Support unknown types (host object names) in typeof type guards

This commit is contained in:
Anders Hejlsberg 2016-03-31 10:07:28 -07:00
parent 3d0fa31a9d
commit ce81ba5156

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@ -202,38 +202,40 @@ namespace ts {
TypeofEQSymbol = 1 << 3, // typeof x === "symbol"
TypeofEQObject = 1 << 4, // typeof x === "object"
TypeofEQFunction = 1 << 5, // typeof x === "function"
TypeofNEString = 1 << 6, // typeof x !== "string"
TypeofNENumber = 1 << 7, // typeof x !== "number"
TypeofNEBoolean = 1 << 8, // typeof x !== "boolean"
TypeofNESymbol = 1 << 9, // typeof x !== "symbol"
TypeofNEObject = 1 << 10, // typeof x !== "object"
TypeofNEFunction = 1 << 11, // typeof x !== "function"
EQUndefined = 1 << 12, // x === undefined
EQNull = 1 << 13, // x === null
EQUndefinedOrNull = 1 << 14, // x == undefined / x == null
NEUndefined = 1 << 15, // x !== undefined
NENull = 1 << 16, // x !== null
NEUndefinedOrNull = 1 << 17, // x != undefined / x != null
Truthy = 1 << 18, // x
Falsy = 1 << 19, // !x
All = (1 << 20) - 1,
TypeofEQHostObject = 1 << 6, // typeof x === "xxx"
TypeofNEString = 1 << 7, // typeof x !== "string"
TypeofNENumber = 1 << 8, // typeof x !== "number"
TypeofNEBoolean = 1 << 9, // typeof x !== "boolean"
TypeofNESymbol = 1 << 10, // typeof x !== "symbol"
TypeofNEObject = 1 << 11, // typeof x !== "object"
TypeofNEFunction = 1 << 12, // typeof x !== "function"
TypeofNEHostObject = 1 << 13, // typeof x !== "xxx"
EQUndefined = 1 << 14, // x === undefined
EQNull = 1 << 15, // x === null
EQUndefinedOrNull = 1 << 16, // x == undefined / x == null
NEUndefined = 1 << 17, // x !== undefined
NENull = 1 << 18, // x !== null
NEUndefinedOrNull = 1 << 19, // x != undefined / x != null
Truthy = 1 << 20, // x
Falsy = 1 << 21, // !x
All = (1 << 22) - 1,
// The following members encode facts about particular kinds of types for use in the getTypeFacts function.
// The presence of a particular fact means that the given test is true for some (and possibly all) values
// of that kind of type.
StringStrictFacts = TypeofEQString | TypeofNENumber | TypeofNEBoolean | TypeofNESymbol | TypeofNEObject | TypeofNEFunction | NEUndefined | NENull | NEUndefinedOrNull | Truthy | Falsy,
StringStrictFacts = TypeofEQString | TypeofNENumber | TypeofNEBoolean | TypeofNESymbol | TypeofNEObject | TypeofNEFunction | TypeofNEHostObject | NEUndefined | NENull | NEUndefinedOrNull | Truthy | Falsy,
StringFacts = StringStrictFacts | EQUndefined | EQNull | EQUndefinedOrNull,
NumberStrictFacts = TypeofEQNumber | TypeofNEString | TypeofNEBoolean | TypeofNESymbol | TypeofNEObject | TypeofNEFunction | NEUndefined | NENull | NEUndefinedOrNull | Truthy | Falsy,
NumberStrictFacts = TypeofEQNumber | TypeofNEString | TypeofNEBoolean | TypeofNESymbol | TypeofNEObject | TypeofNEFunction | TypeofNEHostObject | NEUndefined | NENull | NEUndefinedOrNull | Truthy | Falsy,
NumberFacts = NumberStrictFacts | EQUndefined | EQNull | EQUndefinedOrNull,
BooleanStrictFacts = TypeofEQBoolean | TypeofNEString | TypeofNENumber | TypeofNESymbol | TypeofNEObject | TypeofNEFunction | NEUndefined | NENull | NEUndefinedOrNull | Truthy | Falsy,
BooleanStrictFacts = TypeofEQBoolean | TypeofNEString | TypeofNENumber | TypeofNESymbol | TypeofNEObject | TypeofNEFunction | TypeofNEHostObject | NEUndefined | NENull | NEUndefinedOrNull | Truthy | Falsy,
BooleanFacts = BooleanStrictFacts | EQUndefined | EQNull | EQUndefinedOrNull,
SymbolStrictFacts = TypeofEQSymbol | TypeofNEString | TypeofNENumber | TypeofNEBoolean | TypeofNEObject | TypeofNEFunction | NEUndefined | NENull | NEUndefinedOrNull | Truthy,
SymbolStrictFacts = TypeofEQSymbol | TypeofNEString | TypeofNENumber | TypeofNEBoolean | TypeofNEObject | TypeofNEFunction | TypeofNEHostObject | NEUndefined | NENull | NEUndefinedOrNull | Truthy,
SymbolFacts = SymbolStrictFacts | EQUndefined | EQNull | EQUndefinedOrNull | Falsy,
ObjectStrictFacts = TypeofEQObject | TypeofNEString | TypeofNENumber | TypeofNEBoolean | TypeofNESymbol | TypeofNEFunction | NEUndefined | NENull | NEUndefinedOrNull | Truthy,
ObjectStrictFacts = TypeofEQObject | TypeofEQHostObject | TypeofNEString | TypeofNENumber | TypeofNEBoolean | TypeofNESymbol | TypeofNEFunction | NEUndefined | NENull | NEUndefinedOrNull | Truthy,
ObjectFacts = ObjectStrictFacts | EQUndefined | EQNull | EQUndefinedOrNull | Falsy,
FunctionStrictFacts = TypeofEQFunction | TypeofNEString | TypeofNENumber | TypeofNEBoolean | TypeofNESymbol | TypeofNEObject | NEUndefined | NENull | NEUndefinedOrNull | Truthy,
FunctionStrictFacts = TypeofEQFunction | TypeofEQHostObject | TypeofNEString | TypeofNENumber | TypeofNEBoolean | TypeofNESymbol | TypeofNEObject | NEUndefined | NENull | NEUndefinedOrNull | Truthy,
FunctionFacts = FunctionStrictFacts | EQUndefined | EQNull | EQUndefinedOrNull | Falsy,
UndefinedFacts = TypeofNEString | TypeofNENumber | TypeofNEBoolean | TypeofNESymbol | TypeofNEObject | TypeofNEFunction | EQUndefined | EQUndefinedOrNull | NENull | Falsy,
NullFacts = TypeofEQObject | TypeofNEString | TypeofNENumber | TypeofNEBoolean | TypeofNESymbol | TypeofNEFunction | EQNull | EQUndefinedOrNull | NEUndefined | Falsy,
UndefinedFacts = TypeofNEString | TypeofNENumber | TypeofNEBoolean | TypeofNESymbol | TypeofNEObject | TypeofNEFunction | TypeofNEHostObject | EQUndefined | EQUndefinedOrNull | NENull | Falsy,
NullFacts = TypeofEQObject | TypeofNEString | TypeofNENumber | TypeofNEBoolean | TypeofNESymbol | TypeofNEFunction | TypeofNEHostObject | EQNull | EQUndefinedOrNull | NEUndefined | Falsy,
const typeofEQFacts: Map<TypeFacts> = {
@ -7551,8 +7553,8 @@ namespace ts {
const facts = assumeTrue ?
getProperty(typeofEQFacts, right.text) || TypeFacts.TypeofEQObject :
getProperty(typeofNEFacts, right.text) || TypeFacts.TypeofNEObject;
getProperty(typeofEQFacts, right.text) || TypeFacts.TypeofEQHostObject :
getProperty(typeofNEFacts, right.text) || TypeFacts.TypeofNEHostObject;
return getTypeWithFacts(type, facts);