 15,
ContainsLexicalThisInComputedPropertyName = 1 << 16,
ContainsDefaultValueAssignments = 1 << 17,
ContainsParameterPropertyAssignments = 1 << 18,
ContainsSpread = 1 << 19,
ContainsObjectSpread = 1 << 20,
ContainsRest = ContainsSpread,
ContainsObjectSpread = 1 << 22,
ContainsObjectRest = ContainsObjectSpread,
ContainsComputedPropertyName = 1 << 23,
ContainsBlockScopedBinding = 1 << 24,
ContainsBindingPattern = 1 << 25,
ContainsYield = 1 << 26,
ContainsHoistedDeclarationOrCompletion = 1 << 27,
ContainsComputedPropertyName = 1 << 21,
ContainsBlockScopedBinding = 1 << 22,
ContainsBindingPattern = 1 << 23,
ContainsYield = 1 << 24,
ContainsHoistedDeclarationOrCompletion = 1 << 25,
HasComputedFlags = 1 << 29, // Transform flags have been computed.
@ -3595,9 +3593,9 @@ namespace ts {
// - Bitmasks that are used to assert facts about the syntax of a node and its subtree.
AssertTypeScript = TypeScript | ContainsTypeScript,
AssertJsx = ContainsJsx,
AssertESNext = ESNext | ContainsESNext,
AssertESNext = ContainsESNext,
AssertES2017 = ContainsES2017,
AssertES2016 = ES2016 | ContainsES2016,
AssertES2016 = ContainsES2016,
AssertES2015 = ES2015 | ContainsES2015,
AssertGenerator = Generator | ContainsGenerator,
AssertDestructuringAssignment = DestructuringAssignment | ContainsDestructuringAssignment,
@ -3605,7 +3603,7 @@ namespace ts {
// Scope Exclusions
// - Bitmasks that exclude flags from propagating out of a specific context
// into the subtree flags of their container.
NodeExcludes = TypeScript | ESNext | ES2016 | ES2015 | DestructuringAssignment | Generator | HasComputedFlags,
NodeExcludes = TypeScript | ES2015 | DestructuringAssignment | Generator | HasComputedFlags,
ArrowFunctionExcludes = NodeExcludes | ContainsDecorators | ContainsDefaultValueAssignments | ContainsLexicalThis | ContainsParameterPropertyAssignments | ContainsBlockScopedBinding | ContainsYield | ContainsHoistedDeclarationOrCompletion | ContainsBindingPattern | ContainsObjectRest,
FunctionExcludes = NodeExcludes | ContainsDecorators | ContainsDefaultValueAssignments | ContainsCapturedLexicalThis | ContainsLexicalThis | ContainsParameterPropertyAssignments | ContainsBlockScopedBinding | ContainsYield | ContainsHoistedDeclarationOrCompletion | ContainsBindingPattern | ContainsObjectRest,
ConstructorExcludes = NodeExcludes | ContainsDefaultValueAssignments | ContainsLexicalThis | ContainsCapturedLexicalThis | ContainsBlockScopedBinding | ContainsYield | ContainsHoistedDeclarationOrCompletion | ContainsBindingPattern | ContainsObjectRest,

View file

@ -30,14 +30,14 @@ var __rest = (this && this.__rest) || function (s, e) {
return t;
let array;
for (var array_1 of array) {
var { x } = array_1, restOf = __rest(array_1, ["x"]);
for (let _a of array) {
let { x } = _a, restOf = __rest(_a, ["x"]);
[x, restOf];
let xx;
let rrestOff;
for (var array_2 of array) {
({ x: xx } = array_2, rrestOff = __rest(array_2, ["x"]));
for (let _b of array) {
({ x: xx } = _b, rrestOff = __rest(_b, ["x"]));
[xx, rrestOff];
for (const norest of => (__assign({}, a, { x: 'a string' })))) {

View file

@ -194,13 +194,13 @@ for (_b = getRobot(), _c =, nameA = _c === void 0 ? "noName" : _c, _b, i
for (_d = { name: "trimmer", skill: "trimming" }, _e =, nameA = _e === void 0 ? "noName" : _e, _d, i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
for (_f = multiRobot.skills, _g = _f === void 0 ? { primary: "none", secondary: "none" } : _f, _h = _g.primary, primaryA = _h === void 0 ? "primary" : _h, _j = _g.secondary, secondaryA = _j === void 0 ? "secondary" : _j, multiRobot, multiRobot, i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
for (_f = multiRobot.skills, _g = _f === void 0 ? { primary: "none", secondary: "none" } : _f, _h = _g.primary, primaryA = _h === void 0 ? "primary" : _h, _j = _g.secondary, secondaryA = _j === void 0 ? "secondary" : _j, multiRobot, i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
for (_k = getMultiRobot(), (_l = _k.skills, _m = _l === void 0 ? { primary: "none", secondary: "none" } : _l, _o = _m.primary, primaryA = _o === void 0 ? "primary" : _o, _p = _m.secondary, secondaryA = _p === void 0 ? "secondary" : _p, _k), _k, i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
for (_k = getMultiRobot(), _l = _k.skills, _m = _l === void 0 ? { primary: "none", secondary: "none" } : _l, _o = _m.primary, primaryA = _o === void 0 ? "primary" : _o, _p = _m.secondary, secondaryA = _p === void 0 ? "secondary" : _p, _k, i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
for (_q = { name: "trimmer", skills: { primary: "trimming", secondary: "edging" } }, (_r = _q.skills, _s = _r === void 0 ? { primary: "none", secondary: "none" } : _r, _t = _s.primary, primaryA = _t === void 0 ? "primary" : _t, _u = _s.secondary, secondaryA = _u === void 0 ? "secondary" : _u, _q), _q,
for (_q = { name: "trimmer", skills: { primary: "trimming", secondary: "edging" } }, _r = _q.skills, _s = _r === void 0 ? { primary: "none", secondary: "none" } : _r, _t = _s.primary, primaryA = _t === void 0 ? "primary" : _t, _u = _s.secondary, secondaryA = _u === void 0 ? "secondary" : _u, _q,
i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
@ -213,13 +213,13 @@ for (_w = getRobot(), _x =, name = _x === void 0 ? "noName" : _x, _w, i
for (_y = { name: "trimmer", skill: "trimming" }, _z =, name = _z === void 0 ? "noName" : _z, _y, i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
for (_0 = multiRobot.skills, _1 = _0 === void 0 ? { primary: "none", secondary: "none" } : _0, _2 = _1.primary, primary = _2 === void 0 ? "primary" : _2, _3 = _1.secondary, secondary = _3 === void 0 ? "secondary" : _3, multiRobot, multiRobot, i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
for (_0 = multiRobot.skills, _1 = _0 === void 0 ? { primary: "none", secondary: "none" } : _0, _2 = _1.primary, primary = _2 === void 0 ? "primary" : _2, _3 = _1.secondary, secondary = _3 === void 0 ? "secondary" : _3, multiRobot, i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
for (_4 = getMultiRobot(), (_5 = _4.skills, _6 = _5 === void 0 ? { primary: "none", secondary: "none" } : _5, _7 = _6.primary, primary = _7 === void 0 ? "primary" : _7, _8 = _6.secondary, secondary = _8 === void 0 ? "secondary" : _8, _4), _4, i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
for (_4 = getMultiRobot(), _5 = _4.skills, _6 = _5 === void 0 ? { primary: "none", secondary: "none" } : _5, _7 = _6.primary, primary = _7 === void 0 ? "primary" : _7, _8 = _6.secondary, secondary = _8 === void 0 ? "secondary" : _8, _4, i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
for (_9 = { name: "trimmer", skills: { primary: "trimming", secondary: "edging" } }, (_10 = _9.skills, _11 = _10 === void 0 ? { primary: "none", secondary: "none" } : _10, _12 = _11.primary, primary = _12 === void 0 ? "primary" : _12, _13 = _11.secondary, secondary = _13 === void 0 ? "secondary" : _13, _9), _9,
for (_9 = { name: "trimmer", skills: { primary: "trimming", secondary: "edging" } }, _10 = _9.skills, _11 = _10 === void 0 ? { primary: "none", secondary: "none" } : _10, _12 = _11.primary, primary = _12 === void 0 ? "primary" : _12, _13 = _11.secondary, secondary = _13 === void 0 ? "secondary" : _13, _9,
i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
@ -232,13 +232,13 @@ for (_16 = getRobot(), _17 =, nameA = _17 === void 0 ? "noName" : _17,
for (_19 = { name: "trimmer", skill: "trimming" }, _20 =, nameA = _20 === void 0 ? "noName" : _20, _21 = _19.skill, skillA = _21 === void 0 ? "skill" : _21, _19, i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
for (_22 =, nameA = _22 === void 0 ? "noName" : _22, _23 = multiRobot.skills, _24 = _23 === void 0 ? { primary: "none", secondary: "none" } : _23, _25 = _24.primary, primaryA = _25 === void 0 ? "primary" : _25, _26 = _24.secondary, secondaryA = _26 === void 0 ? "secondary" : _26, multiRobot, multiRobot, i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
for (_22 =, nameA = _22 === void 0 ? "noName" : _22, _23 = multiRobot.skills, _24 = _23 === void 0 ? { primary: "none", secondary: "none" } : _23, _25 = _24.primary, primaryA = _25 === void 0 ? "primary" : _25, _26 = _24.secondary, secondaryA = _26 === void 0 ? "secondary" : _26, multiRobot, i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
for (_27 = getMultiRobot(), (_28 =, nameA = _28 === void 0 ? "noName" : _28, _29 = _27.skills, _30 = _29 === void 0 ? { primary: "none", secondary: "none" } : _29, _31 = _30.primary, primaryA = _31 === void 0 ? "primary" : _31, _32 = _30.secondary, secondaryA = _32 === void 0 ? "secondary" : _32, _27), _27, i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
for (_27 = getMultiRobot(), _28 =, nameA = _28 === void 0 ? "noName" : _28, _29 = _27.skills, _30 = _29 === void 0 ? { primary: "none", secondary: "none" } : _29, _31 = _30.primary, primaryA = _31 === void 0 ? "primary" : _31, _32 = _30.secondary, secondaryA = _32 === void 0 ? "secondary" : _32, _27, i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
for (_33 = { name: "trimmer", skills: { primary: "trimming", secondary: "edging" } }, (_34 =, nameA = _34 === void 0 ? "noName" : _34, _35 = _33.skills, _36 = _35 === void 0 ? { primary: "none", secondary: "none" } : _35, _37 = _36.primary, primaryA = _37 === void 0 ? "primary" : _37, _38 = _36.secondary, secondaryA = _38 === void 0 ? "secondary" : _38, _33), _33,
for (_33 = { name: "trimmer", skills: { primary: "trimming", secondary: "edging" } }, _34 =, nameA = _34 === void 0 ? "noName" : _34, _35 = _33.skills, _36 = _35 === void 0 ? { primary: "none", secondary: "none" } : _35, _37 = _36.primary, primaryA = _37 === void 0 ? "primary" : _37, _38 = _36.secondary, secondaryA = _38 === void 0 ? "secondary" : _38, _33,
i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
@ -251,16 +251,15 @@ for (_41 = getRobot(), _42 =, name = _42 === void 0 ? "noName" : _42, _
for (_44 = { name: "trimmer", skill: "trimming" }, _45 =, name = _45 === void 0 ? "noName" : _45, _46 = _44.skill, skill = _46 === void 0 ? "skill" : _46, _44, i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
for (_47 =, name = _47 === void 0 ? "noName" : _47, _48 = multiRobot.skills, _49 = _48 === void 0 ? { primary: "none", secondary: "none" } : _48, _50 = _49.primary, primary = _50 === void 0 ? "primary" : _50, _51 = _49.secondary, secondary = _51 === void 0 ? "secondary" : _51, multiRobot, multiRobot, i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
for (_47 =, name = _47 === void 0 ? "noName" : _47, _48 = multiRobot.skills, _49 = _48 === void 0 ? { primary: "none", secondary: "none" } : _48, _50 = _49.primary, primary = _50 === void 0 ? "primary" : _50, _51 = _49.secondary, secondary = _51 === void 0 ? "secondary" : _51, multiRobot, i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
for (_52 = getMultiRobot(), (_53 =, name = _53 === void 0 ? "noName" : _53, _54 = _52.skills, _55 = _54 === void 0 ? { primary: "none", secondary: "none" } : _54, _56 = _55.primary, primary = _56 === void 0 ? "primary" : _56, _57 = _55.secondary, secondary = _57 === void 0 ? "secondary" : _57, _52), _52, i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
for (_52 = getMultiRobot(), _53 =, name = _53 === void 0 ? "noName" : _53, _54 = _52.skills, _55 = _54 === void 0 ? { primary: "none", secondary: "none" } : _54, _56 = _55.primary, primary = _56 === void 0 ? "primary" : _56, _57 = _55.secondary, secondary = _57 === void 0 ? "secondary" : _57, _52, i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
for (_58 = { name: "trimmer", skills: { primary: "trimming", secondary: "edging" } }, (_59 =, name = _59 === void 0 ? "noName" : _59, _60 = _58.skills, _61 = _60 === void 0 ? { primary: "none", secondary: "none" } : _60, _62 = _61.primary, primary = _62 === void 0 ? "primary" : _62, _63 = _61.secondary, secondary = _63 === void 0 ? "secondary" : _63, _58), _58,
for (_58 = { name: "trimmer", skills: { primary: "trimming", secondary: "edging" } }, _59 =, name = _59 === void 0 ? "noName" : _59, _60 = _58.skills, _61 = _60 === void 0 ? { primary: "none", secondary: "none" } : _60, _62 = _61.primary, primary = _62 === void 0 ? "primary" : _62, _63 = _61.secondary, secondary = _63 === void 0 ? "secondary" : _63, _58,
i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
var _k, _q, _4, _9, _27, _33, _52, _58;
var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _l, _m, _o, _p, _r, _s, _t, _u, _v, _w, _x, _y, _z, _0, _1, _2, _3, _5, _6, _7, _8, _10, _11, _12, _13, _14, _15, _16, _17, _18, _19, _20, _21, _22, _23, _24, _25, _26, _28, _29, _30, _31, _32, _34, _35, _36, _37, _38, _39, _40, _41, _42, _43, _44, _45, _46, _47, _48, _49, _50, _51, _53, _54, _55, _56, _57, _59, _60, _61, _62, _63;
var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k, _l, _m, _o, _p, _q, _r, _s, _t, _u, _v, _w, _x, _y, _z, _0, _1, _2, _3, _4, _5, _6, _7, _8, _9, _10, _11, _12, _13, _14, _15, _16, _17, _18, _19, _20, _21, _22, _23, _24, _25, _26, _27, _28, _29, _30, _31, _32, _33, _34, _35, _36, _37, _38, _39, _40, _41, _42, _43, _44, _45, _46, _47, _48, _49, _50, _51, _52, _53, _54, _55, _56, _57, _58, _59, _60, _61, _62, _63;