diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js b/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js index 8ea5185335..5b078893c6 100644 --- a/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js +++ b/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js @@ -95,100 +95,46 @@ var arr: any[]; //// [taggedTemplateStringsTypeArgumentInference.js] // Generic tag with one parameter -<<<<<<< HEAD -function noParams(n) { -} +function noParams(n) { } (_a = [""], _a.raw = [""], noParams(_a)); // Generic tag with parameter which does not use type parameter -function noGenericParams(n) { -} +function noGenericParams(n) { } (_b = [""], _b.raw = [""], noGenericParams(_b)); // Generic tag with multiple type parameters and only one used in parameter type annotation -function someGenerics1a(n, m) { -} +function someGenerics1a(n, m) { } (_c = ["", ""], _c.raw = ["", ""], someGenerics1a(_c, 3)); -function someGenerics1b(n, m) { -} +function someGenerics1b(n, m) { } (_d = ["", ""], _d.raw = ["", ""], someGenerics1b(_d, 3)); // Generic tag with argument of function type whose parameter is of type parameter type -function someGenerics2a(strs, n) { -} +function someGenerics2a(strs, n) { } (_e = ["", ""], _e.raw = ["", ""], someGenerics2a(_e, function (n) { return n; })); -function someGenerics2b(strs, n) { -} +function someGenerics2b(strs, n) { } (_f = ["", ""], _f.raw = ["", ""], someGenerics2b(_f, function (n, x) { return n; })); // Generic tag with argument of function type whose parameter is not of type parameter type but body/return type uses type parameter -function someGenerics3(strs, producer) { -} +function someGenerics3(strs, producer) { } (_g = ["", ""], _g.raw = ["", ""], someGenerics3(_g, function () { return ''; })); (_h = ["", ""], _h.raw = ["", ""], someGenerics3(_h, function () { return undefined; })); (_j = ["", ""], _j.raw = ["", ""], someGenerics3(_j, function () { return 3; })); // 2 parameter generic tag with argument 1 of type parameter type and argument 2 of function type whose parameter is of type parameter type -function someGenerics4(strs, n, f) { -} +function someGenerics4(strs, n, f) { } (_k = ["", "", ""], _k.raw = ["", "", ""], someGenerics4(_k, 4, function () { return null; })); (_l = ["", "", ""], _l.raw = ["", "", ""], someGenerics4(_l, '', function () { return 3; })); (_m = ["", "", ""], _m.raw = ["", "", ""], someGenerics4(_m, null, null)); // 2 parameter generic tag with argument 2 of type parameter type and argument 1 of function type whose parameter is of type parameter type -function someGenerics5(strs, n, f) { -} +function someGenerics5(strs, n, f) { } (_n = ["", " ", ""], _n.raw = ["", " ", ""], someGenerics5(_n, 4, function () { return null; })); (_o = ["", "", ""], _o.raw = ["", "", ""], someGenerics5(_o, '', function () { return 3; })); (_p = ["", "", ""], _p.raw = ["", "", ""], someGenerics5(_p, null, null)); // Generic tag with multiple arguments of function types that each have parameters of the same generic type -function someGenerics6(strs, a, b, c) { -} +function someGenerics6(strs, a, b, c) { } (_q = ["", "", "", ""], _q.raw = ["", "", "", ""], someGenerics6(_q, function (n) { return n; }, function (n) { return n; }, function (n) { return n; })); (_r = ["", "", "", ""], _r.raw = ["", "", "", ""], someGenerics6(_r, function (n) { return n; }, function (n) { return n; }, function (n) { return n; })); (_s = ["", "", "", ""], _s.raw = ["", "", "", ""], someGenerics6(_s, function (n) { return n; }, function (n) { return n; }, function (n) { return n; })); // Generic tag with multiple arguments of function types that each have parameters of different generic type -function someGenerics7(strs, a, b, c) { -} +function someGenerics7(strs, a, b, c) { } (_t = ["", "", "", ""], _t.raw = ["", "", "", ""], someGenerics7(_t, function (n) { return n; }, function (n) { return n; }, function (n) { return n; })); (_u = ["", "", "", ""], _u.raw = ["", "", "", ""], someGenerics7(_u, function (n) { return n; }, function (n) { return n; }, function (n) { return n; })); (_v = ["", "", "", ""], _v.raw = ["", "", "", ""], someGenerics7(_v, function (n) { return n; }, function (n) { return n; }, function (n) { return n; })); -======= -function noParams(n) { } -noParams ""; -// Generic tag with parameter which does not use type parameter -function noGenericParams(n) { } -noGenericParams ""; -// Generic tag with multiple type parameters and only one used in parameter type annotation -function someGenerics1a(n, m) { } -someGenerics1a "" + 3; -function someGenerics1b(n, m) { } -someGenerics1b "" + 3; -// Generic tag with argument of function type whose parameter is of type parameter type -function someGenerics2a(strs, n) { } -someGenerics2a "" + function (n) { return n; }; -function someGenerics2b(strs, n) { } -someGenerics2b "" + function (n, x) { return n; }; -// Generic tag with argument of function type whose parameter is not of type parameter type but body/return type uses type parameter -function someGenerics3(strs, producer) { } -someGenerics3 "" + function () { return ''; }; -someGenerics3 "" + function () { return undefined; }; -someGenerics3 "" + function () { return 3; }; -// 2 parameter generic tag with argument 1 of type parameter type and argument 2 of function type whose parameter is of type parameter type -function someGenerics4(strs, n, f) { } -someGenerics4 "" + 4 + function () { return null; }; -someGenerics4 "" + '' + function () { return 3; }; -someGenerics4 "" + null + null; -// 2 parameter generic tag with argument 2 of type parameter type and argument 1 of function type whose parameter is of type parameter type -function someGenerics5(strs, n, f) { } -someGenerics5 4 + " " + function () { return null; }; -someGenerics5 "" + '' + function () { return 3; }; -someGenerics5 "" + null + null; -// Generic tag with multiple arguments of function types that each have parameters of the same generic type -function someGenerics6(strs, a, b, c) { } -someGenerics6 "" + function (n) { return n; } + function (n) { return n; } + function (n) { return n; }; -someGenerics6 "" + function (n) { return n; } + function (n) { return n; } + function (n) { return n; }; -someGenerics6 "" + function (n) { return n; } + function (n) { return n; } + function (n) { return n; }; -// Generic tag with multiple arguments of function types that each have parameters of different generic type -function someGenerics7(strs, a, b, c) { } -someGenerics7 "" + function (n) { return n; } + function (n) { return n; } + function (n) { return n; }; -someGenerics7 "" + function (n) { return n; } + function (n) { return n; } + function (n) { return n; }; -someGenerics7 "" + function (n) { return n; } + function (n) { return n; } + function (n) { return n; }; ->>>>>>> master // Generic tag with argument of generic function type function someGenerics8(strs, n) { return n; diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js b/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js index 3ef61d2c66..dfb4bf43b3 100644 --- a/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js +++ b/tests/baselines/reference/taggedTemplateStringsWithOverloadResolution3.js @@ -103,14 +103,8 @@ var s = (_k = ["", ""], _k.raw = ["", ""], fn3(_k, 4)); var s = (_l = ["", "", "", ""], _l.raw = ["", "", "", ""], fn3(_l, '', '', '')); var n = (_m = ["", "", "", ""], _m.raw = ["", "", "", ""], fn3(_m, '', '', 3)); // Generic overloads with differing arity tagging with argument count that doesn't match any overload -<<<<<<< HEAD (_n = [""], _n.raw = [""], fn3(_n)); // Error -function fn4() { -} -======= -fn3 ""; // Error function fn4() { } ->>>>>>> master // Generic overloads with constraints tagged with types that satisfy the constraints (_o = ["", "", ""], _o.raw = ["", "", ""], fn4(_o, '', 3)); (_p = ["", "", ""], _p.raw = ["", "", ""], fn4(_p, 3, ''));