Accept baselines

This commit is contained in:
Ryan Cavanaugh 2018-06-13 14:00:20 -07:00
parent 1bd1899d5a
commit b5883e5f54
2 changed files with 259 additions and 6780 deletions

View file

@ -1,63 +1,4 @@
/*! *****************************************************************************
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
License at
See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions
and limitations under the License.
***************************************************************************** */
declare namespace ts {
/** Gets a timestamp with (at least) ms resolution */
const timestamp: () => number;
/** Performance measurements for the compiler. */
declare namespace ts.performance {
* Marks a performance event.
* @param markName The name of the mark.
function mark(markName: string): void;
* Adds a performance measurement with the specified name.
* @param measureName The name of the performance measurement.
* @param startMarkName The name of the starting mark. If not supplied, the point at which the
* profiler was enabled is used.
* @param endMarkName The name of the ending mark. If not supplied, the current timestamp is
* used.
function measure(measureName: string, startMarkName?: string, endMarkName?: string): void;
* Gets the number of times a marker was encountered.
* @param markName The name of the mark.
function getCount(markName: string): number;
* Gets the total duration of all measurements with the supplied name.
* @param measureName The name of the measure whose durations should be accumulated.
function getDuration(measureName: string): number;
* Iterate over each measure, performing some action
* @param cb The action to perform for each measure
function forEachMeasure(cb: (measureName: string, duration: number) => void): void;
/** Enables (and resets) performance measurements for the compiler. */
function enable(): void;
/** Disables performance measurements for the compiler. */
function disable(): void;
declare namespace ts {
const versionMajorMinor = "3.0";
/** The version of the TypeScript compiler release */
@ -75,15 +16,6 @@ declare namespace ts {
interface SortedArray<T> extends Array<T> {
" __sortedArrayBrand": any;
declare namespace ts {
type EqualityComparer<T> = (a: T, b: T) => boolean;
type Comparer<T> = (a: T, b: T) => Comparison;
enum Comparison {
LessThan = -1,
EqualTo = 0,
GreaterThan = 1
/** ES6 Map interface, only read methods included. */
interface ReadonlyMap<T> {
get(key: string): T | undefined;
@ -114,6 +46,15 @@ declare namespace ts {
interface Push<T> {
push(...values: T[]): void;
type EqualityComparer<T> = (a: T, b: T) => boolean;
type Comparer<T> = (a: T, b: T) => Comparison;
enum Comparison {
LessThan = -1,
EqualTo = 0,
GreaterThan = 1
declare namespace ts {
/** Create a new map. If a template object is provided, the map will copy entries from it. */
function createMap<T>(): Map<T>;
function createMapFromEntries<T>(entries: [string, T][]): Map<T>;
@ -581,7 +522,51 @@ declare namespace ts {
function singleElementArray<T>(t: T | undefined): T[] | undefined;
function enumerateInsertsAndDeletes<T, U>(newItems: ReadonlyArray<T>, oldItems: ReadonlyArray<U>, comparer: (a: T, b: U) => Comparison, inserted: (newItem: T) => void, deleted: (oldItem: U) => void, unchanged?: (oldItem: U, newItem: T) => void): void;
declare namespace ts {
/** Gets a timestamp with (at least) ms resolution */
const timestamp: () => number;
/** Performance measurements for the compiler. */
declare namespace ts.performance {
* Marks a performance event.
* @param markName The name of the mark.
function mark(markName: string): void;
* Adds a performance measurement with the specified name.
* @param measureName The name of the performance measurement.
* @param startMarkName The name of the starting mark. If not supplied, the point at which the
* profiler was enabled is used.
* @param endMarkName The name of the ending mark. If not supplied, the current timestamp is
* used.
function measure(measureName: string, startMarkName?: string, endMarkName?: string): void;
* Gets the number of times a marker was encountered.
* @param markName The name of the mark.
function getCount(markName: string): number;
* Gets the total duration of all measurements with the supplied name.
* @param measureName The name of the measure whose durations should be accumulated.
function getDuration(measureName: string): number;
* Iterate over each measure, performing some action
* @param cb The action to perform for each measure
function forEachMeasure(cb: (measureName: string, duration: number) => void): void;
/** Enables (and resets) performance measurements for the compiler. */
function enable(): void;
/** Disables performance measurements for the compiler. */
function disable(): void;
declare namespace ts {
type Path = string & {
__pathBrand: any;
@ -5973,14 +5958,11 @@ declare namespace ts {
/** Non-internal stuff goes here */
declare namespace ts {
const emptyArray: never[];
function closeFileWatcher(watcher: FileWatcher): void;
function isExternalModuleNameRelative(moduleName: string): boolean;
function sortAndDeduplicateDiagnostics<T extends Diagnostic>(diagnostics: ReadonlyArray<T>): T[];
function toPath(fileName: string, basePath: string | undefined, getCanonicalFileName: (path: string) => string): Path;
function hasEntries(map: ReadonlyUnderscoreEscapedMap<any> | undefined): map is ReadonlyUnderscoreEscapedMap<any>;
declare namespace ts {
const emptyArray: never[];
const resolvingEmptyArray: never[];
const emptyMap: ReadonlyMap<never>;
const emptyUnderscoreEscapedMap: ReadonlyUnderscoreEscapedMap<never>;
@ -5988,7 +5970,9 @@ declare namespace ts {
function getDeclarationOfKind<T extends Declaration>(symbol: Symbol, kind: T["kind"]): T | undefined;
/** Create a new escaped identifier map. */
function createUnderscoreEscapedMap<T>(): UnderscoreEscapedMap<T>;
function hasEntries(map: ReadonlyUnderscoreEscapedMap<any> | undefined): map is ReadonlyUnderscoreEscapedMap<any>;
function createSymbolTable(symbols?: ReadonlyArray<Symbol>): SymbolTable;
function toPath(fileName: string, basePath: string | undefined, getCanonicalFileName: (path: string) => string): Path;
function changesAffectModuleResolution(oldOptions: CompilerOptions, newOptions: CompilerOptions): boolean;
* Iterates through the parent chain of a node and performs the callback on each parent until the callback
@ -6547,6 +6531,7 @@ declare namespace ts {
function isDeclarationNameOfEnumOrNamespace(node: Identifier): boolean;
function getInitializedVariables(node: VariableDeclarationList): ReadonlyArray<VariableDeclaration>;
function isWatchSet(options: CompilerOptions): boolean | undefined;
function closeFileWatcher(watcher: FileWatcher): void;
function getCheckFlags(symbol: Symbol): CheckFlags;
function getDeclarationModifierFlagsFromSymbol(s: Symbol): ModifierFlags;
function skipAlias(symbol: Symbol, checker: TypeChecker): Symbol;
@ -7033,6 +7018,8 @@ declare namespace ts {
function isTypeReferenceType(node: Node): node is TypeReferenceType;
function guessIndentation(lines: string[]): number | undefined;
function isStringLiteralLike(node: Node): node is StringLiteralLike;
declare namespace ts {
/** @internal */
function isNamedImportsOrExports(node: Node): node is NamedImportsOrExports;
interface ObjectAllocator {
@ -7170,6 +7157,9 @@ declare namespace ts {
* segments (at indices > 0).
function getPathFromPathComponents(pathComponents: ReadonlyArray<string>): string;
declare namespace ts {
function getPathComponentsRelativeTo(from: string, to: string, stringEqualityComparer: (a: string, b: string) => boolean, getCanonicalFileName: GetCanonicalFileName): string[];
function getRelativePathFromFile(from: string, to: string, getCanonicalFileName: GetCanonicalFileName): string;
* Gets a relative path that can be used to traverse between `from` and `to`.
@ -7625,7 +7615,6 @@ declare namespace ts {
function loadModuleFromGlobalCache(moduleName: string, projectName: string | undefined, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions, host: ModuleResolutionHost, globalCache: string): ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations;
declare namespace ts {
enum ModuleInstanceState {
NonInstantiated = 0,
@ -7649,7 +7638,7 @@ declare namespace ts {
* For performance reasons, `computeTransformFlagsForNode` uses local constant values rather
* than calling this function.
function getTransformFlagsSubtreeExclusions(kind: SyntaxKind): TransformFlags.OuterExpressionExcludes | TransformFlags.PropertyAccessExcludes | TransformFlags.NodeExcludes | TransformFlags.ArrowFunctionExcludes | TransformFlags.FunctionExcludes | TransformFlags.ConstructorExcludes | TransformFlags.ClassExcludes | TransformFlags.ModuleExcludes | TransformFlags.TypeExcludes | TransformFlags.ObjectLiteralExcludes | TransformFlags.ArrayLiteralOrCallOrNewExcludes | TransformFlags.VariableDeclarationListExcludes | TransformFlags.CatchClauseExcludes;
function getTransformFlagsSubtreeExclusions(kind: SyntaxKind): TransformFlags;
/** @internal */
declare namespace ts {
@ -7757,7 +7746,7 @@ declare namespace ts {
function updateUnionTypeNode(node: UnionTypeNode, types: NodeArray<TypeNode>): UnionTypeNode;
function createIntersectionTypeNode(types: ReadonlyArray<TypeNode>): IntersectionTypeNode;
function updateIntersectionTypeNode(node: IntersectionTypeNode, types: NodeArray<TypeNode>): IntersectionTypeNode;
function createUnionOrIntersectionTypeNode(kind: SyntaxKind.UnionType | SyntaxKind.IntersectionType, types: ReadonlyArray<TypeNode>): UnionTypeNode | IntersectionTypeNode;
function createUnionOrIntersectionTypeNode(kind: SyntaxKind.UnionType | SyntaxKind.IntersectionType, types: ReadonlyArray<TypeNode>): UnionOrIntersectionTypeNode;
function createConditionalTypeNode(checkType: TypeNode, extendsType: TypeNode, trueType: TypeNode, falseType: TypeNode): ConditionalTypeNode;
function updateConditionalTypeNode(node: ConditionalTypeNode, checkType: TypeNode, extendsType: TypeNode, trueType: TypeNode, falseType: TypeNode): ConditionalTypeNode;
function createInferTypeNode(typeParameter: TypeParameterDeclaration): InferTypeNode;
@ -9497,16 +9486,16 @@ declare namespace ts {
getKeys: () => ReadonlyArray<ResolvedConfigFileName>;
function createBuildContext(options: BuildOptions): BuildContext;
function performBuild(args: string[], compilerHost: CompilerHost, buildHost: BuildHost, system?: System): void;
function performBuild(args: string[], compilerHost: CompilerHost, buildHost: BuildHost, system?: System): number | undefined;
* A SolutionBuilder has an immutable set of rootNames that are the "entry point" projects, but
* can dynamically add/remove other projects based on changes on the rootNames' references
function createSolutionBuilder(compilerHost: CompilerHost, buildHost: BuildHost, rootNames: ReadonlyArray<string>, defaultOptions: BuildOptions, system?: System): {
buildAllProjects: () => void;
buildAllProjects: () => number;
getUpToDateStatus: (project: ParsedCommandLine | undefined) => UpToDateStatus;
getUpToDateStatusOfFile: (configFileName: ResolvedConfigFileName) => UpToDateStatus;
cleanAllProjects: () => void;
cleanAllProjects: () => ExitStatus.Success | ExitStatus.DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped;
resetBuildContext: (opts?: BuildOptions) => void;
getBuildGraph: (configFileNames: ReadonlyArray<string>) => DependencyGraph | undefined;
invalidateProject: (configFileName: string) => void;
@ -9517,6 +9506,186 @@ declare namespace ts {
declare namespace ts.server {
const ActionSet: ActionSet;
const ActionInvalidate: ActionInvalidate;
const ActionPackageInstalled: ActionPackageInstalled;
const EventTypesRegistry: EventTypesRegistry;
const EventBeginInstallTypes: EventBeginInstallTypes;
const EventEndInstallTypes: EventEndInstallTypes;
const EventInitializationFailed: EventInitializationFailed;
namespace Arguments {
const GlobalCacheLocation = "--globalTypingsCacheLocation";
const LogFile = "--logFile";
const EnableTelemetry = "--enableTelemetry";
const TypingSafeListLocation = "--typingSafeListLocation";
const TypesMapLocation = "--typesMapLocation";
* This argument specifies the location of the NPM executable.
* typingsInstaller will run the command with `${npmLocation} install ...`.
const NpmLocation = "--npmLocation";
function hasArgument(argumentName: string): boolean;
function findArgument(argumentName: string): string | undefined;
function nowString(): string;
declare namespace ts.server {
type ActionSet = "action::set";
type ActionInvalidate = "action::invalidate";
type ActionPackageInstalled = "action::packageInstalled";
type EventTypesRegistry = "event::typesRegistry";
type EventBeginInstallTypes = "event::beginInstallTypes";
type EventEndInstallTypes = "event::endInstallTypes";
type EventInitializationFailed = "event::initializationFailed";
interface SortedReadonlyArray<T> extends ReadonlyArray<T> {
" __sortedArrayBrand": any;
interface TypingInstallerResponse {
readonly kind: ActionSet | ActionInvalidate | EventTypesRegistry | ActionPackageInstalled | EventBeginInstallTypes | EventEndInstallTypes | EventInitializationFailed;
interface TypingInstallerRequestWithProjectName {
readonly projectName: string;
type TypingInstallerRequestUnion = DiscoverTypings | CloseProject | TypesRegistryRequest | InstallPackageRequest;
interface DiscoverTypings extends TypingInstallerRequestWithProjectName {
readonly fileNames: string[];
readonly projectRootPath: Path;
readonly compilerOptions: CompilerOptions;
readonly typeAcquisition: TypeAcquisition;
readonly unresolvedImports: SortedReadonlyArray<string>;
readonly cachePath?: string;
readonly kind: "discover";
interface CloseProject extends TypingInstallerRequestWithProjectName {
readonly kind: "closeProject";
interface TypesRegistryRequest {
readonly kind: "typesRegistry";
interface InstallPackageRequest extends TypingInstallerRequestWithProjectName {
readonly kind: "installPackage";
readonly fileName: Path;
readonly packageName: string;
readonly projectRootPath: Path;
interface TypesRegistryResponse extends TypingInstallerResponse {
readonly kind: EventTypesRegistry;
readonly typesRegistry: MapLike<MapLike<string>>;
interface PackageInstalledResponse extends ProjectResponse {
readonly kind: ActionPackageInstalled;
readonly success: boolean;
readonly message: string;
interface InitializationFailedResponse extends TypingInstallerResponse {
readonly kind: EventInitializationFailed;
readonly message: string;
interface ProjectResponse extends TypingInstallerResponse {
readonly projectName: string;
interface InvalidateCachedTypings extends ProjectResponse {
readonly kind: ActionInvalidate;
interface InstallTypes extends ProjectResponse {
readonly kind: EventBeginInstallTypes | EventEndInstallTypes;
readonly eventId: number;
readonly typingsInstallerVersion: string;
readonly packagesToInstall: ReadonlyArray<string>;
interface BeginInstallTypes extends InstallTypes {
readonly kind: EventBeginInstallTypes;
interface EndInstallTypes extends InstallTypes {
readonly kind: EventEndInstallTypes;
readonly installSuccess: boolean;
interface InstallTypingHost extends JsTyping.TypingResolutionHost {
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: boolean;
writeFile(path: string, content: string): void;
createDirectory(path: string): void;
watchFile?(path: string, callback: FileWatcherCallback, pollingInterval?: number): FileWatcher;
watchDirectory?(path: string, callback: DirectoryWatcherCallback, recursive?: boolean): FileWatcher;
interface SetTypings extends ProjectResponse {
readonly typeAcquisition: TypeAcquisition;
readonly compilerOptions: CompilerOptions;
readonly typings: string[];
readonly unresolvedImports: SortedReadonlyArray<string>;
readonly kind: ActionSet;
type TypingInstallerResponseUnion = SetTypings | InvalidateCachedTypings | TypesRegistryResponse | PackageInstalledResponse | InstallTypes | InitializationFailedResponse;
declare namespace ts.JsTyping {
interface TypingResolutionHost {
directoryExists(path: string): boolean;
fileExists(fileName: string): boolean;
readFile(path: string, encoding?: string): string | undefined;
readDirectory(rootDir: string, extensions: ReadonlyArray<string>, excludes: ReadonlyArray<string> | undefined, includes: ReadonlyArray<string> | undefined, depth?: number): string[];
interface CachedTyping {
typingLocation: string;
version: Semver;
function isTypingUpToDate(cachedTyping: CachedTyping, availableTypingVersions: MapLike<string>): boolean;
const nodeCoreModuleList: ReadonlyArray<string>;
const nodeCoreModules: Map<true>;
* A map of loose file names to library names that we are confident require typings
type SafeList = ReadonlyMap<string>;
function loadSafeList(host: TypingResolutionHost, safeListPath: Path): SafeList;
function loadTypesMap(host: TypingResolutionHost, typesMapPath: Path): SafeList | undefined;
* @param host is the object providing I/O related operations.
* @param fileNames are the file names that belong to the same project
* @param projectRootPath is the path to the project root directory
* @param safeListPath is the path used to retrieve the safe list
* @param packageNameToTypingLocation is the map of package names to their cached typing locations and installed versions
* @param typeAcquisition is used to customize the typing acquisition process
* @param compilerOptions are used as a source for typing inference
function discoverTypings(host: TypingResolutionHost, log: ((message: string) => void) | undefined, fileNames: string[], projectRootPath: Path, safeList: SafeList, packageNameToTypingLocation: ReadonlyMap<CachedTyping>, typeAcquisition: TypeAcquisition, unresolvedImports: ReadonlyArray<string>, typesRegistry: ReadonlyMap<MapLike<string>>): {
cachedTypingPaths: string[];
newTypingNames: string[];
filesToWatch: string[];
enum PackageNameValidationResult {
Ok = 0,
ScopedPackagesNotSupported = 1,
EmptyName = 2,
NameTooLong = 3,
NameStartsWithDot = 4,
NameStartsWithUnderscore = 5,
NameContainsNonURISafeCharacters = 6
* Validates package name using rules defined at
function validatePackageName(packageName: string): PackageNameValidationResult;
function renderPackageNameValidationFailure(result: PackageNameValidationResult, typing: string): string;
declare namespace ts {
class Semver {
readonly major: number;
readonly minor: number;
readonly patch: number;
* If true, this is `major.minor.0-next.patch`.
* If false, this is `major.minor.patch`.
readonly isPrerelease: boolean;
static parse(semver: string): Semver;
static fromRaw({ major, minor, patch, isPrerelease }: Semver): Semver;
private static tryParse;
private constructor();
readonly versionString: string;
equals(sem: Semver): boolean;
greaterThan(sem: Semver): boolean;
declare namespace ts {
interface Node {
getSourceFile(): SourceFile;
@ -11839,186 +12008,6 @@ declare namespace TypeScript.Services {
declare const toolsVersion = "3.0";
declare namespace ts.server {
const ActionSet: ActionSet;
const ActionInvalidate: ActionInvalidate;
const ActionPackageInstalled: ActionPackageInstalled;
const EventTypesRegistry: EventTypesRegistry;
const EventBeginInstallTypes: EventBeginInstallTypes;
const EventEndInstallTypes: EventEndInstallTypes;
const EventInitializationFailed: EventInitializationFailed;
namespace Arguments {
const GlobalCacheLocation = "--globalTypingsCacheLocation";
const LogFile = "--logFile";
const EnableTelemetry = "--enableTelemetry";
const TypingSafeListLocation = "--typingSafeListLocation";
const TypesMapLocation = "--typesMapLocation";
* This argument specifies the location of the NPM executable.
* typingsInstaller will run the command with `${npmLocation} install ...`.
const NpmLocation = "--npmLocation";
function hasArgument(argumentName: string): boolean;
function findArgument(argumentName: string): string | undefined;
function nowString(): string;
declare namespace ts.server {
type ActionSet = "action::set";
type ActionInvalidate = "action::invalidate";
type ActionPackageInstalled = "action::packageInstalled";
type EventTypesRegistry = "event::typesRegistry";
type EventBeginInstallTypes = "event::beginInstallTypes";
type EventEndInstallTypes = "event::endInstallTypes";
type EventInitializationFailed = "event::initializationFailed";
interface SortedReadonlyArray<T> extends ReadonlyArray<T> {
" __sortedArrayBrand": any;
interface TypingInstallerResponse {
readonly kind: ActionSet | ActionInvalidate | EventTypesRegistry | ActionPackageInstalled | EventBeginInstallTypes | EventEndInstallTypes | EventInitializationFailed;
interface TypingInstallerRequestWithProjectName {
readonly projectName: string;
type TypingInstallerRequestUnion = DiscoverTypings | CloseProject | TypesRegistryRequest | InstallPackageRequest;
interface DiscoverTypings extends TypingInstallerRequestWithProjectName {
readonly fileNames: string[];
readonly projectRootPath: Path;
readonly compilerOptions: CompilerOptions;
readonly typeAcquisition: TypeAcquisition;
readonly unresolvedImports: SortedReadonlyArray<string>;
readonly cachePath?: string;
readonly kind: "discover";
interface CloseProject extends TypingInstallerRequestWithProjectName {
readonly kind: "closeProject";
interface TypesRegistryRequest {
readonly kind: "typesRegistry";
interface InstallPackageRequest extends TypingInstallerRequestWithProjectName {
readonly kind: "installPackage";
readonly fileName: Path;
readonly packageName: string;
readonly projectRootPath: Path;
interface TypesRegistryResponse extends TypingInstallerResponse {
readonly kind: EventTypesRegistry;
readonly typesRegistry: MapLike<MapLike<string>>;
interface PackageInstalledResponse extends ProjectResponse {
readonly kind: ActionPackageInstalled;
readonly success: boolean;
readonly message: string;
interface InitializationFailedResponse extends TypingInstallerResponse {
readonly kind: EventInitializationFailed;
readonly message: string;
interface ProjectResponse extends TypingInstallerResponse {
readonly projectName: string;
interface InvalidateCachedTypings extends ProjectResponse {
readonly kind: ActionInvalidate;
interface InstallTypes extends ProjectResponse {
readonly kind: EventBeginInstallTypes | EventEndInstallTypes;
readonly eventId: number;
readonly typingsInstallerVersion: string;
readonly packagesToInstall: ReadonlyArray<string>;
interface BeginInstallTypes extends InstallTypes {
readonly kind: EventBeginInstallTypes;
interface EndInstallTypes extends InstallTypes {
readonly kind: EventEndInstallTypes;
readonly installSuccess: boolean;
interface InstallTypingHost extends JsTyping.TypingResolutionHost {
useCaseSensitiveFileNames: boolean;
writeFile(path: string, content: string): void;
createDirectory(path: string): void;
watchFile?(path: string, callback: FileWatcherCallback, pollingInterval?: number): FileWatcher;
watchDirectory?(path: string, callback: DirectoryWatcherCallback, recursive?: boolean): FileWatcher;
interface SetTypings extends ProjectResponse {
readonly typeAcquisition: TypeAcquisition;
readonly compilerOptions: CompilerOptions;
readonly typings: string[];
readonly unresolvedImports: SortedReadonlyArray<string>;
readonly kind: ActionSet;
type TypingInstallerResponseUnion = SetTypings | InvalidateCachedTypings | TypesRegistryResponse | PackageInstalledResponse | InstallTypes | InitializationFailedResponse;
declare namespace ts.JsTyping {
interface TypingResolutionHost {
directoryExists(path: string): boolean;
fileExists(fileName: string): boolean;
readFile(path: string, encoding?: string): string | undefined;
readDirectory(rootDir: string, extensions: ReadonlyArray<string>, excludes: ReadonlyArray<string> | undefined, includes: ReadonlyArray<string> | undefined, depth?: number): string[];
interface CachedTyping {
typingLocation: string;
version: Semver;
function isTypingUpToDate(cachedTyping: CachedTyping, availableTypingVersions: MapLike<string>): boolean;
const nodeCoreModuleList: ReadonlyArray<string>;
const nodeCoreModules: Map<true>;
* A map of loose file names to library names that we are confident require typings
type SafeList = ReadonlyMap<string>;
function loadSafeList(host: TypingResolutionHost, safeListPath: Path): SafeList;
function loadTypesMap(host: TypingResolutionHost, typesMapPath: Path): SafeList | undefined;
* @param host is the object providing I/O related operations.
* @param fileNames are the file names that belong to the same project
* @param projectRootPath is the path to the project root directory
* @param safeListPath is the path used to retrieve the safe list
* @param packageNameToTypingLocation is the map of package names to their cached typing locations and installed versions
* @param typeAcquisition is used to customize the typing acquisition process
* @param compilerOptions are used as a source for typing inference
function discoverTypings(host: TypingResolutionHost, log: ((message: string) => void) | undefined, fileNames: string[], projectRootPath: Path, safeList: SafeList, packageNameToTypingLocation: ReadonlyMap<CachedTyping>, typeAcquisition: TypeAcquisition, unresolvedImports: ReadonlyArray<string>, typesRegistry: ReadonlyMap<MapLike<string>>): {
cachedTypingPaths: string[];
newTypingNames: string[];
filesToWatch: string[];
enum PackageNameValidationResult {
Ok = 0,
ScopedPackagesNotSupported = 1,
EmptyName = 2,
NameTooLong = 3,
NameStartsWithDot = 4,
NameStartsWithUnderscore = 5,
NameContainsNonURISafeCharacters = 6
* Validates package name using rules defined at
function validatePackageName(packageName: string): PackageNameValidationResult;
function renderPackageNameValidationFailure(result: PackageNameValidationResult, typing: string): string;
declare namespace ts {
class Semver {
readonly major: number;
readonly minor: number;
readonly patch: number;
* If true, this is `major.minor.0-next.patch`.
* If false, this is `major.minor.patch`.
readonly isPrerelease: boolean;
static parse(semver: string): Semver;
static fromRaw({ major, minor, patch, isPrerelease }: Semver): Semver;
private static tryParse;
private constructor();
readonly versionString: string;
equals(sem: Semver): boolean;
greaterThan(sem: Semver): boolean;
declare namespace ts.server {
interface CompressedData {
length: number;
@ -14127,6 +14116,5 @@ declare namespace ts.server {
export = ts;
export as namespace ts;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long