Bump version to 4.0.0-beta and LKG

This commit is contained in:
TypeScript Bot 2020-06-23 04:52:03 +00:00
parent 9f70d498f2
commit edb72ea291
19 changed files with 6244 additions and 2797 deletions

View file

@ -217,6 +217,7 @@
"An_interface_can_only_extend_an_object_type_or_intersection_of_object_types_with_statically_known_me_2312": "Rozhraní může rozšiřovat jen typ objektu nebo průsečík typů objektů se staticky známými členy.",
"An_interface_property_cannot_have_an_initializer_1246": "Vlastnost rozhraní nemůže mít inicializátor.",
"An_iterator_must_have_a_next_method_2489": "Iterátor musí mít metodu next().",
"An_jsxFrag_pragma_is_required_when_using_an_jsx_pragma_with_JSX_fragments_17017": "Při použití direktivy pragma @jsx s fragmenty JSX se vyžaduje direktiva pragma @jsxFrag.",
"An_object_literal_cannot_have_multiple_get_Slashset_accessors_with_the_same_name_1118": "Literál objektu nemůže obsahovat několik přístupových objektů get/set se stejným názvem.",
"An_object_literal_cannot_have_multiple_properties_with_the_same_name_in_strict_mode_1117": "Literál objektu nemůže mít víc vlastností se stejným názvem ve striktním režimu.",
"An_object_literal_cannot_have_property_and_accessor_with_the_same_name_1119": "Literál objektu nemůže obsahovat vlastnost a přístupový objekt se stejným názvem.",
@ -606,6 +607,7 @@
"Global_type_0_must_have_1_type_parameter_s_2317": "Globální typ {0} musí mít parametry typu {1}.",
"Have_recompiles_in_incremental_and_watch_assume_that_changes_within_a_file_will_only_affect_files_di_6384": "Opakované kompilace --incremental a --watch předpokládají, že změny v souboru budou mít vliv jen na soubory, které na něm přímo závisejí.",
"Hexadecimal_digit_expected_1125": "Očekávala se šestnáctková číslice.",
"Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_at_the_top_level_of_a_module_1262": "Očekával se identifikátor. {0} je vyhrazené slovo na nejvyšší úrovni modulu.",
"Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_in_strict_mode_1212": "Očekával se identifikátor. Ve striktním režimu je {0} rezervované slovo.",
"Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_in_strict_mode_Class_definitions_are_automatically_in_stric_1213": "Očekával se identifikátor. Ve striktním režimu je {0} rezervované slovo. Definice tříd jsou automaticky ve striktním režimu.",
"Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_in_strict_mode_Modules_are_automatically_in_strict_mode_1214": "Očekával se identifikátor. Ve striktním režimu je {0} rezervované slovo. Moduly jsou automaticky ve striktním režimu.",
@ -663,6 +665,7 @@
"Invalid_use_of_0_Modules_are_automatically_in_strict_mode_1215": "Neplatné použití {0}. Moduly jsou automaticky ve striktním režimu.",
"Invalid_use_of_0_in_strict_mode_1100": "Neplatné použití {0} ve striktním režimu",
"Invalid_value_for_jsxFactory_0_is_not_a_valid_identifier_or_qualified_name_5067": "Neplatná hodnota pro jsxFactory. {0} není platný identifikátor nebo kvalifikovaný název.",
"Invalid_value_for_jsxFragmentFactory_0_is_not_a_valid_identifier_or_qualified_name_18035": "Neplatná hodnota pro jsxFragmentFactory. {0} není platný identifikátor nebo kvalifikovaný název.",
"Invalid_value_for_reactNamespace_0_is_not_a_valid_identifier_5059": "Neplatná hodnota --reactNamespace. {0} není platný identifikátor.",
"Its_element_type_0_is_not_a_valid_JSX_element_2789": "Typ prvku {0} není platný prvek JSX.",
"Its_instance_type_0_is_not_a_valid_JSX_element_2788": "Typ instance {0} není platný prvek JSX.",
@ -689,8 +692,6 @@
"JSX_expressions_may_not_use_the_comma_operator_Did_you_mean_to_write_an_array_18007": "Výrazy JSX nemůžou používat operátor čárky. Nechtěli jste napsat pole?",
"JSX_expressions_must_have_one_parent_element_2657": "Výrazy JSX musí mít jeden nadřazený element.",
"JSX_fragment_has_no_corresponding_closing_tag_17014": "Fragment JSX nemá odpovídající uzavírací značku.",
"JSX_fragment_is_not_supported_when_using_an_inline_JSX_factory_pragma_17017": "Při použití vložené direktivy pragma objektu pro vytváření JSX se nepodporuje fragment JSX.",
"JSX_fragment_is_not_supported_when_using_jsxFactory_17016": "Při použití --jsxFactory se nepodporuje fragment JSX.",
"JSX_spread_child_must_be_an_array_type_2609": "Podřízený objekt JSX spread musí být typu pole.",
"Jump_target_cannot_cross_function_boundary_1107": "Cíl odkazu nemůže překročit hranici funkce.",
"KIND_6034": "DRUH",
@ -945,6 +946,7 @@
"Raise_error_on_this_expressions_with_an_implied_any_type_6115": "Vyvolá chybu u výrazů this s implikovaným typem any.",
"Re_exporting_a_type_when_the_isolatedModules_flag_is_provided_requires_using_export_type_1205": "Opětovný export typu ve chvíli, kdy se poskytl příznak --isolatedModules, vyžaduje, aby se použilo export type.",
"Redirect_output_structure_to_the_directory_6006": "Přesměrování výstupní struktury do adresáře",
"Referenced_project_0_may_not_disable_emit_6310": "Odkazovaný projekt {0} nemůže zakazovat generování.",
"Referenced_project_0_must_have_setting_composite_Colon_true_6306": "Odkazovaný projekt {0} musí mít nastavení \"composite\": true.",
"Remove_all_unnecessary_uses_of_await_95087": "Odebrat všechna nepotřebná použití výrazu await",
"Remove_all_unreachable_code_95051": "Odebrat veškerý nedosažitelný kód",
@ -954,6 +956,7 @@
"Remove_braces_from_arrow_function_body_95112": "Odebrat složené závorky z těla funkce šipky",
"Remove_destructuring_90009": "Odebrat destrukci",
"Remove_import_from_0_90005": "Odebrat import z {0}",
"Remove_parentheses_95126": "Odebrat závorky",
"Remove_template_tag_90011": "Odebrat značku šablonu",
"Remove_type_parameters_90012": "Odebrat parametry typů",
"Remove_unnecessary_await_95086": "Odebrat nepotřebné výrazy await",
@ -1044,6 +1047,7 @@
"Specify_strategy_for_watching_directory_on_platforms_that_don_t_support_recursive_watching_natively__6226": "Zadejte strategii pro sledování adresáře na platformách, které nepodporují nativně rekurzivní sledování: UseFsEvents (výchozí), FixedPollingInterval, DynamicPriorityPolling",
"Specify_strategy_for_watching_file_Colon_FixedPollingInterval_default_PriorityPollingInterval_Dynami_6225": "Zadejte strategii pro sledování souboru: FixedPollingInterval (výchozí), PriorityPollingInterval, DynamicPriorityPolling, UseFsEvents, UseFsEventsOnParentDirectory",
"Specify_the_JSX_factory_function_to_use_when_targeting_react_JSX_emit_e_g_React_createElement_or_h_6146": "Zadejte funkci objektu pro vytváření JSX, která se použije při zaměření na generování JSX react, např. React.createElement nebo h.",
"Specify_the_JSX_fragment_factory_function_to_use_when_targeting_react_JSX_emit_with_jsxFactory_compi_18034": "Zadejte funkci objektu pro vytváření fragmentů JSX, která se použije při cílení na generování JSX react se zadanou možností kompilátoru jsxFactory, například Fragment.",
"Specify_the_end_of_line_sequence_to_be_used_when_emitting_files_Colon_CRLF_dos_or_LF_unix_6060": "Zdejte sekvenci konce řádku, která se má použít při generování souborů: CRLF (dos) nebo LF (unix).",
"Specify_the_location_where_debugger_should_locate_TypeScript_files_instead_of_source_locations_6004": "Zadejte umístění, ve kterém by měl ladicí program najít soubory TypeScript namísto umístění zdroje.",
"Specify_the_location_where_debugger_should_locate_map_files_instead_of_generated_locations_6003": "Zadejte umístění, ve kterém by měl ladicí program najít soubory mapy namísto generovaných umístění.",
@ -1105,6 +1109,7 @@
"The_inferred_type_of_0_references_an_inaccessible_1_type_A_type_annotation_is_necessary_2527": "Odvozený typ {0} odkazuje na nepřístupný typ {1}. Musí se použít anotace typu.",
"The_intersection_0_was_reduced_to_never_because_property_1_exists_in_multiple_constituents_and_is_pr_18032": "Průnik {0} se omezil na never, protože vlastnost {1} existuje v několika konstituentech a v některých z nich je privátní.",
"The_intersection_0_was_reduced_to_never_because_property_1_has_conflicting_types_in_some_constituent_18031": "Průnik {0} se omezil na never, protože vlastnost {1} má v některých konstituentech konfliktní typy.",
"The_jsxFragmentFactory_compiler_option_must_be_provided_to_use_JSX_fragments_with_the_jsxFactory_com_17016": "Aby bylo možné použít fragmenty JSX s možností kompilátoru jsxFactory, je třeba zadat možnost kompilátoru jsxFragmentFactory.",
"The_last_overload_gave_the_following_error_2770": "Poslední přetížení vrátilo následující chybu.",
"The_last_overload_is_declared_here_2771": "Poslední přetížení je deklarované tady.",
"The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_cannot_be_a_destructuring_pattern_2491": "Levá strana příkazu for...in nemůže být destrukturačním vzorem.",
@ -1343,6 +1348,7 @@
"_0_is_declared_here_2728": "{0} je deklarované tady.",
"_0_is_defined_as_a_property_in_class_1_but_is_overridden_here_in_2_as_an_accessor_2611": "{0} je definované jako vlastnost ve třídě {1}, ale v {2} se tady přepisuje jako přístupový objekt.",
"_0_is_defined_as_an_accessor_in_class_1_but_is_overridden_here_in_2_as_an_instance_property_2610": "{0} je definované jako přístupový objekt ve třídě {1}, ale v {2} se tady přepisuje jako vlastnost instance.",
"_0_is_deprecated_6385": "{0} je zastaralé",
"_0_is_not_a_valid_meta_property_for_keyword_1_Did_you_mean_2_17012": "{0} není platnou metavlastností pro klíčové slovo {1}. Měli jste na mysli {2}?",
"_0_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_its_own_base_expression_2506": "Na {0} se přímo nebo nepřímo odkazuje ve vlastním základním výrazu.",
"_0_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_its_own_type_annotation_2502": "Na {0} se odkazuje přímo nebo nepřímo v jeho vlastní anotaci typu.",

View file

@ -217,6 +217,7 @@
"An_interface_can_only_extend_an_object_type_or_intersection_of_object_types_with_statically_known_me_2312": "Une interface peut étendre uniquement un type d'objet ou une intersection de types d'objet avec des membres connus de manière statique.",
"An_interface_property_cannot_have_an_initializer_1246": "Une propriété d'interface ne peut pas avoir d'initialiseur.",
"An_iterator_must_have_a_next_method_2489": "Un itérateur doit comporter une méthode 'next()'.",
"An_jsxFrag_pragma_is_required_when_using_an_jsx_pragma_with_JSX_fragments_17017": "Un pragma @jsxFrag est nécessaire quand un pragma @jsx est utilisé avec des fragments JSX.",
"An_object_literal_cannot_have_multiple_get_Slashset_accessors_with_the_same_name_1118": "Un littéral d'objet ne peut pas avoir plusieurs accesseurs get/set portant le même nom.",
"An_object_literal_cannot_have_multiple_properties_with_the_same_name_in_strict_mode_1117": "Un littéral d'objet ne peut pas avoir plusieurs propriétés portant le même nom en mode strict.",
"An_object_literal_cannot_have_property_and_accessor_with_the_same_name_1119": "Un littéral d'objet ne peut pas avoir une propriété et un accesseur portant le même nom.",
@ -606,6 +607,7 @@
"Global_type_0_must_have_1_type_parameter_s_2317": "Le type global '{0}' doit avoir {1} paramètre(s) de type.",
"Have_recompiles_in_incremental_and_watch_assume_that_changes_within_a_file_will_only_affect_files_di_6384": "Les recompilations dans '--incremental' et '--watch' supposent que les changements apportés à un fichier affectent uniquement les fichiers qui dépendent directement de ce fichier.",
"Hexadecimal_digit_expected_1125": "Chiffre hexadécimal attendu.",
"Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_at_the_top_level_of_a_module_1262": "Identificateur attendu. '{0}' est un mot réservé au niveau supérieur d'un module.",
"Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_in_strict_mode_1212": "Identificateur attendu. '{0}' est un mot réservé en mode strict.",
"Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_in_strict_mode_Class_definitions_are_automatically_in_stric_1213": "Identificateur attendu. '{0}' est un mot réservé en mode strict. Les définitions de classe sont automatiquement en mode strict.",
"Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_in_strict_mode_Modules_are_automatically_in_strict_mode_1214": "Identificateur attendu. '{0}' est un mot réservé en mode strict. Les modules sont automatiquement en mode strict.",
@ -663,6 +665,7 @@
"Invalid_use_of_0_Modules_are_automatically_in_strict_mode_1215": "Utilisation non valide de '{0}'. Les modules sont automatiquement en mode strict.",
"Invalid_use_of_0_in_strict_mode_1100": "Utilisation non valide de '{0}' en mode strict.",
"Invalid_value_for_jsxFactory_0_is_not_a_valid_identifier_or_qualified_name_5067": "Valeur non valide pour 'jsxFactory'. '{0}' n'est pas un identificateur valide ou un nom qualifié.",
"Invalid_value_for_jsxFragmentFactory_0_is_not_a_valid_identifier_or_qualified_name_18035": "Valeur non valide pour 'jsxFragmentFactory'. '{0}' n'est pas un identificateur valide ou un nom qualifié.",
"Invalid_value_for_reactNamespace_0_is_not_a_valid_identifier_5059": "Valeur non valide pour '--reactNamespace'. '{0}' n'est pas un identificateur valide.",
"Its_element_type_0_is_not_a_valid_JSX_element_2789": "Son type d'élément '{0}' n'est pas un élément JSX valide.",
"Its_instance_type_0_is_not_a_valid_JSX_element_2788": "Son type d'instance '{0}' n'est pas un élément JSX valide.",
@ -689,8 +692,6 @@
"JSX_expressions_may_not_use_the_comma_operator_Did_you_mean_to_write_an_array_18007": "Les expressions JSX ne peuvent pas utiliser l'opérateur virgule. Est-ce que vous avez voulu écrire un tableau ?",
"JSX_expressions_must_have_one_parent_element_2657": "Les expressions JSX doivent avoir un élément parent.",
"JSX_fragment_has_no_corresponding_closing_tag_17014": "Le fragment JSX n'a pas de balise de fermeture correspondante.",
"JSX_fragment_is_not_supported_when_using_an_inline_JSX_factory_pragma_17017": "Le fragment JSX n'est pas pris en charge quand vous utilisez un pragma de fabrique JSX inline",
"JSX_fragment_is_not_supported_when_using_jsxFactory_17016": "Le fragment JSX n'est pas pris en charge quand --jsxFactory est utilisé",
"JSX_spread_child_must_be_an_array_type_2609": "L'enfant spread JSX doit être un type de tableau.",
"Jump_target_cannot_cross_function_boundary_1107": "La cible du saut ne peut pas traverser une limite de fonction.",
"KIND_6034": "GENRE",
@ -945,6 +946,7 @@
"Raise_error_on_this_expressions_with_an_implied_any_type_6115": "Déclenche une erreur sur les expressions 'this' avec un type 'any' implicite.",
"Re_exporting_a_type_when_the_isolatedModules_flag_is_provided_requires_using_export_type_1205": "La réexportation d'un type quand l'indicateur '--isolatedModules' est spécifié nécessite l'utilisation de 'export type'.",
"Redirect_output_structure_to_the_directory_6006": "Rediriger la structure de sortie vers le répertoire.",
"Referenced_project_0_may_not_disable_emit_6310": "Le projet référencé '{0}' ne doit pas désactiver l'émission.",
"Referenced_project_0_must_have_setting_composite_Colon_true_6306": "Le projet référencé '{0}' doit avoir le paramètre \"composite\" avec la valeur true.",
"Remove_all_unnecessary_uses_of_await_95087": "Supprimer toutes les utilisations non nécessaires de 'await'",
"Remove_all_unreachable_code_95051": "Supprimer tout le code inaccessible",
@ -954,6 +956,7 @@
"Remove_braces_from_arrow_function_body_95112": "Supprimer les accolades du corps de fonction arrow",
"Remove_destructuring_90009": "Supprimer la déstructuration",
"Remove_import_from_0_90005": "Supprimer l'importation de '{0}'",
"Remove_parentheses_95126": "Supprimer les parenthèses",
"Remove_template_tag_90011": "Supprimer la balise template",
"Remove_type_parameters_90012": "Supprimer les paramètres de type",
"Remove_unnecessary_await_95086": "Supprimer toute utilisation non nécessaire de 'await'",
@ -1044,6 +1047,7 @@
"Specify_strategy_for_watching_directory_on_platforms_that_don_t_support_recursive_watching_natively__6226": "Spécifiez la stratégie de surveillance de répertoire sur les plateformes qui ne prennent pas en charge la surveillance récursive en mode natif : 'UseFsEvents' (par défaut), 'FixedPollingInterval', 'DynamicPriorityPolling'.",
"Specify_strategy_for_watching_file_Colon_FixedPollingInterval_default_PriorityPollingInterval_Dynami_6225": "Spécifiez la stratégie de surveillance de fichier : 'FixedPollingInterval' (valeur par défaut), 'PriorityPollingInterval', 'DynamicPriorityPolling', 'UseFsEvents', 'UseFsEventsOnParentDirectory'.",
"Specify_the_JSX_factory_function_to_use_when_targeting_react_JSX_emit_e_g_React_createElement_or_h_6146": "Spécifiez la fonction de fabrique JSX à utiliser pour le ciblage d'une émission JSX 'react', par exemple 'React.createElement' ou 'h'.",
"Specify_the_JSX_fragment_factory_function_to_use_when_targeting_react_JSX_emit_with_jsxFactory_compi_18034": "Spécifiez la fonction de fabrique de fragments JSX à utiliser durant le ciblage de l'émission JSX 'react' avec l'option de compilateur 'jsxFactory', par exemple 'Fragment'.",
"Specify_the_end_of_line_sequence_to_be_used_when_emitting_files_Colon_CRLF_dos_or_LF_unix_6060": "Spécifiez la séquence de fin de ligne à utiliser durant l'émission des fichiers : 'CRLF' (Dos) ou 'LF' (Unix).",
"Specify_the_location_where_debugger_should_locate_TypeScript_files_instead_of_source_locations_6004": "Spécifiez l'emplacement dans lequel le débogueur doit localiser les fichiers TypeScript au lieu des emplacements sources.",
"Specify_the_location_where_debugger_should_locate_map_files_instead_of_generated_locations_6003": "Spécifiez l'emplacement dans lequel le débogueur doit localiser les fichiers de mappage au lieu des emplacements générés.",
@ -1105,6 +1109,7 @@
"The_inferred_type_of_0_references_an_inaccessible_1_type_A_type_annotation_is_necessary_2527": "Le type déduit de '{0}' référence un type '{1}' inaccessible. Une annotation de type est nécessaire.",
"The_intersection_0_was_reduced_to_never_because_property_1_exists_in_multiple_constituents_and_is_pr_18032": "L'intersection '{0}' a été réduite à 'never', car la propriété '{1}' existe dans plusieurs constituants et est privée dans certains d'entre eux.",
"The_intersection_0_was_reduced_to_never_because_property_1_has_conflicting_types_in_some_constituent_18031": "L'intersection '{0}' a été réduite à 'never', car la propriété '{1}' a des types en conflit dans certains constituants.",
"The_jsxFragmentFactory_compiler_option_must_be_provided_to_use_JSX_fragments_with_the_jsxFactory_com_17016": "L'option de compilateur 'jsxFragmentFactory' doit être fournie pour permettre l'utilisation des fragments JSX avec l'option de compilateur 'jsxFactory'.",
"The_last_overload_gave_the_following_error_2770": "La dernière surcharge a généré l'erreur suivante.",
"The_last_overload_is_declared_here_2771": "La dernière surcharge est déclarée ici.",
"The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_cannot_be_a_destructuring_pattern_2491": "La partie gauche d'une instruction 'for...in' ne peut pas être un modèle de déstructuration.",
@ -1343,6 +1348,7 @@
"_0_is_declared_here_2728": "'{0}' est déclaré ici.",
"_0_is_defined_as_a_property_in_class_1_but_is_overridden_here_in_2_as_an_accessor_2611": "'{0}' est défini en tant que propriété dans la classe '{1}', mais il est remplacé ici dans '{2}' en tant qu'accesseur.",
"_0_is_defined_as_an_accessor_in_class_1_but_is_overridden_here_in_2_as_an_instance_property_2610": "'{0}' est défini en tant qu'accesseur dans la classe '{1}', mais il est remplacé ici dans '{2}' en tant que propriété d'instance.",
"_0_is_deprecated_6385": "'{0}' est déprécié",
"_0_is_not_a_valid_meta_property_for_keyword_1_Did_you_mean_2_17012": "'{0}' n'est pas une métapropriété valide pour le mot clé '{1}'. Est-ce qu'il ne s'agit pas plutôt de '{2}' ?",
"_0_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_its_own_base_expression_2506": "'{0}' est référencé directement ou indirectement dans sa propre expression de base.",
"_0_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_its_own_type_annotation_2502": "'{0}' est référencé directement ou indirectement dans sa propre annotation de type.",

View file

@ -217,6 +217,7 @@
"An_interface_can_only_extend_an_object_type_or_intersection_of_object_types_with_statically_known_me_2312": "Un'interfaccia può estendere solo un tipo di oggetto o un'intersezione di tipi di oggetto con membri noti in modo statico.",
"An_interface_property_cannot_have_an_initializer_1246": "Una proprietà di interfaccia non può contenere un inizializzatore.",
"An_iterator_must_have_a_next_method_2489": "Un iteratore deve contenere un metodo 'next()'.",
"An_jsxFrag_pragma_is_required_when_using_an_jsx_pragma_with_JSX_fragments_17017": "Quando si usa un'istruzione @jsx con frammenti JSX, è necessaria un'istruzione pragma @jsxFrag.",
"An_object_literal_cannot_have_multiple_get_Slashset_accessors_with_the_same_name_1118": "Un valore letterale di oggetto non può contenere più funzioni di accesso get/set con lo stesso nome.",
"An_object_literal_cannot_have_multiple_properties_with_the_same_name_in_strict_mode_1117": "Un valore letterale di oggetto non può contenere più proprietà con lo stesso nome in modalità strict.",
"An_object_literal_cannot_have_property_and_accessor_with_the_same_name_1119": "Un valore letterale di oggetto non può contenere proprietà e funzioni di accesso con lo stesso nome.",
@ -606,6 +607,7 @@
"Global_type_0_must_have_1_type_parameter_s_2317": "Il tipo globale '{0}' deve contenere {1} parametro/i di tipo.",
"Have_recompiles_in_incremental_and_watch_assume_that_changes_within_a_file_will_only_affect_files_di_6384": "Impostare le ricompilazioni in '--incremental' e '--watch' in modo che le modifiche all'interno di un file interessino solo i file che dipendono direttamente da esso.",
"Hexadecimal_digit_expected_1125": "È prevista la cifra esadecimale.",
"Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_at_the_top_level_of_a_module_1262": "È previsto un identificatore. '{0}' è una parola riservata al livello principale di un modulo.",
"Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_in_strict_mode_1212": "È previsto un identificatore. '{0}' è una parola riservata in modalità strict.",
"Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_in_strict_mode_Class_definitions_are_automatically_in_stric_1213": "È previsto un identificatore. '{0}' è una parola riservata in modalità strict. Le definizioni di classe sono automaticamente impostate sulla modalità strict.",
"Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_in_strict_mode_Modules_are_automatically_in_strict_mode_1214": "È previsto un identificatore. '{0}' è una parola riservata in modalità strict. I moduli vengono impostati automaticamente in modalità strict.",
@ -663,6 +665,7 @@
"Invalid_use_of_0_Modules_are_automatically_in_strict_mode_1215": "Uso non valido di '{0}'. I moduli vengono impostati automaticamente in modalità strict.",
"Invalid_use_of_0_in_strict_mode_1100": "Uso non valido di '{0}' in modalità strict.",
"Invalid_value_for_jsxFactory_0_is_not_a_valid_identifier_or_qualified_name_5067": "Il valore non è valido per 'jsxFactory'. '{0}' non è un identificatore o un nome qualificato valido.",
"Invalid_value_for_jsxFragmentFactory_0_is_not_a_valid_identifier_or_qualified_name_18035": "Il valore non è valido per 'jsxFragmentFactory'. '{0}' non è un identificatore o un nome qualificato valido.",
"Invalid_value_for_reactNamespace_0_is_not_a_valid_identifier_5059": "Il valore di '--reactNamespace' non è valido. '{0}' non è un identificatore valido",
"Its_element_type_0_is_not_a_valid_JSX_element_2789": "Il relativo tipo di elemento '{0}' non è un elemento JSX valido.",
"Its_instance_type_0_is_not_a_valid_JSX_element_2788": "Il relativo tipo di istanza '{0}' non è un elemento JSX valido.",
@ -689,8 +692,6 @@
"JSX_expressions_may_not_use_the_comma_operator_Did_you_mean_to_write_an_array_18007": "Nelle espressioni JSX non si può usare l'operatore virgola. Si intendeva scrivere una matrice?",
"JSX_expressions_must_have_one_parent_element_2657": "Le espressioni JSX devono contenere un solo elemento padre.",
"JSX_fragment_has_no_corresponding_closing_tag_17014": "Per il frammento JSX non esiste alcun tag di chiusura corrispondente.",
"JSX_fragment_is_not_supported_when_using_an_inline_JSX_factory_pragma_17017": "Il frammento JSX non è supportato quando si usa una direttiva pragma factory JSX inline",
"JSX_fragment_is_not_supported_when_using_jsxFactory_17016": "Il frammento JSX non è supportato quando si usa --jsxFactory",
"JSX_spread_child_must_be_an_array_type_2609": "L'elemento figlio dell'attributo spread JSX deve essere un tipo di matrice.",
"Jump_target_cannot_cross_function_boundary_1107": "La destinazione di collegamento non può oltrepassare il limite della funzione.",
@ -945,6 +946,7 @@
"Raise_error_on_this_expressions_with_an_implied_any_type_6115": "Genera un errore in caso di espressioni 'this con un tipo 'any' implicito.",
"Re_exporting_a_type_when_the_isolatedModules_flag_is_provided_requires_using_export_type_1205": "Per riesportare un tipo quando è specificato il flag '--isolatedModules', è necessario usare 'export type'.",
"Redirect_output_structure_to_the_directory_6006": "Reindirizza la struttura di output alla directory.",
"Referenced_project_0_may_not_disable_emit_6310": "Il progetto di riferimento '{0}' non può disabilitare la creazione.",
"Referenced_project_0_must_have_setting_composite_Colon_true_6306": "Il progetto di riferimento '{0}' deve includere l'impostazione \"composite\": true.",
"Remove_all_unnecessary_uses_of_await_95087": "Rimuovere tutti gli utilizzi non necessari di 'await'",
"Remove_all_unreachable_code_95051": "Rimuovere tutto il codice non eseguibile",
@ -954,6 +956,7 @@
"Remove_braces_from_arrow_function_body_95112": "Rimuovere le parentesi graffe dal corpo della funzione arrow",
"Remove_destructuring_90009": "Rimuovere la destrutturazione",
"Remove_import_from_0_90005": "Rimuovere l'importazione da '{0}'",
"Remove_parentheses_95126": "Rimuovere le parentesi",
"Remove_template_tag_90011": "Rimuovere il tag template",
"Remove_type_parameters_90012": "Rimuovere i parametri di tipo",
"Remove_unnecessary_await_95086": "Rimuovere l'elemento 'await' non necessario",
@ -1044,6 +1047,7 @@
"Specify_strategy_for_watching_directory_on_platforms_that_don_t_support_recursive_watching_natively__6226": "Specificare la strategia per il controllo della directory in piattaforme che non supportano il controllo ricorsivo in modo nativo: 'UseFsEvents' (impostazione predefinita), 'FixedPollingInterval', 'DynamicPriorityPolling'.",
"Specify_strategy_for_watching_file_Colon_FixedPollingInterval_default_PriorityPollingInterval_Dynami_6225": "Specificare la strategia per il controllo del file: 'FixedPollingInterval' (impostazione predefinita), 'PriorityPollingInterval', 'DynamicPriorityPolling', 'UseFsEvents', 'UseFsEventsOnParentDirectory'.",
"Specify_the_JSX_factory_function_to_use_when_targeting_react_JSX_emit_e_g_React_createElement_or_h_6146": "Consente di specificare la funzione della factory JSX da usare quando la destinazione è la creazione JSX 'react', ad esempio 'React.createElement' o 'h'.",
"Specify_the_JSX_fragment_factory_function_to_use_when_targeting_react_JSX_emit_with_jsxFactory_compi_18034": "Specificare la funzione della factory di frammenti JSX da usare quando la destinazione è la creazione JSX 'react' quando è specificata l'opzione del compilatore 'jsxFactory', ad esempio 'Fragment'.",
"Specify_the_end_of_line_sequence_to_be_used_when_emitting_files_Colon_CRLF_dos_or_LF_unix_6060": "Specifica la sequenza di fine riga da usare per la creazione dei file, ovvero 'CRLF' (in DOS) o 'LF' (in UNIX).",
"Specify_the_location_where_debugger_should_locate_TypeScript_files_instead_of_source_locations_6004": "Specifica il percorso in cui il debugger deve trovare i file TypeScript invece dei percorsi di origine.",
"Specify_the_location_where_debugger_should_locate_map_files_instead_of_generated_locations_6003": "Specifica il percorso in cui il debugger deve trovare i file map invece dei percorsi generati.",
@ -1105,6 +1109,7 @@
"The_inferred_type_of_0_references_an_inaccessible_1_type_A_type_annotation_is_necessary_2527": "Il tipo dedotto di '{0}' fa riferimento a un tipo '{1}' non accessibile. È necessaria un'annotazione di tipo.",
"The_intersection_0_was_reduced_to_never_because_property_1_exists_in_multiple_constituents_and_is_pr_18032": "L'intersezione '{0}' è stata ridotta a 'never' perché la proprietà '{1}' esiste in più costituenti ed è privata in alcuni.",
"The_intersection_0_was_reduced_to_never_because_property_1_has_conflicting_types_in_some_constituent_18031": "L'intersezione '{0}' è stata ridotta a 'never' perché in alcuni costituenti della proprietà '{1}' sono presenti tipi in conflitto.",
"The_jsxFragmentFactory_compiler_option_must_be_provided_to_use_JSX_fragments_with_the_jsxFactory_com_17016": "Per usare frammenti JSX con l'opzione del compilatore 'jsxFactory', è necessario specificare l'opzione del compilatore 'jsxFragmentFactory'.",
"The_last_overload_gave_the_following_error_2770": "L'ultimo overload ha restituito l'errore seguente.",
"The_last_overload_is_declared_here_2771": "In questo punto viene dichiarato l'ultimo overload.",
"The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_cannot_be_a_destructuring_pattern_2491": "La parte sinistra di un'espressione 'for...in' non può essere un criterio di destrutturazione.",
@ -1343,6 +1348,7 @@
"_0_is_declared_here_2728": "In questo punto viene dichiarato '{0}'.",
"_0_is_defined_as_a_property_in_class_1_but_is_overridden_here_in_2_as_an_accessor_2611": "'{0}' è definito come proprietà nella classe '{1}', ma in questo punto ne viene eseguito l'override in '{2}' come funzione di accesso.",
"_0_is_defined_as_an_accessor_in_class_1_but_is_overridden_here_in_2_as_an_instance_property_2610": "'{0}' è definito come funzione di accesso nella classe '{1}', ma in questo punto ne viene eseguito l'override in '{2}' come proprietà di istanza.",
"_0_is_deprecated_6385": "'{0}' è deprecato",
"_0_is_not_a_valid_meta_property_for_keyword_1_Did_you_mean_2_17012": "'{0}' non è una metaproprietà valida per la parola chiave '{1}'. Si intendeva '{2}'?",
"_0_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_its_own_base_expression_2506": "'{0}' viene usato come riferimento diretto o indiretto nella relativa espressione di base.",
"_0_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_its_own_type_annotation_2502": "'{0}' viene usato come riferimento diretto o indiretto nella relativa annotazione di tipo.",

View file

@ -18,6 +18,92 @@ and limitations under the License.
/// <reference no-default-lib="true"/>
interface BigIntToLocaleStringOptions {
* The locale matching algorithm to use.The default is "best fit". For information about this option, see the {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl#Locale_negotiation Intl page}.
localeMatcher?: string;
* The formatting style to use , the default is "decimal".
style?: string;
numberingSystem?: string;
* The unit to use in unit formatting, Possible values are core unit identifiers, defined in UTS #35, Part 2, Section 6. A subset of units from the full list was selected for use in ECMAScript. Pairs of simple units can be concatenated with "-per-" to make a compound unit. There is no default value; if the style is "unit", the unit property must be provided.
unit?: string;
* The unit formatting style to use in unit formatting, the defaults is "short".
unitDisplay?: string;
* The currency to use in currency formatting. Possible values are the ISO 4217 currency codes, such as "USD" for the US dollar, "EUR" for the euro, or "CNY" for the Chinese RMB see the Current currency & funds code list. There is no default value; if the style is "currency", the currency property must be provided. It is only used when [[Style]] has the value "currency".
currency?: string;
* How to display the currency in currency formatting. It is only used when [[Style]] has the value "currency". The default is "symbol".
* "symbol" to use a localized currency symbol such as ,
* "code" to use the ISO currency code,
* "name" to use a localized currency name such as "dollar"
currencyDisplay?: string;
* Whether to use grouping separators, such as thousands separators or thousand/lakh/crore separators. The default is true.
useGrouping?: boolean;
* The minimum number of integer digits to use. Possible values are from 1 to 21; the default is 1.
minimumIntegerDigits?: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21;
* The minimum number of fraction digits to use. Possible values are from 0 to 20; the default for plain number and percent formatting is 0; the default for currency formatting is the number of minor unit digits provided by the {@link http://www.currency-iso.org/en/home/tables/table-a1.html ISO 4217 currency codes list} (2 if the list doesn't provide that information).
minimumFractionDigits?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20;
* The maximum number of fraction digits to use. Possible values are from 0 to 20; the default for plain number formatting is the larger of minimumFractionDigits and 3; the default for currency formatting is the larger of minimumFractionDigits and the number of minor unit digits provided by the {@link http://www.currency-iso.org/en/home/tables/table-a1.html ISO 4217 currency codes list} (2 if the list doesn't provide that information); the default for percent formatting is the larger of minimumFractionDigits and 0.
maximumFractionDigits?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20;
* The minimum number of significant digits to use. Possible values are from 1 to 21; the default is 1.
minimumSignificantDigits?: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21;
* The maximum number of significant digits to use. Possible values are from 1 to 21; the default is 21.
maximumSignificantDigits?: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21;
* The formatting that should be displayed for the number, the defaults is "standard"
* "standard" plain number formatting
* "scientific" return the order-of-magnitude for formatted number.
* "engineering" return the exponent of ten when divisible by three
* "compact" string representing exponent, defaults is using the "short" form
notation?: string;
* used only when notation is "compact"
compactDisplay?: string;
interface BigInt {
* Returns a string representation of an object.
@ -26,7 +112,7 @@ interface BigInt {
toString(radix?: number): string;
/** Returns a string representation appropriate to the host environment's current locale. */
toLocaleString(): string;
toLocaleString(locales?: string, options?: BigIntToLocaleStringOptions): string;
/** Returns the primitive value of the specified object. */
valueOf(): bigint;
@ -633,3 +719,10 @@ interface DataView {
setBigUint64(byteOffset: number, value: bigint, littleEndian?: boolean): void;
declare namespace Intl{
interface NumberFormat {
format(value: number | bigint): string;
resolvedOptions(): ResolvedNumberFormatOptions;

View file

@ -217,6 +217,7 @@
"An_interface_can_only_extend_an_object_type_or_intersection_of_object_types_with_statically_known_me_2312": "Interfejs może rozszerzać tylko typ obiektu lub część wspólną typów obiektów ze statycznie znanymi elementami członkowskimi.",
"An_interface_property_cannot_have_an_initializer_1246": "Właściwość interfejsu nie może mieć inicjatora.",
"An_iterator_must_have_a_next_method_2489": "Iterator musi zawierać metodę „next()”.",
"An_jsxFrag_pragma_is_required_when_using_an_jsx_pragma_with_JSX_fragments_17017": "W przypadku używania dyrektywy pragma @jsx z fragmentami JSX jest wymagana dyrektywa pragma @jsxFrag.",
"An_object_literal_cannot_have_multiple_get_Slashset_accessors_with_the_same_name_1118": "Literał obiektu nie może mieć wielu metod dostępu pobierania/ustawiania o takiej samej nazwie.",
"An_object_literal_cannot_have_multiple_properties_with_the_same_name_in_strict_mode_1117": "Literał obiektu nie może mieć wielu właściwości o takiej samej nazwie w trybie z ograniczeniami.",
"An_object_literal_cannot_have_property_and_accessor_with_the_same_name_1119": "Literał obiektu nie może mieć właściwości i metody dostępu o takiej samej nazwie.",
@ -606,6 +607,7 @@
"Global_type_0_must_have_1_type_parameter_s_2317": "Typ globalny „{0}” musi mieć następującą liczbę parametrów typu: {1}.",
"Have_recompiles_in_incremental_and_watch_assume_that_changes_within_a_file_will_only_affect_files_di_6384": "W przypadku ponownego kompilowania w parametrach „--incremental” i „--watch” przyjmuje się, że zmiany w pliku będą miały wpływ tylko na pliki bezpośrednio od niego zależne.",
"Hexadecimal_digit_expected_1125": "Oczekiwano cyfry szesnastkowej.",
"Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_at_the_top_level_of_a_module_1262": "Oczekiwano identyfikatora. „{0}” jest słowem zastrzeżonym na najwyższym poziomie modułu.",
"Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_in_strict_mode_1212": "Oczekiwano identyfikatora. „{0}” jest wyrazem zastrzeżonym w trybie z ograniczeniami.",
"Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_in_strict_mode_Class_definitions_are_automatically_in_stric_1213": "Oczekiwano identyfikatora. „{0}” jest wyrazem zastrzeżonym w trybie z ograniczeniami. Definicje klas są określane automatycznie w trybie z ograniczeniami.",
"Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_in_strict_mode_Modules_are_automatically_in_strict_mode_1214": "Oczekiwano identyfikatora. Element „{0}” jest wyrazem zastrzeżonym w trybie z ograniczeniami. Moduły są określane automatycznie w trybie z ograniczeniami.",
@ -663,6 +665,7 @@
"Invalid_use_of_0_Modules_are_automatically_in_strict_mode_1215": "Nieprawidłowe użycie elementu „{0}”. Moduły są określane automatycznie w trybie z ograniczeniami.",
"Invalid_use_of_0_in_strict_mode_1100": "Nieprawidłowe użycie elementu „{0}” w trybie z ograniczeniami.",
"Invalid_value_for_jsxFactory_0_is_not_a_valid_identifier_or_qualified_name_5067": "Nieprawidłowa wartość elementu „jsxFactory”. „{0}” to nie jest prawidłowy identyfikator ani kwalifikowana nazwa.",
"Invalid_value_for_jsxFragmentFactory_0_is_not_a_valid_identifier_or_qualified_name_18035": "Nieprawidłowa wartość elementu „jsxFragmentFactory”. „{0}” nie jest prawidłowym identyfikatorem ani kwalifikowaną nazwą.",
"Invalid_value_for_reactNamespace_0_is_not_a_valid_identifier_5059": "Nieprawidłowa wartość opcji „--reactNamespace”. Element „{0}” nie jest prawidłowym identyfikatorem.",
"Its_element_type_0_is_not_a_valid_JSX_element_2789": "Jego typ elementu „{0}” nie jest prawidłowym elementem JSX.",
"Its_instance_type_0_is_not_a_valid_JSX_element_2788": "Jego typ wystąpienia „{0}” nie jest prawidłowym elementem JSX.",
@ -689,8 +692,6 @@
"JSX_expressions_may_not_use_the_comma_operator_Did_you_mean_to_write_an_array_18007": "Wyrażenia JSX nie mogą używać operatora przecinka. Czy chodziło Ci o zapisanie tablicy?",
"JSX_expressions_must_have_one_parent_element_2657": "Wyrażenia JSX muszą mieć jeden element nadrzędny.",
"JSX_fragment_has_no_corresponding_closing_tag_17014": "Fragment kodu JSX nie ma odpowiedniego tagu zamykającego.",
"JSX_fragment_is_not_supported_when_using_an_inline_JSX_factory_pragma_17017": "Fragment JSX nie jest obsługiwany podczas używania śródwierszowej dyrektywy pragma fabryki JSX",
"JSX_fragment_is_not_supported_when_using_jsxFactory_17016": "W przypadku korzystania z opcji --jsxFactory fragment kodu JSX nie jest obsługiwany",
"JSX_spread_child_must_be_an_array_type_2609": "Element podrzędny rozkładu JSX musi być typem tablicy.",
"Jump_target_cannot_cross_function_boundary_1107": "Cel skoku nie może przekraczać granicy funkcji.",
"KIND_6034": "RODZAJ",
@ -945,6 +946,7 @@
"Raise_error_on_this_expressions_with_an_implied_any_type_6115": "Zgłaszaj błąd w przypadku wyrażeń „this” z niejawnym typem „any”.",
"Re_exporting_a_type_when_the_isolatedModules_flag_is_provided_requires_using_export_type_1205": "Ponowne eksportowanie typu, gdy podano flagę „--isolatedModules”, wymaga użycia aliasu „export type”.",
"Redirect_output_structure_to_the_directory_6006": "Przekieruj strukturę wyjściową do katalogu.",
"Referenced_project_0_may_not_disable_emit_6310": "Przywoływany projekt „{0}” nie może wyłączać emisji.",
"Referenced_project_0_must_have_setting_composite_Colon_true_6306": "Przywoływany projekt „{0}” musi mieć ustawienie „composite” o wartości true.",
"Remove_all_unnecessary_uses_of_await_95087": "Usuń wszystkie niepotrzebne użycia operatora „await”",
"Remove_all_unreachable_code_95051": "Usuń cały nieosiągalny kod",
@ -954,6 +956,7 @@
"Remove_braces_from_arrow_function_body_95112": "Usuń nawiasy klamrowe z treści funkcji strzałkowej",
"Remove_destructuring_90009": "Usuń usuwanie struktury",
"Remove_import_from_0_90005": "Usuń import z „{0}”",
"Remove_parentheses_95126": "Usuń nawiasy",
"Remove_template_tag_90011": "Usuń znacznik szablonu",
"Remove_type_parameters_90012": "Usuń parametry typu",
"Remove_unnecessary_await_95086": "Usuń niepotrzebny operator „await”",
@ -1044,6 +1047,7 @@
"Specify_strategy_for_watching_directory_on_platforms_that_don_t_support_recursive_watching_natively__6226": "Określ strategię obserwowania katalogu na platformach, które nie obsługują natywnego obserwowania rekursywnego: „UseFsEvents” (domyślna), „FixedPollingInterval”, „DynamicPriorityPolling”.",
"Specify_strategy_for_watching_file_Colon_FixedPollingInterval_default_PriorityPollingInterval_Dynami_6225": "Określ strategię obserwowania pliku: „FixedPollingInterval” (domyślna), „PriorityPollingInterval”, „DynamicPriorityPolling”, „UseFsEvents”, „UseFsEventsOnParentDirectory”.",
"Specify_the_JSX_factory_function_to_use_when_targeting_react_JSX_emit_e_g_React_createElement_or_h_6146": "Określ funkcję fabryki JSX do użycia, gdy elementem docelowym jest emisja elementu JSX „react”, np. „React.createElement” lub „h”.",
"Specify_the_JSX_fragment_factory_function_to_use_when_targeting_react_JSX_emit_with_jsxFactory_compi_18034": "Określ funkcję fabryki fragmentów JSX, która ma być używana po ukierunkowaniu na emisję JSX „react” za pomocą opcji kompilatora „jsxFactory”, na przykład „Fragment”.",
"Specify_the_end_of_line_sequence_to_be_used_when_emitting_files_Colon_CRLF_dos_or_LF_unix_6060": "Określ sekwencję końca wiersza, która ma być używana podczas emitowania plików: „CRLF” (dos) lub „LF” (unix).",
"Specify_the_location_where_debugger_should_locate_TypeScript_files_instead_of_source_locations_6004": "Określ lokalizację, w której debuger ma szukać plików TypeScript zamiast szukania w lokalizacjach źródłowych.",
"Specify_the_location_where_debugger_should_locate_map_files_instead_of_generated_locations_6003": "Określ lokalizację, w której debuger ma szukać plików map zamiast szukania w wygenerowanych lokalizacjach.",
@ -1105,6 +1109,7 @@
"The_inferred_type_of_0_references_an_inaccessible_1_type_A_type_annotation_is_necessary_2527": "Wnioskowany typ „{0}” przywołuje niedostępny typ „{1}”. Adnotacja typu jest konieczna.",
"The_intersection_0_was_reduced_to_never_because_property_1_exists_in_multiple_constituents_and_is_pr_18032": "Przecięcie „{0}” zostało zredukowane do wartości „never”, ponieważ właściwość „{1}” istnieje w wielu elementach składowych i w części z nich jest prywatna.",
"The_intersection_0_was_reduced_to_never_because_property_1_has_conflicting_types_in_some_constituent_18031": "Przecięcie „{0}” zostało zredukowane do wartości „never”, ponieważ właściwość „{1}” zawiera typy powodujące konflikt w niektórych elementach składowych.",
"The_jsxFragmentFactory_compiler_option_must_be_provided_to_use_JSX_fragments_with_the_jsxFactory_com_17016": "Należy podać opcję kompilatora „jsxFragmentFactory”, aby używać fragmentów JSX z opcją kompilatora „jsxFactory”.",
"The_last_overload_gave_the_following_error_2770": "Ostatnie przeciążenie dało następujący błąd.",
"The_last_overload_is_declared_here_2771": "Ostatnie przeciążenie jest zadeklarowane tutaj.",
"The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_cannot_be_a_destructuring_pattern_2491": "Lewa strona instrukcji „for...in” nie może być wzorcem usuwającym strukturę.",
@ -1343,6 +1348,7 @@
"_0_is_declared_here_2728": "Element „{0}” jest zadeklarowany tutaj.",
"_0_is_defined_as_a_property_in_class_1_but_is_overridden_here_in_2_as_an_accessor_2611": "Element „{0}” jest zdefiniowany jako właściwość w klasie „{1}”, ale jest przesłaniany tutaj w elemencie „{2}” jako metoda dostępu.",
"_0_is_defined_as_an_accessor_in_class_1_but_is_overridden_here_in_2_as_an_instance_property_2610": "Element „{0}” jest zdefiniowany jako metoda dostępu w klasie „{1}”, ale jest przesłaniany tutaj w elemencie „{2}” jako właściwość wystąpienia.",
"_0_is_deprecated_6385": "Element „{0}” jest przestarzały",
"_0_is_not_a_valid_meta_property_for_keyword_1_Did_you_mean_2_17012": "„{0}” nie jest prawidłową metawłaściwością słowa kluczowego „{1}”. Czy miał to być element „{2}”?",
"_0_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_its_own_base_expression_2506": "Element „{0}” jest przywoływany bezpośrednio lub pośrednio w jego własnym wyrażeniu podstawowym.",
"_0_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_its_own_type_annotation_2502": "Element „{0}” jest przywoływany bezpośrednio lub pośrednio w jego własnej adnotacji typu.",

lib/protocol.d.ts vendored
View file

@ -156,6 +156,10 @@ declare namespace ts.server.protocol {
* Time spent updating the program graph, in milliseconds.
updateGraphDurationMs?: number;
* The time spent creating or updating the auto-import program, in milliseconds.
createAutoImportProviderProgramDurationMs?: number;
* Arguments for FileRequest messages.
@ -1597,6 +1601,11 @@ declare namespace ts.server.protocol {
* and therefore may not be accurate.
isFromUncheckedFile?: true;
* If true, this completion was for an auto-import of a module not yet in the program, but listed
* in the project package.json.
isPackageJsonImport?: true;
* Additional completion entry details, available on demand
@ -2445,6 +2454,7 @@ declare namespace ts.server.protocol {
readonly lazyConfiguredProjectsFromExternalProject?: boolean;
readonly providePrefixAndSuffixTextForRename?: boolean;
readonly allowRenameOfImportPath?: boolean;
readonly includePackageJsonAutoImports?: "exclude-dev" | "all" | "none";
interface CompilerOptions {
allowJs?: boolean;

View file

@ -217,6 +217,7 @@
"An_interface_can_only_extend_an_object_type_or_intersection_of_object_types_with_statically_known_me_2312": "Uma interface só pode estender um tipo de objeto ou interseção de tipos de objeto com membros estaticamente conhecidos.",
"An_interface_property_cannot_have_an_initializer_1246": "Uma propriedade de interface não pode ter um inicializador.",
"An_iterator_must_have_a_next_method_2489": "Um iterador deve ter um método 'next()'.",
"An_jsxFrag_pragma_is_required_when_using_an_jsx_pragma_with_JSX_fragments_17017": "Um pragma @jsxFrag é necessário ao usar um pragma @jsx com fragmentos JSX.",
"An_object_literal_cannot_have_multiple_get_Slashset_accessors_with_the_same_name_1118": "Um literal de objeto não pode ter vários acessadores get/set com o mesmo nome.",
"An_object_literal_cannot_have_multiple_properties_with_the_same_name_in_strict_mode_1117": "Um literal de objeto não pode ter várias propriedades com o mesmo nome no modo estrito.",
"An_object_literal_cannot_have_property_and_accessor_with_the_same_name_1119": "Um literal de objeto não pode ter propriedade e acessador com o mesmo nome.",
@ -606,6 +607,7 @@
"Global_type_0_must_have_1_type_parameter_s_2317": "O tipo global '{0}' deve ter {1} parâmetro(s) de tipo.",
"Have_recompiles_in_incremental_and_watch_assume_that_changes_within_a_file_will_only_affect_files_di_6384": "Faça com que as recompilações em '--incremental' e '--watch' presumam que as alterações dentro de um arquivo só afetarão os arquivos que dependem diretamente dele.",
"Hexadecimal_digit_expected_1125": "Dígito hexadecimal esperado.",
"Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_at_the_top_level_of_a_module_1262": "Um identificador é esperado. '{0}' é uma palavra reservada no nível superior de um módulo.",
"Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_in_strict_mode_1212": "Identificador esperado. '{0}' é uma palavra reservada no modo estrito.",
"Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_in_strict_mode_Class_definitions_are_automatically_in_stric_1213": "Identificador esperado. '{0}' é uma palavra reservada no modo estrito. Definições de classe estão automaticamente no modo estrito.",
"Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_in_strict_mode_Modules_are_automatically_in_strict_mode_1214": "Identificador esperado. '{0}' é uma palavra reservada em modo estrito. Os módulos ficam automaticamente em modo estrito.",
@ -663,6 +665,7 @@
"Invalid_use_of_0_Modules_are_automatically_in_strict_mode_1215": "Uso inválido de '{0}'. Os módulos ficam automaticamente em modo estrito.",
"Invalid_use_of_0_in_strict_mode_1100": "Uso inválido de '{0}' no modo estrito.",
"Invalid_value_for_jsxFactory_0_is_not_a_valid_identifier_or_qualified_name_5067": "Valor inválido para 'jsxFactory'. '{0}' não é um identificador válido ou nome qualificado.",
"Invalid_value_for_jsxFragmentFactory_0_is_not_a_valid_identifier_or_qualified_name_18035": "Valor inválido para 'jsxFragmentFactory'. '{0}' não é um identificador válido ou nome qualificado.",
"Invalid_value_for_reactNamespace_0_is_not_a_valid_identifier_5059": "Valor inválido para '--reactNamespace'. '{0}' não é um identificador válido.",
"Its_element_type_0_is_not_a_valid_JSX_element_2789": "Seu tipo de elemento '{0}' não é um elemento JSX válido.",
"Its_instance_type_0_is_not_a_valid_JSX_element_2788": "Seu tipo de instância '{0}' não é um elemento JSX válido.",
@ -689,8 +692,6 @@
"JSX_expressions_may_not_use_the_comma_operator_Did_you_mean_to_write_an_array_18007": "Expressões JSX não podem usar o operador vírgula. Você quis escrever uma matriz?",
"JSX_expressions_must_have_one_parent_element_2657": "As expressões JSX devem ter um elemento pai.",
"JSX_fragment_has_no_corresponding_closing_tag_17014": "O fragmento JSX não tem uma marcação de fechamento correspondente.",
"JSX_fragment_is_not_supported_when_using_an_inline_JSX_factory_pragma_17017": "O fragmento de JSX não é compatível ao se utilizar um pragma de fábrica JSX embutido",
"JSX_fragment_is_not_supported_when_using_jsxFactory_17016": "O fragmento JSX não é compatível com o uso de --jsxFactory",
"JSX_spread_child_must_be_an_array_type_2609": "O filho do espalhamento JSX deve ser um tipo de matriz.",
"Jump_target_cannot_cross_function_boundary_1107": "O destino do salto não pode ultrapassar o limite de função.",
"KIND_6034": "TIPO",
@ -945,6 +946,7 @@
"Raise_error_on_this_expressions_with_an_implied_any_type_6115": "Gerar erro em expressões 'this' com um tipo 'any' implícito.",
"Re_exporting_a_type_when_the_isolatedModules_flag_is_provided_requires_using_export_type_1205": "Exportar novamente um tipo quando o sinalizador '--isolatedModules' é fornecido requer o uso de 'export type'.",
"Redirect_output_structure_to_the_directory_6006": "Redirecione a estrutura de saída para o diretório.",
"Referenced_project_0_may_not_disable_emit_6310": "O projeto referenciado '{0}' pode não desabilitar a emissão.",
"Referenced_project_0_must_have_setting_composite_Colon_true_6306": "O projeto referenciado '{0}' deve ter a configuração de \"composite\": true.",
"Remove_all_unnecessary_uses_of_await_95087": "Remover todos os usos desnecessários de 'await'",
"Remove_all_unreachable_code_95051": "Remover todo o código inacessível",
@ -954,6 +956,7 @@
"Remove_braces_from_arrow_function_body_95112": "Remover as chaves do corpo de função de seta",
"Remove_destructuring_90009": "Remover desestruturação",
"Remove_import_from_0_90005": "Remover importação de '{0}'",
"Remove_parentheses_95126": "Remover os parênteses",
"Remove_template_tag_90011": "Remover marca de modelo",
"Remove_type_parameters_90012": "Remover parâmetros de tipo",
"Remove_unnecessary_await_95086": "Remover 'await' desnecessário",
@ -1044,6 +1047,7 @@
"Specify_strategy_for_watching_directory_on_platforms_that_don_t_support_recursive_watching_natively__6226": "Especifique a estratégia para assistir ao diretório em plataformas que não têm suporte à observação recursiva nativamente: 'UseFsEvents' (padrão), 'FixedPollingInterval', 'DynamicPriorityPolling'.",
"Specify_strategy_for_watching_file_Colon_FixedPollingInterval_default_PriorityPollingInterval_Dynami_6225": "Especifique a estratégia para assistir ao arquivo: 'FixedPollingInterval' (padrão), 'PriorityPollingInterval', 'DynamicPriorityPolling', 'UseFsEvents', 'UseFsEventsOnParentDirectory'.",
"Specify_the_JSX_factory_function_to_use_when_targeting_react_JSX_emit_e_g_React_createElement_or_h_6146": "Especifique a função de fábrica JSX a ser usada ao direcionar a emissão 'react' do JSX, por ex., 'React.createElement' ou 'h'.",
"Specify_the_JSX_fragment_factory_function_to_use_when_targeting_react_JSX_emit_with_jsxFactory_compi_18034": "Especifique a função de alocador do fragmento JSX a ser usada no direcionamento de uma emissão de JSX 'react' com a opção do compilador 'jsxFactory' especificada, por exemplo, 'Fragment'.",
"Specify_the_end_of_line_sequence_to_be_used_when_emitting_files_Colon_CRLF_dos_or_LF_unix_6060": "Especifique o fim da sequência de linha a ser usado ao emitir arquivos: 'CRLF' (dos) ou 'LF' (unix).",
"Specify_the_location_where_debugger_should_locate_TypeScript_files_instead_of_source_locations_6004": "Especifique o local onde o depurador deve localizar arquivos TypeScript em vez de locais de origem.",
"Specify_the_location_where_debugger_should_locate_map_files_instead_of_generated_locations_6003": "Especifique o local onde o depurador deve localizar arquivos de mapa em vez de locais gerados.",
@ -1105,6 +1109,7 @@
"The_inferred_type_of_0_references_an_inaccessible_1_type_A_type_annotation_is_necessary_2527": "O tipo inferido de '{0}' faz referência a um tipo '{1}' inacessível. Uma anotação de tipo é necessária.",
"The_intersection_0_was_reduced_to_never_because_property_1_exists_in_multiple_constituents_and_is_pr_18032": "A interseção '{0}' foi reduzida para 'never' porque a propriedade '{1}' existe em vários constituintes e é privada em alguns.",
"The_intersection_0_was_reduced_to_never_because_property_1_has_conflicting_types_in_some_constituent_18031": "A interseção '{0}' foi reduzida para 'never' porque a propriedade '{1}' tem tipos conflitantes em alguns constituintes.",
"The_jsxFragmentFactory_compiler_option_must_be_provided_to_use_JSX_fragments_with_the_jsxFactory_com_17016": "A opção do compilador 'jsxFragmentFactory' precisa ser fornecida para que se possa usar fragmentos JSX com a opção do compilador 'jsxFactory'.",
"The_last_overload_gave_the_following_error_2770": "A última sobrecarga gerou o seguinte erro.",
"The_last_overload_is_declared_here_2771": "A última sobrecarga é declarada aqui.",
"The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_cannot_be_a_destructuring_pattern_2491": "O lado esquerdo de uma instrução 'for...in' não pode ser um padrão de desestruturação.",
@ -1343,6 +1348,7 @@
"_0_is_declared_here_2728": "'{0}' é declarado aqui.",
"_0_is_defined_as_a_property_in_class_1_but_is_overridden_here_in_2_as_an_accessor_2611": "'{0}' está definido como uma propriedade na classe '{1}', mas é substituído aqui em '{2}' como um acessador.",
"_0_is_defined_as_an_accessor_in_class_1_but_is_overridden_here_in_2_as_an_instance_property_2610": "'{0}' está definido como um acessador na classe '{1}', mas é substituído aqui em '{2}' como uma propriedade de instância.",
"_0_is_deprecated_6385": "'{0}' foi preterido",
"_0_is_not_a_valid_meta_property_for_keyword_1_Did_you_mean_2_17012": "'{0}' não é uma metapropriedade para a palavra-chave '{1}'. Você quis dizer '{2}'?",
"_0_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_its_own_base_expression_2506": "'{0}' é referenciado direta ou indiretamente em sua própria expressão base.",
"_0_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_its_own_type_annotation_2502": "'{0}' é referenciado direta ou indiretamente em sua própria anotação de tipo.",

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -2538,9 +2538,19 @@ declare namespace ts {
export interface GenericType extends InterfaceType, TypeReference {
export enum ElementFlags {
Required = 1,
Optional = 2,
Rest = 4,
Variadic = 8,
Variable = 12
export interface TupleType extends GenericType {
elementFlags: readonly ElementFlags[];
minLength: number;
fixedLength: number;
hasRestElement: boolean;
combinedFlags: ElementFlags;
readonly: boolean;
labeledElementDeclarations?: readonly (NamedTupleMember | ParameterDeclaration)[];
@ -3789,6 +3799,8 @@ declare namespace ts {
readonly importModuleSpecifierEnding?: "auto" | "minimal" | "index" | "js";
readonly allowTextChangesInNewFiles?: boolean;
readonly providePrefixAndSuffixTextForRename?: boolean;
readonly includePackageJsonAutoImports?: "exclude-dev" | "all" | "none";
readonly provideRefactorNotApplicableReason?: boolean;
/** Represents a bigint literal value without requiring bigint support */
export interface PseudoBigInt {
@ -5278,6 +5290,10 @@ declare namespace ts {
fileName: Path;
packageName: string;
interface PerformanceEvent {
kind: "UpdateGraph" | "CreatePackageJsonAutoImportProvider";
durationMs: number;
interface LanguageServiceHost extends GetEffectiveTypeRootsHost {
getCompilationSettings(): CompilerOptions;
getNewLine?(): string;
@ -5660,6 +5676,11 @@ declare namespace ts {
* so this description should make sense by itself if the parent is inlineable=true
description: string;
* A message to show to the user if the refactoring cannot be applied in
* the current context.
notApplicableReason?: string;
* A set of edits to make in response to a refactor action, plus an optional
@ -5937,6 +5958,7 @@ declare namespace ts {
source?: string;
isRecommended?: true;
isFromUncheckedFile?: true;
isPackageJsonImport?: true;
interface CompletionEntryDetails {
name: string;
@ -6533,6 +6555,10 @@ declare namespace ts.server.protocol {
* Time spent updating the program graph, in milliseconds.
updateGraphDurationMs?: number;
* The time spent creating or updating the auto-import program, in milliseconds.
createAutoImportProviderProgramDurationMs?: number;
* Arguments for FileRequest messages.
@ -7974,6 +8000,11 @@ declare namespace ts.server.protocol {
* and therefore may not be accurate.
isFromUncheckedFile?: true;
* If true, this completion was for an auto-import of a module not yet in the program, but listed
* in the project package.json.
isPackageJsonImport?: true;
* Additional completion entry details, available on demand
@ -8822,6 +8853,7 @@ declare namespace ts.server.protocol {
readonly lazyConfiguredProjectsFromExternalProject?: boolean;
readonly providePrefixAndSuffixTextForRename?: boolean;
readonly allowRenameOfImportPath?: boolean;
readonly includePackageJsonAutoImports?: "exclude-dev" | "all" | "none";
interface CompilerOptions {
allowJs?: boolean;
@ -9004,7 +9036,8 @@ declare namespace ts.server {
enum ProjectKind {
Inferred = 0,
Configured = 1,
External = 2
External = 2,
AutoImportProvider = 3
function allRootFilesAreJsOrDts(project: Project): boolean;
function allFilesAreJsOrDts(project: Project): boolean;
@ -9165,7 +9198,6 @@ declare namespace ts.server {
private enableProxy;
/** Starts a new check for diagnostics. Call this if some file has updated that would cause diagnostics to be changed. */
refreshDiagnostics(): void;
private watchPackageJsonFile;
* If a file is opened and no tsconfig (or jsconfig) is found,
@ -9184,6 +9216,18 @@ declare namespace ts.server {
close(): void;
getTypeAcquisition(): TypeAcquisition;
class AutoImportProviderProject extends Project {
private hostProject;
private static readonly newName;
private rootFileNames;
isOrphan(): boolean;
updateGraph(): boolean;
markAsDirty(): void;
getScriptFileNames(): string[];
getLanguageService(): never;
markAutoImportProviderAsDirty(): never;
getTypeAcquisition(): TypeAcquisition;
* If a file is opened, the server will look for a tsconfig (or jsconfig)
* and if successful create a ConfiguredProject for it.
@ -9694,7 +9738,7 @@ declare namespace ts.server {
private readonly gcTimer;
protected projectService: ProjectService;
private changeSeq;
private updateGraphDurationMs;
private performanceData;
private currentRequestId;
private errorCheck;
protected host: ServerHost;
@ -9709,6 +9753,7 @@ declare namespace ts.server {
private readonly noGetErrOnBackgroundUpdate?;
constructor(opts: SessionOptions);
private sendRequestCompletedEvent;
private addPerformanceData;
private performanceEventHandler;
private defaultEventHandler;
private projectsUpdatedInBackgroundEvent;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

lib/typescript.d.ts vendored
View file

@ -2538,9 +2538,19 @@ declare namespace ts {
export interface GenericType extends InterfaceType, TypeReference {
export enum ElementFlags {
Required = 1,
Optional = 2,
Rest = 4,
Variadic = 8,
Variable = 12
export interface TupleType extends GenericType {
elementFlags: readonly ElementFlags[];
minLength: number;
fixedLength: number;
hasRestElement: boolean;
combinedFlags: ElementFlags;
readonly: boolean;
labeledElementDeclarations?: readonly (NamedTupleMember | ParameterDeclaration)[];
@ -3789,6 +3799,8 @@ declare namespace ts {
readonly importModuleSpecifierEnding?: "auto" | "minimal" | "index" | "js";
readonly allowTextChangesInNewFiles?: boolean;
readonly providePrefixAndSuffixTextForRename?: boolean;
readonly includePackageJsonAutoImports?: "exclude-dev" | "all" | "none";
readonly provideRefactorNotApplicableReason?: boolean;
/** Represents a bigint literal value without requiring bigint support */
export interface PseudoBigInt {
@ -5278,6 +5290,10 @@ declare namespace ts {
fileName: Path;
packageName: string;
interface PerformanceEvent {
kind: "UpdateGraph" | "CreatePackageJsonAutoImportProvider";
durationMs: number;
interface LanguageServiceHost extends GetEffectiveTypeRootsHost {
getCompilationSettings(): CompilerOptions;
getNewLine?(): string;
@ -5660,6 +5676,11 @@ declare namespace ts {
* so this description should make sense by itself if the parent is inlineable=true
description: string;
* A message to show to the user if the refactoring cannot be applied in
* the current context.
notApplicableReason?: string;
* A set of edits to make in response to a refactor action, plus an optional
@ -5937,6 +5958,7 @@ declare namespace ts {
source?: string;
isRecommended?: true;
isFromUncheckedFile?: true;
isPackageJsonImport?: true;
interface CompletionEntryDetails {
name: string;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -2538,9 +2538,19 @@ declare namespace ts {
export interface GenericType extends InterfaceType, TypeReference {
export enum ElementFlags {
Required = 1,
Optional = 2,
Rest = 4,
Variadic = 8,
Variable = 12
export interface TupleType extends GenericType {
elementFlags: readonly ElementFlags[];
minLength: number;
fixedLength: number;
hasRestElement: boolean;
combinedFlags: ElementFlags;
readonly: boolean;
labeledElementDeclarations?: readonly (NamedTupleMember | ParameterDeclaration)[];
@ -3789,6 +3799,8 @@ declare namespace ts {
readonly importModuleSpecifierEnding?: "auto" | "minimal" | "index" | "js";
readonly allowTextChangesInNewFiles?: boolean;
readonly providePrefixAndSuffixTextForRename?: boolean;
readonly includePackageJsonAutoImports?: "exclude-dev" | "all" | "none";
readonly provideRefactorNotApplicableReason?: boolean;
/** Represents a bigint literal value without requiring bigint support */
export interface PseudoBigInt {
@ -5278,6 +5290,10 @@ declare namespace ts {
fileName: Path;
packageName: string;
interface PerformanceEvent {
kind: "UpdateGraph" | "CreatePackageJsonAutoImportProvider";
durationMs: number;
interface LanguageServiceHost extends GetEffectiveTypeRootsHost {
getCompilationSettings(): CompilerOptions;
getNewLine?(): string;
@ -5660,6 +5676,11 @@ declare namespace ts {
* so this description should make sense by itself if the parent is inlineable=true
description: string;
* A message to show to the user if the refactoring cannot be applied in
* the current context.
notApplicableReason?: string;
* A set of edits to make in response to a refactor action, plus an optional
@ -5937,6 +5958,7 @@ declare namespace ts {
source?: string;
isRecommended?: true;
isFromUncheckedFile?: true;
isPackageJsonImport?: true;
interface CompletionEntryDetails {
name: string;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -217,6 +217,7 @@
"An_interface_can_only_extend_an_object_type_or_intersection_of_object_types_with_statically_known_me_2312": "接口只能扩展使用静态已知成员的对象类型或对象类型的交集。",
"An_interface_property_cannot_have_an_initializer_1246": "接口函数不能具有初始化表达式。",
"An_iterator_must_have_a_next_method_2489": "迭代器必须具有 \"next()\" 方法。",
"An_jsxFrag_pragma_is_required_when_using_an_jsx_pragma_with_JSX_fragments_17017": "将 @jsx 杂注与 JSX 片段一起使用时,需要使用 @jsxFrag 杂注。",
"An_object_literal_cannot_have_multiple_get_Slashset_accessors_with_the_same_name_1118": "对象文字不能具有多个具有相同名称的 get/set 访问器。",
"An_object_literal_cannot_have_multiple_properties_with_the_same_name_in_strict_mode_1117": "严格模式下,对象文字不能包含多个具有相同名称的属性。",
"An_object_literal_cannot_have_property_and_accessor_with_the_same_name_1119": "对象文字不能包含具有相同名称的属性和访问器。",
@ -606,6 +607,7 @@
"Global_type_0_must_have_1_type_parameter_s_2317": "全局类型“{0}”必须具有 {1} 个类型参数。",
"Have_recompiles_in_incremental_and_watch_assume_that_changes_within_a_file_will_only_affect_files_di_6384": "在 \"--incremental\" 和 \"--watch\" 中有重新编译,假定文件中的更改只会影响直接依赖它的文件。",
"Hexadecimal_digit_expected_1125": "应为十六进制数字。",
"Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_at_the_top_level_of_a_module_1262": "应为标识符。“{0}”是模块顶层的预留字。",
"Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_in_strict_mode_1212": "应为标识符。“{0}”在严格模式下是保留字。",
"Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_in_strict_mode_Class_definitions_are_automatically_in_stric_1213": "应为标识符。“{0}”在严格模式下是保留字。类定义自动处于严格模式。",
"Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_in_strict_mode_Modules_are_automatically_in_strict_mode_1214": "应为标识符。“{0}”是严格模式下的保留字。模块自动处于严格模式。",
@ -663,6 +665,7 @@
"Invalid_use_of_0_Modules_are_automatically_in_strict_mode_1215": "“{0}”的使用无效。模块自动处于严格模式。",
"Invalid_use_of_0_in_strict_mode_1100": "严格模式下“{0}”的使用无效。",
"Invalid_value_for_jsxFactory_0_is_not_a_valid_identifier_or_qualified_name_5067": "\"jsxFactory\" 的值无效。“{0}”不是有效的标识符或限定名称。",
"Invalid_value_for_jsxFragmentFactory_0_is_not_a_valid_identifier_or_qualified_name_18035": "\"jsxFragmentFactory\" 的值无效。“{0}”不是有效的标识符或限定名称。",
"Invalid_value_for_reactNamespace_0_is_not_a_valid_identifier_5059": "\"--reactNamespace\" 的值无效。“{0}”不是有效的标识符。",
"Its_element_type_0_is_not_a_valid_JSX_element_2789": "其元素类型 \"{0}\" 不是有效的 JSX 元素。",
"Its_instance_type_0_is_not_a_valid_JSX_element_2788": "其实例类型 \"{0}\" 不是有效的 JSX 元素。",
@ -689,8 +692,6 @@
"JSX_expressions_may_not_use_the_comma_operator_Did_you_mean_to_write_an_array_18007": "JSX 表达式不能使用逗号运算符。你是想写入数组吗?",
"JSX_expressions_must_have_one_parent_element_2657": "JSX 表达式必须具有一个父元素。",
"JSX_fragment_has_no_corresponding_closing_tag_17014": "JSX 片段没有相应的结束标记。",
"JSX_fragment_is_not_supported_when_using_an_inline_JSX_factory_pragma_17017": "使用内联 JSX 工厂 pragma 时,不支持 JSX 片段",
"JSX_fragment_is_not_supported_when_using_jsxFactory_17016": "使用 --jsxFactory 时不支持 JSX 片段",
"JSX_spread_child_must_be_an_array_type_2609": "JSX 扩展子属性必须为数组类型。",
"Jump_target_cannot_cross_function_boundary_1107": "跳转目标不能跨越函数边界。",
"KIND_6034": "种类",
@ -945,6 +946,7 @@
"Raise_error_on_this_expressions_with_an_implied_any_type_6115": "在带隐式“any\" 类型的 \"this\" 表达式上引发错误。",
"Re_exporting_a_type_when_the_isolatedModules_flag_is_provided_requires_using_export_type_1205": "提供 \"--isolatedModules\" 标志时,需要使用 \"export type\" 才能重新导出类型。",
"Redirect_output_structure_to_the_directory_6006": "将输出结构重定向到目录。",
"Referenced_project_0_may_not_disable_emit_6310": "引用的项目“{0}”可能不会禁用发出。",
"Referenced_project_0_must_have_setting_composite_Colon_true_6306": "引用的项目“{0}”必须拥有设置 \"composite\": true。",
"Remove_all_unnecessary_uses_of_await_95087": "删除 \"await\" 的所有不必要的使用",
"Remove_all_unreachable_code_95051": "删除所有无法访问的代码",
@ -954,6 +956,7 @@
"Remove_braces_from_arrow_function_body_95112": "从箭头函数主体中删除大括号",
"Remove_destructuring_90009": "删除解构",
"Remove_import_from_0_90005": "从“{0}”删除导入",
"Remove_parentheses_95126": "删除括号",
"Remove_template_tag_90011": "删除模板标记",
"Remove_type_parameters_90012": "删除类型参数",
"Remove_unnecessary_await_95086": "删除不必要的 \"await\"",
@ -1044,6 +1047,7 @@
"Specify_strategy_for_watching_directory_on_platforms_that_don_t_support_recursive_watching_natively__6226": "指定在不支持本机递归监视的平台上监视目录的策略: \"UseFsEvents\" (默认)、\"FixedPollingInterval\"、\"DynamicPriorityPolling\"。",
"Specify_strategy_for_watching_file_Colon_FixedPollingInterval_default_PriorityPollingInterval_Dynami_6225": "指定监视文件的策略: \"FixedPollingInterval\" (默认)、\"PriorityPollingInterval\"、\"DynamicPriorityPolling\"、\"UseFsEvents\"、\"UseFsEventsOnParentDirectory\"。",
"Specify_the_JSX_factory_function_to_use_when_targeting_react_JSX_emit_e_g_React_createElement_or_h_6146": "指定在设定 \"react\" JSX 发出目标时要使用的 JSX 工厂函数,例如 \"react.createElement\" 或 \"h\"。",
"Specify_the_JSX_fragment_factory_function_to_use_when_targeting_react_JSX_emit_with_jsxFactory_compi_18034": "当指定使用 \"jsxFactory\" 编译器选项面向 \"react\" JSX 发出时,指定要使用的 JSX 片段工厂函数,例如 \"Fragment\"。",
"Specify_the_end_of_line_sequence_to_be_used_when_emitting_files_Colon_CRLF_dos_or_LF_unix_6060": "指定发出文件时要使用的行序列结尾: \"CRLF\" (dos)或 \"LF\" (unix)。",
"Specify_the_location_where_debugger_should_locate_TypeScript_files_instead_of_source_locations_6004": "指定调试调试程序应将 TypeScript 文件放置到的位置而不是源位置。",
"Specify_the_location_where_debugger_should_locate_map_files_instead_of_generated_locations_6003": "指定调试程序应将映射文件放置到的位置而不是生成的位置。",
@ -1105,6 +1109,7 @@
"The_inferred_type_of_0_references_an_inaccessible_1_type_A_type_annotation_is_necessary_2527": "“{0}”的推断类型引用不可访问的“{1}”类型。需要类型批注。",
"The_intersection_0_was_reduced_to_never_because_property_1_exists_in_multiple_constituents_and_is_pr_18032": "由于属性“{1}”存在于多个要素中,但在某些要素中是专用属性,因此已将交集“{0}”缩减为“绝不”。",
"The_intersection_0_was_reduced_to_never_because_property_1_has_conflicting_types_in_some_constituent_18031": "由于属性“{1}”在某些要素中具有存在冲突的类型,因此已将交集“{0}”缩减为“绝不”。",
"The_jsxFragmentFactory_compiler_option_must_be_provided_to_use_JSX_fragments_with_the_jsxFactory_com_17016": "必须提供 \"jsxFragmentFactory\" 编译器选项才能将 JSX 片段与 \"jsxFactory\" 编译器选项一起使用。",
"The_last_overload_gave_the_following_error_2770": "最后一个重载给出了以下错误。",
"The_last_overload_is_declared_here_2771": "在此处声明最后一个重载。",
"The_left_hand_side_of_a_for_in_statement_cannot_be_a_destructuring_pattern_2491": "\"for...in\" 语句的左侧不能为析构模式。",
@ -1343,6 +1348,7 @@
"_0_is_declared_here_2728": "在此处声明了 \"{0}\"。",
"_0_is_defined_as_a_property_in_class_1_but_is_overridden_here_in_2_as_an_accessor_2611": "\"{0}\" 在类 \"{1}\" 中定义为属性,但这里在 \"{2}\" 中重写为访问器。",
"_0_is_defined_as_an_accessor_in_class_1_but_is_overridden_here_in_2_as_an_instance_property_2610": "\"{0}\" 在类 \"{1}\" 中定义为访问器,但这里在 \"{2}\" 中重写为实例属性。",
"_0_is_deprecated_6385": "“{0}”已被弃用",
"_0_is_not_a_valid_meta_property_for_keyword_1_Did_you_mean_2_17012": "“{0}”不是关键字“{1}”的有效元属性。是否是指“{2}”?",
"_0_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_its_own_base_expression_2506": "“{0}”在其自身的基表达式中得到直接或间接引用。",
"_0_is_referenced_directly_or_indirectly_in_its_own_type_annotation_2502": "“{0}”在其自身的类型批注中得到直接或间接引用。",

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"name": "typescript",
"author": "Microsoft Corp.",
"homepage": "https://www.typescriptlang.org/",
"version": "4.0.0",
"version": "4.0.0-beta",
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"description": "TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development",
"keywords": [

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ namespace ts {
// If changing the text in this section, be sure to test `configurePrerelease` too.
export const versionMajorMinor = "4.0";
/** The version of the TypeScript compiler release */
export const version = `${versionMajorMinor}.0-dev`;
export const version = `${versionMajorMinor}.0-beta`;
* Type of objects whose values are all of the same type.