consolidate edits

This commit is contained in:
Arthur Ozga 2017-03-17 14:56:04 -07:00
parent d3661f5b6a
commit ff061a1b93
3 changed files with 19 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ namespace ts.codefix {
const newNodes = createMissingMemberNodes(classDeclaration, abstractAndNonPrivateExtendsSymbols, checker);
const changes = newNodesToChanges(newNodes, getOpenBraceOfClassLike(classDeclaration, sourceFile), context);
if(changes && changes.length > 0) {
if (changes && changes.length > 0) {
return [{
description: getLocaleSpecificMessage(Diagnostics.Implement_inherited_abstract_class),

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@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ namespace ts.codefix {
function createAndAddMissingIndexSignatureDeclaration(type: InterfaceType, kind: IndexKind, hasIndexSigOfKind: boolean, newNodes: Node[]): void {
if (hasIndexSigOfKind) {
return undefined;
const indexInfoOfKind = checker.getIndexInfoOfType(type, kind);
if (!indexInfoOfKind) {
return undefined;
const newIndexSignatureDeclaration = checker.createIndexSignatureFromIndexInfo(indexInfoOfKind, kind, classDeclaration);

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@ -3,17 +3,28 @@ namespace ts.codefix {
export function newNodesToChanges(newNodes: Node[], insertAfter: Node, context: CodeFixContext) {
const sourceFile = context.sourceFile;
if (!(newNodes)) {
throw new Error("newNodesToChanges expects an array");
const changeTracker = textChanges.ChangeTracker.fromCodeFixContext(context);
for (const newNode of newNodes) {
changeTracker.insertNodeAfter(sourceFile, insertAfter, newNode, { suffix: context.newLineCharacter });
// TODO (aozgaa): concatenate changes into a single change.
return changeTracker.getChanges();
const changes = changeTracker.getChanges();
if (!(changes && changes.length > 0)) {
return changes;
Debug.assert(changes.length === 1);
const consolidatedChanges: FileTextChanges[] = [{
fileName: changes[0].fileName,
textChanges: [{
span: changes[0].textChanges[0].span,
newText: changes[0].textChanges.reduce((prev, cur) => prev + cur.newText, "")
return consolidatedChanges;