Getting rid of subtype reduction for union types

This commit is contained in:
Anders Hejlsberg 2015-07-16 15:27:53 -07:00
parent 7dbb69ac33
commit c8423d3a89

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@ -3050,44 +3050,57 @@ namespace ts {
setObjectTypeMembers(type, members, arrayType.callSignatures, arrayType.constructSignatures, arrayType.stringIndexType, arrayType.numberIndexType);
function signatureListsIdentical(s: Signature[], t: Signature[]): boolean {
if (s.length !== t.length) {
return false;
for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
if (!compareSignatures(s[i], t[i], /*compareReturnTypes*/ false, compareTypes)) {
return false;
function findMatchingSignature(signature: Signature, signatureList: Signature[]): Signature {
for (let s of signatureList) {
// Only signatures with no type parameters may differ in return types
if (compareSignatures(signature, s, /*compareReturnTypes*/ !!signature.typeParameters, compareTypes)) {
return s;
return true;
// If the lists of call or construct signatures in the given types are all identical except for return types,
// and if none of the signatures are generic, return a list of signatures that has substitutes a union of the
// return types of the corresponding signatures in each resulting signature.
function getUnionSignatures(types: Type[], kind: SignatureKind): Signature[] {
let signatureLists = map(types, t => getSignaturesOfType(t, kind));
let signatures = signatureLists[0];
for (let signature of signatures) {
if (signature.typeParameters) {
return emptyArray;
function findMatchingSignatures(signature: Signature, signatureLists: Signature[][]): Signature[] {
let result: Signature[] = undefined;
for (let i = 1; i < signatureLists.length; i++) {
if (!signatureListsIdentical(signatures, signatureLists[i])) {
return emptyArray;
let match = findMatchingSignature(signature, signatureLists[i]);
if (!match) {
return undefined;
if (!result) {
result = [signature];
if (match !== signature) {
let result = map(signatures, cloneSignature);
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
let s = result[i];
// Clear resolved return type we possibly got from cloneSignature
s.resolvedReturnType = undefined;
s.unionSignatures = map(signatureLists, signatures => signatures[i]);
return result;
// The signatures of a union type are those signatures that are present and identical in each of the
// constituent types, except that non-generic signatures may differ in return types. When signatures
// differ in return types, the resulting return type is the union of the constituent return types.
function getUnionSignatures(types: Type[], kind: SignatureKind): Signature[] {
let signatureLists = map(types, t => getSignaturesOfType(t, kind));
let result: Signature[] = undefined;
for (let source of signatureLists[0]) {
let unionSignatures = findMatchingSignatures(source, signatureLists);
if (unionSignatures) {
let signature: Signature = undefined;
if (unionSignatures.length === 1 || source.typeParameters) {
signature = source;
else {
signature = cloneSignature(source);
// Clear resolved return type we possibly got from cloneSignature
signature.resolvedReturnType = undefined;
signature.unionSignatures = unionSignatures;
(result || (result = [])).push(signature);
return result || emptyArray;
function getUnionIndexType(types: Type[], kind: IndexKind): Type {
let indexTypes: Type[] = [];
for (let type of types) {
@ -3245,9 +3258,6 @@ namespace ts {
* type itself. Note that the apparent type of a union type is the union type itself.
function getApparentType(type: Type): Type {
if (type.flags & TypeFlags.Union) {
type = getReducedTypeOfUnionType(<UnionType>type);
if (type.flags & TypeFlags.TypeParameter) {
do {
type = getConstraintOfTypeParameter(<TypeParameter>type);
@ -4104,47 +4114,6 @@ namespace ts {
return type;
function isTypeSubtypeOfSomeType(candidate: Type, types: Type[]): boolean {
for (let type of types) {
if (candidate !== type && isTypeSubtypeOf(candidate, type)) {
return true;
return false;
function removeSubtypes(types: Type[]): Type[] {
let result = types;
let i = result.length;
while (i > 0) {
if (isTypeSubtypeOfSomeType(result[i], result)) {
if (result === types) {
result = types.slice(0);
result.splice(i, 1);
return result;
// The reduced type is a union type in which no constituent type is a subtype of another
// constituent type.
function getReducedTypeOfUnionType(type: UnionType): Type {
if (!type.reducedType) {
type.reducedType = circularType;
let typesWithoutSubtypes = removeSubtypes(type.types);
let reducedType = typesWithoutSubtypes === type.types ? type : getUnionType(typesWithoutSubtypes);
if (type.reducedType === circularType) {
type.reducedType = reducedType;
else if (type.reducedType === circularType) {
type.reducedType = type;
return type.reducedType;
function getTypeFromUnionTypeNode(node: UnionTypeNode): Type {
let links = getNodeLinks(node);
if (!links.resolvedType) {