Update to respond to PR feedback

This commit is contained in:
Sheetal Nandi 2018-04-17 14:17:15 -07:00
parent 82e9a7595b
commit d64f2483e4
5 changed files with 57 additions and 65 deletions

View file

@ -2988,7 +2988,7 @@ namespace ts {
/** Remove the *first* occurrence of `item` from the array. */
export function unorderedRemoveItem<T>(array: T[], item: T) {
unorderedRemoveFirstItemWhere(array, element => element === item);
return unorderedRemoveFirstItemWhere(array, element => element === item);
/** Remove the *first* element satisfying `predicate`. */

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ namespace ts {
invalidateResolutionOfFile(filePath: Path): void;
removeResolutionsOfFile(filePath: Path): void;
setFilesWithInvalidatedNonRelativeUnresolvedImports(filesWithUnresolvedImports: Map<any>): void;
setFilesWithInvalidatedNonRelativeUnresolvedImports(filesWithUnresolvedImports: Map<ReadonlyArray<string>>): void;
createHasInvalidatedResolution(forceAllFilesAsInvalidated?: boolean): HasInvalidatedResolution;
startCachingPerDirectoryResolution(): void;
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ namespace ts {
export function createResolutionCache(resolutionHost: ResolutionCacheHost, rootDirForResolution: string, logChangesWhenResolvingModule: boolean): ResolutionCache {
let filesWithChangedSetOfUnresolvedImports: Path[] | undefined;
let filesWithInvalidatedResolutions: Map<true> | undefined;
let filesWithInvalidatedNonRelativeUnresolvedImports: Map<any> | undefined;
let filesWithInvalidatedNonRelativeUnresolvedImports: Map<ReadonlyArray<string>> | undefined;
let allFilesHaveInvalidatedResolution = false;
const getCurrentDirectory = memoize(() => resolutionHost.getCurrentDirectory());
@ -168,6 +168,16 @@ namespace ts {
return collected;
function isFileWithInvalidatedNonRelativeUnresolvedImports(path: Path) {
if (!filesWithInvalidatedNonRelativeUnresolvedImports) {
return false;
// Invalidated if file has unresolved imports
const value = filesWithInvalidatedNonRelativeUnresolvedImports.get(path);
return value && !!value.length;
function createHasInvalidatedResolution(forceAllFilesAsInvalidated?: boolean): HasInvalidatedResolution {
if (allFilesHaveInvalidatedResolution || forceAllFilesAsInvalidated) {
// Any file asked would have invalidated resolution
@ -177,7 +187,7 @@ namespace ts {
const collected = filesWithInvalidatedResolutions;
filesWithInvalidatedResolutions = undefined;
return path => (collected && collected.has(path)) ||
(filesWithInvalidatedNonRelativeUnresolvedImports && filesWithInvalidatedNonRelativeUnresolvedImports.has(path));
function clearPerDirectoryResolutions() {
@ -242,7 +252,7 @@ namespace ts {
const resolvedModules: R[] = [];
const compilerOptions = resolutionHost.getCompilationSettings();
const hasInvalidatedNonRelativeUnresolvedImport = logChanges && filesWithInvalidatedNonRelativeUnresolvedImports && filesWithInvalidatedNonRelativeUnresolvedImports.has(path);
const hasInvalidatedNonRelativeUnresolvedImport = logChanges && isFileWithInvalidatedNonRelativeUnresolvedImports(path);
const seenNamesInFile = createMap<true>();
for (const name of names) {
let resolution = resolutionsInFile.get(name);
@ -584,7 +594,7 @@ namespace ts {
function setFilesWithInvalidatedNonRelativeUnresolvedImports(filesMap: Map<any>) {
function setFilesWithInvalidatedNonRelativeUnresolvedImports(filesMap: Map<ReadonlyArray<string>>) {
Debug.assert(filesWithInvalidatedNonRelativeUnresolvedImports === filesMap || filesWithInvalidatedNonRelativeUnresolvedImports === undefined);
filesWithInvalidatedNonRelativeUnresolvedImports = filesMap;

View file

@ -96,15 +96,10 @@ namespace ts.server {
cachedUnresolvedImportsPerFile = createMap<ReadonlyArray<string>>();
* This is the set that has entry to true if file doesnt contain any unresolved import
private filesWithNoUnresolvedImports = createMap<true>();
lastCachedUnresolvedImportsList: SortedReadonlyArray<string>;
hasMoreOrLessScriptInfos = false;
private hasMoreOrLessFiles = false;
private lastFileExceededProgramSize: string | undefined;
@ -136,10 +131,10 @@ namespace ts.server {
private lastReportedVersion = 0;
* Current project structure version.
* Current project's program version. (incremented everytime new program is created that is not complete reuse from the old one)
* This property is changed in 'updateGraph' based on the set of files in program
private projectStructureVersion = 0;
private projectProgramVersion = 0;
* Current version of the project state. It is changed when:
* - new root file was added/removed
@ -566,7 +561,6 @@ namespace ts.server {
this.resolutionCache = undefined;
this.cachedUnresolvedImportsPerFile = undefined;
this.filesWithNoUnresolvedImports = undefined;
this.directoryStructureHost = undefined;
// Clean up file watchers waiting for missing files
@ -727,7 +721,6 @@ namespace ts.server {
else {
if (detachFromProject) {
@ -749,19 +742,11 @@ namespace ts.server {
/* @internal */
private extractUnresolvedImportsFromSourceFile(file: SourceFile, result: string[] | undefined, ambientModules: string[]): string[] | undefined {
// No unresolve imports in this file
if (this.filesWithNoUnresolvedImports.has(file.path)) {
return result;
private extractUnresolvedImportsFromSourceFile(file: SourceFile, ambientModules: string[]): ReadonlyArray<string> {
const cached = this.cachedUnresolvedImportsPerFile.get(file.path);
if (cached) {
// found cached result - use it and return
for (const f of cached) {
(result || (result = [])).push(f);
return result;
// found cached result, return
return cached;
let unresolvedImports: string[] | undefined;
if (file.resolvedModules) {
@ -779,23 +764,23 @@ namespace ts.server {
trimmed = trimmed.substr(0, i);
(unresolvedImports || (unresolvedImports = [])).push(trimmed);
(result || (result = [])).push(trimmed);
if (unresolvedImports) {
this.cachedUnresolvedImportsPerFile.set(file.path, unresolvedImports);
else {
this.filesWithNoUnresolvedImports.set(file.path, true);
return result;
this.cachedUnresolvedImportsPerFile.set(file.path, unresolvedImports || emptyArray);
return unresolvedImports || emptyArray;
function isAmbientlyDeclaredModule(name: string) {
return ambientModules.some(m => m === name);
/* @internal */
setHasMoreOrLessFiles() {
this.hasMoreOrLessFiles = true;
* Updates set of files that contribute to this project
* @returns: true if set of files in the project stays the same and false - otherwise.
@ -803,16 +788,15 @@ namespace ts.server {
updateGraph(): boolean {
const hasChanges = this.updateGraphWorker();
const hasMoreOrLessScriptInfos = this.hasMoreOrLessScriptInfos;
this.hasMoreOrLessScriptInfos = false;
const hasNewProgram = this.updateGraphWorker();
const hasMoreOrLessFiles = this.hasMoreOrLessFiles;
this.hasMoreOrLessFiles = false;
const changedFiles: ReadonlyArray<Path> = this.resolutionCache.finishRecordingFilesWithChangedResolutions() || emptyArray;
for (const file of changedFiles) {
// delete cached information for changed files
// update builder only if language service is enabled
@ -824,25 +808,28 @@ namespace ts.server {
// 3. new files were added/removed, but compilation settings stays the same - collect unresolved imports for all new/modified files
// (can reuse cached imports for files that were not changed)
// 4. compilation settings were changed in the way that might affect module resolution - drop all caches and collect all data from the scratch
if (hasChanges || changedFiles.length) {
if (hasNewProgram || changedFiles.length) {
let result: string[] | undefined;
const ambientModules = this.program.getTypeChecker().getAmbientModules().map(mod => stripQuotes(mod.getName()));
for (const sourceFile of this.program.getSourceFiles()) {
result = this.extractUnresolvedImportsFromSourceFile(sourceFile, result, ambientModules);
const unResolved = this.extractUnresolvedImportsFromSourceFile(sourceFile, ambientModules);
if (unResolved !== emptyArray) {
(result || (result = [])).push(...unResolved);
this.lastCachedUnresolvedImportsList = result ? toDeduplicatedSortedArray(result) : emptyArray;
this.projectService.typingsCache.enqueueInstallTypingsForProject(this, this.lastCachedUnresolvedImportsList, hasMoreOrLessScriptInfos);
this.projectService.typingsCache.enqueueInstallTypingsForProject(this, this.lastCachedUnresolvedImportsList, hasMoreOrLessFiles);
else {
this.lastCachedUnresolvedImportsList = undefined;
if (hasChanges) {
if (hasNewProgram) {
return !hasChanges;
return !hasNewProgram;
@ -878,9 +865,9 @@ namespace ts.server {
// bump up the version if
// - oldProgram is not set - this is a first time updateGraph is called
// - newProgram is different from the old program and structure of the old program was not reused.
const hasChanges = this.program && (!oldProgram || (this.program !== oldProgram && !(oldProgram.structureIsReused & StructureIsReused.Completely)));
const hasNewProgram = this.program && (!oldProgram || (this.program !== oldProgram && !(oldProgram.structureIsReused & StructureIsReused.Completely)));
this.hasChangedAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames = false;
if (hasChanges) {
if (hasNewProgram) {
if (oldProgram) {
for (const f of oldProgram.getSourceFiles()) {
if (this.program.getSourceFileByPath(f.path)) {
@ -918,8 +905,8 @@ namespace ts.server {
removed => this.detachScriptInfoFromProject(removed)
const elapsed = timestamp() - start;
this.writeLog(`Finishing updateGraphWorker: Project: ${this.getProjectName()} Version: ${this.getProjectVersion()} structureChanged: ${hasChanges} Elapsed: ${elapsed}ms`);
return hasChanges;
this.writeLog(`Finishing updateGraphWorker: Project: ${this.getProjectName()} Version: ${this.getProjectVersion()} structureChanged: ${hasNewProgram} Elapsed: ${elapsed}ms`);
return hasNewProgram;
private detachScriptInfoFromProject(uncheckedFileName: string) {
@ -993,7 +980,6 @@ namespace ts.server {
if (changesAffectModuleResolution(oldOptions, compilerOptions)) {
// reset cached unresolved imports if changes in compiler options affected module resolution
this.lastCachedUnresolvedImportsList = undefined;
@ -1007,7 +993,7 @@ namespace ts.server {
const info: protocol.ProjectVersionInfo = {
projectName: this.getProjectName(),
version: this.projectStructureVersion,
version: this.projectProgramVersion,
isInferred: this.projectKind === ProjectKind.Inferred,
options: this.getCompilationSettings(),
languageServiceDisabled: !this.languageServiceEnabled,
@ -1018,7 +1004,7 @@ namespace ts.server {
// check if requested version is the same that we have reported last time
if (this.lastReportedFileNames && lastKnownVersion === this.lastReportedVersion) {
// if current structure version is the same - return info without any changes
if (this.projectStructureVersion === this.lastReportedVersion && !updatedFileNames) {
if (this.projectProgramVersion === this.lastReportedVersion && !updatedFileNames) {
return { info, projectErrors: this.getGlobalProjectErrors() };
// compute and return the difference
@ -1041,7 +1027,7 @@ namespace ts.server {
this.lastReportedFileNames = currentFiles;
this.lastReportedVersion = this.projectStructureVersion;
this.lastReportedVersion = this.projectProgramVersion;
return { info, changes: { added, removed, updated }, projectErrors: this.getGlobalProjectErrors() };
else {
@ -1050,7 +1036,7 @@ namespace ts.server {
const externalFiles = this.getExternalFiles().map(f => toNormalizedPath(f));
const allFiles = projectFileNames.concat(externalFiles);
this.lastReportedFileNames = arrayToSet(allFiles);
this.lastReportedVersion = this.projectStructureVersion;
this.lastReportedVersion = this.projectProgramVersion;
return { info, files: allFiles, projectErrors: this.getGlobalProjectErrors() };

View file

@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ namespace ts.server {
const isNew = !this.isAttached(project);
if (isNew) {
project.hasMoreOrLessScriptInfos = true;
if (!project.getCompilerOptions().preserveSymlinks) {
@ -329,23 +329,23 @@ namespace ts.server {
case 1:
if (this.containingProjects[0] === project) {
project.hasMoreOrLessScriptInfos = true;
case 2:
if (this.containingProjects[0] === project) {
project.hasMoreOrLessScriptInfos = true;
this.containingProjects[0] = this.containingProjects.pop();
else if (this.containingProjects[1] === project) {
project.hasMoreOrLessScriptInfos = true;
if (unorderedRemoveItem(this.containingProjects, project)) {
project.hasMoreOrLessScriptInfos = true;

View file

@ -7643,10 +7643,6 @@ declare namespace ts.server {
private externalFiles;
private missingFilesMap;
private plugins;
* This is the set that has entry to true if file doesnt contain any unresolved import
private filesWithNoUnresolvedImports;
private lastFileExceededProgramSize;
protected languageService: LanguageService;
languageServiceEnabled: boolean;
@ -7666,10 +7662,10 @@ declare namespace ts.server {
private lastReportedVersion;
* Current project structure version.
* Current project's program version. (incremented everytime new program is created that is not complete reuse from the old one)
* This property is changed in 'updateGraph' based on the set of files in program
private projectStructureVersion;
private projectProgramVersion;
* Current version of the project state. It is changed when:
* - new root file was added/removed