Merge branch 'master' into infer-from-usage/similarity-to-builtins

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Shively-Sanders 2019-08-28 12:57:22 -07:00
commit c93f9193ce
6 changed files with 52 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -372,7 +372,8 @@ namespace ts {
errorCount => result.onWatchStatusChange!(
createCompilerDiagnostic(getWatchErrorSummaryDiagnosticMessage(errorCount), errorCount),
@ -480,14 +481,14 @@ namespace ts {
return createProgram(rootNames, options, host, oldProgram, configFileParsingDiagnostics, projectReferences);
export type WatchStatusReporter = (diagnostic: Diagnostic, newLine: string, options: CompilerOptions) => void;
export type WatchStatusReporter = (diagnostic: Diagnostic, newLine: string, options: CompilerOptions, errorCount?: number) => void;
/** Create the program with rootNames and options, if they are undefined, oldProgram and new configFile diagnostics create new program */
export type CreateProgram<T extends BuilderProgram> = (rootNames: ReadonlyArray<string> | undefined, options: CompilerOptions | undefined, host?: CompilerHost, oldProgram?: T, configFileParsingDiagnostics?: ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic>, projectReferences?: ReadonlyArray<ProjectReference> | undefined) => T;
/** Host that has watch functionality used in --watch mode */
export interface WatchHost {
/** If provided, called with Diagnostic message that informs about change in watch status */
onWatchStatusChange?(diagnostic: Diagnostic, newLine: string, options: CompilerOptions): void;
onWatchStatusChange?(diagnostic: Diagnostic, newLine: string, options: CompilerOptions, errorCount?: number): void;
/** Used to watch changes in source files, missing files needed to update the program or config file */
watchFile(path: string, callback: FileWatcherCallback, pollingInterval?: number): FileWatcher;

View file

@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ namespace ts.GoToDefinition {
function getConstructSignatureDefinition(): DefinitionInfo[] | undefined {
// Applicable only if we are in a new expression, or we are on a constructor declaration
// and in either case the symbol has a construct signature definition, i.e. class
if (symbol.flags & SymbolFlags.Class && (isNewExpressionTarget(node) || node.kind === SyntaxKind.ConstructorKeyword)) {
if (symbol.flags & SymbolFlags.Class && !(symbol.flags & SymbolFlags.Function) && (isNewExpressionTarget(node) || node.kind === SyntaxKind.ConstructorKeyword)) {
const cls = find(filteredDeclarations, isClassLike) ||"Expected declaration to have at least one class-like declaration");
return getSignatureDefinition(cls.members, /*selectConstructors*/ true);

View file

@ -37,4 +37,32 @@ namespace ts.tscWatch {
checkProgramActualFiles(program, [mainFile.path, libFile.path, settingsJson.path]);
describe("unittests:: tsc-watch:: watchAPI:: tsc-watch expose error count to watch status reporter", () => {
const projectRoot = "/user/username/projects/project";
const configFileJson: any = {
compilerOptions: { module: "commonjs" },
files: ["index.ts"]
const config: File = {
path: `${projectRoot}/tsconfig.json`,
content: JSON.stringify(configFileJson)
const mainFile: File = {
path: `${projectRoot}/index.ts`,
content: "let compiler = new Compiler(); for (let i = 0; j < 5; i++) {}"
it("verify that the error count is correctly passed down to the watch status reporter", () => {
const files = [libFile, mainFile, config];
const host = createWatchedSystem(files, { currentDirectory: projectRoot });
let watchedErrorCount;
const reportWatchStatus: WatchStatusReporter = (_, __, ___, errorCount) => {
watchedErrorCount = errorCount;
const compilerHost = createWatchCompilerHostOfConfigFile(config.path, {}, host, /*createProgram*/ undefined, /*reportDiagnostic*/ undefined, reportWatchStatus);
assert.equal(watchedErrorCount, 2, "The error count was expected to be 2 for the file change");

View file

@ -4491,13 +4491,13 @@ declare namespace ts {
createProgram?: CreateProgram<T>;
function createIncrementalProgram<T extends BuilderProgram = EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram>({ rootNames, options, configFileParsingDiagnostics, projectReferences, host, createProgram }: IncrementalProgramOptions<T>): T;
type WatchStatusReporter = (diagnostic: Diagnostic, newLine: string, options: CompilerOptions) => void;
type WatchStatusReporter = (diagnostic: Diagnostic, newLine: string, options: CompilerOptions, errorCount?: number) => void;
/** Create the program with rootNames and options, if they are undefined, oldProgram and new configFile diagnostics create new program */
type CreateProgram<T extends BuilderProgram> = (rootNames: ReadonlyArray<string> | undefined, options: CompilerOptions | undefined, host?: CompilerHost, oldProgram?: T, configFileParsingDiagnostics?: ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic>, projectReferences?: ReadonlyArray<ProjectReference> | undefined) => T;
/** Host that has watch functionality used in --watch mode */
interface WatchHost {
/** If provided, called with Diagnostic message that informs about change in watch status */
onWatchStatusChange?(diagnostic: Diagnostic, newLine: string, options: CompilerOptions): void;
onWatchStatusChange?(diagnostic: Diagnostic, newLine: string, options: CompilerOptions, errorCount?: number): void;
/** Used to watch changes in source files, missing files needed to update the program or config file */
watchFile(path: string, callback: FileWatcherCallback, pollingInterval?: number): FileWatcher;
/** Used to watch resolved module's failed lookup locations, config file specs, type roots where auto type reference directives are added */

View file

@ -4491,13 +4491,13 @@ declare namespace ts {
createProgram?: CreateProgram<T>;
function createIncrementalProgram<T extends BuilderProgram = EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram>({ rootNames, options, configFileParsingDiagnostics, projectReferences, host, createProgram }: IncrementalProgramOptions<T>): T;
type WatchStatusReporter = (diagnostic: Diagnostic, newLine: string, options: CompilerOptions) => void;
type WatchStatusReporter = (diagnostic: Diagnostic, newLine: string, options: CompilerOptions, errorCount?: number) => void;
/** Create the program with rootNames and options, if they are undefined, oldProgram and new configFile diagnostics create new program */
type CreateProgram<T extends BuilderProgram> = (rootNames: ReadonlyArray<string> | undefined, options: CompilerOptions | undefined, host?: CompilerHost, oldProgram?: T, configFileParsingDiagnostics?: ReadonlyArray<Diagnostic>, projectReferences?: ReadonlyArray<ProjectReference> | undefined) => T;
/** Host that has watch functionality used in --watch mode */
interface WatchHost {
/** If provided, called with Diagnostic message that informs about change in watch status */
onWatchStatusChange?(diagnostic: Diagnostic, newLine: string, options: CompilerOptions): void;
onWatchStatusChange?(diagnostic: Diagnostic, newLine: string, options: CompilerOptions, errorCount?: number): void;
/** Used to watch changes in source files, missing files needed to update the program or config file */
watchFile(path: string, callback: FileWatcherCallback, pollingInterval?: number): FileWatcher;
/** Used to watch resolved module's failed lookup locations, config file specs, type roots where auto type reference directives are added */

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
/// <reference path="fourslash.ts" />
// @allowJs: true
// @checkJs: true
// @noEmit: true
// @filename: gotoDefinitionConstructorFunction.js
//// function /*end*/StringStreamm() {
//// }
//// StringStreamm.prototype = {
//// };
//// function runMode () {
//// new [|/*start*/StringStreamm|]()
//// };
verify.goToDefinition('start', 'end')