Update DOM (#33627)

* Update DOM

* Update baselines
This commit is contained in:
Nathan Shively-Sanders 2019-09-26 17:20:05 -07:00 committed by GitHub
parent b4941f6777
commit e72937deff
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
5 changed files with 255 additions and 204 deletions

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@ -2730,7 +2730,7 @@ interface CSSStyleDeclaration {
alignContent: string; alignContent: string;
alignItems: string; alignItems: string;
alignSelf: string; alignSelf: string;
alignmentBaseline: string | null; alignmentBaseline: string;
animation: string; animation: string;
animationDelay: string; animationDelay: string;
animationDirection: string; animationDirection: string;
@ -2740,65 +2740,83 @@ interface CSSStyleDeclaration {
animationName: string; animationName: string;
animationPlayState: string; animationPlayState: string;
animationTimingFunction: string; animationTimingFunction: string;
backfaceVisibility: string | null; backfaceVisibility: string;
background: string | null; background: string;
backgroundAttachment: string | null; backgroundAttachment: string;
backgroundClip: string | null; backgroundClip: string;
backgroundColor: string | null; backgroundColor: string;
backgroundImage: string | null; backgroundImage: string;
backgroundOrigin: string | null; backgroundOrigin: string;
backgroundPosition: string | null; backgroundPosition: string;
backgroundPositionX: string | null; backgroundPositionX: string;
backgroundPositionY: string | null; backgroundPositionY: string;
backgroundRepeat: string | null; backgroundRepeat: string;
backgroundSize: string | null; backgroundSize: string;
baselineShift: string | null; baselineShift: string;
border: string | null; blockSize: string;
borderBottom: string | null; border: string;
borderBottomColor: string | null; borderBlockEnd: string;
borderBottomLeftRadius: string | null; borderBlockEndColor: string;
borderBottomRightRadius: string | null; borderBlockEndStyle: string;
borderBottomStyle: string | null; borderBlockEndWidth: string;
borderBottomWidth: string | null; borderBlockStart: string;
borderCollapse: string | null; borderBlockStartColor: string;
borderColor: string | null; borderBlockStartStyle: string;
borderImage: string | null; borderBlockStartWidth: string;
borderImageOutset: string | null; borderBottom: string;
borderImageRepeat: string | null; borderBottomColor: string;
borderImageSlice: string | null; borderBottomLeftRadius: string;
borderImageSource: string | null; borderBottomRightRadius: string;
borderImageWidth: string | null; borderBottomStyle: string;
borderLeft: string | null; borderBottomWidth: string;
borderLeftColor: string | null; borderCollapse: string;
borderLeftStyle: string | null; borderColor: string;
borderLeftWidth: string | null; borderImage: string;
borderRadius: string | null; borderImageOutset: string;
borderRight: string | null; borderImageRepeat: string;
borderRightColor: string | null; borderImageSlice: string;
borderRightStyle: string | null; borderImageSource: string;
borderRightWidth: string | null; borderImageWidth: string;
borderSpacing: string | null; borderInlineEnd: string;
borderStyle: string | null; borderInlineEndColor: string;
borderTop: string | null; borderInlineEndStyle: string;
borderTopColor: string | null; borderInlineEndWidth: string;
borderTopLeftRadius: string | null; borderInlineStart: string;
borderTopRightRadius: string | null; borderInlineStartColor: string;
borderTopStyle: string | null; borderInlineStartStyle: string;
borderTopWidth: string | null; borderInlineStartWidth: string;
borderWidth: string | null; borderLeft: string;
bottom: string | null; borderLeftColor: string;
boxShadow: string | null; borderLeftStyle: string;
borderLeftWidth: string;
borderRadius: string;
borderRight: string;
borderRightColor: string;
borderRightStyle: string;
borderRightWidth: string;
borderSpacing: string;
borderStyle: string;
borderTop: string;
borderTopColor: string;
borderTopLeftRadius: string;
borderTopRightRadius: string;
borderTopStyle: string;
borderTopWidth: string;
borderWidth: string;
bottom: string;
boxShadow: string;
boxSizing: string; boxSizing: string;
breakAfter: string | null; breakAfter: string;
breakBefore: string | null; breakBefore: string;
breakInside: string | null; breakInside: string;
captionSide: string | null; captionSide: string;
caretColor: string; caretColor: string;
clear: string | null; clear: string;
clip: string; clip: string;
clipPath: string; clipPath: string;
clipRule: string; clipRule: string;
color: string | null; color: string | null;
colorInterpolation: string;
colorInterpolationFilters: string; colorInterpolationFilters: string;
columnCount: string; columnCount: string;
columnFill: string; columnFill: string;
@ -2810,28 +2828,29 @@ interface CSSStyleDeclaration {
columnSpan: string; columnSpan: string;
columnWidth: string; columnWidth: string;
columns: string; columns: string;
content: string | null; content: string;
counterIncrement: string | null; counterIncrement: string;
counterReset: string | null; counterReset: string;
cssFloat: string | null; cssFloat: string | null;
cssText: string; cssText: string;
cursor: string; cursor: string;
direction: string; direction: string;
display: string | null; display: string;
dominantBaseline: string | null; dominantBaseline: string;
emptyCells: string | null; emptyCells: string;
enableBackground: string | null; enableBackground: string | null;
fill: string | null; fill: string;
fillOpacity: string | null; fillOpacity: string;
fillRule: string | null; fillRule: string;
filter: string; filter: string;
flex: string | null; flex: string;
flexBasis: string | null; flexBasis: string;
flexDirection: string | null; flexDirection: string;
flexFlow: string | null; flexFlow: string;
flexGrow: string | null; flexGrow: string;
flexShrink: string | null; flexShrink: string;
flexWrap: string | null; flexWrap: string;
float: string;
floodColor: string; floodColor: string;
floodOpacity: string; floodOpacity: string;
font: string; font: string;
@ -2853,29 +2872,30 @@ interface CSSStyleDeclaration {
gap: string; gap: string;
glyphOrientationHorizontal: string | null; glyphOrientationHorizontal: string | null;
glyphOrientationVertical: string; glyphOrientationVertical: string;
grid: string | null; grid: string;
gridArea: string | null; gridArea: string;
gridAutoColumns: string | null; gridAutoColumns: string;
gridAutoFlow: string | null; gridAutoFlow: string;
gridAutoRows: string | null; gridAutoRows: string;
gridColumn: string | null; gridColumn: string;
gridColumnEnd: string | null; gridColumnEnd: string;
gridColumnGap: string; gridColumnGap: string;
gridColumnStart: string | null; gridColumnStart: string;
gridGap: string; gridGap: string;
gridRow: string | null; gridRow: string;
gridRowEnd: string | null; gridRowEnd: string;
gridRowGap: string; gridRowGap: string;
gridRowStart: string | null; gridRowStart: string;
gridTemplate: string | null; gridTemplate: string;
gridTemplateAreas: string | null; gridTemplateAreas: string;
gridTemplateColumns: string | null; gridTemplateColumns: string;
gridTemplateRows: string | null; gridTemplateRows: string;
height: string | null; height: string;
hyphens: string; hyphens: string;
imageOrientation: string; imageOrientation: string;
imageRendering: string; imageRendering: string;
imeMode: string | null; imeMode: string | null;
inlineSize: string;
justifyContent: string; justifyContent: string;
justifyItems: string; justifyItems: string;
justifySelf: string; justifySelf: string;
@ -2885,25 +2905,29 @@ interface CSSStyleDeclaration {
layoutGridLine: string | null; layoutGridLine: string | null;
layoutGridMode: string | null; layoutGridMode: string | null;
layoutGridType: string | null; layoutGridType: string | null;
left: string | null; left: string;
readonly length: number; readonly length: number;
letterSpacing: string; letterSpacing: string;
lightingColor: string; lightingColor: string;
lineBreak: string; lineBreak: string;
lineHeight: string | null; lineHeight: string;
listStyle: string | null; listStyle: string;
listStyleImage: string | null; listStyleImage: string;
listStylePosition: string | null; listStylePosition: string;
listStyleType: string | null; listStyleType: string;
margin: string | null; margin: string;
marginBottom: string | null; marginBlockEnd: string;
marginLeft: string | null; marginBlockStart: string;
marginRight: string | null; marginBottom: string;
marginTop: string | null; marginInlineEnd: string;
marker: string | null; marginInlineStart: string;
markerEnd: string | null; marginLeft: string;
markerMid: string | null; marginRight: string;
markerStart: string | null; marginTop: string;
marker: string;
markerEnd: string;
markerMid: string;
markerStart: string;
mask: string; mask: string;
maskComposite: string; maskComposite: string;
maskImage: string; maskImage: string;
@ -2911,10 +2935,14 @@ interface CSSStyleDeclaration {
maskRepeat: string; maskRepeat: string;
maskSize: string; maskSize: string;
maskType: string; maskType: string;
maxHeight: string | null; maxBlockSize: string;
maxWidth: string | null; maxHeight: string;
minHeight: string | null; maxInlineSize: string;
minWidth: string | null; maxWidth: string;
minBlockSize: string;
minHeight: string;
minInlineSize: string;
minWidth: string;
msContentZoomChaining: string | null; msContentZoomChaining: string | null;
msContentZoomLimit: string | null; msContentZoomLimit: string | null;
msContentZoomLimitMax: any; msContentZoomLimitMax: any;
@ -2965,8 +2993,8 @@ interface CSSStyleDeclaration {
objectFit: string; objectFit: string;
objectPosition: string; objectPosition: string;
opacity: string | null; opacity: string | null;
order: string | null; order: string;
orphans: string | null; orphans: string;
outline: string; outline: string;
outlineColor: string; outlineColor: string;
outlineOffset: string; outlineOffset: string;
@ -2977,45 +3005,51 @@ interface CSSStyleDeclaration {
overflowWrap: string; overflowWrap: string;
overflowX: string; overflowX: string;
overflowY: string; overflowY: string;
padding: string | null; padding: string;
paddingBottom: string | null; paddingBlockEnd: string;
paddingLeft: string | null; paddingBlockStart: string;
paddingRight: string | null; paddingBottom: string;
paddingTop: string | null; paddingInlineEnd: string;
pageBreakAfter: string | null; paddingInlineStart: string;
pageBreakBefore: string | null; paddingLeft: string;
pageBreakInside: string | null; paddingRight: string;
paddingTop: string;
pageBreakAfter: string;
pageBreakBefore: string;
pageBreakInside: string;
paintOrder: string;
readonly parentRule: CSSRule; readonly parentRule: CSSRule;
penAction: string | null; penAction: string | null;
perspective: string | null; perspective: string;
perspectiveOrigin: string | null; perspectiveOrigin: string;
placeContent: string; placeContent: string;
placeItems: string; placeItems: string;
placeSelf: string; placeSelf: string;
pointerEvents: string | null; pointerEvents: string | null;
position: string | null; position: string;
quotes: string | null; quotes: string;
resize: string; resize: string;
right: string | null; right: string;
rotate: string | null; rotate: string;
rowGap: string; rowGap: string;
rubyAlign: string | null; rubyAlign: string | null;
rubyOverhang: string | null; rubyOverhang: string | null;
rubyPosition: string | null; rubyPosition: string | null;
scale: string | null; scale: string;
scrollBehavior: string; scrollBehavior: string;
shapeRendering: string;
stopColor: string | null; stopColor: string | null;
stopOpacity: string | null; stopOpacity: string | null;
stroke: string | null; stroke: string;
strokeDasharray: string | null; strokeDasharray: string;
strokeDashoffset: string | null; strokeDashoffset: string;
strokeLinecap: string | null; strokeLinecap: string;
strokeLinejoin: string | null; strokeLinejoin: string;
strokeMiterlimit: string | null; strokeMiterlimit: string;
strokeOpacity: string | null; strokeOpacity: string;
strokeWidth: string | null; strokeWidth: string;
tabSize: string; tabSize: string;
tableLayout: string | null; tableLayout: string;
textAlign: string; textAlign: string;
textAlignLast: string; textAlignLast: string;
textAnchor: string | null; textAnchor: string | null;
@ -3034,25 +3068,26 @@ interface CSSStyleDeclaration {
textKashidaSpace: string | null; textKashidaSpace: string | null;
textOrientation: string; textOrientation: string;
textOverflow: string; textOverflow: string;
textRendering: string;
textShadow: string; textShadow: string;
textTransform: string; textTransform: string;
textUnderlinePosition: string; textUnderlinePosition: string;
top: string | null; top: string;
touchAction: string; touchAction: string;
transform: string; transform: string;
transformBox: string; transformBox: string;
transformOrigin: string; transformOrigin: string;
transformStyle: string | null; transformStyle: string;
transition: string; transition: string;
transitionDelay: string; transitionDelay: string;
transitionDuration: string; transitionDuration: string;
transitionProperty: string; transitionProperty: string;
transitionTimingFunction: string; transitionTimingFunction: string;
translate: string | null; translate: string;
unicodeBidi: string; unicodeBidi: string;
userSelect: string; userSelect: string;
verticalAlign: string | null; verticalAlign: string;
visibility: string | null; visibility: string;
/** @deprecated */ /** @deprecated */
webkitAlignContent: string; webkitAlignContent: string;
/** @deprecated */ /** @deprecated */
@ -3208,14 +3243,14 @@ interface CSSStyleDeclaration {
webkitUserSelect: string | null; webkitUserSelect: string | null;
webkitWritingMode: string | null; webkitWritingMode: string | null;
whiteSpace: string; whiteSpace: string;
widows: string | null; widows: string;
width: string | null; width: string;
willChange: string; willChange: string;
wordBreak: string; wordBreak: string;
wordSpacing: string; wordSpacing: string;
wordWrap: string; wordWrap: string;
writingMode: string; writingMode: string;
zIndex: string | null; zIndex: string;
zoom: string | null; zoom: string | null;
getPropertyPriority(propertyName: string): string; getPropertyPriority(propertyName: string): string;
getPropertyValue(propertyName: string): string; getPropertyValue(propertyName: string): string;
@ -3425,7 +3460,7 @@ interface CanvasRect {
} }
/** The CanvasRenderingContext2D interface, part of the Canvas API, provides the 2D rendering context for the drawing surface of a <canvas> element. It is used for drawing shapes, text, images, and other objects. */ /** The CanvasRenderingContext2D interface, part of the Canvas API, provides the 2D rendering context for the drawing surface of a <canvas> element. It is used for drawing shapes, text, images, and other objects. */
interface CanvasRenderingContext2D extends CanvasState, CanvasTransform, CanvasCompositing, CanvasImageSmoothing, CanvasFillStrokeStyles, CanvasShadowStyles, CanvasFilters, CanvasRect, CanvasDrawPath, CanvasUserInterface, CanvasText, CanvasDrawImage, CanvasImageData, CanvasPathDrawingStyles, CanvasTextDrawingStyles, CanvasPath { interface CanvasRenderingContext2D extends CanvasCompositing, CanvasDrawImage, CanvasDrawPath, CanvasFillStrokeStyles, CanvasFilters, CanvasImageData, CanvasImageSmoothing, CanvasPath, CanvasPathDrawingStyles, CanvasRect, CanvasShadowStyles, CanvasState, CanvasText, CanvasTextDrawingStyles, CanvasTransform, CanvasUserInterface {
readonly canvas: HTMLCanvasElement; readonly canvas: HTMLCanvasElement;
} }
@ -3507,7 +3542,7 @@ declare var ChannelSplitterNode: {
}; };
/** The CharacterData abstract interface represents a Node object that contains characters. This is an abstract interface, meaning there aren't any object of type CharacterData: it is implemented by other interfaces, like Text, Comment, or ProcessingInstruction which aren't abstract. */ /** The CharacterData abstract interface represents a Node object that contains characters. This is an abstract interface, meaning there aren't any object of type CharacterData: it is implemented by other interfaces, like Text, Comment, or ProcessingInstruction which aren't abstract. */
interface CharacterData extends Node, NonDocumentTypeChildNode, ChildNode { interface CharacterData extends Node, ChildNode, NonDocumentTypeChildNode {
data: string; data: string;
readonly length: number; readonly length: number;
appendData(data: string): void; appendData(data: string): void;
@ -4449,7 +4484,7 @@ interface DocumentEventMap extends GlobalEventHandlersEventMap, DocumentAndEleme
} }
/** Any web page loaded in the browser and serves as an entry point into the web page's content, which is the DOM tree. */ /** Any web page loaded in the browser and serves as an entry point into the web page's content, which is the DOM tree. */
interface Document extends Node, NonElementParentNode, DocumentOrShadowRoot, ParentNode, XPathEvaluatorBase, GlobalEventHandlers, DocumentAndElementEventHandlers { interface Document extends Node, DocumentAndElementEventHandlers, DocumentOrShadowRoot, GlobalEventHandlers, NonElementParentNode, ParentNode, XPathEvaluatorBase {
/** /**
* Sets or gets the URL for the current document. * Sets or gets the URL for the current document.
*/ */
@ -5140,7 +5175,7 @@ interface ElementEventMap {
} }
/** Element is the most general base class from which all objects in a Document inherit. It only has methods and properties common to all kinds of elements. More specific classes inherit from Element. */ /** Element is the most general base class from which all objects in a Document inherit. It only has methods and properties common to all kinds of elements. More specific classes inherit from Element. */
interface Element extends Node, ParentNode, NonDocumentTypeChildNode, ChildNode, Slotable, InnerHTML, Animatable { interface Element extends Node, Animatable, ChildNode, InnerHTML, NonDocumentTypeChildNode, ParentNode, Slotable {
readonly assignedSlot: HTMLSlotElement | null; readonly assignedSlot: HTMLSlotElement | null;
readonly attributes: NamedNodeMap; readonly attributes: NamedNodeMap;
/** /**
@ -5214,8 +5249,8 @@ interface Element extends Node, ParentNode, NonDocumentTypeChildNode, ChildNode,
getAttributeNames(): string[]; getAttributeNames(): string[];
getAttributeNode(name: string): Attr | null; getAttributeNode(name: string): Attr | null;
getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI: string, localName: string): Attr | null; getAttributeNodeNS(namespaceURI: string, localName: string): Attr | null;
getBoundingClientRect(): ClientRect | DOMRect; getBoundingClientRect(): DOMRect;
getClientRects(): ClientRectList | DOMRectList; getClientRects(): DOMRectList;
/** /**
* Returns a HTMLCollection of the elements in the object on which the method was invoked (a document or an element) that have all the classes given by classNames. The classNames argument is interpreted as a space-separated list of classes. * Returns a HTMLCollection of the elements in the object on which the method was invoked (a document or an element) that have all the classes given by classNames. The classNames argument is interpreted as a space-separated list of classes.
*/ */
@ -6635,7 +6670,7 @@ interface HTMLElementEventMap extends ElementEventMap, GlobalEventHandlersEventM
} }
/** Any HTML element. Some elements directly implement this interface, while others implement it via an interface that inherits it. */ /** Any HTML element. Some elements directly implement this interface, while others implement it via an interface that inherits it. */
interface HTMLElement extends Element, GlobalEventHandlers, DocumentAndElementEventHandlers, ElementContentEditable, HTMLOrSVGElement, ElementCSSInlineStyle { interface HTMLElement extends Element, DocumentAndElementEventHandlers, ElementCSSInlineStyle, ElementContentEditable, GlobalEventHandlers, HTMLOrSVGElement {
accessKey: string; accessKey: string;
readonly accessKeyLabel: string; readonly accessKeyLabel: string;
autocapitalize: string; autocapitalize: string;
@ -9772,11 +9807,11 @@ declare var IntersectionObserver: {
/** This Intersection Observer API interface describes the intersection between the target element and its root container at a specific moment of transition. */ /** This Intersection Observer API interface describes the intersection between the target element and its root container at a specific moment of transition. */
interface IntersectionObserverEntry { interface IntersectionObserverEntry {
readonly boundingClientRect: ClientRect | DOMRect; readonly boundingClientRect: DOMRectReadOnly;
readonly intersectionRatio: number; readonly intersectionRatio: number;
readonly intersectionRect: ClientRect | DOMRect; readonly intersectionRect: DOMRectReadOnly;
readonly isIntersecting: boolean; readonly isIntersecting: boolean;
readonly rootBounds: ClientRect | DOMRect | null; readonly rootBounds: DOMRectReadOnly | null;
readonly target: Element; readonly target: Element;
readonly time: number; readonly time: number;
} }
@ -10817,7 +10852,7 @@ declare var NavigationPreloadManager: {
}; };
/** The state and the identity of the user agent. It allows scripts to query it and to register themselves to carry on some activities. */ /** The state and the identity of the user agent. It allows scripts to query it and to register themselves to carry on some activities. */
interface Navigator extends NavigatorID, NavigatorLanguage, NavigatorOnLine, NavigatorContentUtils, NavigatorCookies, NavigatorPlugins, NavigatorConcurrentHardware, NavigatorStorage, NavigatorAutomationInformation, MSFileSaver, MSNavigatorDoNotTrack, NavigatorBeacon { interface Navigator extends MSFileSaver, MSNavigatorDoNotTrack, NavigatorAutomationInformation, NavigatorBeacon, NavigatorConcurrentHardware, NavigatorContentUtils, NavigatorCookies, NavigatorID, NavigatorLanguage, NavigatorOnLine, NavigatorPlugins, NavigatorStorage {
readonly activeVRDisplays: ReadonlyArray<VRDisplay>; readonly activeVRDisplays: ReadonlyArray<VRDisplay>;
readonly clipboard: Clipboard; readonly clipboard: Clipboard;
readonly credentials: CredentialsContainer; readonly credentials: CredentialsContainer;
@ -11356,7 +11391,7 @@ declare var OffscreenCanvas: {
new(width: number, height: number): OffscreenCanvas; new(width: number, height: number): OffscreenCanvas;
}; };
interface OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D extends CanvasState, CanvasTransform, CanvasCompositing, CanvasImageSmoothing, CanvasFillStrokeStyles, CanvasShadowStyles, CanvasFilters, CanvasRect, CanvasDrawPath, CanvasText, CanvasDrawImage, CanvasImageData, CanvasPathDrawingStyles, CanvasTextDrawingStyles, CanvasPath { interface OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D extends CanvasCompositing, CanvasDrawImage, CanvasDrawPath, CanvasFillStrokeStyles, CanvasFilters, CanvasImageData, CanvasImageSmoothing, CanvasPath, CanvasPathDrawingStyles, CanvasRect, CanvasShadowStyles, CanvasState, CanvasText, CanvasTextDrawingStyles, CanvasTransform {
readonly canvas: OffscreenCanvas; readonly canvas: OffscreenCanvas;
commit(): void; commit(): void;
} }
@ -12588,8 +12623,8 @@ interface Range extends AbstractRange {
deleteContents(): void; deleteContents(): void;
detach(): void; detach(): void;
extractContents(): DocumentFragment; extractContents(): DocumentFragment;
getBoundingClientRect(): ClientRect | DOMRect; getBoundingClientRect(): DOMRect;
getClientRects(): ClientRectList | DOMRectList; getClientRects(): DOMRectList;
insertNode(node: Node): void; insertNode(node: Node): void;
/** /**
* Returns whether range intersects node. * Returns whether range intersects node.
@ -13113,7 +13148,7 @@ interface SVGElementEventMap extends ElementEventMap, GlobalEventHandlersEventMa
} }
/** All of the SVG DOM interfaces that correspond directly to elements in the SVG language derive from the SVGElement interface. */ /** All of the SVG DOM interfaces that correspond directly to elements in the SVG language derive from the SVGElement interface. */
interface SVGElement extends Element, GlobalEventHandlers, DocumentAndElementEventHandlers, SVGElementInstance, HTMLOrSVGElement, ElementCSSInlineStyle { interface SVGElement extends Element, DocumentAndElementEventHandlers, ElementCSSInlineStyle, GlobalEventHandlers, HTMLOrSVGElement, SVGElementInstance {
/** @deprecated */ /** @deprecated */
readonly className: any; readonly className: any;
readonly ownerSVGElement: SVGSVGElement | null; readonly ownerSVGElement: SVGSVGElement | null;
@ -14323,7 +14358,7 @@ declare var SVGPathSegMovetoRel: {
}; };
/** Corresponds to the <pattern> element. */ /** Corresponds to the <pattern> element. */
interface SVGPatternElement extends SVGElement, SVGTests, SVGFitToViewBox, SVGURIReference { interface SVGPatternElement extends SVGElement, SVGFitToViewBox, SVGTests, SVGURIReference {
readonly height: SVGAnimatedLength; readonly height: SVGAnimatedLength;
readonly patternContentUnits: SVGAnimatedEnumeration; readonly patternContentUnits: SVGAnimatedEnumeration;
readonly patternTransform: SVGAnimatedTransformList; readonly patternTransform: SVGAnimatedTransformList;
@ -15624,7 +15659,7 @@ interface TextDecoderCommon {
readonly ignoreBOM: boolean; readonly ignoreBOM: boolean;
} }
interface TextDecoderStream extends TextDecoderCommon, GenericTransformStream { interface TextDecoderStream extends GenericTransformStream, TextDecoderCommon {
} }
declare var TextDecoderStream: { declare var TextDecoderStream: {
@ -15656,7 +15691,7 @@ interface TextEncoderCommon {
readonly encoding: string; readonly encoding: string;
} }
interface TextEncoderStream extends TextEncoderCommon, GenericTransformStream { interface TextEncoderStream extends GenericTransformStream, TextEncoderCommon {
} }
declare var TextEncoderStream: { declare var TextEncoderStream: {
@ -16424,7 +16459,7 @@ declare var WebAuthnAssertion: {
new(): WebAuthnAssertion; new(): WebAuthnAssertion;
}; };
interface WebGL2RenderingContext extends WebGLRenderingContextBase, WebGL2RenderingContextBase, WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads { interface WebGL2RenderingContext extends WebGL2RenderingContextBase, WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads, WebGLRenderingContextBase {
} }
declare var WebGL2RenderingContext: { declare var WebGL2RenderingContext: {
@ -18477,7 +18512,7 @@ interface WindowEventMap extends GlobalEventHandlersEventMap, WindowEventHandler
} }
/** A window containing a DOM document; the document property points to the DOM document loaded in that window. */ /** A window containing a DOM document; the document property points to the DOM document loaded in that window. */
interface Window extends EventTarget, WindowTimers, WindowSessionStorage, WindowLocalStorage, WindowConsole, GlobalEventHandlers, IDBEnvironment, WindowBase64, AnimationFrameProvider, WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, WindowEventHandlers { interface Window extends EventTarget, AnimationFrameProvider, GlobalEventHandlers, IDBEnvironment, WindowBase64, WindowConsole, WindowEventHandlers, WindowLocalStorage, WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, WindowSessionStorage, WindowTimers {
readonly applicationCache: ApplicationCache; readonly applicationCache: ApplicationCache;
readonly caches: CacheStorage; readonly caches: CacheStorage;
readonly clientInformation: Navigator; readonly clientInformation: Navigator;
@ -19039,11 +19074,11 @@ declare namespace WebAssembly {
var Global: { var Global: {
prototype: Global; prototype: Global;
new(descriptor: GlobalDescriptor, value?: any): Global; new(descriptor: GlobalDescriptor, v?: any): Global;
}; };
interface Instance { interface Instance {
readonly exports: any; readonly exports: Exports;
} }
var Instance: { var Instance: {
@ -19075,9 +19110,9 @@ declare namespace WebAssembly {
var Module: { var Module: {
prototype: Module; prototype: Module;
new(bytes: BufferSource): Module; new(bytes: BufferSource): Module;
customSections(module: Module, sectionName: string): ArrayBuffer[]; customSections(moduleObject: Module, sectionName: string): ArrayBuffer[];
exports(module: Module): ModuleExportDescriptor[]; exports(moduleObject: Module): ModuleExportDescriptor[];
imports(module: Module): ModuleImportDescriptor[]; imports(moduleObject: Module): ModuleImportDescriptor[];
}; };
interface RuntimeError { interface RuntimeError {
@ -19102,7 +19137,7 @@ declare namespace WebAssembly {
interface GlobalDescriptor { interface GlobalDescriptor {
mutable?: boolean; mutable?: boolean;
value: string; value: ValueType;
} }
interface MemoryDescriptor { interface MemoryDescriptor {
@ -19134,9 +19169,17 @@ declare namespace WebAssembly {
type ImportExportKind = "function" | "table" | "memory" | "global"; type ImportExportKind = "function" | "table" | "memory" | "global";
type TableKind = "anyfunc"; type TableKind = "anyfunc";
type ValueType = "i32" | "i64" | "f32" | "f64";
type ExportValue = Function | Global | Memory | Table;
type Exports = Record<string, ExportValue>;
type ImportValue = ExportValue | number;
type ModuleImports = Record<string, ImportValue>;
type Imports = Record<string, ModuleImports>;
function compile(bytes: BufferSource): Promise<Module>; function compile(bytes: BufferSource): Promise<Module>;
function instantiate(bytes: BufferSource, importObject?: any): Promise<WebAssemblyInstantiatedSource>; function compileStreaming(source: Response | Promise<Response>): Promise<Module>;
function instantiate(moduleObject: Module, importObject?: any): Promise<Instance>; function instantiate(bytes: BufferSource, importObject?: Imports): Promise<WebAssemblyInstantiatedSource>;
function instantiate(moduleObject: Module, importObject?: Imports): Promise<Instance>;
function instantiateStreaming(response: Response | PromiseLike<Response>, importObject?: Imports): Promise<WebAssemblyInstantiatedSource>;
function validate(bytes: BufferSource): boolean; function validate(bytes: BufferSource): boolean;
} }
@ -20096,7 +20139,7 @@ type Transport = "usb" | "nfc" | "ble";
type UserVerificationRequirement = "required" | "preferred" | "discouraged"; type UserVerificationRequirement = "required" | "preferred" | "discouraged";
type VRDisplayEventReason = "mounted" | "navigation" | "requested" | "unmounted"; type VRDisplayEventReason = "mounted" | "navigation" | "requested" | "unmounted";
type VideoFacingModeEnum = "user" | "environment" | "left" | "right"; type VideoFacingModeEnum = "user" | "environment" | "left" | "right";
type VisibilityState = "hidden" | "visible" | "prerender"; type VisibilityState = "hidden" | "visible";
type WebGLPowerPreference = "default" | "low-power" | "high-performance"; type WebGLPowerPreference = "default" | "low-power" | "high-performance";
type WorkerType = "classic" | "module"; type WorkerType = "classic" | "module";
type XMLHttpRequestResponseType = "" | "arraybuffer" | "blob" | "document" | "json" | "text"; type XMLHttpRequestResponseType = "" | "arraybuffer" | "blob" | "document" | "json" | "text";

View file

@ -273,37 +273,37 @@ interface WebAuthentication {
} }
interface WebGL2RenderingContextBase { interface WebGL2RenderingContextBase {
clearBufferfv(buffer: GLenum, drawbuffer: GLint, values: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint): void;
clearBufferiv(buffer: GLenum, drawbuffer: GLint, values: Iterable<GLint>, srcOffset?: GLuint): void;
clearBufferuiv(buffer: GLenum, drawbuffer: GLint, values: Iterable<GLuint>, srcOffset?: GLuint): void;
drawBuffers(buffers: Iterable<GLenum>): void;
getActiveUniforms(program: WebGLProgram, uniformIndices: Iterable<GLuint>, pname: GLenum): any;
getUniformIndices(program: WebGLProgram, uniformNames: Iterable<string>): Iterable<GLuint> | null;
invalidateFramebuffer(target: GLenum, attachments: Iterable<GLenum>): void; invalidateFramebuffer(target: GLenum, attachments: Iterable<GLenum>): void;
invalidateSubFramebuffer(target: GLenum, attachments: Iterable<GLenum>, x: GLint, y: GLint, width: GLsizei, height: GLsizei): void; invalidateSubFramebuffer(target: GLenum, attachments: Iterable<GLenum>, x: GLint, y: GLint, width: GLsizei, height: GLsizei): void;
transformFeedbackVaryings(program: WebGLProgram, varyings: Iterable<string>, bufferMode: GLenum): void;
uniform1uiv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLuint>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void; uniform1uiv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLuint>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniform2uiv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLuint>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void; uniform2uiv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLuint>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniform3uiv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLuint>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void; uniform3uiv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLuint>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniform4uiv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLuint>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void; uniform4uiv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLuint>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniformMatrix3x2fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniformMatrix4x2fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniformMatrix2x3fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void; uniformMatrix2x3fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniformMatrix4x3fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniformMatrix2x4fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void; uniformMatrix2x4fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniformMatrix3x2fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniformMatrix3x4fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void; uniformMatrix3x4fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniformMatrix4x2fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniformMatrix4x3fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
vertexAttribI4iv(index: GLuint, values: Iterable<GLint>): void; vertexAttribI4iv(index: GLuint, values: Iterable<GLint>): void;
vertexAttribI4uiv(index: GLuint, values: Iterable<GLuint>): void; vertexAttribI4uiv(index: GLuint, values: Iterable<GLuint>): void;
drawBuffers(buffers: Iterable<GLenum>): void;
clearBufferfv(buffer: GLenum, drawbuffer: GLint, values: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint): void;
clearBufferiv(buffer: GLenum, drawbuffer: GLint, values: Iterable<GLint>, srcOffset?: GLuint): void;
clearBufferuiv(buffer: GLenum, drawbuffer: GLint, values: Iterable<GLuint>, srcOffset?: GLuint): void;
transformFeedbackVaryings(program: WebGLProgram, varyings: Iterable<string>, bufferMode: GLenum): void;
getUniformIndices(program: WebGLProgram, uniformNames: Iterable<string>): Iterable<GLuint> | null;
getActiveUniforms(program: WebGLProgram, uniformIndices: Iterable<GLuint>, pname: GLenum): any;
} }
interface WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads { interface WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads {
uniform1fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void; uniform1fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniform2fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniform3fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniform4fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniform1iv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLint>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void; uniform1iv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLint>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniform2fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniform2iv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLint>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void; uniform2iv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLint>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniform3fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniform3iv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLint>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void; uniform3iv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLint>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniform4fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniform4iv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLint>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void; uniform4iv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, data: Iterable<GLint>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniformMatrix2fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void; uniformMatrix2fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
uniformMatrix3fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void; uniformMatrix3fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, data: Iterable<GLfloat>, srcOffset?: GLuint, srcLength?: GLuint): void;
@ -319,12 +319,12 @@ interface WebGLRenderingContextBase {
interface WebGLRenderingContextOverloads { interface WebGLRenderingContextOverloads {
uniform1fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, v: Iterable<GLfloat>): void; uniform1fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, v: Iterable<GLfloat>): void;
uniform2fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, v: Iterable<GLfloat>): void;
uniform3fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, v: Iterable<GLfloat>): void;
uniform4fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, v: Iterable<GLfloat>): void;
uniform1iv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, v: Iterable<GLint>): void; uniform1iv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, v: Iterable<GLint>): void;
uniform2fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, v: Iterable<GLfloat>): void;
uniform2iv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, v: Iterable<GLint>): void; uniform2iv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, v: Iterable<GLint>): void;
uniform3fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, v: Iterable<GLfloat>): void;
uniform3iv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, v: Iterable<GLint>): void; uniform3iv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, v: Iterable<GLint>): void;
uniform4fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, v: Iterable<GLfloat>): void;
uniform4iv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, v: Iterable<GLint>): void; uniform4iv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, v: Iterable<GLint>): void;
uniformMatrix2fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, value: Iterable<GLfloat>): void; uniformMatrix2fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, value: Iterable<GLfloat>): void;
uniformMatrix3fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, value: Iterable<GLfloat>): void; uniformMatrix3fv(location: WebGLUniformLocation | null, transpose: GLboolean, value: Iterable<GLfloat>): void;

View file

@ -2452,7 +2452,7 @@ declare var OffscreenCanvas: {
new(width: number, height: number): OffscreenCanvas; new(width: number, height: number): OffscreenCanvas;
}; };
interface OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D extends CanvasState, CanvasTransform, CanvasCompositing, CanvasImageSmoothing, CanvasFillStrokeStyles, CanvasShadowStyles, CanvasFilters, CanvasRect, CanvasDrawPath, CanvasText, CanvasDrawImage, CanvasImageData, CanvasPathDrawingStyles, CanvasTextDrawingStyles, CanvasPath { interface OffscreenCanvasRenderingContext2D extends CanvasCompositing, CanvasDrawImage, CanvasDrawPath, CanvasFillStrokeStyles, CanvasFilters, CanvasImageData, CanvasImageSmoothing, CanvasPath, CanvasPathDrawingStyles, CanvasRect, CanvasShadowStyles, CanvasState, CanvasText, CanvasTextDrawingStyles, CanvasTransform {
readonly canvas: OffscreenCanvas; readonly canvas: OffscreenCanvas;
commit(): void; commit(): void;
} }
@ -3082,7 +3082,7 @@ interface TextDecoderCommon {
readonly ignoreBOM: boolean; readonly ignoreBOM: boolean;
} }
interface TextDecoderStream extends TextDecoderCommon, GenericTransformStream { interface TextDecoderStream extends GenericTransformStream, TextDecoderCommon {
} }
declare var TextDecoderStream: { declare var TextDecoderStream: {
@ -3114,7 +3114,7 @@ interface TextEncoderCommon {
readonly encoding: string; readonly encoding: string;
} }
interface TextEncoderStream extends TextEncoderCommon, GenericTransformStream { interface TextEncoderStream extends GenericTransformStream, TextEncoderCommon {
} }
declare var TextEncoderStream: { declare var TextEncoderStream: {
@ -3365,7 +3365,7 @@ interface WEBGL_lose_context {
restoreContext(): void; restoreContext(): void;
} }
interface WebGL2RenderingContext extends WebGLRenderingContextBase, WebGL2RenderingContextBase, WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads { interface WebGL2RenderingContext extends WebGL2RenderingContextBase, WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads, WebGLRenderingContextBase {
} }
declare var WebGL2RenderingContext: { declare var WebGL2RenderingContext: {
@ -5355,7 +5355,7 @@ interface WorkerGlobalScopeEventMap {
} }
/** This Web Workers API interface is an interface representing the scope of any worker. Workers have no browsing context; this scope contains the information usually conveyed by Window objects — in this case event handlers, the console or the associated WorkerNavigator object. Each WorkerGlobalScope has its own event loop. */ /** This Web Workers API interface is an interface representing the scope of any worker. Workers have no browsing context; this scope contains the information usually conveyed by Window objects — in this case event handlers, the console or the associated WorkerNavigator object. Each WorkerGlobalScope has its own event loop. */
interface WorkerGlobalScope extends EventTarget, WorkerUtils, WindowConsole, WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope { interface WorkerGlobalScope extends EventTarget, WindowConsole, WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, WorkerUtils {
readonly caches: CacheStorage; readonly caches: CacheStorage;
readonly isSecureContext: boolean; readonly isSecureContext: boolean;
readonly location: WorkerLocation; readonly location: WorkerLocation;
@ -5394,7 +5394,7 @@ declare var WorkerLocation: {
}; };
/** A subset of the Navigator interface allowed to be accessed from a Worker. Such an object is initialized for each worker and is available via the WorkerGlobalScope.navigator property obtained by calling window.self.navigator. */ /** A subset of the Navigator interface allowed to be accessed from a Worker. Such an object is initialized for each worker and is available via the WorkerGlobalScope.navigator property obtained by calling window.self.navigator. */
interface WorkerNavigator extends NavigatorID, NavigatorOnLine, NavigatorBeacon, NavigatorConcurrentHardware, NavigatorStorage { interface WorkerNavigator extends NavigatorBeacon, NavigatorConcurrentHardware, NavigatorID, NavigatorOnLine, NavigatorStorage {
readonly permissions: Permissions; readonly permissions: Permissions;
readonly serviceWorker: ServiceWorkerContainer; readonly serviceWorker: ServiceWorkerContainer;
} }
@ -5600,11 +5600,11 @@ declare namespace WebAssembly {
var Global: { var Global: {
prototype: Global; prototype: Global;
new(descriptor: GlobalDescriptor, value?: any): Global; new(descriptor: GlobalDescriptor, v?: any): Global;
}; };
interface Instance { interface Instance {
readonly exports: any; readonly exports: Exports;
} }
var Instance: { var Instance: {
@ -5628,9 +5628,9 @@ declare namespace WebAssembly {
var Module: { var Module: {
prototype: Module; prototype: Module;
new(bytes: BufferSource): Module; new(bytes: BufferSource): Module;
customSections(module: Module, sectionName: string): ArrayBuffer[]; customSections(moduleObject: Module, sectionName: string): ArrayBuffer[];
exports(module: Module): ModuleExportDescriptor[]; exports(moduleObject: Module): ModuleExportDescriptor[];
imports(module: Module): ModuleImportDescriptor[]; imports(moduleObject: Module): ModuleImportDescriptor[];
}; };
interface Table { interface Table {
@ -5647,7 +5647,7 @@ declare namespace WebAssembly {
interface GlobalDescriptor { interface GlobalDescriptor {
mutable?: boolean; mutable?: boolean;
value: string; value: ValueType;
} }
interface MemoryDescriptor { interface MemoryDescriptor {
@ -5679,9 +5679,17 @@ declare namespace WebAssembly {
type ImportExportKind = "function" | "table" | "memory" | "global"; type ImportExportKind = "function" | "table" | "memory" | "global";
type TableKind = "anyfunc"; type TableKind = "anyfunc";
type ValueType = "i32" | "i64" | "f32" | "f64";
type ExportValue = Function | Global | Memory | Table;
type Exports = Record<string, ExportValue>;
type ImportValue = ExportValue | number;
type ModuleImports = Record<string, ImportValue>;
type Imports = Record<string, ModuleImports>;
function compile(bytes: BufferSource): Promise<Module>; function compile(bytes: BufferSource): Promise<Module>;
function instantiate(bytes: BufferSource, importObject?: any): Promise<WebAssemblyInstantiatedSource>; function compileStreaming(source: Response | Promise<Response>): Promise<Module>;
function instantiate(moduleObject: Module, importObject?: any): Promise<Instance>; function instantiate(bytes: BufferSource, importObject?: Imports): Promise<WebAssemblyInstantiatedSource>;
function instantiate(moduleObject: Module, importObject?: Imports): Promise<Instance>;
function instantiateStreaming(response: Response | PromiseLike<Response>, importObject?: Imports): Promise<WebAssemblyInstantiatedSource>;
function validate(bytes: BufferSource): boolean; function validate(bytes: BufferSource): boolean;
} }
@ -5855,7 +5863,7 @@ type RequestRedirect = "follow" | "error" | "manual";
type ResponseType = "basic" | "cors" | "default" | "error" | "opaque" | "opaqueredirect"; type ResponseType = "basic" | "cors" | "default" | "error" | "opaque" | "opaqueredirect";
type ServiceWorkerState = "installing" | "installed" | "activating" | "activated" | "redundant"; type ServiceWorkerState = "installing" | "installed" | "activating" | "activated" | "redundant";
type ServiceWorkerUpdateViaCache = "imports" | "all" | "none"; type ServiceWorkerUpdateViaCache = "imports" | "all" | "none";
type VisibilityState = "hidden" | "visible" | "prerender"; type VisibilityState = "hidden" | "visible";
type WebGLPowerPreference = "default" | "low-power" | "high-performance"; type WebGLPowerPreference = "default" | "low-power" | "high-performance";
type WorkerType = "classic" | "module"; type WorkerType = "classic" | "module";
type XMLHttpRequestResponseType = "" | "arraybuffer" | "blob" | "document" | "json" | "text"; type XMLHttpRequestResponseType = "" | "arraybuffer" | "blob" | "document" | "json" | "text";

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ tests/cases/compiler/intersectionsOfLargeUnions2.ts(31,15): error TS2536: Type '
interface ElementTagNameMap { interface ElementTagNameMap {
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
!!! error TS2300: Duplicate identifier 'ElementTagNameMap'. !!! error TS2300: Duplicate identifier 'ElementTagNameMap'.
!!! related TS6203 /.ts/lib.dom.d.ts:19479:6: 'ElementTagNameMap' was also declared here. !!! related TS6203 /.ts/lib.dom.d.ts:19522:6: 'ElementTagNameMap' was also declared here.
[index: number]: HTMLElement [index: number]: HTMLElement
} }

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long