Run all checks in it blocks

This commit is contained in:
Mohamed Hegazy 2015-04-28 17:48:01 -07:00
parent cde3ed0e26
commit e76439b2ff

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@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ class ProjectRunner extends RunnerBase {
var name = 'Compiling project for ' + testCase.scenario + ': testcase ' + testCaseFileName;
describe(name, () => {
function verifyCompilerResults(compilerResult: BatchCompileProjectTestCaseResult) {
function verifyCompilerResults(moduleKind: ts.ModuleKind) {
function getCompilerResolutionInfo() {
var resolutionInfo: ProjectRunnerTestCaseResolutionInfo = {
scenario: testCase.scenario,
@ -356,23 +356,33 @@ class ProjectRunner extends RunnerBase {
return resolutionInfo;
it('Resolution information of (' + moduleNameToString(compilerResult.moduleKind) + '): ' + testCaseFileName, () => {
var compilerResult: BatchCompileProjectTestCaseResult;
it(name + ": " + moduleNameToString(moduleKind) , () => {
// Compile using node
compilerResult = batchCompilerProjectTestCase(moduleKind);
it('Resolution information of (' + moduleNameToString(moduleKind) + '): ' + testCaseFileName, () => {
Harness.Baseline.runBaseline('Resolution information of (' + moduleNameToString(compilerResult.moduleKind) + '): ' + testCaseFileName, getBaselineFolder(compilerResult.moduleKind) + testCaseJustName + '.json', () => {
return JSON.stringify(getCompilerResolutionInfo(), undefined, " ");
if (compilerResult.errors.length) {
it('Errors for (' + moduleNameToString(compilerResult.moduleKind) + '): ' + testCaseFileName, () => {
it('Errors for (' + moduleNameToString(moduleKind) + '): ' + testCaseFileName, () => {
if (compilerResult.errors.length) {
Harness.Baseline.runBaseline('Errors for (' + moduleNameToString(compilerResult.moduleKind) + '): ' + testCaseFileName, getBaselineFolder(compilerResult.moduleKind) + testCaseJustName + '.errors.txt', () => {
return getErrorsBaseline(compilerResult);
it('Baseline of emitted result (' + moduleNameToString(moduleKind) + '): ' + testCaseFileName, () => {
if (testCase.baselineCheck) {
ts.forEach(compilerResult.outputFiles, outputFile => {
if (testCase.baselineCheck) {
ts.forEach(compilerResult.outputFiles, outputFile => {
it('Baseline of emitted result (' + moduleNameToString(compilerResult.moduleKind) + '): ' + testCaseFileName, () => {
Harness.Baseline.runBaseline('Baseline of emitted result (' + moduleNameToString(compilerResult.moduleKind) + '): ' + testCaseFileName, getBaselineFolder(compilerResult.moduleKind) + outputFile.fileName, () => {
try {
return ts.sys.readFile(getProjectOutputFolder(outputFile.fileName, compilerResult.moduleKind));
@ -382,89 +392,39 @@ class ProjectRunner extends RunnerBase {
it('SourceMapRecord for (' + moduleNameToString(moduleKind) + '): ' + testCaseFileName, () => {
if (compilerResult.sourceMapData) {
it('SourceMapRecord for (' + moduleNameToString(compilerResult.moduleKind) + '): ' + testCaseFileName, () => {
Harness.Baseline.runBaseline('SourceMapRecord for (' + moduleNameToString(compilerResult.moduleKind) + '): ' + testCaseFileName, getBaselineFolder(compilerResult.moduleKind) + testCaseJustName + '.sourcemap.txt', () => {
return Harness.SourceMapRecoder.getSourceMapRecord(compilerResult.sourceMapData, compilerResult.program,
ts.filter(compilerResult.outputFiles, outputFile => Harness.Compiler.isJS(outputFile.emittedFileName)));
Harness.Baseline.runBaseline('SourceMapRecord for (' + moduleNameToString(compilerResult.moduleKind) + '): ' + testCaseFileName, getBaselineFolder(compilerResult.moduleKind) + testCaseJustName + '.sourcemap.txt', () => {
return Harness.SourceMapRecoder.getSourceMapRecord(compilerResult.sourceMapData, compilerResult.program,
ts.filter(compilerResult.outputFiles, outputFile => Harness.Compiler.isJS(outputFile.emittedFileName)));
// Verify that all the generated .d.ts files compile
// Verify that all the generated .d.ts files compile
it('Errors in generated Dts files for (' + moduleNameToString(moduleKind) + '): ' + testCaseFileName, () => {
if (!compilerResult.errors.length && testCase.declaration) {
var dTsCompileResult = compileCompileDTsFiles(compilerResult);
if (dTsCompileResult.errors.length) {
it('Errors in generated Dts files for (' + moduleNameToString(compilerResult.moduleKind) + '): ' + testCaseFileName, () => {
Harness.Baseline.runBaseline('Errors in generated Dts files for (' + moduleNameToString(compilerResult.moduleKind) + '): ' + testCaseFileName, getBaselineFolder(compilerResult.moduleKind) + testCaseJustName + '.dts.errors.txt', () => {
return getErrorsBaseline(dTsCompileResult);
Harness.Baseline.runBaseline('Errors in generated Dts files for (' + moduleNameToString(compilerResult.moduleKind) + '): ' + testCaseFileName, getBaselineFolder(compilerResult.moduleKind) + testCaseJustName + '.dts.errors.txt', () => {
return getErrorsBaseline(dTsCompileResult);
var nodeCompilerResult: BatchCompileProjectTestCaseResult;
var amdCompilerResult: BatchCompileProjectTestCaseResult;
it(name + ": node", () => {
// Compile using node
nodeCompilerResult = batchCompilerProjectTestCase(ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS);
it(name + ": amd", () => {
// Compile using amd
amdCompilerResult = batchCompilerProjectTestCase(ts.ModuleKind.AMD);
if (testCase.runTest) {
it(name + ": runTest", () => {
if (!nodeCompilerResult || !amdCompilerResult) {
//TODO(ryanca/danquirk): Either support this or remove this option from the interface as well as test case json files
// Node results
assert.isTrue(!nodeCompilerResult.nonSubfolderDiskFiles, "Cant run test case that generates parent folders/absolute path");
//it("runs without error: (" + moduleNameToString(nodeCompilerResult.moduleKind) + ')', function (done: any) {
// Exec.exec("node.exe", ['"' + baseLineLocalPath(nodeCompilerResult.outputFiles[0].diskRelativeName, nodeCompilerResult.moduleKind) + '"'], function (res) {
// Harness.Assert.equal(res.stdout, "");
// Harness.Assert.equal(res.stderr, "");
// done();
// })
// Amd results
assert.isTrue(!amdCompilerResult.nonSubfolderDiskFiles, "Cant run test case that generates parent folders/absolute path");
//var amdDriverTemplate = "var requirejs = require('../r.js');\n\n" +
// "requirejs.config({\n" +
// " nodeRequire: require\n" +
// "});\n\n" +
// "requirejs(['{0}'],\n" +
// "function ({0}) {\n" +
// "});";
//var moduleName = baseLineLocalPath(amdCompilerResult.outputFiles[0].diskRelativeName, amdCompilerResult.moduleKind).replace(/\.js$/, "");
//sys.writeFile(testCase.projectRoot + '/driver.js', amdDriverTemplate.replace(/\{0}/g, moduleName));
//it("runs without error (" + moduleNameToString(amdCompilerResult.moduleKind) + ')', function (done: any) {
// Exec.exec("node.exe", ['"' + testCase.projectRoot + '/driver.js"'], function (res) {
// Harness.Assert.equal(res.stdout, "");
// Harness.Assert.equal(res.stderr, "");
// done();
// })
after(() => {
nodeCompilerResult = undefined;
amdCompilerResult = undefined;
compilerResult = undefined;
after(() => {
// Mocha holds onto the closure environment of the describe callback even after the test is done.
// Therefore we have to clean out large objects after the test is done.