Accept baselines (#18903)

This commit is contained in:
Mohamed Hegazy 2017-10-02 19:08:13 -07:00 committed by GitHub
parent 6997e9b731
commit ae3f29ade6
6 changed files with 309 additions and 299 deletions

View file

@ -2006,6 +2006,7 @@ namespace ts {
* @param host The host used to resolve files and directories.
* @param extraFileExtensions optionaly file extra file extension information from host
/* @internal */
export function getFileNamesFromConfigSpecs(spec: ConfigFileSpecs, basePath: string, options: CompilerOptions, host: ParseConfigHost, extraFileExtensions: ReadonlyArray<JsFileExtensionInfo> = []): ExpandResult {
basePath = normalizePath(basePath);

View file

@ -403,6 +403,7 @@ namespace ts {
* Determines if program structure is upto date or needs to be recreated
/* @internal */
export function isProgramUptoDate(
program: Program | undefined,
rootFileNames: string[],

View file

@ -2526,7 +2526,7 @@ namespace ts {
/** Set of all source files that some other source file redirects to. */
/* @internal */ redirectTargetsSet: Map<true>;
/** Returns true when file in the program had invalidated resolution at the time of program creation. */
hasInvalidatedResolution: HasInvalidatedResolution;
/* @internal */ hasInvalidatedResolution: HasInvalidatedResolution;
/* @internal */
@ -3832,7 +3832,7 @@ namespace ts {
errors: Diagnostic[];
wildcardDirectories?: MapLike<WatchDirectoryFlags>;
compileOnSave?: boolean;
configFileSpecs?: ConfigFileSpecs;
/* @internal */ configFileSpecs?: ConfigFileSpecs;
export const enum WatchDirectoryFlags {
@ -3840,6 +3840,7 @@ namespace ts {
Recursive = 1 << 0,
/* @internal */
export interface ConfigFileSpecs {
filesSpecs: ReadonlyArray<string>;
@ -3858,7 +3859,7 @@ namespace ts {
export interface ExpandResult {
fileNames: string[];
wildcardDirectories: MapLike<WatchDirectoryFlags>;
spec: ConfigFileSpecs;
/* @internal */ spec: ConfigFileSpecs;
/* @internal */
@ -4130,6 +4131,7 @@ namespace ts {
readonly failedLookupLocations: ReadonlyArray<string>;
/* @internal */
export interface HasInvalidatedResolution {
(sourceFile: Path): boolean;
@ -4160,9 +4162,9 @@ namespace ts {
resolveTypeReferenceDirectives?(typeReferenceDirectiveNames: string[], containingFile: string): ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective[];
getEnvironmentVariable?(name: string): string;
onReleaseOldSourceFile?(oldSourceFile: SourceFile, oldOptions: CompilerOptions): void;
hasInvalidatedResolution?: HasInvalidatedResolution;
hasChangedAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames?: boolean;
/* @internal */ onReleaseOldSourceFile?(oldSourceFile: SourceFile, oldOptions: CompilerOptions): void;
/* @internal */ hasInvalidatedResolution?: HasInvalidatedResolution;
/* @internal */ hasChangedAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames?: boolean;
/* @internal */

View file

@ -185,8 +185,8 @@ namespace ts {
resolveModuleNames?(moduleNames: string[], containingFile: string, reusedNames?: string[]): ResolvedModule[];
resolveTypeReferenceDirectives?(typeDirectiveNames: string[], containingFile: string): ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective[];
hasInvalidatedResolution?: HasInvalidatedResolution;
hasChangedAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames?: boolean;
/* @internal */ hasInvalidatedResolution?: HasInvalidatedResolution;
/* @internal */ hasChangedAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames?: boolean;
directoryExists?(directoryName: string): boolean;

View file

@ -2405,22 +2405,23 @@ declare namespace ts {
Dts = ".d.ts",
Js = ".js",
Jsx = ".jsx",
Json = ".json",
interface ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations {
resolvedModule: ResolvedModuleFull | undefined;
readonly resolvedModule: ResolvedModuleFull | undefined;
interface ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective {
primary: boolean;
resolvedFileName?: string;
resolvedFileName: string | undefined;
packageId?: PackageId;
interface ResolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveWithFailedLookupLocations {
resolvedTypeReferenceDirective: ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective;
failedLookupLocations: string[];
readonly resolvedTypeReferenceDirective: ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective;
readonly failedLookupLocations: ReadonlyArray<string>;
interface CompilerHost extends ModuleResolutionHost {
getSourceFile(fileName: string, languageVersion: ScriptTarget, onError?: (message: string) => void): SourceFile | undefined;
getSourceFileByPath?(fileName: string, path: Path, languageVersion: ScriptTarget, onError?: (message: string) => void): SourceFile | undefined;
getSourceFile(fileName: string, languageVersion: ScriptTarget, onError?: (message: string) => void, shouldCreateNewSourceFile?: boolean): SourceFile | undefined;
getSourceFileByPath?(fileName: string, path: Path, languageVersion: ScriptTarget, onError?: (message: string) => void, shouldCreateNewSourceFile?: boolean): SourceFile | undefined;
getCancellationToken?(): CancellationToken;
getDefaultLibFileName(options: CompilerOptions): string;
getDefaultLibLocation?(): string;
@ -2430,7 +2431,7 @@ declare namespace ts {
getCanonicalFileName(fileName: string): string;
useCaseSensitiveFileNames(): boolean;
getNewLine(): string;
resolveModuleNames?(moduleNames: string[], containingFile: string): ResolvedModule[];
resolveModuleNames?(moduleNames: string[], containingFile: string, reusedNames?: string[]): ResolvedModule[];
* This method is a companion for 'resolveModuleNames' and is used to resolve 'types' references to actual type declaration files
@ -2683,14 +2684,26 @@ declare namespace ts {
callback: FileWatcherCallback;
mtime?: Date;
interface System {
args: string[];
* Partial interface of the System thats needed to support the caching of directory structure
interface DirectoryStructureHost {
newLine: string;
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: boolean;
write(s: string): void;
readFile(path: string, encoding?: string): string | undefined;
getFileSize?(path: string): number;
writeFile(path: string, data: string, writeByteOrderMark?: boolean): void;
fileExists(path: string): boolean;
directoryExists(path: string): boolean;
createDirectory(path: string): void;
getCurrentDirectory(): string;
getDirectories(path: string): string[];
readDirectory(path: string, extensions?: ReadonlyArray<string>, exclude?: ReadonlyArray<string>, include?: ReadonlyArray<string>, depth?: number): string[];
exit(exitCode?: number): void;
interface System extends DirectoryStructureHost {
args: string[];
getFileSize?(path: string): number;
* @pollingInterval - this parameter is used in polling-based watchers and ignored in watchers that
* use native OS file watching
@ -2698,13 +2711,7 @@ declare namespace ts {
watchFile?(path: string, callback: FileWatcherCallback, pollingInterval?: number): FileWatcher;
watchDirectory?(path: string, callback: DirectoryWatcherCallback, recursive?: boolean): FileWatcher;
resolvePath(path: string): string;
fileExists(path: string): boolean;
directoryExists(path: string): boolean;
createDirectory(path: string): void;
getExecutingFilePath(): string;
getCurrentDirectory(): string;
getDirectories(path: string): string[];
readDirectory(path: string, extensions?: ReadonlyArray<string>, exclude?: ReadonlyArray<string>, include?: ReadonlyArray<string>, depth?: number): string[];
getModifiedTime?(path: string): Date;
* This should be cryptographically secure.
@ -2712,7 +2719,6 @@ declare namespace ts {
createHash?(data: string): string;
getMemoryUsage?(): number;
exit(exitCode?: number): void;
realpath?(path: string): string;
setTimeout?(callback: (...args: any[]) => void, ms: number, ...args: any[]): any;
clearTimeout?(timeoutId: any): void;
@ -2720,10 +2726,6 @@ declare namespace ts {
interface FileWatcher {
close(): void;
interface DirectoryWatcher extends FileWatcher {
directoryName: string;
referenceCount: number;
function getNodeMajorVersion(): number;
let sys: System;
@ -3710,6 +3712,23 @@ declare namespace ts {
declare namespace ts {
function createPrinter(printerOptions?: PrinterOptions, handlers?: PrintHandlers): Printer;
declare namespace ts {
interface EmitOutput {
outputFiles: OutputFile[];
emitSkipped: boolean;
interface EmitOutputDetailed extends EmitOutput {
diagnostics: Diagnostic[];
sourceMaps: SourceMapData[];
emittedSourceFiles: SourceFile[];
interface OutputFile {
name: string;
writeByteOrderMark: boolean;
text: string;
function getFileEmitOutput(program: Program, sourceFile: SourceFile, emitOnlyDtsFiles: boolean, isDetailed: boolean, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken, customTransformers?: CustomTransformers): EmitOutput | EmitOutputDetailed;
declare namespace ts {
function findConfigFile(searchPath: string, fileExists: (fileName: string) => boolean, configName?: string): string;
function resolveTripleslashReference(moduleName: string, containingFile: string): string;
@ -3721,6 +3740,7 @@ declare namespace ts {
getNewLine(): string;
function formatDiagnostics(diagnostics: ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic>, host: FormatDiagnosticsHost): string;
function formatDiagnostic(diagnostic: Diagnostic, host: FormatDiagnosticsHost): string;
function formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext(diagnostics: ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic>, host: FormatDiagnosticsHost): string;
function flattenDiagnosticMessageText(messageText: string | DiagnosticMessageChain, newLine: string): string;
@ -3856,7 +3876,7 @@ declare namespace ts {
readFile?(path: string, encoding?: string): string | undefined;
fileExists?(path: string): boolean;
getTypeRootsVersion?(): number;
resolveModuleNames?(moduleNames: string[], containingFile: string): ResolvedModule[];
resolveModuleNames?(moduleNames: string[], containingFile: string, reusedNames?: string[]): ResolvedModule[];
resolveTypeReferenceDirectives?(typeDirectiveNames: string[], containingFile: string): ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective[];
directoryExists?(directoryName: string): boolean;
getDirectories?(directoryName: string): string[];
@ -3914,6 +3934,7 @@ declare namespace ts {
getApplicableRefactors(fileName: string, positionOrRaneg: number | TextRange): ApplicableRefactorInfo[];
getEditsForRefactor(fileName: string, formatOptions: FormatCodeSettings, positionOrRange: number | TextRange, refactorName: string, actionName: string): RefactorEditInfo | undefined;
getEmitOutput(fileName: string, emitOnlyDtsFiles?: boolean): EmitOutput;
getEmitOutput(fileName: string, emitOnlyDtsFiles?: boolean, isDetailed?: boolean): EmitOutput | EmitOutputDetailed;
getProgram(): Program;
dispose(): void;
@ -4270,20 +4291,11 @@ declare namespace ts {
autoCollapse: boolean;
interface EmitOutput {
outputFiles: OutputFile[];
emitSkipped: boolean;
enum OutputFileType {
JavaScript = 0,
SourceMap = 1,
Declaration = 2,
interface OutputFile {
name: string;
writeByteOrderMark: boolean;
text: string;
enum EndOfLineState {
None = 0,
InMultiLineCommentTrivia = 1,
@ -4751,28 +4763,6 @@ declare namespace ts.server {
function isInferredProjectName(name: string): boolean;
function makeInferredProjectName(counter: number): string;
function createSortedArray<T>(): SortedArray<T>;
class ThrottledOperations {
private readonly host;
private pendingTimeouts;
constructor(host: ServerHost);
* Wait `number` milliseconds and then invoke `cb`. If, while waiting, schedule
* is called again with the same `operationId`, cancel this operation in favor
* of the new one. (Note that the amount of time the canceled operation had been
* waiting does not affect the amount of time that the new operation waits.)
schedule(operationId: string, delay: number, cb: () => void): void;
private static run(self, operationId, cb);
class GcTimer {
private readonly host;
private readonly delay;
private readonly logger;
private timerId;
constructor(host: ServerHost, delay: number, logger: Logger);
scheduleCollect(): void;
private static run(self);
* Declaration module describing the TypeScript Server protocol
@ -6359,6 +6349,17 @@ declare namespace ts.server.protocol {
languageServiceEnabled: boolean;
type ProjectsUpdatedInBackgroundEventName = "projectsUpdatedInBackground";
interface ProjectsUpdatedInBackgroundEvent extends Event {
event: ProjectsUpdatedInBackgroundEventName;
body: ProjectsUpdatedInBackgroundEventBody;
interface ProjectsUpdatedInBackgroundEventBody {
* Current set of open files
openFiles: string[];
* Arguments for reload request.
@ -6822,14 +6823,13 @@ declare namespace ts.server {
constructor(opts: SessionOptions);
private sendRequestCompletedEvent(requestId);
private defaultEventHandler(event);
private projectsUpdatedInBackgroundEvent(openFiles);
logError(err: Error, cmd: string): void;
send(msg: protocol.Message): void;
configFileDiagnosticEvent(triggerFile: string, configFile: string, diagnostics: ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic>): void;
event<T>(info: T, eventName: string): void;
output(info: any, cmdName: string, reqSeq?: number, errorMsg?: string): void;
private semanticCheck(file, project);
private syntacticCheck(file, project);
private updateProjectStructure();
private updateErrorCheck(next, checkList, ms, requireOpen?);
private cleanProjects(caption, projects);
private cleanup();
@ -6862,9 +6862,10 @@ declare namespace ts.server {
private openClientFile(fileName, fileContent?, scriptKind?, projectRootPath?);
private getPosition(args, scriptInfo);
private getFileAndProject(args, errorOnMissingProject?);
private getFileAndProjectWithoutRefreshingInferredProjects(args, errorOnMissingProject?);
private getFileAndProjectWorker(uncheckedFileName, projectFileName, refreshInferredProjects, errorOnMissingProject);
private getPositionInFile(args, file);
private getFileAndProject(args);
private getFileAndLanguageServiceForSyntacticOperation(args);
private getFileAndProjectWorker(uncheckedFileName, projectFileName);
private getOutliningSpans(args);
private getTodoComments(args);
private getDocCommentTemplate(args);
@ -6884,6 +6885,7 @@ declare namespace ts.server {
private getCompileOnSaveAffectedFileList(args);
private emitFile(args);
private getSignatureHelpItems(args, simplifiedResult);
private createCheckList(fileNames, defaultProject?);
private getDiagnostics(next, delay, fileNames);
private change(args);
private reload(args, reqSeq);
@ -6926,51 +6928,20 @@ declare namespace ts.server {
onMessage(message: string): void;
declare namespace ts.server {
interface AbsolutePositionAndLineText {
absolutePosition: number;
lineText: string | undefined;
class ScriptVersionCache {
private changes;
private readonly versions;
private minVersion;
private currentVersion;
private static readonly changeNumberThreshold;
private static readonly changeLengthThreshold;
private static readonly maxVersions;
private versionToIndex(version);
private currentVersionToIndex();
edit(pos: number, deleteLen: number, insertedText?: string): void;
reload(script: string): void;
getSnapshot(): IScriptSnapshot;
private _getSnapshot();
getSnapshotVersion(): number;
getLineInfo(line: number): AbsolutePositionAndLineText;
lineOffsetToPosition(line: number, column: number): number;
positionToLineOffset(position: number): protocol.Location;
lineToTextSpan(line: number): TextSpan;
getTextChangesBetweenVersions(oldVersion: number, newVersion: number): TextChangeRange;
static fromString(script: string): ScriptVersionCache;
declare namespace ts.server {
class ScriptInfo {
private readonly host;
readonly fileName: NormalizedPath;
readonly scriptKind: ScriptKind;
hasMixedContent: boolean;
isDynamic: boolean;
readonly hasMixedContent: boolean;
readonly path: Path;
* All projects that include this file
readonly containingProjects: Project[];
private formatCodeSettings;
readonly path: Path;
private fileWatcher;
private textStorage;
private isOpen;
constructor(host: ServerHost, fileName: NormalizedPath, scriptKind: ScriptKind, hasMixedContent?: boolean, isDynamic?: boolean);
constructor(host: ServerHost, fileName: NormalizedPath, scriptKind: ScriptKind, hasMixedContent: boolean, path: Path);
isScriptOpen(): boolean;
open(newText: string): void;
close(): void;
@ -6983,15 +6954,12 @@ declare namespace ts.server {
getDefaultProject(): Project;
registerFileUpdate(): void;
setFormatOptions(formatSettings: FormatCodeSettings): void;
setWatcher(watcher: FileWatcher): void;
stopWatcher(): void;
getLatestVersion(): string;
reload(script: string): void;
saveTo(fileName: string): void;
reloadFromFile(tempFileName?: NormalizedPath): void;
getLineInfo(line: number): AbsolutePositionAndLineText;
editContent(start: number, end: number, newText: string): void;
markContainingProjectsAsDirty(): void;
isOrphan(): boolean;
* @param line 1 based index
@ -7005,47 +6973,22 @@ declare namespace ts.server {
isJavaScript(): boolean;
declare namespace ts.server {
class LSHost implements LanguageServiceHost, ModuleResolutionHost {
private readonly host;
private project;
private readonly cancellationToken;
private compilationSettings;
private readonly resolvedModuleNames;
private readonly resolvedTypeReferenceDirectives;
private readonly getCanonicalFileName;
private filesWithChangedSetOfUnresolvedImports;
private resolveModuleName;
readonly trace: (s: string) => void;
readonly realpath?: (path: string) => string;
constructor(host: ServerHost, project: Project, cancellationToken: HostCancellationToken);
dispose(): void;
startRecordingFilesWithChangedResolutions(): void;
finishRecordingFilesWithChangedResolutions(): Path[];
private resolveNamesWithLocalCache<T, R>(names, containingFile, cache, loader, getResult, getResultFileName, logChanges);
getNewLine(): string;
getProjectVersion(): string;
getCompilationSettings(): CompilerOptions;
useCaseSensitiveFileNames(): boolean;
getCancellationToken(): HostCancellationToken;
resolveTypeReferenceDirectives(typeDirectiveNames: string[], containingFile: string): ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective[];
resolveModuleNames(moduleNames: string[], containingFile: string): ResolvedModuleFull[];
getDefaultLibFileName(): string;
getScriptSnapshot(filename: string): IScriptSnapshot;
getScriptFileNames(): string[];
getTypeRootsVersion(): number;
getScriptKind(fileName: string): ScriptKind;
getScriptVersion(filename: string): string;
getCurrentDirectory(): string;
resolvePath(path: string): string;
fileExists(file: string): boolean;
readFile(fileName: string): string | undefined;
directoryExists(path: string): boolean;
readDirectory(path: string, extensions?: ReadonlyArray<string>, exclude?: ReadonlyArray<string>, include?: ReadonlyArray<string>, depth?: number): string[];
getDirectories(path: string): string[];
notifyFileRemoved(info: ScriptInfo): void;
setCompilationSettings(opt: CompilerOptions): void;
declare namespace ts {
* Updates the existing missing file watches with the new set of missing files after new program is created
function updateMissingFilePathsWatch(program: Program, missingFileWatches: Map<FileWatcher>, createMissingFileWatch: (missingFilePath: Path) => FileWatcher): void;
interface WildcardDirectoryWatcher {
watcher: FileWatcher;
flags: WatchDirectoryFlags;
* Updates the existing wild card directory watches with the new set of wild card directories from the config file
* after new program is created because the config file was reloaded or program was created first time from the config file
* Note that there is no need to call this function when the program is updated with additional files without reloading config files,
* as wildcard directories wont change unless reloading config file
function updateWatchingWildcardDirectories(existingWatchedForWildcards: Map<WildcardDirectoryWatcher>, wildcardDirectories: Map<WatchDirectoryFlags>, watchDirectory: (directory: string, flags: WatchDirectoryFlags) => FileWatcher): void;
declare namespace ts.server {
interface ITypingsInstaller {
@ -7065,40 +7008,6 @@ declare namespace ts.server {
onProjectClosed(project: Project): void;
declare namespace ts.server {
function shouldEmitFile(scriptInfo: ScriptInfo): boolean;
* An abstract file info that maintains a shape signature.
class BuilderFileInfo {
readonly scriptInfo: ScriptInfo;
readonly project: Project;
private lastCheckedShapeSignature;
constructor(scriptInfo: ScriptInfo, project: Project);
isExternalModuleOrHasOnlyAmbientExternalModules(): boolean;
* For script files that contains only ambient external modules, although they are not actually external module files,
* they can only be consumed via importing elements from them. Regular script files cannot consume them. Therefore,
* there are no point to rebuild all script files if these special files have changed. However, if any statement
* in the file is not ambient external module, we treat it as a regular script file.
private containsOnlyAmbientModules(sourceFile);
private computeHash(text);
private getSourceFile();
* @return {boolean} indicates if the shape signature has changed since last update.
updateShapeSignature(): boolean;
interface Builder {
readonly project: Project;
getFilesAffectedBy(scriptInfo: ScriptInfo): string[];
onProjectUpdateGraph(): void;
emitFile(scriptInfo: ScriptInfo, writeFile: (path: string, data: string, writeByteOrderMark?: boolean) => void): boolean;
clear(): void;
function createBuilder(project: Project): Builder;
declare namespace ts.server {
enum ProjectKind {
Inferred = 0,
@ -7132,13 +7041,19 @@ declare namespace ts.server {
typescript: typeof ts;
}): PluginModule;
abstract class Project {
private readonly projectName;
* The project root can be script info - if root is present,
* or it could be just normalized path if root wasnt present on the host(only for non inferred project)
type ProjectRoot = ScriptInfo | NormalizedPath;
abstract class Project implements LanguageServiceHost, ModuleResolutionHost {
readonly projectName: string;
readonly projectKind: ProjectKind;
readonly projectService: ProjectService;
private documentRegistry;
private compilerOptions;
compileOnSaveEnabled: boolean;
directoryStructureHost: DirectoryStructureHost;
private rootFiles;
private rootFilesMap;
private program;
@ -7148,8 +7063,9 @@ declare namespace ts.server {
private lastCachedUnresolvedImportsList;
protected languageService: LanguageService;
languageServiceEnabled: boolean;
protected lsHost: LSHost;
builder: Builder;
readonly trace?: (s: string) => void;
readonly realpath?: (path: string) => string;
private builder;
* Set of files names that were updated since the last call to getChangesSinceVersion.
@ -7175,13 +7091,29 @@ declare namespace ts.server {
private projectStateVersion;
private typingFiles;
protected projectErrors: ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic>;
typesVersion: number;
isNonTsProject(): boolean;
isJsOnlyProject(): boolean;
getCachedUnresolvedImportsPerFile_TestOnly(): UnresolvedImportsMap;
static resolveModule(moduleName: string, initialDir: string, host: ServerHost, log: (message: string) => void): {};
constructor(projectName: string, projectKind: ProjectKind, projectService: ProjectService, documentRegistry: DocumentRegistry, hasExplicitListOfFiles: boolean, languageServiceEnabled: boolean, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, compileOnSaveEnabled: boolean);
getCompilationSettings(): CompilerOptions;
getNewLine(): string;
getProjectVersion(): string;
getScriptFileNames(): string[];
private getOrCreateScriptInfoAndAttachToProject(fileName);
getScriptKind(fileName: string): ScriptKind;
getScriptVersion(filename: string): string;
getScriptSnapshot(filename: string): IScriptSnapshot;
getCancellationToken(): HostCancellationToken;
getCurrentDirectory(): string;
getDefaultLibFileName(): string;
useCaseSensitiveFileNames(): boolean;
readDirectory(path: string, extensions?: ReadonlyArray<string>, exclude?: ReadonlyArray<string>, include?: ReadonlyArray<string>, depth?: number): string[];
readFile(fileName: string): string | undefined;
fileExists(file: string): boolean;
resolveModuleNames(moduleNames: string[], containingFile: string, reusedNames?: string[]): ResolvedModuleFull[];
resolveTypeReferenceDirectives(typeDirectiveNames: string[], containingFile: string): ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective[];
directoryExists(path: string): boolean;
getDirectories(path: string): string[];
private setInternalCompilerOptionsForEmittingJsFiles();
* Get the errors that dont have any file name associated
@ -7189,8 +7121,12 @@ declare namespace ts.server {
getGlobalProjectErrors(): ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic>;
getAllProjectErrors(): ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic>;
getLanguageService(ensureSynchronized?: boolean): LanguageService;
private ensureBuilder();
getCompileOnSaveAffectedFileList(scriptInfo: ScriptInfo): string[];
getProjectVersion(): string;
* Returns true if emit was conducted
emitFile(scriptInfo: ScriptInfo, writeFile: (path: string, data: string, writeByteOrderMark?: boolean) => void): boolean;
enableLanguageService(): void;
disableLanguageService(): void;
getProjectName(): string;
@ -7198,24 +7134,22 @@ declare namespace ts.server {
abstract getTypeAcquisition(): TypeAcquisition;
getExternalFiles(): SortedReadonlyArray<string>;
getSourceFile(path: Path): SourceFile;
updateTypes(): void;
close(): void;
getCompilerOptions(): CompilerOptions;
isClosed(): boolean;
hasRoots(): boolean;
getRootFiles(): NormalizedPath[];
getRootFilesLSHost(): string[];
getRootScriptInfos(): ScriptInfo[];
getScriptInfos(): ScriptInfo[];
getFileEmitOutput(info: ScriptInfo, emitOnlyDtsFiles: boolean): EmitOutput;
private getFileEmitOutput(sourceFile, emitOnlyDtsFiles, isDetailed);
getExcludedFiles(): ReadonlyArray<NormalizedPath>;
getFileNames(excludeFilesFromExternalLibraries?: boolean, excludeConfigFiles?: boolean): NormalizedPath[];
hasConfigFile(configFilePath: NormalizedPath): boolean;
getAllEmittableFiles(): string[];
containsScriptInfo(info: ScriptInfo): boolean;
containsFile(filename: NormalizedPath, requireOpen?: boolean): boolean;
isRoot(info: ScriptInfo): boolean;
addRoot(info: ScriptInfo): void;
removeFile(info: ScriptInfo, detachFromProject?: boolean): void;
addMissingFileRoot(fileName: NormalizedPath): void;
removeFile(info: ScriptInfo, fileExists: boolean, detachFromProject: boolean): void;
registerFileUpdate(fileName: string): void;
markAsDirty(): void;
private extractUnresolvedImportsFromSourceFile(file, result);
@ -7226,14 +7160,14 @@ declare namespace ts.server {
updateGraph(): boolean;
private setTypings(typings);
private updateGraphWorker();
isWatchedMissingFile(path: Path): boolean;
getScriptInfoLSHost(fileName: string): ScriptInfo;
private detachScriptInfoFromProject(uncheckedFileName);
private addMissingFileWatcher(missingFilePath);
private isWatchedMissingFile(path);
getScriptInfoForNormalizedPath(fileName: NormalizedPath): ScriptInfo;
getScriptInfo(uncheckedFileName: string): ScriptInfo;
filesToString(): string;
filesToString(writeProjectFileNames: boolean): string;
setCompilerOptions(compilerOptions: CompilerOptions): void;
reloadScript(filename: NormalizedPath, tempFileName?: NormalizedPath): boolean;
getReferencedFiles(path: Path): Path[];
protected removeRoot(info: ScriptInfo): void;
@ -7246,10 +7180,9 @@ declare namespace ts.server {
private _isJsInferredProject;
toggleJsInferredProject(isJsInferredProject: boolean): void;
setCompilerOptions(options?: CompilerOptions): void;
directoriesWatchedForTsconfig: string[];
constructor(projectService: ProjectService, documentRegistry: DocumentRegistry, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, projectRootPath?: string);
addRoot(info: ScriptInfo): void;
removeRoot(info: ScriptInfo): void;
isProjectWithSingleRoot(): boolean;
getProjectRootPath(): string;
close(): void;
getTypeAcquisition(): TypeAcquisition;
@ -7260,35 +7193,40 @@ declare namespace ts.server {
* Otherwise it will create an InferredProject.
class ConfiguredProject extends Project {
private wildcardDirectories;
compileOnSaveEnabled: boolean;
private typeAcquisition;
private projectFileWatcher;
private directoryWatcher;
private directoriesWatchedForWildcards;
private typeRootsWatchers;
readonly canonicalConfigFilePath: NormalizedPath;
private plugins;
/** Used for configured projects which may have multiple open roots */
openRefCount: number;
constructor(configFileName: NormalizedPath, projectService: ProjectService, documentRegistry: DocumentRegistry, hasExplicitListOfFiles: boolean, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, wildcardDirectories: Map<WatchDirectoryFlags>, languageServiceEnabled: boolean, compileOnSaveEnabled: boolean);
getConfigFilePath(): string;
private projectErrors;
* If the project has reload from disk pending, it reloads (and then updates graph as part of that) instead of just updating the graph
* @returns: true if set of files in the project stays the same and false - otherwise.
updateGraph(): boolean;
getConfigFilePath(): NormalizedPath;
enablePlugins(): void;
private enablePlugin(pluginConfigEntry, searchPaths);
private enableProxy(pluginModuleFactory, configEntry);
getProjectRootPath(): string;
setProjectErrors(projectErrors: ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic>): void;
* Get the errors that dont have any file name associated
getGlobalProjectErrors(): ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic>;
* Get all the project errors
getAllProjectErrors(): ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic>;
setProjectErrors(projectErrors: Diagnostic[]): void;
setTypeAcquisition(newTypeAcquisition: TypeAcquisition): void;
getTypeAcquisition(): TypeAcquisition;
getExternalFiles(): SortedReadonlyArray<string>;
watchConfigFile(callback: (project: ConfiguredProject) => void): void;
watchTypeRoots(callback: (project: ConfiguredProject, path: string) => void): void;
watchConfigDirectory(callback: (project: ConfiguredProject, path: string) => void): void;
watchWildcards(callback: (project: ConfiguredProject, path: string) => void): void;
stopWatchingDirectory(): void;
close(): void;
addOpenRef(): void;
deleteOpenRef(): number;
hasOpenRef(): boolean;
getEffectiveTypeRoots(): string[];
@ -7301,25 +7239,22 @@ declare namespace ts.server {
private readonly projectFilePath;
excludedFiles: ReadonlyArray<NormalizedPath>;
private typeAcquisition;
constructor(externalProjectName: string, projectService: ProjectService, documentRegistry: DocumentRegistry, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, languageServiceEnabled: boolean, compileOnSaveEnabled: boolean, projectFilePath?: string);
getExcludedFiles(): ReadonlyArray<NormalizedPath>;
getProjectRootPath(): string;
getTypeAcquisition(): TypeAcquisition;
setProjectErrors(projectErrors: ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic>): void;
setTypeAcquisition(newTypeAcquisition: TypeAcquisition): void;
declare namespace ts.server {
const maxProgramSizeForNonTsFiles: number;
const ContextEvent = "context";
const ProjectsUpdatedInBackgroundEvent = "projectsUpdatedInBackground";
const ConfigFileDiagEvent = "configFileDiag";
const ProjectLanguageServiceStateEvent = "projectLanguageServiceState";
const ProjectInfoTelemetryEvent = "projectInfo";
interface ContextEvent {
eventName: typeof ContextEvent;
interface ProjectsUpdatedInBackgroundEvent {
eventName: typeof ProjectsUpdatedInBackgroundEvent;
data: {
project: Project;
fileName: NormalizedPath;
openFiles: string[];
interface ConfigFileDiagEvent {
@ -7376,7 +7311,7 @@ declare namespace ts.server {
readonly tsx: number;
readonly dts: number;
type ProjectServiceEvent = ContextEvent | ConfigFileDiagEvent | ProjectLanguageServiceStateEvent | ProjectInfoTelemetryEvent;
type ProjectServiceEvent = ProjectsUpdatedInBackgroundEvent | ConfigFileDiagEvent | ProjectLanguageServiceStateEvent | ProjectInfoTelemetryEvent;
interface ProjectServiceEventHandler {
(event: ProjectServiceEvent): void;
@ -7444,21 +7379,33 @@ declare namespace ts.server {
* projects specified by a tsconfig.json file
readonly configuredProjects: ConfiguredProject[];
readonly configuredProjects: Map<ConfiguredProject>;
* list of open files
readonly openFiles: ScriptInfo[];
private compilerOptionsForInferredProjects;
private compilerOptionsForInferredProjectsPerProjectRoot;
* Project size for configured or external projects
private readonly projectToSizeMap;
private readonly directoryWatchers;
* This is a map of config file paths existance that doesnt need query to disk
* - The entry can be present because there is inferred project that needs to watch addition of config file to directory
* In this case the exists could be true/false based on config file is present or not
* - Or it is present if we have configured project open with config file at that location
* In this case the exists property is always true
private readonly configFileExistenceInfoCache;
private readonly throttledOperations;
private readonly hostConfiguration;
private safelist;
private changedFiles;
private pendingProjectUpdates;
private pendingInferredProjectUpdate;
readonly currentDirectory: string;
readonly toCanonicalFileName: (f: string) => string;
lastDeletedFile: ScriptInfo;
readonly host: ServerHost;
readonly logger: Logger;
readonly cancellationToken: HostCancellationToken;
@ -7474,90 +7421,137 @@ declare namespace ts.server {
/** Tracks projects that we have already sent telemetry for. */
private readonly seenProjects;
constructor(opts: ProjectServiceOptions);
ensureInferredProjectsUpToDate_TestOnly(): void;
getCompilerOptionsForInferredProjects(): CompilerOptions;
onUpdateLanguageServiceStateForProject(project: Project, languageServiceEnabled: boolean): void;
private createWatcherLog(watchType, project);
toPath(fileName: string): Path;
private loadTypesMap();
updateTypingsForProject(response: SetTypings | InvalidateCachedTypings): void;
private delayInferredProjectsRefresh();
private delayUpdateProjectGraph(project);
private sendProjectsUpdatedInBackgroundEvent();
private delayUpdateProjectGraphs(projects);
setCompilerOptionsForInferredProjects(projectCompilerOptions: protocol.ExternalProjectCompilerOptions, projectRootPath?: string): void;
stopWatchingDirectory(directory: string): void;
findProject(projectName: string): Project;
getDefaultProjectForFile(fileName: NormalizedPath, refreshInferredProjects: boolean): Project;
private ensureInferredProjectsUpToDate();
findProject(projectName: string): Project | undefined;
getDefaultProjectForFile(fileName: NormalizedPath, ensureProject: boolean): Project;
getScriptInfoEnsuringProjectsUptoDate(uncheckedFileName: string): ScriptInfo;
* Ensures the project structures are upto date
* This means,
* - if there are changedFiles (the files were updated but their containing project graph was not upto date),
* their project graph is updated
* - If there are pendingProjectUpdates (scheduled to be updated with delay so they can batch update the graph if there are several changes in short time span)
* their project graph is updated
* - If there were project graph updates and/or there was pending inferred project update and/or called forced the inferred project structure refresh
* Inferred projects are created/updated/deleted based on open files states
* @param forceInferredProjectsRefresh when true updates the inferred projects even if there is no pending work to update the files/project structures
private ensureProjectStructuresUptoDate(forceInferredProjectsRefresh?);
private findContainingExternalProject(fileName);
getFormatCodeOptions(file?: NormalizedPath): FormatCodeSettings;
private updateProjectGraphs(projects);
private onSourceFileChanged(fileName);
private onSourceFileChanged(fileName, eventKind);
private handleDeletedFile(info);
private onTypeRootFileChanged(project, fileName);
private onConfigChangedForConfiguredProject(project, eventKind);
* This is the callback function when a watched directory has added or removed source code files.
* @param project the project that associates with this directory watcher
* @param fileName the absolute file name that changed in watched directory
* This is the callback function for the config file add/remove/change at any location
* that matters to open script info but doesnt have configured project open
* for the config file
private onSourceFileInDirectoryChangedForConfiguredProject(project, fileName);
private handleChangeInSourceFileForConfiguredProject(project, triggerFile);
private onConfigChangedForConfiguredProject(project);
* This is the callback function when a watched directory has an added tsconfig file.
private onConfigFileAddedForInferredProject(fileName);
private getCanonicalFileName(fileName);
private onConfigFileChangeForOpenScriptInfo(configFileName, eventKind);
private removeProject(project);
private assignScriptInfoToInferredProjectIfNecessary(info, addToListOfOpenFiles, projectRootPath?);
private addToListOfOpenFiles(info);
* Remove this file from the set of open, non-configured files.
* @param info The file that has been closed or newly configured
private closeOpenFile(info);
private deleteOrphanScriptInfoNotInAnyProject();
private configFileExists(configFileName, canonicalConfigFilePath, info);
private setConfigFileExistenceByNewConfiguredProject(project);
* This function tries to search for a tsconfig.json for the given file. If we found it,
* we first detect if there is already a configured project created for it: if so, we re-read
* the tsconfig file content and update the project; otherwise we create a new one.
* Returns true if the configFileExistenceInfo is needed/impacted by open files that are root of inferred project
private openOrUpdateConfiguredProjectForFile(fileName, projectRootPath?);
private findConfigFile(searchPath, projectRootPath?);
private configFileExistenceImpactsRootOfInferredProject(configFileExistenceInfo);
private setConfigFileExistenceInfoByClosedConfiguredProject(closedProject);
private logConfigFileWatchUpdate(configFileName, canonicalConfigFilePath, configFileExistenceInfo, status);
* Create the watcher for the configFileExistenceInfo
private createConfigFileWatcherOfConfigFileExistence(configFileName, canonicalConfigFilePath, configFileExistenceInfo);
* Close the config file watcher in the cached ConfigFileExistenceInfo
* if there arent any open files that are root of inferred project
private closeConfigFileWatcherOfConfigFileExistenceInfo(configFileExistenceInfo);
* This is called on file close, so that we stop watching the config file for this script info
private stopWatchingConfigFilesForClosedScriptInfo(info);
* This function tries to search for a tsconfig.json for the given file.
* This is different from the method the compiler uses because
* the compiler can assume it will always start searching in the
* current directory (the directory in which tsc was invoked).
* The server must start searching from the directory containing
* the newly opened file.
private forEachConfigFileLocation(info, action, projectRootPath?);
* This function tries to search for a tsconfig.json for the given file.
* This is different from the method the compiler uses because
* the compiler can assume it will always start searching in the
* current directory (the directory in which tsc was invoked).
* The server must start searching from the directory containing
* the newly opened file.
private getConfigFileNameForFile(info, projectRootPath?);
private printProjects();
private findConfiguredProjectByProjectName(configFileName);
private getConfiguredProjectByCanonicalConfigFilePath(canonicalConfigFilePath);
private findExternalProjectByProjectName(projectFileName);
private convertConfigFileContentToProjectOptions(configFilename);
private convertConfigFileContentToProjectOptions(configFilename, cachedDirectoryStructureHost);
private exceededTotalSizeLimitForNonTsFiles<T>(name, options, fileNames, propertyReader);
private createAndAddExternalProject(projectFileName, files, options, typeAcquisition);
private createExternalProject(projectFileName, files, options, typeAcquisition);
private sendProjectTelemetry(projectKey, project, projectOptions?);
private reportConfigFileDiagnostics(configFileName, diagnostics, triggerFile);
private createAndAddConfiguredProject(configFileName, projectOptions, configFileErrors, clientFileName?);
private watchConfigDirectoryForProject(project, options);
private addFilesToProjectAndUpdateGraph<T>(project, files, propertyReader, clientFileName, typeAcquisition, configFileErrors);
private openConfigFile(configFileName, clientFileName?);
private updateNonInferredProject<T>(project, newUncheckedFiles, propertyReader, newOptions, newTypeAcquisition, compileOnSave, configFileErrors);
private updateConfiguredProject(project);
private getOrCreateInferredProjectForProjectRootPathIfEnabled(root, projectRootPath);
private addFilesToNonInferredProjectAndUpdateGraph<T>(project, files, propertyReader, typeAcquisition);
private createConfiguredProject(configFileName);
private updateNonInferredProjectFiles<T>(project, files, propertyReader);
private updateNonInferredProject<T>(project, newUncheckedFiles, propertyReader, newOptions, newTypeAcquisition, compileOnSave);
private getOrCreateInferredProjectForProjectRootPathIfEnabled(info, projectRootPath);
private getOrCreateSingleInferredProjectIfEnabled();
private createInferredProject(isSingleInferredProject?, projectRootPath?);
createInferredProjectWithRootFileIfNecessary(root: ScriptInfo, projectRootPath?: string): InferredProject;
* @param uncheckedFileName is absolute pathname
* @param fileContent is a known version of the file content that is more up to date than the one on disk
getOrCreateScriptInfo(uncheckedFileName: string, openedByClient: boolean, fileContent?: string, scriptKind?: ScriptKind): ScriptInfo;
private createInferredProject(rootDirectoryForResolution, isSingleInferredProject?, projectRootPath?);
getScriptInfo(uncheckedFileName: string): ScriptInfo;
watchClosedScriptInfo(info: ScriptInfo): void;
getOrCreateScriptInfoForNormalizedPath(fileName: NormalizedPath, openedByClient: boolean, fileContent?: string, scriptKind?: ScriptKind, hasMixedContent?: boolean, isDynamic?: boolean): ScriptInfo;
private watchClosedScriptInfo(info);
private stopWatchingScriptInfo(info);
getOrCreateScriptInfoForNormalizedPath(fileName: NormalizedPath, openedByClient: boolean, fileContent?: string, scriptKind?: ScriptKind, hasMixedContent?: boolean, hostToQueryFileExistsOn?: DirectoryStructureHost): ScriptInfo;
getScriptInfoForNormalizedPath(fileName: NormalizedPath): ScriptInfo;
getScriptInfoForPath(fileName: Path): ScriptInfo;
setHostConfiguration(args: protocol.ConfigureRequestArguments): void;
closeLog(): void;
* This function rebuilds the project for every file opened by the client
* This does not reload contents of open files from disk. But we could do that if needed
reloadProjects(): void;
private delayReloadConfiguredProjectForFiles(configFileExistenceInfo, ignoreIfNotRootOfInferredProject);
* This function is to update the project structure for every projects.
* This function goes through all the openFiles and tries to file the config file for them.
* If the config file is found and it refers to existing project, it reloads it either immediately
* or schedules it for reload depending on delayReload option
* If the there is no existing project it just opens the configured project for the config file
private reloadConfiguredProjectForFiles(openFiles, delayReload);
* Remove the root of inferred project if script info is part of another project
private removeRootOfInferredProjectIfNowPartOfOtherProject(info);
* This function is to update the project structure for every inferred project.
* It is called on the premise that all the configured projects are
* up to date.
* This will go through open files and assign them to inferred project if open file is not part of any other project
* After that all the inferred project graphs are updated
refreshInferredProjects(): void;
private refreshInferredProjects();
* Open file whose contents is managed by the client
* @param filename is absolute pathname

View file

@ -2405,22 +2405,23 @@ declare namespace ts {
Dts = ".d.ts",
Js = ".js",
Jsx = ".jsx",
Json = ".json",
interface ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations {
resolvedModule: ResolvedModuleFull | undefined;
readonly resolvedModule: ResolvedModuleFull | undefined;
interface ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective {
primary: boolean;
resolvedFileName?: string;
resolvedFileName: string | undefined;
packageId?: PackageId;
interface ResolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveWithFailedLookupLocations {
resolvedTypeReferenceDirective: ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective;
failedLookupLocations: string[];
readonly resolvedTypeReferenceDirective: ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective;
readonly failedLookupLocations: ReadonlyArray<string>;
interface CompilerHost extends ModuleResolutionHost {
getSourceFile(fileName: string, languageVersion: ScriptTarget, onError?: (message: string) => void): SourceFile | undefined;
getSourceFileByPath?(fileName: string, path: Path, languageVersion: ScriptTarget, onError?: (message: string) => void): SourceFile | undefined;
getSourceFile(fileName: string, languageVersion: ScriptTarget, onError?: (message: string) => void, shouldCreateNewSourceFile?: boolean): SourceFile | undefined;
getSourceFileByPath?(fileName: string, path: Path, languageVersion: ScriptTarget, onError?: (message: string) => void, shouldCreateNewSourceFile?: boolean): SourceFile | undefined;
getCancellationToken?(): CancellationToken;
getDefaultLibFileName(options: CompilerOptions): string;
getDefaultLibLocation?(): string;
@ -2430,7 +2431,7 @@ declare namespace ts {
getCanonicalFileName(fileName: string): string;
useCaseSensitiveFileNames(): boolean;
getNewLine(): string;
resolveModuleNames?(moduleNames: string[], containingFile: string): ResolvedModule[];
resolveModuleNames?(moduleNames: string[], containingFile: string, reusedNames?: string[]): ResolvedModule[];
* This method is a companion for 'resolveModuleNames' and is used to resolve 'types' references to actual type declaration files
@ -2683,14 +2684,26 @@ declare namespace ts {
callback: FileWatcherCallback;
mtime?: Date;
interface System {
args: string[];
* Partial interface of the System thats needed to support the caching of directory structure
interface DirectoryStructureHost {
newLine: string;
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: boolean;
write(s: string): void;
readFile(path: string, encoding?: string): string | undefined;
getFileSize?(path: string): number;
writeFile(path: string, data: string, writeByteOrderMark?: boolean): void;
fileExists(path: string): boolean;
directoryExists(path: string): boolean;
createDirectory(path: string): void;
getCurrentDirectory(): string;
getDirectories(path: string): string[];
readDirectory(path: string, extensions?: ReadonlyArray<string>, exclude?: ReadonlyArray<string>, include?: ReadonlyArray<string>, depth?: number): string[];
exit(exitCode?: number): void;
interface System extends DirectoryStructureHost {
args: string[];
getFileSize?(path: string): number;
* @pollingInterval - this parameter is used in polling-based watchers and ignored in watchers that
* use native OS file watching
@ -2698,13 +2711,7 @@ declare namespace ts {
watchFile?(path: string, callback: FileWatcherCallback, pollingInterval?: number): FileWatcher;
watchDirectory?(path: string, callback: DirectoryWatcherCallback, recursive?: boolean): FileWatcher;
resolvePath(path: string): string;
fileExists(path: string): boolean;
directoryExists(path: string): boolean;
createDirectory(path: string): void;
getExecutingFilePath(): string;
getCurrentDirectory(): string;
getDirectories(path: string): string[];
readDirectory(path: string, extensions?: ReadonlyArray<string>, exclude?: ReadonlyArray<string>, include?: ReadonlyArray<string>, depth?: number): string[];
getModifiedTime?(path: string): Date;
* This should be cryptographically secure.
@ -2712,7 +2719,6 @@ declare namespace ts {
createHash?(data: string): string;
getMemoryUsage?(): number;
exit(exitCode?: number): void;
realpath?(path: string): string;
setTimeout?(callback: (...args: any[]) => void, ms: number, ...args: any[]): any;
clearTimeout?(timeoutId: any): void;
@ -2720,10 +2726,6 @@ declare namespace ts {
interface FileWatcher {
close(): void;
interface DirectoryWatcher extends FileWatcher {
directoryName: string;
referenceCount: number;
function getNodeMajorVersion(): number;
let sys: System;
@ -3657,6 +3659,23 @@ declare namespace ts {
declare namespace ts {
function createPrinter(printerOptions?: PrinterOptions, handlers?: PrintHandlers): Printer;
declare namespace ts {
interface EmitOutput {
outputFiles: OutputFile[];
emitSkipped: boolean;
interface EmitOutputDetailed extends EmitOutput {
diagnostics: Diagnostic[];
sourceMaps: SourceMapData[];
emittedSourceFiles: SourceFile[];
interface OutputFile {
name: string;
writeByteOrderMark: boolean;
text: string;
function getFileEmitOutput(program: Program, sourceFile: SourceFile, emitOnlyDtsFiles: boolean, isDetailed: boolean, cancellationToken?: CancellationToken, customTransformers?: CustomTransformers): EmitOutput | EmitOutputDetailed;
declare namespace ts {
function findConfigFile(searchPath: string, fileExists: (fileName: string) => boolean, configName?: string): string;
function resolveTripleslashReference(moduleName: string, containingFile: string): string;
@ -3668,6 +3687,7 @@ declare namespace ts {
getNewLine(): string;
function formatDiagnostics(diagnostics: ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic>, host: FormatDiagnosticsHost): string;
function formatDiagnostic(diagnostic: Diagnostic, host: FormatDiagnosticsHost): string;
function formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext(diagnostics: ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic>, host: FormatDiagnosticsHost): string;
function flattenDiagnosticMessageText(messageText: string | DiagnosticMessageChain, newLine: string): string;
@ -3856,7 +3876,7 @@ declare namespace ts {
readFile?(path: string, encoding?: string): string | undefined;
fileExists?(path: string): boolean;
getTypeRootsVersion?(): number;
resolveModuleNames?(moduleNames: string[], containingFile: string): ResolvedModule[];
resolveModuleNames?(moduleNames: string[], containingFile: string, reusedNames?: string[]): ResolvedModule[];
resolveTypeReferenceDirectives?(typeDirectiveNames: string[], containingFile: string): ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective[];
directoryExists?(directoryName: string): boolean;
getDirectories?(directoryName: string): string[];
@ -3914,6 +3934,7 @@ declare namespace ts {
getApplicableRefactors(fileName: string, positionOrRaneg: number | TextRange): ApplicableRefactorInfo[];
getEditsForRefactor(fileName: string, formatOptions: FormatCodeSettings, positionOrRange: number | TextRange, refactorName: string, actionName: string): RefactorEditInfo | undefined;
getEmitOutput(fileName: string, emitOnlyDtsFiles?: boolean): EmitOutput;
getEmitOutput(fileName: string, emitOnlyDtsFiles?: boolean, isDetailed?: boolean): EmitOutput | EmitOutputDetailed;
getProgram(): Program;
dispose(): void;
@ -4270,20 +4291,11 @@ declare namespace ts {
autoCollapse: boolean;
interface EmitOutput {
outputFiles: OutputFile[];
emitSkipped: boolean;
enum OutputFileType {
JavaScript = 0,
SourceMap = 1,
Declaration = 2,
interface OutputFile {
name: string;
writeByteOrderMark: boolean;
text: string;
enum EndOfLineState {
None = 0,
InMultiLineCommentTrivia = 1,