Fix shorthand properties for non-es6 module formats

This commit is contained in:
Oskar Segersvärd 2016-03-09 09:41:14 +01:00
parent cc57ae0205
commit d742ca50f4

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@ -296,11 +296,11 @@ namespace ts {
* If loop contains block scoped binding captured in some function then loop body is converted to a function.
* Lexical bindings declared in loop initializer will be passed into the loop body function as parameters,
* however if this binding is modified inside the body - this new value should be propagated back to the original binding.
* This is done by declaring new variable (out parameter holder) outside of the loop for every binding that is reassigned inside the body.
* This is done by declaring new variable (out parameter holder) outside of the loop for every binding that is reassigned inside the body.
* On every iteration this variable is initialized with value of corresponding binding.
* At every point where control flow leaves the loop either explicitly (break/continue) or implicitly (at the end of loop body)
* we copy the value inside the loop to the out parameter holder.
* for (let x;;) {
* let a = 1;
* let b = () => a;
@ -308,9 +308,9 @@ namespace ts {
* if (...) break;
* ...
* }
* will be converted to
* var out_x;
* var loop = function(x) {
* var a = 1;
@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ namespace ts {
* x = out_x;
* if (state === "break") break;
* }
* NOTE: values to out parameters are not copies if loop is abrupted with 'return' - in this case this will end the entire enclosing function
* so nobody can observe this new value.
@ -379,6 +379,7 @@ var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, ge
const compilerOptions = host.getCompilerOptions();
const languageVersion = getEmitScriptTarget(compilerOptions);
const modulekind = getEmitModuleKind(compilerOptions);
const hasIndirectAccessToImportedIdentifiers = modulekind !== ModuleKind.ES6 && modulekind !== ModuleKind.System;
const sourceMapDataList: SourceMapData[] = compilerOptions.sourceMap || compilerOptions.inlineSourceMap ? [] : undefined;
const emitterDiagnostics = createDiagnosticCollection();
let emitSkipped = false;
@ -1575,7 +1576,7 @@ var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, ge
if (container) {
if (container.kind === SyntaxKind.SourceFile) {
// Identifier references module export
if (modulekind !== ModuleKind.ES6 && modulekind !== ModuleKind.System) {
if (hasIndirectAccessToImportedIdentifiers) {
@ -2138,6 +2139,12 @@ var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, ge
return container && container.kind !== SyntaxKind.SourceFile;
// Return true if identifier resolves to an imported identifier
function isImportedReference(node: Identifier) {
const declaration = resolver.getReferencedImportDeclaration(node);
return declaration && (declaration.kind === SyntaxKind.ImportClause || declaration.kind === SyntaxKind.ImportSpecifier);
function emitShorthandPropertyAssignment(node: ShorthandPropertyAssignment) {
// The name property of a short-hand property assignment is considered an expression position, so here
// we manually emit the identifier to avoid rewriting.
@ -2151,7 +2158,18 @@ var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, ge
// let obj = { y };
// }
// Here we need to emit obj = { y : m.y } regardless of the output target.
if (modulekind !== ModuleKind.ES6 || isNamespaceExportReference( {
// The same rules apply for imported identifiers when targeting module formats with indirect access to
// the imported identifiers. For example, when targeting CommonJS:
// import {foo} from './foo';
// export const baz = { foo };
// Must be transformed into:
// const foo_1 = require('./foo');
// exports.baz = { foo: };
if (languageVersion < ScriptTarget.ES6 || (hasIndirectAccessToImportedIdentifiers && isImportedReference( || isNamespaceExportReference( ) {
// Emit identifier as an identifier
write(": ");
@ -3073,7 +3091,7 @@ var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, ge
// end of loop body -> copy out parameter
// end of loop body -> copy out parameter
copyLoopOutParameters(convertedLoopState, CopyDirection.ToOutParameter, /*emitAsStatements*/true);
@ -3572,7 +3590,7 @@ var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, ge
else {
convertedLoopState.nonLocalJumps |= Jump.Continue;
// note: return value is emitted only to simplify debugging, call to converted loop body does not do any dispatching on it.
// note: return value is emitted only to simplify debugging, call to converted loop body does not do any dispatching on it.
@ -7267,7 +7285,7 @@ const _super = (function (geti, seti) {
// text should be quoted string
// for deduplication purposes in key remove leading and trailing quotes so 'a' and "a" will be considered the same
// for deduplication purposes in key remove leading and trailing quotes so 'a' and "a" will be considered the same
const key = text.substr(1, text.length - 2);
if (hasProperty(groupIndices, key)) {